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A wildfire is a highly flammable of fire that is difficult to extinguish, it

is often produced by the global warming but also by us; sometimes
when we don’t take care to turn off a campfire or when we leave
garbage (like paper or pieces of glass) in the land in the middle of a
forest or when cigarette stubs are left on the land in a hot day. But if
we took care about what we throw in the land, we would be able to
reduce the amount of wildfires and also we would decrease the
number of wildfires if we knew which areas are easily controlled
locations. To control this problematic situation. I wish the humans
had conscience about what we have done during the last years and
I wish we could reflect about different situations nowadays, finally I
wish government created different laws to ban to throw any kind of
garbage to the land because for most of us if something is not
banned we will not stop doing it.

According to CNBC. It said ‘In California the greatest amount of

forest fires happens’ ‘California’s major wildfires have been
contained, but the threat of bigger and more destructive blazes is
still on the horizon.’ It’s because, there we can find many tectonic
plates and California is not the best place for firefighters because of
their conditions these conditions cause the wildfire extent; also Anna
Tortosa said ‘Ourselves have made decisions regarding extinction’ it
based on many investigations and images about our behavior

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