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Volume II, Issue III

The Tiger Roar Tiger Claw Makes Inc. 5,000 List for the Third
December 15, 2010

Year in a Row
Inside this Issue: By Susan Kohl (Public Relations)
Inc. 5000 ........................................1 TIGER CLAW INC. has made the Inc. 5000 list
for the third consecutive year, with a three-
Trade Shows Recaps ................. 2 year sales growth of 260%.

Winter Deck Maintenance ...... 3 Tiger Claw is ranked #1,146 on the annual
ranking of the 5,000 fastest-growing private
Tiger Claw Can Save companies in the country and ranked 69th
You Money ................................... 3 in the Consumer Products and Services cat-
West Imports: International
Distributor .................................. 4 “Tiger Claw is a great example of how hard
work combined with innovative thinking can produce significant sales
growth even during a recession,” said David Hartmann, president of Tiger
Warranty .................................... 5
Claw. “We continue to partner with the world’s leading decking manufactur-
ers to produce private label hidden deck fasteners as well as develop our
Q3 Sales Meeting ....................... 6 own line of fasteners and installation tools. We have expanded our workforce
while retaining our veteran employees. We are proud to be on the Inc. 5000
2010 Company Outing ............. 7 list for the third consecutive year and are motivated to keep moving up the
Employee Birthdays ................... 7
The yearly Inc. 500/5000 list is the most comprehensive look at the most
What’s your important segment of the economy – America’s independent-minded entre-
preneurs. Taken as a whole, these companies represent the backbone of the
New Years Resolution?
U.S. economy.
Start the new year off right with
NADRA and Tiger Claw! “The leaders of the companies on this year’s Inc. 5000 have figured out how
to grow their businesses during the longest recession since the Great Depres-
Become a NADRA member and sion,” said Inc. President Bob LaPointe. “The 2010 Inc. 5000 showcases a par-
receive a Tiger Claw installation gun! ticularly hardy group of entrepreneurs.”

FREE! Tiger Claw was founded in

For more information visit:
2001 with three employ-
or call 1-800-928-4437 ees. Revenue for that year
was $15,000. Today, Tiger
Claw has 23 employees and
$9.6 million in 2009 reve-
nue, with a three-year sales
growth of 260%.
Page 2 The Tiger Roar December 15, 2010

Shows, Shows, and More Shows

Trade Shows Recaps
By John Balzano (Eastern Regional Sales Manager)

DeckExpo 2010 WPC (Wood-Plastic & Natural Fiber

IN SEPTEMBER OF 2010, Tiger Claw Inc. set up a 20x10 Composites Conference)
booth for the Deck Expo. This year’s event was held at
the Baltimore Convention Center in beautiful down- IN SEPTEMBER 2010, Tiger Claw Inc. participated in
town Baltimore City. the Wood-Plastic & Natural Fiber Composites Confer-
ence (WPC) in Charlotte, NC. Greg Hartmann and John
The Tiger Claw booth consisted of a new color of Tim- Balzano made the trip to NC to show support for the
berTech decking that will not be available until the decking industry. The two day event focused on cur-
spring of 2011. The three day event had much to offer rent and future market conditions for the wood, plas-
for the decking industry. New products were displayed tics and composite manufacturers. Tiger Claw was
throughout the convention center floor, along with the only fastener company at the show, showcasing a
many live small display table and a presentation which showed
demonstra- our continual support for all our partners in the deck-
tions which ing market. It was an excellent experience and we look
benefit a vari- forward to attending again in 2011.
ety of contrac-
tor needs.

Tiger Claw
Inc. showed
off its full line
of fasteners,
which included
everything from the TC-1S to the EG 1•2•3. It doesn’t
matter what type of deck product you are using, Tiger
Claw has a hidden fastener system available for your
decking needs.

Once again Tiger Claw Inc. did a t-shirt promotion,

in which three lucky visitors won $100 cash just for
wearing a Tiger Claw t-shirt. A cash prize was also
given out to one lucky visitor who filled out a survey
form at the booth during the show.
Page 3 The Tiger Roar December 15, 2010

Fall is the Time for Winter Deck Using Tiger Claw Hidden Deck
Maintenance Fasteners Can Save You Money
By Andy Langston (South East Regional Sales Manager) By Dave Cronin (New England Regional Sales Manager)
Hidden deck fastening systems have existed for
MOST LIKELY THE summer has taken a toll on your over 20 years, however, in the early days they were
deck with sun damage, cracking, mildew and fading. cumbersome, expensive and difficult to use. In addi-
Now is the time to clean, restore, and protect your tion, there wasn’t a tremendous amount of variety in
wood from possible moisture damage during the win- the choices of decking that a consumer had to choose
ter months ahead. from. Pressure treated decking accounted for well over
90% of the decks built just a few years ago, so the bal-
Here are some valuable tips and warnings to make sure ance of other wood decking represented a very small
your deck is properly “winterized”: percentage of the overall decking activity in the mar-
1. Give your deck a thorough cleaning. Sweep away
all leaves, needles and branches and remove all de- Fast forward to 2010 and you now have a multitude
bris from between your deck boards. Proper venti- of decking surfaces in which to choose from – from
lation is crucial to avoid standing water and mois- pressure treated to exotic hardwoods to composites to
ture build up. PVC, the selection today is abundant. Decks have trans-
formed from a plain pressure treated, air nailed surface
2. Store pots and planters inside. If you leave pots and to an “outdoor high end living experience” featuring
planters on the deck over the winter, you risk stain- PVC decking with composite handrail systems. In addi-
ing the deck boards. tion, the deck industry has incorporated high end out-
door “living scapes” that can incorporate stainless grills
3. Get rid of any mildew you find with either a store and cooking surfaces, refrigerators, fireplaces, sound
bought or homemade solution. Eliminating mold systems and a host of other luxuries.
and mildew before winter will prevent damage to
the boards during the cold months. With this transformation in decking offerings came
new hidden fastening systems because the consumer
4. Scrape and strip old finishes. If you choose to do didn’t want to see surface screws or nails. While hid-
this, make sure you reapply a new stain to protect den fastening systems are more expensive on the sur-
the structure of the boards. face than deck screws, many choose to spend the extra
money on these systems because the cost of the fasten-
5. The last and most important step is to seal the deck ers represents a smaller percentage of the cost of the
with a water-repellent product. This keeps your overall project purely because the “basics” of the deck
deck safe from rain, sleet and snow and prevents package are more expensive than in the past.
moisture from seeping back into the deck’s surface.
In 2009, Tiger Claw introduced their installation gun
* Remember, if you choose to shovel the snow from for grooved decking which has reduced the “overall
your deck, do so lengthwise across the boards to cost” of hidden deck fasteners in that the gun reduces
prevent scratching. the contractor’s labor costs significantly. Labor costs
are the largest variable in the cost of a deck project and
* Don’t use salt or other melting products on your can vary widely based on the materials used, including
deck because they could cause staining and damage. the fastening system. By incorporating the installation
gun with the TC-G grooved deck fastener, a typical con-
tractor can expect to save as much as 50% or more in
the labor cost of installing the deck boards vs. the use
of conventional surface screws, screw plug systems and
plastic biscuits. The savings that the installation gun
provides for the contractor well exceeds the added cost
of the fasteners and provides for significant additional
revenue and profit.
Page 4 The Tiger Roar December 15, 2010
West Imports
By Greg Lane (Sales Specialist)
OVER THE YEARS Tiger Claw has been gaining success internationally. For near-
ly 5 years Tiger Claw has been working with Arne Franck-Petersen, owner of
West Imports, a Norwegian company who has had great international success
selling Tiger Claw fasteners.

Here Arne tells us how he teamed up with Tiger Claw.

“It all started in 2004 when my family was living in Atlanta, GA due to my wife’s
job. Since there was not much for me to do, I spent a lot of time in Home Depot.
It was there I saw the Tiger Claw fastener for the first time. On that day I took one
fastener with me and kept it in my pocket for weeks.

After my family and I returned to Norway in 2006, I tried to contact the manu-
facturer of the fastener. I was first sent to a dealer in Ireland where I bought the
dealer’s entire stock of Tiger Claw fasteners. After buying out the dealer I worked with Tiger Claw and soon was
able to purchase my stock directly from them.

However, I still had a long way to go. When I started in the fall of 2006, nobody in the Norwegian stores had heard
about or seen hidden deck fasteners. The product was just too new for the market. To create hidden fastener
awareness, I built a small deck 1x2 meter that I put on the top of my car as a sample to show. After a lot of miles
and trade shows around Norway I received my first written delivery agreement in 2008.

In the fall of 2009, I started my own company, TerrasseSpesialisten AS, to bring the product to the market. In the
spring of 2010, I had my first contract with a chain distributor. Presently completing my second contract and am
in negotiations with a third. When these are settled, I will have distribution agreements with over 50 percent of
the Norwegian market, totaling over 340 stores.

It is not done yet, but I am off to a very good start.”


Did you know Tiger Claw does FREE retailer demonstrations?

Tiger Claw will come to your location, set up products and tools and give product knowledge sessions
to your staff and all attending contractors.

Want to make it EXTRA SPECIAL to attract even more contractors to your location?

Our marketing department is always available to help promote and create an exciting event for your
customers and staff. From event flyers to refreshments and a BBQ. We are here to help you!

Ask your Tiger Claw Representative or call our office (800) 928-4437 to learn how
you can make your demonstration a huge success!
Page 5 The Tiger Roar December 15, 2010
Maintaining Your Warranty

By Greg Hartmann (Director of Sales)
“Don’t do that or you will void your warranty”. it to a different brand compressor. It is the same with
decking. A decking manufacturer cannot say they are
A phrase everyone has heard at one time or another. not going to warranty failed deck boards because you
However, in most cases that statement and others used the wrong brand screw, nail or fastener.
about voiding your warranty are false. While it is a fact
that not changing your oil at certain intervals will prob- Example:
ably limit any manufacturer responsibility to repair en-
gine damage, not changing your engine oil will not void Illegal Warranty Statements:
your vehicles paint warranty. Having your engine oil 1. “Installations using hidden fasteners not branded by
changed somewhere other than a dealer will not void XYZ company are not warranted.”
your engine warranty provided it is done correctly and
timely with the correct specification products. Not us- 2. “Use of hidden fasteners other than those branded or
ing Ford brand oil on your new Ford will not affect your approved by XYZ company are not covered by the XYZ
warranty. company warranty. For best results and full warranty
coverage, only use XYZ company branded fasteners or
At one time some manufacturers in an effort to guide fasteners approved on our website.”
maintenance business back to themselves were pro-
moting the idea that in order to maintain a warranty Most composite and pvc decking manufacturers have
you must use their products and services. In 1975 this their own brand of fasteners available. If those fasten-
practice was put to an end by the Federal Trade Com- ers suit your needs use them. You may want to use oth-
mission in the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. The Mag- er manufacturer’s fasteners because they are a better
nusson-Moss Warranty Act states that three things are fit for you due to:
prohibited in a warranty:

1. Implied warranties Price


2. Tie-in sales n Ease of use

3. Deceptive warranty terms. n Labor savings

n Type of material
n Tool compatibility
“Generally, tie-in sales provisions are not n Use the fastener you want that is appropriate
allowed. Such a provision would require for the board being used.
a purchaser of the warranted product to
buy an item or service from a particu- Don’t worry about the board warranty being affected.
The board manufacturer will warranty the board if
lar company to use with the warranted
there is a problem just as the fastener manufacturer
product in order to be eligible to receive will warranty the fastener.
a remedy under the warranty.”
- Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act Tiger Claw Stainless Steel Hidden Deck Fasteners are
warranted for 25 years.

Just as the Magnuson-Moss Act protects you from war-

ranty abuses by automobile manufacturers the law
protects you from abuses by any manufacturer provid-
ing a warranty. The manufacturer of your circular saw
cannot say they are not going to warranty your failed
saw because you used an Irwin saw blade. The manu-
facturer of your pneumatic nailer cannot say they will * Visit the Federal Trade Commision website ( for more infor-
not warranty your broken nailer because you conected mation on the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act
Page 6 The Tiger Roar December 15, 2010

Tiger Claw Quarter 3 Sales Meeting

By David Ondich (North East Regional Manager)
WHEN I WAS asked to write about Tiger Claw’s quarterly sales meetings I initially thought, what is there to write
about? I thought why can’t I write about something exciting like my annual vacation to the Outer Banks or about
one of my kids or grand kids? However, after some thought it came to me.

I started working for Tiger Claw in February of 2009

after being in the building supply industry for over 25
years. As you can imagine, I had been to quite a few
sales meetings in my career, but the sales meetings at
Tiger Claw were different. It’s difficult to explain all of
the differences, but every time Tiger Claw brings sales
together we experience something completely different
and learn something new.

Yes, we go over profits and losses, sales programs, trade

shows, and customer service like every other company
but at our sales meetings Tiger Claw always takes it
to the next level. One example is the hands on experi-
ence from co-owner Don Martel and extensive product
knowledge training on new and existing products. We
Hands on training with Don Martel (above)
are constantly finding new ways to be the best sales Lunch break at Director of Sales, Greg Hartmann’s house (below)
force in the industry.

Even before I started working for Tiger Claw I noticed

that there was something different about the company.
In my opinion, Tiger Claw was an industry leader (with
3 consecutive years of making the Inc. 5000 list of fast-
est growing companies in America) and I wanted to be
a part of it. At the time I had no idea what made Tiger
Claw such an extraodinary company, but I had my theo-

1. Maybe it’s because the Director of Sales, Greg Hart-

mann, has put together one of the most professional group of sales people I have ever worked with. Our sales
team now represents every region in the United States and Canda. We also have a specialist who works with Tiger
Claw’s international clients.

2. Maybe it’s Don Martel in the way he trains every employee who works for Tiger Claw. Making sure everyone is
well informed and everyone of us are now experts in the decking industry.

3. Maybe it’s the passion that every employee has in taking ownership of whatever they do. It is not uncommon for
anyone to step up and take new responsibilities.

4. Maybe it’s the way the President David Hartmann and the Vice President Dave Martel invite us all over to their
homes for a family home cooked meal during our stay in Bristol.

5. Or maybe it’s the fun bonding experiences we have when we all get together. At our last sales meeting, to cel-
ebrate our 10th year in business, the entire company enjoyed a day in the trees zip lining. I never thought I would
do that at a sales meeting. Now that’s not boring! My heart is still racing.
Page 7 The Tiger Roar December 15, 2010

Tiger Claw Company Outing

By Monica Machon (Marketing Programs Manager)
EVERY YEAR ALL Tiger Claw employees gather to cel-
ebrate Tiger Claw’s birthday and participate in some
fun team bonding.

This year Tiger Claw celebrated its 10th year in busi-

ness with a day in the trees at Empower Line and Can-
opy Tours.

A HUGE kudos goes out to our Order Management Spe-

cialist for conquering her fears and taking part of this
exciting adventure!

The tour included 5 exciting zip lines and 2 different

tree to tree obstacles. Overall it was a great day with
fun had by all.

Zip On!

Happy Birthday Greg Lane Sales Specialist Nov. 10th

to the following Tiger Claw employees! David Hartmann President Dec. 3rd

Order Management
Tangie Lewis Oct. 20th Brent Fournier Director
of Dec. 12th
Specialist Operations

Marketing Programs
Monica Machon Nov. 3rd Terrence Bacchus Warehouse Dec. 24th
Manager Manager

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