(B) (6) (B) (6) (B) (6) (B) (6) (B) (6) (B) (6) : Attended Via Telecon CBP

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Customs and Border Protection Meeting Minutes

Secure Border Initiative Program Management Office

Meeting Title – PF225 FEIT

Meeting Date – Sept. 25
Meeting Time – 11 A.M. (EST)

To discuss weekly FEIT issues, progress and action items.

Attended via CBP
(b) (6) SBI Risk Management
(b) (6) , SBI PMO
(b) (6) , SBInet Project Support
(b) (6) PF225 Deputy PM
√ (b) (6) OFAM
(b) (6) VB200/300 PM

√ (b) (6) PF225 PM

√ (b) (6) Comm. & Public Affairs
√ (b) (6) , RE
√ (b) (6) RE
√ (b) (6) , Environmental
√ (b) (6) RE IPT lead

Discussion Overview
Topics Covered during the Meeting

o Review project spreadsheet
o Discuss standard fence designs including levee designs
o Review real estate acquisition plan
o Risk discussion
o Review completed action items


Meeting Minutes 11/9/2010 1

o Fencing Summary Spreadsheet

o (b) (6) distributed on Monday a revised format to be used from this point on
 It contains 4 new columns to track: Real Estate, Environmental and RFP and
Construction activities
 It will track progress relative to those efforts using the baseline - that we will
hopefully have in a few weeks
 This spreadsheet is needed as a tool to have ready for senior management when
they request updates on short notice
 Spreadsheet will be updated every two weeks and discussed in the FEIT
o Buffer miles
o Approximately 55 miles of buffer miles have been identified
 With a potential of 70 after last week’s site visits
o The planning aspect colors on the fence summary spreadsheet need to be reviewed and
 These will stay the same once construction begins
o Baseline schedule
o SBI/CBP directed USACE to provide baseline reflecting the 12/08 deadline
using assumptions that were identified to senior management following the 9/6 meeting
 USACE was reluctant to do so, since certain strategies/assumptions have not yet
been adopted by senior leadership – suggesting they stick with their pre-9/6
 Deferred further discussion on the matter following the difference of opinion wrt the
path forward
o Standard fence designs
o CBP has provide 5 potential design options on and along the levee
 These will go into a package that describes the pros and cons and an order of
magnitude cost estimate for each design option
 Design option selections will be driven by OBP operational need, CBP evaluation
of each option, and existing physical restrictions at the sites in question
o CBP has a 98% solution of where the fence is going, relative to the levee
o USACE is to provide the designs and maps showing this
o MOU needs to be finalized with IBWC, afterwhich designs will be presented to IBWC for
 The 5 options:
 Fence on levee with diaphragm wall; fence along river edge of levee crest
 Fence on levee with diaphragm wall; fence along dry edge of levee crest
 Fence along levee’s North toe
 Fence atop retaining wall on South side of levee (desired in Marfa only)
 Fence 30 ft North of the levee’s north toe
 First four options are driven by physical restrictions that rule out building fence 30 ft
off the levee, or make it prohibitively difficult and/or costly
o Easements
o IBWC documents need to be electronically scanned and categorized, and Baker can be
engaged to assist the effort
 This needs to be a priority

Meeting Minutes 11/9/2010 2

o USACE real estate specialists have already engaged IBWC to gather info, but it is scant
o USACE RE IPT to identify personnel to work with IBWC
o Complaint-Only process
o CBP attorneys and USACE attorneys need to start engaging to enact (the complaint-only
 USACE has identified two concerns:
 DHS general council isn’t on board yet and they need to be before DoJ is
 Running out of time to meet the 15 November filing deadline that will afford
a March 1st 2008 delivery of real estate for construction
o The Support Agreement to the Delegation of Authority is being amended to reflect
changes in real estate acquisition strategy
 It would likely be a good platform for explaining the intended Complaint-Only
process to DHS & DoJ – particularly if the flowchart generated on 9/6 could be
incorporated into the Support Agreement itself
o Risk Management:
o Mitigation steps need to start being documented
 These need to be placed in chronological order and the priority of what needs to
happen should be identified
 Impact dates documented by subject area are to be put into a database so that risk
slides can be briefed to senior management when requested
 Activities must be specific and measurable
o K-1
o Design nor Construction can begin in K-1 until MOU is signed and IBWC officially

Action Items:
 CBP, SBI and OBP to meet Friday to discuss fence alignment relative to the levee and
other segment alignment issues in TX
o USACE to provide detailed sectional diagrams including cost difference between
building fence on the toe of the levee and 30 ft. off the levee
 USACE to provide list (98%) solution with OBP color designations for planning aspects to
serve as the roadmap to engage green property owners
 USACE to identify people to work with IBWC to go through boxes of records and identify
 (b) (6) to discuss with (b) (6) , the issue of DHS not being on board with the
Complaint-Only process
 (b) (6) to talk with (b) (6) and edit MOU with IBWC to state that
USACE have access to enter properties they own to construct and maintain fence
 Risk owners to provide (b) (6) risks and mitigation strategies on Monday
 USACE to update fence summary to reflect contingency miles identified during the weeks
of 17 September site visits
 (b) (6) is awaiting final fence alignment to determine the footprint for NEPA and
Phase 1 survey activities

Meeting Minutes 11/9/2010 3

 (b) (6) to finalize maps showing alignment for Texas tomorrow

 USACE to provide a conceptual retaining wall design proposed for O-1 and M-2A

Previous Action Items

 (b) (6) delivered maps depicting alignment for everything west of Texas Sunday
 (b) (6) to call (b) (6) to get the MOU completion date
 (b) (6) to provide estimates of how many condemnations DOJ will be handling
 USACE to provide spreadsheet NLT Wednesday for Thursday’s briefing with DHS
Deputy Secretary (b) (6)

Meeting attended/minutes prepared by: Antoinette DiVittorio

Date: 25 Sept. 2007

Meeting Minutes 11/9/2010 4

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