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rn ílüJft-U~

. . . ·· . ····· ·••01•
Complete the sentences using the post participte of the Compk?te the sentences. Use the present
verbs in brackets. perfect - posl'ti\/e or negative.

The tra1 n has "5 \ o \-'P:s:;.~ . \.Ve cango ouT no.v . (s top) My mum i:m ' t aT ho111e now . 5he ~O:') ,joOe (go)
She 1-:.Y1 'T reod y. S-hc ho::m't pq. C' \C. t;:~her c ~ s }'CT . {poc·k) to ttie -s-upeni,o.rk e-t .
She ha,:; \:a J'=i:'...V). s ome phoTo~ . (-roke) $-o f.o. r t h ,,:; m on1h 1 ~ O\,d' Ot:C'O (,;ee ) -rh ,-ee

r ·-~e never
I haven ' T o
Sally ha!:>n't C'>, '{ ':( \v~~ yeT. \.,;here c:M she be ~ (arr1ve}

to your m cTher. {speak)
wh1ch :.- -hoes tco bt.i y yeT. (de c ide)
film s .
Ii-n hungry. I bQ\tcú' t
\ o ~ } m y lunch yet .

MyfoTherhos Six1\1CY'.l T0Rorne . (dr1•1e) l hcn ,e:c'.\ ';;)-e e,n (s ee) Helen ye-r -to d o.y . ls
she at s ch ooP
O:.Jr footb all Team hov e(¿ ,on
(w1n) ali 1T,;
Choose the correct verb from tt'le box and complete t-he matd,es so far rl-,1,:; year .
sentences usín9 the presen-t perfect form. I dor.'t know your bo y- fri-end . I bo,~ '(Y\e\
(mee-t) h1rn ycT .

answer b r-eak buy clean e m p"ty

Complete what Susan says. Use the PPT ond
le ave lose f 101:.+.
for or sint::tr.
Tom ..:::Jl2Si::cfJ::::ER[$li:~OJ~~~""l"lJ[D1'.iTil''í:-"""- - - - - ~
Clcure \oo D a ½ '.)u,..,e:r:e,o ol l 1-he q1.1e::.-:tion s. a) Im
from Fraice. buT I live rn london now .
I loa.ti C...Vct\ \<t~ ten k ,l01ne-tre s. I \'\\ ,f'}- (!ive) here :"j '1,oC.-€., 1QCJ 2 .
\, c, ,1
They \c,c,\cR \ D»\ The1r car ke~. b) Iin a JOUl'T\al1s·t . I work for a sports magazine ,n
John ba J \oos 2'Q \- o new J a.cke-r. London . ! b:•:vg ruru:\(e;(woril.) There ko-<
D1ono kw : :'.'.) \oxQ*:fYlhe.., orm, -two yeor:,¡.
81!1 ood Trn bo, ,f;'._ C'\:f'C\YlP~ 1he k1tchen, e} Iin married . My hu:..--bond's norne 1 s J on.athon .
The fra1n \.0-:) \ e ~ \ 1-he ::>raT,on . We \u,,
1e \,ee:a (be)marr,ed ~'\ Y'C::S ¡ ll o 3
Karen kCJ
'.J ~\½\;:,\,e~ her v1olin pruc11ce. d) JonoTho.n work s ,n u bonk .
He hciC, u-0::c'f:e.J:,(work) 1heNi X-:12Y Three
e) We have a flat m souTh Lo.nd on .
Wek'y('.. 'r-0-~(have)1he fi ar ~°IY:lCe las-tA\oy .
Put the words in the right orde:r.

a) I/homeworil./ yet/f1ni ~hed/ haven't/1ny

Complete. Use j ust. oJreody or yet .
'J 'neo en'\ ~1x'.ln \ef> s:n':\, howie• ,.ca--~'-\~\ Have you l, ough t a ne,~ b ,ke a,\ Y s" n Ó':\ .,
b) 1/h om ewo r-4</m y/ done/hove/ al re ad y
J: \v-,,,e b 'e,, M:::\ h a'fY\f:La.-<)r'<. c: 1\~'-' ~'-\ G reatl Sean h as 0\ ¿:::;:¡ \- L roken the world r ecord l
e) l/h orn eworil./m y/f1nished/have/JU St Don 'f shoutl He hasn't f1mshed h1s honieworl<. '::::\ -1? ::\

::I hCJ' d' c)v:5': \ '1 Yl n\.- s: 6 YV\::-l bD'<Yle\..J...OY~ Can ! 90 To Jane ·,, porty > !'ve o\y -e O.. ~'::\, o::.-ked you
d) H€/hom e/gone/h os/ol reod y Three t,me s .
be bd:V e1 \x::eúM tjo'<' ~ k'.'\'Y\ ~ ....i..._ follen off h1s
Mar•k con't ·w ,n the roce no,v . He "s _.,_J~V+:l"""-.L..)
e ) _M,.a rk/corne b ack/Fronc.e/just/h as/from
b1ke .
i'v1o.'r: '- ~ v:v~ c.o'Í"' e 'oq Q.)- ):'-ro\"') r Ya\"i(
Have you clean-ed your room
1' f) The y / 'bough t/newla/JUS"t/h ovc/holisc
t\:ie':\ \:i o.vf ~ 1,,1y\ 6 u l'1 tJ \ o. ne 11 ) b~ osi<ed y-o u tw ,ce ,
g) yve/had /lunch/ha,, en{ /ye t \, \ 1 ..........\-..,,.__passed o.1 1 h1s
Adarn ,s very c~ver. He'-:; - -'- rlJ-''""-¿:7)
,.ue brn,,e Y:l ' ~ \ru.o lufl <;. '='e.,-; un ..,ers1T y exoms.
hf Th e -tro1n/ ttie s tat,on/olr-eody/le f t/ho::;; I ha·,en't s~nt 1he etnail to Amy ':\ \'. \ .
\eC;\ \\c.. j~\~o'v1
"'1e -1Yrno kn
,) lefr/lhe trcun/ye t /ha:;P
li,o~ :\\,,,~ !:-ía\V\

\e ~\ ':\ s:~.
') ¡ ,Toe h ~ du:".j '\ g-o ne . If you hu,.ry you c cr:i cotch h 1ni .

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