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Grammar 11

a) who
b) none
c) none
d) that
e) which
f) none
g) which
h) none
i) who
j) that

a) that I told you about
b) not possible
c) not possible
d) that arrested her
e) that knows you
f) that have been damaged
g) not possible
h) not possible
i) that servers very good meals
j) that park outside

a) whose
b) that
c) that
d) which
e) which
f) which
g) who
h) whose
i) which
j) that

a) which
b) blank, blank
c) which
d) blank
e) who
f) blank
g) whose
h) blank

a) Brenda is the friend who I went on holiday with
b) This is Mr. Smith whose son Bill plays in our team
c) Her book, which was published last year, became a best seller
d) This is the bank from which we borrowed the money
e) The person who I told you about is at the door
f) Jack, whose car had broken down, had to take a bus

a) The hotel, which was miles from anywhere, was full of guests who had gone
there to admire the scenery
b) The book I lent you was written by a friend of mine who lives in France
c) The women whose jewels were stolen was interviewed by a police officer who
was staying in the same hotel
d) The goal which won the match was by a teenager who had come on as a
e) The boy I was sitting next to in the exam told me the answers
f) My wallet, which contained over $100, was found in the street by a a schoolboy
who returned it/was returned by a schoolboy who found it in the street
g) My friend Albert, whose car was stolen last week, has decided to buy a
h) Carol, who is a vegetarian, enjoyed the meal I cooked for her las week
a) who
b) who
c) whom
d) blank
e) who
f) which
g) whose
h) which
i) who
j) which
k) which
l) which
m) blank
n) whose
o) who

a) Margaret is the girl I went on holiday with
b) The golf club is the only club I am a remember of
c) That’s the girl we were talking about
d) It was a wonderful present, which I was extremely grateful for
e) This is the school I used to go to
f) Is this the case we should put in the wine glasses in?
g) Can you move the chair you are sitting on?
h) That’s the shop I got my shoes from
i) Is that the person you usually sit next to?
j) This is Bill, who you’re heard so much about

a) The train I got on didn’t stop at the station I wanted to go to
b) The book I read was the book/one you recommended to me
c) The ship, which had ignored the warning messages sent to it, hit an iceberg and
d) The postman, who realized I was on holiday, left the parcel you (had) sent me
next door
e) The dog I used to own never barked at people who came to the door
f) The women I bought my car from lives in the house you can see over there
g) The beach we went to on the first day of our holiday was covered in seaweed
which smelled a lot
h) My neighbours, whose three small children make a lot of noise, never apologise
i) The new computer I bought cost me a lot of money

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