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Articulo Baloncesto

Sebastian Salazar Sandoval


Yully Andrea Garcia Navarro

Entrenamiento Deportivo

Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina

The Next Level is Always Faster
Not too long ago I had the opportunity to watch a middle school game, a high
school game, a junior college game, an NCAA Division I game, and an NBA game
over a period of five days. I have watched plenty of games at each of these levels
before but never on five consecutive nights and the experience reminded me of
something extremely important.

Progressively working my way up the ladder of competition made it easy to

recognize how much bigger, taller, and longer each level was compared to the one
just below it. Even during warm-ups when every player was on the floor at the
same time, the middle school court seemed huge, even though its physical
dimensions were actually small. On the other hand, the size of the players made
the NBA court seem tiny even though its physical dimensions were actually fairly

However, the most glaring difference from one level of competition to the next is
the speed and quickness of everything. Not only are the players themselves
physically faster and quicker but they play that way as well. They run faster, dribble
faster, close out faster, help faster, recover faster, set up their offense faster, get
their shot off faster, etc. In other words, the overall tempo of the game gets faster
and faster as the level of competition increases.

Exactly what does that mean to you as a player? That means just to stay EVEN
with everyone at the next level YOU have to play faster and quicker than you are
now! And to EXCEL at the next level your skills have to improve to the point where
they are even more efficient than they now while being executed at a much quicker

However, even though most players realize this, many of their workouts suggest
otherwise. For example, when “working” on their shooting they will take a shot,
walk after the rebound, walk back out to the three-point line and repeat the process
at a very easy and relaxed pace. Forty-five minutes later they brag to their friends
how hard they have been working when in reality they didn’t take a single game
shot at game speed. Of course, the same is true when it comes to their ball
handling, passing, and agility workouts, if they do them at all.

I hear way too many players say “When I get to the next level I’ll start working
harder, faster, and with more focus.” Wrong! Those types of players usually don’t
make it to the next level and if they do get lucky to get a spot, they waste their first
year trying to adjust to the increased intensity. Just look at how many “good” eighth
graders can’t make a lower level high school team. Why doesn’t every freshman
make an impact on his college team and every rookie dominate the NBA? Critics
usually say it’s because they’re not “good” enough but in reality those players just
aren’t as effective as they used to be now that they are forced to play faster.

If you have dreams of playing at the next level and continuing your career as long
as possible then don’t wait until it’s too late to start preparing. Whenever you are
attending club practices, individual skill workouts, or pickup games at the park,
start doing everything faster and with much more intensity. Your ability to execute
efficiently at an increased speed could very well be the difference between you
being on the court and being on the couch when next season rolls around.

Es evidente que cada categoría ya sea a nivel de formación o profesional tiene
como característica principal un nivel de intensidad de juego, preparación,
recuperación que los distingue del otro. Cada nivel trae ante los deportistas una
serie de retos y cambios que no siempre son percibidos de la mejor forma.

A muchos deportistas se les dificulta adaptarse a un nuevo nivel de intensidad en

la competición. Los encuentros se vuelven más intensos la exigencia es más
fuerte, el rango de error es mínimo, muchos son los factores que tienen cierto
peso en la adaptación del atleta lo cual hace que no pueda sobrellevar el nivel de
exigencia y no pueda desarrollar su nivel deportivo. En muchos casos, ni siquiera
logran adaptarse a la fase de preparación o cuando apenas están comenzando
adaptarse a la categoría, corren con la mala fortuna de caer en una lesión y
muchas veces esta es de gravedad y le implica un gran tiempo de recuperación lo
cual es algo que afecta el desarrollo deportivo del atleta.

El atleta que desee en conseguir el máximo potencial de rendimiento debe de

prepararse de la mejor forma, siempre exigiéndose al máximo para poder avanzar
al siguiente nivel y lograr mantenerse sobre el para luego ir ascendiendo
sucesivamente. Nunca se debe dar por satisfecho, al contrario, debe de adquirir
una mentalidad ganadora que influya a querer mejorar cada vez más, debe hacer
de la disciplina un factor fundamental de ese éxito conseguido porque ahí es
donde se genera la diferencia sobre los otros deportistas y es lo que hace que la
intensidad adaptación y exigencia dé cada nivel sea adquirida de la mejor forma y
no haya dificultad que pueda interferir en el desarrollo del atleta

[ CITATION Str14 \l 9226 ]

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