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Received: 23 June 2017 Revised: 8 March 2018 Accepted: 18 March 2018

DOI: 10.1002/mde.2931


Overconfidence and disappointment in venture capital decision

making: An empirical examination
Samuel B. Graves | Jeffrey Ringuest

Carroll School of Management Boston

College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA We examine the effects of overconfidence in venture capital investing. Overconfi-
Correspondence dence in financial decision making is a robust, well‐established finding, and its conse-
Samuel B. Graves, Carroll School of
Management Boston College, 140 quences for decisions by equity market investors, startup entrepreneurs, and CEO's of
Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA large firms have been comprehensively examined and documented. This paper con-
02467, USA.
Email: siders the behavioral consequences of overconfidence by venture capitalists, compar-
ing their anticipated returns to actual average returns. Our primary metric is Bell's
disappointment, a measure of the difference between anticipated and actual payoff.
We construct both deterministic and stochastic models, based on empirical data.
We find that the average venture capitalist will experience substantial

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N behaviors have been observed in humans over many regions of the

earth and even in other primates. And Griffin and Varey (1996) argue
Traditional models of financial decision making are founded on (without reference to evolutionary origins) that overconfidence “may
the axioms of fully rational economic agents (Thaler, 2000, Henrich be adaptive in at least some circumstances where the increased confi-
et al., 2001). Increasingly, however, systematic and consequential dence is linked to increased enthusiasm and tenacity” (p. 228).
departures from this archetype have been observed and documented. In this paper, we will examine the consequences of overconfi-
Kahneman and Tversky (1974) initiated the study of these anomalies dence in financial decision making, focusing our analysis on the
with their pioneering scholarship on biases and heuristics. Their work funding decisions of venture capitalists (VCs). We begin with a review
has been followed by that of many other scholars in the growing fields of the literature covering primarily the effects of overconfidence
of behavioral economics and finance (see surveys, e.g., in Barberis & among equity market investors, entrepreneurs in startup businesses,
Thaler, 2003; Baker & Wurgler, 2011). and CEO's and then turn attention to our main focus, overconfidence
One particularly well substantiated departure from pure rational- in venture capital decision making. Using a simple analytical model
ity is overconfidence, increasingly recognized as a widespread, if not adapted from that in Ringuest and Graves (2016), together with some
universal, attribute of financial decision makers (Johnson & Fowler, empirical evidence from Zacharakis and Shepherd (2001), we are able
2011). In fact, De Bondt and Thaler (1995) describe overconfidence to estimate actual values of Bell's disappointment for typical venture
as “perhaps the most robust finding in the psychology of judgment” capitalists. Accordingly, this paper is the first to address the question
(p. 389). Johnson and Fowler (2011) argue further that overconfidence “what are the approximate levels of disappointment actually experi-
is common to the human species as a result of evolutionary forces. enced by venture capital investors?” This paper provides, to our
They contend that overconfidence yielded evolutionary advantages knowledge, the first published estimate of these quantities. Hence,
in the form of enhanced ambition, self‐esteem, determination, and our work enhances the growing stream of research addressing system-
perseverance and that an unbiased assessment of one's own capabili- atically suboptimal, and in particular, overconfident decision making in
ties was not necessarily optimal under conditions of uncertainty and economics and finance.
asymmetric costs for different error types. Brennan and Lo (2012) cite Our paper will proceed in the following sequence. First, we
the accumulating empirical and experimental data showing that human explore the existing scholarship regarding overconfidence and its
economic decisions are commonly suboptimal, especially when risk effects, finding substantial impacts in multiple managerial settings.
and uncertainty are present. They lend strong support to the evolu- We then develop our model, which, following Ringuest and Graves
tionary basis of suboptimal behaviors, noting that similar anomalous (2016), estimates the expected value of Bell's disappointment metric

592 Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage Decis Econ. 2018;39:592–600.

as a function of the decision maker's true predictive accuracy. We of subjects in China, Japan, and the USA, found similar levels of over-
perform this analysis for both deterministic and stochastic treatments confidence in these countries.
of true predictive accuracy. Immediately below, we begin with our In a distinct institutional acknowledgement of the pervasiveness
review of the literature of overconfidence and its financial and eco- of overconfidence, the UK Treasury Department publishes adjustment
nomic consequences. factors to mitigate the effects of overconfidence by construction con-
tractors who bid on government building contracts (Her Majesty's
Treasury, 2003). Government officials are directed, for example, to
2 | OVERCONFIDENCE: EVIDENCE AND increase a contractor's estimated duration of nonstandard government
E C O NO M I C C O N S E Q U E N C E S building construction by up to 39% and cost by up to 51%.
And finally, Russo and Schoemaker (1992), examining over 2,000
Overconfidence in business and financial decisions has significant con- managers in a range of businesses including advertising, computers,
sequences. Barber and Odean (2001), for example, find significant data processing, money management, petroleum, pharmaceuticals,
economic effects of overconfidence among equity market investors. and security analysis, found that more than 99% of those individuals
They base their work on previous findings that, on average, men are exhibited some level of overconfidence.
more overconfident than women (Lundeberg, Fox, & Punćcohaŕ, In this brief review, we have seen substantial overconfidence
1994), and thus (using gender as a proxy for overconfidence level), among equity market investors, startup entrepreneurs, CEO's in large
they compare the performance of male and female investment firms, and government contractors. In the next section, we will turn
professionals. They find that excessive trading among males reduces our attention exclusively to overconfidence among venture capitalists.
net returns by almost a full percentage point compared with female
investors. And in a related result, Odean (1998) finds that overconfi-
dent equity traders suffer a loss in expected utility because they hold 3 | O V E R C O N F I D E N C E I N V E N T U RE
under‐diversified portfolios. CAPITAL INVESTMENT
In another business setting—a study of overconfidence among
startup companies—Cooper, Woo, and Dunkelberg (1988) examined The focus of this study is overconfidence among VCs. Zacharakis and
a sample of 2,994 entrepreneurs who had been in business for a Shepherd (2001), in a study of overconfidence among VCs, found that
median period of 12 months. They asked each of these managers to they, like other decision makers, are generally overconfident, conclud-
estimate her/his own probability of success. From this sample, 81% ing that “VC investment decisions are biased by overconfidence. This
felt that their success probability was at least 70%, and fully one third overconfidence negatively affects decision accuracy” (p. 328). In the
estimated their success probability at 100%. Their overconfidence is case of VCs, our metric of overconfidence is the excess of their
manifested by the evidence: only between 25% (Salamouris, 2013) confidence level about the success of new ventures over their true
and 50% (Cooper et al., 1988) of such businesses actually survive accuracy in predicting successful new ventures. Zacharakis and
beyond 5 years. Shepherd (2001) assembled a data set illustrating VC overconfidence
In a study of the consequences of overconfidence at the highest which is illustrated in Figure 1.
levels of the firm, Malmendier and Tate (2005) studied the behavior The horizontal axis shows the mean accuracy of a sample of VC's
of CEO's at 477 publicly traded U.S. firms over the period 1980 to in predicting the success of a series of 50 completed ventures for
1994. They found that CEO overconfidence led to distortions in which the outcomes were known (but not revealed to participants in
corporate investment policies and suboptimal investment decisions. the sample). The vertical axis shows the corresponding mean confi-
In a later paper, they found that overconfident CEO's “overpay dence value of each VC in their own predictions. (To measure
for target companies and undertake value‐destroying mergers”
(Malmendier & Tate, 2008, p. 20). Further, Deshmukh, Goel, and
Howe (2013), using the same data set as Malmendier and Tate
(2005), found that overconfident CEOs promulgate suboptimal divi-
dend policies.
Countering the possibility that such overconfidence in financial
affairs is a uniquely American trait, Aukutsionek and Belianin (2001)
found that Russian managers were decisively overconfident about
their accuracy level in predicting economic indicators such as wages,
employment, output, and real investment in their own sector of exper-
tise. Yates, Lee, Shinotsuka, Patalano, and Sieck (1998) examined
cross‐cultural differences in overconfidence, though not in a business
context. They found variations in the levels of overconfidence among
subjects in some Asian countries, but in general, overconfidence
prevailed. And yet another study, this one of Asian managers in a busi- FIGURE 1 Confidence versus accuracy of venture capitalist (VC)
ness context, confirmed the presence of overconfidence in that set- predictions (data from Zacharakis & Shepherd, 2001, n = 50) [Colour
ting (Wright & Phillips, 1980). Finally, Yates et al. (1989), in a study figure can be viewed at]

confidence, each participating VC noted their confidence in each The third category of overconfidence, BTA, results from the belief
prediction on a 7‐point Likert scale, and the result was normalized to by the decision maker that his/her ability to assess future events is
a 100 point basis.) just better than that of other decision makers. This is sometimes
In these data, true VC predictive accuracy levels ranged from 0% labeled the “Lake Wobegon effect,” under which the decision maker
to 60% with a mean of 29.2%. The corresponding confidence values simply believes that his/her information endowment or decision‐
ranged from about 35% to 94% with a mean of 65.6%. Hence, sub- making ability is superior to others.
stantial overconfidence is apparent, with mean confidence more than In this paper, we will assess and compare the second two of these
double the mean accuracy.1 forms of overconfidence, CBO and BTA.
At this point, before continuing further, it is important to distin- Our study follows closely the pattern of an earlier work by
guish between the various categories of overconfidence which we will Ringuest and Graves (2016). They studied overconfidence in an indi-
be discussing henceforth. According to most scholars in this area of vidual investment performance setting, comparing outcomes for a
study, there are three forms: (a) illusion of control, (b) calibration‐ market timer to results for a buy‐and‐hold investor, finding, inter alia,
based overconfidence (CBO), and (c) better‐than‐average (BTA) over- that market‐timing investors will generally be disappointed with their
confidence. The first of these, illusion of control, first defined by results. That is, actual investment results of market‐timers will, on
Langer (1975), refers to the tendency of a decision maker to believe average, fall short of their (overconfident) expectations. Ringuest and
that she/he enjoys some level of influence over the outcome of a Graves were able to quantify this disappointment, but their study suf-
purely (or mostly) random process. For example, a decision maker fered from the important limitation that their estimates of accuracy
might feel that he/she was endowed with “good luck” in predicting and confidence, though reasonable and plausible, were entirely sub-
stock market outcomes, when, of course, this would be impossible. jective. The current study enjoys the noteworthy advantage of empir-
This form of overconfidence is not relevant to our analysis and will ical estimates of accuracy and confidence, taken from the sample data
not be pursued further here. of Zacharakis and Shepherd (2001) and summarized in Figure 1 above.
The second form of overconfidence, CBO, refers to the tendency In the current study, we need first to clearly distinguish between
of decision makers to underestimate the variance of the probability the decision maker's true predictive accuracy and their assumed pre-
distributions from which future events will be drawn, or more simply, dictive accuracy. We will use the term “conjectural predictive accu-
they tend to overestimate the precision of their knowledge. Russo and racy” to refer to the VC's subjective belief about the accuracy of
Schoemaker (1992) studied CBO and estimated its magnitude across a her/his investment predictions. We will use the designation “true pre-
number of industries. They found comparable levels of CBO among a dictive accuracy” to refer to the actual accuracy exhibited by the VC.
number of business types. For example, when managers were asked to Conjectural predictive accuracy will be denoted p’ and true predictive
estimate 90% confidence intervals for particular aspects of their own accuracy by p. Overconfidence, then, is defined as (p’ – p), the excess
industry (which in the absence of overconfidence would yield a 10% of conjectural accuracy over true predictive accuracy. These designa-
error rate), the actual error rates they achieved were as follows: tions and denotations follow Ringuest and Graves (2016).
advertising, 61%; data processing, 42%; money management, 50%; Before beginning our analysis, we will review the empirical distri-
and security analysis, 64%, all substantially overconfident. The only bution of true predictive accuracy among advisors in the Zacharakis
business field identified in the literature which does not seem to and Shepherd (2001) data set, shown in Figure 2. Here, we can see
exhibit overconfidence is public accounting. In fact, a study by that the modal interval for true predictive accuracy extends from
Tomassini, Solomon, Romney, and Krogstad (1982) showed systematic 0.30 to 0.40; notably also, the distribution is skewed to the left. This
underconfidence in this field. Russo and Schoemaker (1992) suggest
that this may be explained by the accounting profession's intense
emphasis on conservative interpretations, combined with their func-
tion as auditors, alert for fraud or deceit.
Deaves, Lüders, and Schröder (2010) studied CBO among stock
market forecasters and found that they, too, consistently estimated
excessively narrow confidence intervals for future stock market levels.
And Radzevick and Moore (2011) provide an interesting additional
explanation for the CBO form of overconfidence in business and
financial forecasts. Based on experimental work, they found that con-
sumers of financial forecasts favor advisors who express more confi-
dence that they (the advisors) have the right answer. Similarly,
Radzevick and Moore (2011) find that “market competition magnifies
a bias present in individual judgements” (p. 104). Consequently,
market forces—in addition to the evolutionary influences noted
above—motivate those who are selling advice or expertise to make
overconfident statements. Radzevick and Moore (2011) conclude that
FIGURE 2 Distribution of venture capitalist's (VC's) true predictive
“overprecision, the excessive certainty that one has the right answer, accuracy (data from Zacharakis & Shepherd, 2001) [Colour figure can
is the most robust variety of overconfidence” (p. 94). be viewed at]

empirical distribution provides a basis for choosing realistic parameter In our model, however, we will conduct excursions on this probability
values in our analysis which begins in the next section. down to 0.20 and as high as 0.60.
Intuitively, a 50% success estimate may appear rather high for
risky new ventures. However, this probability is actually conditioned
4 | ANALYSIS upon passing rigorous screening in order to get VC funding. In fact,
Kunze (1990), a successful VC, depicts his vetting process this way:
In this analysis, we will compare the expected value of the investment “In practice I screen out 99% of the business plans submitted to me”
results of a venture capitalist (an individual VC investing in a single (p. 26). And further, “Each year I seriously evaluate 25 business pro-
venture) to the results of a buy‐and‐hold equity index fund investor, posals but I only invest in two or three” (p. 91). These two screens
in each case over a period of 5 years. We designate Investor A the in sequence would eliminate most proposals, so that our success prob-
index fund investor and Investor B the VC. Their assumed investment ability, 0.50, is conditional and would apply only to those proposals
behaviors are as follows: that pass these two screens and actually get funding.

• Investor A simply invests in an S&P 500 market index fund for a 5‐

4.2 | The model
year period and receives an expected annual return of ra.
In order to evaluate the effects of overconfidence on the VC's practice
• Investor B, on the other hand, evaluates a particular venture and
and experience, we will follow Ringuest and Graves (2016) to develop
then, if she/he predicts success, invests in that venture for a hold-
an expression for the VC's expected surplus return. Expected surplus
ing period of 5 years. If the venture is successful, then the VC
return, consistent with the definition given by Ringuest and Graves
receives a return of M%. If the venture fails, he/she suffers a loss
(2016), is the expected excess performance of the VC (Investor B)
of all invested funds. If Investor B predicts that a venture will be
over the equity index fund investor (Investor A).
unsuccessful, then he/she simply invests those funds in an S&P
We define the following terms:
500 equity market index fund (for a 5‐year period) with an
assumed annual return based on historical returns from the S&P
f: Five‐year return on the equity index fund (in percent)
500. We denote the VC's expected annual return rb; it accounts
for both successful and failed ventures and for periods of invest- S: The event: venture is a success
ment in an equity index fund. F: The event: venture is a failure
P: The event: VC predicts a successful venture

N: The event: VC predicts a failed venture

4.1 | Data
Table 2 shows the four possible outcomes to which Type B inves-
We now turn our attention to estimation of the applicable rates of
tors are exposed over a 5‐year horizon.
return and probability of success for a single venture. First, we confine
Investor A is constantly exposed to the equity market with
our attention to successful ventures. Zider (1998, p. 135) states that
expected annual return f, so that
for successful ventures, VCs “expect a ten times return of capital over
five years.” This converts to a 59% annual rate of return. Cochrane ra ¼ f:
(2005) constructs an empirical estimate of the mean of rate of return,
based on VC data from 1987 to 2000. His empirical estimate, based The expected return to Investor B, rb, however, depends on both
on these data, is also a 59% annual rate of return for successful the likelihood of a successful (or unsuccessful) outcome, and Investor
ventures. Considering these estimates, we arrive at a base‐case value B's ability to correctly predict the outcome. The expression for rb
of M = 900%, the equivalent of a return of 10 times capital over then is
5 years. A complete failure of the venture would result in a loss of
TABLE 1 Venture success probability values derived from multiple
(M/9)%, that is, a loss of 100%.
We assume an average equity market return of 50% per 5‐year
Source P(S)
period. This is derived from the fact that the (geometric) mean return
for the S&P 500 for the 50‐year period 1966–2015 is 9.61% and the Kunze (1990) 33–67%

(geometric) mean return for the 10‐year period 2006–2015 is 7.25%. Zider (1998) 40%

Cumulating each of these two averages over a 5‐year period produces Gage (2012) 60–70%

58.2% in the first instance and 41.9% in the second (data are from Ghosh and Nanda (2010) 50%

New York University, 2015). Based on these data, we will take 50% Gompers, Kovner, Lerner, and Scharfstein (2008) 55%

as an approximate 5‐year‐average return on the S&P 500. Mason and Harrison (2002)a 50%

The model which we introduce in the next section requires (in These P(S) values are not necessarily precisely those quoted by these
sources, rather they are our own summary estimates based on data in
addition to the rates of return approximated above) estimates of the each of the sources.
success or failure of a given venture. Table 1 below gives a number a
Mason and Harrison studied 128 venture capitalist investments in the UK,
of such estimates and approximations. Based on these data, we take finding 34% a total loss, 13% partial loss or breakeven, a success rate, of
0.50 as our base‐case value for the probability of a successful venture. about 53%.

TABLE 2 Possible outcomes to Investor B However, taking the average predictive accuracy of about 30%
from Zacharakis and Shepherd (2001; shown as the vertical line in
Actual outcome of venture (% gain or loss)
Figure 3), we see that for P(S) ≥ 0.30, the VC has positive and conceiv-
Investor B's prediction Success (S) Failure (F)
ably large positive values of R(p). In a typical case, where p ≈ 0.30 and
Success (P) M −M/9
P(S) = 0.50, the VC's results exceed those of the equity index fund
Failure (N) f f
investor by 76.5 percentage points over a 5‐year period or about 12
percentage points per year compounded. Simply basing our analysis
on surplus return, then, it seems many VC's would be quite content

rb ¼ PðPjSÞPðSÞM þ PðPjF ÞPðF Þ − M=9 þ PðNjSÞPðSÞf to beat the equity index by 12% per year. In the next section, we will
þ PðNjFÞPðF Þf: (1)
examine the VC's results based on a disappointment measure and
determine if, based on that metric, she/he would still be satisfied.
If we now assume that Investor B's predictive accuracy is sym-
At this point, to avoid confusion, it may be useful to reiterate and
metric, that is, P(P|S) = P(N|F), and substitute for brevity, p = P(P|
clarify the distinction between P(S), an individual project's success
S) = P(N|F), Equation (1) becomes
probability, and p, the VC's true predictive accuracy. P(S) is simply

rb ¼ pPðSÞM þ ð1−pÞPðFÞ M=9 þ ð1−pÞPðSÞf þ pPðFÞf: (2) the marginal probability of success for a given project that a VC has
decided to fund. And, as previously stated, p is the conditional proba-
Expected surplus return can now be written as follows: bility of a correct prediction by the VC, that is, p = P(P|S) = P(N|F).
To illustrate, suppose 200 projects are on the VC's desk and have
RðpÞ ¼ r b −ra ;
passed her/his initial screening. Our base‐case P(S) of 0.50 requires

 that, if funded, 100 of these will ultimately be successful (latent suc-

¼ pPðSÞM þ ð1−pÞPðF Þ − M=9 þ ð1−pÞPðSÞf þ pPðF Þf− f: (3) cesses) and 100 will fail (latent failures). Because p = .30, the VC will
be correct 30% of the time in identifying actual successes from the
As stated above, we will use a probability of 0.50 as our base‐case
100 latent successes. Thus, he/she will correctly classify 30 of these
value for P(S), with excursions down to 0.20 and up to 0.60, consistent
latent successes and misclassify 70. Likewise, she/he will correctly
with empirical data.
identify 30 and misclassify 70 of the latent failures.

4.3 | The surplus return metric

4.4 | The disappointment metric
To examine surplus return, R(p), as a function of P(S), we have devel-
oped Figure 3 below which shows the results of Equation (3) for P(S) In our next step, again following Ringuest and Graves (2016), we turn
values incremented from 0.20 to 0.60, whereas M = 900% and our attention to disappointment as a metric. That is, for a given VC,
f = 50% (estimated 5‐year equity index returns). As we noted above with overconfidence (p’ − p), how does the surplus return that he/she
in the data from Zacharakis and Shepherd (2001), actual VC accuracy actually receives compare with the surplus return that she/he
levels ranged from about 10% to about 60%. For our base case, with anticipated?
P(S) = 0.50, only about 13% of the VC's in the sample would suffer We base our disappointment measure on the concept developed
negative R(p) values. With a lower accuracy level of P(S) = 0.40, 19% by Bell (1985), simply the difference between the anticipated gain
of the sample would see negative values. And at P(S) = 0.20, about and the actual gain on an uncertain transaction. The anticipated gain
38% of VC's in the sample would see negative R(p) quantities. is the reference point to which the actual outcome is compared. Bell's
disappointment joins other “reference effect” phenomena in which the
decision maker's satisfaction with the outcome of a random event
depends on some exogenous reference point.
In prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1974), for example, the
decision maker's satisfaction with an outcome depends on its distance
from the original status quo. Regret theory (Loomes & Sugden, 1982)
takes as its reference point the outcome associated with the optimal
choice by the decision maker. The decision maker's satisfaction with
an outcome depends on its difference from the outcome obtained
under optimal choice (the reference point). Bell's disappointment, in
contrast, takes as its reference point the outcome that the decision
maker anticipates. Disappointment then is the difference between
the payoff of the anticipated outcome (the reference point) and the
payoff of the actual outcome.
Ericson and Fuster (2011) provide experimental evidence that the

FIGURE 3 R(p) as a function of predictive accuracy, p For P(S) = 0.20, relevant reference point in human behavior is often this anticipated
0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60 [Colour figure can be viewed at outcome. As they state it, “individual's reference points are deter-] mined, at least in part, by expectations” (p. 1900). They make the case

that among the currently identified reference points— status quo, the (5‐year) disappointment. The worst 10% would experience at least
payoff under optimal choice, and the payoff under the anticipated 220% (5‐year) disappointment.
result—the anticipated result may be the most important of the human These disappointment levels are quite high compared with the
reference points. This provides added support for the use of Bell's dis- quantities estimated in Ringuest and Graves (2016), where Db was
appointment in our paper.2 4.58% (for 1 year) for a typical investor with (assumed) predictive
Bell concedes that use of disappointment minimization as an accuracies of p = 0.50 and p’ = 0.80. Even after compounding Db over
objective function may reduce the economic efficiency of a decision 5 years, they observe an estimated disappointment of only about 25%,
but argues, nonetheless, that avoidance of disappointment may pro- almost an order of magnitude smaller than those we have estimated
duce intangible psychological rewards for the decision maker. We find above for VCs. Of course, Ringuest and Graves' (2016) estimates were
the disappointment metric especially appropriate in the context of derived by comparing a market‐timing equity investor's results with
overconfidence, because it highlights the gap between the decision those of a buy‐and‐hold equity investor. So, large differences in disap-
maker's anticipated payoff, based on p’ (the decision maker's conjec- pointment levels may reflect, inter alia, the disparity in risks and
tural predictive accuracy) and the actual outcome conferred upon potential gains between these two scenarios. In the Ringuest and
the decision maker based on p (the decision maker's true predictive Graves (2016) paper, the ratio of risky return to safe return is about
accuracy). 5, whereas that same ratio in the current paper is close to 20.
Using this surplus return metric, then, the expected value of the Earlier in this paper, using surplus return over an index fund inves-
VC's disappointment, Db, would be tor as our measure, we speculated that a VC might be quite content to
Db = R(p') ‐ R(p), resulting in beat the index investor by around 12% per year. Now, however, using
disappointment as our metric, a different picture emerges. The typical

Db ¼ p −p PðSÞð:89M−2f Þ þ f þ M 9 : (4) VC would experience on the order of 180% (5‐year) disappointment or
about 23% per year compounded. It seems unlikely that this investor
Plotting Equation (4) for various levels of conjectural accuracy, p’, would still be content when measured against this benchmark.
produces Figure 4 below, where positive values of Db represent disap-
pointment to the decision maker. Negative values signify performance
exceeding anticipated (designated “elation,” by Bell, 1985). Once 4.4.1 | Stochastic treatment of true predictive
again, based on Zacharakis and Shepherd (2001) data, we use a mean accuracy
true predictive accuracy, p, of 30% and a mean conjectural predictive In the discussion above, we treated the decision maker's true predic-
accuracy, p’, of 66%. tive accuracy level, estimated from Zacharakis and Shepherd (2001)
Interpolating in Figure 4, a typical decision maker (p ≈ 0.30, data, as deterministic. A casual glance at Figures 1 and 2, however,
p’ ≈ 0.66) would experience a disappointment level of about 180%, shows considerable dispersion in the true predictive accuracy of
meaning that the (5‐year) average result achieved would be about VCs. And we will argue, even for a single VC, it is reasonable to model
180% below that which was anticipated. And for a typical decision true predictive accuracy as a random variable. Zacharakis and Shep-
maker with conjectural accuracy of p’ = 0.66, true predictive accuracy herd (2001) describe the VC's decision‐making process as a highly
would, of course, need to be at least 0.66 to avoid disappointment complex task in an exceedingly uncertain environment. Moreover,
altogether. according to Zacharakis and Shepherd (2001), the time pressures asso-
Further, from Figure 4, we can see that those VC's in the bottom ciated with these decisions (from competitive forces) result in cogni-
25% of Zacharakis and Shepherd's (2001) sample (those below about tive overloads, reducing the VC's ability to assess the pertinence of
20% true predictive accuracy) would experience a minimum of 165% various inputs. In a similar vein, Baron (1998) lists three factors which
tend to induce error into these analytical processes: cognitive over-
load, high levels of uncertainty, and elevated levels of emotion. Each
of these factors is likely to be present in the VC's decision‐making
Tyebjee and Bruno (1984) highlight the complexities and ambigu-
ities of the VC decision‐making process. The typical VC, they say, usu-
ally aided only by a small organization, must search through a large
number of potential projects in a tumultuous environment. And
further, potential projects typically present scant data on operating
Taking these issues into consideration, it seems appropriate to
examine the effect of modeling true predictive accuracy as a random
Our stochastic model of true predictive accuracy closely follows
that of Ringuest and Graves (2016). However, our treatment offers a
FIGURE 4 Db as a function of true predictive accuracy, p, and
confidence level, p’ P(S) = 0.50 [Colour figure can be viewed at significant advance in that, as previously noted, we have empirical] estimates of p, the VC's true predictive accuracy, and p’, the VC's

conjectural predictive accuracy along with the full empirical distribu- predictive accuracy increases (i.e., shifting downward among the three
tion of p values. curves). Our findings corroborate those of Ringuest and Graves
We will treat the variable p as a random variable following a trian- (2016): increases in the variance of the distribution on p may result
gular distribution with parameters a, b, and c. Following the usual in an improved outcome for the decision maker, that is, a decrease
convention, a is the lower limit, b the upper limit, and c the mode of in expected disappointment.
the distribution. We wish to find the VC's expected disappointment
associated with various values of the parameters, a, b, and c. We find 4.4.2 | Comparison of deterministic and stochastic
expected disappointment simply by replacing p in Equation (4) with treatment of true predictive accuracy
E(p), resulting in We now compare the results of our deterministic and stochastic treat-

  ments to see what differences emerge. For the deterministic case, first
EðDb Þ ¼ p′ −EðpÞ PðSÞð:89M−2f Þ þ f þ M 9 : (5) note the point in Figure 4 representing the “typical” VC's expected dis-
appointment, a Db value of 180%. Now, for the equivalent point in the
And, for the triangular distribution, E(p) = (a + b + c)/3, so that stochastic treatment, refer in Figure 5 to the leftmost point of the
  middle curve (where b = 0.6 and c = 0.3). Because all calculations in
EðDb Þ ¼ p′ − PðSÞð:89M−2f Þ þ f þ M 9 : (6) this figure are based on a = 0, the leftmost point of the middle curve
gives the E(Db) value for symmetric distribution where a = 0, b = 0.6,
We now evaluate (6) for a variety of values for parameters, a, b, and c = 0.3. So the designated point in Figure 5 gives the E(Db) value
and c. Initially, we will set the mode of the triangular distribution, equivalent to that in Figure 4 but simply takes the given p value and
c = 0.30, approximating the mean of the Zacharakis and Shepherd places a symmetric distribution around it. For this particular point
(2001) data in Figure 1, and will assign a = 0 and b = 0.60, the mini- and because the distribution on p is symmetric around the value
mum and maximum values for true accuracy in the Zacharakis and c = 0.3 (vs. a fixed value in the deterministic case of Figure 4), we
Shepherd data set (in this instance, we are assuming a symmetric dis- would expect to get an E(Db) value equal to the deterministic Db value
tribution, so the mean and mode would be equal.) above, which we do, with Db = E(Db) = 180.18%.
Although holding the a and b values constant, we allow the mode The curves in both Figures 4 (deterministic) and 5 (stochastic) have
of the triangular distribution on p to range from 0.30 to 0.60, produc- a negative slope, but the slope in Figure 4 is less steep (although, due to
ing the results in Figure 5. The behavior of E(Db) related to the mode, scaling, this is not obvious in the graphs). This would indicate that as
c, is entirely predictable. As we increase the modal value of true pre- true predictive accuracy (or modal true predictive accuracy) improves,
dictive accuracy, disappointment decreases. we see a faster decline in disappointment for the deterministic case.
In observing the effect of increasing the upper limit, b, (and thus This makes sense, because the effect of a one unit increase in modal
the range) on the triangular distribution on p (i.e., stepping downward true predictive accuracy, c, is diluted by one‐third when we calculate
among the three curves), we see that, ceteris paribus, disappointment expected value, E(p) = (a + b + c)/3, in Equation (6). Furthermore, by
decreases as we move from b = 0.5 to b = 0.6 to b = 0.7. This finding is extrapolating the curves for the stochastic treatment in Figure 5, we will
reasonable even though it illustrates a counterintuitive case in which a note that—unlike the deterministic case—disappointment never goes
decision maker would prefer more variance to less. negative (for admissible values of c), so that Bell's elation never appears.
In summary, the stochastic treatment of p shows that expected To summarize the comparative behavior of Bell's disappointment
disappointment levels drop as modal (the most frequent) true predic- under deterministic and stochastic conditions, we find that expected
tive accuracy improves (moving rightward along each curve) and as disappointment decreases, ceteris paribus, as the variance of the dis-
the upper limit (the best case), b, of the triangular distribution on true tribution on p increases. This occurs because the increase in variance,
as we have modeled it, always corresponds to an increase in the best
case true predictive accuracy. We also find that as true predictive
accuracy increases with variance fixed, disappointment decreases
more slowly for the stochastic than for the deterministic case.

4.4.3 | Comparison of effects of BTA and CBO

overconfidence (stochastic treatment)
Table 3 shows BTA‐type expected disappointment levels typical for a
VC with characteristics similar to those observed in the Zacharakis and
Shepherd (2001) data. Conjectural predictive accuracy is fixed at its
estimated value, p’ = 0.66, whereas we allow c, the mode of true pre-
dictive accuracy, to range from 0.15 to 0.60, consistent with the
empirical estimates of Zacharakis and Shepherd (2001).
Table 4 shows the same analysis for CBO‐type expected disap-

FIGURE 5 E(Db) as a function of modal true predictive accuracy p pointment levels. In this case, the mode and upper limit are fixed,
stochastic, triangular distribution [Colour figure can be viewed at whereas the lower limit, a, varies. Here again, conjectural predictive] accuracy is fixed at its empirically estimated value, p’ = 0.66. In this

TABLE 3 Disappointment due to better‐than‐average 5 years would see an average disappointment of about 180%. Those
overconfidence in the lowest, 10% in terms of predictive accuracy would sustain an
p’ a b c E(p) E(Db) average 5‐year disappointment of as much as 220%. On a 1‐year

0.66 0 0.6 0.15 0.250 225.50

basis, the typical VC should expect disappointment on the order of

0.66 0 0.6 0.2 0.267 216.33

25%. This may be compared with a typical disappointment of about

0.66 0 0.6 0.25 0.283 207.17

4.58% annually experienced by a market timer (compared with a

0.66 0 0.6 0.3 0.300 198.00

buy‐and‐hold investor) where both are investing in the S&P 500.

0.66 0 0.6 0.35 0.317 188.83

VCs then are predicted to experience disappointment levels five times

0.66 0 0.6 0.4 0.333 179.67

as high as market timing investors. It should be acknowledged, how-

0.66 0 0.6 0.45 0.350 170.50

ever, that the ratio of risky return to safe return for the VC is about

0.66 0 0.6 0.5 0.367 161.33

20, whereas in the case of the market timer, it is only about 5.0.

0.66 0 0.6 0.55 0.383 152.17

And, to be sure, the average VC would enjoy higher returns than the

0.66 0 0.6 0.6 0.400 143.00

market timer—just not as high as they anticipate.
When true predictive accuracy is modeled as a random variable,
our findings replicate those of Ringuest and Graves (2016). In general,
TABLE 4 Disappointment due to calibration‐based overconfidence
disappointment declines as the variance of true predictive accuracy
p’ a b c E(p) E(Db) increases, contrary to the usual case in which increases in variance
0.66 0.00 0.60 0.35 0.317 188.83 (uncertainty) result in worse outcomes for the decision maker.
0.66 0.05 0.60 0.35 0.333 179.67 We also find, that for VC's decisions, the two categories of over-
0.66 0.10 0.60 0.35 0.350 170.50 confidence examined in this study, BTA and CBO, have effects of the
0.66 0.15 0.60 0.35 0.367 161.33 same magnitude. Although Ringuest and Graves (2016) arrived at the
0.66 0.20 0.60 0.35 0.383 152.17 same conclusion, ours is the first study to incorporate empirical data
0.66 0.25 0.60 0.35 0.400 143.00 into an analysis of this issue.
0.66 0.30 0.60 0.35 0.417 133.83 In fact, the principal advance that this study provides is that all of
0.66 0.35 0.60 0.35 0.433 124.67 our findings are firmly grounded in empirical data.
The paper is limited, of course, by its assumptions, most particu-
larly, the assumption of a triangular distribution for true predictive
case, however, we have no empirical estimates regarding the investor
accuracy in the stochastic case. In future work, it may be of interest
beliefs about variance on true accuracy. Thus, we choose what we
to focus more closely on this probability distribution and perhaps
judge to be reasonable values, a = 0 to a = 0.35.
employ alternative distributions which may be more representative.
Now comparing our estimates of BTA‐induced expected disap-
Nonetheless, this work provides sound guidance to managers in
pointment in Table 3 to CBO‐induced expected disappointment in
venture capital and related fields. Informed by empirical data, our
Table 4, we note they are quite close in scale.
models makes a strong case for substantial disappointment.
The reader will undoubtedly note that some of the cases yield
identical values for E(Db). Compare, for example, Row 5 in Table 3 to
Row 1 in Table 4, both yielding E(Db) = 188.83%. This occurs because 1
Remarkably, the simple correlation between accuracy and confidence is
the parameters a, b, and c are identical for these two cases. It also 0.206, almost exactly the same as the typical value of 0.20 reported
occurs in succeeding rows. across a wide variety of decision realms in a review paper by Griffin
For reasonable values of a, b, and c, BTA disappointment for these and Varey (1996). As a caveat, however, note that Griffin and Carey's
value was a within‐subject estimate, whereas ours is a between‐subject
investors would typically run from about 140% to about 225%. For measure.
the same investors, CBO‐type disappointment would run from about 2
Allen, Dechow, Pope and Wu (2016) tested empirically for the presence
125% to a maximum of about 190%. of reference points and found significant reference dependence in
The superiority of the current comparative estimate of these two “bunching” of finishing times for marathon runners. This, they believe,
resulted from the aspirations of participants to finish below a given ½‐
types of overconfidence compared with Ringuest and Graves (2016)
hr mark.
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Deaves, Lüders, and Luo (2008) had found CBO to be a significantly
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