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Kalahari Project: Female Life History Form

1.Id: KUNG 2. Recorder: ______________

Raaz Bhatia
3. Date: 12 / 10 / ____2015
4. Subject’s Name:_____________________________________

5. Current age: 14 (at end of the book)

6. Age estimate from: G Certificate G Body Size/Life History G Birth Rank
Notes on estimating age:

7. Current marital status: G Single G Married G Widowed G Divorced

8. How many times have you been married? G1 G 2 G3 G4 G5

9. Have you ever been polygynously married? G Yes G No

10. Have you had your first menses ? G Yes G No

11. If yes, how old were you? [ __ ]

Notes on estimating age at menarche: ______________________________________________________
12. How old were you when you first got married? [ ___ ]
Notes on estimating age at marriage: _______________________________________________________
13. How old were you when you had your first child? [ __ ]
Notes on estimating first birth: ____________________________________________________________
14. How many times have you given birth? [ __ ]

15. Were any of these still births or late term miscarriages? G Yes G No G I don’t care to say

16. Were any of these early-term miscarriages? G Yes G No G I don’t care to say

17. How many children have you had? [ __ ] 18. How many of your children are still alive? [ _ ]

19. How many grandchildren do you have? [ __ ]

20. Did you or do you use any forms of contraception? G Yes G No G I don’t care to say

21. What qualities are important to you in your choice of husbands?

1=important; 2= doesn’t matter; (Leave BLANK if not mentioned)
A man who is a good hunter Q1 Q2 A man who works hard Q1 Q2
A man who loves me Q1 Q2 A man who has a lot of friends Q1 Q2
A man who is respected Q1 Q2 A man who is faithful Q1 Q2
A man who helps others Q1 Q2 A man who comes from a good family Q1 Q2
A man who is handsome Q1 Q2 A man who hasn’t had other lovers Q1 Q2
A man who is ~ older ~ younger ~ my age ~ I don’t care what age he is
What other qualities are important to you? __________________________________________________
If individual is deceased
Relation Name Birth year Alive? Life Age Cause of death Page Notes
(circle one) Yes stage at at reference
/No death death


Son Daughter
Son Daughter
Son Daughter
Son Daughter
Son Daughter
Son Daughter

Son Daughter
Son Daughter
Son Daughter
Son Daughter
Son Daughter

*Life stage age at death: A= breastfeeding, NOT walking; B= Breastfeeding & walking C= Juvenile D= Menstruating unmarried girl E= teenage boy F= married no
child G= married with unmarried children H= married with married children; M=miscarriage or still birth
Brother & Sisters
If individual is deceased
Relation Name Birth Yr Alive? Life Age Cause of death Page Notes
(circle one) Yes stage at at reference
/No death* death
Bro Sis Ma:
G full sib G½ sib
Bro Sis Ma:
G full sib G½ sib
Bro Sis Ma:
G full sib G½ sib
Bro Sis Ma:
G full sib G½ sib
Bro Sis Ma:
G full sib G½ sib
Bro Sis Ma:
G full sib G½ sib
Bro Sis Ma:
G full sib G½ sib

*Life stage at death: A= breastfeeding, NOT walking; B= Breastfeeding & walking C= Juvenile D= Menstruating unmarried girl E= teenage boy F=
married no child G= married with unmarried children H= married with married children; M=miscarriage or still birth


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