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Clin. Cardiol.

15,785-787 (1992)

Profiles in Cardiology
This section edited by J. Willis Hurst, M D.

Willem Einthoven-The Father of Electrocardiography


Emory University School of Medicine and Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The truth is all that matters, what you or I may think is papers included the study of bronchial musculature, the
inconsequential. physiology of the eye, the function of the cervical sympa-
- Willem Einthoven to thetic nerve, radiotelemetry, and his fundamental work on
Carl Wiggers, 1926’ the electrocardiogram.
In 1887 Einthoven attended an International Congress
In 1856 von Kolliker and Miiller were the first to dis- of Physiology in London where he observed Augustus D.
cover that the heart generated electricity.2Sixty-eight years Waller demonstrate the use of the capillary electrometer to
later the Nobel Prize was awarded to Willem Einthoven, record an “electrogram” of the heart using pan electrode
the Dutch investigator who transformed this curious phys- limb The capillary electrometer, invented in 1873
iologic phenomenon into an indispensableclinical record- by Gabriel Lippmann (who won the Nobel Prize in 1908
ing.3 for the principle of color photography), consisted of a glass
Einthoven was born May 21, 1860, in Semarang, Java, capillary tube partially filled with mercury and placed ver-
in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), the son of a mil- tically into a bath of sulfuric acid.2*8Electrical potentials
itary physician and the descendant of Spanish Jews who flowing through the glass tube would cause the mercury
had fled to Holland at the time of the Spanish Inquisition. meniscus to fluctuate sluggishly. The surface movements
His father died when he was only six, and four years later were recorded by magnifying the shadow onto a moving
his mother moved her six children to Utrecht. Einthoven photograph, a technique devised by Marey in 1876.5 Using
attended the University of Utrecht Medical School where this method, Marey, Burdon-Sanderson, Page, Gotch,
he was greatly influenced by Frans Donders, a physiologist Burch, Englemann, Bayliss, and Starling had recorded the
studying action currents of the heart, and Herman Snellen, electrical activity of an exposed animal heart.27J
the ophthalmologist of optical chart fame. He was award- Waller was the first to record an “electrogram” from a
ed his medical degree magna cum laude for his thesis, dog and human (himself initially) using a lead system that
“The Influence of Color Differences in the Production of did not require opening the chest.
Stereoscopic Effects.” Initially, Einthoven intended a
career in ophthalmology in the East Indies to repay a gov- ... so I dipped my right hand and left foot into a
ernment grant; however, with the support of Donders, he couple of basins of salt solution, which were con-
was appointed in 1885 to the recently vacated chair of pro- nected with the two poles of the electrometer and at
fessor of physiology at Leiden where he remained the rest once had the pleasure of seeing the mercury column
of his life.” His research interests were extensive;his 127 pulsate with the pulsation of the heart... this first
demonstration was made in St. Mary’s laboratory in
May 1887 and demonstrated there to many physiol-
ogists and among others, to my friend Professor
Einthoven of Leiden.. .6

Address for reprints:

Waller’s contributions also included the variability of
the electrogram, the dipole concept that led to isopotential
Mark E. Silverman, M.D. mapping a i d the vector concept, he angle of the manifest
1968 Peachtree Road, NW vector in the frontal plane, a comprehensive textbook of
Atlanta, GA 30309, USA physiology published in 1891, and the measurements of
Received January 2,1992 chloroform and other anesthetic gases.5 He is also remem-
Accepted: January 13, 1992 bered because of his “famous bulldog, Jimmy”-so-called
786 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 15, October 1992

clature is uncertain; it probably was from the geometric

convention of Descartes that straight lines are labelled
beginning with A and curved lines starting with P.8
Frustrated by the inherent technical problems of the cap-
illary electrometer, Einthoven began to work on a different
type of galvanometer, a string galvanometer, developed
independently in 1897 by Clement Ader, a French electri-
cal e n g i ~ ~ e eThe
r . ~ ?string
~ galvanometer, which would be
the basis of future electrocardiography, consisted of a sil-
ver-coated quartz thread suspended within the magnetic
field of two poles of a large, water-cooled electromagnet.
The electrical current flowing from the subject through the
silverized thread would cause the thread to move at right
angles to the line of the magnetic field in proportion to the
strength of the current. This fluctuating movement could
be magnified by a lens and its shadow projected by a car-
bon arc lamp onto a photographic plate moving at 25
mm/s. The quartz thread was created by a unique form of
archery in which the quartz was attached to the tail of an
arrow and heated until it released the arrow from a drawn
bow.* As it shot across the lab, the thread would be drawn
into a fine filament so light that it would float and be cap-
tured by his able assistant, Van der Woerd. The original
equipment, all developed by Einthoven, was very large,
weighing 270 kg, occupying two rooms, and requiring five
people to operate. It was the most elaborate and ingenious
diagnostic instrument as well as electrical measuring
device invented up to that time.9 In addition to laboratory
experiments, the equipment was connected from the labo-
FIG.1 Willem Einthoven, 1860-1927. Published with permis- ratory to patients in the hospital by a 1.5 km cable, a tele-
sion from the National Library of Medicine. cardiogram, in order to gain clinical information.
With this technique, originally suggested by Bosscha8
and reported by Einthoven in 1901, he standardized the
tracing and described extra systoles, complete heart block,
because a concern was raised in the House of Commons auricular and ventricular hypertrophy, atrial fibrillationand
that Waller’s experiments, in which Jimmy’s feet were flutter, the U wave, the effects of heart rate and respira-
immersed in salt solutions, might constitute a cruelty to tion, and examples of various heart diseases in his impor-
animals ~ f f e n s eWaller
.~ failed to see any clinical value in tant papers published in 1903, 1906, and 1908.2.3The first
his experiments,commenting later, “I certainly had no idea commercial machine was made by Edelmann and Sons in
that the electrical signs of the heart’s actions could ever be Munich. Apparently, Einthoven was to receive a royalty
utilized for clinical investigation.”6In part, this was due to of $25.00 for each machine; however, Edelmann claimed
the aggravation related to using the capillary electrome- to develop a superior machine and refused further payment
ter-poor frequency response due to inertia, viscous drag of any royalties.2
through the capillary tubes, sensitivity to vibration, and In 1908, Thomas Lewis, on the urging of James Mac-
hours required to obtain a decent tracing.“ kenzie, visited Einthoven’s laboratory to see if the string
In the early 1890s Einthoven turned his attention to re- galvanometer might advance the study of arrhythmia^.^
cording electricity from the heart using the capillary elec- Through Horace Darwin, the son of the great biologist and
trometer of L i p ~ m a n n .Because
~?~ of vibration produced founder of Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company,
by horse-drawn vehicles rumbling over the cobblestone Einthoven arranged for Cambridge to manufacture electre
street in front of his wood frame laboratory, Einthoven cardiographic equipment. Using this equipment, Lewis
constructed a platform of rocks in a hole cut into the floor began his pioneering work that would establish the elec-
of his laboratory to provide stability for his experiments.“ trocardiogram as a useful clinical t e ~ t . ~In, ’191
~ 1 Eint-
By improving the frequency response and correcting for hoven, in a letter to Lewis, showed his appreciation: “An
distortion mathematically, Einthoven enhanced the fideli- instrument takes its value not so much from the work that
ty of the instrument and, in 1895, was able to report recog- it possibly might do, but from the work that it really does.
nizable waves that he labeled “P, Q, R, S , and T,” a nota- So your discoveries in the field of pathology of the heart
tion disliked by Waller.2-3.5.6 The origin of this nomen- increase the value of the string galvanometer greatly.. .”
M.E. Silverman: Willem Einthoven 787

With the help of physicists and mathematicians at cision. He worked only on what could be measured and
Leiden, Einthoven studied the spread of action potentials his measurements reached the limit of precision possible
through tissues, introduced the three standard limb leads, under the circumstance^."^ Though clumsy with his hands,
and formulated the concept of the equilateral triangle by he was graceful in his mannerisms and speech and fluent in
mathematically relating the three leads (Lead III = Lead II three languages. His warm hospitality and generosity to
- Lead I).3 For his monumental contribution in develop- younger colleagues and visitors were remarked upon and
ing the string galvanometer to be used as an electrocardio- he enjoyed international respect and admiration.’ The
graphic machine, Einthoven received the Nobel Prize in “father of electrocardiography”died from cancer on Sep-
1924. In characteristic manner, he felt that half of the tember 28, 1927, at the age of 67.
$40,000 prize should be shared with Van der Woerd, his In his lifetime, his quest for an improved electrical re-
invaluable laboratory assistant, who had retired years cording led to the single most important advance in the
before. When Einthoven learned that Van der Woerd was diagnosis of heart disease-the electrocardiogram. It
deceased and had two sisters living in poverty, he gave would eventually make possible coronary care units, am-
them the $20,000 instead! In his Nobel address he credit- bulatory monitors, pacemakers, exercise testing, intracar-
ed the many investigators who had preceded him: diac and fetal recordings, ablation, automatic implanted
defibrillators, signal averaging, and other tests and treat-
A new chapter has been opened in the study of ments essential to the modern diagnosis and treatment of
heart diseases, not by the work of a single investiga- heart disease.
tor, but by that of many talented men, who have not
been influenced in their work by political boundaries
and, distributed over the whole surface of the earth, References
have devoted their powers to an ideal purpose, the
advance of knowledge by which, finally, suffering 1. Wiggers CJ: Willem Einthoven (1860-1927): Some facets of
mankind is helped.3 his life and work. Circ Res 9,225-234 (1961)
2. Burch GE, DePasquale Np:A History OfElectrocardiograph.
Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago (1964)
Einthoven was considered a modest genius with a sense 3. Snellen HA: Selected Papers on Electrocardiography. Leiden
of humor, a natural curiosity, a zeal for work, and a devo- University Press (1977)
tion to search for the truth.24 He would ride his bicycle to 4. Erschler I: Willem Einthoven-the man. Arch Int Med 148,
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put on slippers, and work methodically and tirelessly, hav- 5. Rantaharju PM: A hundred years of progress in electrocardio-
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often until as late as 8:OO P.M. He was known for pro- 7. Besterman E, Crease R: Waller-pioneer of electrocardiogra-
longed deep thinking. One time he lapsed into such deep phy. Br Heart J42,61-64 (1979)
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Samojiloff,wrote “His mind was like an instrument of pre- Britain. Br Med J 1,720-725 (1950)

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