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IBM Global Technology Services

Change Management

Document Owner: Sebastian Blanco Manley/Costa Rica/IBM

Author: Sebastian Blanco Manley/Costa Rica/IBM

Document Revision Number: 3.2

Revision Date: 10-OCT-2018

Effective Date: 15-OCT-2018

Revision 3.2 Global Change Management Process
Effective Date: 15-OCT-2018

Table of Contents
1 Document Control ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Summary of Changes ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Document Approvers ................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Document Review Plans .......................................................................................................... 5
1.4 How to Find the Latest Revision of this Document................................................................... 6
1.5 Document Distribution and Notification .................................................................................... 6
2 Description & Client Value ................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Client Value .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.1 Performance / Quality ............................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Expertise and Innovation .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Adaptability & Flexibility ............................................................................................................ 8
2.2.4 Risk Management ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.5 Financial ................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Scope .................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Inclusions .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Exclusions ................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Multi-Provider Integration ....................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Environment and Audience .................................................................................................... 10
4 Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Customer Liaison .................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Change Analyst ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Change Manager .................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Integrated Service Manager ................................................................................................... 14
4.5 Change Assessor ................................................................................................................... 15
4.6 Change Advisory Board Member ........................................................................................... 15
4.7 Emergency Change Advisory Board Member ........................................................................ 16
4.8 Change Authority .................................................................................................................... 16
4.9 Separation of Duties Aggregate Matrix .................................................................................. 16
5 Workflow Diagram Notation ............................................................................................................. 17
6 Activity Workflow .............................................................................................................................. 18
6.1 Activity Workflow Diagram ...................................................................................................... 18
6.2 Activity Workflow Narrative ..................................................................................................... 18
7 Task Workflow for Review Request For Change (RFC) ................................................................ 20
7.1 Task Workflow Diagram ......................................................................................................... 20
7.2 Task Workflow Narrative ........................................................................................................ 20
8 Task Workflow for Document and Assess Change ....................................................................... 27
8.1 Task Workflow Diagram ......................................................................................................... 27
8.2 Task Workflow Narrative ........................................................................................................ 27
9 Task Workflow for Coordinate Change Build & Test..................................................................... 37
9.1 Task Workflow Diagram ......................................................................................................... 37
9.2 Task Workflow Narrative ........................................................................................................ 37
10 Task Workflow for Authorize Change .......................................................................................... 41
10.1 Task Workflow Diagram ......................................................................................................... 41
10.2 Task Workflow Narrative ........................................................................................................ 41
11 Task Workflow for Coordinate Change Deployment .................................................................. 51
11.1 Task Workflow Diagram ......................................................................................................... 51
11.2 Task Workflow Narrative ........................................................................................................ 51
12 Task Workflow for Review and Close Change ............................................................................ 54

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12.1 Task Workflow Diagram ......................................................................................................... 54

12.2 Task Workflow Narrative ........................................................................................................ 54
13 Task Workflow for Monitor, Track & Report Changes................................................................ 58
13.1 Task Workflow Diagram ......................................................................................................... 58
13.2 Task Workflow Narrative ........................................................................................................ 58
14 Task Workflow for Maintain Standard Change List .................................................................... 65
14.1 Task Workflow Diagram ......................................................................................................... 65
14.2 Task Workflow Narrative ........................................................................................................ 65
15 Service Provider Integration Data flow ........................................................................................ 68
15.1 Integration Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................... 68
15.1.1 Service Provider Process Focal ........................................................................................ 68
15.2 Integration Data Flow Diagram ............................................................................................... 68
15.3 Integration Data Flow Narrative .............................................................................................. 69
15.4 Integration Measurements ...................................................................................................... 72
16 Controls and Measurements ......................................................................................................... 74
16.1 Control Points ......................................................................................................................... 74
16.2 Measurements ........................................................................................................................ 75
16.2.1 Output Metrics ................................................................................................................... 76
16.2.2 KPIs ................................................................................................................................... 76
17 Process Interdependencies .......................................................................................................... 78
18 Standards & Policies...................................................................................................................... 81
18.1 Applicable Standards .............................................................................................................. 81
18.2 Policies ................................................................................................................................... 81
19 Artifacts and Deliverables ............................................................................................................. 83
20 Glossary .......................................................................................................................................... 84
End of Document ...................................................................................................................................... 89

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Revision 3.2 Global Change Management Process
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1 Document Control

1.1 Summary of Changes

Number Revision Date Author or Editor Nature of Change

2.0 2015-Aug-17 Jabe Hickey Initial pRAM Release Prior versions were stored in
2.01 2016-Mar-04 Brett Singletary Updated with recommendations from BCR

2.02 2016-Jun-13 Soumitro Chatterjee Updated measurements section with definitions

2.03 2017-Jan-12 Melissa Ortiz Updated adding the ISM Role to section 5, reviewed
by the Global Process Leader
2.04 2017-Jan-16 Bastian Lorek Flowcharts updated to reflect ISM role
3.0 2017-Apr-16 Melissa Ortiz Approved my Global SMEs and SIAM Project Lead
 Updated inputs and outputs structure and in-
Sebastian Blanco Man- cluded process interdependencies on activity
ley narratives, updated description and scope
based on request from IT Risk & Compliance
 Modified specific responsibilities to remove
duplicates within a same role
 Listed examples of functional roles for every
Change Management role
 Removed Change Administrator role and
moved responsibilities under Change Manager
 Updated format on activity workflows
 Updated wording on control point CHGCP1 to
mention Change Record Logging policy
Updated Environment and Audience to address audit
3.1 2017-Sep-18 Sebastian Blanco Man- Updated ITIL trademark attribute

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Number Revision Date Author or Editor Nature of Change

3.2 2018-Oct-10 Sebastian Blanco Man-  Updated 16.1 Control Points to include man-
ley datory metrics.
 Updated verbiage on 16.2 to clarify distinction
between mandatory and recommended met-
 Added a new section under Scope, 3.3 Multi-
Service Provider Integration and 15 Service
Provider Integration Data flow
 Removed the Integrated Service Manager role
from activities:
o 1.5 Reject RFC
o 2.2 Request Change Implementation
o 2.4 Schedule Change
 Included GTS Service Provider Integration
Policy on missing activities
 Updated text on section 3.3 Multi-Provider In-
 Updated table on 15.3 Integration Narrative to
show Criteria instead of When/Why
 Added section 15.1 Integration Roles and Re-
sponsibilities. Added Service Provider Process
Focal role

1.2 Document Approvers

Document approval is maintained in the repository and can be found at: https://w3-*

1.3 Document Review Plans

Necessary reviews and updates to this document are defined below:
 According to a regularly scheduled review cycle
 As required to correct or enhance information content

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1.4 How to Find the Latest Revision of this Docu-

The latest revision of this document may be obtained as follows:
 IT Service Provider Personnel:

1.5 Document Distribution and Notification

 Printed copies are for reference only and are not controlled.
 Obtain and use only the current, approved document.

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Revision 3.2 Global Change Management Process
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2 Description & Client Value

2.1 Summary

2.1.1 Overview
The purpose of the Change Management process is to achieve the controlled and successful introduction
of changes to an IT system or environment. Success is measured in function of the completeness of
change implementation, the adherence to the plan (in terms of time, effort, result), and the avoidance of
unplanned disruptions to the target system or environment. The process also ensures that the appropriate
details of Configuration Item changes are reflected in the Configuration Management System by the re-
sponsible process.
A Change is defined as the addition, modification or removal of any Configuration Item (CI). This typically
includes hardware, network devices, and virtual assets such as virtual servers or storage, system and
application software, environmental facilities and associated documentation.
This includes also logical changes to CI status, for example changing the CI status of a CI that already
has been physically installed (i.e. service activation).
A Request for Change (RFC), for which Change Request is an established synonym, is the means for
documenting a proposed change. RFC’s can be triggered for a wide variety of reasons, from a wide varie-
ty of sources. Reasons could be, but are not limited to:
 Addition of a new function (e.g. install application)
 Updating an existing function (e.g. new application version)
 Capacity increase (e.g. add disk space)
 Security update (e.g. implement security patch)
 Incident resolution (e.g. replace malfunctioning part)
 Problem resolution (e.g. change communication settings)
 Scheduled reboot of a server to resolve an incident
 Service activation and deactivation (decommissioning)
The actual change activity is documented by means of a Change Record. The Change Record refer-
ences the Configuration Items that are being modified by the change and is created once the RFC has
been reviewed and accepted by Change Management.
Depending on the situation, a reboot of a server requires change management control. If a change is re-
quired it must be determined when the incident resolution approach is made (Incident Management).
Global processes provide the primary requirements for execution teams. However, Client Management
must also source any customer specific contractual requirements that may require a process variation
(typically additional actions or requirements) or a process exception (if a global process control point can-
not be deployed) to be created.

2.1.2 Objectives
This section lists the Process Objectives, which are specific targets to be hit by the process. The objec-
tives of this process are listed below:
 Ensure Changes are introduced in a timely and controlled manner

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 Ensure proposed Changes are not approved nor introduced without an accurate assess-
ment of their costs, availability of service, risk, and other effects
 Minimize Incidents resulting from the introduction of Changes
 Improve Service quality
 Ensure appropriate balance is maintained between the business need to deploy innova-
tion and the need to maintain the stability of IT service

2.2 Client Value

This section covers key aspects of the value added by utilizing a robust Change Management process
throughout its entire lifecycle. These key aspects of the process provide reliability and business continuity
for the success of an organization. Some of these key aspects are defined by:

2.2.1 Performance / Quality

Client Value can be expressed in the following terms for Performance / Quality:
◦ Provide guidance to generate auditable evidence of Change Management activities
◦ Assign accountability to one single party that will be responsible for escalation and notification of
change records
◦ Create actions based on identified failed changes
◦ Notify all concerned parties involved
◦ Improve visibility of the process across the enterprise
▪ Define tasks and roles for each Change Management Activity

2.2.2 Expertise and Innovation


2.2.3 Adaptability & Flexibility

Client Value can be expressed in the following terms for Adaptability & Flexibility:
◦ Provide guidance to identify and apply different type of changes
◦ Provide guidance to deal with urgent changes and changes that can’t comply with lead times

2.2.4 Risk Management

Client Value can be expressed in the following terms for Risk Management:
◦ Improve classification of change risk by using technical and business assessment

2.2.5 Financial

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3 Scope
The scope of the process is defined by a series of activities and tasks outline within this document. They
cover the lifecycle of the Change Management process end-to-end.The process is triggered by a RFC
(Request for Change) that may be originated from other processes.
Additionally, the scope is also defined by the following inclusions and exclusions, and applies in the speci-
fied environment and has the intended audience as specified below:

3.1 Inclusions
 Planning, coordination and communications for Normal, Standard and Emergency
 Establishing customer-agreed recurring Change Windows and proposing one-time only
time-frames during which to deploy changes
 Maintaining the Forward Schedule of Change (FSC)
 Enforcement of standard methods, policies and procedures from submission of a Re-
quest for Change through Review & Close Change
 Establishing regular meetings and communication schedules to evaluate proposed
changes and schedules
 Coordination of the deployment of authorized changes
 Maintenance of open channels of communications to promote smooth transition when
changes take place
 Identifying and analyzing change failures
Visibility and communication of changes to both business and support staff
Global processes provide the primary guidance for execution teams. However, the Customer Security
Document (CSD) documents additional requirements and specific contractual obligations. It is important
that the CSD is checked to determine whether a process variation or exception is required.
Consult governing policy and/or customer requirements from Client Management for consideration of lo-
cal regulatory and customer specific requirements on privacy restrictions including, additional approval
requirements for access to sensitive personal information (SPI) and for obtaining required credentials,
such as certifications and/or security clearance, on-boarding restrictions, access restrictions, etc.

3.2 Exclusions
 Creating and recording Requests for Change (originating process)
 Verifying requestor's entitlement to request changes and whether request is in scope of
contract/budget (Request Fulfillment)
 Costing/Billing for new services (Request For Service process)
 Requirements Management (Request For Service process)
 Creation of new or revised functionality (Request For Service process)
 User ID changes and administration (Logical Identity and Access Management)

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 Building the packaging for the delivery of new or revised functionality (Release Manage-
 Technical implementation, such as preparation, installation, distribution and remedia-
tion/back out if necessary (Deployment Management)
 Updating CI data (Configuration Management)
 Updating asset data (Asset Management)
 Performing Root-Cause-Analysis for failed changes and tracking actions against recur-
rence (Problem Management)

3.3 Multi-Provider Integration

In a multi-provider environment, the need for clearly defined process interfaces is critically important. In a
GTS-led contract, whenever other IBM services are delivered alongside Infrastructure Services managed
services, the interfaces or ‘touch-points’ between the GTS process and the Service Provider (SP) process
must be described in the Integration Data Flow section of this document.
In a multi-provider environment for the management of changes:
 Service Providers initiated changes are reviewed for acceptance / rejection
 Change schedule information is exchanged between the Service Provider and GTS
 Service Providers are informed on the authorization of their changes or changes with tasks as-
signed to them
 Service Providers changes requiring attention are analyzed for potential actions
The Process Integration Manual document provides additional details to support process in-
tegration with IBM Service Providers. The Process Integration Manual for this process is
published in pRAM as a supporting document to the process / service flow.

3.4 Environment and Audience

 GTS IS Accounts across all Geos
 Geo / Market process leads, Account Management team, Delivery Teams, Transition &
Transformation teams

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4 Roles and Responsibilities

The roles involved in this process, and the responsibilities associated with those roles, are listed in the
following sections:

 Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, those listed for each role
 Roles are meant as logical groupings of tasks. They are not intended to match any particular
organizational structures or formal functional roles
 Several roles may be performed by the same individual
 A role may be split up among several individuals

4.1 Customer Liaison

The Customer Liaison serves as the primary liaison between the customer (not the user) and the IT or-
ganization and promotes interaction between the two. This role helps the customer identify the most ap-
propriate point of contact within the IT organization and helps clarify communication between the two par-
This role may be performed by multiple functional roles, for example:
 Delivery Process Executive (DPE)
 Service Integration Leader (SIL)
 Business Program Manager – Service Management Process Integration
 Service Coordinator – Change Management

Specific responsibilities in the Change and Release Management processes include:

 Coordinating and communicating change/release related aspects between the IT organi-
zation and the customer
 Negotiating end-user down time and change/release scheduling/rescheduling with cus-
 Attending the CAB meetings in order to review and advise on changes/releases of certain
change risk

4.2 Change Analyst

The Change Analyst is the individual within a support group that accepts responsibility to coordinate a
given change from taking ownership through closure. This includes coordination across support groups. It
may include coordinating multiple related changes when a change undertaking requires multiple change
This role may be performed by multiple functional roles, for example:
 Network Service Specialist
 Technical Operations Analyst
 Infrastructure Specialist
 Application Database Administrator

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Specific responsibilities include:

 Working with other stakeholders to ensure that the tasks are resolved/completed effec-
 Creating or updating records to show that activities have been carried out per process
 Receiving, reviewing and analyzing assignments to perform process activities and mak-
ing sure they are resolved/completed as required by the process
 Engaging appropriate analysts/specialists as needed to complete assigned activities
 Initiating escalations related to assigned activities
 Evaluating effectiveness of completed assignments
 Accepting/rejecting Requests for Change from the queue of RFCs of their own support
group and requesting complementary information from the Requestor, as required
 Notifying Requestor in case of a rejected Request for Change
 Documenting a Change Record with all required information based on the accepted Re-
quest for Change
 Performing initial assessment of priority, impact to IT services, failure probability and
change risk
 Working with the Release/Deployment Managers to obtain a suitable Change/Release
deployment schedule and confirmation of support group resource availability
 Notifying the Change Manager and the Customer Liaison, and ISM where required, in
case of detected scheduling conflicts
 Determining the need for technical and business change assessments and providing
business and/or technical information as required
 Reviewing assessment results and making updates to the Change Record details if
 Assigning the right Change Assessors and Change Authority to a change and obtaining
 Participating in CAB meetings to represent proposed changes
 Monitoring and reviewing activities of teams and functions that build, test and deploy the
change to ensure that the work is carried out correctly and in a timely manner
 Conducting Post-Implementation Review with relevant roles/functions, including the Re-
questor for customer concurrence
 Ensuring that Deployment Management roles correctly document deployment results in-
cluding any required incident documentation
 Ensuring correct documentation of change validation and change outcome (successful
vs. failed)
 Closing change records
 Notifying the Change Manager in case of unsuccessful or unauthorized changes or the
ISM for multi service delivery environment
 Recording a new Request for Change as needed if follow-up work is required after the re-
lease/change deployment (if not already done by Deployment Management)
 The Change Analyst may act as the Deployment Specialist, deploying or implementing
the change

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 The Change Analyst is accountable and has the responsibility for documenting, updating
and completing a Change from assignment to re-assignment/closure
 The Change Analyst is accountable and responsible to invoke other processes (i.e. de-
ployment management) and engage other Change Analysts/support groups to perform
parallel activities, as required
 The accountability for the coordination of the change activities between multiple Change
Analyst/support groups is that of the Change Analyst

4.3 Change Manager

The Change Manager ensures that the Change Management process is executed and is accountable for
day-to-day management and the integrity of the process. He/she is the main coordinator within this pro-
cess and is the focal point regarding changes for the IT organization.
This role may be performed by multiple functional roles, for example:
 Service Coordinator – Change Management

 Business Programs Manager: Change Management

Specific responsibilities include:

 Acting as focal point for process execution to the IT organization and other stakeholders
 Building upon the defined Process Framework to provide process lifecycle management
 Performing/coordinating day to day process management
 Providing input for process improvement and facilitating process improvement implemen-
tation as applicable
 Identifying and submitting process exceptions and deviations for review and approval
 Being accountable for creation and maintenance of process/procedure documentation
required for approved variation and deviation of standard processes/procedures and ad-
ditional procedures, as needed
 Ensuring that the standard procedures are communicated to practitioners
 Utilizing the appropriate reporting management system to provide process performance
reports, trending, and analysis
 Following defined escalation path when needed, as defined in the escalation policy
 Monitoring and tracking process execution activities to identify, initiate and manage re-
quired action to meet service level agreements
 Taking appropriate action in case of negative process performance trends
 Owning, maintaining and publishing the authorized Forward Schedule of Change and
Projected Service Outage - as applicable (PSO)
 Identifying requests for change or changes that have not been acted upon in a timely
manner and taking appropriate action
 Taking corrective action or escalating in case of issues with the interfaced processes, Re-
lease Management and Deployment Management when the performance of the Change
Management process is impacted or related SLAs are at risk

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 Preparing list of successful and failed changes closed for review at CAB meeting
 Preparing the CAB meeting, including inviting of participants, creating of agenda, creation
and circulation of Forward Schedule of Change and Projected Service Outage (PSO) - as
 Chairing the Change Advisory Board (CAB) and Emergency Change Advisory Board
(ECAB) meetings
 Ensuring all applicable changes on the Forward Schedule of Change are reviewed
 Ensuring that authorized changes are communicated in a timely manner
 Owning and maintaining the Standard Changes List
 Generating process-related reports and communicating them to subscribed stakeholders
 Assisting in overseeing current status of change records and tracking progress
 Assisting in notifying stakeholders when action from them is needed and tracking action
 Assisting in applying escalation procedures when action item status requires it

4.4 Integrated Service Manager

In the Multi Service Delivery Structure, the Integrated Service Manager may also act as a requester on
behalf of other service providers.
This role may be performed by multiple functional roles, for example:
 Business Program Manager – Service Management Process Integration

Specific responsibilities include:

 Overseeing the execution of multi service provider changes
 Communicating to other service providers any compliance issues and risks based on the
agreed Change Management Procedure and policies
 Participating in CAB Meetings to review and assess High Risk, Major and Critical category
 Participating in ECAB Meetings to review and assess multi-service provider emergency
 Escalating any issues that arise from a multi-service provider environment to Change Man-
ager and Change Analyst as required
 Responding and managing issues escalated by other process managers
 Assisting resolution of conflicts in the FSC, while negotiating adjustments across multi-
service providers
 Assessing and Approving multi service provider major and critical changes
 Providing input to Change Manager for assignment/reassignment for multi-service provider

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4.5 Change Assessor

The Change Assessor role performs technical and business change assessments from the viewpoint of
an area of expertise. There may be multiple Change Assessors assessing a single change.
This role may be performed by multiple functional roles, for example:
 Network Service Specialist
 Technical Operations Analyst
 Infrastructure Specialist
 Application Database Administrator
 Delivery Process Executive (DPE)
 Service Integration Leader (SIL)
 Business Program Manager – Service Management Process Integration

Specific responsibilities include:

 Performing business assessment of changes of certain change risk level regarding im-
pact and risk to the business environment of the customer(s)
 Performing technical change assessment regarding impact and risk to the IT services
provided to the customer(s)
 Reviewing all elements of the Change Plan
 Verifying that the implementation schedule and the Projected Service Outage (PSO) is
acceptable to the affected support groups/functions/customers
 Verifying that the implementation schedule is not in conflict with schedule constraints
(e.g. change freeze periods, other change activities)
 Providing timely documentation of their position by formally signing-off a proposed
change or by communicating their reason for not signing-off to the coordinating Change

4.6 Change Advisory Board Member

A Change Advisory Board (CAB) is a body that assists in the prioritization, assessment and schedul-
ing of some of the proposed Normal Changes and that advises the Change Authority whether those
changes should be authorized. In addition, the CAB may review the list of failed changes and may
request raising a Problem to obtain RCA about frequent or repeating change failures (if not already
done by Incident Management).
The CAB Member has the same duties as the Change Assessor role, except that it does not have to
formally sign-off a change, only to make a recommendation. The CAB Member may also be required
to review the list of failed changes.
If urgency does not allow for a proposed change to be reviewed at the regular Change Advisory
Board meeting, the members of the CAB can alternatively be invoked as Change Assessors.

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4.7 Emergency Change Advisory Board Member

An Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB) is a body that assists in the assessment and scheduling
of Emergency Changes and that advises the Change Authority whether those changes should be author-
The ECAB Member has the same duties as the Change Assessor role, except that it does not have to
formally sign-off a change, only to make a recommendation.
The ECAB is an optional body, ECAB Member an optional role.

4.8 Change Authority

The Change Authority has the power to make the final decision whether a change is authorized or reject-
ed for implementation. The Change Authority may consist of an individual, a manager, an executive, or a
team of people. The appropriate Change Authority will be dependent upon the type, risk and organiza-
tional scope of a proposed change.
This role may be performed by multiple functional roles, for example:
 Service Coordinator – Change Management
 Business Program Manager – Service Management Process Integration

Specific responsibilities include:

 Weighting the opinions and positions of the Change Assessors and the Change Advisory
 Reviewing technical and business assessment results
 Reviewing impact and risk to the IT services delivered to the customer and to the cus-
tomer’s business environment
 Reviewing results of change/release tests
 Ensuring that the implementation schedule and the Projected Service Outage (PSO) has
been accepted by the customer(s)
 Reviewing that all relevant concerns or issues have been handled or mitigated
 Making a timely decision whether a proposed change is authorized or rejected, recording that
decision and communicating it to relevant roles

4.9 Separation of Duties Aggregate Matrix

Use this link to access the centralized SOD (Separation of Duties) Matrix for this process:*

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5 Workflow Diagram Notation

The following workflow diagram notation represents the main standards, as defined by Business Process
Model and Notation (BPMN), for use creating and interpreting workflow diagrams in this document.

Activities (Tasks, Steps) Events (Start, End, Connectors)

Notates the start of a workflow

Notates activities
and tasks
Notates intermediate events
including on-page references

Activity with Notates an activity with Notates the end of a workflow

Task Flow associated task flow
Notates a call FROM an off-page
Notates an activity or workflow which does not return
Activity with task with an associated Notates a call TO an off-page
Business Rule business rule – KPI, workflow which does not return
control point, or policy
Notates a call to an
external workflow, which Sequence
Call Activity
executes, then returns Lines
and continues to the
next activity Notate the execution
order of activities

Gateway (Decision Box)

Splits the flow and Swimlane

follows only one of
two or three paths Notates responsibility

for activities and tasks

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6 Activity Workflow
Processes are described at two (2) levels; a) Activity, and b) Task. The Activity Workflow diagram and
associated narrative are an articulation of the overall (end-to-end) process. Each activity in the Activity
Workflow decomposes into a Task Workflow. A Task Workflow is an articulation of the overall (end-to-
end) work performed for the associated Activity. Process Activities and Tasks are focused on the “What”
is done level of description. The “How” level of description is not appropriate for processes, and is the
main focus of procedures.

6.1 Activity Workflow Diagram

The Activity Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of the end-to-end process. It should articulate a
clear architecture of the main functions of the Process which will be the framework for driving the task
flow process decomposition chapter(s) that follows this chapter.
Change Management Top Level Diagram

2.0 Document 5.0 Coordinate

3.0 Coordinate 4.0 Authorize 6.0 Review &
Start 1.0 Review RFC and Assess Change
& Buid Test Change Close Change
Change Management

Change Deployment

7.0 Monitor, 8.0 Maintain

Track & Report Standard End
Changes Change List

6.2 Activity Workflow Narrative

The Activity Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Activity Workflow Diagram, is a textual articula-
tion of the end-to-end process.

ID Description

1.0 Review RFC (Request For Change)

RFCs originate from multiple processes, such as Request Fulfillment, Incident Management, Prob-
lem Management, Configuration Management, Availability Management, Request for Services
(RFS) and others.
RFCs for new services or those outside standard maintenance are received from the Request Ful-
fillment process or RFS process which has verified entitlement, determined new/adjusted scope
and completed financial assessment prior to submitting to Change Management process.
2.0 Document and Assess Change
This activity describes the steps related to creating the change plan, scheduling, assigning asses-
sors and authority, gathering technical and business impact assessments.

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ID Description

3.0 Coordinate a Change Build & Test

This activity describes the steps related to coordinating the change build and test steps and ad-
vancing for authorization.
4.0 Authorize Change
This activity describes the steps related to the review and final decision to authorize or reject nor-
mal and emergency changes.
5.0 Coordinate Change Deployment
This activity describes the steps related to monitoring and coordinating the change deployment of a
normal, standard or emergency change.
6.0 Review & Close Change
The activity describes the steps related to the review and closure activities for an attempted or de-
ployed change.
7.0 Monitor, Track and Report Changes
This activity is run in parallel with 1.0 – 6.0 to monitor the change management process for overall
forward progress, identifying changes requiring action, recording and performing action(s) and then
notification of action(s) as needed.
8.0 Maintain Standard Change List
This activity describes the steps required to revalidate and update the Standard Changes List, e.g.
update, addition or removal.

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7 Task Workflow for Review Request For

Change (RFC)

7.1 Task Workflow Diagram

The Task Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Review Request for Change (RFC)

1.3 Obtain
Yes Additional

1.1 Receive 1.7 Create Change

1.6 Determine
Start Request for No Yes Record
Change Type
Change Analyst

1.2 Additional Info 1.4 RFC Acceptable?



CHG 2.0

1.5 Reject RFC

Originating Process

7.2 Task Workflow Narrative

The Task Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Task Workflow Diagram, is a textual articulation of
an end-to-end Activity of the process.
Role ID Description

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Role ID Description

Change 1.1 Receive Request For Change

Analyst Monitor for and receive incoming RFC
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification of new RFC

a) Process Interdependencies
 Third Party Supplier
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Accountability Policy
 Policy – GTS Service Provider Integration

Controls & Measurements

Change 1.2 Additional Info Needed?
Analyst Determine if additional information is needed to continue processing the RFC.
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 1.3 Obtain Additional Information
 If No, proceed to CHG 1.4 RFC Acceptable?

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy – Request for Change Details

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

1.3 Obtain Additional Information

Obtain information needed to continue processing the RFC and update the RFC.
This could involve either sending the request back to the Requestor for more in-
formation or by requesting the information directly. If the Requestor fails to pro-
vide the required information, the RFC will be rejected.
a) Process Interdependencies
 Request Fulfillment
 Incident Management
 Problem Management
 Availability Management
 Configuration Management
 Request for Service (RFS)
b) Operative & Informative Information
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information


Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

1.4 RFC Acceptable?

Determine if the RFC is acceptable.
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 1.6 Determine Change Type
 If No, proceed to CHG 1.5 Reject RFC
Note: The change is rejected because it falls outside of acceptable policy. This
may be for a number of reasons, including:
 The change is unreasonable or impractical
 The requested change is already under consideration
 The record for an emergency change type is only created at this stage if time
permits. Else, the emergency change record can be created and processed
after the change implementation. At least basic non-electronic records are to
be made during emergency change activities in order to record the change
 As required per the change notification policy, notify stakeholders (e.g. if
emergency change, urgent normal change, etc.).
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Submitted Request for Change (RFC)

a) Process Interdependencies
 Release Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Standard Change Record
 Normal Change Record
 Emergency Change

 Policy - Change Record Logging
 Policy - Change Notification
 Policy - Change Type
 Policy - Standard Change
 Policy - Change Risk and Lead Time

Controls & Measurements

 Control Points - (CHGCP1) Ensuring Changes are Recorded

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Role ID Description

Change 1.5 Reject RFC

Analyst Reject the proposed change and notify the originating process about the rejec-
tion. Provide all data and information about why the change was rejected.
Information should be provided concerning how to appeal the rejection.
When an escalation is in place or a record of interest exists in the multi-service
provider environment, the Integrated Service Manager will be responsible to notify
the rejection to the appropriate parties.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Rejected RFC

 Policy - GTS Service Provider Integration Policy

Controls & Measurements


Proceed to Originating Process

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Role ID Description

Change 1.6 Determine Change Type

Analyst Determine the Change Type.
Refer to the Change Type Policy and ensure the correct change type is used.
There are three types of change.
 Standard
 Normal
 Emergency

For Emergency change: process controls are not sacrificed. The process model
for this change type is optimized to be fast enough and yet ensure the appropriate
extent of activities.


a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy – Change Type

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 1.7 Create Change Record

Analyst Create a Change Record (CR) from the RFC. Ensure that any originating RFC
record is linked with the Change Record (e.g. Service Request, Incident, Problem
records, etc.).
For an emergency change or an urgent normal change, record the valid justifica-
tion per change type policy.
Proceed to CHG 2.0 Document and Assess Change
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
 Incident Management
 Problem Management
 Request Fulfillment
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Record Logging

Controls & Measurements

 Control Point - CHGCP1

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8 Task Workflow for Document and Assess


8.1 Task Workflow Diagram

The Task Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Document and Assess Change

Management CHG 5.0

Deploy Standard
2.1 Perform Management
Preliminary 2.4 Schedule 2.7 Engage
Change Analyst

Start Normal No
Assessment & Change Customer Liason
Create Change Plan
2.3 Which 2.5 Change 2.6 Meets
Process to CHG 3.0
Type? Customer Data?
provide Emergency Yes
2.9 Assign Change 2.12 Receive &
2.10 Submit CR for
Assessor & Document
Authority Assessment
2.13 Proceed
Based on

2.11 Perform


2.8 Obtain
Agreement on

2.2 Request Change

Change Analyst

from CHG 2.7

from CHG 4.10

8.2 Task Workflow Narrative

The Task Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Task Workflow Diagram, is a textual articulation of
an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Role ID Description

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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 2.1 Perform Preliminary Assessment & Create Change Plan
lyst Based on the information provided in the RFC, confirm the urgency of the
change. Assess the impact and failure probability of the change and assign the
change risk from it. Update the priority of the change, which is comprised of im-
pact and urgency. Change type, change risk and change priority define the spe-
cific process model to be followed, which affects the route through the process
and the level of detail the process activities are performed. Therefore, each sub-
sequent assessment will review the impact, failure probability and priority.
Create and record the Change Plan. Seek collaboration from other roles as
needed. The Change Plan is key information to be reviewed by the various
Change Assessor stakeholders during assessment.
Record any target change delivery window (due date) if specified by the Reques-
Based on the Change Plan, create change implementation tasks for the change
and assign them to the appropriate support groups.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Standard CR
 Normal CR
 Emergency change

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Standard Change
 Policy - Change Priority
 Policy - Change Risk and Lead Time
 Policy - Change Window
 Policy - Change Plan
 Policy - Change Type

Controls & Measurements

 Control Point - (CHGCP2) Change Prioritization (Impact and Urgency factors)
 Control Point - (CHGCP3) Change Risk Categorization (impact and failure
probability factors)

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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 2.2 Request Change Implementation Window

lyst Request a suitable change implementation window from the change stake-
holders and deployment specialist (implementer), avoiding conflicts with al-
ready scheduled changes or schedule constraints as indicated on the For-
ward Schedule of Change.
If a change needs to be packaged into a release or if it represents a release in-
voke the Release Management process for schedule coordination (release cal-
Agree on a realistic change implementation window with the Deployment Special-
ist (implementer) – and the Release Manager as appropriate – and request their
formal confirmation and resource commitment. Include the needed change infor-
mation in the request.
In the multi-service provider environment, additional steps may be taken by the
Integrated Service Manager to request information regarding the change imple-
mentation window.
Emergency Changes do not require formal interaction or commitment from the
Deployment Specialist (implementer). However, they are consciously scheduled
in direct coordination with the implementing support group(s) working the underly-
ing incident.
Note: This activity is also an entry point for a reschedule.
Rescheduling notification may be received from one of the following:
 Assess & Evaluate Change sub-process due to assessment feedback
 Deployment Management due to scheduling conflicts
 Coordinate Change Build and Test sub-process due to extended test cycle
 Authorize Change sub-process due to reschedule decision from authorization
a) Process Interdependencies
 Deployment Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification of need to reschedule
 Forward schedule of Change (FSC)
a) Process Interdependencies
 Deployment Management
 Release Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Request to Deployment Specialist (Implementer)
 Request to Release Manager (Optional)
 Policy - Change Notification
 Policy - Change Window
 Policy - Change Schedule Conflicts/Rescheduling
 Policy - Change Schedule Constraints Notification Policy
 Policy - GTS Service Provider Integration Policy

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 2.3 Which Process to Provide Window?

Analyst Release or Deployment Management provide change implementation windows
for Change Management
If Release Management, proceed to the Plan Deployment Program Activity in the
Release Management Process
If Deployment Management, proceed to the Plan Deployment Program Activity in
the Deployment Management Process.
Note: The Release and Deployment processes communicate with each other and
with Change Management in parallel to reach consensus on a viable change im-
plementation window.
Change 2.4 Schedule Change
Analyst Update the change record with the agreed change implementation window. Also
update the change implementation tasks assigned to the support group(s) with
the committed scheduling information.
Standard changes should be updated by this task to indicate that they are pre-
authorized without having to go through assessment and authorization.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Commitment to time and resources for change implementation
a) Process Interdependencies
 Deployment Management
 Release Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Scheduled Change

 Policy – Change Type
 Policy – Change Risk and Lead Time
 Policy – Change Window
 Policy – Change Schedule Conflicts/Rescheduling
 Policy – Change Escalation
 Policy – Change Schedule Constraints Notification
 Policy – GTS Service Provider Integration

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 2.5 Change Type?

Analyst Proceed based upon the change type.
▪ If Emergency Change is required, proceed to 2.9 Assign Change Asses-
sor(s) & Authority
▪ If Standard Change is required, proceed to CHG 5.0 Coordinate Change
Deployment sub-process
▪ If it is a Normal change, proceed to 2. 6 Meets Customer Date?
Change 2.6 Meets Customer Date?
Analyst Determine if the scheduled implementation date meets the Customer expected
due date, if any was indicated in the RFC.
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 2.9 Assign Change Assessor(s) & Authority
 If No, proceed to CHG 2.7 Engage Customer Liaison

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Window
 Policy - Change Schedule Constraints Notification

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 2.7 Engage Customer Liaison

lyst Change Analyst engages the Customer Liaison requesting their assistance in
communicating and resolving schedule issues with the Customer and respective
Release and/or Deployment Specialist (implementer)
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
 Deployment Management
 Release Management
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Notification
 Policy - Change Escalation
 Policy - Change Schedule Constraints Notification

Controls & Measurements

Customer Li- 2.8 Obtain Agreement on Schedule
aison Customer Liaison will facilitate resolution of scheduling issues amongst the re-
quired stakeholders. Note that certain tasks within Assess and Evaluate sub-
process are executed again to obtain an agreeable schedule.
Proceed to CHG 2.4 Schedule Change
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Commitment to time and resources for change implementation


Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 2.9 Assign Change Assessor(s) & Authority

lyst Assign appropriate Change Assessors and Change Authority.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Updated CR

 Policy – Change Assessment
 Policy Change Authorization

Controls & Measurements

Change 2.10 Submit CR for Assessment
Analyst Submit the CR for assessment(s)
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Escalation

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 2.11 Perform Change Assessment(s)

Assessor The change is reviewed and assessed from both a technical and business impact
perspective. The assessment results are recorded – either the change is signed-
off or any concerns/issues are raised. The results are communicated to the
Change Analyst.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification to Perform Assessment
 Change Record
 CMDB Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification of Completed Assessment
 CR Updated with Assessment Results

 Policy – Change Assessment

Controls & Measurements

 Control Point – (CHGCP3) Change Risk Categorization (Impact and failure
probability factors)

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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 2.12 Receive and Document Assessment Results

lyst Receive all assessment results and review them for any concerns/issues. As re-
quired, work to answer concerns and resolve issues. As needed, update the
Change Plan. Highlight remaining issues that might be important for the change
authorization/rejection decision.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification of Completed Assessments

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Updated Normal CR

 Policy - Change Assessment
 Policy - Change Escalation
 Policy – GTS Service Provider Integration

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 2.13 Proceed Based on Assessments

lyst Determine next step based on the assessment results and any corresponding
Change Plan updates.
 If there are no open issues, proceed to CHG 3.0 Coordinate Change Build
and Test
 If rescheduling is required, return to 2.2 Request Change Implementation
 If re-assessment is required, return to 2.11 Perform Change Assessment(s)

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Schedule Conflicts/Rescheduling
 Policy - Change Assessment
 Policy - Change Authorization

Controls & Measurements


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9 Task Workflow for Coordinate Change Build &


9.1 Task Workflow Diagram

The Task Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of an end-to-end Activity of the process.
Coordinate Change Build & Test

3.3 Engage Release

3.1 Coordinate 3.5 Submit for
Start Yes Mgmt & Monitor
Change Build & Test Authorization
3.2 Part of a Release?
CHG 4.0
Change Analyst

No Yes
3.4 Test Successful &
on Scheduled?


CHG 2.2

9.2 Task Workflow Narrative

The Task Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Task Workflow Diagram, is a textual articulation of
an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Role ID Description

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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 3.1 Coordinate Change Build and Test

lyst Coordinate and oversee any needed activities for the change build and testing to
ensure that those are performed in a timely manner, in line with the planned
The extent of build and test activity may vary greatly, depending on the nature of
the change.
The actual activities of change build and testing will not necessarily be performed
by the Change Analyst. They may be the responsibility of other functions or roles.
The Change Analyst is responsible to ensure that work is assigned as appropri-
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change Record

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Normal CR (tested)
 Emergency Change (tested)

 Policy – Change Testing
 Policy – Change Escalation

Controls & Measurements

3.2 Part of a Release?
Determine if the change is part of a Release.
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 3.3 Engage Release Management and Monitor
 If No, proceed to CHG 3.4 Test Successful & on Schedule?

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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 3.3 Engage Release Management and Monitor Progress

lyst Pass the change to the Release Management process for inclusion in a release
Monitor release build, test and verification to ensure that release change is pro-
gressing in a timely manner.
This is the Design & Build Release and the Test and Verify Release sub-
processes of Release Management.
After completion of the Test and Verify Release sub-process, Release Manage-
ment notifies Change Analyst of release build and test completion status. This
includes whether the release package test was successful or cannot be provided
within the needed timeframe.
Receive status notification from Release Management of completed release build
and test activity.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change associated with a Release

a) Process Interdependencies:
 Release Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification of release test completion status
 Change incorporated into release package(built & tested)

 Policy – Change Notification

Controls & Measurements

3.4 Test Successful & on Schedule?
Based on the result of the individual change test, the release test completion sta-
tus and time, determine if testing was successful and there have been no impacts
to the deployment schedule due to iterative build and test cycles.
A Yes implies a “GO” decision and the change is advanced. A No determination
implies a “NO GO” decision and routes the change back to be rescheduled and
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 3.5 Submit for Authorization
 If No proceed to CHG 2.2 Request Change Implementation Window

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Role ID Description

Change Ana- 3.5 Submit for Authorization

lyst Advance the change and submit a request for authorization to the Change Au-
thority. In case of Emergency change, notify the Change Manager or delegate if
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Request for Authorization to Change Authority
 Notification to Change Manager or delegate if required (if Emergency

 Policy - Change Risk and Lead Time
 Policy - Change Authorization
 Policy - Change Advisory Board Meetings
 Policy - Change Notification Policy

Controls & Measurements


Proceed to CHG 4.0 Authorize Change

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10 Task Workflow for Authorize Change

10.1 Task Workflow Diagram

The Task Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of an end-to-end Activity of the process.
Authorize Change

Start No No
Change Manager

4.1 Emergency
Change? 4.4 CAB Review
Yes Yes

4.2 Invoke 4.7 Chair Change

4.5 Produce Forward 4.6 Prepare for CAB
Emergency CAB as Advisory Board
Schedule of Changes Meeting
needed Meeting

4.9 Authorize or 4.13 Wait for all

Reject Change Chgs in Release
CHGCP4 Authorized

Change Authority

Yes No

4.11 Part of a Release? CHG 5.0

4.10 Change
Change Advisory
Board Member

4.8 Review and No

Advise on Changes
E-CAB Board

4.3 Review and

Advise on Change

4.15 Cancel Change

No & Notify
4.12 Reschedule
Change Analyst




4.14 Notify
Stakeholders of
CHG 2.2

10.2 Task Workflow Narrative

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Revision 3.2 Global Change Management Process
Effective Date: 15-OCT-2018

The Task Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Task Workflow Diagram, is a textual articulation of
an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Role ID Description

Change 4.1 Emergency Change?

Manager Is the change type emergency?
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 4.2 Invoke Emergency CAB as Needed
 If No, proceed to CHG 4.4 CAB Review Required?
4.2 Invoke Emergency CAB as Needed
Make arrangements for the emergency CAB to meet. Notify all participants and
make all necessary preparations for the meeting to take place efficiently.
Note: If emergency CAB does not exist or is not needed as per policy, then pro-
ceed to CHG 4.9 Authorize or Reject Change.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification from Change Analyst

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Advisory Board Meetings

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

ECAB Board 4.3 Review and Advise on Changes

Member Follow emergency CAB agenda and structure in reviewing of emergency change
and advice on authorization.
Proceed to CHG 4.9 Authorize or Reject Change

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Advisory Board Meetings

Controls & Measurements

Change 4.4 CAB Review Required?
Manager ▪ If Yes, proceed to CHG 4.5 Produce Forward Schedule of Changes
▪ If No, proceed to CHG 4.9 Authorize or Reject Change

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Role ID Description

4.5 Produce Forward Schedule of Changes

Prior to scheduled CAB meetings, produce a Forward Schedule of Change. En-
sure all planned changes that are submitted for authorization are on the FSC.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 New Scheduled Change
 Change Records
 Availability Plan / SLAs

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 FSC (Forward Schedule of Changes)

 Policy – Change Schedule Conflicts/Rescheduling
 Policy – Change Advisory Board Meetings

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 4.6 Prepare for CAB meeting

Manager Make arrangements for the CAB to meet. Notify all participants and make all nec-
essary preparations for the meeting/call to take place efficiently.
Compile list of Failed changes since the last CAB meeting. Failed changes are
reviewed on the CAB.
Note: Depending on local needs and organization, the CAB meeting might also
be split into several meetings/calls.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 FSC (Forward Schedule of Changes)

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 CAB Agenda & Information
 Notification to Invitees
 Failed change list

 Policy – Change Escalation

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

4.7 Chair Change Advisory Board Meeting

Chair and facilitate CAB meeting/call adhering to the CAB guidelines.
Proceed to CHG 4.8 Review and Advise on Changes
Note: Account may host one CAB meeting or separate CAB meetings.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Scheduled CABCAB Agenda & Information
 Failed Change list

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Advisory Board Meetings

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change Advi- 4.8 Review and Advise on Changes

sory Board The Change Advisory Board (CAB) body assists in the assessment, prioritization
Member and scheduling of some of the proposed normal changes and advises the
Change Authority whether those changes should be authorized.
The Change Advisory Board (CAB) body may review failed changes that were
closed since the last CAB meeting.
Changes that failed with unexpected negative business impact may be reviewed,
which includes review of any provided Root Cause Analysis from Problem Man-
agement, which has been initiated through Incident Management. The CAB may
recommend additional preventive actions to Problem Management.
Changes that failed without unexpected negative business impact may be re-
viewed to determine if a RCA request to Problem Management is warranted. If
yes, the CAB recommends raising a failed change RCA request to Problem Man-
agement. The Change Manager will route such request on behalf of the CAB.
a) Process Interdependencies
 Incident Management
 Problem Management
b) Operative & Informative Information

a) Process Interdependencies
 Problem Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 CAB Statement of Advice
 Optional: Failed Change RCA Requests to Problem Management
 Optional: Action Item Recommendations to Problem Management

 Policy – Change Advisory Board Meetings

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 4.9 Authorize or Reject Change

Authority The Change Authority performs the final decision whether a change is authorized
or rejected for implementation and ensures the Change Analyst is informed. If
rejected, it determines if it is to be cancelled or rescheduled.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Request for Authorization to Change Authority
 Change Record

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 CR (Authorized, Rejected or Cancelled)
 Notification to Change Analyst
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy – Change Authorization
 Policy – Change Separation of Duties
 Policy – GTS Service Provider Integration

Controls & Measurements

 Control Point – (CHGCP4) Appropriate Change Authorization
4.10 Change Authorized?
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 4.11 Part of a Release?
 If No, proceed to CHG 4.12 Reschedule Required?
4.11 Part of a Release?
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 4.13 Wait for all Changes in Release Authorized
 If No, proceed to CHG 5.0 Coordinate Change Deployment
Change 4.12 Reschedule Required?
Analyst Based on the decision notification received from the Change Authority, determine
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 4.15 Cancel Change & Notify Stakeholders
 If No, proceed to CHG 4.14 Notify Stakeholders of Rescheduling

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Role ID Description

Change Au- 4.13 Wait for all Changes in Release Authorized

thority The authorization decision is to be made for all changes in a release package as
a single entity. Wait until all change records of the same release have been up-
dated with the decision before moving on to deployment of the change/release
package. This avoids premature or incomplete deployment start.
Proceed to CHG 5.0 Coordinate Change Deployment
Change 4.14 Notify Stakeholders of Rescheduling
Analyst Submit a notification to stakeholders that the change has been rejected and is
being rescheduled. This includes but is not limited to implementing groups and
the Requestor from the originating process.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification of need to reschedule

 Policy - Change Notification
 Policy – GTS Service Provider Integration

Controls & Measurements


Proceed to CHG 2.2 Request Change Implementation Window

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Role ID Description

4.15 Cancel Change & Notify Stakeholders

Submit a notification to the stakeholders that the change has been rejected and
cancelled. This includes but is not limited to implementing groups and the reques-
tor from the originating process.
Close the CR as cancelled.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification of cancelled change

 Policy – Change Notification
 Policy – GTS Service Provider Integration

Controls & Measurements


Proceed to End of Authorize Change Sub-Process

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11 Task Workflow for Coordinate Change De-


11.1 Task Workflow Diagram

The Task Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Coordinate Change Deployment

Change Analyst

5.1 Submit 5.2 Monitor 5.3 Receive Results

Deployment Request Deployment Status from Deployment
CHG 6.0

11.2 Task Workflow Narrative

The Task Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Task Workflow Diagram, is a textual articulation of
an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Role ID Description

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Role ID Description

Change 5.1 Submit Deployment Request

Analyst The work of deploying a change is part of the Deployment Management process.
Submit the Change Record to Deployment management for implementation.
Note: there is no requirement for a separate deployment request record.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Start date and time of change
 Normal/Standard CR
 Emergency change

a) Process Interdependencies
 Deployment Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Submitted deployment request


Controls & Measurements

Change 5.2 Monitor Deployment Status
Analyst The Change Analyst monitors progress of Deployment Management checking
that change is started on time, progressing as planned and any Remediation Plan
is applied for unsuccessful implementations.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
a) Process Interdependencies
 Deployment Management
b) Operative & Informative Information


Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

5.3 Receive Results from Deployment

Receive notification from Deployment Management process of final completion
status of the change and validation result.

a) Process Interdependencies
 Deployment Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification from Deployment Management
 Updated Normal/Standard CR with completion status and validation result
 Completion status and validation result for Emergency Change

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information

 Policy - Change Notification
 Policy - Change Validation and Completion

Controls & Measurements


Proceed to CHG 6.0 Originating Process

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12 Task Workflow for Review and Close Change

12.1 Task Workflow Diagram

The Task Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Review and Close Change

Change Analyst

6.1 Post 6.2 Complete 6.3 Close Change

Start Implementation Change Record
Review Documentation CHGCP5

12.2 Task Workflow Narrative

The Task Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Task Workflow Diagram, is a textual articulation of
an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Role ID Description

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Role ID Description

Change 6.1 Post Implementation Review

Analyst Conduct the Post-Implementation-Review (PIR):
Verify that Deployment Management has clearly documented the result of the
executed Validation Plan in the change record. For successful changes this only
requires entering the correct successful closure code and actual completion time.
Contact involved Deployment Specialist to clarify as needed.
Contact the relevant stakeholders, including as needed the Requestor of the
change and customers/end-users. Collect their input about the outcome of the
implemented or attempted change, i.e. success versus non-success.
If the change was requested to solve an Incident or Problem, the respective role
of Incident or Problem Management acts as Requestor of the change. This role
determines which and how related Incident or Problem records should be updat-
ed to reflect the effect of change and reports this to the respective process.
If the change failed causing an incident, ensure that the incident has been rec-
orded and that Incident Management will invoke Problem Management for root-
cause-analysis as required.
Collect any ideas for improvement of deploying like changes and communicate
those to the relevant stakeholders for consideration.
Determine if any follow-up Requests for Change are required and ensure they are

a) Process Interdependencies
 Deployment Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification from Deployment Management
 Updated Normal/Standard CR with completion status and validation result
 Completion status and validation result for Emergency Change

a) Process Interdependencies
 Incident Management
 Problem Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change outcome information

 Policy – Change Review and Closure

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 6.2 Complete Change Documentation

Analyst Ensure that the change record contains the appropriate and correct change out-
come documentation. For successful changes this only requires entering the cor-
rect successful closure code and actual completion time. Based on the infor-
mation from the PIR, complement or adjust the documentation as required. Up-
date the change record with the correct closure code reflecting success/non-
Identify if the change needs to be considered unauthorized according to process
policy, and if so, document this in the change record.
If the change was incomplete, ensure it is clearly documented what was not de-

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change outcome information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 CR with outcome documentation / closure code

 Policy – Change Authorization
 Policy – Change Review and Closure

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 6.3 Close Change Record

Analyst Close the change record. Notify change closure to the originating process.
Proceed to: End sub-process / process

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change Record with closure code

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change Record closed


Controls & Measurements

 Control Points – (CHGCP5) Timely Change Closure

Proceed to End of Review and Close Change Sub-Process

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13 Task Workflow for Monitor, Track & Report


13.1 Task Workflow Diagram

The Task Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of an end-to-end Activity of the process.
Monitor, Track & Report Changes


7.3 Determine 7.6 Notify

7.2 Review CR Status 7.5 Record and
Start No Action for CR of Yes Stakeholders as
& ID CRs of Interest Perform Action
Interest Needed

7.1 Is this a request for 7.4 Requires Action?

a report?

7.11 Generate &

Yes Yes Communicate
Change Manager

7.10 Define and

7.7 Analyze Report
Build Standard End
7.8 Standard Report?

7.12 Communicate
No No
and Close Request
Service Level
7.9 Candidate for Management
Standard Report?

13.2 Task Workflow Narrative

The Task Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Task Workflow Diagram, is a textual articulation of
an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Role ID Description

Change 7.1 Is this a Request for a Report?

 If Yes, proceed to CHG 7.7 Analyze Report Request
 If No, proceed to CHG 7.2 Review CR Status and ID Change Records of

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Role ID Description

7.2 Review CR Status & ID CRs of Interest

This is a continuous process and repeats after each iteration.
Scan Status of Change Records
The status of changes is periodically monitored as they progress through the pro-
cess steps.
Identify Change Records of Interest
From the collection of records, select those that require attention and may require
immediate action to promote progression of the change. Selection should include
records that have an extended period of inactivity, have progressed too slowly, or
are in jeopardy of missing target schedules.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Calendar
 Change Records
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change Records of interest

 Policy – Change Escalation

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 7.3 Determine Action for CR of Interest

Manager From those records of interest selected, collect detailed information to gain a
deeper understanding of the change. Verify current status by contacting the re-
sources actively working on the change. The Integrated Service Manager may be
contacted if there are multiple service providers.
Collected information should include any issues or conditions that are hindering
progress. With this information, a decision should be made whether or not to initi-
ate an action.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change records of interest

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change Issues Information

 Policy – Change Priority
 Policy – Change Escalation
 Policy – GTS Service Provider Integration

Controls & Measurements

7.4 Requires Action?
▪ If Yes, proceed to CHG 7.5 Record and Perform Action
▪ If No, proceed to CHG 7.2 Review CR Status & ID CRs of Interest

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Role ID Description

Change 7.5 Record and Perform Action

Manager Initiate action to address the undesirable conditions that exist or are likely to exist
if no action is taken. Possible actions include the following: escalation, transfer to
another resource, and increasing the priority.
Timely and complete communication is key to this activity. When the action is
complete, update the record with the latest status.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Change Issues Information

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Updated CR (Action Item Detail)

 Policy – Change Escalation

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

7.6 Notify Stakeholders As Needed

If the actions warrant an active notification to stakeholders, issue the notification
using appropriate vehicles.
Proceed to End (this iteration of Monitor, Track and Report Changes)

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Updated CR (Action Item Detail)

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Notification of Action


Controls & Measurements

7.7 Analyze Report Request
Review the request to examine the report requirements.
7.8 Standard Report?
Determine if this report is standard and can be generated.
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 7.11 Generate & Communicate Report
 If No, proceed to CHG 7.9 Candidate for Standard Report?
Change 7.9 Candidate for Standard Report?
Manager Determine if the requested report should become a standard report based on cur-
rent standard report list and the report requirements.
 If Yes, proceed to CHG 7.10 Define & Build Standard Report
 If No, proceed to CHG 7.12 Communicate to Requestor and Close Re-

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Role ID Description

7.10 Define & Build Standard Report

Based on the input report request, generate the new standard report.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Report Request
 New Report Design

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Standard Report


Controls & Measurements

7.11 Generate & Communicate Report
Based on the input report request, generate the report from the existing standard
report design and the wanted data sources.
For established periodic reports, a report request may not be required as trigger
each time. Generate the report per established reporting calendar.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Calendar
 Report Request
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Report Communication


Controls & Measurements


Proceed to End

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Role ID Description

Change 7.12 Communicate to Requestor and Close Request

Manager Notify the requested report is not standard and/or cannot be built.
a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Nonstandard report request

a) Process Dependencies
 Service Level Management
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Communication to requestor


Controls & Measurements


Proceed to Service Level Management Process

Proceed to End of Monitor, Track & Report Changes Sub-Process

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14 Task Workflow for Maintain Standard Change


14.1 Task Workflow Diagram

The Task Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Maintain Standard Change List

Change Manager

8.1 Receive Standard 8.3 Communicate

8.2 Update Standard
Start Change Update Updated Standard End
Change List
Request Change List

14.2 Task Workflow Narrative

The Task Workflow Narrative, which accompanies the Task Workflow Diagram, is a textual articulation of
an end-to-end Activity of the process.

Role ID Description

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Role ID Description

Change 8.1 Receive Standard Change Update Request

Manager Receive a Standard Change Update Request. Verify that the request for a new
standard change is not already on the Standard Changes List. Verify that the
change meets the requirements for Standard Changes.
Review failed standard change to see if it should be removed from the Standard
change list

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Standard Change Update Request
 Failed Standard Change
 Standard Changes List
 Standard Change Record

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Reviewed new or updated standard change request

 Policy – Standard Change

Controls & Measurements


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Role ID Description

Change 8.2 Update Standard Change List

Manager Assign a unique ID to the new Standard Change and add it to the Standard
Changes List, including all required details about the Standard Change.

For removals update the Standard Change List to indicate the removal of the
Standard Change.

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Reviewed new or updated standard change request

a) Process Interdependencies
b) Operative & Informative Information
 Updated Standard Changes List

 Policy – Standard Change
 Policy – Change Separation of Duties

Controls & Measurements

8.3 Communicate Updated Standard Change List
Communicate the Updated Standard Change List to the requestor, as well as to
other stakeholders as needed.
Proceed to End of Maintain Standard Change List Sub-Process


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15 Service Provider Integration Data flow

 Service Provider Integration into GTS processes is described by the interfaces between the
GTS processes and the Service Providers Processes. These interfaces are defined as the
input and the output that are exchanged between the GTS process and the Service Provider
process for each activity or task of the GTS process that can interface with the Service Pro-
vider process. The Service Provider Integration Data Flow diagram and associated narrative
are an articulation of the highest level of integration between processes. The variation and
details of the integration of a service provider into GTS processes is de-scribed in the integra-
tion manual applicable to the Service Provider.
 This section applies only to accounts that have enabled the end to end service integration for
the Change Management process.

15.1 Integration Roles and Responsibilities

The roles involved in the integration of service providers into the process, and the responsibilities
associated with those roles, are listed in the following sections:

 Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, those listed for each role
 Roles are meant as logical groupings of tasks. They are not intended to match specific
organizational structures or formal job roles
 Several roles may be performed by the same individual
 A role may be split up among several individuals

15.1.1 Service Provider Process Focal

The Service Provider Process Focal can act as a stakeholder by requesting assistance on any given
change or submitting a change to GTS. This role may also participate in the implementation of a change,
acting as a support group and point of escalation for activities that require higher level of expertise.
Responsibilities include:
 Engaging appropriate analysts/specialists as needed to complete assigned activities
 Accepting/rejecting Requests for Change from the queue of RFCs of their own support group
and requesting complementary information from the Requestor, as required
 Notifying Requestor in case of a rejected Request for Change
 Documenting a Change Record with all required information based on the accepted Request
for Change
 Notifying the Change Manager and the Customer Liaison, and ISM where required, in case of
detected scheduling conflicts
 Determining the need for technical and business change assessments and providing busi-
ness and/or technical information as required

15.2 Integration Data Flow Diagram

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 The Integration Workflow Diagram is a visual articulation of the interfaces between the GTS
global process activities and the service provider process activities. It includes:
 A reference line of the process activities subject to integration
 Swim lanes representing the process roles receiving or sending process data
from or to the Service provider focal
 An I/O swim lane for data input and data output associated with each pro-
cess activity in relation with the service provider process.

Integration Data Flow

Process Activities

7 Monitor, track & report

1.0 Review RFC 2.0 document & assess change 4.0 Authorize Change
Change Analyst
Integrated Service
Manage / Change

Chang Receiv Chang Notify Cancel

Accept e and Chang Collect
e Schedu e Stakeh Chang
ance / Docum e ed
implem led authori olders e and
RFC reject

ent record informa

entatio Chang zation of Notify
decisio Assess of tion on
n e decisio Resche Stakeh
n ment interest issue
window n duling olders
Input to 1.0 Output from 1.0 Input to 2.0 Output to 2.0 Input to 2.0 Input from 4.0 Input to 7.0 Output from 7.0
SP Change Focal

15.3 Integration Data Flow Narrative

 The Integration Data Flow Narrative, which accompanies the Integration Data Flow Diagram,
is a textual articulation of the exchange of input and output between the service provider focal
and the process roles for activities requiring such exchanges.

Process Activity Input or Output From Role To Role Description

or Task
1.0 Review RFC - Input SP Process Focal Change Analyst / Input
Integrated Service
1.1 Receive ▪ Service Re-

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Change Request Manager / quest, Incident

Change Manager Record, Problem
Record, etc
A change is re-
quested by the
Service Provider in
the GTS managed
Output Integrated Service SP Process Focal Output
Manager / ▪ Change Record
Change Manager ▪ Criteria A
change has been
requested by the
Service Provider
Criteria is met for
opening a change
1.0 Review RFC - Input SP Process focal Integrated Service Input
Manager /
1.5 Reject RFC ▪ Change Reject
Change Manager
A Request for
change from the SP
is not accepted
Output Change Analyst / SP Process focal Output
Integrated Service
▪ Change Reject
Manager /
Change Manager
A Request for
change from GTS
is not accepted
2.0 Document and Input SP Process focal Integrated Service Input
assess change - Manager /
▪ Change Win-
2.2 Request Change Manager
dow Information
Window ▪ A GTS change
is impacting the
Service Provider
A Service Provider
change is impacting
Output Integrated Service SP Process focal Output
Manager / ▪ Notification of
Change Manager change reschedule
▪ Forward
Schedule of
▪ A GTS change

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is impacting the
Service Provider
A Service Provider
change is impacting
2.0 Document and Output Change Analyst / SP Process focal Output
assess change - Integrated Service ▪ Scheduled
2.4 Schedule Manager / Change
Change Change Manager Criteria
▪ Once change
window has been
agreed to
Input SP Process focal Integrated Service Input
Manager /
▪ Scheduled
Change Manager
Once change win-
dow has been
agreed to
2.0 Document and Output Change Analyst / SP Process focal Output
assess change – Integrated Service
▪ Completed as-
2.12 Receive and Manager
Results Deliver assessment
results (tech-
Input SP Process focal Integrated Service Input
Manager /
▪ Completed as-
Change Analyst
Receive assess-
ment results (tech-
4.0 Authorize Input SP Process focal Change Analyst Input
Change - 4.9
▪ Change author-
authorize or
ization / rejection
Reject Change
▪ A Service Pro-
vider is impacted by
the GTS change
▪ A Service Pro-
vider is an actor of
the GTS change
A service provider
has submitted an
accepted change
4.0 Authorize Output Change Analyst SP Process focal Output
Change - 4.14
▪ Email, chat
Notify and/or any other

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Stakeholders of means of commu-

Rescheduling nication informing
of rescheduled
▪ A change rec-
ord has been re-
viewed during the
CAB Meeting and
decided to be re-
4.0 Authorize Output Change Analyst SP Process focal Output
Change -4.15
▪ Email, chat
Cancel Change
and/or any other
and Notify means of commu-
Stakeholders nication informing
cancelled change
▪ Change record
is no longer re-
quired and is can-
7.0 Monitor, Track Input SP Process focal Change Manager Input
& Report Change
▪ List of changes
- 7.3 Determine
requiring action
Action for CR of Criteria
Interest ▪ A change is not
progressing as ex-
cepted and an ac-
tion from the SP is
Output Change Manager SP Process focal Output
▪ Actions con-
cerning change(s)
▪ A change is
not progressing as
excepted and an
action from the SP
is necessary

15.4 Integration Measurements

The integration Measurements section list:
 The metrics from the process or service flow document that are to be provided by the Service

Metric ID Metric Name Description

SP-CH02 Closed Count of closed changes


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SP-CH05 % Emergency Percentage of emergency changes

SP-CH07 % Failed Percentage of failed changes

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16 Controls and Measurements

16.1 Control Points

Control Points are points identified by the Process Owner within an application, system, or business pro-
cess to manage risks in support of delivering business value-add and meeting compliance objectives.
The following table outlines the Control Points identified for this process and related measurements man-
dated to evidence control over the process.
CP CP Name Risk & Description Type Category Associated Man-
ID datory Measure-

CHG Change Rec- Risk: Need to ensure an au- Compliance Preventive CH02 - # Closed
CP1 ord Logging thorized change record is Changes
available before a change is
executed, Customer Sat,
Contractual requirement.
Description: Ensuring
Changes are accurately
Recorded as defined by the
Change Record Logging Pol-
Role: Change Analyst
Evidence: Change record
CHG Change Priori- Risk: Change categorization Compliance Preventive CH02 - # Closed
CP2 tization (Im- required to meet time frame, Changes
pact and Ur- Customer Sat, wrong
gency factors) timeframes, System outage,
Financial Penalty.
Description: Ensure Change
is installed per prioritized def-
Role: Change Analyst
Evidence: Change Record
CHG Change Risk Risk: Change categorization Compliance Preventive CH02 - # Closed
CP3 Categorization required to meet time frame, Changes
(impact and Customer Sat, wrong
failure proba- timeframes, System outage,
bility factors) Financial Penalty.
Description: Ensure Change
risk based on impact and
failure probability is docu-
Role: Change Analyst
Evidence: Change Record

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CP CP Name Risk & Description Type Category Associated Man-

ID datory Measure-

CHG Appropriate Risk: Customer Sat, wrong Compliance Preventive CH04 - % Unau-
CP4 Change Au- timeframes, System outage, thorized Changes
thorization Financial Penalty.
CH01 - % Failed
Description: Ensure Change Changes
has the correct authorization
prior to implementation.
Role: Change Analyst
Evidence: Change Record
CHG Timely Risk: Customer Sat, possible Compliance Detective CP02 - # Closed
CP5 Change Clo- rework due to not knowing Changes
sure the issue is closed. Would
not stop the business if not
closed timely, other control.
Description: Ensure Change
record is closed with proper
closure information within
required timeframe.
Role: Change Analyst
Evidence: Change Record

16.2 Measurements
Measurement is a collection of data showing a trend (Do) toward an objective regularly updated (Plan)
and associated with a feedback loop (Check) for an action (Act).
 Input metrics (examples: preventive, anticipate impact on final results)
 Operational metrics (examples: preventive, operations monitoring, anticipate impacts on final results)
 Output metrics (examples: final results, after the facts, usually some are selected as KPIs)

Note: Any measurements not specifically listed in 16.1 are considered to be optional, however highly rec-
ommended to track. These are designed to support efficient management of the process.

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16.2.1 Output Metrics

Output metrics are the measuring of a process performance characteristic towards an objective.

Metric Metric Name Description Frequency SLA

Number of failed chang- Monthly None
/ Total number of chang-
age of failed
es by category or /
es per chang Failed changes are de-
e failure cate fined within the Change
gory/workgro Review and Closure Poli-
CH07 up cy.
Monthly None
Number of rescheduled
changes* / Total number
of closed changes

Percent- *Changes that were fully

age of resch approved but got re-
eduled chan scheduled prior to the
CH08 ges scheduled start

16.2.2 KPIs
A metric that is used to help manage a process, IT service or activity.

Metric Metric Name Description Frequency SLA


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CH01 Number of failed changes Monthly None

KPI Percentage *
of failed / Total number of closed
changes changes.
Failed changes are de-
fined within the Change
Review and Closure Poli-
CH02 Monthly None
KPI Num-
ber of closed
changes Count of closed changes

CH03 Percent- Monthly None

KPI age of except Number of exception
ion (urgent, changes* / Total number
expedited) of closed changes
* Any type of change that
doesn’t meet lead time
based on policy.*

CH04 Number of Unauthorized Monthly None

KPI Percent- changes*
age of unaut / Total number of closed
horized chan changes
ges * Change made to the IT
infrastructure that violates
defined and agreed
Change policies.
Change was implemented
without proper approvals.*
CH05 Monthly None
KPI Percent- Number of Emergency
age of emerg changes* / Total number
en- of closed changes
cy changes
* An emergency change is
a change that needs to be
implemented immediately
in order to resolve a pro-
duction incident of priority
1, where outage of a ser-
vice component is immi-
nent, or has occurred, the
change therefore cannot
comply with the lead
times and gets special
change process handling.

CH06 Monthly None

KPI Percent- Number of changes re-
age of chang sulting in incidents / Total
es resulting i number of closed chang-
n incidents es

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17 Process Interdependencies
This section contains the related / interdependent Processes for this process.
Processes are interdependent when a deliverable from one process is required to enable execution or to
achieve process objectives in the other process.
The table represents an aggregate by activity and task of all the interdependent process inputs (including
triggers) and outputs.
Activity / Task ID Interdependent Input Output
/ Task

1.3 Request Fulfillment Submitted Request Change record

for Change (RFC)
1.3 Incident Management Submitted Request Change record
for Change (RFC)
1.3 Problem Management Submitted Request Change record
for Change (RFC)
1.3 Availability Management Submitted Request Change record
for Change (RFC)
1.3 Configuration Management Submitted Request Change record
for Change (RFC)
1.3 Request for Service (RFS) Submitted Request Change record
for Change (RFC)
1.4 Release Management Request Change record (Standard,
Normal, Emergency)
1.7 Incident Management Change Record Relation to Incident (If ap-
1.7 Problem Management Change Record Relation to Problem (If ap-
1.7 Request Fulfillment Change Record Relation to SR (If applica-
2.2 Deployment Management Notification of need to Request to Deployment
reschedule Specialist
Forward Schedule of
Change (FSC)
2.2 Release Management Notification of need to Request to Release Man-
reschedule ager
Forward Schedule of
Change (FSC)
2.4 Deployment Management Commitment to time Scheduled Change
and resources for
change implementa-
2.4 Release Management Commitment to time Scheduled Change
and resources for

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Activity / Task ID Interdependent Input Output

/ Task
change implementa-
2.7 Deployment Management Scheduled Change Escalation/Notification
2.7 Release Management Scheduled Change Escalation/Notification
3.3 Release Management Change associated Notification release test of
with a Release completion status
Change incorporated into
release package(built &
4.8 Incident Management CAB CAB Statement of Advice
Optional: Failed Change
RCA Requests to Problem
Optional: Action Item Rec-
ommendations to Problem
4.8 Problem Management CAB CAB Statement of Advice
Optional: Failed Change
RCA Requests to Problem
Optional: Action Item Rec-
ommendations to Problem
5.1 Deployment Management Start date and time of Submitted deployment re-
change quest
Normal/Standard CR
Emergency change
5.2 Deployment Management Change Request Change Request Status
5.3 Deployment Management Notification from De- Updated Change Record
ployment Manage-
Updated Nor-
mal/Standard CR
with completion sta-
tus and validation
Completion status
and validation result
for Emergency
6.1 Incident Management Notification from De- Change outcome infor-
ployment Manage- mation

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Activity / Task ID Interdependent Input Output

/ Task
Updated Nor-
mal/Standard CR
with completion sta-
tus and validation
Completion status
and validation result
for Emergency
6.1 Deployment Management Notification from De- Change outcome infor-
ployment Manage- mation
Updated Nor-
mal/Standard CR
with completion sta-
tus and validation
Completion status
and validation result
for Emergency
6.1 Problem Management Notification from De- Change outcome infor-
ployment Manage- mation
Updated Nor-
mal/Standard CR
with completion sta-
tus and validation
Completion status
and validation result
for Emergency
7.12 Service Level Management Nonstandard report Communication to reques-
request tor

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18 Standards & Policies

18.1 Applicable Standards

This section identifies any standards that apply to the execution of this process.
 ITIL (ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)

18.2 Policies
This section contains a summary of the policies related to this process.
Policy Name Description

Request For Describes the minimum requirements for a requestor to submit a Request for Change
Change Details (RFC) to Change Management, so that expectations for input information are consist-
Policy ently set.
Change Accounta- For each Change Record, accountability must be established, so as to effectively
bility Policy manage a Change through its lifecycle irrespective of geographical and/or organiza-
tional boundaries.
Change Notification The objective of notification is to ensure the responsible role within the process is noti-
Policy fied about further action required by them, or to communicate relevant information.
Change Record Describes when creation of a Change Record is required and what minimum infor-
Logging Policy mation is required.
Change Type Poli- Defines the Change Types.
Standard Change This policy sets rules how to identify, manage, and make use of standard changes.
Policy The purpose of the standard change is to improve efficiency and effectiveness of day-
to-day operations and reduce the burden on the change analysts, authority and CAB,
allowing them to focus on more complex and higher risk changes. Effective use of
standard changes will reduce bureaucracy and improve efficiency.
Change Priority Guidance for change prioritization and its relevance for treatment and scheduling of
Policy changes.
Change Risk and Determine the risk for change severity and the lead time required to safely execute the
Lead Time Policy change.
Change Window Defines governance of Change Windows and defines related terminology and key
Policy time-frames.
Change Schedule The purpose of this policy is to enable IBM to use received information in order to
Constraints Notifi- identify constraints on the schedule for IBM managed changes that may arise from
cation Policy customer specific change schedule constraints. IBM makes such change schedule
constraint information available to its relevant personnel.
Change Plan Policy The change plan contains details about implementation, validation and remediation of
the change. The minimum level of detail of this plan depends on the change risk and
is described in this document
Change Schedule This policy is used to identify and resolve change scheduling conflicts, prevent delays
Con- in the change management process and enhance change management results and

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Policy Name Description

flicts/Rescheduling performance in the Production environment.
Change Assess- Provides details and guidance related to technical and business assessments of nor-
ment Policy mal changes
Change Testing Testing changes is critical to ensure successful implementation.
Change Authoriza- Provides guidance for authorizing changes, defines an unauthorized change, de-
tion Policy scribes change authorization model, describes customer representation related to au-
thorization, and defines and describes change endorsement.
Change Advisory Change Advisory Board meeting guidelines.
Board (CAB) Meet-
ings Policy
Change Validation Defines responsibility and documentation of the change deployment validation activity
and Completion and the target time for completion status notification
Change Review Defines the scope of Post-Implementation-Review activity and the target time for
and Closure Policy change review and closure.
Change Escalation The objective of escalation is to provide additional attention and visibility to issues and
Policy to invoke adequate levels of management to resolve them.
Change Separation The purpose of this policy is to set forth requirements for establishing and maintaining
of Duties Policy adequate separation of duties (SOD) for managing a change.

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19 Artifacts and Deliverables

This chapter identifies the artifacts and deliverables created, used by, and produced by this process.
Name Use Type Roles Description

Unique Mandatory Output from: Artifact Responsible Every request for change must be
Change documented with a unique change
Review Request For Change
Record record number. Information in-
Document and Assess cluded within the change record
Change must meet the criteria listed on the
Change Record Logging Policy.
Coordinate Change Build &
Authorize Change
Review and Close Change
Forward Mandatory Input to: Deliv- Modified By A document that lists all upcoming
Schedule of erable changes and their planned imple-
2.2 Request Change Imple-
Change mentation dates, as well as the
mentation Window
estimated implementation dates of
4.7 Chair Change Advisory longer-term changes.
Board Meeting

Mandatory Output from:

4.5 Produce Forward Sched-
ule of Changes

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20 Glossary
This section is a glossary that defines any uncommon terms used in this document.
Term Definition

Activity An activity is a specific collection of tasks organized around a commonly understood

result, typically executed in a prescribed sequence
Actual Change The time frame between the actual start of the first change implementation task and the
Implementation actual end of the last change implementation task of an executed or attempted change.
Artifacts A formal work product that:
1) is produced, modified, or used by a task,
2) defines an area of responsibility,
3) is subject to version control.
Authorized The time frame between the scheduled start and scheduled end time of an authorized
Change Window change.
Authorized For- A document that lists all upcoming authorized changes with their authorized change im-
ward Schedule of plementation windows.
BAB The BAB is a GTS Executive sponsored global board that owns the design, communica-
tion, and implementation of the GTS Business Architecture. To ensure consistency with
contractual performances and Client value, the main architecture components under the
authority of the board include: 1) GTS process map, 2) Service structure and service
catalog, and 3) Process Based Service Model (PBSM).
Back-out An activity that restores a service or other configuration item to a previous baseline.
Back-out is used as a form of remediation when a change or release is not successful.
(ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Back-out Plan See Remediation Plan.
BPMN Acronym: Business Process Model and Notation, is a graphical representation for speci-
fying business processes in a business process model.
Build The activity of assembling a number of configuration items to create part of an IT ser-
vice. The term is also used to refer to a release that is authorized for distribution – for
example, server build or laptop build. (ITIL® 2011 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Change A change is defined as the addition, modification or removal of any Configuration Item
Change Advisory A group of people that support the prioritization, assessment, scheduling and authoriza-
Board (CAB) tion of changes of some change risk level.
Change Class The means to describe what the logical kind of operation is that a change is performing
on a Configuration Item. One of the following: addition, upgrade, refresh, move, remov-
al, other
Change Delivery The time frame between the earliest and latest time the customer requests the change
Window to be implemented and delivered. The end of this time frame represents the due date
from customer perspective.

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Term Definition

Change Freeze A period of time for which no changes are to be scheduled in order to promote a stable
Period IT environment.
Change Imple- A task that performs actual change deployment, validation, remediation or back-out.
mentation Task
Change Model A repeatable way of dealing with a particular kind of change. A change model defines
the specific steps that will be followed for a change of this kind. The change model in-
cludes all relevant Change Plan details.
Change Plan The set of Implementation Plan, Validation Plan and Remediation Plan for a change.
Change Record A Record containing the details of a Change. Each Change Record documents the
lifecycle of a single Change. A Change Record is created for every Request for Change
that is received, even those that are subsequently rejected. Change Records reference
the Configuration Items that are affected by the Change. Change Records may be
stored in the Configuration Management System or elsewhere in the Service Knowledge
Management System. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Change Request A formal proposal for a Change to be made. An RFC may include details of the pro-
posed Change and may be recorded on paper or electronically. The term RFC is often
misused to mean a Change Record, or the Change itself.
Note: "Change Request" and "Request for Change" are synonymous.
(ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Change Risk A value that indicates the magnitude of risk assessed for a proposed change. Changes
are often categorized by their Change Risk for reporting purposes.
Note: “Change Risk” and “Change Risk Level” are synonymous.
Change Sched- A period of time reserved by another party during which the IT service provider is not
ule Constraint permitted to schedule changes. E.g. a Change Freeze Period or any activity already
planned by the customer that will make changes by the IT service provider impossible.
Change Type There are three types of changes: Normal, Emergency Standard. Refer to the Change
Type policy.
Change Window A regular, agreed time when changes or releases may be implemented with minimal
impact on services. Change windows are usually documented in service level agree-
Note: “Change Window” and “Maintenance Window” are synonymous.
Configuration A component that needs to be managed in order to deliver an IT Service. Information
Item (CI) about each CI is recorded in a configuration record within the Configuration Manage-
ment System and is maintained throughout its lifecycle by Configuration Management.
CIs are defined by Configuration Management and under the control of Change Man-
Control Point Control Points are points identified by the Process Owner within an application, system,
or business process to manage risks in support of delivering business value-add and
meeting compliance objectives.
Deliverable An output from a process that has a value, material or otherwise, to a customer or other

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Term Definition

Emergency A subgroup of the change advisory board that makes decisions about emergency
Change Advisory changes. Membership may be decided at the time a meeting is called, and depends on
Board (ECAB) the nature of the emergency change.
Failure Loss of ability to operate to specification, or to deliver the required output. The term fail-
ure may be used when referring to IT services, processes, activities, configuration items
and so forth. A failure often causes an Incident. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Forward Sched- A document that lists all upcoming changes and their planned implementation dates, as
ule of Change well as the estimated implementation dates of longer-term changes.
Impact A measure of the effect of an Incident, Problem, or Change on business processes. Im-
pact is often based on how service levels are affected. Impact and urgency are used to
assign priority. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Impact Assess- Various analyses made by stakeholders concerning the impact of a proposed Change
ment Request. Typically, an impact assessment may include the views of Availability Man-
agement, Capacity Management, Security Management and other teams.
Incident An unplanned interruption to an IT service or a reduction in the quality of an IT service.
Failure of a Configuration Item that has not yet impacted service is also an Incident, for
example, failure of one disk from a mirror set. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Incident Record A record containing the details of an Incident. Each Incident record documents the
Lifecycle of a single Incident. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Input Metric Input metrics are measurements prior to execution of the first process activity.
Interdependent Processes are interdependent when a deliverable from one process is required to ena-
Processes ble execution or to achieve process objectives in the other process.
KPI Acronym: Key Performance Indicator, A metric that is used to help manage a process,
IT service or activity. Many metrics may be measured, but only the most important of
these are defined as KPIs and used to actively manage and report on the process, IT
service or activity. KPIs should be selected to ensure that efficiency, effectiveness, and
cost effectiveness are all managed. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Maintenance See Change Window definition.
Note: “Change Window” and “Maintenance Window” are synonymous.
Measurements Measurement is a collection of data showing a trend (Do) toward an objective regularly
updated (Plan) and associated with a feedback loop (Check) for an action (Act).
Normal Change A change that follows the normal change process and complies with the lead times.
Operational Met- Operational metrics (example: Operations Monitoring) measure process behavior during
ric process execution.
Output Metric Output metrics are the measuring of a process performance characteristic towards an

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Term Definition

Policy Formally documented management expectations and intentions. Policies are used to
direct decisions, and to ensure consistent and appropriate development and implemen-
tation of processes, standards, roles, activities, IT infrastructure etc. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
A statement of business choice that explains how a process-level decision is made.
Post- A review that takes place after a change or a project has been implemented. It deter-
Implementation- mines if the change or project was successful, and identifies opportunities for improve-
Review (PIR) ment. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Pre-production An IT environment that is not in productive business use by the customer but that has a
Environment configuration equivalent to the productive environment for a given reason. Possible rea-
sons for use may be to have an environment for testing releases to production, replicat-
ing incidents or testing operational/infrastructure/security systems.
Priority A category used to identify the relative importance of an Incident, Problem or Change.
Priority is based on impact and urgency and is used to identify required times for actions
to be taken. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Problem A cause of one or more Incidents. The cause is not usually known at the time a Problem
record is created and the Problem Management process is responsible for further inves-
tigation. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Problem Record A Record containing the details of a Problem. Each Problem Record documents the
Lifecycle of a single Problem. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Projected Service A document that identifies the effect of planned changes, maintenance activities and
Outage (PSO) test plans on agreed service levels. The PSO contains details of changes to agreed
SLAs and service availability because of the current Forward Schedule of Change, in
addition to planned downtime from other causes such as planned maintenance and data
backup. The PSO may be produced jointly with other processes, such as Service Level
Management, Availability Management and IT Service Continuity Management. (ITIL®
V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Remediation Actions taken to recover after a failed change or release. Remediation may include
back-out, invocation of service continuity plans, or other actions designed to enable the
business process to continue. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Remediation Plan A plan for performing remediation.
Request for A formal proposal for a Change to be made. An RFC includes details of the proposed
Change (RFC) Change and may be recorded on paper or electronically. The term RFC is often misused
to mean a Change Record, or the Change itself.
Note: "Change Request" and "Request for Change" are synonymous. (ITIL® V3 Glossa-
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)

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Effective Date: 15-OCT-2018

Term Definition

Requestor In the context of change Management, “Requestor” refers to the individual who has
submitted a Request for Change (RFC) to Change Management. This is not the end-
user. Those would need to contact the Service Desk to place requests.
Risk A possible event that could cause harm or loss, or affect the ability to achieve objec-
tives. A risk is measured by the probability of a threat, the vulnerability of the asset to
that threat and the impact it would have if it occurred. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Risk Assessment Analyzing the value of assets to the business, identifying threats to those assets and
evaluating how vulnerable each asset is to those threats. Risk Assessment can be
quantitative (based on numerical data) or qualitative. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Scheduled The time frame between the scheduled start of the first change implementation task and
Change Imple- the scheduled end of the last change implementation task of a scheduled change.
mentation Win-
SLA Acronym: Service Level Agreement, An Agreement between an IT Service Provider and
a Customer. The SLA describes the IT Service, documents Service Level Targets, and
specifies the responsibilities of the IT Service Provider and the Customer. A single SLA
may cover multiple IT Services or multiple Customers. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Stakeholder A stakeholder is anyone who has a vested interest in the results of a task. These stake-
holders represent organizational and functional entities other than those already identi-
Participation in information-gathering or requirements-gathering
Analysis results
Troubleshooting results
Plans that may impact the work done by the stakeholder
Standard Chang- The managed list of Change Requests that are considered to be of Standard change
es List type.
Task A unit of work a role may be asked to perform.
A task is the smallest unit of work within an activity flow. It is role-assignable - that is, it
can be performed by one individual acting in one defined role
Urgency A measure of how long until an Incident, Problem or Change has a significant impact on
the business. For example, a high impact Incident may have low urgency, if the impact
does not affect the business until the end of the financial year. Impact and urgency are
used to assign priority. (ITIL® V3 Glossary)
(ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark of Axelos)
Urgent Change Urgent changes are a condition of normal changes. While not meeting the criteria of an
(expedited) Emergency Change, an urgent change cannot comply with the lead time due to a vital
business need for change. An urgent normal change will still go through the entire pro-
cess, although the speed at which it is planned, scheduled, assessed, built, tested and
authorized is much faster.

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Term Definition

Validation Plan A Validation Plan contains the instructions to validate the outcome of a change to de-
termine success/non-success against predefined success criteria.
Note: Validation Plan is sometimes also called “Post-Implementation Test Plan”.

End of Document

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