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Straightforward Upper Intermediate Progress Test 4

Listening scripts

Track 13, Progress Test 4, Listening: Part 1

Jed: So, what would you do if you were one of the prisoners in The Prisoner’s Dilemma, Mark?
Mark: Oh, that’s easy. I’d keep quiet.
Jed: Sure you would!
Mark: No, I would, honestly. So, I guess you wouldn’t then, Jed.
Jed: Too right I wouldn’t. I’d tell everything because then I’d go free.
Mark: Not if the other prisoner also gave evidence.
Jed: Oh yeah! I hadn’t thought of that.

Newsreader: [female] Mexican footballer, Raul Rodriguez is one of the most generous men around.
For the third time in the last four years Raul has given $1 million to an area of Mexico City. Raul said,
‘I grew up in this part of the city and I know how hard life can be for the people. Most families are
living in poverty. Now I earn millions of dollars a year I felt it was time I gave something back to the
place I come from.’

Brad: So where are you going on holiday this year, Ben?
Ben: Oh, definitely the Andes.
Brad: But you went there last year?
Ben: Yep, and it’s got some of the best climbing around.
Brad: But don’t you fancy something a little more relaxing, like lying on a beach reading a book?
Ben: No, definitely not. Anyway, what about you? Where are you going Brad?
Brad: Tenerife I think, sand, sea and beautiful weather.

4 [a young boy and girl – teens]

Jason: Hi, have you seen Pirates of the Caribbean yet?
Lorraine: What? That rubbish.
Jason: No, it’s really good.
Lorraine: Right! But it’s so ridiculous.

SF Up-Int Progress Test 4 listening final ms 1

Jason: Why’s it ridiculous?
Lorraine: Dead people walking, buried treasure …
Jason: Yeah well! Didn’t you hear they found real treasure on an island in the Caribbean just last
Lorraine: Yes, but that was gold from a Spanish ship that sank in a storm.
Jason: And a film like Pirates of the Caribbean just takes real stories and makes them more exciting.
Lorraine: But the real stories about pirates are all exaggerated.
Jason: Just like the film.

Young man: Excuse me! I found this bag in the street and it’s got £300 in it and some glasses, oh and
a little pocket diary. I thought if I brought it in here you could find out whose it was and then return it
to them?
Police officer: Thank you. That’s very honest of you.
Young man: [cough – for attention]
Police officer: Yes?
Young man: I was hoping there might be a reward.
Police officer: Ah! Well, let me take your name and address and I’ll contact you if the owner wants to
give you something.

Progress Test 4, Listening: Part 2


No doubt you’ve heard of ‘jet-setting’, where the rich and famous of the world travel around living in
the lap of luxury, but have you heard of ‘set-jetting’? Set-jetting is the latest thing to take off in
Set-jetting is where a person chooses their holiday destination because it was the setting in a film or a
book. In fact, set-jetting has become so popular that many places are trying to make money out of
having been mentioned in a book or used as a film location. The number of tourists visiting New
Zealand has grown by 30% since the release of the Lord of the Rings films, Thailand saw a 19%
increase in tourism to Phi-Phi island the location of The Beach starring Leonardo Di Caprio and the
Greek island of Kefalonia saw an increase after the film version of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin with
Nicholas Cage and Penelope Cruz hit the screens. Even more surprising was the popularity of
Madagascar as a tourist hot-spot. Apparently people were inspired to visit the island after watching the
Dreamworks cartoon! Now Britain is about to experience more tourism as people want to visit places
they see in the Harry Potter films, The Da Vinci Code and other films set in Europe.

SF Up-Int Progress Test 4 listening final ms 2

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