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1450 Linear Programming


Linear Programming
‘Linear Programming’ is a scientific tool to handle
optimization problems. Here, we shall learn about some
any ordered pair  x1,y1  satisfies an inequation, then
basic concepts of linear programming problems in two it is said to be a solution of the inequation.
variables, their applications, advantages, limitations, The graph of these inequations is given below (for c
formulation and graphical method of solution. > 0) :
Linear inequations
(1) Graph of linear inequations ax+by<c
(i) Linear inequation in one variable: X X
ax  b  0, ax  b  0, cy d  0 etc. are called linear
inequations in one variable. Graph of these inequations
can be drawn as followsY : xb Y
a Working Rule : To draw the graph of an
inequation, following procedure is followed :
(i) Write the equation ax  by  c in place of
X X ax  by  c and ax  by  c .
ax+b<0 ax+b>0 (ii) Make a table for the solutions of ax  by  c .
(iii) Now draw a line with the help of these points.
This is the graph of the line ax  by  c .
(iv) If the inequation is > or <, then the points lying
The graph of ax  b  0 and ax  b  0 are on this line is not considered and line is drawn dotted or
obtained by dividing xy-plane in two semi-planes by the discontinuous.
b (v) If the ineuqation is  or , then the points lying
line x   (which is parallel to y-axis). Similarly for on the line is considered and line is drawn bold or
a Y continuous.
cy d  0 and cy d  0 .
(vi) This line divides the plane XOY in two region.
cy+d>0 d To Find the region that satisfies the inequation, we
c>0 y 
c apply the following rules:
X X (a) Take an arbitrary point which will be in either
(b) If it satisfies the given inequation, then the required
region will be the region in which the arbitrary point is
Y located.
(c) If it does not satisfy the inequation, then the
(ii) Linear Inequation in two variables : General other region is the required region.
form of these inequations are ax  by  c, ax by  c . If (d) Draw the lines in the required region or make it

cy+d>0 d
y 

X X

Linear Programming 1451
(2) Simultaneous linear inequations in two
variables : Since the solution set of a system of
simultaneous linear inequations is the set of all points in
two dimensional space which satisfy all the inequations
Fig. (i) and (ii) are convex set while (iii) and (iv) are
simultaneously. Therefore to find the solution set we
not convex set.
find the region of the plane common to all the portions
comprising the solution set of given inequations. In case Mathematical formulation of a linear programming
there is no region common to all the solutions of the problem
given inequations, we say that the solution set is void
or empty. There are mainly four steps in the mathematical
(3) Feasible region : The limited (bounded) formulation of a linear programming problem, as
region of the graph made by two inequations is called mathematical model. We will discuss formulation of
feasible region. All the points in feasible region those problems which involve only two variables.
constitute the solution of a system of inequations. The (1) Identify the decision variables and assign
feasible solution of a L.P.P. belongs to only first symbols x and y to them. These decision variables are
quadrant. If feasible region is empty then there is no those quantities whose values we wish to determine.
solution for the problem. (2) Identify the set of constraints and express them
as linear equations/inequations in terms of the decision
Terms of linear programming variables. These constraints are the given conditions.
(3) Identify the objective function and express it as
The term programming means planning and refers
a linear function of decision variables. It may take the
to a process of determining a particular program.
form of maximizing profit or production or minimizing
(1) Objective function : The linear function which cost.
is to be optimized (maximized or minimized) is called
(4) Add the non-negativity restrictions on the
objective function of the L.P.P.
decision variables, as in the physical problems, negative
(2) Constraints or Restrictions : The conditions values of decision variables have no valid interpretation.
of the problem expressed as simultaneous equations or
inequations are called constraints or restrictions. Graphical solution of two variable linear programming
(3) Non-negative constraints : Variables applied in problem
the objective function of a linear programming problem
are always non-negative. The inequations which represent There are two techniques of solving an L.P.P. by
such constraints are called non-negative constraints. graphical method. These are :
(4) Basic variables : The m variables associated (1) Corner point method (2) Iso-profit or Iso-cost
with columns of the m × n non-singular matrix which method
may be different from zero, are called basic variables.
(1) Corner point method
(5) Basic solution : A solution in which the vectors
associated to m variables are linear and the remaining Working Rule:
(n  m) variables are zero, is called a basic solution. A (i) Formulate mathematically the L.P.P.
basic solution is called a degenerate basic solution, if at (ii) Draw graph for every constraint.
least one of the basic variables is zero and basic (iii) Find the feasible solution region.
solution is called non-degenerate, if none of the basic
(iv) Find the coordinates of the vertices of feasible
variables is zero.
solution region.
(6) Feasible solution : The set of values of the
variables which satisfies the set of constraints of linear (v) Calculate the value of objective function at
programming problem (L.P.P) is called a feasible these vertices.
solution of the L.P.P. (vi) Optimal value (minimum or maximum) is the
(7) Optimal solution : A feasible solution for which required solution.
the objective function is minimum or maximum is called (vii) If there is no possibility to determine the point
optimal solution. at which the suitable solution found, then the solution of
(8) Iso-profit line : The line drawn in geometrical problem is unbounded.
area of feasible region of L.P.P. for which the objective (viii) If feasible region is empty, then there is no
function (to be maximized) remains constant at all the solution for the problem.
points lying on the line, is called iso-profit line. (ix) Nearer to the origin, the objective function is
If the objective function is to be minimized then minimum and that of further from the origin, the
these lines are called iso-cost lines. objective function is maximum.
(9) Convex set : In linear programming problems (2) Iso-profit or Iso-cost method : Various steps
feasible solution is generally a polygon in first quadrant. of the method are as follows :
This polygon is convex. It means if two points of polygon
(i) Find the feasible region of the L.P.P.
are connected by a line, then the line must be inside the
polygon. For example, (ii) Assign a constant value Z1 to Z and draw the
corresponding line of the objective function.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
1452 Linear Programming
(iii) Assign another value Z2 to Z and draw the
corresponding line of the objective function.
(iv) If Z1  Z2, (Z1  Z2) , then in case of
maximization (minimization) move the line P1Q1
corresponding to Z1 to the line P2Q2 corresponding to Z2  In some of the linear programming problems,
parallel to itself as far as possible, until the farthest point constraints are inconsistent i.e. there does not exist
within the feasible region is touched by this line. The any point which satisfies all the constraints. Such
coordinates of the point give maximum (minimum) value type of linear programming problems are said to
of the objective function. have infeasible solution.
(v) The problem with more equations/inequations  If the constraints in a linear programming
can be handled easily by this method. problem are changed, the problem is to be re-
(vi) In case of unbounded region, it either finds an evaluated.
optimal solution or declares an unbounded solution.  The optimal value of the objective function is
Unbounded solutions are not considered optimal attained at the point, given by corner points of the
solution. In real world problems, unlimited profit or loss feasible region.
is not possible.
 If a L.P.P. admits two optimal solutions, it has an
To find the vertices of simple feasible region infinite number of optimal solutions.
without drawing a graph  If there is no possibility to determine the point at
which the suitable solution can be found, then the
(1) Bounded region: The region surrounded by the solution of problem is unbounded.
inequations ax  by  m and cx  dy  n in first
 The maximum value of objective function lies at
quadrant is called bounded region. It is of the form of
one vertex in limited region.
triangle or quadrilateral. Change these inequations into
equations, then by putting x  0 and y  0, we get
the solution. Also by solving the equations we get the
vertices of bounded region.
The maximum value of objective function lies at one
vertex in limited region.
(2) Unbounded region : The region surrounded by
the inequations ax  by  m and cx  dy  n in first Linear Programming
quadrant, is called unbounded region.
Change the inequation in equations and solve for 1. For the constraint of a linear optimizing function
x  0 and y  0 . Thus we get the vertices of feasible z  x1  x2 , given by x1  x2  1, 3x1  x2  3
and x1 , x2  0
The minimum value of objective function lies at one
vertex in unbounded region but there is no existence of (a) There are two feasible regions
maximum value. (b) There are infinite feasible regions
(c) There is no feasible region
Advantages and limitations of L.P.P.
(d) None of these
(1) Advantages : Linear programming is used to 2. Which of the following is not a vertex of the
minimize the cost of production for maximum output. In positive region bounded by the inequalities
short, with the help of linear programming models, a 2x  3y  6 , 5x  3y  15 and x, y  0
decision maker can most efficiently and effectively
(a) (0, 2) (b) (0, 0)
employ his production factor and limited resources to
get maximum profit at minimum cost. (c) (3, 0) (d) None of these
(2) Limitations : (i) The linear programming can 3. The intermediate solutions of constraints must be
be applied only when the objective function and all the checked by substituting them back into
constraints can be expressed in terms of linear (a) Objective function (b) Constraint equations
equations/inequations. (c) Not required (d) None of these
(ii) Linear programming techniques provide solutions 4. For the constraints of a L.P. problem given by
only when all the elements related to a problem can be
x1  2x2  2000, x1  x2  1500, x2  600and
(iii) The coefficients in the objective function and in x1 , x2  0 , which one of the following points
the constraints must be known with certainty and does not lie in the positive bounded region
should remain unchanged during the period of study.
(a) (1000, 0) (b) (0, 500)
(iv) Linear programming technique may give fractional
(c) (2, 0) (d) (2000, 0)
valued answer which is not desirable in some problems.
5. A basic solution is called non-degenerate, if
(a) All the basic variables are zero
Linear Programming 1453
(b) None of the basic variables is zero 14. A vertex of the linear inequalities 2x  3y  6 ,
(c) At least one of the basic variables is zero x  4y  4 and x, y  0 , is
(d) None of these (a) (1, 0) (b) (1, 1)
6. If the number of available constraints is 3 and the
number of parameters to be optimized is 4, then  12 2   2 12
(c)  ,  (d)  , 
(a) The objective function can be optimized  5 5 5 5 
(b) The constraints are short in number 15. A vertex of a feasible region by the linear
(c) The solution is problem oriented constraints 3x  4y  18, 2x  3y  3 and
(d) None of these x, y  0 , is
7. The solution of set of constraints x  2y  11, (a) (0, 2) (b) (4.8, 0)
3x  4y  30, 2x  5y  30, x  0, y  0
(c) (0, 3) (d) None of these
includes the point
16. In which quadrant, the bounded region for
[MP PET 1993]
inequations x  y  1 and x  y  1 is situated
(a) (2, 3) (b) (3, 2)
(a) I, II
(c) (3, 4) (d) (4, 3)
(b) I, III
8. The graph of x  2 and y  2 will be situated in
the (c) II, III
(a) First and second quadrant (d) All the four quadrants
(b) Second and third quadrant 17. The necessary condition for third quadrant region
(c) First and third quadrant in xy-plane, is
(d) Third and fourth quadrant (a) x  0, y  0 (b) x  0, y  0
9. The feasible solution of a L.P.P. belongs to (c) x  0, y  0 (d) x  0, y  0
(a) First and second quadrant 18. For the following feasible region, the linear
(b) First and third quadrant Y
constraints are
(c) Second quadrant
(d) Only first quadrant
10. The position of points O (0,0) and P (2, – 2) in the
region of graph of inequation 2x  3y  5 , will be
(a) O inside and P outside O
3x+2y=1 x+3y=1
(b) O and P both inside 1
(c) O and P both outside
(a) x  0, y  0, 3x  2y  12, x  3y  11
(d) O outside and P inside
(b) x  0, y  0, 3x  2y  12, x  3y  11
11. The true statement for the graph of inequations
3x  2y  6 and 6x  4y  20 , is (c) x  0, y  0, 3x  2y  12, x  3y  11
(a) Both graphs are disjoint (d) None of these
(b) Both do not contain origin 19. The value of objective function is maximum under
linear constraints
(c) Both contain point (1, 1)
(a) At the centre of feasible region
(d) None of these (b) At (0, 0)
12. The vertex of common graph of inequalities (c) At any vertex of feasible region
2x  y  2 and x  y  3 , is (d) The vertex which is at maximum distance from
(0, 0)
5 4
(a) (0, 0) (b)  ,  20. The region represented by 2x  3y  5  0 and
 3 3
4x  3y  2  0 , is
 5 4  4 5 (a) Not in first quadrant
(c)  ,  (d)   , 
 3 3  3 3 (b) Bounded in first quadrant
(c) Unbounded in first quadrant
13. A vertex of bounded region of inequalities x  0 ,
(d) None of these
x  2y  0 and 2x  y  4 , is 21. The region represented by the inequation system
(a) (1, 1) (b) (0, 1) x, y  0 , y  6, x  y  3 , is
(c) (3, 0) (d) (0, 0) (a) Unbounded in first quadrant
(b) Unbounded in first and second quadrants
1454 Linear Programming
(c) Bounded in first quadrant (c) If a L.P.P. admits two optimal solutions, it has
(d) None of these an infinite number of optimal solutions
(d) The set of all feasible solutions of a L.P.P. is not a
22. The solution set of the inequation 2x  y  5 , is
convex set
(a) Half plane that contains the origin 30. Shaded region is represented by [MP PET 1997]
(b) Open half plane not containing the origin
(c) Whole xy-plane except the points lying on the
(0,20) x+y=20
line 2x  y  5
 20 40 
B , 
(d) None of these C(10,16  3 3
23. If a point (h, k) satisfies an inequation ax  by  4 )
, then the half plane represented by the Shaded 2x+5y=80
inequation is region
(a) The half plane containing the point (h, k) but
A(20,0 (40,0)
excluding the points on ax  by  4 )
(b) The half plane containing the point (h, k) and (a) 2x  5y  80, x  y  20, x  0, y  0
the points on ax  by  4 (b) 2x  5y  80, x  y  20, x  0, y  0
(c) Whole xy-plane (c) 2x  5y  80, x  y  20, x  0, y  0
(d) None of these (d) 2x  5y  80, x  y  20, x  0, y  0
24. Inequation y  x  0 represents 31. The constraints
(a) The half plane that contains the positive x-axis  x1  x2  1
(b) Closed half plane above the line y  x which  x1  3x2  9
contains positive y-axis
(c) Half plane that contains the negative x-axis x1, x2  0 define on [MP PET 1999]
(d) None of these (a) Bounded feasible space
25. Objective function of a L.P.P. is (b) Unbounded feasible space
(a) A constraint (c) Both bounded and unbounded feasible space
(b) A function to be optimized (d) None of these
(c) A relation between the variables 32. Which of the following is not true for linear
(d) None of these programming problems [Kurukshetra CEE 1998]
26. The optimal value of the objective function is (a) A slack variable is a variable added to the left
attained at the points [MP PET 1998] hand side of a less than or equal to constraint
(a) Given by intersection of inequations with axes to convert it into an equality
only (b) A surplus variable is a variable subtracted
(b) Given by intersection of inequations with x- from the left hand side of a greater than or
axis only equal to constraint to convert it into an
(c) Given by corner points of the feasible region equality
(d) None of these (c) A basic solution which is also in the feasible
27. The objective function z  4x  3y can be region is called a basic feasible solution
maximized subjected to the constraints (d) A column in the simplex tableau that contains
3x  4y  24 , 8x  6y  48 , all of the variables in the solution is called
x  5, y  6; x, y  0 pivot or key column
(a) At only one point 33. Which of the terms is not used in a linear
programming problem [MP PET 2000]
(b) At two points only
(c) At an infinite number of points (a) Slack variables (b) Objective function
(d) None of these (c) Concave region (d) Feasible solution
28. If the constraints in a linear programming problem 34. The graph of inequations x  y and y  x  3 is
are changed located in
(a) The problem is to be re-evaluated (a) II quadrant (b) I, II quadrants
(b) Solution is not defined (c) I, II, III quadrants (d) II, III, IV quadrants
(c) The objective function has to be modified
35. The area of the feasible region for the following
(d) The change in constraints is ignored
constraints 3y  x  3, x  0, y  0 will be [DCE
29. Which of the following statements is correct 2005]
(a) Every L.P.P. admits an optimal solution
(a) Bounded (b) Unbounded
(b) A L.P.P. admits a unique optimal solution
(c) Convex (d) Concave
Linear Programming 1455
36. The feasible region for the following constraints 41. In a test of Mathematics, there are two types of
L1  0, L 2  0, L 3  0, x  0, y  0 in the questions to be answered–short answered and
long answered. The relevant data is given below
diagram shown is
[Kerala (Engg.) 2005] Type of Time Mark Number
Y questions taken to s of
solve question
(a) Area DHF F
E L1 = 0
(b) Area AHC G Short 5 minute 3 10
D L3 = 0 answered
(c) Line segment EG
L2= 0 questions
(d) Line segment GI X
Long 10 minute 5 14
(e) Line segment IC answered
37. A wholesale merchant wants to start the business questions
of cereal with Rs. 24000. Wheat is Rs. 400 per The total marks is 100. Students can solve all the
quintal and rice is Rs. 600 per quintal. He has questions. To secure maximum marks, a student
capacity to store 200 quintal cereal. He earns the solves x short answered and y long answered
profit Rs. 25 per quintal on wheat and Rs. 40 per questions in three hours, then the linear
quintal on rice. If he stores x quintal rice and y constraints except x  0, y  0 , are
quintal wheat, then for maximum profit the (a) 5x  10y  180, x  10, y  14
objective function is
(b) x  10y  180, x  10, y  14
(a) 25x  40y (b) 40x  25y
(c) 5x  10y  180, x  10, y  14
400 600 (d) 5x  10y  180, x  10, y  14
(c) 400x  600y (d) x y
40 25 42. The objective function for the above question is
38. Mohan wants to invest the total amount of Rs. (a) 10x  14y (b) 5x  10y
15,000 in saving certificates and national saving (c) 3x  5y (d) 5y  3x
bonds. According to rules, he has to invest at least 43. The vertices of a feasible region of the above
Rs. 2000 in saving certificates and Rs. 2500 in question are
national saving bonds. The interest rate is 8% on (a) (0, 18), (36, 0) (b) (0, 18), (10, 13)
saving certificate and 10% on national saving (c) (10, 13), (8, 14) (d) (10, 13), (8, 14), (12,
bonds per annum. He invest Rs. x in saving 12)
certificates and Rs. y in national saving bonds. 44. The maximum value of objective function in the
Then the objective function for this problem is above question is
x y (a) 100 (b) 92
(a) 0.08x  0.10y (b)  (c) 95 (d) 94
2000 2500
45. A factory produces two products A and B. In the
x y manufacturing of product A, the machine and the
(c) 2000x  2500y (d) 
8 10 carpenter requires 3 hour each and in
39. A firm produces two types of products A and B. manufacturing of product B, the machine and
The profit on both is Rs. 2 per item. Every product carpenter requires 5 hour and 3 hour respectively.
The machine and carpenter work at most 80 hour
requires processing on machines M 1 and M 2 . and 50 hour per week respectively. The profit on A
For A, machines M 1 and M 2 takes 1 minute and B is Rs. 6 and 8 respectively. If profit is
and 2 minute respectively and for B, machines maximum by manufacturing x and y units of A and
B type product respectively, then for the function
M 1 and M 2 takes the time 1 minute each. The
6x  8y the constraints are
machines M 1 , M 2 are not available more than 8 (a) x  0, y  0, 5x  3y  80, 3x  2y  50
hours and 10 hours, any of day, respectively. If the (b) x  0, y  0, 3x  5y  80, 3x  3y  50
products made x of A and y of B, then the linear
(c) x  0, y  0, 3x  5y  80, 2x  3y  50
constraints for the L.P.P. except x  0, y  0 , are
(d) x  0, y  0, 5x  3y  80, 3x  2y  50
(a) x  y  480, 2x  y  600(b)
46. A shopkeeper wants to purchase two articles A
x  y  8, 2x  y  10
and B of cost price Rs. 4 and 3 respectively. He
(c) x  y  480, 2x  y  600(d) thought that he may earn 30 paise by selling
x  y  8, 2x  y  10 article A and 10 paise by selling article B. He has
40. The objective function in the above question is not to purchase total article worth more than Rs.
24. If he purchases the number of articles of A and
(a) 2x  y (b) x  2y
B, x and y respectively, then linear constraints are
(c) 2x  2y (d) 8x  10y (a) x  0, y  0, 4x  3y  24
(b) x  0, y  0, 30x  10y  24
1456 Linear Programming
(c) x  0, y  0, 4x  3y  24
(d) x  0, y  0, 30x  40y  24
47. In the above question the iso-profit line is
(a) 3x  y  30 (b) x  3y  20
(c) 3x  y  20 (d) 4x  3y  24
48. The sum of two positive integers is at most 5. The
difference between two times of second number
and first number is at most 4. If the first number is
(a) 134 (b) 40
x and second number y, then for maximizing the
product of these two numbers, the mathematical (c) 38 (d) 80
formulation is 57. The minimum value of linear objective function
(a) x  y  5 , 2y  x  4, x  0, y  0 c  2x  2y under linear constraints
(b) x  y  5 , 2x  y  4, x  0, y  0 3x  2y  12 , x  3y  11 and x, y  0 , is
(c) x  y  5 , 2y  x  4, x  0, y  0 (a) 10 (b) 12
(d) None of these (c) 6 (d) 5
49. For the L.P. problem Max z  3x1  2x2 such that 58. The solution for minimizing the function z  x  y
2x1  x2  2 , x1  2x2  8 and x1 , x2  0 , z  under a L.P.P. with constraints x  y  1,
(a) 12 (b) 24 x  2y  10 , y  4 and x, y  0 , is
(c) 36 (d) 40 (a) x  0, y  0, z  0
50. For the L.P. problem Min z   x1  2x2 such that
(b) x  3, y  3, z  6
 x1  3x2  0, x1  x2  6, x1  x2  2 and (c) There are infinitely solutions
x1 , x2  0 , x1  (d) None of these
(a) 2 (b) 8 59. The solution of a problem to maximize the
(c) 10 (d) 12 objective function z  x  2y under the
51. For the L.P. problem Min z  x1  x2 such that constraints x  y  2 , x  y  4 and x, y  0 ,
5x1  10x2  0, x1  x2  1, x2  4 and
(a) x  0, y  4, z  8 (b) x  1, y  2, z  5
x1 , x2  0
(a) There is a bounded solution (c) x  1, y  4, z  9 (d) x  0, y  3, z  6
(b) There is no solution 60. To maximize the objective function z  2x  3y
(c) There are infinite solutions under the constraints
(d) None of these x  y  30, x  y  0, y  12, x  20, y 3
52. On maximizing z  4x  9y subject to and x, y  0
x  5y  200, 2x  3y  134
(a) x  12, y  18 (b) x  18, y  12
and x, y  0 , z 
(a) 380 (b) 382 (c) x  12, y  12 (d) x  20, y  10
(c) 384 (d) None of these 61. The maximum value of P  6x  8y subject to
53. For the L.P. problem Min z  2x  y subject to constraints 2x  y  30, x  2y  24 and
5x  10y  50, x  y  1, y  4 and x, y  0 , x  0, y  0 is
z [MP PET 1994; 95]
(a) 0 (b) 1 (a) 90 (b) 120
(c) 2 (d) 1/2
(c) 96 (d) 240
54. For the L.P. problem Min z  2x  10y subject to
62. The maximum value of P  x  3y such that
x  y  0, x  5y  5 and x, y  0 , z 
2x  y  20 , x  2y  20 , x  0, y  0 , is [MP
(a) –10 (b) –20
PET 1995]
(c) 0 (d) 10
55. The point at which the maximum value of (a) 10 (b) 60
(3x  2y) subject to the constraints (c) 30 (d) None of these
x  y  2, x  0, y  0 is obtained, is 63. The maximum value of z  4 x  2y subject to
[MP PET 1993] the constraints 2x  3y  18, x  y  10 ;
(a) (0, 0) (b) (1.5, 1.5) x, y  0 , is
(c) (2, 0) (d) (0, 2) [MP PET 2001]
56. The minimum value of objective function
(a) 36 (b) 40
c  2x Y 2y in the given feasible region, is

2x+3y=13 x+5y=200
Linear Programming 1457
(c) 20 (d) None of these 71. The maximum value of z  5x  2y , subject to
64. z  ax  by, a, b being positive, under the constraints x  y  7, x  2y  10 , x, y  0
constraints y  1 , x  4y  8  0 , x, y  0 has is [AMU 1999]
(a) Finite maximum (a) 10 (b) 26
(b) Finite minimum (c) 35 (d) 70
(c) An unbounded minimum solution 72. The maximum value of z  3x  4y subject to
(d) An unbounded maximum solution the constraints x  y  40, x  2y  60, x  0
65. By graphical method, the solution of linear and y  0 is
programming problem [MP PET 2002, 04]
Maximize z  3x1  5x2 (a) 120 (b) 140
(c) 100 (d) 160
Subject to 3x1  2x2  18 , x1  4 , x2  6 ,
73. The minimum value of z  2x1  3x2 subject to
x1  0 , x2  0
the constraints 2x1  7x2  22 , x1  x2  6 ,
is [MP PET 1996]
5x1  x2  10 and x1 , x2  0 is [MP PET 2003]
(a) x1  2, x2  0, z  6 (b)
(a) 14 (b) 20
x1  2, x2  6, z  36
(c) 10 (d) 16
(c) x1  4, x2  3, z  27 (d) 74. The co-ordinates of the point for minimum value of
x1  4, x2  6, z  42 z  7x  8y subject to the conditions
x  y  20  0 , y  5, x  0 , y  0 is [DCE
66. The point at which the maximum value of (x  y) 2005]
subject to the constraints 2x  5y  100, (a) (20, 0) (b) (15, 5)
x y (c) (0, 5) (d) (0, 20)
  1 , x, y  0 is obtained, is
25 49 75. The maximum value of   3x  4y , subject to
(a) (10, 20) (b) (20, 10) the conditions x  y  40, x  2y  60, x, y  0 is
 50 40  [MP PET 2004]
(c) (15, 15) (d)  ,  (a) 130 (b) 120
 3 3 
(c) 40 (d) 140
67. The maximum value of (x  2y) under the
constraints 2x  3y  6, x  4y  4, x, y  0 is
(a) 3 (b) 3.2
(c) 2 (d) 4
68. The maximum value of 10x  5y under the
constraints 3x  y  15, x  2y  8, x, y  0 is
(a) 20 (b) 50 1. For the following shaded area, the linear
(c) 53 (d) 70 constraints except x  0 and y  0 , are
69. The point at which the maximum value of (x  y) Y

, subject to the constraints

x  2y  70, 2x  y  95 , x, y  0 is obtained,
(a) (30, 25) (b) (20, 35)
(c) (35, 20) (d) (40, 15) x+2y=8
70. If 3x1  5x2  15 , 5x1  2x2  10 , x1 , x2  0
(a) 2x  y  2, x  y  1, x  2y  8
then the maximum value of 5x1  3x2 , by (b) 2x  y  2, x  y  1, x  2y  8
graphical method is
(c) 2x  y  2, x  y  1, x  2y  8
7 1
(a) 12 (b) 12 (d) 2x  y  2, x  y  1, x  2y  8
19 7
2. Inequations 3x  y  3 and 4 x  y  4 [MP PET
3 2001]
(c) 12 (d) 12
5 (a) Have solution for positive x and y
(b) Have no solution for positive x and y
(c) Have solution for all x
1458 Linear Programming
(d) Have solution for all y (a) 10 (b) 15
3. Shaded region is represented by [MP PET 1997] (c) 12 (d) 8
9. The maximum value of z  4x  3y subject to
the constraints 3x  2y  160, 5x  2y  200,
Shaded 4x–2y=–3 x  2y  80 ; x, y  0 is [MP PET 1998]
region A(0,3/2) (a) 320 (b) 300
(c) 230 (d) None of these
X n m

10. Minimize z   c
j 1 i 1
ij xij
(a) 4x  2y  3 (b) 4x  2y  3 n

(c) 4x  2y  3 (d) 4x  2y  3 Subject to : x

j 1
ij  ai , i  1,.......,m
4. A Firm makes pents and shirts. A shirt takes 2
hour on machine and 3 hour of man labour while a
pent takes 3 hour on machine and 2 hour of man x ij  b j , j  1,......,n
labour. In a week there are 70 hour machine and i1
75 hour of man labour available. If the firm is a (L.P.P.) with number of constraints [MP PET
determine to make x shirts and y pents per week, 1999]
then for this the linear constraints are (a) m n (b) m n
(a) x  0, y  0, 2x  3y  70, 3x  2y  75
(b) x  0, y  0, 2x  3y  70, 3x  2y  75 (c) mn (d)
(c) x  0, y  0, 2x  3y  70, 3x  2y  75
(d) x  0, y  0, 2x  3y  70, 3x  2y  75
5. For the L.P. problem Min z  2x1  3x2 such that
 x1  2x2  4, x1  x2  6, x1  3x2  9 and
x1 , x2  0
Linear programming
(a) x1  1.2 (b) x2  2.6
(c) z  10.2 (d) All the above 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 d 5 b
6. A company manufactures two types of products A 6 b 7 c 8 a 9 d 10 a
and B. The storage capacity of its godown is 100
units. Total investment amount is Rs. 30,000. The 11 a 12 b 13 d 14 c 15 d
cost price of A and B are Rs. 400 and Rs. 900
16 d 17 b 18 a 19 d 20 b
respectively. If all the products have sold and per
unit profit is Rs. 100 and Rs. 120 through A and B 21 c 22 b 23 b 24 a 25 b
respectively. If x units of A and y units of B be
produced, then two linear constraints and iso- 26 c 27 c 28 a 29 c 30 c
profit line are respectively
31 b 32 d 33 c 34 c 35 b
x  y  100; 4x  9y  300, 100x  120y  c 36 c 37 b 38 a 39 a 40 c
(b) x  y  100; 4x  9y  300, x  2y  c 41 a 42 c 43 c 44 c 45 b
46 a 47 a 48 c 49 b 50 a
x  y  100; 4x  9y  300, 100x  120y  c
51 c 52 b 53 b 54 a 55 c
(d) x  y  100; 9x  4y  300, x  2y  c
7. The L.P. problem Max z  x1  x2 such that 56 d 57 a 58 c 59 a 60 b

2x1  x2  1, x1  2, x1  x2  3 and 61 b 62 c 63 d 64 b,d 65 b

x1 , x2  0 has 66 d 67 b 68 c 69 d 70 a

(a) One solution (b) Three solution 71 c 72 b 73 a 74 d 75 d

(c) An infinite no. of solution (d) None of these
8. The minimum value of the objective function
Critical Thinking Questions
z  2x  10y for linear constraints x  0, y  0 ,
x  y  0 , x  5y  5 , is
1 b 2 a 3 b 4 d 5 d
Linear Programming 1459
8. (a)

6 c 7 c 8 b 9 d 10 a

9. (d) It is a fundamental concept.

10. (a) Y
Linear Programming
1. (c) Clearly from graph there is no feasible region.
X2 O (5/2,
B(0,3) (0,–
O 11. (a) The equations, corresponding to inequalities
3x1+x2=3 3x  2y  6 and 6x  4y  20 , are
Y 3x  2y  6 and 6x  4y  20 . So the lines
2. (d)
(0,5) represented by these equations are parallel.
5x+3y=15 Hence the graphs are disjoint.
2x+3y=6 Y

(0,2) (0,5)
Here (0, 2); (0, 0) and (3, 0) all are vertices of
feasible region. Hence option (d) is correct. O (2,0)
3. (b) It is obvious. 3x+2y= 6x+4y=2
6 0
4. (d) Clearly point (2000, 0) is outside. Y

X2 12. (b) 2x+y=2

(0,1500 (0,2)
) x–y=3
(0,1000 O (3,0)
) (900,60 (5/3,–
0) x2=600 4/3)
(1000,50 (0,–
0) 3)
(2000,0) X1 Y
x1+2x2=2000 13. (d) (0,4)
5. (b) It is fundamental concept.
6. (b) It is obvious.
7. (c) X
(0,6) 0
14. (c) Solving 2x  3y  6 and x  4y  4 , we get
12 2
x , y  Y.
5 5
x+2y=11 (15,0
) X 2x+3y=6
O (10,0 (11,0
) )
x+4y=4 (0,2
Obviously, solution set of constraints includes ) (12/5,
the point (3,Y 4). )O
2/5) X
(3,0 (4,0
) )


x =2
1460 Linear Programming
 12 2 
Hence a vertex is  , .
 5 5 28. (a) It is obvious.
Y 29. (c) It is obvious.
15. (d) 30. (c) In given all equations, the origin is present in
(0,4.5 shaded area, answer (c) satisfy this condition.
) 3x+4y=1 31. (b) X
2x+4y= 8 2

(3/2,0 (6,0)
16. (d) As shown in graph drawn
) for x  y  1 and (0,3)
x  y  1 the origin included in the area. (0,1)
Hence the bounded region situated in all four X1
Y (–1,0) O
x+y=1 (0,1 If is clear from the graph, the constraints
define the unbounded feasible space.
32. (d) It is obvious.
O 33. (c) In linear programming problem, concave
region is not used. Convex region is used in
linear programming.
(0,–1) 34. (c) The shaded area is the required area given in
17. (b) It is obvious. graph as below.
18. (a) It is obvious. Y y =x+3
19. (d) It is a fundamental concept.
20. (b) Y x =y

O 5=0 X
Hence it is in I, II and III quadrant.
21. (c) 35. (b) Y

(0,3 x+y=3
) (0, 1)
O (3, 0)
22. (b) It is obvious.
O (3,0 Hence, it is unbounded.
23. (b) It is obvious. ) 36. (c) It is obvious.
24. (a) Y 37. (b) For maximum profit, z = 40x + 25y.
38. (a) Objective function is given by profit function
8 10
 x  y  0.08x  0.10y .
100 100
O X 39. (a) Obviously x  y  (8  60  480) and
2x  y  (10 60  600) .
25. (b) It is by definition.
26. (c) It is a fundamental concept. 40. (c) It is obvious.
27. (c) Obviously, the optimal solution is found on the 41. (a) Obviously x  10, y  14 and
line which is parallel to ‘isoprofit line’. Hence it 5x  10y  180.
has infinite number of solution.
42. (c) It is obvious.
43. (c) Hence required feasible region is given by
(0,8) ABCD , and vertices are (8, 14), (10, 13), (10,
0) and (0, 14)
(0,6) y=14 (8,14)
x=5 (0,14) A B (10,1


O (5,0) (6,0) X
8x+6y=48 O (10,0)
Linear Programming 1461

44. (c) Max z  3(10)  5(13)  95 .

45. (b) Obviously
x, y  0,3x  5y  80,3x  3y  50 .
46. (a) Obviously x, y  0 and 4 x  3y  24 .
47. (a) On drawing graph for above question, we get
the isoprofit line 3x  y  30 . Maximum for C i.e., z = 40 + 342 = 382.
48. (c) Obviously x  y  5, 2y  x  4, x  0 y  0 . 53. (b) After drawing a graph we get the vertices of
feasible region are (1, 0), (10, 0), (2, 4), (0, 4)
49. (b) Change the inequalities into equations and and (0, 1).
draw the graph of lines, thus we get the Thus minimum value of objective function is at
required feasible region. (0, 1)
Hence z  0  2  1 1  1
x1+2x2=8 54. (a) After drawing the graph, we get the minimum
 12 14  value of z at points (–5, 0), (0, 1) and (5/4, 5/4)
C  5 5 
(0,4) ,
and Min z  2(0)  10(1)  10 .
A B 55. (c) Hence maximum z is at (2, 0).
O (1,0) (8,0) Y
2x1–x2=2 (0,2)

It is a bounded region, bounded by the
 12 14  (2,0)
vertices A(1,0), B (8,0) and C  , . X
 5 5  O
Now by evaluation of the objective function for 56. (d) Min z  2(0)  2(40)  80 .
the vertices of feasible region it is found to be 57. (a) Min z  2(2)  2(3)  c  10 .
maximum at (8,0). Hence the solution is
z  3  8  0  2  24 .
50. (a) (3,1),(2, 0) are vertices of Min z for (2, 0) (0,6
X2 )
(0,6) O
3x+2y=1 x+3y=1
x1–x2=2 2 1
–x1+3x2=0 58. (c) Objective function is same as constraints so
(3,1) (9/2, 3/2) there are infinite solutions possible.
X1 59. (a) z  x  2y
O (2,0) (6,0) Y
(0,–2) x1 (0,4 x+y=4
) (3,1 x–y=2
Hence x1  2 . )
O (2,0 )
51. (c) As there may be infinite values of x1 and x2 )
on line x1  x2  1 .
X2 Max z  0  4(2)  8 .

x2=4 60. (b) The objective function is Max z  2x  3y .

x1+x2=1 B(0,1

X1 0 x–y=0
O )
C B y=1
0 A
52. (b) Here, A   0,40, B  (67, 0) and 2
C  (10, 38) X

) X

1462 Linear Programming
The vertices are A(20,10) ,
B(18,12),C(12,12), D (3, 3) and E
(20, 3). Hence the maximum value of the
objective function will be at (18, 12).
61. (b) Here, 2x  y  30, x  2y  24, x, y  0
Hence, option (d) is correct.
The shaded region represents the feasible
region, hence P  6x  8y . Obviously it is
 12 2 
67. (b) Max (x  2y) is at  ,  i.e. 3.2.
maximum atY(12, 6). Y  5 5

(0,12 (12,6 (0,2)
) ) x+4y=4
O (15,0 (0,1) (12/5,2/
) x+2y=24 5)
O (3,0) (4,0)
Hence, P  12 6  8  6  120 .
62. (c) Obviously, P  x  3y will be maximum at (0,
 22 9 
10). 68. (c) Max z  10x  5y is at  ,  i.e. 53.
 5 5
(0,20 (0,15
) )
x+2y=20  20 20
 , 
(0,10  3 3  3x+y=15
) (20,0
O (10,0 ) X
 P  0  3  10  30 . O (5,0) (8,0)
63. (d) After drawing the graph, we get the points on
the region are (9, 0), (0, 6), (10, 0),(0, 10) and 69. (d) Y
(12, –2). But there is no feasible point as no 2x+y=95
point satisfying all the inequations )
64. (b,d) It is obvious.

(0,3 (40,1
65. (b) 5) 5)
(0, 9) O (95/2,0
) x+2y=70
(2,6) x2=6
(0, 6) The shaded region represents feasible region
(4, 3) hence
Max z  x  y . Obviously it is maximum at (40,
X1 15).
(4, 0) (6, 0)
O 70. (a) The shaded region represent the feasible
region, hence p  5x1  3x2
Here feasible region has 8vertices (0, 0); (4, 0); X2
(4, 3); (2, 6) and (0, 6).
Max z at (2, 6)  3(2)  5(6)  36 .
66. (d) Since the points given in(a),(b) and(c) does not (0,5
satisfy the given inequalities.
(0,3 (20/19,45/1
Y ) 9)
(49,0 49x+25y=12 X1
O (2,0 )
) 25 3x1+5x2=15

(0,20 (50/3,40/3)
) 2x+5y=10
0 X
O (25,0 (50,0
) )
Linear Programming 1463

 20 45
Obviously it is maximum at  , 
 19 19 
Obviously, z  7x  8y will be minimum at
 20  45  (0,20)
Max p  5x1  3x2  5   3 
 19   19   Min z = 7 × 0 – 8 × 20 = –160.
75. (d) Y
100 135 235 7
    12 .
19 19 19 19
x+y=40 (0, 40)
71. (c) Change the inequalities into equations and
draw the graph of lines, thus we get the (0,30) (20,20)
required feasible region. (60,0)
The region bounded by the vertices O (40,0)
A(0, 5), B(4, 3) and C(7, 0) .
Obviously,   3x  4y will be maximum at
(20, 20)
 Max   3  20  4  20 = 60  80  140 .

A(0,5) B(4,3) Critical Thinking Questions

D(10,0 1. (b) To test the origin for 2x  y  2, x  y  1 and

O C(7,0) ) x  2y  8 in reference to shaded area,
The objective function 0is maximum at 0  0  2 is true for 2x  y  2 . So for the
C(7,0) and Max z  5  7  2 0  35 . region does not include origin (0, 0),
2x  y  2 . Again for x  y  1, 0  0  1 ,
72. (b) Given, P  3x  4y  x y 1
Similarly for x  2y  8,0  0  8 ; 
(0,40 x  2y  8 .
) 2. (a) Following figure will be obtained on drawing
A(0,3 B(20,20 the graphs of given Yinequations.
0) )
This graph O has been draw
C(40,0 ) from given O (1,0)
constraints and maximum
) x+2y=6
value of P will be at
A or B or C .
PA  P(0,30)  3  0  4  30  120 (0,–3)
(0,–4) y
PB  P(20,20)  3  20  4  20  140 From 3x  y  3,  1
1 3
PC  P(40,0)  3  40  0  120
x y
From 4x  y  4,  1
Therefore Pmax  140. 1 4
73. (a) Clearly the common region of both is true for
positive value of (x, y). It is also true for
(0, 10) positive value of x and negative value of y.
3. (b) Origin is not present in given shaded area, so
(0, 6) (1, 5) 4x  2y  3 satisfy this condition.
2/7 (0, (4, 2) 4. (d)
22/7) X1 Type of Working Man labour
0(2, 0) (6, 0) (11, 0) items time on
5x1+x2=1 x1+x2=6 machine
Obviously, at point (4, 2),
0 the minimum value Shirt (x) 2 hours 3 hours
of z  2x1  3x2  2(4)  3(2)  14 . Pent (y) 3 hours 2 hours
74. (d) Availabili 70 hours 75 hours
(0, (15, y=5
5) 5)
O (20,
1464 Linear Programming
Linear constraints are Hence the minimum value of objective
2x  3y  70, 3x  2y  75 . 5 5
function is  2   10  15 .
5. (d) The graph of linear programming problem is as 4 4
given below 9. (d) Obviously, it is unbounded. Therefore its
maximum value does not exist.
–x1+2x2=4 Y
(0,6) (0,
3x+2y=16 100)
(0,3) 0
A B(4.5,
(1.2,2.6 1.5)
(–4,0) O ) (6,0 (9,0) (0, 40)
) x +x =6 (80,0) X
1 2

Hence the required feasible region is given by x+2y=80

the graph whose vertices are 0
10. (a) Condition (i),
A (1.2, 2.6), B(4.5,1.5) and
i  1, x11  x12  x13  ..... x1n
 8 10
C , . i  2, x21  x22  x23  ...... x2n
3 3 
Thus objective function is minimum at i  3, x31  x32  x33  ...... x3n
A (1.2, 2.6) ....................
So x1  1.2, x2  2.6 and i  m, xm1  xm2  xm3  .....xmn  constraints
z  2  1.2  3  2.6  10.2 . Condition (ii),
6. (c) x  y  100,400x  900y  30000or j  1, x11  x21  x31  ...... xm1
4x  9y  300and 100x  120y  c .
j  2, x12  x22  x32  ...... xm1
7. (c) Objective function is same as constraint so
there are infinite solutions possible. ....................
j  n, x1n  x2n  x3n  ...... xmn  n
 Total constraints = m n .

8. (b) Required region is unbounded whose vertex is

 5 5
 , . Y
 4 4
x – y=0

x – 5y = –5
(0,1)  5 5
 , 
 4 4

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