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Class Planning Sheet

Name Israel Ivan Ramirez Vega Course 1 Freq Week Day Date No. of Ss

Lesson Learning objective By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about their likes using possessive adjectives.

Important considerations

Activity Procedure Material Time

Warm-up Have SS read the objectives and match the pictures. Poster
Speaking T will show SS some images of famous people. T will show SS a cue Visuals
containing a clause with a possessive adjective ask SS where to stick it.

M.J is my favourite singer, who is your favourite….? My favorite movie is

Vocabulary the lord of the rings. What is your favorite ….? Ask SS to go to the board
Presentation and write other options to complete the questions. Board Markers

Vocabulary SS ask the questions to 2 different partners . My favorite …….. is……

Listening Who are Sarah’s favorite celebrities, what does she shay about them? SS
Reading share ideas. SS check their answers in their books, SS read.

SS solve the exercise bellow.

Figure it out
Use the scaffolding technique so SS find out what possessive adjectives to Board Markers
Grammar set-up use. What is your favorite movie Sergio? What is his favorite movie maria?
This is our classroom that is their classroom. Give SS the pronouns and the Cues
possessive adjectives, SS match them.
SS are given a small poster, SS write My favorite…. SS complete the poster
Meaningful drill with all their favorite things.


CPS Edición 2007 Editora Harmon hall, S.A. de C.V.

SS present their poster to the class then chose another SS to report his/her
friend poster, and so on. Books
Presentation Point out the grammar chart, have SS read the examples. Check
Mechanical drill SS solve the exercise bellow.
Board Markers

Have SS complete the chart. Have SS ask each other who is your
drill favorite____? SS give some info. About his/her celebrities. He is _____
his _____.

Link book P20 2,3


CPS Edición 2007 Editora Harmon hall, S.A. de C.V.

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