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Trash in America

Moving from Destructive Consumption

to a Zero-Waste System
Trash in America
Moving from Destructive Consumption
to a Zero-Waste System

Abi Bradford, Frontier Group

Sylvia Broude, Toxics Action Center
Alexander Truelove, U.S. PIRG Education Fund

February 2018
The authors wish to thank Amy Perlmutter, Principal of Perlmutter Associates; Ruth
Abbe, President of Zero Waste USA; and Eve Pytel, Director at Delta Institute, for their
review of drafts of this document, as well as their insights and suggestions. Thanks also to
Tony Dutzik and Rachel J. Cross of Frontier Group, Janet Domenitz of MassPIRG, Abe
Scarr of IllinoisPIRG, Andre Delattre of The Public Interest Network, and Shaina Kasper
of Toxics Action Center for editorial support.
The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. Policy recommendations are those
of U.S. PIRG Education Fund and Toxics Action Center. The views expressed in this
report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders or
those who provided review.
 2017 U.S. PIRG Education Fund. Some Rights Reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. To view the terms of this license,
With public debate around important issues often dominated by special interests pursu-
ing their own narrow agendas, U.S. PIRG Education Fund offers an independent voice
that works on behalf of the public interest. U.S. PIRG Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) or-
ganization, works to protect consumers and promote good government. We investigate
problems, craft solutions, educate the public, and offer meaningful opportunities for civic
participation. For more information about U.S. PIRG Education Fund or for additional
copies of this report, please visit
Toxics Action Center is a New England-wide public health and environmental non-profit.
We believe that everyone has the right to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and live in
healthy communities with government that operates responsively and democratically. Our
mission is to make these rights a reality by organizing with communities to build strong
groups to tackle local environmental threats, while developing long-term, non-traditional
leaders to strengthen the environmental movement. Since 1987, we’ve assisted nearly 1,000
communities, representing approximately 20,000 individuals, in the development of cam-
paigns to clean up hazardous waste sites, reduce industrial pollution, curb pesticide spraying,
prevent dangerous waste, energy and industrial facilities, and promote clean energy and zero
waste. For more information about Toxics Action Center, visit
Frontier Group provides information and ideas to help citizens build a cleaner, healthier
and more democratic America. We address issues that will define our nation’s course in
the 21st century – from fracking to solar energy, global warming to transportation, clean
water to clean elections. Our experts and writers deliver timely research and analysis that
is accessible to the public, applying insights gleaned from a variety of disciplines to arrive
at new ideas for solving pressing problems. For more information about Frontier Group,
please visit
Layout: Alec Meltzer/
Cover: Photo credit - Travis via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1
Introduction 6
An Overview of Solid Waste in America 8
How Much Solid Waste Does the U.S. Produce? 8
What Does America Throw Away? 9
What Does the U.S. Do With its Garbage? 10
What Are the Impacts of America’s Waste System? 12
Global Warming 12
Air Pollution 12
Water Contamination 13
Ocean Pollution 14
Wasted Natural Resources 15
Habitat Destruction 15
Why Does the U.S. Throw Out So Much Stuff? 16
Goods Are Cheap 16
Most Goods Are Made to Be Used Once or Temporarily 16
There Are Few Direct Incentives to Repair, Reuse, Recycle and Compost 17

Moving America to Zero Waste 18

Zero Waste Is Possible 18
City Leadership: San Francisco 18
State Leadership: Vermont 19
National Leadership: Germany 20
Steps to Achieving a Zero-Waste System 20

Notes 28
Executive Summary

he United States produces an im- The U.S. produces more than 30 per-
mense amount of waste. cent of the planet’s total waste, though it
Natural resources are continually is home to only 4 percent of the world’s
extracted to produce goods that are used population.1 In 2014 alone, the U.S. threw
in the U.S. – often only briefly – before out over 258 million tons of “municipal
they are thrown into landfills, incinerators solid waste,” or trash discarded by homes,
or the natural environment. This system businesses and institutions, such as univer-
of consumption and disposal results in the sities and libraries.2 A Columbia Univer-
waste of precious resources and pollution sity study estimates that Americans throw
that threatens our health, environment out 7 pounds of materials per person every
and global climate. day – that’s 2,555 pounds of materials per
Because the costs of this system fall on American every year.3 Those materials
society at large – not on the producers and make up only 3 percent of all solid waste in
consumers that drive it – there are few di- America – the vast majority is generated by
rect incentives for change. industrial processes such as mining, manu-
To protect public health and the envi- facturing and agriculture.4
ronment, conserve natural resources and
landscapes, and address the mounting crisis America’s garbage largely consists of
of global warming, America should move goods that are used only briefly.
toward an economic system characterized
by zero waste. To achieve that goal, federal, • About 30 percent of all U.S. “garbage”5
state and local governments should enact is packaging, which is of little use to
policies and programs that incentivize shift- consumers and is typically thrown out
ing to a “circular,” or “closed-loop,” econo- after a product is purchased.6
my in which less is consumed and all materi-
als are reused, recycled and composted in a • Nondurable goods, such as clothing and
continuous cycle. newspaper, account for an additional 20

5 In this paper, the terms “garbage” and “trash” will be used in place of “Municipal Solid Waste,” which refers to
materials discarded by homes, businesses and institutions, such as universities and government agencies.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 1

Figure ES-1. U.S. Garbage Composition by Product Category, 20148

Other 1.5%

Trimmings Durable Goods
13.3% 20.4%

Food, Other
Nondurable Goods
Containers and

percent of U.S. garbage, with yard trim- • Plastics, metals and glass – another
mings (13.3 percent) and food and other quarter (26.3 percent) of America’s gar-
organic materials (14.9 percent), account- bage – are all readily recyclable.
ing for a substantial share as well.7
• Rubber, wood, leather, and textiles
• The remainder (20.4 percent) of what make up the remainder (15.7 percent) of
homes and businesses throw out is made America’s waste and can also be recycled
up of durable goods, like furniture and into useful products.
appliances, many of which could be re-
paired or repurposed, or have their ma- Currently, though, the majority
terials recycled for other uses. (65.4 percent) of materials discarded
by homes and businesses in the U.S.
America’s trash could be composted are ultimately dumped into landfills or
and recycled. burned in incinerators. The U.S. only
composts and recycles about half that
• Food waste and yard trimmings make much material at 34.6 percent.9
up more than a quarter (28.2 percent) of
the U.S.’ garbage and are organic and America’s “linear” material economy,
easily compostable. where materials are extracted, made
into goods and disposed of in a one-
• Paper and paperboard, some of which way street, creates massive environ-
could be composted and the rest of which mental and public health impacts.
could be recycled, also make up over a
quarter (26.6 percent) of America’s trash.

2 Trash in America
Figure ES-2. U.S. Garbage Handling, 201410


Landfilled and
Other* 52.6%

*”Other” refers to combustion without energy recovery.
‡”Incinerated” refers to combustion with energy recovery.

• Global warming pollution: as well as cancer-causing pollutants like

dioxin, one of the most toxic substances
∘∘About 42 percent of all U.S. green- known to humanity.14 The extraction
house gas emissions are created in the and production activities necessitated
process of extracting resources, pro- by dumping and burning materials also
ducing goods, disposing of waste, and cause environmental degradation, air
transporting materials at every stage pollution and water contamination.
of that process.11 That is far more than
transportation (26 percent) or electricity • Water contamination: When garbage,
generation (31 percent), which are of- including incinerator ash, breaks down
ten cited as the sectors with the highest in landfills, the resulting liquids can
greenhouse gas emissions in America.12 leach into the environment and threaten
drinking water supplies.
∘∘ Recycling materials uses less energy
than producing new ones. Recycling in • Ocean pollution: An estimated 8 mil-
the U.S. in 2014 alone prevented more lion tons of plastic ended up in the
greenhouse gas emissions than 38 mil- oceans in 2010 alone – this plastic per-
lion passenger cars produce in one year.13 sists for hundreds of years and can kill
marine animals by entangling them,
• Air pollution: Incinerator emissions poisoning them or blocking their diges-
include heavy metals and mercury, a tive tracts.15 Marine debris is considered
neurotoxin that impairs brain function, one of the great threats to biodiversity.16

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 3

• Wasted natural resources: It took 387 • Producers, waste haulers and landfill
million trees to produce the amount of and incinerator operators all have a
paper that was landfilled or burned in stake in the U.S. waste system continu-
the U.S. in 2014 alone.17 ing to operate as it does now and have
lobbied against changes.
• Habitat destruction: As 90 percent of
all raw materials extracted for use in the America has the tools to shift away
U.S. are ultimately dumped or burned, from this wasteful, polluting and costly
more and more land is mined, logged and linear system to a circular materials
cleared for agriculture to continuously re- economy that produces zero waste, con-
place those materials.18 An area the size of serves natural resources, and limits pol-
Mexico is farmed each year for food that lution and global warming emissions.
is thrown away worldwide and about 900 By taking the following steps, the U.S.
million trees are cut down for U.S. paper can transition to a circular economy in
and pulp mills every year – that’s three which zero waste is created. These steps
trees for every American, each year.19 can be promoted through a variety of poli-
cies and programs at the local, state and
There are few direct incentives in national levels.
America’s system of consumption and
waste handling to drive individuals and 1. Set a goal to achieve zero waste.
businesses to change their behavior.
The impacts of wasting resources, 2. Make recycling and composting man-
harming public health and the environ- datory, universally accessible and less
ment, and endangering future generations expensive than garbage disposal.
through global warming are paid for by
society, not by the producers and consum- 3. Encourage goods to be built to last and
ers that drive this system. Because these easy to reuse, repair, recycle or compost.
costs are not embedded in the price of
making, purchasing or disposing of goods, 4. Ban the sale of single-use items that
there aren’t direct incentives for people are not easily recyclable or composta-
and businesses to change. ble, including packaging, plastic bags
and food service ware.
• Producers have few direct incentives
to build products to last, to make them 5. Require producers to take more re-
easy to repair, to use less packaging, or sponsibility for their products during
to make their goods or packaging easy their entire life cycle.
to reuse, recycle or compost. In fact, it
is often beneficial for producers to make 6. Ensure that repair, reuse, recycling,
goods intended to be used once or tem- and composting facilities exist to han-
porarily so that consumers continually dle the materials stream.
buy more.
7. Encourage producers to use recycled
• In places where consumers do not di- and reused materials in new products.
rectly pay to throw out their garbage, or
they pay the same fee regardless of how 8. Price goods to reflect the environ-
much they throw out, there are not di- mental and public health impacts of
rect incentives to waste less. their production.

4 Trash in America
9. As waste is eliminated, ensure that all Waste by 2020” program.20 This initiative
remaining waste is disposed of safely. includes many programs and ordinances,
such as a requirement that residents and
10. Oppose the construction, expansion businesses sort their waste into recycling,
and subsidization of landfills and in- composting and garbage bins.21
• The state of Vermont passed the Uni-
A zero-waste economy is possible. versal Recycling Law in 2012, which
By reducing consumption, increasing will phase in policies and programs until
the reuse and repair of goods, and recy- all recyclables, leaf and yard debris, food
cling and composting all remaining ma- scraps, and other organics are banned
terials, the U.S. can create zero waste. from landfills in 2020.22
U.S. cities and states, as well as other
countries, are already taking strides to- • Thanks to a variety of policies and pro-
ward creating zero waste. grams, such as making manufacturers
responsible for disposing of packaging,
• The city of San Francisco now diverts 80 Germany now recycles and composts
percent of disposed materials from land- 87 percent of discarded materials and
fills and incinerators thanks to its “Zero has no active landfills.23

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 5


very morning, Americans across the other trash and burned in an incinerator
country stop at a local shop for a cup or dumped in a landfill, where the plastic
of coffee – usually served in a dispos- will break down into smaller and smaller
able cup. bits, but will persist in one form or anoth-
We use the cup while we drink our er, indefinitely.
coffee and then toss it in the trash. The This process repeats 63 million
time it takes to drink our coffee, though, times every day in America; 441 mil-
is just a brief moment in the history of lion times each week and 23 billion
the materials that went into the creation times every year. 24
of the cup – and the degradation of those The story of disposable coffee cups il-
materials in the environment after it is lustrates the absurdity at the center of
thrown away. America’s material economy. Natural re-
To produce coffee cups, trees must sources that have taken years or even mil-
be cut down and oil extracted from the lennia to create are extracted in order to
ground. Those raw materials must be create goods that are used for mere mo-
transported to a factory to make paper and ments before they are discarded. These
plastic, which are then often transported materials then persist in the environment
to another factory to be manufactured as pollution for decades to centuries. Ev-
into a coffee cup. The coffee cup is pack- ery step in this process has the potential to
aged up with others (often in more paper degrade the environment and create pol-
or plastic) and shipped – often over long lution that harms our health and contrib-
distances – to a distributor and finally to utes to global warming.
a coffee shop. So, why does this system continue?
At the coffee shop, somebody pur- For the most part, it’s because its effects
chases the cup with their coffee and, – waste management costs, public health
after drinking it, promptly throws the threats, natural resources loss and glob-
cup away. al warming – are paid for by all of us,
The cup, which is likely not recyclable collectively, and are displaced from the
or compostable, will then be taken with process of making and buying things.

6 Trash in America
Coffee cups litter the sidewalk by an overflowing trash can. The U.S. discards 63 million coffee cups every
day, most of which aren’t recyclable or compostable. Photo Credit: Hat4Rain via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

Because these costs aren’t embedded in There is a better way.

the price of producing or purchasing There are proven, common-sense
something, there are no direct incen- policies that can be enacted at the local,
tives for change. Coffee chains pay pea- state and national levels that can change
nuts for coffee cups, don’t typically pay this system. For example, San Francisco
to dispose of them, and fear that sales now requires that all food service pack-
would go down if they required custom- aging sold in the city, like coffee cups,
ers to carry their own reusable cups. be recyclable or compostable; the states
Consumers who buy coffee also don’t of Hawaii and California and count-
pay to dispose of the cups, so they have less communities across the U.S. have
no incentive to bring their own reusable banned plastic bags from grocery stores;
cups. Manufacturers do not have to pay and Germany has shifted responsibility
to dispose of the cups either, so they for the entire life-cycle of packaging to
have no incentive to make their cups producers, which has dramatically in-
recyclable or compostable – most are creased recycling rates.25
made by lining a paper cup with plastic By coming to grips with our nation’s
and the two materials too hard to sepa- absurd, linear materials economy, and by
rate to recycle. So, even consumers who putting the right policies and signals in
take it upon themselves to try to recycle place, America can move toward a more
the cups may wind up frustrated. sustainable future.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 7

An Overview of Solid Waste in America

How Much Solid Waste 4. Municipal solid waste or “garbage”‡

from homes, businesses and institutions:
Does the U.S. Produce? 258 million tons of garbage in 2014.30

he U.S. produces more than 30 5. Hazardous waste handled by the Re-
percent of the planet’s total waste, source Conservation Recovery Act
though it is home to only 4 percent (RCRA): ranged from 20.3 to 28.8 mil-
of the world’s population.26 Almost all lion tons per year from 2001 to 2011.31
of this waste – 97 percent – is created by
industrial processes like mining, manufac- 6. Oil and gas production solid waste:
turing and agriculture, but complete, up- 286,600 tons per year (1990s estimate).32
to-date accountings for industrial waste
do not exist. 7. Mixed wastes, which include both
Based on available data, the categories of radioactive and hazardous compo-
solid waste in America, ranked by size are: nents: About 2,600 tons are handled
each year at two facilities in the U.S.
1. Industrial solid waste: approximately specially designed for such wastes.33
7.6 billion tons per year (1987 EPA
estimate).27 Americans produce more garbage in
their homes, businesses and institutions,
2. Mining and mineral processing such as schools and government offic-
solid waste: 1.8 billion tons per year es, than citizens of any other developed
(early 1990s estimate).28 country. The EPA estimates that Ameri-
cans throw out 4.4 pounds of material per
3. Construction and demolition de- person every day, while a Columbia Uni-
bris: 534 million tons in 2014.29 versity study estimated that the figure was
nearly twice as high: 7 pounds of materials

‡ In this paper, the terms “garbage” and “trash” will be used in place of “Municipal Solid Waste,” which refers to
materials discarded by homes, businesses and institutions, such as universities and government agencies.

8 Trash in America
Figure 1. U.S. Garbage Composition by Product Category, 201438

Other 1.5%

Trimmings Durable Goods
13.3% 20.4%

Food, Other
Nondurable Goods
Containers and

per person every day or 2,555 pounds of cent of U.S. garbage.37 In other words,
materials per person every year.34 nearly one-third of U.S. garbage is gen-
Households, businesses and institutions erated by materials of little direct use to
only throw out 3 percent of all U.S. solid the consumer. Consumer goods comprise
waste, but this consumption and subse- 40.6 percent of garbage – split roughly
quent disposal of goods drives the contin- between durable goods, like furniture and
ual extraction and production activities that appliances, which are intended to last, and
generate the other 97 percent.35 If fewer non-durable goods, like newspaper and
materials were consumed and if discarded clothing, which are intended to wear out.
materials were reused, recycled and com- The key components of U.S. municipal
posted, there would be far less need to ex- garbage are as follows:
tract and produce new materials.
1. Packaging: 29.7%

2. Durable Goods (e.g.: furniture, ap-

What Does America pliances): 20.4%
Throw Away? 3. Nondurable Goods (e.g.: clothing,
newspaper): 20.2%
The materials thrown out in the U.S. are
largely comprised of goods that are used
4. Food, Other: 14.9%
only briefly – for example, about 30 per-
cent of all U.S. garbage is packaging.36
5. Yard Trimmings: 13.3%
Packaging is the most commonly
thrown out item – making up 29.7 per-
6. Other Goods: 1.5%

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 9

Figure 2. U.S. Garbage Composition by Material, 201439

Wood 6.2%
Rubber, Leather
& Textiles 9.5%

Plastics 12.9%

Metals 9% Other 3.2%

Paper &

Glass 4.4%

More than one-quarter of discarded

materials are organic, and are there-
What Does the U.S. Do
fore compostable, while over half are With its Garbage?
reusable or recyclable. The components
of U.S. municipal garbage include: Nearly two-thirds – 65.4 percent – of
materials thrown out in the U.S. are
1. Organic Material (Food & Yard Trim- ultimately dumped into landfills or
mings): 28.2% burned in incinerators. About half that
much material – 34.6 percent – is com-
2. Paper & Paperboard: 26.6% posted and recycled. A great deal of unac-
counted-for trash also ends up loose in the
3. Plastics: 12.9% environment in the form of litter.40
Because most discarded materials are
4. Rubber, Leather and Textiles: 9.5% dumped or burned, there are currently
over 2,400 landfills and more than 108 in-
5. Metals: 9.0% cinerators in the U.S.42
The U.S. has made progress in keeping
6. Wood: 6.2% certain types of materials out of landfills
and incinerators. For example, several
7. Glass: 4.4% states have paint product stewardship
laws, which require paint manufacturers
to create programs individually or collec-
tively that make it easy for consumers to
drop off their leftover paint.43 The manu-

10 Trash in America
Figure 3. U.S. Garbage Handling, 201441


Landfilled and
Other* 52.6%


*”Other” refers to combustion without energy recovery.

‡”Incinerated” refers to combustion with energy recovery.

facturers then must find opportunities for cinerator, but wind up loose in the en-
the paint to be reused or must dispose of vironment, including in the oceans. All
it in an environmentally safe way.44 The of the world’s oceans now contain huge
U.S. also composts 60 percent of yard patches of floating garbage. The East-
waste because many communities have ern Pacific Garbage Patch, for example,
specific yard trim pick-up programs.45 is estimated to be about twice the size of
Other types of discarded materials that Texas and the Southern Pacific Garbage
are not regulated and do not have collec- Patch is roughly the size of Mexico.47 In
tion programs have low recycling rates. 2014, a study estimated that there were
For example, citizens are typically respon- up to 245,000 tons of floating trash in
sible for finding collection services for the world’s oceans.48 Most of this gar-
household hazardous wastes like electron- bage does not float, though, and an es-
ics and this results in low recycling rates.46 timated 8 million tons of plastic ended
Some discarded materials never make up in the ocean from coastal countries
it to a recycling center, landfill or in- during 2010 alone.49

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 11

What Are the Impacts of total amount of global warming pollu-
tion that garbage transportation creates,
America’s Waste System? but one 2003 study found that garbage
trucks averaged only 2.8 miles per gal-
America’s linear economy and waste lon and logged 3.4 billion miles of travel
system create massive environmental per year, more than all U.S. transit buses
and public health impacts. combined.56 By our calculation, these gar-
bage trucks would emit about 12 million
Global Warming metric tons of carbon dioxide per year –
The U.S. generates more greenhouse more than the emissions generated by en-
gas emissions than any country other than ergy use in 1.2 million homes for a year.57
China and thus bears a large amount of As landfills reach capacity, waste needs
responsibility for addressing the crisis of to be transported ever greater distances,
global warming.50 The activities that the compounding this problem. For example,
U.S. waste system perpetuates – extract- much of New York City’s garbage needs to
ing resources, producing goods, dispos- be hauled out of state to places as far away
ing of waste, and transporting materials at as Ohio and West Virginia.58
every stage of that process – collectively Our waste continues to contribute to
produce 42 percent of all U.S. green- global warming once it reaches landfills.
house gas emissions.51 That is more than Food waste and yard trimmings, which
any sector traditionally cited as the larg- make up 29.5 percent of what is sent to
est contributor to climate change, such landfills, often do not decompose in the
as transportation (26 percent) and elec- dark, low-oxygen conditions there.59 In-
tricity generation (31 percent).52 Cutting stead, their degradation in landfills pro-
back on these activities by consuming less duces methane, a greenhouse gas at least
and by reusing, repairing, recycling and 34 times more potent than carbon diox-
composting materials would therefore be ide.60 Landfills generate 2 percent of total
one of the most effective strategies to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.61 If these
global warming pollution. organic materials were composted instead,
The consumption of goods that require they could decompose and reduce landfill
cutting down trees are doubly impactful methane emissions. Composting also en-
because trees absorb carbon from the at- hances soil, helping microorganisms and
mosphere while alive. Making paper from plants to grow, which act as carbon sinks
virgin materials for 20 average U.S. office – further reducing global warming pollu-
workers produces 8.69 metric tons of CO2 tion.
each year – equivalent to burning over
9,508 pounds of coal.53 Air Pollution
Using recycled materials instead of vir- Incinerators work by burning waste ma-
gin materials for manufacturing generally terial at extremely high temperatures,
saves energy, producing less global warm- producing ash and air pollution. Some of
ing pollution.54 Recycling in the U.S. in these emissions include cancer-causing
2014 prevented more greenhouse gas and highly toxic pollutants like dioxin,
emission than 38 million passenger cars which can cause skin, blood, liver and re-
produce in a year.55 productive problems.62 Incinerators also
Transporting waste away from house- release heavy metals and mercury, a neu-
holds and businesses and pushing it around rotoxin that impairs brain function.63
landfills usually requires diesel-powered Landfills release toxic air pollution, too.
vehicles. There is not good data on the Construction and demolition debris that

12 Trash in America
Air pollution from the Blue Ridge paper mill in the town of Canton, North Carolina. Because the vast
majority of manufactured materials in the U.S. are ultimately dumped or burned, new materials, such
as paper, need to continually be made through processes that create air, water and global warming
pollution. Photo Credit: Doug Bradley via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

contains drywall can produce toxic hydro- ronment to form new contaminants. Toxic
gen sulfide gas in landfills.64 Hydrogen leachate can threaten drinking water sup-
sulfide is a colorless and highly flammable plies, even with modern plastic liners.67 Of
and explosive gas that smells like rotten particular concern is the fact that leaching
eggs.65 Hydrogen sulfide can cause eye and liquids can contain hazardous waste. Old
skin irritation; respiratory, cardiovascular, cell phones and other discarded electron-
neurological and other problems; cancer; ics contain cadmium, lead and mercury,
and, in cases of acute exposure, death.66 which are known human health hazards.68
Dumping and burning garbage rather There are special landfills and recycling
than reusing and recycling materials ne- programs for hazardous waste, but they
cessitates perpetual extraction, produc- tend to be inconvenient and requirements
tion and transportation activities, which to use them are often poorly enforced, so a
all create air pollution, too. lot of hazardous waste is thrown out with
regular trash.69
Water Contamination It is common practice to collect leach-
The liquid that filters through landfills – ate for wastewater treatment and release
from rainwater, liquid found in garbage, it into surface waters. But a study by the
or (when landfill liners leak) groundwater U.S. Geological Survey found that even
– collects contaminants from throughout after leachate was treated through such
the landfill and produces what is called practices, it still contained contaminants
leachate. Some of the chemicals in leach- in unsafe levels.70
ate react with one another and the envi- In 2015, a Federal District court ruled

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 13

All of the world’s oceans now contain huge patches of floating garbage – one about the size of Mexico.
Marine debris can poison and entangle animals and block their digestive tracts, causing starvation. Photo
Credits, clockwise from top left: Bo Eide via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0; International Fund for Animal Welfare
via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0; Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, taken under NOAA research
permit #15488, via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

that the Camelot Landfill posed “an immi- cancer with lifelong exposure.74 The land-
nent and substantial endangerment to the fill ceased operations in the early 1980s,
drinking water supplies” of nearby Lewis- but the study found that, due to continual
ville, Texas.71 The contamination found in leaching of pollutants into the groundwa-
the town’s drinking water included chlo- ter, the contamination was not diminish-
rinated hydrocarbons, which can impact ing, even as late as 1997.75 Vinyl chloride
central nervous system function and cause is carcinogenic and can cause liver dam-
liver and kidney damage, cancer and heart age, nerve damage and circulatory prob-
arrhythmia.72 Lewisville’s drinking water lems, as well as other effects.76
supply also contained heavy metals, which
can cause an array of health effects includ- Ocean Pollution
ing kidney damage, bone damage, cancer Much of our trash ends up loose in the en-
and impaired brain and nervous system vironment and eventually in the ocean via
function.73 stormwater runoff, as a result of littering
A study of the Woodlawn landfill, a onshore and at sea, and illegal dumping.
Superfund site in Maryland, found toxic Because of this, all of the world’s oceans
vinyl chloride in nearby groundwater at now contain huge patches of floating gar-
levels more than 50 times above drinking bage. The Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch,
water standards and thousands of times for example, is estimated to be about twice
higher than what is considered to prevent the size of Texas and the Southern Pa-

14 Trash in America
cific Garbage Patch is roughly the size of It took 387 million trees to produce the
Mexico.77 In 2014, a study estimated that amount of paper that was landfilled or
there were up to 245,000 tons of floating burned in the U.S. in 2014 alone.87 It will
trash in the world’s oceans.78 Most of this take just as many trees to replace that ma-
garbage does not float, though, and it was terial each year, when it could be recycled
estimated that 8 million tons of plastic in instead.
total ended up in the ocean from coastal In 2014, the U.S. only recycled 9.5 per-
countries in 2010 alone.79 cent of its discarded plastic and landfilled
Much of the trash that persists in the and burned over 30 million tons of it.
oceans is plastic. Plastics break down at vary- Continual oil extraction will be required
ing rates into smaller and smaller pieces and to produce that quantity of plastic each
eventually into harmful chemicals, which year, when, again, it could be recycled in-
persist indefinitely.80 Much of the plastic in stead.88
the oceans is in bits about the size of plank- This principle applies to all of the trace
ton, while some is in larger pieces, closer to minerals and other natural resources that
their original forms. All of these bits of plas- go into products, the vast majority of
tic are harmful to marine species and marine which are used only once or temporarily.
debris is considered to be one of the major
causes of species extinction.81 Habitat Destruction
Marine mammals frequently ingest the America’s one-way consumption and dis-
plastic, mistaking it for food or consuming posal system also causes habitat destruc-
it inadvertently. Smaller pieces of plastic tion.
and chemicals resulting from their degra- Every year, 900 million trees are cut
dation are toxic and can harm or kill ma- down for American paper and pulp mills,
rine animals.82 Larger pieces of plastic can many to produce packaging.89 That is
block animals’ digestive tracts, causing three trees per American, every year.90
starvation. One study found that over 60 Forests sequester carbon and house rich
percent of the contents of dead sea turtles’ ecosystems and natural resources that
digestive tracts were plastics.83 This is a have value far beyond modest convenienc-
problem for people who eat seafood, too. es like packaging.
One study found that seafood eaters con- Land is often converted to farmland
sume up to 11,000 microplastic particles at the expense of biodiverse forests and
every year, some of which accumulate in critical ecosystems, such as the Amazon
the body over time and may lead to long- and Indonesian rainforests, which are
term health impacts.84 being destroyed for agriculture and palm
Larger pieces of plastic can also harm or oil production, respectively. These habi-
kill marine animals by entangling them. tats are critical to planetary health and
Studies published before 2012 collectively are being destroyed to produce food,
document 57,000 cases of debris entangle- much of which is ultimately wasted.
ment of seals and baleen whales alone.85 Globally, an area the size of Mexico is
farmed each year for food that is thrown
Wasted Natural Resources away.91 Because America’s food comes
As 90 percent of all raw materials ex- from around the world, much of this
tracted for use in the U.S. are ultimately habitat destruction in other parts of the
landfilled or incinerated, more and more world is due to American consumption
resources have to be extracted to replace – the average American family spends
those materials and produce new goods all $1,600 every year on food that does not
the time.86 get eaten.92

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 15

Why Does the U.S. Throw At the same time that product costs
were falling, people’s incomes were rising,
Out So Much Stuff? further lowering the barriers to consump-
tion and waste production. The median
The U.S. throws out immense amounts household income in the U.S. more than
of materials because material goods are doubled in 50 years from $20,102 (in 1997
relatively cheap to produce and con- dollars) in 1947 to $44,568 in 1997.95
sume, most goods are made to be used
once or temporarily, and there are few Most Goods Are Made to Be
direct incentives to repair, reuse, re-
cycle and compost materials.
Used Once or Temporarily
Lower costs and higher incomes allowed
more Americans to more easily fulfill their
Goods Are Cheap desire for products. To continue to stimu-
Prior to the 20th century, households late growth, however, producers came up
generated minimal amounts of waste. It with creative strategies to expand con-
wasn’t until the late 19th century, for ex- sumers’ definition of their needs to keep
ample, that New York began to develop them purchasing.
the nation’s first comprehensive system of Cheap plastics inspired the invention of
municipal waste collection and disposal.93 disposable goods and packaging. These
Before the 20th century, obtaining raw products, which didn’t exist a century
materials was daunting and costly, manu- ago, are now so ubiquitous that nearly
facturing was relatively inefficient, and most one-third of all materials thrown out
people’s incomes were low. Packaging was come from packaging.96 In 1956, the edi-
minimal and was often reused for other pur- tor of National Packaging Magazine de-
poses in the home. Waste was limited be- clared “the future of plastics is in the trash
cause it made economic sense to only buy can.”97 He urged the plastics industry to
what you needed, to repurpose everything, stop thinking about reusable products and
and to produce and purchase durable goods instead to focus on single-use products –
that could be easily repaired. things that can be used once and thrown
As the 20th century progressed, however, away – because that would create a never-
products became more affordable and dis- ending sales opportunity. It required be-
posable, and incomes rose, so the barriers havior change for people to start using dis-
to waste fell. posable goods, but advertising campaigns
Products became more affordable for sev- were effective and now red solo cups and
eral reasons. First, technological advances plastic forks are American staples.
made the extraction of raw materials cheap- Disposability even began to extend to
er and easier, thus lowering their costs. The durable goods. “Planned obsolescence”
cost of industrial minerals, for instance, was thought up in the 1920s, when the
dropped 43 percent on average from 1900 national automobile market reached satu-
to 2000, accounting for inflation.94 Second, ration. General Motors famously started
new, cheaper materials became available. introducing new design models every year
Modern plastics, most importantly, were to convince consumers that their cars were
invented in the early 1900s and became out of date so that they would buy new
very inexpensive to produce and ubiquitous ones. Today, this practice has extended to
as the century progressed. Lastly, most in- fashion, smartphones, home décor, and a
dustries, inspired by Henry Ford’s assembly multitude of other items.
line, adopted the practice of mass produc- Planned obsolescence doesn’t just refer
tion, which lowered production costs. to items going out of style. One might

16 Trash in America
think that technological advances would even across generations. These costs are
lead to longer-lasting products, but that not felt directly by the producers and con-
hasn’t necessarily been the case. Manu- sumers that create the problem and thus
facturers often make products designed don’t inspire participants in the system to
to wear out so that they need to be re- change their behavior.
placed regularly. For example, a German Producers are typically not responsible
environment agency study revealed that in for the goods they produce once they are
2004, 7 percent of large household appli- purchased or their warranty runs out, so
ances, like washing machines, were pur- they do not have to pay to dispose of those
chased to replace an appliance that had goods if they are ultimately thrown out.
become defective within just five years of Producers, therefore, have little incen-
being purchased.98 In 2013, just nine years tive to build products to last, to use less
later, that portion had almost doubled to packaging, or to make their goods or
13 percent of large household appliances packaging easy to repair, reuse, recycle or
purchased.99 compost. In fact, it is often beneficial for
Food waste is another largely modern producers to make goods intended to be
practice. The U.S. currently wastes 40 per- used once or only temporarily so that con-
cent of the food it produces.100 This waste is sumers continually have to buy more.
in large part due to the development of new Many groups have a vested interest in
fertilizers and pesticides and the spread of keeping this system as it is. Manufactur-
industrial farming in the 20th century, which ers, distributors, retailers, waste haulers,
have made it cheaper to produce and con- and incinerator and landfill operators have
sume food. Accounting for inflation, milk, all lobbied against measures to limit waste
ham and sugar in 2013 cost less than half like bottle bills, bag bans and recycled
what they did in 1913, rice cost one-third packaging content requirements and have
what it had, and eggs cost only one-quarter lobbied for expansions of their facilities.103
what they had a century ago.101 It is now In some communities, consumers do
cost-effective for producers and distributors not directly pay to throw out their gar-
to throw away food that does not meet high bage, or they pay the same fee regardless
aesthetic standards and to transport food of how much they throw out, so they also
long distances with some of it spoiling along have no direct incentives to repair, reuse,
the way. The relatively low cost of food also recycle, and compost instead of throwing
allows people to buy more than they eat – everything in the garbage.
the average American family spends $1,600 The broader costs of this system – the
every year on food that does not get eaten.102 harm to public health and the environ-
ment, the waste of resources, and the en-
There Are Few Direct Incentives to dangerment of future generations through
Repair, Reuse, Recycle and Compost global warming – are also displaced and
America’s wasteful system of consumption largely invisible. Even Americans who feel
and disposal continues – even though it the public health impacts of this system or
harms public health and the environment, who see the loss of natural areas, may not
wastes natural resources, and contributes draw the connections between these bur-
to dangerous global warming – because dens and the fact that so many materials
its true costs are spread across society and are discarded in the U.S.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 17

Moving America to Zero Waste

A Zero Waste Is Possible

merica has the tools to shift
from a wasteful, polluting and
costly linear economy to a circu- By consuming less, reusing more and re-
lar materials economy that produces designing products to be long-lasting and
zero waste. easy to repair, recycle or compost, the U.S.
can move toward creating zero waste.
The U.S. currently only diverts 35 per-
cent of discarded materials from land-
fills and incinerators, but U.S. cities and
states, as well as other countries, are tak-
ing strides toward zero waste. The follow-
ing are examples of a city, state and coun-
try that are leading the drive toward zero
waste – demonstrating the effectiveness
of programs and policies that others can
adopt to move toward a circular materials

Students sort their waste at a University of City Leadership: San Francisco

California Irvine sustainability event. Composting The city of San Francisco set a goal of
and recycling should be mandatory, less
achieving “Zero Waste by 2020” in 2002
expensive than garbage disposal and available
everywhere there are trash services – at home,
and now diverts 80 percent of discarded
school, work, and in public. Photo Credit: UCI materials from landfills and incinerators.104
Sustainability via Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0. This progress has been achieved through
a variety of requirements and programs.

18 Trash in America
• Every business and resident has three The city employs a variety of enforce-
bins for waste: ment tactics that have been key to the pro-
gram’s success. For example, the city will
∘∘Blue for recyclables not pick up contaminated waste bins and
∘∘Green for organics will issue fines if residents or businesses
∘∘Black for other garbage continually mis-sort their waste.105
San Francisco’s zero waste program has
• Residents pay monthly fees for their been an all-around success. The entire
waste disposal and are charged extra program – from public outreach efforts
fees for throwing out more than a cer- to hazardous waste collection – is fund-
tain amount in a given month. This ed through the fees that residents pay to
practice, typically referred to as “Pay as throw out their waste.
You Throw,” incentivizes residents to
consume and dispose less. State Leadership: Vermont
The state of Vermont passed a Universal
• Residents pay twice as much for garbage Recycling Law in 2012 that phases in land-
as for recycling and composting services fill bans over a six-year period.106 By 2020,
and can save money by reducing the size all recyclable and compostable materi-
of their garbage bins or the frequency als will be banned from the landfill with
with which their garbage is picked up. a goal of reducing landfill waste by 25 per-
This encourages residents to compost cent by that time.107
and recycle everything they can.
• “Pay as You Throw” (PAYT), in which
• Packaging and food service ware, like residents are required to pay to dispose
plastic forks, that are sold in San Fran- of trash by weight or volume is manda-
cisco must be recyclable or compostable. tory throughout the state.

• All checkout bags cost 10 cents and must • Recycling bins must be provided every-
be reusable, recyclable or compostable. where there are trash bins.

• Construction and demolition projects • Businesses and institutions that produce

must use city-registered haulers and pro- large amounts of organic waste must
cessors, which follow protocols to increase compost it if a composting facility exists
the reuse and recycling of debris. within 20 miles of their location.

• Purchasing of bottled and packaged wa- • All transfer stations and drop-off facili-
ter is discouraged through a series of ties must accept recycling, leaf and yard
ordinances. debris and food scraps.

• New buildings with water fountains must Vermont is a rural state, so its program
also have water bottle filling stations. can serve as a model for other rural parts
of the U.S. During the first measurement
• Products regularly purchased by the city period for the program, from 2014 to
must have recycled content. 2015, trash disposal decreased and recy-
cling and composting rates increased.108
• Public works projects must use recy- PAYT has been a particularly powerful
cled-content construction materials. incentive. Just six months after the town
of Vernon, Vermont adopted its PAYT

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 19

program, it disposed of 58 percent less properly and to consume goods that
garbage on average per week.109 Vernon can be recycled and composted, so that
expects the program will save the town waste does not pile up in one’s home.
$140,000 per year.110
Vermont’s recycling program has also • There are uniformly colored bins
led to an unexpected benefit. Because large throughout the country for food waste
producers of organic waste, like grocery (brown), paper (blue), packaging (yel-
stores and schools, are required to divert low), and garbage (black). This simple,
their organics to composting facilities, universal system makes sorting easy and
many are pulling food off the shelves a bit habitual.
earlier and donating it instead. The Ver-
mont Foodbank reported that food dona- • If residents do not sort their waste prop-
tions increased 25-30 percent in 2015 and erly, “oops” stickers are put on their
another 40 percent in 2016.111 The qual- bins and they are eventually fined to in-
ity of food donations has also dramatically centivize compliance.
improved to include far more fresh foods,
like fruits, vegetables and meat.112 • Grocery stores are required to collect
Vermont also has strong Product Stew- materials that are hard to dispose of.
ardship, or Extended Producer Responsi- This has reduced the amount of pack-
bility, laws, which aim to make producers aging used and has caused producers to
responsible for their products once con- make packaging much easier to recycle.
sumers are done with them. For example,
Vermont has the country’s first primary • Construction debris must be sorted by
battery law, passed in 2016.113 This law particular standards before it is disposed
makes the manufacturers of small, non-re- of, so it can be easily reused or recycled.
chargeable batteries sold within Vermont
responsible for their safe disposal.114 A
strong Architectural Waste Recycling bill,
which passed in 2015, diverts much of the
construction and demolition waste from Steps to Achieving a
landfills and incinerators in Vermont.115
Zero-Waste System
National Leadership: Germany The material economy in the U.S. is lin-
Thanks to policies and programs like the ear – natural resources are extracted to
ones below, Germany now recycles and produce goods, which are purchased,
composts 87 percent of its garbage, incin- used and ultimately thrown out. Because
erates the remaining 13 percent, and has most materials are ultimately dumped or
no active landfills.116 burned, this process must repeat from the
extraction stage to replace those lost ma-
• Residents pay much more to dispose of terials. Extract, produce, consume, throw
garbage than separated recyclables and out, repeat – this system is effectively a
organic waste. one-way pipeline that converts natural re-
sources into ever-growing piles of garbage
• Organics are picked up weekly, paper and plumes of incinerator smoke.
and packaging are picked up biweekly,
and garbage is only collected monthly. It doesn’t have to be this way.
This creates an incentive to sort waste

20 Trash in America
Figure 4. Material Economic Systems– Linear Versus Circular

Photo Credit: Adapted from photos by Charley Lhasa (left) and Gregory Hayes (right), via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0.

America can create a circular material system. In this system, less would be con-
economy that produces zero waste. The sumed, products would be built to last and
Zero Waste International Alliance estab- be easy to repair and, once they fulfilled
lished a peer-reviewed, internationally their original purpose, would be easily re-
accepted definition of zero waste to help used, recycled or composted, eliminating
guide businesses, institutions and commu- the need for harmful landfills and inciner-
nities in creating zero-waste goals. ators. Then, new products would be made
“Zero Waste is a goal that is ethical, using the reused and recycled materials,
economical, efficient and visionary, to replacing the need for harmful and waste-
guide people in changing their lifestyles ful extraction processes.
and practices to emulate sustainable natu- The following steps can help create a
ral cycles, where all discarded materials zero-waste economy and can be promoted
are designed to become resources for oth- through a variety of policies and programs
ers to use. at the local, state and federal levels.
Zero Waste means designing and man-
aging products and processes to systemat- 1. Set a goal to achieve zero waste.
ically avoid and eliminate the volume and
toxicity of waste and materials, conserve A zero-waste goal is a critical step in driv-
and recover all resources, and not burn or ing the adoption of policies and practices
bury them. that can achieve that aim. It is not enough
Implementing Zero Waste will elimi- to set goals to increase recycling and com-
nate all discharges to land, water or air posting rates. To achieve zero waste, prod-
that are a threat to planetary, human, ani- ucts will need to be made using reused and
mal or plant health.”117 recycled materials and be built to last and
This goal can be achieved by replac- easy to repair, reuse, recycle or compost.
ing the wasteful linear material economy And it will take policies and support for
with a circular, or closed-loop, economic programs, research and infrastructure to
make all of that possible.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 21

2. Make recycling and composting tive to reduce the amount of waste they
mandatory, universally accessible produce and throw away. PAYT programs
and less expensive than garbage incentivize consumers to waste less and
disposal. to recycle and compost more. These pro-
grams should be implemented everywhere
Mandatory recycling and composting laws and fees should be sufficient to incentivize
are among the most effective ways to reduce composting and recycling.
waste. Through these laws, residents, busi- There are other policies that can incen-
nesses and institutions are required to re- tivize recycling and composting. Bottle
cycle and compost all appropriate materials. bills, for instance, tack a small deposit onto
The burning of plastics for energy recovery products that come in bottles or cans. If
should not be considered recycling. consumers return the bottles and cans to
To enact these laws, recycling and com- be reused and recycled, they receive the
posting services must be made available deposit back, providing a direct incentive
everywhere there are garbage disposal to return the bottles and cans instead of
services – at home, work and in public. throwing them away. A 2002 study found
The state of Vermont, for example, now that bottle and can recycling rates are
requires that recycling bins be provided more than twice as high in states with
everywhere there are trash bins as part of bottle bills.119 Also, the recyclable mate-
its Universal Recycling Law. rial collected as a result of bottle bills is of
The success of mandatory recycling and higher quality because it is separated and
composting programs depends on public does not get contaminated by other ma-
education. For instance, in implementing terials, thereby commanding higher value
its Universal Recycling Law, Vermont has in the marketplace. This is especially true
established an education program in pub- for glass, which is easily contaminated in
lic schools that provides support and ma- single-stream recycling collection. De-
terials for teachers, such as sample lesson posit laws, such as bottle bills, should be
plans.118 This program aims to make re- extended to other items as well.
cycling and composting second nature for
children, so that they will influence their 3. Encourage goods to be built to
families at home and carry this behavior last and easy to repair, reuse,
into adulthood. recycle or compost.
Mandatory recycling and composting
laws need to involve a system of account- To move toward zero waste, policy-mak-
ability to be effective. In some places, waste ers should encourage the production and
haulers can be fined for continually drop- sale of products that are built to last and
ping off excessive quantities of garbage in easy to repair, reuse, recycle or compost.
their recycling and composting loads or vice When products do break, it should be
versa. Residents, businesses and institutions easy and cost-effective to repair them rather
can also be issued warnings and fines when than throw them out. Many products are in-
they do not sort their waste properly. tentionally or inadvertently made to be dif-
It should be more affordable to recy- ficult or impossible to repair, so they must
cle and compost than to throw materials be replaced when they break. It is also often
away to further incentivize consumers to cheaper to buy new products than to repair
reduce the amount of garbage they pro- existing ones. Policies that require the man-
duce. In many communities, garbage is ufacturers of certain products to warranty
collected for free or at a flat “all you can their goods for a substantial length of time
throw” rate, giving consumers no incen- could encourage the sale of higher-quality

22 Trash in America
products that are less likely to be thrown clable or compostable. The U.S. should
away prematurely. also support research into new materials
In addition, some manufacturers hold the that are more recyclable or compostable,
rights to all of the tools, parts or software or less polluting, as well as new recycling
needed to fix their products – a situation applications for discarded materials.
that can make it difficult or prohibitively
expensive for consumers to have products 4. Ban the sale of single-use items
repaired. Policymakers should enact “Right that are not easily recyclable or
to Repair” reforms to remove these barri- compostable, including packaging,
ers. These reforms require that information, plastic bags and food service ware.
parts and tools needed to repair products be
made available to consumers. These reforms Packaging makes up almost one-third of
also expand consumers’ rights to adapt and the materials thrown out by homes and
modify products to extend their useful lives. businesses in the U.S.122 Producers should
Electronics are becoming a notorious ex- be required to limit the amount of pack-
ample of products that break quickly and are aging they use and to make all packaging
difficult to repair. This is problematic because easy to recycle or compost.
electronics can leach toxins into the environ- Policymakers should tax, limit or ban
ment when they are disposed of and they products with limited usefulness that will
often incorporate plastics and rare minerals most likely end up as waste. Single-use plas-
and metals that require intensive extraction tic bags, for example, almost all end up as
processes. The U.S. EPEAT registry ranks waste and many as litter in our communi-
electronics based on how environmentally- ties and waterways. These items are used
friendly they are and consumers, businesses for mere moments and then take decades
and institutions such as government agen- to centuries to break down, harming the
cies use these rankings to inform their pur- environment and our health in the process.
chasing decisions. A recent study shows that To stop this nonsensical cycle, the states of
manufacturers largely control the processes California and Hawaii and many U.S. cit-
of setting the standards for these rankings, ies have banned single-use plastic shopping
though.120 This has caused the standards to bags. Many other cities, counties and states
be too low to spur the development of more in the U.S. have programs to limit plastic
sustainable products. For example, manufac- bags or increase their recycling rates.123
turers have blocked attempts to award points Many communities are also banning the
to products that are easier to repair, modify sale of polystyrene, commonly referred to
or recycle.121 The U.S. should strengthen as “Styrofoam,” a particular brand name.
the standards used in awarding its EPEAT These communities are banning polysty-
rankings to encourage the development of rene, or specific polystyrene products like
longer-lasting electronics that are easier to take-out food containers and packing pea-
repair and recycle. nuts, because they are typically not recy-
Many products, such as lightweight and clable, do not biodegrade and create harm-
flexible packaging, are difficult to recycle. ful litter. In Massachusetts alone, at least 26
Some products are difficult to recycle be- towns and cities have banned polystyrene.124
cause they combine materials. Children’s The use of disposable food service ware
flexible juice packs, for instance, usually – straws, coffee cups, plastic forks, to-go
combine metal and plastic that are too dif- containers, napkins, paper towels, paper
ficult for recycling facilities to separate. To plates, solo cups, etc. – should be limited
avoid this, lawmakers should set standards and all products should be easily recycla-
for products sold in the U.S. to be recy- ble or compostable.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 23

A bulldozer at the Buckhead Mesa Landfill in Arizona. About 30 percent of all U.S. garbage is packaging.
If the use of packaging were limited and if all packaging was easily reusable, recyclable or compostable, a
significant amount of U.S. waste would be eliminated. Photo credit: Alan Levine via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

5. Require producers to take more manufacturers to create programs indi-

responsibility for their products vidually or collectively that make it easy
during their entire life cycle. for consumers to drop off their leftover
paint.125 The manufacturers then must
Producers are usually not responsible for find opportunities for the paint to be re-
their products once they are purchased used or must dispose of it in an environ-
or their warranty runs out, so they do mentally sound way.126
not have to pay to dispose of those prod- Producers should be required to pay for
ucts at the end of their useful lives. Pro- the collection of their products that are al-
ducers, therefore, have no financial in- ready picked up by municipal services, like
centives to use less packaging, to build certain plastics and paper products. This
products to last, or to make their prod- will encourage producers to use less pack-
ucts or packaging easy to repair, reuse, aging and to build long-lasting products
recycle, or compost. that are easy to reuse and repair, so that
Producers should be required to collect less is ultimately thrown out. Some Ca-
hard-to-recycle products after their use- nadian provinces have adopted programs
ful lives. This will encourage producers like this, in which waste collection and
to change the design of their products disposal are still provided as a public ser-
to be easily reusable, repairable, recy- vice, but are paid for by producers rather
clable or compostable and will increase than taxpayers.127 Because the cost of recy-
the recycling rates of difficult-to-recycle cling is higher for hard-to-recycle items,
products. Several states have paint prod- this also incentivizes producers to design
uct stewardship laws, which require paint containers that are easy to recycle.

24 Trash in America
6. Ensure that repair, reuse, recy- tion and processing. One way to achieve
cling and composting facilities this is to revise procurement policies at
exist to handle the materials large and/or for public institutions like
stream. government agencies and universities.
Procurement policies can require insti-
During the 20th century, the U.S. became tutions to purchase products made with
ingrained in the practice of disposing of a certain amount of recycled materials.
materials as waste. This has led to vast For example, most state agencies are re-
public and private investments in infra- quired to purchase copy paper contain-
structure to bury and burn waste. The ing recycled content, but most of these
practice of disposing of everything as requirements could be significantly
waste – and the landfills and incinerators increased and extended to other prod-
that facilitate the practice – need to be ucts.128 Institutional policies can also
seen as outdated and dangerous, and re- require that a certain amount of reused
tired. To create a new system, in which all material be used in construction, like us-
materials are conserved and reused indefi- ing old ceiling tiles to make asphalt.
nitely, the U.S. needs to commit to new Federal, state, and local policies can
infrastructure – diversion, sorting, recy- also require that new products manu-
cling and composting facilities. factured or sold in their jurisdictions be
Programs that guarantee a consistent, made using reused or recycled material.
high quality stream of materials for reuse, Wisconsin, for instance, requires that
recycling or composting facilities encour- all plastic containers sold in the state be
age the development of this type of infra- made with a certain percentage of recy-
structure. For example, glass recyclers will cled content.129
likely build facilities in states with bottle
bills because they are guaranteed an on- 8. Price goods to reflect the en-
going supply of quality, recyclable glass. vironmental and public health
Likewise, companies will likely build an- impacts of their production.
aerobic digesters in states that require
large institutions to divert organic materi- The price of goods often does not reflect
als to composting facilities. the impact of their production on the en-
Increased recycling and composting vironment or public health. This has led
rates may not be enough to stimulate the to the proliferation of cheap goods that
construction of recycling and composting have serious environmental and public
infrastructure initially, so the public sector health impacts that society must ultimate-
may need to invest strategically in these ly pay for.
facilities to aid in the transition to a zero- If products were priced to reflect the en-
waste economy. vironmental and public health impacts of
their production, such as the social costs of
7. Encourage producers to use greenhouse gas emissions or other forms
recycled and reused materials in of pollution, consumers would make more
new products. thoughtful purchases, which would reduce
the amount of materials needlessly thrown
Encouraging or requiring that new out. This would also encourage the devel-
products be made using reused or re- opment of safer and more environmental-
cycled material helps create a market ly-friendly products and would lower the
for those materials, which increases the societal costs of environmental and public
cost-effectiveness of recycling collec- health impacts.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 25

9. As waste is eliminated, ensure The U.S. also needs to invest in improv-
that all remaining waste is dis- ing overall hazardous waste management,
posed of safely. which is regulated under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act. The
It will take time to move toward a circular American Society of Civil Engineers gave
economy that produces zero waste. Dur- U.S. hazardous waste infrastructure a D+
ing that time, all discarded materials need in 2017 and said that support is needed to
to be disposed of safely. develop new methods in manufacturing
To protect the environment and public and hazardous waste management.134
health, goods that are hazardous during
their production, use or disposal should 10. Oppose the construction, expan-
be banned. Mercury, for example, which sion and subsidization of landfills
is toxic to humans, was common in bat- and incinerators.
teries and thermostats until it was largely
phased out by legislative bans. There are To encourage the necessary transition to
substances that are still used in products a zero-waste economy and to protect the
that should also be banned in the U.S. For environment and public health, local and
instance, the U.S. is one of the only indus- state governments should oppose new or
trialized nations that has not completely expanded landfills and incinerators.
banned asbestos, which can cause lung The incineration industry markets
cancer, mesothelioma and other chronic “waste-to-energy” incinerators as renew-
respiratory ailments.130 able energy resources and solutions for
U.S. chemical policy should be revised America’s waste problem. Burning gar-
to reduce and ultimately eliminate the bage, however, necessitates that new ma-
presence of toxics in household products. terials be extracted, a process that creates
New substances are put out on the mar- immense amounts of waste and pollution
ket so quickly, that safety precautions tend itself. Producing new materials also con-
to lag behind. To address this, the Euro- sumes far more energy than reuse and re-
pean Union enacted a regulation called cycling.135
REACH, which requires industries to “Waste-to-energy” facilities also claim to
study the risks associated with substanc- incinerate trash safely and to produce less
es they use and to register that informa- pollution with new technologies, but all are
tion in a central database, so that safety variations on combustion, gasification and
information is readily available.131 This pyrolysis, which cause very similar prob-
regulation also requires the most toxic lems.136 Incineration facilities are also pro-
substances to be phased out and replaced moted as being superior to landfills, but the
with safer alternatives.132 The U.S. should ash they produce ultimately ends up in land-
enact similar regulations. fills. Furthermore, incinerator ash is toxic
Policies can also be enacted to increase and may leach into water supplies when it is
the reuse and recycling of hazardous ma- dumped in toxic waste landfills.137
terials. A federal act passed in 1996, for Incinerators are also often uneconomi-
example, required manufacturers to make cal. It is far cheaper to dig a hole and landfill
batteries easier to recycle to prevent them waste than it is to build a power plant and
from being dumped into landfills where run it to burn garbage. As a result, incinera-
they can leach hazardous chemicals into tors are often built using public subsidy. The
the environment.133 Policies such as this city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for exam-
should be enacted for all hazardous ma- ple, filed for bankruptcy in 2011 largely due
terials. to a bad incinerator deal.138

26 Trash in America
Because incinerators are so expen- Plastics tend to be best because they are
sive, they need to generate a steady vol- made out of petroleum, so this creates an-
ume of electricity to sell to the grid and other disincentive for recycling.141
need to collect the fees that waste haulers Incineration is not a solution to the U.S.
pay to dump their loads there for a long waste problem, it is just another form of
enough time to repay investors. Because the same system. These projects should
of this, incinerators have municipalities be actively opposed, not encouraged and
sign long-term contracts committing to subsidized.
provide a steady volume of waste, often
for 20 to 30 years.139 If the towns do not Towns and cities, states and the U.S.
provide as much waste as their contract as a whole should adopt these recom-
requires, they can be penalized by the in- mendations and follow the leadership
cinerator operator. A town in Connecticut of the communities shifting to a circular
was charged $47,000 for not delivering as economy. We have the technology and
much waste to an incinerator as its con- know-how to make this transformation
tract required.140 This need for a continu- – to conserve natural resources and en-
al, consistent waste stream is at odds with ergy, to cut pollution and to protect our
efforts to reduce waste. Incinerators also health, environment and future. Now
need waste that produces the most energy is the time to commit to making a zero
by weight and volume to be economical. waste America reality.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 27


1 Jessica Edgerly, Toxics Action Cen- 11 U.S. EPA, Documentation for Green-
ter and Dori Borrelli, Vermont Law School, house Gas Emission and Energy Factors Used in the
Moving Toward Zero: From Waste Manage- Waste Reduction Model (WARM), March 2015.
ment to Resource Recovery, 2007.
12 U.S. EPA, U.S. Greenhouse Gas
2 U.S. Environmental Protection Emissions, August 2016.
Agency (EPA), Advancing Sustainable Mate-
rials Management: 2014 Fact Sheet, Novem- 13 See note 2.
ber 2016.
14 Global Alliance for Incinerator Al-
3 Fresh Air, “Following Garbage’s ternatives, An Industry Blowing Smoke: 10
Long Journey Around the Earth,” National Reasons Why Gasification, Pyrolysis & Plasma
Public Radio, 26 April 2012. Incineration Are Not “Green Solutions,” June
4 Max Liboiron, Northeastern
University Social Science Environmental 15 Laura Parker, “Eight Million Tons
Health Research Institute, “Modern Waste of Plastic Dumped in Ocean Every Year,”
as Strategy,” Lo Squaderno: Explorations in National Geographic, 13 February 2015; S.C.
Space and Society, 29: 9-12, 2013. Gall and R.C. Thompson, “The Impact of
Debris on Marine Life,” Marine Pollution
5 In this paper, the terms “garbage” Bulletin, 92(1-2): 170-179, 15 March 2015.
and “trash” will be used in place of “Munici-
pal Solid Waste,” which refers to materials 16 S.C. Gall and R.C. Thompson,
discarded by homes, businesses and institu- “The Impact of Debris on Marine Life,”
tions, such as universities and government Marine Pollution Bulletin, 92(1-2): 170-179,
agencies. 15 March 2015.

6 See note 2. 17 The U.S. landfilled and incinerated

24.2 million tons of paper and paperboard
7 Ibid. in 2014: See note 2. It takes 15 – 17 mature
trees to produce 1 ton of paper: U.S. EPA,
8 Ibid. Environmental Factoids, accessed 14 Septem-
ber 2017, archived at http://web.archive.
9 Ibid. org/web/20170914152124/https://archive.
10 Ibid. ise/web/html/factoid.html.

28 Trash in America
18 U.S. EPA, Municipal Solid Waste, Re- 24 23 billion paper coffee cups were
port on the Environment, accessed at https:// consumed in the U.S. in 2010: Joongsup Lee, “A Study for Increasing Reusable Cup Consumption in the Coffee Industry: Fo-
indicator_pdf.cfm%3Fi%3D53+&cd=2&hl cused on Behavior Change with Motiva-
=en&ct=clnk&gl=us, 2016. tion,” Iowa State University Digital Repository,
Graduate Theses and Dissertations, 2015.
19 Food: Brian Lipinski, World Re-
sources Institute, By the Numbers: Reducing 25 San Francisco Department of
Food Loss and Waste, 5 June 2013; Trees: U.S. the Environment, Zero Waste, accessed 19
EPA, 10 Fast Facts on Recycling, accessed 13 October 2017, archived at
December 2013, archived at http://web. recycling-composting-and-reuse; Califor-
clingfacts.htm; U.S. Census Bureau, Annual nians Against Waste, National List of Local
Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, Plastic Bag Ordinances, accessed 26 January
2010 to July 1, 2016, 2016 Population Esti- 2018, archived at
mates, accessed at https://factfinder.census. web/20180126181130/https://www.cawre-
gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/product-; Carla Her-
view.xhtml?src=bkmk. reria, “Hawaii Just Became The First State
To Ban Plastic Bags At Grocery Checkouts,”
20 San Francisco Department of the Huffpost, 1 July 2015; See note 23.
Environment, Zero Waste – Frequently Asked
Questions, 26 January 2018, archived at http:// 26 See note 1. 27 U.S. EPA, Guide for Industrial Waste
Management, March 2016; Samantha Mac-
21 San Francisco Department of the Bride, Recycling Reconsidered: The Present
Environment, Zero Waste, accessed 19 Oc- Failure and Future Promise of Environmental
tober 2017, archived at http://web.archive. Action in the United States, (Cambridge: The
org/web/20171019210240/https://sfen- MIT Press, 2011).
cling-composting-and-reuse. 28 U.S. Department of Transporta-
tion, Federal Highway Administration,
22 Vermont Department of Environ- User Guidelines of Waste and Byproduct Ma-
mental Conservation, Vermont’s Universal terials in Pavement Construction, 8 March
Recycling Law Status Report, December 2016. 2016, archived at
23 We Future Cycle, Waste Manage-
ment in Germany, 87% Recycling Rate, ac- ture/structures/97148/intro.cfm.
cessed 29 January 2018, archived at http:// 29 U.S. EPA, Construction and Demo- lition Debris Generation in the United States,
waste-management-in-germany-87-recy- 2014, December 2016.
30 See note 2.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 29

31 U.S. EPA, Report on the Environ- 47 Margl Murphy, “There’s Another
ment: Hazardous Waste, accessed at https:// Ocean Garbage Patch the Size of Mexico,”, The Sun, 2 August 2017.
48 See note 15.
32 U.S. EPA, TENORM: Oil and Gas
Production Wastes, accessed 14 September 49 Ibid.
2017, archived at
web/20170914142437/https://www.epa. 50 Johannes Friedrich, Mengpin
gov/radiation/tenorm-oil-and-gas-produc- Ge and Thomas Damassa, World Re-
tion-wastes. sources Institute, Infographic: What do
Your Country’s Emissions Look Like, 23 June
33 U.S. EPA, National Capacity Assess- 2015, archived at
ment Report: Capacity Planning Pursuant to web/20171114204858/
CERCLA Section 104(c)(9), 25 March 2015. blog/2015/06/infographic-what-do-your-
34 See note 3.
51 See note 11.
35 See note 4.
52 See note 12.
36 See note 2.
53 The average U.S. office worker
37 Ibid. uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year: Min-
nesota Pollution Control Agency, Reduc-
38 Ibid. ing Office Paper Use, accessed 29 December
2017, archived at
39 Ibid. web/20171229153053/https://www.pca.; There
40 Ibid. are 200,000 sheets in 1 ton of paper: David
L. Masters, The Lawyer’s Guide to Adobe Ac-
41 Ibid. robat, Third Edition, (Chicago: American Bar
Association, 2008), 250; Producing 1 ton of
42 U.S. EPA, Landfill Methane Out- office paper from virgin materials emits 8.69
reach Program, accessed at http://www.epa. metric tons CO2 equivalent – this includes
gov/lmop/projects-candidates/index.html; emissions from acquiring the raw materials,
Ted Michaels, “The 2014 ERC Directory producing the paper and emissions from the
of Waste-to-Energy Facilities,” The Energy reduction in the carbon storage capacity of
Recovery Council, May 2014. trees, which are used to make the paper: U.S.
EPA, WARM Version 13, Paper Products, “Ex-
43 PaintCare, PaintCare States, Official hibit 12,” March 2015, archived at http://
Docs, see Law under each state, accessed at
Products.pdf; U.S. EPA, Greenhouse Gas
44 Ibid. Equivalencies Calculator, accessed at https://
45 See note 2. equivalencies-calculator.

46 Ibid.

30 Trash in America
54 U.S. EPA, Source Reduction and Re- 63 See note 14.
cycling: A Role in Preventing Global Climate
Change, accessed at 64 New York Department of Health,
region4/rcra/mgtoolkit/web/pdf/climate_ Important Things to Know About Landfill Gas, ac-
change_fact_sheet.pdf. cessed 18 September 2017, archived at http://
55 See note 2.
56 Inform, Greening Garbage Trucks:
New Technologies for Cleaner Air, April 2011. 65 U.S. CDC, Agency for Toxic Sub-
stances & Disease Registry (ATSDR),
57 Based on 22 pounds of CO2 per gallon Toxic Substances Portal - Hydrogen Sul-
of diesel: U.S. EIA, Frequently Asked Questions, fide Carbonyl Sulfide, accessed 26 January
How Much Carbon Dioxide is Produced From 2018, archived at
Burning Gasoline and Diesel Fuel?, accessed 6 web/20180126191024/https://www.atsdr.
February 2018, archived at http://web.archive.
gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=307&t=11; U.S. 66 Ibid.
EPA, Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calcula-
tor, accessed at 67 Tom Szaky, Outsmart Waste: The
greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator, 14 Modern Idea of Garbage and How to Think
September 2017. Our Way Out of It, (San Francisco: Berrett-
Koehler Publishers, 2014).
58 Brian Palmer, “Go West, Garbage
Can!,” Slate, 15 February 2011. 68 Leyla Acaroglu, “Where Do Old
Cellphones Go to Die?,” New York Times, 4
59 See note 2; Tom Szaky, Outsmart May 2013.
Waste: The Modern Idea of Garbage and How
to Think Our Way Out of It, (San Francisco: 69 U.S. EPA, Hazardous Waste Land
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2014). Disposal Units, accessed 23 November
2012, archived at
60 Joe Romm, “More Bad News for web/20150601201247/
Fracking: IPCC Warns Methane Traps osw/hazard/tsd/td/index.htm.
Much More Heat Than We Thought,”
ThinkProgress, 2 October 2013. 70 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),
Landfill Leachate Released to Wastewater Treat-
61 U.S. EPA, Methane Emissions, ac- ment Plants and other Environmental Pathways
cessed 26 September 2017, archived at http:// Contains a Mixture of Contaminants includ- ing Pharmaceuticals, accessed 26 January
ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases. 2018, archived at
62 U.S. Centers for Disease Control gov/highlights/2015-11-13-leachate_path-
and Prevention (CDC), Dioxins, Furans and ways.html.
Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls Fact-
sheet, accessed 26 January 2018, archived at

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 31

71 City of Lewisville, Lewis- 78 See note 15.
ville Reaches Agreement in Federal Law-
suit Against Camelot Landfill, 10 March 79 Ibid.
2015, archived at
web/20171020151109/https://www.cityo- 80 See note 16.
News/1234/710?arch=1&npage=26. 81 Ibid.

72 City of Lewisville, Lewis- 82 See note 3.

ville Reaches Agreement in Federal Law-
suit Against Camelot Landfill, 10 March 83 A. Butterworth, I. Clegg and C.
2015, archived at http://web.archive. Bass, London: World Society for the Pro-
org/web/20171020151109/https://www. tection of Animals, Untangled – Marine De- bris: A Global Picture of The Impact on Animal
News/News/1234/710?arch=1&npage=26; Welfare and of Animal-Focused Solutions, July
ReedGroup, MDGuidelines, Toxic Effects, 2012.
Chlorinated Hydrocarbon solvents, accessed
at 84 Sarah Knapton, “Seafood Eaters
fects-chlorinated-hydrocarbon-solvents. Ingest Up To 11,000 Tiny Pieces of Plastic
Every Year, Study Shows,” The Telegraph, 24
73 City of Lewisville, Lewis- January 2017.
ville Reaches Agreement in Federal Law-
suit Against Camelot Landfill, 10 March 85 See note 83.
2015, archived at
web/20171020151109/https://www.cityo- 86 See note 18.
News/1234/710?arch=1&npage=26; L. Ja- 87 See note 17.
rup, Department of Epidemiology and Pub-
lic Health, Imperial College, London, U.K., 88 See note 2.
“Hazards of Heavy Metal Contamination,”
British Medical Bulletin, 68: 167-182, 2003. 89 U.S. EPA, 10 Fast Facts on Re-
cycling, accessed 13 December 2013,
74 Alan Jacobs, Islam Amin and Oli- archived at
ver Fisher, “Persistence of vinyl chloride in web/20150601163554/
ground water at the Woodlawn landfill Su- reg3wcmd/solidwasterecyclingfacts.htm.
perfund site, northeastern Maryland, USA,”
Environmental Geology, 52(7): 1253-1260, 90 U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Esti-
July 2007. mates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010
to July 1, 2016, 2016 Population Estimates,
75 Ibid. accessed at
76 U.S. CDC, ATSDR, Toxic Substanc- xhtml?src=bkmk.
es Portal - Vinyl Chloride, accessed 26 Janu-
ary 2018, archived at http://web.archive. 91 Brian Lipinski, World Resources
org/save/ Institute, By the Numbers: Reducing Food Loss
TF.asp?id=281&tid=51. and Waste, 5 June 2013.

77 See note 47. 92 Ibid.

32 Trash in America
93 History, George Waring, accessed 103 Bottle Bill Resource Guide, Bot-
24 October 2017, archived at http://web. tle Bill Opponents, accessed 15 Novem- ber 2017, archived at http://web.archive. org/web/20171115194022/http://www.; Lydia
94 Daniel E. Sullivan, John L. Sznopek, O’Connor, “Why the Landmark Plastic Bag
and Lorie A. Wagner, U.S. Department of the Ban Might Be Put On Hold,” Huffpost, 30
Interior and USGS, 20th Century U.S. Mineral December 2014.
Prices Decline in Constant Dollars, 2000.
104 See note 20.
95 U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Ab-
stract of the United States: 1999, 20th Century 105 C40 Cities Climate Leadership
Statistics, accessed at https://www.census. Group and Siemens, City Climate Leadership
gov/prod/99pubs/99statab/sec31.pdf. Awards, San Francisco Climate Close-Up, accessed
26 January 2018, archived at
96 See note 2.
97 Lloyd Stouffer, Plastics Packaging: frastructure-cities/2014-06-CCLA/san-fran-
Today and Tomorrow, speech to the Society of cisco-climate-close-up.pdf.
the Plastics Industry, November 1963.
106 See note 22.
98 Susanna Ala-Kurikka, “Lifespan of
Consumer Electronics Is Getting Shorter, 107 Ibid.
Study Finds,” The Guardian, 3 March 2015.
108 Ibid.
99 Ibid.
109 Vernon Vermont, Solid Waste Com-
100 Natural Resources Defense Coun- mittee, accessed 26 January 2018, archived
cil, Wasted: How America is Losing up to 40 at
Percent of its Food from Farm to Fork to Land-
fill, August 2017. solid-waste-committee/.

101 Jonathan Church and Ken Stewart, 110 Ibid.

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
Statistics, “Average Food Prices: A Snapshot 111 Vermont Foodbank, Universal Re-
of How Much Has Changed Over a Centu- cycling Law Boosts Fresh Food Donations,
ry,” Prices & Spending, 2(6), February 2013; accessed 29 January 2018, archived at http://
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
Statistics, CPI Inflation Calculator, accessed
at universal-recycling-law-boosts-fresh-food-
102 See note 91.
112 Ibid.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 33

113 Vermont Agency of Natural Re- 123 National Conference of State Leg-
sources, Primary Battery Stewardship Law islatures, State Plastic and Paper Bag Legisla-
(Act 139), Summary Sheet, accessed 26 Janu- tion, 5 July 2017, accessed at http://www.
ary 2018, archived at http://web.archive.
org/web/20180126214758/http://dec.ver- ral-resources/plastic-bag-legislation.aspx.
Documents/ANR-primary-battery-summa- 124, Polystyrene Leg-
ry-sheet.pdf. islation, accessed 26 January 2018, archived
114 Ibid.

115 Chittenden Solid Waste District, 125 PaintCare, PaintCare States, Official
Act 175: Architectural Waste Recycling, ac- Docs, see Law under each state, accessed at
cessed 26 January 2018, archived at http:// 126 Ibid.
127 GreenBlue, The Latest News on
116 See note 23. Canadian Extended Producer Responsibil-
ity (EPR) Programs, accessed 14 September
117 Zero Waste International Al- 2017, archived at
liance, ZW Definition, 12 August 2009, web/20170914152937/
archived at an-extended-producer-responsibility/.
dards/zw-definition/. 128 Practice Greenhealth, State Man-
dates on the Purchase of Recycled Content Paper,
118 Vermont Official State Website, accessed 19 October 2017, archived at http://
Universal Recycling for Schools, accessed 19
October 2017, archived at files/state_mandates_on_the_purchase_of_re- cycled_content_paper.pdf.
129 Justia U.S. Law, 2013 Wiscon-
119 Bottle Bill Resource Guide, sin Statutes & Annotations 100.297 (2013
Bottle Bills Complement Curbside Recy- through Act 380), accessed 19 October
cling Programs, accessed 14 September 2017, archived at
2017, archived at web/20171019143446/
web/20170914152358/http://www.bottle- codes/wisconsin/2013/chapter-100/sec- tion-100.297.

120 Mark Schaffer,, Electron- 130 U.S. CDC, ATSDR, Asbestos
ics Standards Are In Need of Repair, August and Your Health, accessed 28 December
2017. 2017, archived at
121 Ibid. gov/asbestos/health_effects_asbestos.html.

122 See note 2.

34 Trash in America
131 European Commission, REACH,
accessed 26 January 2018, archived at http://

132 Ibid.

133 Public Law 104-142, The Mercury-

Containing and Rechargeable Battery Manage-
ment Act, 13 May 1996, archived at http://
w w w. e p a . g o v / s i t e s / p r o d u c t i o n /

134 American Society of Civil Engi-

neers, Hazardous Waste, 2017 Infrastructure
Report Card, 2017.

135 Heather Rogers, Gone Tomorrow:

The Hidden Cost of Garbage, (New York: The
New Press, 2005).

136 See note 14.

137 Tom Szaky, Outsmart Waste: The

Modern Idea of Garbage and How to Think
Our Way Out of It, (San Francisco: Berrett-
Koehler Publishers, 2014).

138 Sabrina Tavernise, “City Council

in Harrisburg Files Petition of Bankruptcy,”
The New York Times, 12 October 2011.

139 Nate Seltenrich, “Incineration Ver-

sus Recycling: In Europe, A Debate Over
Trash,” YaleEnvironment360, 28 August

140 Robert A. Hamilton, “Incinera-

tors See Shortages of Trash,” The New York
Times, 14 June 1992.

141 See note 139.

Moving from Destructive Consumption to a Zero-Waste System 35

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