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Colegio canadiense

Nome: Juanita Vidal

Grade: 11ºB class: P.E
Due date: 29/01/20
Name of the text: Handball

Key words:

Handball is a sport where a ball is used and two teams play against each other. The
objective of the game is to score a goal on the opposing team. The team that has managed
to score the most goals is the winner.
A handball match consists of two halves of 30 minutes each,
with a 10-minute break, if there is a tie, two 5-minute halves are played, with no rest
between them.


1.The ball may only be touched from the knee upwards except by the goalkeeper who may
touch it with any part of the body.
2.The player cannot take more than three steps with the ball in his hands.
3. The player may not push, grab or hit the opponent.
4.It is only allowed to stop the other player with the trunk, not with the arms or legs.
5.It is only allowed to throw the ball into the goal within the area if the player has jumped
before stepping on the area line.
6.To progress with the ball must be bounced.
7.You can not bounce, take the ball with both hands and bounce again.
8.It is forbidden to snatch or hit the ball that is in the opponent's hands.

Some muscles of more incidence or used in the practice of handball

-The gluteus maximus works in the throws where the player, in a suspended, takes one or
both legs back, producing a rotation of the coxofemoral joint, while extending the trunk.
-The medial and minor gluteus collaborate by abducting the joint, so they would allow a
greater lift by participating in the moment of the upward thrust.
-The hamstrings are composed of the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and
semimembranous. They are basically responsible for bending the knee.
-The quadriceps is made up of four muscles: the rectus femoris and the vast lateral, medial
and intermediate muscles. They are responsible for producing the extension of the knee.
-The tibialis anterior, which produces plantar flexion. It can be trained by doing slopes.
Also in the anterior part we have the common toe extender and the big toe extender.
Measure of the court or field

Type players position and function

Ball use in handball (size & weight)

Handball is a sport that although it does not have many fans, it brings together a group of
people who are fond of football and basketball. This sport unites these two activities and
shows us in the best way what teamwork is like.


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