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Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound acute episode may consist in the use of b2 adrenergic agonists to
promote oesophageal relaxation (2). Seven adolescent boys
in Children (mean age 13 years; range 11–17 years) were admitted with food
impaction. Before disimpact were treated with oral salbutamol
(100 mg  kg1  dose1, maximum 5 mg, in 1 mL saline—dosage
T o the Editor: Gordon et al (1) report on endoscopic ultrasound
(EUS) as an emerging tool for pediatric pancreatobiliary
disorders, reaffirming a prior report from Scheers et al (2). Some
equivalent to the usual nebulisation). In 5 patients, there was complete
resolution of symptoms within 30 minutes as the food migrated
spontaneously to the stomach. The sixth patient showed improvement
content of the newer study, however, needs clarification. Foremost
of chest pain but endoscopy was still needed, revealing a large piece
is disagreement regarding the terminology ‘‘EUS-fine needle
of meat, removed in fragments. The seventh improved drooling, but
aspiration,’’ used by the authors for all the EUS-guided interven-
an impacted medication pill was still retained in a stenosis. Suspected
tional procedures such as celiac plexus block or pancreatic fluid
eosinophilic esophagitis was confirmed in all patients by endoscopy
collection drainage (3,4). If fine needle aspiration alone was done
and multiple biopsies. Proton pump inhibitors were not used before
for pancreatic fluid collection or pseudocyst without any EUS-
endoscopy. Informed consent was obtained from the parents and
guided drainage, then its clear indication should be specified, as
ethics committee. The recognised effects of b2 adrenergic agonists
aspiration alone is usually inappropriate. The new finding that the
upon pressure and peristalsis in the lower two-thirds of the oesopha-
present study adds according to the authors is the role of EUS in
gus make them logical for treating reversible muscle spasm of acute
delineating mucosal gastrointestinal disease. I found only 1 case of
bolus impaction, similar to patients with asthma (3–5). If there is
gastrointestinal stromal tumors of the 43 cases that could support
fibrotic stricture (as in patient no. 7) such therapy is unlikely to be
their statement. Utility of EUS in diagnosis of pyloric stenosis in
effective. Animal studies suggest that oesophageal muscle relaxation
infants is questionable compared with high-resolution ultrasound
is mediated by b3 and b2 adrenergic agonists (3). In humans, there is
alone except in rare cases (5). Considering the thin abdominal wall
evidence of response to b2 agonists (4,5), and the contribution of b3
of infants, EUS seems to have no advantage over conventional
agonists has yet to be established. Nebulised albuterol reduced
ultrasound, which is less invasive. It is unlikely in the present study
amplitude of lower and mid-oesophageal contractions in healthy
that an infant with suspected pyloric stenosis was taken directly to
volunteers (4). Swallowed salbutamol sulphate (4 mg in 4 mL water)
endoscopy and then EUS without an abdominal ultrasound, a detail
relieved diffuse oesophageal spasm in a 58-year-old patient (5).
that was not specified. On careful analysis of the Table 1, the
It is known that occasionally food impaction can resolve
statement ‘‘EUS led to new diagnosis in 34 of the 43 patients’’
spontaneously. Most of our patients had prior minor episodes, but
appears to be exaggerated. Moreover authors do not discuss how
the ones reported here were more severe and prolonged.
EUS may affect outcomes including any changes in management.
Patient selection and monitoring will be important, as sub-
epithelial fibrosis and ischaemic heart disease are more frequent in
Jaya Agarwal adult patients, in whom a high dose of b2 agonist could be
Regency Health Care hazardous. Although encouraging, these results are from a small
Kanpur, India group of patients without control group as spontaneous remission is
seen with bolus impaction, a controlled study is needed to examine
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JPGN  Volume 65, Number 4, October 2017 e97

Copyright © ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. All rights reserved.

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