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Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Assessment 2

Manage recruitment, selection and

induction process.


Student name = Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID = ASOC2289

Submitted on 13/05/2020

Assessment 2

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

All the links are provided, most of the information can be attained from those links. The
information you will be providing should be related to Bizops only.

For this Assessment you have to play a role as a Human Resource Managmer (HRM).

Task 1 – Review Bizop’s Policy and procedure (500words).

According to the renewed game plan and Bizops business plan, according to methodologies,
you should follow the approach and framework for registering, making decisions and
confirming Bizops:
• Preventing division and approach to a grouped product range
• Recruitment, decision making and inductive approach
• WHS approach
• Equal opportunities approach
• Redundancy procedure Unfriendly isolation and an above average range of activities

Goal: Give identical opportunities to all new and existing agents, protecting them from sign
isolation in zones, for example, sexual orientation, religion, age, powerlessness and
nationality, etc.
A must for Bizop: As the association's goals show, all agents should be encouraged to access
relevant progress improvement programs because they must maintain a particularly
organized, instructed and vibrant HR environment at Bizops.
Approach to recruitment
Goal: Provide clear and balanced authentication and decision-making techniques that are
best suited for legitimate functions, hypotheses and placements.
Prerequisites for Bizop: According to the archive of the association's goals and focuses on
maintaining a reasonable and balanced approach to selecting the right employees for the
WHS approach
Goal: Prevent wounds, ailments and deadly working conditions to protect a strong work
Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

A must for Bizop: BizOps adventures are designed to provide a safe working environment
for all employees in accordance with applicable regulations. Focus on seemingly unfortunate
or dangerous conditions and make the required move.
An identical, open course of action
Goal: Make sure that all candidates or promoted candidates are not deceived for any of
these isolation reasons.
Prerequisites for Bizops: As an important law that Bizops must provide in every professional
life, as well as authorization assistance necessary to maintain incredible organizational
Goal: Guarantee staff think about their benefits when they become gloomy and keep pace
with good ways to avoid the risk of unfair dismissal.
Prerequisites for Bizops: Because Bizops must provide its employees with effective security
in a manner similar to management in a reasonable, prudent and unilateral manner when
Bizops needs to carry out further redundancy.

Task 2 – (800 words)

Develop new recruitment, selection and Induction Policies and Procedures.

 Identifying the Recruitment needs.

 New Position Request form, New Appointment Approval Form, Position Description
 Advertising – Internal and external. Internals can be Notice boards, Meetings,


Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

This report is supplemented by a diagram of various BizOps Enterprises systems that are
tantamount to the selection, assurance and recognition of the most reasonable people for
open positions.


This system and method applies to all personnel positions, up to the ubiquitous
circumstances, up to and including the academic level E, where the positions are continued
or for a fixed period of over half a year. The same applies to older circumstances in BizOps
Enterprises. Currently, the general level of registration is mandatory.

The main goal of BizOps is to save, select and select the best available people for all
advanced opening positions. This will be done within the supported limits and factory
expenses. The decision will be based on results and the proportional open standard of entry
will apply.

BizOps Enterprises provides a reasonable and clear methodology of persuading to register
with adequate versatility in solving problems of each selected zone, and at the same time a
direct and reasonable technique, significant increase in value and acceptable range, away
from relevant information.
HR cancellation and limited access sponsorship are provided during the strategy registration
period. Because the procedures have been developed to reduce risks in the BizOps
recruitment areas, all employees are required to contact the human resources department
for appropriate guidance on all elements of selection, provision, preparation and work.


Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

All information related to the recruitment, assurance and conduct of delegates will remain
grouped in BizOps Enterprises and those that have been accepted according to the usual

All registration and decision-making documentation must be returned to the Human
Resources department for record keeping. The recruitment documentation and decision of
each part of the table will remain in the initial register.

Recruitment and insurance costs

BizOps chooses a cost center, all advertising, connections, travel, work association,
development and related expenses.

Identification of the needs

Going before starting the recruitment technique, the neighborhood / recruiter should
coordinate the review of the need for work, thinking about moving with:

Structure. Strategic and operational structures for the workspace and BizOps

Available Available sponsorship task and expenses

¥ Current staff structure and propensity levels

¥ Grouped assortment of BizOps employee profiles

Profiles. Academic profiles and specializations - current and future needs of BizOps

¥ Any unexpected changes that may affect your region / office or company

Position description
Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

When checking the need for choice, talk to the right partners (partners, industry accessories
and potential customers). Far-reaching advice in the initial period of the process will ensure
effective mastery of the workforce and reduce the need to remember a huge number of
people in the BizOps selection panel.

Underwriting to enlist
The "Advertising request" structure (combining "Business case to save position") is used to
start recruitment and decision making, and after completion should be sent to huge
management to obtain support along with the position design and the company attached to
it. A certified "registration application" will then be sent to the personnel department for
The recruitment and decision-making methodology cannot begin until the HR department
receives an approved advertisement request from the associations, including an electronic
copy of the job description and promotion.

Sketches of items
The decision to accept recruitment essentially introduces live positioning in line with key
results and actions to be taken. All item sketches must be made by selecting an area using a
supported item description design to ensure consistency in association. HR will evaluate all
championship positions prior to the recruitment campaign to achieve performance levels.
The range of decision models contained in the position image cannot be made after the
position has been moved.

All recruitment progress must be organized by the human resources department. The
selection of permanent positions and for a specified period of more than half a year will take
place as part of business operations, except in cases where it is not recommended by the
relevant boss and adopted by the director (human resources department).

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Progress on the Internet using is a tool supported by BizOps to publish all
Advertising in print media can be offered in momentous conditions and should be supported
by strong business arguments from a great supervisor to confirm the need. HR will consider
these subordinates depending on the circumstances.
We encourage employees to share information on opening positions in the basic framework
via email. Insurance of all related costs must be obtained in advance from the relevant boss.
When providing information about the opening of positions, agents should ensure that they
take into account and assume credible obligations, as well as mass procedures and merger
The field of applicants can be improved by inviting applications or referrals from business
associations or various sources after measuring costs.
The director (human resources department) may recommend the use of a business
association as an outdoor advertising technique.
Acquiring an agent for a fixed period of six months or less does not require conducting
business. In any case, they are encouraged to use the zones to contact the human resources
department to coordinate promotional activities to attract a reasonable group of

Task 3-

 Based on your new Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures
developed by you, create a supporting documents and tools for effective
implementation of the policy.
 You will prepare the following forms:
 (You have to create these request form yourself and only the template)
 a) New position request form
 b) Candidate Application form

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

(a) New position Request Form:

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

(b) Candidate application form

Job Application Form

First Name: Last name:

Phone number Preferred Start date:
Email address: Date of birth:
Gender: Nationality:
Home Address
Unit/House number: Street:

Suburb: State: Postcode:

Have you ever been convicted for any crime?

If yes, please explain.

Employment history with references


Organisation: Position: Pay rate:

Date from: Date to: Reason for leaving:

Referees Name: Referees Position: Phone number:


Organisation: Position: Pay rate:

Date from: Date to: Reason for leaving:

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Referees name: Referees position: Phone number:

Educational qualifications Skills and licences

Task 4- Technology for Recruitment, Selection and Induction Process ( Atleast one page)

In order to conduct the recruitment, selection and Induction process

Regardless of whether you run a store for two or use numerous experts, improving
recruitment and decision-making techniques is crucial. You must use a skillful framework to
find promising, busy missions and locally available new delegates. A smart contract comes
down to one demand: how much is your time worth?

Additional time spent on registration; the more money you fill out by choosing your
company's website. Do these benefits improve recruitment practices and attract high-
quality people who want to gain popularity? If not, it could be a unique opportunity to think
about a new framework for recruiting and providing employees.

You can spend time and money on the progress of use attempts. Development can
accelerate the system selection, while opening up the approach to graduates.

When you hear the "recruitment program", you can think of surprised, expensive
applications offered to those who have a choice. Regardless, some development is both
moderate and simple to use. These instruments help associations attract significant

Work for yourself during recruitment and decision-making methods. Here are some key
technological responses to a business venture:

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Candidate Entry Systems (ATS) help coordinate and supervise candidates. You can use ATS
to publish job offers, view confirmations and track candidates' places in the selection
system. In addition, you can directly import receipts into the item to search rivals by skill

The proposed projects give your company the choice of a uniform appearance and allow
you to quickly create records. Think about it. If you really write and send a justification or a
letter with an offer, how much time would you spend wasting? Supported projects gently
reduce the time (and money) you experience during the interview with the candidates.

Online life is a groundbreaking tool that you can use to connect with potential registered
people. Use online life registers to increase the number of openings, introduce recently
selected employees and attract candidates. Flexible welcome steps help you remember
when choosing a company.

Task 5-

 Feedback – Standard Format, Way/Method.

 Advertisement – Online ( Social Method, Company Internet, Agency, Point Media)
 Short listing – Qualification/Skill Verification, Essential Requirements, Written
Examination, Tracking/Short listing Software.
 Induction – Induction Session plan, Induction checklist, Online induction or Safety
How to deliver & where to deliver.
 Technology –

In class, on 7th of April 2020, we discussed amongst us during a role play activity about how
we can improve even more in managing, recruiting and selecting procedures.

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Standard format of feed back to successful/unsuccessful applicants:

About input to candidates, one of the understudies said that the auto created messages are
best alternatives for fruitless competitors and it will spare a great deal of time. We will get
number of utilizations and obviously reacting to every single application independently will
cost a ton of time, while for the fruitful candidates we can address them and salute them
and welcome them for a meeting. Thought regarding auto created messages was great
which will spare time and work for us. There will be one regular auto-created email sent to
ineffective candidates with a message educating them that they didn't meet all
requirements for another round or they are not fit for this situation in an affable manner.
We will save their data and resume for any future opening and let them think about it in
that email position. While, for the effective candidates, the organization begins tending to
their name and praising them that they have prevailing for another round or for a meeting.
One of the HR staff will call them to book a meeting or for assessment.

Acceptance strategy was clarified by me, with my past experience and information, I
clarify the primary reasons why we lead the enlistment. The principle reason for
acceptance is to acquaint new representatives with working environment and regular
dangers and perils. One of the understudies included that we can give online
acceptances to choose competitors which is something worth being thankful for. It will
give them a thought, a review of what they'll be really going after and their jobs and

One understudy discussed the innovation. We can utilize innovation and vital delicate
products to oversee, enroll and choose the competitors. For instance, we can utilize a
delicate product to waitlist competitors with pertinent experience or aptitudes which
will spare us a great deal of time.

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Another student discussed in regards to advertising; she must've been master in
advertising. Presently a day's everybody has their record or profile via web-based
networking media, for example, face book. Instagram, twitter and so forth. We can
utilize these as a source to publicize for the activity opportunity we have. A section from
online networking we can distribute the accessible situation on organization's site in
vocation's segment and post them on other quest for new employment motors, for
example, look for, in reality, jora and so forth.

Short listing
Short posting is a significant part in enrolling and choosing generally fitting and best
appropriate contender for the job. In the event that an association was to short
rundown applications arbitrarily by taking a gander at every single application structure,
it will take perpetually to sort the application. We can utilize innovation, for example,
programming that could locate the comparable watchwords appropriate for the job.

Thus every understudy discussed a particular point and different understudies included
what they were missing and how they could improve it. This pretend action was
exceptionally useful in understanding and improving the information on these regions.

Task 6 – Feedback on existing templates ( New position Request Form, Application Form)

In new position demand structure, there isn't a lot to change in there aside from not many
things. It is smarter to depict in more detail that on what premise we should procure
somebody on that specific position and whether we should search for an individual inside
first or straight away contract another person for the association. Where as in competitor
application structure there are hardly any things should be included.

It is extremely important to include a note under the area of individual subtleties, to evade
the competitors feel segregated by age sexual orientation or nationality what so ever, that
Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

we're asking nationality, age and sex just to have a genuine cross segment of individuals and
just for review reason. Selecting applicants dependent on their age, sex, nationality is
segregation and unlawful.

Include a segment for questions identified with their ailments. There might be up-and-
comers going after the position who won't be fit for the job, this isn't separation; it's for the
wellbeing of that specific applicant. For instance, on the off chance that we have an
opportunity underway office distribution center and job requires monotonous truly difficult
work, clearly we'll search for somebody who's not experiencing back torment. So as to keep
things straight and genuine, it's smarter to request their ailment to check on the off chance
that they are directly for the specific job.

Something else is their crisis contact subtleties. On the off chance that, on the off chance
that we brought in somebody for a meeting after short posting and that individual
experienced any health related crisis during meeting, we can contact and educate their
family member or companion.

Task 7 & 8 –

 Recruitment Request Form

 Position Description Form
 Position Request Form

New position request form (sales manager):

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Recruitment request form.


Position Title: Sales assistant Position Type: Full time

Position Status: Permanent Preferred Start date: 01-04-2020
Length of term: NA Reports to: Sales Manager
Ad closing date: 14-04-2020 Advertising type: Online & News Paper
External Advertising Options
Online Provider: Ad publication date: 31-03-2020
Budget for the Ad (Weekly): $40
Any additional requirements or information • Strong Interpersonal & marketing skills
for recruitment purposes • viability of Intercity travelling

Employment checks:  Academic Qualifications Check
(Please tick)  National Criminal Record Check
 Combined Pre-employment check
 Previous Experience verification
Please indicate the level of involvement you would like from HR
¨ Phone Screen shortlisted candidates  Google search
¨ Confirm candidates for interview ¨ Verify Qualifications
¨ Attend the interviews ¨ Verify Residency status
¨ Reference Checks ¨ Provide offer of employment to
successful candidate

Requestor: Sales Manager Date: 15-04-2020

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Position descriptor form.

Job Title: Sales assistant Job Category: Business
Department/Group Business/Customer service Job Code/ 545
: Req#:
Location: Sales Travel Yes
Level/Salary $39,000 per year. Position Permanent/Full
Range: 21.42 Per hour. Type: Time
HR Contact: XX XXX XXXXXX Date posted: 31-03-2020
Will Train Yes Posting 15-04-2020
Applicant(s): Expires:
Applications Accepted By:
Fax or E-mail: Mail address:
OR Apply Online MAIN Office, Melbourne.
Job Description
Role and Responsibilities
 Promote Relationship through regular proactive contact with clients
 Respond Client’s Queries, complaints and requests via email / Telephone
 Maintaining record of all contacts with clients through MIS.
 Regulatory compliance assurance
 Establish and maintain excellent product knowledge
 Sales promotion (cross selling & up selling)
 Support sales campaigns via active contact with potential clients
 Provide periodic report to Sales Manager
Qualifications and Education Requirements
 Bachelor Degree in Marketing
Preferred Skills

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

 Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

 Minimum One Year experience on similar position
 Be able to organize the workload
 Be able to meet sales deadlines

Reviewed By: Date:

Approved By: Date:
Last Updated Date/Time:

Task 9 – Advertisement Checklist

Task 9 Advertisement checklist:

Advertisement Checklist
No Description Yes No NA
1 Job Design      
a Key Responsibilities Form     
b Qualification Required     
c Employment nature (Permanent / Contractual / Casual)     
d Salary & Allowances Details     
2 Position Description      
a Position Title     
b Hierarchy     
c Position Objectives     
d Position Responsibilities     
e Selection Criteria (Essential & Desirable)     
f Salary & Other Benefits Details     
g Duty Hours     
h Location of Job     
3 Skills & Experiences Requirement      
a Details of Exact Skills required for the job     
b Experience Requirement Detailed     
c Industry Knowledge Requirement     
d Conveyance Requirement (If Applicable)     
e Licenses (Registration & Driving Licenses)     
4 Business Briefs      
a Business Inception     

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

b Network of the Business     

c Vision & Mission Statement     
d Industry Description     
e Target Market     
f Culture of Business     
5 Application Methods      
a Company's Online Portal     
b Third Part Platform (Indeed)     
c Through Hard Copy Documents     
d Documents Required     
e Resume (Updated)     
f Cover letter     
g Educational Certificates     
h Application Forms     
6 Advertisement Media      
a Budget Allocation for Advertisement     
b Electronic Media     
c Print Media (News Paper / Journals etc)     

d Social Media (twitter/FB/Instagram)     

Task 10 - Selection Process Checklist

Sr. Required
No Yes No NA
1 Staff Requirement Identification      
a Need identified     
b Availability of In-house Placement Options     
c Nature of Job Identified (Permanent / Contractual)     
d Staff induction within HR budget allocation     
2 Recruitment Request Form      
a Recruitment request form initiated by Manager     
b Position Title identified     
c Hirer cal Order identified     
d Position Responsibilities & Duties identified     

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

e Position Descriptor Finalized     

f Selection Criteria Identified     
g Proposed Salary checked with budget     
h Proposed incentives identified     
i Location of Position identified     
3 Selection Criteria (Essential)      
a Minimum Required Education Identified     
b Previous Experience Requirement Identified     
c Essential Skills Requirement identified     
d Leadership Skills     
e Communication Skills     
f Interpersonal Skills     
g IT / Computer Proficiency     
4 Selection Criteria (Desirable)      
a Native Country Languages     
b Driving License     
c Own Conveyance     
d Gender     
e Locality     
5 Advertisement      
a Job Descriptor     
b Job Responsibilities     
c Selection Criteria set     
d Application methods identified     
e Company Profile, Vision & Mission     
f Contact Details     
g Advertisement Expiry     
6 Pre-interview Short listing of Candidates      
a Based on Education Criteria     
b Based on Experience Criteria     
c Based on Age / Gender     
7 Selection Process      
a Interview Date and Venue setup     
b Interview Questioner Setup     
c Interview Checklist     
d Selection of successful candidates     
e Job Offer     

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

8 Induction      
a Introduction to peers and supervisors     
b Ethics     
c Operations     
d Job Description     
e Responsibilities     
f Training     
g Accountability     
h Probationary feedback     

Task 11 -

1. Email to Successful candidate

Dear candidate

Good morning/afternoon,

Congrats you have advanced to the Evaluation Day for the position of Sales associate. On
the Evaluation Day candidates will attempt various exercises and will be met by our HRs,
these exercises are intended to survey candidates against the choice criteria and test
reasonableness to the job. The Evaluation Day is led at the Risdon site office on a weekday.
Assessments and meeting take around 2.5 hours.

There will be 2 meetings, one beginning at 8:30am and the other at 12:30pm. If it's not too
much trouble exhort which day and time you wish to join in. You just need to go to one
meeting. Our enrollment advisor will reach you presently to examine further and to book
an arrangement.

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Kind respects,

2. Email to Unsuccessful Candidate.

Good morning/afternoon,

Thank you for your application for the position of Sales assistant at XXX shop. As you can
imagine, we received a large number of applications. I am sorry to inform you that you have
not been selected for an interview for this position.

The XXX selection committee thanks you for the time you invested in applying for the sales
assistant position. We encourage you to apply for future openings for which you qualify.

Best wishes for a successful job search. Thank you again, for your interest in our company.

Kind regards,

Task 12 –

Part A - New Appointment Checklist you have to create.( 2 columns – Things to do , Yes/No)

Sr. No Description Yes No N/A

1 Letter of employment is filled by candidate 

2 Identification proofs acquired 

3 Educational documents like certificates are assembled 

4 Experience certificates acquired (where applicable) 

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

5 Medical and health certificates acquired 

6 Criminal Record scrutinized 

7 Tax documents (where applicable) 

8 Salary Breakup statement 

9 Reference checked 

Part B – Job Offer Letter

The finalists are, after the meeting, are given an offer. This offer, at first, is in verbal
structure by referencing all terms and states of the activity. Upon acknowledgment a
composed offer is made and furthermore taken the acknowledgment in composed
structure. The terms and conditions chiefly contain the compensation, work duties, trial
period and other term and conditions applied to work. Following is a case of employment
bid letter for deals collaborator.

Dear (applicants name),

BizOp Company is eager to expedite you on board as sales assistant.

We're only a couple of customs from getting down to work. It would be ideal if you set aside
the effort to audit our proper offer. It incorporates significant insights regarding your
remuneration, benefits and the terms and states of your foreseen work with BizOp

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

BizOp Company is offering a full time position for you as a sales assistant, reporting to
supervisor A Khan, beginning on 17th of April 2020 at Claremont store. Expected hours of
work are 9a.m to 5p.m Monday to Friday (rotating roster).

In this position, BizOp Company is offering to begin you at a compensation pace of $39,000
per year i.e. $21.42 per hour. You will be paid on a weekly premise.

As a component of your remuneration, we're additionally offering employee discounts for

in-store shopping, yearly bonus for hardworking employees (employees who take no or less
days off).

As a representative of BizOp Company you will be qualified for full medical insurance, dental
insurance and company’s stock with employee discount.

If it's not too much trouble demonstrate your concurrence with these terms and
acknowledge this idea by consenting to and dating this arrangement at the very latest 16 th
of January 2020.

Kind regards,


Task 13 - Implementation plan to manage staff induction.

S.N Tasks/topics Timeline (when to be done) Person responsible

1. Staffing (future and This has to be done before making the Manager/Supervisor
current need of decision to hire any new staff(s)
human resources)

2. Conduct skill gap Once we make decision that we need Manager/supervisor/

analysis new candidate at workplace, we should team leader

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

conduct skill analysis so that we know

what skills we might need in future

3. Imagine hiring activity After skill gap analysis we will get the Manager/supervisor
idea about which type of person we’re
looking for so we can be as accurate as
we can to hire the right candidate for
the job

4. Review past hiring After we visualize our activity of hiring HR Manager

process process and decide what candidate with
what skills we need, we can review past
process of recruiting.

5. Make hiring budget One of the main tasks obviously, HR Manager

nobody wants to spend too much on
things so we should consider the budget
very carefully.

6. Advertising After the approvals from the authority. HR Manager

7. Recruiting After reviewing and short listing HR Manager


Task 14 - Monitoring Plan Cheklist Template ( Appendix 4)

Activity Checks Date Comments

Staff Introduction:
- To colleagues Yes MM-DD-YY Introduced to colleagues,
- Team Members Yes immediate line managers

- Other Managers and Yes and supervisors.

Discuss the day to day work Yes MM-DD-YY Discussed and explained
activities thoroughly
General Information explained: MM-DD-YY
Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

- Where the toilets are Yes All the areas gone through
- Where the drinks can be Yes the incumbents
made (tea, coffee)
- How to use the phone, Yes
printer, computer
Health and Safety: MM-DD-YY A demonstration of
- Signing in/out procedures Yes important activities like

- Fire alarm and procedures Yes attendance marking, alarm

- Fire exits and meeting points Yes usage, emergency exit,

meeting halls, and relative
- Incident log book and first Yes
documents like log book
aid kit Yes
and first aid kit introduced.
- No smoking policy
Training and Introduction to
their role:
- Supervised training for 2 Yes MM-DD-YY Conducted
weeks Yes MM-DD-YY Explained
- Agreement on the tasks as
specified in the job Yes MM-DD-YY Explained
description Yes MM-DD-YY Explained
- How to do the tasks Yes MM-DD-YY Explained
- Record the hours they do
- Whom to approach for direct
Induction Checklist acknowledged by
Name:Mr ABC
Date: MM-DD-YY
In case of any doubts regarding the checklist, please contact the HR Manager.

Task 15 - Appendix 5
Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Task 15 Probationary employee performance check list:

Employee Name:Mr ABC Department: Business
Employee id: 2412 Reviewer Name: SALES Manager
Position held:Relationship Officer Hire date: MM-DD-YY
Date of Review: MM-DD-YY

Quality of work 
Works 
Communicatio 
Takes initiative 
Group Work 
Punctual 
Technical Skills 
Knowledge 
Attendance 

Hard work,
Team Player
Technicalities to be improved
Communication skills to be improved

Any other comments: Overall performance found satisfactory

Name and Signature of the Reviewer/Manager:

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

Task 16 & 17 - Approc half a page role play discussion on Task 2 ( Induction Policy)

Task 16 Feedback from senior manager on induction developed

To rehash Induction process there are a few focuses to be featured so as to make things
understood and progressively viable.

1- As depicted prior, there are odds of losing potential applicants as the proportion of
unattended competitors is around 59% for the organization. This could give negative picture
of the organization. To defeat this, the position portrayal ought to be all the more clear, to
the point and straightforward for up-and-comers.

2- For the positions where experienced isn't required, an Internship offering to new
alumni of presumed instructive organizations could be a smart thought. The potential
internees might be enlisted as lasting representatives. A few organizations having great pace
of maintenance of their staff is rehearsing the entry level position programs.

3- For different positions where experienced staff are required, an acceptable

commercial is required. The organization ought to create pages on every single social
medium like Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram and Twitter. The occupations ought to be posted
on every one of these pages as opposed to relying on single site. This would help pulling in
potential HR.

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

4- The procedure of getting applicants ought to be founded on mechanized short

structures containing the essential necessities for the positions. This would help shortlisting
the ideal possibility for the positions.

5- For senior situations inside the organization, an opportunity to the current potential
staff must be given where the height procedure comes energetically and furthermore
energizes and spurs the current staff. Furthermore, to round out the situation of these staff
at junior level the internees could be thought of.

6- Another great approach to keep the competitors in pipeline, is to make an entry

where the willing applicants present their resumes. The HR may save the record of such
contender for future thought in the wake of screening.

7- The issue of surge of staff is additionally noteworthy in the organization. A decent

profession development opportunity arrangement may control this angle. At the point when
an organization is notable for development a large portion of the assets wishes to go along
with it. Height on senior against existing staff where enough potential is accounted for, must
be allowed to come up and perform. This empowers the staff underneath the line to work
all the more effectively to find the opportunity of advancement and vocation development.

8- Time the board for enlistment is a fundamental part. The HR office ought to stay up
with the latest. In a prior point it is proposed that the competitors presented their resumes
ought to be audited and shortlisted for any future anticipated positions. Once more, for
crisp competitors the organization should start the entry level position programs. This
temporary position program likewise gives potential human asset which could be extended
for lasting employment opportunity later. This could beat the issue of time the executives as

Ahtsham Aslam

Student ID: ASOC2289

the chiefs judge the limit of internees during their preparation with the organization and
suggest the enlisting as lasting representative. Another advantage of this program is
controlling of extra expenses on commercial and time spent on contracting and acceptance

9- The probation procedure ought to be considered as a survey time of the exhibition

of recently enlisted staff. An agenda keeping an extensive detail covering every single part of
staff identified with work environment necessities. The director and chief watch out for the
exhibition of trial staff. The criticism of line administrator or director ought to be given as


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