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Time: 2.00 hrs M.M.

Q.1 T he number of peaks given by the H nmr spectrum of 2- methyi-1-pentene
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d)7
Q.2 In HPLC ,the analytiocal performance improves when
(a) particle diameter is increased (b) particle diameter is reduced
(c) coarser particle are paired with with shorter columns (d) low temperature is used
Q.3 Increase in the extent of of conjugation of double bonded system result in
(a) hyperchromic shift (b) hypochromic shift (c) hypsochromic shift (d) bathochromic shift
Q.4 Zeta potential
(p) Is the difference in potential between the surface of the tightly bound layer and the electroneutral region
(q) Is the potential at the solid surface of the suspended particle
(r) can be positive ,zero or negative
(s) is the electrothermodynamic potential
(a) P,Q (b) P,S (c) Q,R (d) P,Q
Q.5 The IR spectrum of an organic liquid can be taken by placing it between a pair of polished
(p) NaCl (b) FeSO4 (c) KBr ( d) AlCl3
(a) P,Q (b) Q,R (c) R,S (d) P,R
Q.6 In GAS chromatography ,derivatisation is desirable to
(p) Improves the thermal stability of compounds
(q)Enable interaction with carrier gas
(r) I ntroduce a detector oriented tag into the molecules
(s) removes contaminants
(a) P,Q (b) Q,R (c) P,R (d) P,S
Technique Used Analytical method of evaluation
(P) Polarography (1) potential-volume curve
(Q)Potentiometry (2) Current-potential cuve
(R) Conductometry (3) conductance-volume curve
(S) Amperometry (4) Current-volume curve
(A) (B) (C) (D)
P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4
Q-3 Q-1 Q-2 Q-1
R-2 R-3 R-4 R-2
S-4 S-4 S-1 S-3
Q.8 The colour which the human eye perceived is not the colour corresponding to the wavelength of
(a) reflected (b) absorbed (c) refracted (d) diffracted
Q.9 Conductance cells for conductivity measurement can be made from two of the following
(P)mercury (Q) sodium (R) platium (S) stainless steel
identify the correct statement
(a)P.R (b) Q,S (c)R,S (d)P,Q
Q.10 In aldehyde ,the C=O and the C-H strech are approximately
(p)1725cm (q) 1660 (r) 2750 (s) 3300
(a) Q,S (b) Q,R (c)P,R (d)P,S
Q.11 ESR fall in which region of EM radiation
(a) X ray (b) Y ray (c)radiowaves (d) microwaves
Q.12 which of the following region is called as Rotational region

(a) NIR region (b) IR region (c) far IR region (d) all
Q.13. Which of the following state is most stable state
(a) singlet state ( b) ground state (c) triplet state (d) none
Q.14 Two or more polar grouping situated in the same molecule but insulated electronically form each
other by single bond influences one another if brought close together
(p) field effect (q) dipolar,bonded interaction
(r) Effect of ring strain -bonded interaction (s) Dipolar , non bonded interaction
(a) PQ (b) PS (c) QR (d) QS
Q.15 Nitrogen rule state that the compound containing
(p) even no.even no of of nitrogen atom will give a molecular ion with an odd mass no
(q) even no.of nitrogen atom will give a molecular ion with an even mass no
(r) an odd electron ion will be at an even mass no
(s) an odd electron ion will be at in odd mass number
(a) PS (b) QR (c) PR (d)
Q.16 in a infrared spectrophotometer ,infrared radiation of successively increasing wavelength is passed
through the sample of the compound and the percent transmittance mearsured . In infrared
spectroscopy the graph is plot between
(a) % transmittance vs increasing (b) % transmittance vs increasing wavelength
(c) % transmittance vs either increasing wavelength or decreasing
(d) % transmittance vs either increasing wavelength or increasing frequency
Q.17 In their frequency expressed as
(a) wavenumber in cm (b) wave number recoprocal cm (c) in micrometer (d) in reciprocal of micrometer
Q.18 compound X with a formula C6H6O gives peak at 3600 cm and 1250 cm asssing functional grpoup
of these bands
(a) ether (b) aldehyde (c) acetic anhydride (d) alcohol
Q.19 X when treated with Zn a reducing agent leads to formation of Y the NMR signal produced from Y
will be (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
Q.20 In mass spectroscopy ,the fragmentation of ion before entering the magnetic field but after
acceleration resulting in a low intensity broad peak known as
(a) base peak (b) parent peak (c) metastable peak (d) all
Q.21 The range of rotational region is
(a) 25000-12500 (b) 12500-4000cm (c) 4000-400 cm (d) 200-20cm
Q.22 one of the following functional groups tend to enhance flourosence
(a) SO3H (b) COOH (c) NO2 (d) NH2
Q.23 one of the following is not a source in flourosence analysis
(a) mercury vapour lamp (b) xenon arc lamp (c) globar unit (d) tungsten lamp
Q.24 The cell of UV spectrophotometer is made up of
(a) glass (b) silica (c) polystyrene (d) all
Q.25 H-bonding shifts the uv absorption to
(a) shorter wavelength (b) longer wavelength (c) both a and b (d) does not affect
Q.26 far vaccum region is from
(a) 10-100 micrometer (b) 10-200 micrometer (c) 200-400 micrometer (d) 400-800 micrometer
Q.27 Specific absorption coefficient can be defined as
(a) absorbance per unit path length (b) absorbance per unit path length and unit conc
(c) absorption coefficient for mol per L path length of 1 cm (d) all
Q.28 calculate the absorption coefficient for p chloro acetophenone in nm
(a) 245 (b) 250 (c) 255 (d) 260

Q.29 One milli liter of 0.1%w/v Paracetamol solution was diluted to 100 ml. The absorbance of diluted
solution was 0.253 at (1 cm) cell (molecular weight of paracetamol-151.17) Molar absorbitivity is
(a) 36.24x104 (b) 40.24x104 (c) 38.24x104 (d) 32.24x104
Q.30 In above question what is concentration of unknown solution having 0.91 absorbance at 1cm cell.
(a) 3.196x10-4g/lit (b) 3.596 x10-4g/lit (c) 2.596x10-4g/lit (d) None of the above
Q.31 In which of the following the bond angle remain constant.
(a) Symmetric stretching (b) Asymmetric stretching (c) Twisting (d) Both a and b
Q.32 The broad peak appears in IR spectra above region 3000 cm-1 is due to

(a) (b) (c) C OH (d) C OH
Q.33 The O-H streching absorbs at high frequency than C-C streching is due to
(a) Lower reduced mass of O-H than C-C (b) Lower redused mass of C-C than O-H
(c) Decrease in bond strength of O-H than C-C (d) Both a and c
Q.34 Fermi-resonance occurs when
(a) Energy of overtone more than fundamental mode (b) Energy of fundamental mode than overtone
(c) Energy of overtone coincides with the fundamental mode. (d) None of the above
Q.35W hich of the following used in construction of traditional infrared spectrophotometers?
(a) Monochromator (b) Interferometer (c) Both a & b (d) None of the above
Q.36 In flourimetery three different type of flourosence the stoke flourosence,anti-
stokeflourosence,resonance flourscence are observed. find out the correct relation between emitted
radiation wavelength and absorbed radiation wavelength for three type of flourosence
(a) Stokes flouroscence λ of emitted radiation longer than λ of absorbed radiation
(b) Anti-stokes flouroscence λ of emitted radiation is shorter the absorbed radiation
(c) Resonance flouroscence λ of emitted radiation in equal to the λ of absorbed radiation
(d) all the above
Q.37 Purpose of the monochromator in atomic absorption spectroscopy
(a) To isolate the resonance lines from all non absorbed lines
(b) To isolate the non absorbed lines from the resonance lines
(c) Both a & b (d) None of the above
Q.38 Arrange the following in decreasing energy order
(a) ΔE (Absorption) > ΔE (Flouroscence) > ΔE (Phosphorescence)
(b) ΔE (Flouroscence) > ΔE (Absorption) > ΔE (Phosphorescence)
(c) ΔE (Phosphorescence) > ΔE (Flouroscence)> ΔE (Absorption)
(d) None of the above
Q.39 External indicator used in diazotization titration is
(a) Starch solution (b) Phenolphthalein (c) Iodine solution (d) None of the above
Q.40 Use of mercury as a microelectrode in polarography is due to.
(a) Reproducible surface area with any given capillary (b) Mercury forms amalgams with many metals
(c) Mercury may be early oxidized (d) ALL
Q.41 Mass spectroscopy lafferty rearranged ions are observed in the following.
(a) Aldehydes and ketones. (b) Carboxylic acids and unsaturated compounds.
(c) Amines and amides. (d) All the above
Q.42 Principle involved in non aqueous titration of weakly basic drug
(a) Proton donation from acetic acid to drug (b) Proton donation from onium ion to acetic acid
(c) Proton donation from perchloric acid to acetic acid (d) All of the above
Q.43 Magnetic field strength in H1 NMR is
(a) 1.39 Tesla (b) 1.4 Tesla (c) 1.5 Tesla (d) None of the above

Q.44 The phenomenon of induced magnetic field which opposes applied magnetic Field is called
(a) Shielding (b) Deshielding (c) Coupling (d) Decoupling
Q.45 The order of shielding effect in CH3Cl, CH3Br, CH3F
(a) CH3F > CH3Br > CH3Cl (b) CH 3Br > CH3F > CH3Cl
(c) CH3Br >CH3Cl > CH3F (d) CH 3Br <CH3Cl<CH3F
Q.46 To analyse the sample by GC, the nature of sample is.
(a) Volatile and thermolabile (b) Volatile and thermostable
(c) Non-volatile and thermolabile (d) Non-volatile and thermostable
Q.47 Which of the following detector is useful to detect the sample in nano gram levels?
(a) TCD (b) FID (c) AID (d) None of the above
Q.48 Efficiency of column in liquid chromatography can be improved by
(a) Increasing number of theoretical plate (b) Increasing HEPT
(c) Increasing flow rate (d) All the above
Q.49 The refractive index detector is an example for
(a) Bulk property detector (b) Universal detector (c) Nonspecific detector (d) All the above
Q.50 Composition of resin in Ion exchange chromatography
(a) Polystyrene and vinyl benzene (b) Polystyrene and divinyl benzene
(c) Styrene and vinyl benzene (d) Styrene and divinyl benzene
Q.51 The Value of extinction co-efficient between 10 to 100 is called as
(a) Forbidden transition (b) Allowed transition (c) Curved transition (d) Bonded transition
Q.52 Which of the following adsorbents has the least adsorptive power in column adsorption
(a) Cellulose (b) Talc (c) CaCo3 (d) Calcium phosphate
Q.53 In potentiometric titration, graph is plotted between
(a)EMF and Volume of titrant added (b)PH and Volume of titrant added
(c)Current and Potential applied (d)Concentration of analyte and current
Q.54 The following curve is obtained on conductometric titrations of
(a)Strong acid with strong base (b)Strong acid with weak base
(c)Weak acid with strong base (d)Weak acid with weak base

Vol. of base

Q.55 Which of the following curve is obtained on conductometric titration of strong acid with a weak

(a) (b) (c)


Vol. of Base Vol. of Base Vol. of Base (d) None of the above

Q.56 What happens to equivalent conductance and molecular conductance on dilution of solution
(a) Increases, decreases (b) Decreases, increases (c) Increases, increases (d) Decreases , decreases.
Q.57 Supporting electrode (KCl) is added to solution in polarography to eliminate

(a) Diffusion current (b) Migration current (c) Kinetic current (d) None of the above
Q.58 In dead-stop end point technique electrodes are
(a) SCF / glass electrodes (b) DME / SCE (c) Two platinum electrodes (d) None of the above
Q.59 Which of the following statements is correct
(a) Greater is the deshielding of protons, lower will be the value of .
(b) Greater is the shielding of protons, greater will be value of .
(c) The  and  scale are related as  = 10 - .
(d) None of the above
Q.60 Which of the following statements are correct
(a) Enantiotropic protons can not be distinguished by NMR spectroscopy
(b) The non-equivalent protons are called accidentally equivalent when these absorb at the same chemical shift.
(c) The protons with the same chemical shift do not split each other.
(d) All the above
Q.61 How many types of proton environment are present in the compound.
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 5
Q.62 The following compounds have what types of protons respectively.

H Br H H

Br H Br H
H Br H Br

(a) 1, 2 (b) 1, 1 (c) 1, 3 (d) 3, 3

Q.63 In NMR spectroscopy, the reference material used in aqueous solution is
(a) TMS (b) 2,2, dimethyl, 2-silapentane-5-sulfonate (c) Cyclohexane (d) None of the above
Q.64 Which of the following is the correct order of decreasing stability of the molecular ion
(a) Conjugated olefins> Unbranched hydrocarbons> Esters> Ethers.
(b) Conjugated oletins> Esters> Ethers> Unbranched hydrocarbons
(c) Esters> Ethers> Conjugated olefins> Unbranched hydrocarbons
(d) None of the above
Q.65 Compounds containing chlorine (or) bromine have the following peaks
(a) M+ 2 (b) M+ 1 (c) M (d) M+ 3
Q.66 Which of the following statements are correct
(a) The molecular ion gives very useful information about the identity of an organic compound
(b) Fragmentation is the break up process of the molecular ion into smaller ions
(c) Fragmentation pattern gives further information about the structure of the compound
(d) All the above
Q.67 The relative abundance of fragment ions in the mass spectrum reflect
(a) On the stability of the ion
(b) On the energy relationship of the bond ruptured and formed during the reaction leading to the ion
(c) both are correct (d) None is correct
Q.68 Which of the following drugs is not assayed by HPLC method
(a) Allopurinol (b) Amitriptyline HCl tabs (C) Alprazolam (d) Cefadroxil
Q.69 Which of the following drugs is not assayed by non- aqueous titration?
(a) Ascorbic acid (b) Benzhexol HCl (c) Bisacodyl (d) Bromocriptine mesylate
Q.70 Which of the following samples is assayed by Iodimetry
(a) Diltiazem HCl (b) Dimercaprol injection (c) Diloxanide furoate (d) Enalapril maleate

Q.71 max of CH2= CH- C – CH3 is
(a) 215 nm (b) 225 nm (c) 237 nm (d) 253 nm
Q.72 Which of the following statements are correct
(a) Enantiotropic protons can not be distinguished by NMR spectroscopy
(b) The non-equivalent protons are called accidentally equivalent when these absorb at the same chemical shift.
(C)The protons with the same chemical shift do not split each other.
(D)All are correct
Q.73 max of given compound calculated by wood ward- Fiesher rule is
(a) 250 nm (b) 260 nm (c) 285 nm (d) 290 nm

Q.74 Which of the following statements are correct

(a) NO,CO, HCL and CHCL3 are IR inactive (b) CO2, H2O, CH4 and C2H4 are IR inactive
(c) N2, O2 and H2 are IR inactive (d) None of the above is correct
Q.75 Which of the following detecting agent used for the detection for the aldehyde and ketones in TLC
(a) Bromocresol green (b) 2, 4 – Dinitrophenyl hydrazine (c) Ferric Chloride (d) all the above
Q.76 Membrane electrodes can be used for direct potentiometric determination of
(a) K+, Na+ , Li+ (b) F- (c) Ca 2+ (d) All of these
Q.77 One compound which have partition coefficient 5 and another compound which have partition
coefficient 10 what would we the ratio b/c their elution time and there redardation factor respectively
(a) 1:2 , 2:1 (b) 2:1, 2:1 (c) both a and b (d) none
Q.78 Stripping phenomena can be prevented by
(a) Mobile phase is saturated with stationary phase (b) Pre coloum containing high conc. of the liquid phase
(c) by bonded phase chromatography (d) all the above
Q.79 Derivatization process can be carried out
(a) Only before the separation (b) Only after the separation (c) both a and b (d) none
Q.80 Densyl chloride is non fluorescent reagent is also called flourotage which is used fo thederivatization
of (a) Protein (b)Carbohydrate (c) Alkaloid (d) Resin
Q.81 Temperature programming is the phenomena occur into gas chromatography ,it consist of initial
isothermal period ,Liner temp raised segment ,finial isothermal period .it permit
(a) Seperation of compound very low boiling point (b) Seperation of compound very low melting point
(c) Does not effect the separation efficiency (d) none
Q.82 In Reverse phase chromatography
(a) Stationary phase and mobile phase is polar (b) Stationary phase and mobile phase is non-polar
(c) Stationary phase is polar & mobile phase is non –pola (d) Stationary phase is non –polar &mobile phase polar
Q.83Derivatization is the process use in gas chromatography what change will occur in the sample
(a) Low polarity , high volatility ,increase thermal stability
(b) high polarity , low volatility ,decrease thermal stability
(c) Low polarity , not change the volatility ,increase thermal stability

(d) Low polarity , high volatility ,Does not affect thermal stability
Q.84 ion exchange capacity of resin is dependent on
(a) the total molecular wt of the resin (b) the total no of ion active grops
(c) lenght of the ion exchange resin (d) solubility of the ion active groups
Q.85 The stationary phase usedin gel permeation chromatography is
(a) alumina (b) charcoal (c) squalene (d) styrene
Q.86 The distinguishing feature in IR spectra between propionaldehyde and acetone is
(a) weak CH sterching and out of plane bending in propionaldehyde (b) keto group in acetone
(c) two methyl group in acetone (d) CH2 group in propionaldehyde
Q.87 An electrochemical method that enhances the transport of some molecules by creating a potential
gradient through skin tissues vwith an appplied electrical current or voltage is called
(a) electrophoresis (b) ionotophoresis (c) osmosis (d) implants
Q.88 luminescence is a term applied to
(a) absorbsed radiation (b) re -emmision of previously absorbed radiation
(c) excited radaition (d) transmitted radiation
Q.89 A widely accepted detector eletrode electrode for PH measurement is
(a) platinum wire (b) glass electrode (c) Ag-AgCl electrode (d) lanthnum floride
Q.90 the analyte is used in the form of a solution in flame photometry because it should undergo
(a) evaporation (b) condensation (c) nebulization (d) precipitation
Q.91 xenon arc lamp is the sourse of light in
(a) spectroflurimeter (b) IR spectrometer (c) flame photometer (d) calorimeter
Q.92 ESR is applied to only those substance showing paramagnetism which is due to the magnetic
moment of (a) neutrons (b) protons (c) paired electrons (d) unpaired electrons

Q.93 No of multiplets for each proton

CH 3
CH- C  N
CH 3
(a) One septet & doublet (b) Triplet & doublet (c) Sentet &doublet (d) none
Q.94 chemical shift is the difference in
(a) absorption position of sample & Reference standard (b) Absorption position of standard and parent peak
(c) Absorption position of standard and base teak (d) none
Q.96 Which of the following bending vibration except
(a) symmetric vibration (b) rocking vibration (c)Twisting vibration (d)Wagging vibration
Q.97 Straching vibrational frequency of a bend can be caluculated by
(a) Hooks law (b)beer and lambert law (c)Thumb rule (d)none
Q.98 Nephlometry measurements is related to
(a) Dilute suspensions, scattered light (b) concentrated solution & trammitted light
(c) Clear solution& absorbance (d) Thick solution
Q.99 Atomoc absorption spectroscopoy is the type of
(a) Flame spectroscopy (b) Raman spectroscopy(c) plasma emission spectroscopy (d) spark spectroscopy
Q.100 in gradient elution technique
(a) Same solvent is used through out the experiment (b) Polarity of solvent is increased
(c) No change is the nature of the solvent (d) none

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