Errata Sheet: Maintenance of Tactical Infrastructure USBP San Diego Sector, California Was Submitted For Approval

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Errata Sheet
October 6, 2008


The Check Final Environmental Stewardship Plan (ESP) for the Construction, Operation, and
Maintenance of Tactical Infrastructure USBP San Diego Sector, California was submitted for approval
on August 20, 2008. After the ESP and accompanying appendices were approved on October 1, 2008 the
following changes were made to the Final ESP, before it was posted to
<> on October 6, 2008.

Cover Sheet. Abstract. Changed first sentence from “CBP plans to construct, operate, and maintain
approximately 4.4 miles of tactical infrastructure” to “CBP plans to construct, operate, and maintain
approximately 4.4 miles of pedestrian fence and 6.6 miles of access and patrol roads”

Cover Sheet. Abstract. Added a period to fifth sentence after “maintenance”

ES-5. Second paragraph, fourth sentence: Changed “length of construction” to “length of the

Page 1-4. Second paragraph, second sentence: Changed “These two sections of tactical infrastructure”
to “These two sections of pedestrian fence”

Page 1-4. Fifth bullet: Changed “Climate changes” to “Extreme weather conditions”

Page 1-5. Fifth paragraph, sixth sentence: Changed “The area of temporary and permanently impact”
to “The area of temporary and permanent impact”

Page 1-9. After first paragraph added: “Both Sections A-1 and A-2A will require the installation of
Personnel-Vehicle Fence Type 1, additional details related to PV-1 are provided in Appendix B.”

Page 7-3. Section 7.2: Surface Waters, Wetlands, and Other Waters of the United States. Section
replaced with new text and tables.

Page 7-13. Second paragraph, first sentence: Changed “Section A-2” to “Section A-2A.”

Page 8-35. Migratory Bird section: text added after migratory birds’ paragraph: “However,
implementation of BMPs to avoid or minimize adverse impacts could markedly reduce their intensity.
The following is a list of BMPs recommended for reduction or avoidance of impacts on migratory birds:
If all ground disturbing activities cannot be completed outside of migratory bird nesting season
(approximately 1 February to 31 August) prior to the start of the project an environmental monitor will
conduct migratory bird surveys at the project site before activities begin.
The environmental monitor will locate and clearly mark bird nests 48 hours prior to ground disturbing
activities. Active nests will be removed and relocated prior to clearing and ground disturbing activities.
Migratory bird habitat will be removed to prevent the return of birds.

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Clearing, grubbing, and all other ground disturbing activities will be limited to areas cleared of migratory
bird nests.”

Page 9-1. Fifth paragraph, first sentence: Text revised from “Resources of traditional, religious, or
cultural significance to Native American tribes are those that relate to the traditional practices, beliefs, and
religions of a living community, and are considered essential to maintaining the identity of that culture” to
“Resources of traditional, religious, or cultural significance to Native American tribes or other community
groups can include archaeological resources, structures, neighborhoods, prominent topographic features,
habitat, plants, animals, and minerals that Native Americans or other groups consider essential for the
preservation of traditional culture.”

Page 9-3. Fourth paragraph, end of first sentence: Text revised from “36 CFR 800.4 [2, 3, and 4]” to
“36 CFR 800.4a [2, 3, and 4].”

Page 9-4. Second full paragraph: New sentence added after sentence ending “Office (Permit No. CA–
08-03)” stating “Conditions at the time of the survey were optimal for pedestrian coverage of the project
areas. “

Page 9-7. Fourth paragraph, either sentence to end of paragraph: text revised from “Given the soil
conditions and the geology of the area the potential for a subsurface deposit is considered very low for
this site. Although CA-SDI-18578 is approximately 250 meters to the east of CA-SDI-16370 and
contains similar artifacts, this site is believed to be a new resource. While it is possible that the plotted
location of CA-SDI-16370 could be offset by 250 meters, this is not supported by the current work effort”
to “Vegetation within the site area consists of burned scrub with sparse, low growing ground cover.
Because of recent wildfires, the ground surface visibility was excellent. The artifact scatter measures
approximately 20 by 30 meters, with the majority of the artifacts found on the north side of the Truck
Trail. Given the soil conditions and the geology of the area the potential for a subsurface deposit is
considered very low for this site.” In addition to the text change, the new language was added as a new
paragraph, instead of as a continuation of the fourth paragraph.

Page 9-8. Fourth paragraph, first sentence: Replaced “CA-SDI-9102” with “CA-SDI-9101.”

Page 9-9. Third paragraph, paragraph intro: text revised from “Resources of Traditional, Religious,
and Cultural Significance to Native American Tribes” to “Resources of Traditional, Religious, and
Cultural Significance to Native American Tribes and other groups.”

Page 9-9. Third paragraph, third sentence: Removed the phrase “by the County of San Diego.”

Page 9-9. Fourth paragraph, first sentence: Removed “the” from in from of BLM.

Page 9-9. Fourth paragraph, second sentence: Added “and it was placed on NRHP in 1992 for
ceremonial reasons” at end of sentence.

Page 9-9. Fourth paragraph, last sentence: Added reference.

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Page 9-9. Fifth and sixth paragraph: Text changed from “For assessing the impacts of the Project on
archaeological resources, the APE is confined to the construction corridor for the Project, as well as the
access roads and staging areas. The APE for analysis of impacts on resources of traditional, religious, or
cultural significance to Native American tribes includes both those areas that will be impacted directly by
ground disturbance as well as the viewshed and general setting of those resources.
Potential impacts on cultural resources associated with the Project are limited to ground-disturbing
construction and future maintenance and patrolling activities and indirect impacts from increased access.
Based on the results of a cultural resources survey of the impact corridor and data provided on the site
records, archaeological monitoring is recommended at five specific locations (CASDI18578, CA-SDI-
18579, CA-SDI-16300, CA-SDI-16368, and CASDI16371) during all ground-disturbing activities
associated with the Project. All ground-disturbing activity within this portion of the study area will be
monitored by a professional archaeologist” to “For assessing the impacts of the Project on archaeological
resources, the APE is confined to the construction corridor for the Project, as well as the access roads and
staging areas. The APE for analysis of impacts on resources of traditional, religious, or cultural
significance to Native American tribes and other community groups includes both those areas that will be
impacted directly by ground disturbance as well as the viewshed and general setting of those resources.
Potential impacts on cultural resources associated with the Project are limited to ground-disturbing
construction and future maintenance and patrolling activities and indirect impacts are perceived from
increased access to this formerly remote area. Based on the results of a cultural resources survey of the
impact corridor and data provided on the site records, archaeological monitoring is recommended at five
specific locations (CASDI18578, CA-SDI-18579, CA-SDI-16300, CA-SDI-16368, and
CASDI16371) during all ground-disturbing activities associated with the Project. All ground-
disturbing activity within this portion of the study area will be monitored by a professional archaeologist
because of the proximity of these sites to the project. The geological conditions and information on
previously evaluated sites in this region strongly suggest that there is a low potential for buried
archaeological materials associated with any of these sites.”

Page 9-10. Second paragraph: Additional text added to end of paragraph: “Construction of an access
link from Alta Road to the Otay Mountain Truck Trail at the west end of the project will impact a portion
of CA-SDI-8654. This is a National Register eligible archaeological site. The project corridor across this
site should be surveyed for surface evidence of cultural resources and a subsurface testing program should
be completed prior to ground disturbance to determine if significant archaeological deposits are present
within the proposed area of disturbance. If significant resources are discovered a data recovery treatment
plan should be developed and implemented prior to ground disturbing activities.”

Page 9-10. Third paragraph: New text added in between second and third paragraphs: “The Pack Trail
(recorded as P37-015616) was recommended as not eligible for National Register considerations as the
result of previously completed study. Impacts on this feature will not require a monitoring or mitigation
program, though additional documentation of the trail might be appropriate.”

Page 9-10. Fourth paragraph, second sentence: Text revised from “Consultation with associated tribal
groups has been initiated” to “Consultation with associated tribal groups was initiated.”

Page 9-10. Fourth paragraph, last sentence: Replaced “property concerns” with “properties.”

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Page 12-6. Table 12-1, Cultural Resources row: Updated text in Project and Cumulative Effects

Page 12-10. Cultural resources paragraph: Text changed from “No cumulative impacts on known
historic and cultural resources are expected from the additive effects of past, present, and reasonably
foreseeable future actions. Planning and consultation with BLM and the California SHPO will limit the
possibility of future impacts on unknown historical and cultural resources” to “Cumulative impacts on
known historic and cultural resources are anticipated to occur from increased access to the project areas
with the presence of new roads. The overall development of the project area will change the remote
quality of these areas, in particular the Pack Truck Trail. Increased human presence allows for the
possible degradation of the archaeological sites and possible removal of surface artifacts. Planning and
consultation with BLM and the California SHPO will limit the possibility of future impacts on unknown
historical and cultural resources.”

Page 14-4. First reference: Added Hector and Garnsey 2006 reference and information before Hickman
1996 reference.

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