Lesson Plan For Pre-K: Teacher Name Date of Lesson Name of School Little Astorian Grade

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Lesson Plan for Pre-K

Teacher Name Yigah Lhamo

Date of Lesson 1 Week washing our hands Covid -19 Curriculum

Name of school Little Astorian

Grade Pre-K

Title of Lesson Washing Our Hands

Brief This lesson is grounded in current events. Children

Description of realize there has been a change in the world. Parents and
the lesson: teachers are stressing proper hygiene habits more than ever.
Therefore, this lesson is designed to teach children the science of
how germs spread and how we can stop the spread.

Developmental What developmental domains or skills will this lesson address?

Focus: Are you working to help children achieve a particular milestone?
Are you focused on helping children learn and grow in a particular
domain set in guidelines such as ELOF, ELG, PKFCC?

For this lesson, I am helping children in their gross/fine motor

skills development (how to wash their hands) as well as basic
microbiology of germs (how the germs spread even when we can
not see them).
The lesson will be tailors to be age appropriate by following the
guidelines of Early Learning Guidelines and NYS Pre-K Learning

Objective(s) What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning

Children will learn the gross and fine motor like rolling up their
sleeves, turning on the faucet, and rubbing their hands needed to
wash their hands and describe how it stops the spread of germs.
They will also demonstrate the ability to roll their sleeves, turn on
faucets and wipe their hands.
Connection to Be sure to specify which set of standards/guidelines you are
Standards (if working with to construct your learning activity
applicable) or
Guidelines: NYS Early Learning GuideLines:
Domain 1: Physical Well-Being, Health and Motor Development
A. Gross Motor Skills
B. Fine Motor Skills
C. Sensorimotor Skills
F. Daily Living Skills

Domain 4: Cognition and General Knowledge

A. Causation: Children demonstrate awareness of cause and
B. Representational Thought: Children use symbols to
represent objects
V. Community: Children demonstrate awareness of their
community, human interdependence, social roles

NYS Pre-K Learning Standards

PK.PDH.7.Demonstrates personal care and hygiene skills
PK.PDH.7. Indicators: a. Demonstrates growing independence in
using personal hygiene skills (e.g., washing hands, brushing teeth,
toileting, etc.)

Relevance/Ratio Why are the objectives of this lesson important with regard to
nale: supporting the development, growth and learning of infants and
These objectives are important as it will help them in their daily
lives, it will give them a sense of independence and form good
habits; it will teach them body awareness and sense of community
as they touch things and understand the concept of germs.

Time Needed: 5-10 minutes large group introduction

5 minutes small group glitter germs demonstration
2 minutes individual in bathroom or sink
Instructional Is this activity a whole group learning experience, or an activity
Context: designed for an individual, or small group? Where is it located (in
class, at a center, outside)?
This is a large group activity followed by a small group activity and
then an individual child. First located on the meeting rug, then
broken into smaller groups at a table or art area, last in the
bathroom or sink.

K.ARTS.14. [TH:Pr4-6.K] Performs Theatrical Arts

Procedure (step by step): ​Will the children be participating in the activity in a

whole group, small group, or individually? How will you get
children’s attention? What will happen during the lesson – what
will they do? What will you do?

This activity begins as a large group on the meeting rug, while I

read “Sick Simon” by Dan Krall and I will discuss why I am reading
the book. This will introduce the concept of germs to the children
in a relatable way. I will ask the children if they’ve sneezed before
when they were sick. I will ask leading questions like “Do we feel
good when we are sick ?” and “ Did other people you know get
sick? ”. Children will share their experience, a teaching assistant
will take notes of the children's answers. On the rug we will ask
children to pick 1 of 3 colors. The 3 different colors will transition
to smaller groups where the assistant teachers and I will
give children glitter of the corresponding color. The children will
have learned from the reading that germs can be seen but can
spread and use glitter to represent glitter. The assistant teacher
and I will then support children in the main activity. We will model
how germs spread by rubbing our hands in glitter and shaking
hands. This portion of the class will be recorded on a tripod.

Finally, we will switch to individual children. The children will be

called by their color groups to enter the bathroom to wash their
hands. This transition will be done with song and dance about
washing hands.

Resources/Materi Sick Simon by Dan Krall , Napkins, Glitter multiple colors, Poster
als Pictures of Hand washing
Technology (if Yes laptop/ projector for teacher and camera to record the
applicable)/ lesson.
Modification No room modification

Plan for How will you support the individual needs of children? Be specific
differentiated in regards to certain children.
ctional Translated lesson plan would have been sent home to the
modifications: parents of ELL students so the child can follow along. Many
picture instructions will be used throughout the lesson. There will
also be hand washing diagrams in languages for the ELL
students. Children with disabilities will be supported by making
lesson involve their IEP

Method of What methods will you employ to document, or provide

assessment evidence of children’s growth and learning? Specify the
(standards/objective assessment tools that will be used to provide you with
s) evidence of children’s learning, or that objectives have been

In the reading lesson assistant will be noting children's focus

and response to the book. Video recordings will be taken as
children play with the glitter and then wash their hands to
document their participation and success with the activity. It
will then be uploaded along with a brief description of the
activity on program/ website Teaching Strategies GOLD. In
addition, all children will be assessed under the
aforementioned domains and objectives.

Follow-up/Extension How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or

Activities: expand on students’ learning today in class?

This activity will continue throughout the year with teachers

reminding the students the steps of washing their hands and
the concept of spreading germs. Lesson on going to the
doctors will refer to how germs spread and cause sickness to
connect all lessons.

The matching can be pasting and gluing or connecting with

crayon and market for students that may be delayed in
language and writing.

Disable children will have their IEP involved in all activity so

they have the help they need.

Any additional Some children might have sensory sensitivity and will be
information that allowed to modify lessons to make them feel comfortable.
would be helpful for When reading the book I will add translations of key
the observer to vocabulary words for ELL students. i.e spanish : Wash
know: hands = lavarse las manos.

What are your Assistant teachers, families and I will do an authentic

reflections for the assessment using notes,videos and observation of lesson
next step in this and modify future lesson plans accordingly. For example, if
learning activity? students are more focused and engaged during small group
For your students? lessons, then more lessons will be created to work with
smaller groups.

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