Nitrogen Cycle

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Assignment 2: NITROGEN CYCLE.

Living organisms play an important role in the Nitrogen cycle, by converting inert nitrogen into
absorbable one. They also make a different compound of nitrogen needed by plants in the soil,
animals and vice-versa.
The following diagram shows an important relationship between organisms in plants and soil.

Free Nitrogen in

Nitrogen fixation by Denitrification

Nitrogen fixing bacteria such done by
as Rhizobium and pseudomonas,
cyanobacteria where they Alcaligenes and
convert inert nitrogen into Animals Bacillus bacteria.
usable form used by plants. proteins

Protein and nucleic

NH3(Ammo Plant absorbs nitrogen
acid are converted into
nia) in form of NO3- and NH4+
ammonia by
by assimilation
ammonifying bacteria.

In Nitrification, the ammonia is

Human adding
converted to nitrites (NO2) by
fertilizers and manure,
Nitrosomonas and nitro coccus. NO2- and
mining and gas
And then NO2 converted to NO3-
emission in the soil and
NO3 by Nitrobacter and
Nitrospira bacteria.

Generally, these process that occurs in nitrogen cycle and organisms that play an important role in it.
Nitrogen fixation done by nitrogen-fixing bacteria includes Rhizobium bacteria and cyanobacteria
which live symbiotically in plant root nodules. Azotobacter and clostridium are free-living organisms
that contribute to the nitrogen fixation also. Blue-green algae either symbiotic of free-living they
contribute also to the nitrogen fixation. All these bacteria convert inert nitrogen into free nitrogen to
react with another compound in the soil.
Nitrification is done by denitrifying bacteria like micrococcus denitrification and pseudomonas
thiobacillus where they convert nitrates to nitrogen gas. It is carried out in the soil. These bacteria are
anaerobic and live in swampy soil or deep down in the soil (where water accumulates).
Ammonification where ammonifying bacteria like bacillus of decay convert decaying nitrogen waste
to ammonia by decomposing dead plants and animals.
Denitrification done by denitrifying bacteria includes Pseudomonas and Alkaligenes bacteria which
convert nitrate into free nitrogen from the atmosphere.
In addition, fungi, bacteria help to convert dead plants and animals together with their wastes into
ammonia in the soil. Also, Humana activities like mining, farming, fossil, burning, and industrial gas
emission influence the nitrogen cycle.



1) Applying a good amount of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil.

2) Reduce the high amount of gaseous emission in the air that interfere with nitrogen fixation
3) Planting nitrogen-fixing crops (legumes) and crop rotation and intercropping with
agroecological practices.

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