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Society of Petf'Olelm Engineers of AIM E

SPE/DOE 11638

A Method for Evaluation of Formation Damage Due to

Fracturing Fluids
by L.J. Volk, * Amoco Production Go., and B.L. Gall, C.J. Raible," and H.B. Carroll, *
* Members SPE-AIME

This paper was presented at the 1983 SPE/DOE Symposium on Low Permeability held in Denver, Colorado, March 14-16, 1983. The material is subject
to correction by the author, Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Write SPE, 6200 North Central Expressway,
Drawer 64706, Dallas, Texas 75206.

ABSTRACT In connection with the DOE Western Gas

Sands sub-program and Multi-Well Experiment,
The extent of formation damage due to invasion it was desirable to build an apparatus which
of fracturing fluids during the hydraulic fracturing could evaluate formation damage from fracturing
process was studied. An apparatus, which can fluids by determining permeability to gas
simulate reservoir conditions, is described for before and after exposure at simulated reservoir
measuring permeability before and after fluids are temperatures and fracturing pressures. The leak-
pumped across the surface of a core. Dynamic off rate of fracturing fluids can also be measured
fluid loss was also measured of fluid which passes with this apparatus.
through the core plug.
Guar gum and its derivatives, such as
After the fluid pump schedule was completed, hydroxypropyl guar have been effective gelling
high gas pressure was applied in the reverse agents in fracturing fluids for many years. While
direction from fluid leak-off to measure fluid improved polymers have been developed, (13-16)
cleanup and the extent of core damage. The system guars continue to be the dominate gelling agent
had a wide dynamic range and the measurements have in use today.
been automated.
The system was designed to evaluate core
A potentially large natural gas resource damage due to gelled fluid penetration and skin
exists ;n low permeability reservoirs of the effect at simulated fracturing conditions. Core
western United States (1,2). Massive hydraulic damage was estimated by measuring gas permeability.
fracturing (MHF) has been used extensively to In order to simulate fracturing conditions, equipment
increase production from tight blanket sands was developed as shown schematically in Figure 1.
(3,4). However, MHF results have been mixed for The apparatus used a heated, temperature controlled
the Mesaverde and Fort Union sands of the Rocky pressure vessel and fluid pump capable of exerting
Mountain area (5). Various studies have been a hydrostatic stress up to 10,000 psi (69 MPa) on
initiated to develop technology for producing a core sample. Test samples were cylinders 3.8
these low permeability, lenticular sands (6,7). cm diameter and typically 1.2 to 2.0 cm in thick-
ness. Inside the test cell, the sample was mounted
Many factors can reduce the effectiveness of in a rubber sleeve between 3.8 cm diameter end
the hydraulic fracture treatment including damage pieces. One end piece contained a cavity, 3.3 cm
to the formation and propped fracture from the diameter and 0.5 cm deep, to allow fluid flow
fracturing fluids, fluid leak-off, clay swelling, across the core face. Flow rate across the core
precipitation of solids or migration of fines. surface was typically 2 cm Imin. This produced a
Some studies have been done which estimate possible shear rate of 0.3 to 2 sec-lover the core surface.
formation damage in low permeability reservoirs in Fluids were pumped into and out of this cavity
order to design fluids or methods to minimize the through two holes (0.3175 em) located for maximum
damage (8- 13) • hole spacing in the cavity. Fluid pressure was
maintained at the core face by a back pressure
regulator located downstream of the fluid cavity
as shown in Figure 1.
References and illustrations at end of paper.


The other core end piece was connected with c t

minimal volume tubing to allow fluids to pass ( 1)
through the core. Fluid that passed through the
core was collected and weighed with an electronic
balance. The accumulated weight was recorded with For the system described in Figure 2, a close
a strip chart recorder. Alternately, fluid fractions approximation of the mean volume (V ) at the mean
could be collected with a fluid fraction collector. :ore pressure (P ) may be determineS by using the
These f~actions were weighed and analyzed by gel ldeal gas relati8nship when ~P c»~P t·
p~rme~tlo~ chromatography for molecular weight
dlstrlbutlon and polymer concentrations.
Following the fluid or gel pumping operation (2 )
the equipment was changed to measure restored gas
permeability. First, the fluid cavity and connect-
ing tubing was cleared of excess fluid with a low Equation 2 can be rearranged to give:
pressure nitrogen flow leaving gel buildup or filter
cake on the core face and the core fluid saturated. t t c
Then, high pressure nitrogen was forced through . . (3)
the core and filter cake as shown in Figure 2. For Pc Tt
some tests, nitrogen saturated with water vapor at
a temperature equal to the core temperature was Combining equations 1 and 3, a permeability value
used to more accurately simulate reservoir conditions can be calculated
Nitrogen flow through the core (related to the .
effective core permeability) was measured versus
time with a gas flow measurement system. . . . . . (4)
In order to measure gas flow through a core At the commencement of pressure buildup, the pressure
damaged with fracturing fluids, a system was devised (P t ) downstream of the core (V t ) was equilibrated
to measure and record the increase gas flow rate to atmosphere pressure (p). rherefore, P P
wi~h.time. The initial gas flow through low perme- and ~P (initial) = P.-p? Assuming stead} sta~e
ablllty core saturated with fracturing fluid was flow, ~t the end of t~e Bressure buildup period,
extremely low. As saturation decreased, higher ~p (flnal) P.-P = P.-(P +~P). For gas flow
gas flows were observed until the core reached thFough the cor~, i lin~ar ~ela~ionship was observed
irreducible water saturation and steady state gas between the pressure buildup in the confined
flow. The time to obtain equilibrated permeability volume and time so long as ~P »~P. Experimental
often required hours even days. It was desirable tests revealed essentially a lineartpressure
to not only periodically measure gas flow, but also buildup with time up to 20 percent of ~P . The
to ascertain when steady state flow was attained. experimental procedure followed for flowcmeasure-
Therefore, an automated system was developed to ments limited ~P to less than 5 percent of ~P .
measure a widely variable gas flow rate that Under actual exp~rimental conditions, the effeEtive
accompany the changing permeability. pressure across the core, ~Pc in equation 4 was:

Various methods have been devised to measure ~Pc = ~ [6P c (initial) + 6P c (final)]
gas flow and core permeability. Two methods of
interest based on nonsteady state gas flow have Pi-CPo + ~ 6P t )
been described. Jones (17) measured pressure draw
down of pressure reservoir located upstream of a Also, the effective mean core pressure (P ) can be
core sample. More recently, Freeman and Bush (18) expressed as: c
described a method to measure low permeability
cores wi~h a nonsteady state gas flow through a
sample wlth a downstream pressure buildup test. '" ~ [pc (initial) + Pc (final) ]
Both methods reported rapid analysis times with
go?d.accuracy. The method described in this paper Pi + P + ~P )]
P. + (p
=~ [ 0 + lot
utlllzes a downstream pressure buildup (~P ) 2 2
in a known volume. A solenoid valve, installed on
~he outlet of a known volume, was closed period- =~ [Pi + (PO+~6Pt)J
lcally for a specific time interval and then
opened allowing equilibration to atmospheric Therefore, equation 4 can be rewritten in experi-
pressure. The pressure buildup was measured with mentally measured parameters.
a pressure transducer and the resulting pressure
(~Pt) displ~yed.o~ a strip c~art recorder. Figure
3 snows a slmpllfled schematlc of the essential
components and parameters.
If steady state flow th~ough a core is assumed, The above formulation assumes a constant temperature
the volume of an ideal gas (V ) passing through (T t ) and pressure equilibrium throughout the
the core in time (t) can be c~lculated by the bUildup volume. The temperature of the gas leaving
relationship: the core is approximately the core temperature (T )'


However, even at elevated core temperatures, the by measuring gas permeabilities at 3 mean pressures
gas rapidly cools to Tt (ambient temperature) due and extrapolating to infinite mean pressure. Many
to the low heat capacity of the gas relative to of the permeability values used in the following
the plumbing. Pressure and temperature measurements discussion will be gas permeabilities at 1000 psig
at the exit of the cell verify the assumption re- (6.9 MPa). These values are very close to the
quired to use equation 5. Furthermore, flow rates Klinkenberg corrected permeabilities.
measured by conventional techniques agree with those
determined using equation 5. MOLECULAR WEIGHT DETERMINATIONS
Technique of Gas Flow Measurement High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Typically, regained-permeability experiments techniques (19) were used to determine the presence
involved slowly increasing flow. In order to as- and molecular weight distribution (MWD) of fractur-
certain the time required to establish steady state ing fluid polymers passing through the cores. A
flow, automated flow measurement was an important liquid chromatographic system, equipped with a
consideration in system design. Figure 4 is a HPLC pump, automatic injection refractive index
schematic of the auto-ranging flow monitoring detector and three Toyo Soda columns (two-G5000PW,
system. A timer was used to operate solenoid one-G3000PW) (20), was used to separate molecules
valve (SV'A'). This valve was periodically closed according to size. The method, commonly known as
for some time, t, allowing pressure build-up in gel permeation chromatography (GPC), elutes the
the downstream volume. The volume, previously largest molecules first with progressively smaller
referred to as V , includes the combined volume of molecule elution. Dextran standards with a known
valves, pressure t transducers, test cell downstream molecular weight (MW) were used to characterize
of the core outlet, and connecting tubing. This the col umn set. Dextran molecules, however, are
volume was measured as 90 cm 3 • Normal cycle time was more linear molecules than those of guar and guar
5 or 10 minutes with SV'A ' closure time of one derivatives (21) so that the absolute calibration
minute. However, these times could be selected in with respect to guar polymers is not precise.
0.1 minute multiples to provide flexibility in However, comparative MW curves and changes in the
properly scaling pressure build-up, ~P. Also, molecular size distribution of the broken polymers
two pressure transducers were used wit~ ranges of were possible using the column set.
0-100 torr and 0-1000 torr. Depending on sample
permeability and P., either the low or high range Figure 6 shows a composite of the MWD chro-
was used. 1 matograms for broad MW polydextran standards.
Each standard curve represents a MW range with the
A strip chart recorder displayed the pressure average MW indicated near the apex of each curve.
build-up from which flow rates could be calculated. The exclusion limit of the column set is approxi-
The flow system automatically increased downstream mately 3 to 5 million. Some of the T-2000 standard,
volume, V , as the pressure, ~P , increased to which has an extremely broad MW range, is excluded
some pres~t value in order not to exceed recorder from the column packing pores resulting in a
full scale (R f ). This was accomplished by monitor- bimodal curve. In the remaining discussion, refer-
ing the transdBcer voltage output. Normally, the ences to molecular weights of gels are for illustra-
voltage monitor was set at 90 and 95 percent of Rfs ' tive comparisons. Actual gel MW is not known.
If the transducer voltage increased to 90 percent
of R ,SV'B ' opened connecting the 160 cm 3 tank, Unbroken hydroxypropyl guar (HPG) elutes at
V , fa the downstream manifold. This increased the exclusion limit, indicating a MW greater than
tRe total volume to 250 cm 3 • Similarly, if bP t 5 million as shown in Figure 7. Broken gel,
increased to 95 percent of R ' SV1C 1 opened however, elutes within the separation range of the
connecting an additional 950 f ~m3 tank, V . When column set. Figure 7 also shows the MWD of HPG
either of these solenoid valves opened, ft remained fracturing fluid containing breaker and heated to
open until reset by the operator. An example of 343°K for various time durations. The composite
recorder response for a regained-permeability test chromatogram shows distributions of progressively
is shown in Figure 5. This figure shows a typical smaller molecular size as the duration of the oxi-
sequence of valve operation and the resultant ~Pt dation increases.
attenuation due to increased downstream volume.
The GPC system was useful for detection of
Nitrogen, with ideal gas properties, was used gels in fluid leak-off, as well as, estimating
for flow measurements. The system has a flow size of molecules which penetrated through core
measurement range of 4 orders of magnitude using samples. Broken gels were also characterized
all equipment parameters. Assuming 11 atmospheres prior to being used in regained-permeability
pressure drop (AP ) and mean pressure (Pc) of 6 experiments.
atmospheres acros~ a core, the system is ca~able .
of measuring .002 to 20 cm 3 /sec. For a tYPlcal Slze EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
core used in these experiments, this corresponds
to a permeability range of 0.4 to 5000 J-ld. For Gel Preparation
unattended operation using the same criteria, the Hydroxypropyl guar (HPG) was prepared in 40
system would measure approximately 0.002 to 0.25 and 80 lb/1000 gal concentrations (4.8 gm/L and
cm 3 /sec or 0.4 to 60 J-ld for low flow operation. 9.6 gm/L). The polymers were hydrated in a
potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution brought to
Permeabilities measured with this system were pH 10 with 10 percent KOH. After hydration, the
effective or apparent gas permeabilities. Klin- solution pH was lowered to between 6 and 6.5.
ken berg corrected permeabilities were determined Typical viscosities measured with a Fann 35


Viscometer were approximately 117 cp at 300 rpm Depth of Gel Invasion

(479 sec l for the 80 lb gel and 35 cp at 300 rpm The depth of gel invasion was estimated by
(479 sec-I) for the 40 lb gel. performing regained-permeability measurements
before and after removing a portion of the damaged
Core Preparation core surface. For unbroken gels, most C1GE-Zl
Core for these experiments were low permeability cores returned to 95 percent of their original
sands from the following wells: CIGE-Zl Natural permeabil ity (k.) with 0.1 cm or less of the
Buttes Unit, Bitter Creek Field, Section 21, T10S, damaged core sutface removed. For example, CIGE-
R22E, Uintah County, Utah, depth 6499 feet and 21 (6499.7) had 100 percent permeabil i ty res-
from the Multi-Well Experiment #1, Rulison Field, toration with 0.02 cm removed. A CIGE-21 (6499.5)
Piceance Basin, Section 34, T65, R94W, Garland core regained 95 percent of its original per-
County, Colorado, depth 7884 and 7955 feet. Cores meability when the gel coating on the core surface
from these two wells will be identified as CIGE-21 was scraped off with a knife. No additional
and MWX-l in the text of this paper. Core plugs permeabil ity restorati on was measured by removi ng
approximately 3.8 cm in diameter and 1.2 to 2.0 cm a small portion of the core surface. This in-
in length were dried in a vacuum oven and their dicates, that within experimental error, the
porosities determined by vacuum saturation with 2 reduction in gas permeability of this rock for-
percent KN~. They were then placed in the regained- mation ;s due to the filter cake on the core
permeability apparatus where the general procedure surface.
described below was followed.
Visual inspection of the gel buildup on the
Regained Permeability Procedures core surfaces was made at various steps of the
Gas permeability of the core (Klinkenberg experimental procedure. After pumping HPG gel
corrected) was first determined for the dry core. across a core surface for 4 hours with a fluid
Then, brine (2 percent KN0 3 ) was pumped through loss coeffcient of .0018 ft/min~, the gel coating
the core to saturate and determine brine was approximately 0.1 cm in thickness (at ambient
permeability (Figure 1). This step was followed pressure} and had a soft, elastic consistency.
by reverse flow with nitrogen (Figure 2) and the After a regained-permeability test was performed,
reqained-permeability curve was measured as the gel coating was a thin dehydrated film with a
illustrated in Figure 5. The differential pressure brittle texture. When humidified nitrogen was
across the core was typically 1000 psig (6.9 MPa). used in the regained-permeability procedure, the
Nitrogen gas flow was allowed to continue until gel coating appeared to be completely dry.
maximum flow or equilibrium was obtained. This
regained-permeability curve was later used to In another test, a mixture of 40 lb (4.8
estimate core damage. The maximum permeability gm/L) HPG gel and 0.1 percent ammomium persulfate
obtained with undamaged core will be referred to was prepared. Then the unreacted gel mixture was
as k., or initial permeability. Unbroken gel was pumped across a core to form a gel filter cake.
then1pumped across the core to determine fluid The HPG gel and breaker in the filter cake were
leak-off along the core face. Broken gel and/or allowed to react on the core surface for 24 hours
brine could be pumped to determine their effects at 343°K. These conditions were used to simulate
on fluid leak-off. Fractions of the fluid passing breaking conditions of a filter cake on a frac-
through the core were also analyzed for the presence tured surface.. After the reacti on ti me of 24
of broken or unbroken gel using the GPC apparatus. hours, the core was removed. The appearance of
A second regained-permeability curve was then the filter cake was not Significantly different
measured. This curve was compared with the previous from a filter cake without breaker. A portion of
regained-permeability curve as a measure of core the gel was removed and dissolved in solvent for
damage due to gel exposure. The maximum permeability GPC. A significant amount of solid matter had to
obtained with the damaged core will be referred to be filtered prior to GPC analysis. Analysis of
as kd or damaged permeability. the filtered mixture indicated broken polymer.
Under these conditions, it appeared that there was
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION insufficient breaker present in the concentrated
gel filter cake to complete gel reaction. Under
Permeability Damage the same conditions the nonconcentrated HPG solution
A comparison of effective core permeabilities has a viscosity less than 3 cp Cat 479 sec- 1 ).
to nitrogen at 1000 psig (6.9 MPa) after brine This would indicate the possibility of fracture
saturation and after exposure to HPG under pres- damage due to incomplete gel breakup.
sure is shown in Table 1. At 343°K, the percent
core damage due to exposure to gel appeared to be Gel Passage Through the Core
independent of initial permeability over a wide As discussed in the previous section, it was
range of low permeability cores (0.58 to 115 ~d). determined that unbroken gel did not pass through
In addition, the amount of damage was not sig- the low permeability cores. However. HPG gel
nificantly changed when the fluid pressure was broken with ammonium persulfate did penetrate
decreased from 2000 psig (13.8 MPa) to 700 psig through the core. At room temperature broken HPG
(4.8 MPa). The test run at 295°K indicated less caused a 30 percent reduction in regained-perme-
core damage. Most likely the reduced amount of ability (37.5 to 26.2 ~d) for a C1GE-21 (6499.2)
damage could be attributed to the greater vis- core. Broken guar which passed through the core
cosity of the fracturing fluid at room tempe- had the same MWD as the original broken HPG gel.


The permeability reduction was most likely due to Figure 12 illustrates typical fluid loss
the insoluble material produced on breaking which curves observed for wall-building gels on cores.
formed a filter cake. This residue would not be The apparent negative spurt loss is due to the
evident in a GPC chromatogram. Removing 0.14 cm presence of the core which provided additional
from the core surface restored the permeability to resistance to fluid flow. As expected, the slope
36.6 lJd. of the two fluid loss curves approach the origin
at zero slope, typical of Darcy flow. The per-
Broken HPG gel was found to pass through both meability difference between the two core was
a core and a core with filter cake buildup in primarily responsible for the different slopes.
te s t s run a t 343 0 K• Us i ng C1GE- 21 ( 6499. 7) , Fluid loss coefficients were calculated to be 1.3
broken HPG gel also penetrated the core with X 10- 3 ft/m;n~ for C1GE-21 (6499.7) and 0.3 X 10- 3
approximately the same MWD as the original solution ft/mi for MWX-l (7884C). In general, no dynamic
(Figure 8). If a gel coating of unbroken HPG filtration effects were observed. This is due to
was first formed on the surface of the core, the low shear rate of the fluid as it passes over
broken gel passed through the core with a lower the core and the rather large flow slot (0.5 cm)
MWD than that in the solution (Figure 9). There- relative to the filter cake thickness (0.1 cm or
fore, the filter cake has effectively a much less),
smaller pore structure than does the core. The
core essentially passes molecules of molecular CONCLUSIONS
weight of 10 5 -10 6 without significant attenuation.
The filter cake, however, begins retaining molecules (1) An apparatus is presented for continuously
having molecular weights greater than 10 4 • monitoring changing permeability of a
core over a wide range for extended periods
Time Required to Restore Permeability of time. This is accomplished automat;
The time required to regain stable permea- cally while maintaining the core at in-situ
bility should depend on the type of fluid used to conditions. The principle behind this
saturate the core, temperature, original per- technique can be extended to lower or
meability of the core, and the pressure of the higher flow rates if desired.
clean-up gas. Table 2 lists the time needed to
obtain 80 percent of the final regained-permea- (2) Depth of invasion of unbroken HPG is very
bility, t 8' using N2 at 1000 psig (6.9 MPa). The small, most likely less than 0.02 cm into
value of ~ percent was an arbitrary choice to rock with permeabilities less than 120 ~d
facilitate comparisons. (gas) and 600 psig per cm pressure gradient
ac ros s the core.
As expected, the cores cleaned up consi-
derably faster at 343°K, partially due to the (3) Regardless of the rock permeability (0.6
lower viscosity of water (brine or filtrate) at to 115 ~d), the permanent damage remains
elevated temperatures. Exposure to HPG increased approximately constant at a given tempera-
the regained-permeability time. ture (17-20 percent at 343°K).
A correlation between the ratio of clean-up (4) Degraded HPG passes through tight sand-
time after exposure to gel, teo (gel), and clean- stone without significantly altering
up time after exposure to brine, tso (brine), and even the high molecular weight fractions
the initial permeability (k.) can be seen in (MW 0 f 10 5 - 10 6 ) •
Figure 10 for tests perform~d with a confining
stress of 3000 psig (20.7 MPa). Until more work (5} Only degraded HPG molecules with molecular
can be accomplished, the exact nature of all the weights of 10 4 or less pass through un-
factors influencing the relative rate of clean-up hindered if a gel filter cake is allowed
is not known. Some possible factors, however, to form on the core surface.
include greater polymer deposition on the surfaces
of the more permeable cores since filtrate volume (6) For core of the permeabilities used in
is considerably greater for these cores. this study, with HPG, there appears to be
In. addition, the cores with higher permeability a correlation between the relative rate
may have greater depth of invasion of the frac- of clean-up and the formation permeability,
turing fluid polymer causing them to clean-up more
slowly. The final gas regained-permeability may (7) Humidification of the gas used in regained-
not be a strong function of filter cake thickness permeability tests does not seem to have
or depth of invasion, but it may have some in- much effect on the rate of ultimate
fluence on the relative clean-up time. permeability attained.
Fluid Loss
In general, brine flow through a core or a
core with a gel build-up was linear with time.
Degraded HPG (fluid viscosity of 3 cp or less at
479 sec-i) also passed through a core and filter
cake with a flow rate that was linear with time as
shown in Figure 11. Although degraded HPG solu-
tion possessed some solids, apparently the rate of
deposition on the existing filter cake did not
significantly alter the cake permeability or
thickness within the experimental time limits.

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~ (Pi + Pt ), atm 7. Crawley, A.B., Northrup, D.A., and Sattler
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Tabl e 1. Regained-Permeability of Cores and Estimate of Core Damage

Core no Init; a1 After gel Core Temp. HPG gel
perm darnage damage concentration
ft *k i( ~jd) *k d (j,Jd) percent OK 1b/ 1OOOga 1 (gm/L)

Confining stress 3000 psig (20.7 MPa) and Fluid Pressure 2000 psig (13.8 MPa)
6499.1 28.8 26.2 8 295 80 (9.6)
6499.5 35.5 29.5 19 343 40 (4.8)
7955 0.58 0.48 18 343 40 (4.8)
Confining stress 1700 ps i 9 (11.7 MPa) and Fluid Pressure 700 psig (4.8 MPa)
7884A 5.3 4.4 17 343 40 (4.8)
7884C 4.5 3.6 20 343 40 (4.8)
6499.7 115 91.6 20 343 SO (9.6)
*Perrneability measured at 1000 psig (6.9 r~Pa) nitrogen pressure

Table 2. Core Cleanup Time Under Various Conditions

Core no. Fluid N2 gas *tso Final Temp. Core
type humi difi ed perm. length
minutes ~d OK em

CIGE-21 brine no 280 2S.8 295 1.46

6499.1 80 lb gel no 477 26.2 295

CIGE-21 brine no 70 35.5 343 2.04

6499.5 40 1b gel no 140 29.1 343

MWX-l brine no 400 0.58 343 1.25

7955 40 lb gel no 400 0.48 343

MWX-l brine no 5S0 5.2 299 1.41

7884A brine yes 600 4.3 299
brine no 210 5.1 343
brine yes 210 5.3 343
40 lb gel yes 240 4.4 343

CIGE-21 brine yes 13 115 343 1. 35

6499.7 80 1b gel yes 35 91.6 343
*Time required to cleanup cores to SO percent of final core permeability (ki or kd)

rHydrostatic stress

~"""","""'.,..,J..__/Rubber sleeve

Bock pressure
Pressure tank

Pressure ---1 fluid

transducer Regulated
Hydrostatic nitrogen
pressure (Pi) I-
pressure I
High pressure
~Pc : "- Pressure

test cell

Li quid fraction
collector or Fractur ing fluid
B eCO'de,

Fig. 3-Simplified gas flow measurement system.

Electronic balance Core
Rubber sleeve
0-1000 mm
pressure transducer
Fig. 1-Schematic 0 f fracturing fluid simulator.


H ig h pressure
____-1--11, 1 <0,d,,1

Hydrostatic pressure test cell _J 1

Pressure I
transduce~ Gas
pressure transducer I
measurement I
system I


Fig. 2-Schemalic of regained-permeability

. gas flow. Atmospheric

Fig. 4-Schem a!'Ie of autoranging flow mOniloring system.





No oxidant

~IO Solvent
~ en peak
w z
o 24 Hours
8 a..
i= en
ttl 0::
6 > o
+ f-
l ><f. W

:i 1

~ Elution volume- 53 ml
I I I I 4
0 20 40 60 80 100 - Molecular size
RECORDER SCALE Fig. 7-Composile chromatogram showing molecular weight distribution change with time as H PG gel reacts
with oxidant breaker.
Fig. 5-Example of recorder response for regained·permeability test.

Average molecular weight

of dextran standa rds Exc lusion
I im it

en Sol vent
z Solvent w peak
o peak en
en z
W a..
0:: en
0:: 0::
r- 0::
o o Broken HPG
w f-
r- o diluted by
w W 1/2 Broken H PG
o r- t h roug h core

25ml Elution volume - 53ml 25ml Elution volume ~ 53 ml

4-- Molecular size - - Molecular size
Fig. a-Molecular weight distribution of broken HPG gel passed through core compared with MW of the orginial
Fig. 6-Composlte gel permeation chromatogram for Dextran calibration standards.
broken HPG gel.

(1) pea k
o IJ)

(1) ~ 20
w Orig ina I broken
a::: I
o ~
I- W
u ~
I- 0
I.iJ I-
o Fluid passed «
through gel ~ ::J
bu i Idup and :::E
::> 10
i:.··qre <.>
,~;~~ <.>
25 ml Elution volume ----IIi"' 53ml
- - Molecular size

Fig. 9-Molecular weight distribution of broken HPG gel passed through core and gel filter cake compared with
MW of the original broken HPG gel.

o 10 20 30 40
TIME, minutes
tsO(GEL) / tSO( BR I NE)
Fig. 11-Broken gel filtrate passage through a core with previously
deposited filter cake.


fTt 5
::0 N
3: 0
r E
-i ~ 4
-< (,>J

Q. 3: 3
0 o

~ 2
~~--------------------------~----------~ u
Fig. 10-Relalive cleanup lime vs. gas regained-permeability at 1.000

2 4 6 8 10
TIME, minutes 1/2
Fig. 12-Typical fluid·loss curves for unbroken HPG gel.

s PE'" JJ1113 'X

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