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PRN: 17010125135
BATCH: B.A LL. B (2017-2022)


“Implementation of Human
Rights and its effect on


This paper will basically talk about the implementation of Human Rights in the global
aspect and its changing sphere in different states mechanism. It covers up the
necessary fundamentals of the modern social world. It also recognizes the current
global issues such as the introduction of Feminism in the society that talked about
equal rights given to women. Different child rights prevalent in the world. The
significance the LGBT Community around the globe. It is very necessary to
understand and analyze the changes that have been brought up because of the
existence of these issues. Subsequently we will discuss these topics with grave detail

Human rights, the term is self-explanatory basically stating that every human being
living in this world has his/her own rights. When we take into perspective of the states
involved in the discussion of human rights, then it’s a different story. According to
International Relations, the states are the principle actors in world politics and world
society. The states have a sovereign power. Now there is a conflict between the
functioning of a state and the human rights of the people governed by the state. The
states claim sovereignty over the people in the state. One of the great examples of
conflict of state and result of damaging human rights is that of World War II. After
millions of people got affected by it, UN acknowledged the necessity of Human
Rights for global peace. But that also has been ignored by most for the prosperity of
the state. There is ignorance in the world stage of these rights. Again, a great example
of the state of Afghanistan or Syria where thousands are affected by the terror of one
single community. The international court of justice has failed to recognize the overall
problems because of biasness and prejudice. The agenda of Human rights have given
states a special status in the world. For example, USA participating in safeguarding
human rights of people in the middle east. Some states do take a major responsibility
of safeguarding the citizen rights in order to be accepted as the global members of the


society but for some states have very weak society presence. Further we will take up
some important global issues prevalent in current times1.

Long back if you see the history of the world, children were considered small adults.
Even in the 19th century there were laws regarding protection of children. For
example, French laws in 1800s preserved the right of education. By the 20th century
their rights were existing in other regions also such as social, medical, etc. all over
Europe. In 1924, the league of nations adopted Declaration of the Rights of a Child.
The Geneva Declaration was also significant. After the casualties of World War II
there was a separate UN fund created and also it led to the formation of UNICEF in
1953. Initially the works were focused on War casualties but gradually they enlarged
to helping developing countries. Since 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights observed the care of childhood and motherhood. In 1959 UN assembly
adopted Declaration of the rights of a child which significantly had 10 principles.
Whatever had been discussed in the assembly was then pit into text by a committee
and signed by a lot of countries which gave birth to its universality. The two texts had
the agenda of International Charter for Economic, Social and Cultural rights which
covered the right to health care, education, etc. and Charter related to civil rights
which included right to have a name and nationality. International year of the child is
1979 has it saw the real change taking place in the global community. Convention on
the rights of child was implemented in 1990. In may 2002 another convention was
followed which talks about the prohibition of armory obtained by a child or its use in
war conflicts. Today the international charter of child rights has been signed by 190
countries. USA and Somalia signed out but didn’t ratify2.

Facebook, Cse, Cse, & Post. (2017, August 31). Q 3 (c) " The implementation of
human rights is regarded as a matter of changing the conduct of States. "
Children's Rights History. (n.d.).


When we talk about women rights we focus on the equality in the society given to
men should be balanced with that of women. There have been many landmark
situations in the history of women rights. In 1792 for the first time there was mention
of actual women rights on text by English writer Mary Wollstonecraft’s “A
vindication of the rights of the women”. In 1848 the Seneca falls convention was set
up by Abotionalist Activists. In 1911 March 19, international Women’s Day was
celebrated for the first time after the meeting in Copenhagen. In 1915 International
Congress of Women was set up which was changed to Women’s International league
for peace and freedom. In the 1948 when the United Nations Declaration of Human
Rights came into picture it broadly stated that there will be equal rights given to
women and men. In 1975 UN for the first time organized a world conference on
women in Mexico City in order to discuss the aims to achieve the social, economic
status of women. In 1979 International Bill of Women rights was passed with the
object to remove discrimination of women but as of now 189 parties have ratified the
bill. In 1995, fourth world conference on women in Beijing, China where Hilary
Clinton, the then First lady stated famously that “women’s rights are human rights”.
After this conference, several agendas were adopted. In 2017, we saw the recent
women march in Washington which was the largest demonstration in support of
women’s rights3.

Vogelstein, R. B. (2017, January 24). Landmarks in the Global Movement for
Women's Rights: A Timeline.


LGBT is an abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender has had a long
disturbing history. Its initiation of the movement has made impacts in the social set up
of different states. For a very long time in the global community people belonging in
one of these categories weren’t considered normal. But along the years the work and
movements from their side has made a major impact and become one of the global
issues. For the first time, in 1954 the Wolfenden Committee was formed to judge the
nature of indecency between men. The recommendation made by the committee was
to state that homosexuality is not illegal but the governments rejected that
recommendation4. In 1964 the North Western Homosexual Law Reform Committee is
formed to provide legal and social support to the community. In 1966 Beaumont
society was founded to provide more research on this topic of discussion. In the
modern times, we can see the current President supporting same sex marriages. Also
from a more religious perspective we can take into account that Pope also supported
gay marriages by saying “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has
goodwill, who am I to judge?”. But on the other hand, we can see Russia with anti-
gay legislations preventing the practice altogether. There was news about gay
teenagers being tortured in Moscow. In many African countries Homosexuality is still
illegal. The more liberal part of the world regarding the acceptance of LGBT comes
from western Europe, UK, and USA. In September 2018, Supreme Court of India
struck down a colonial era ban on intercourse between same sex5.

Mugisha, F. India and the Global Fight for LGBT Rights.
Patel , Z. (2019, May 17). The long road to LGBT equality in India: UNDP in India.


Basically, the idea of human rights is that every person should be treated equally and
his/her rights should be protected by the respective states and world communities.
Anything that goes against these natural principles are in violation of the fundamental
human rights. As also explained in various UN conventions, topics like child rights,
women rights and the LGBT movement are sensitive issues. There have been
instances in the world where there was a violation in all the categories stated above.
The states have taken these issues and made it as a mandatory agenda that needs to be
followed with true governance. The birth of human rights didn’t come through a text
but these rights are born with the birth of every human being on this planet and to
violate these rights is global injustice. The states being the primary actors in the world
should step up their pursuit of protecting these rights. Any violation of them will
affect the image of the state as well. In the end, these human rights should be well
protected as it defines the quality of the state since “it’s the people that determine the
state and not the state that determines the people”

 https://www.humanium.org/en/childrens-rights-history/
 https://www.cfr.org/blog/landmarks-global-movement-womens-rights-
 http://upscpractice.blogspot.com/2017/08/human-rights-conduct-states.html
 https://foreignpolicy.com/gt-essay/india-and-the-global-fight-for-lgbt-rights/
 http://www.in.undp.org/content/india/en/home/blog/lgbtequalityindia.html



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