Pentex Equipment

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Conventional is hardly the term for some of the non-magical equipment that the Wyrm Corp issues.
Still, silver ammunition is expensive and fetishes difficult to manufacture, so Pentex often turns to
more cost effective ways of dealing with it enemies.
This company and its products are described in Monkeywrench: Pentex. They company itself has
nothing to do with Pentex, and considers its products a humane alternative to more conventional
firearms.. However, several Pentex subsidiaries have ordered large quantities of these weapons and set
about adapting them to their unique needs.
All these weapons are designed to fire non-lethal caseless rounds using a compressed gas or solid
propellant pellets based system.
Weapon Difficulty Damage Range Rate Capacity Conceal D-1a 6 As ammo 10 2 2 P C-3 7 As
ammo 20 3 15 T M-11* 7 As ammo 40 30 60 ND-1a - Small handheld weapon that can fire two
projectiles simultaneously or sequentially.
C-3 - This weapon is about the size of a submachine gun.
M-11 - This larger version comes with a special backpack to hold the ammo. Because of it nature, no
automatic firearms license is required.
Capacitors (PC2) - These rounds are distinguished by their two metal prongs. When they strike the
target they release a powerful electric shock, similar to a taser. These rounds do 6 dice of damage, and
if they do as much or more damage than the target's Stamina the target is rendered unconscious for 10 -
Stamina minutes. Damage done by capacitors is recovered after one day.
Poisons/Drugs (PJ5) - Details of poisons and drugs are found in Rage Across the Amazon, the
Vampire Players Guide, and Destiny's Price. Any drug with a liquid or aerosol vector can be adapted
for use with these weapons.
Silver Nitrate (PP3 Custom) - Designed for use against Garou, these rounds do four dice of damage.
Against shapeshifters this is treated as being from silver, i.e. aggravated and unsoakable.
Combat Drugs
Commonly issued to front line First Teams, this is potent cocktail of drugs designed to improve their
ability in combat, heightening reactions, improving strength and numbing pain. Normally the
dispensers are fitted to the First Teamers armor and activated by a remove held by the Team Leader.
When taken the drugs have the following effects:
· +1 Strength
· 1 additional action per turn
· Ignore two dice of wound penalties
· +1 Wits
These benefits last one scene. The downside is that these drugs are addictive. Every time they are
taken, the user must roll Willpower, difficulty 7, or become addicted. There is also a "down" period as
the drug wears off. For the rest of the day the user will be at -1 to all dice pools due to mild lethargy
and depression.
Herculean Firearms - Balor Series
Many Garou, especially Homids and Glass Walkers, have Gifts that can easily foul up a First Teams
weapons. Considering that many First Teamers are not capable of going hand to hand against a Garou,
this can prove quite fatal.
To compensate for this, Pentex has developed a special treatment for the weapons it issues to First
Teams. This treatment involves mixing the metal that will make the weapons with certain substances,
and exposing it to others during them manufacturing process. The exact nature of these substances is
known to only a few Pentex scientists, but it is known to include toxic, and radioactive, waste and
Fomorach remains.
As a consequence these weapons are somewhat resistant to supernatural powers. Deduct two successes
from any power (not just Gifts, this affects Charms, Spheres and other powers as well) used against
them. As a consequence of the treatment such weapons are detectable by Sense Wyrm.
Apart from this, the weapons are treated as normal for their type. Herculean manufacture pistols,
submachine guns and assault rifles in the Balor Series.
Herculean Ammo - Hellbite Series
The Hellbite Ammo is exposed to similar manufacturing process as the Balor weapons. Each round
contains parts of Fomorach and often dangerous toxic waste. As a consequence, these rounds inflict
(soakable) aggravated damage. They usually come as Manstoppers, but most ammo types are available.
Special Issue
These items are issued more rarely. Characters with the Equipment background may start with them,
the background cost is equal to the level.
Fetishes - Portable
Level: 1 , Gnosis: 5
These items appear as a small pager. When a supernatural power is employed within 50 feet, the
beeper activates. Some beepers can be switched to discrete mode, where by they just vibrate when
activated. Beepers contain a Scryer Bane.
Body Armor
Level: 4 , Gnosis: 7
This consists of metal or plastic plates, moulded to fit an individual, and with an appropriate elemental
bound into it. It provides the wearer with four extra soak dice, with no movement or Dexterity penalty.
However, the armor cannot accommodate shapechanging.
Balefire Blaster
Level: 5 , Gnosis: 7
This fetish contains a Furmas - a Balefire elemental. It appears as a large, high tech weapon with a
short, broad barrel. When activated it fires blasts of sickly green flame, doing 1 to 3 health levels of
aggravated damage (1 per activation success, to a maximum of three). Damage from Balefire is
normally unsoakable. A Dexterity + Firearms roll is still required to hit, and it can be dodged as
Weapon Difficulty Damage Range Rate Capacity Conceal Balefire Blaster 7 1-3 40 1 NA TBinocs
Level: 2 , Gnosis: 4
Appearing as just a pair of high-tech binoculars, these handy fetishes have several uses. They allow the
viewer to see in pitch darkness when viewing through them. They act as range-finders. Finally, and
perhaps most usefully, they will identify any type of supernatural creature viewed through them.
Spirit Activity Suppresser
Level: 4 , Gnosis: 8
This backpack sized device interferes with all spirit activity within 50 yards. Any spirit based power
(including Gifts, Charms, the Spirit Sphere, Spirit Thaumaturgy and the Spiritus Discipline) used in
this area is at +2 difficulty. Any attempt to cross the Gauntlet in the area is at +1 difficulty.
Toxic Pumper
Level: 3 , Gnosis: 6
A strange looking weapon, consisting of a large tank with a long nozzle. When activated, the pumper
spews out a foul smelling, sticky and highly toxic chemical soup. A target hit by this must soak one
aggravated health level per turn until it is removed. In addition, Garou hit by the toxins cannot spend
Gnosis points, and all Gnosis rolls are at +2 difficulty.
Weapon Difficulty Damage Range Rate Capacity Conceal Toxic Pumper 6 1 per turn 20 1 NA
NThe pumper must be activated each time it fires, and a Dexterity + Firearms roll is required to hit the
target, who can dodge as normal.
Taint Masker
Level: 4 , Gnosis 7
Usually a small, innocuous item, this Fetish contains a Puppeteer Bane and so masks the users Wyrm
Taint from any detection.
Fetishes - Installations
Some Fetishes are too large or too valuable to be issued to First Teams, who have a nasty habit of
ending up dead and losing all that expensive equipment.
Gauntlet Reinforcer
Level: 5 , Gnosis: 8
This large machine affects a whole building or small installation. It increases the local Gauntlet by +3.
In addition, if anyone, or anything, crosses the Gauntlet within the affected area, it triggers an alarm.
This Fetish contains a powerful Wyrm corrupted Weaver spirit with the Spirit Static Charm.
Bane Summoner
Level: 5 , Gnosis: 8
When activated this device sends out a call any Banes in the area, and near a Pentex plant there can be
an awful lot of them. The Banes will come as soon as they can. Any Bane summoned by the fetish may
choose to Materialise, even if it does not posses the Charm, although it must still pay the Power cost.

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