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How to overcome guilt...!

When you planned your day well before, your vision was clear, your priorities are clear, you
have the full clarity of what to do the following day.

But as the day progresses, some other priorities come up.

Ask if these priorities are genuine. if yes, do them. No need to feel guilt.

If not, if these priorities are distractions (because of your habitual patterns), then you must
work up on these priorities/habits.

I believe your case is second one...😄

Think what made you change your mind, what made you change your priorities, what made
you give in to the priorities which make you feel guilt and suffer.

You change your priorities because you don't have a strong reason for why you want to do a
particular thing. You don't have a strong reason why you don't want to delay it any more.
You don't have the urgency. You think you have enough time. Remember clock is ticking
away even as you read this. Time doesn't come and go, it always goes. Please get this
before you get too old.

When "something" distracted you and you gave in, that "something" is actually you don't
want to do in first place. Because you suffered in past, it wasted your time, it was not
productive, it was not sensible thing to do, it made you distracted from your goals , but you
gave in because of short term pleasure.

When you do this guilt happens. Now you have to choices. One choice is to feel guilt and
second choice is not to feel guilt and become wiser.

Feeling guilt is self sabotaging. You are suffering more by feeling guilt. Not a sensible or
wise thing to do. You must conduct your life sensibly.

+91 93845 77934


CSAT Made Easy And Affordable

Telegram Channel : @csatmantraedu

Address the root cause. Address the distracting things physically and mentally. Yoga helps
in getting your mind and body steady towards your goals.

Have a strong reason so that you don't give in. As I say it's all in the mind. It helps you to
some extent. But mind may fool you sometimes so you need to work on body too. That's
why Yoga. Remember body and mind are interconnected. You can't really work on mind.
Many sages did it and failed. So address the issue physically first. That is Yoga.

As mind it connected with body, it will be taken care.

(Kindly remember Yoga got nothing to do with religion. Just give a try for a 10 days
sincerely. If it works, carry on. If it doesn't, dump it down. Not to have the conclusions about
anything in life. Life can be explored in its full depth and dimension only if you have the
experimenting nature. Not the conclusions.

As far as I know, yoga has never failed any one.)

So second choice is, not to feel guilt and become wiser. Kindly not to a make the things
which make you suffer as the center of your life/priorities.

Have a list of what your top priorities are and the priorities which wastes your time, which
make you suffer and feel guilt. Every time a wrong priority pops up in mind, sit back for a
moment and think, is it the sensible thing to do or not? You have suffered enough in the
past because of that priority. Do you want to suffer more? Not a sensible thing right?

Expand your horizon. You have the bigger things to do in life. See those distracting priorities
as petty ones.

In childhood you do some many silly things. Now you don't do them because you find them
silly. When you feel them silly you don't do them. You create a distance with them because
they are silly and not sensible things to do.

Bottom line is, if your habitual patterns are making you feel guilt try Yoga. Just experiment it
sincerely for some time. 🙏 If it works carry on, else dump it down.

Have realistic Daily Targets. Remember feeling guilt is not the wise thing to do. You have
two choices. Becoming wiser and not to repeat such things. This is addressing the root

See the distracting priorities as silly ones. After sometime you will create a distance with

May the grace be with you.

Thank you.

+91 93845 77934

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