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G. C. HAHN & Co.

This information is
Specification confidential and for the company use only.

article no. 113540

Composition starch
Dosage 1% - 2%
Application stabiliser system for dips

General Description
Colour/Appearance cream coloured powder; slight variations may occur due to the used raw materials
Solubility hydrates completely in cold water
Standardisation standardised to provide a constant stabilising effect in finished products

Analytical Data
Criteria Method Limit
Moisture 2 h / 105 °C max 15 %
Ash ash content max 1 %
Fat fat content max 0,1 %
Protein Kjeldahl / factor 6.25 max 1 %
Calorific value calculated, kcal/100 g 361 - 399
Joule value calculated, kJ/100 g 1532 - 1674
Heavy metals meets the standards of EU and WHO/FAO for raw materials

Bacteriological Data
Criteria Method Limit
Total Viable Count PC-Agar, 30 °C, 72 h max 5000 cfu / g
Yeasts and moulds YGC-Agar, 25 °C, 4 days max 500 cfu / g
Enterobacteriaceae VRBD-Agar, 30 °C, 20-24 h max 10 cfu / g
Salmonella Paragr. 64 method L00.0020 negative in 25 g

Packaging/Storage- Transport Conditions

Storage life 12 months in the original unopened sacks under dry and cool conditions
Standard packaging multi-ply paper bags with a PE-liner;
net weight 25 kg, tare weight 0.30 kg

HAHN Stabiliser-Systems – Quality and Security according to ISO 9001:2008 and in reference to the
corresponding production site according to the current version: IFS (Lübeck, Ger) or BRC Global Food Standard
(Mold, UK)
Art. No. 113540 /GB Version 2 19. December 2007 1/2

Managing Director: Gianluca Brusoni


G. C. HAHN & Co.

This information is
Specification confidential and for the company use only.

article no. 113540

While the suggestions and data contained herein and in other written and oral communications to customers from us are based on information believed to be
accurate and reliable, G.C. HAHN & Co. make neither representations nor warranties of any kind, whether expressly or implied, with respect to either the
products or the information described above, other than that the products conform to their current specifications.
Because of the many different circumstances, applications and processing conditions of our customers, purchasers should determine for themselves whether
suggested formulations, labelling, example products or procedures are suitable for their own purposes and comply with the national food regulations of the
country where the product containing the system is to be produced and, in the case of products for export, also the food regulations of the country to which the
product is to be exported.
For this reason, G.C. HAHN & Co. also disclaims all liability for any loss or damage that may arise from reliance by any party on any such information provided
by us. The formulations, examples and usage recommendations as may be described herein or in other written or oral communications from us, should not be
construed as permission to violate any patent or as a warranty of noninfringement of any patent.

This information or parts of it are not to be given to third parties without our explicit consent in writing.

We would like to refer to the fact that the product's name should be considered as a working title which allows no conclusion with regard to the term under
which the product is launched on the market.

With exception in cases of intent or gross negligence we exclude any liabilities for (or in respect of) any direct or indirect damages.

Lübeck, 30. November 2016

The specification is valid with effect from the date of issue at the maximum 1 year unless receiving an updated version.

HAHN Stabiliser-Systems – Quality and Security according to ISO 9001:2008 and in reference to the
corresponding production site according to the current version: IFS (Lübeck, Ger) or BRC Global Food Standard
(Mold, UK)
Art. No. 113540 /GB Version 2 19. December 2007 2/2

Managing Director: Gianluca Brusoni

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