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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKNBUNutrition Bulletin1471-98272004 British Nutrition Foundation? 20043012754Review ArticleHealth properties of RSA.



Health properties of
resistant starch
A. P. Nugent
British Nutrition Foundation, London, UK

Summary Resistant starch (RS) refers to the portion of starch and starch products that resist
digestion as they pass through the gastrointestinal tract. RS is an extremely broad
and diverse range of materials and a number of different types exist (RS1–4). At
present, these are mostly defined according to physical and chemical characteristics.
RS may be categorised as a type of dietary fibre, as defined by the American
Association of Cereal Chemists and the Food Nutrition Board of the Institute of
Medicine of the National Academies. RS is measured in part by the methodology
recommended by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists for measuring
dietary fibre. Dietary intakes of RS in westernised countries are likely to be low.
However, accurate comparative assessments of dietary intakes between countries,
and subsequent epidemiological analysis, are absent due to the lack of consensus
over of an agreed, repeatable and simple in vitro method for analysing the RS con-
tent of foods. At present, the recognised method is that of McCleary & Monaghan
(2002). RS appears to confer considerable benefits to human colonic health, but has
a smaller impact on lipid and glucose metabolism. Comparisons between studies are
hampered by differences in study design, poor experimental design and differences
in the source, type and dose of RS in the ingredients or diets used. It is likely that
RS mediates some or all of its effects through the action of short chain fatty acids
but interest is increasing regarding its prebiotic potential. There is also increasing
interest in using RS to lower the energy value and available carbohydrate content of
foods. RS can also be used to enhance the fibre content of foods and is under inves-
tigation regarding its potential to accelerate the onset of satiation and to lower the
glycaemic response. Due to the difficulties in agreeing on a universal definition and
method of analysis for dietary fibre, RS may be included within the term ‘fibre’ on
the nutrition labels in some countries but not in others. Pressure to agree a legal def-
inition and universal method of analysis is likely to increase due to the potential of
RS to enhance colonic health, and to act as a vehicle to increase the total dietary
fibre content of foodstuffs, particularly those which are low in energy and/or in
total carbohydrate content.

Keywords: colonic health, fibre, glucose metabolism, resistant starch

Correspondence: Dr Anne Nugent, Nutrition Scientist, British Nutrition Foundation, High Holborn House, London, WC1V 6RQ, UK.

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54 27

28 A. Nugent

What is starch? healthy people’ (Asp 1992). RS that reaches the large
intestine can act as a substrate for microbial fermenta-
Starches are one of the main forms of dietary carbohy-
tion, the end-products being hydrogen, carbon dioxide,
drates (the others being sugars). Starchy foods are
methane and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) (Englyst
derived from plant sources such as potatoes and cereal
et al. 1996). However, as the EURESTA definition
products (e.g. breads), and are staple items in the British
describes RS in terms of its physiological functionality,
diet (BNF 1994). In plants, starch occurs as granules
rather than its physical or chemical characteristics, sci-
that provide an economical means of storing carbohy-
entists have defined a number of categories of RS to
drate in an insoluble and tightly packed manner
describe how the starches may escape digestion in upper
(Imberty et al. 1991). The size and shape of these gran-
gastrointestinal tract.
ules varies among plant species and also cultivars of the
same species (Baghurst et al. 1996).
Chemically, starches are polysaccharides, i.e. they are Structure of resistant starch
composed of a number of monosaccharides or sugar
The resistance of starch to digestion is influenced by the
(glucose) molecules linked together with a1–4 and/or
nature of the association between starch polymers, with
a1–6 linkages. Two main structural types of starch
higher amylose levels in the starch being associated with
exist: amylose which is a linear a1–4 molecule and typ-
slower digestibility rates. Both B and C type starches
ically constitutes 15–20% of starch, and amylopectin
appear to be more resistant to digestion with high-amy-
which is a larger branched molecule with a1–4 and a1–
lose maize producing RS which has been particularly
6 linkages and is a major component of starch (BNF
useful in the preparation of foods (Brown 2004).
1990). Two crystalline structures of starch have been
Retrograded starches refer to certain structural forms
identified (an ‘A’ and ‘B’ type), which contain differing
of RS. Retrogradation occurs when starch is cooked in
proportions of amylopectin. A type starches are found
water beyond its gelatinisation temperature and then
in cereals, while B type starches are found in tubers and
cooled. Amylose is found in the amphorous parts of the
amylose-rich starches. A third type called ‘C type’
starch crystal, while amylopectin gives starch its crystal-
appears to be a mixture of both A and B forms and is
line structure. Upon heating with excess water and at
found in legumes (Topping & Clifton 2001). In general,
sufficiently high temperatures, the starch crystalline
digestible starches are broken down (hydrolysed) by the
regions ‘melt’. The starch granules gelatinise and the
enzymes a-amylases, glucoamylase and sucrase-isomal-
starch is subsequently more easily digested. However,
tase in the small intestine to yield free glucose that is
these starch gels are unstable and upon cooling re-form
then absorbed.
crystals that are resistant to hydrolysis by amylases (i.e.
are resistant to digestion). Slow cooling of the gelati-
nised starch favours Type A crystallisation while slow
What is resistant starch?
cooling in excess water favours Type B crystallisation.
In 1982, while developing an in vitro assay for non- This process is known as retrogradation (Topping &
starch polysaccharides (a type of dietary fibre), Englyst Clifton 2001). In general, starches rich in amylose are
and coworkers found that some starch remained after naturally more resistant to digestion and also more sus-
enzymic hydrolysis. Follow-up studies with healthy ileo- ceptible to retrogradation.
stomy subjects confirmed the presence of similar
starches, which resisted digestion in the stomach and
Classification and food sources of
small intestine. Further analysis revealed that these
resistant starch
starches could be fermented in the large intestine in vivo.
The term ‘resistant starch’ (RS) was coined and used to Resistant starch has been classified into four general
describe these starches (Englyst et al. 1982). Although subtypes called RS1–RS4 (Englyst et al. 1992; Brown
the term ‘resistant starch’ is not defined by any govern- et al. 1995). Table 1 outlines a summary of the different
ment agency (Goldring 2004), a group of scientists types of RS, their classification criteria and food sources.
funded by the European Union (EU) in a concerted Briefly, RS1 is the term given to RS where the starch is
action known as EURESTA (FLAIR Concerted Action physically inaccessible to digestion, e.g. due to the pres-
no. 11 Physiological Implications of the Consumption ence of intact cell walls in grains, seeds or tubers. RS2
of Resistant Starch in Man) defined RS as the ‘total describes native starch granules that are protected from
amount of starch, and the products of starch degrada- digestion by the conformation or structure of the starch
tion that resists digestion in the small intestine of granule as in raw potatoes and green bananas. A par-

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Health properties of RS 29

Table 1 Classification of types of resistant starch, food sources and factors affecting their resistance to digestion in the colon

Type of RS Description Food sources Resistance reduced by

RS1 Physically protected Whole- or partly milled grains and seeds, legumes, Milling, chewing
RS2 Ungelatinised resistant granules with B-type Raw potatoes, green bananas, some legumes, high Food processing and cooking
crystallinity and are hydrolysed slowly by amlyose starches
RS3 Retrograded starch (i.e. non-granular Cooked and cooled potatoes, bread, cornflakes, Processing conditions
starch-derived materials) food products with prolonged and/or repeated
moist heat treatment
RS4 Chemically modified starches due to cross-bonding Some fibre-drinks, foods in which modified starches Less susceptible to digestibility
with chemical reagents, ethers, esters, etc. have been used (e.g. certain breads and cakes) in vitro

RS, resistant starch.

ticular type of RS2 is unique as it retains its structure a-amylase activity (Englyst et al. 1992). Extrinsic addi-
and resistance even during the processing and prepara- tives may also bind to starch making it more or less sus-
tion of many foods; this RS2 is called high-amylose ceptible to degradation, e.g. phosphorus (Niba 2003). In
maize starch. RS3 refers to non-granular starch-derived addition, physiological factors can impact the amount
materials that resist digestion. RS3 forms are generally of RS in a food – increased chewing decreases particle
formed during the retrogradation of starch granules. size (smaller particles being more easily digested in the
Some examples of RS3 are cooked and cooled potatoes gut), while intra-individual variations in transit time and
and cornflakes. RS4 describes a group of starches that biological factors (e.g. menstrual cycle) also affect the
have been chemically modified and include starches digestibility of starch. At present, it is not known how
which have been etherised, esterified or cross-bonded the various types of RS4 are affected by digestion
with chemicals in such a manner as to decrease their in vivo.
digestibility. RS4 may be further subdivided into four
subcategories according to their solubility in water and
Resistant starch as a component of
the experimental methods by which they can be analy-
dietary fibre
sed (Brown 2004).
Although RS is found naturally in all starch-contain- There is no globally agreed definition of dietary fibre.
ing foods, factors which influence the net amount of RS Problems with defining dietary fibre arise from the lack
present include the initial quantity and type of starch of a universally agreed and reliable method to quantify
present, how the starchy food is processed, cooked and all of the components of dietary fibre. Various defini-
stored and how it is ingested (Brown 1996). As evident tions of dietary fibre have been suggested whereby
in Table 1, RS1 is made less resistant to digestion by dietary fibre may be defined as part of a plant, as chem-
milling and chewing, RS2 by food processing techniques ical substances, according to indigestibility in the small
(e.g. cooking) and RS3 by the conditions of food pro- intestine and/or by its beneficial digestive and physio-
cessing used (e.g. during the preparation of bread and logical effects and metabolic fate (Champ et al. 2003a).
cornflakes). RS4, as a result of chemical modification, However, the American Association of Cereal Chemists
can resist hydrolysis after food processing; however, this (AACC) proposed one of the most recent definitions in
is dependent upon the starch base, and the type and level 2000. The AACC defined dietary fibre as ‘the edible
of modification. parts of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are
In addition to the structural factors mentioned above resistant to digestion and absorption in the human small
whereby the presence of water and the chemical struc- intestine with complete or partial fermentation in the
ture of starch can influence the amount of RS present, large intestine. Dietary fibre includes polysaccharides,
other factors intrinsic to starchy foods can affect a- oligosacccharides, lignin and associated plant sub-
amylase activity and therefore starch breakdown. These stances. Dietary fibres promote beneficial physiological
include the formation of amylose-lipid complexes, the effects including laxation, and/or blood cholesterol
presence of native a-amylase inhibitors and also non- attenuation, and/or blood glucose attenuation’ (Anon
starch polysaccharides, all of which can directly affect 2000; Jones 2000). Contrary to some earlier definitions,

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

30 A. Nugent

this description of dietary fibre specifically refers to non- Table 2 Resistant starch contents of a number of sample foods and
starch polysaccharides, resistant oligosaccharides and commercially manufactured sources of resistant starch
analogous carbohydrates. It also includes RS, therefore
RS content (as assessed using
RS may be considered a component of dietary fibre (De
Food sample AOAC 2002.02)
Vries 2003). More recently, the Food and Nutrition
Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Acad- Wheat bran 0.42
emies has published definition(s) of dietary fibre that Rye crispbread 1.2
include RS (Institute of Medicine 2002) and the Codex Kidney beans 5.3
Alimentarius Committee is also looking at a definition, Corn flakes 2.8
but this is in process. Traditionally in the UK, the defi- Native potato starch 78.1
Cooked and cooled potato starch 3.8
nition for dietary fibre accounts for only non-starch
polysaccharides and lignin, and does not include RS Hi-maize 1043 45.7
(DH 1991). This definition is based on the method of NOVELOSE 240 46.9
Englyst et al. (1992). Although the UK Food Standards ActiStar 58.0
Agency now recommends that manufacturers use the CrystaLean 40.9
AOAC method for measuring dietary fibre on all food
Source: Reprinted with kind permission from McCleary & Rossiter (2004).
products in the UK, difficulties arise as population
Copyright (2004) AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
dietary fibre recommendations and existing food com-
position tables are still based on the Englyst method (see
labelling section). part of the total dietary fibre figure, additional methods
are needed for quantification of the other categories of
RS (Champ et al. 2003b). Again, this highlights the
Measurement of resistant starch
need for a universally agreed definition and method of
The main step of any method to measure the content of analysis for all of the components of dietary fibre,
RS in foods must first remove all of the digestible starch including RS.
from the product using thermostable a-amylases
(McCleary & Rossiter 2004). At present, the method of
Commercially manufactured sources of
McCleary & Monaghan (2002 and AOAC method
resistant starch
2002.02) is considered the most reproducible and
repeatable measurement of RS in starch and plant mate- In addition to the natural food sources of RS, some com-
rials, but it has not been shown to analyse all RS as mercially manufactured forms of RS are also available
defined (Champ et al. 2003b). It is based on the princi- (Table 2). Hi-maize® was originally obtained from a
ple of enzymic digestion and measures the portions of maize hybrid grown in Australia. It originally contained
starch resistant to digestion at 37∞C that are typically 80–85% amylose with approximately 30% dietary fibre
not quantitated due to the gelatisation at 100∞C fol- when commercially released in 1993 but it has since
lowed by digestion at 60∞C. A commercial test kit is been improved to provide ingredients containing
available and further details of the method are available approximately 60% dietary fibre (Brown et al. 1995).
at This product, a high-amylose maize starch and categor-
Table 2 lists the RS contents from a number of sample ised as RS2, is now sold throughout the world by
foods using this method and sourced from McCleary & National Starch and Chemical Co. and is used in prod-
Rossiter (2004). ucts including cereals, biscuits, other baked goods, dairy
In the US and some other countries such as Japan products, nutrition bars and breads. In particular,
and Australia, the Association of Official Analytical Hi-maize is incorporated into Australian, New Zealand
Chemists (AOAC) method 985.29 for Total Dietary and Swedish breads, e.g. Wonder-White, Nature’s Fresh
Fibre Determination in Foods (Prosky et al. 1985; a Fibre White and Pagens ‘Bra’.
gravimetric determination of dietary fibre quantity A number of RS3 ingredients are available with a
after enzymic digestion, mimicking human digestion) is dietary fibre content < 30%; in general these are
commonly used to measure total dietary fibre (De Vries derived from cooked and recrystallised maize or tapi-
2004). This method accounts for some (i.e. RS3, the oca starch (Crosby 2003). NOVELOSE 330® (National
retrograded portion, and RS2 as found in high amylose Starch and Chemical Limited) and CrystaLean (Opta
maize) RS present as part of the total dietary fibre Food Ingredients, Inc.) are also examples of commer-
value. Therefore, while it does measure some RS as cially developed RS3 which is derived from high amy-

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Health properties of RS 31

lose maize (Yue & Waring 1998). Research is Calorific value and dietary intakes of
intensifying regarding RS4 chemically modified resistant starch
starches; RS4 which have been created using difunc-
tional phosphate reagents are available for inclusion in Experimentally, the energy value of RS has been calcu-
foods; however, as yet there is a lack of information lated as approximately 8 kJ/g (2 kcal/g). This is consid-
regarding their potential clinical and physiological erably lower than the energy value for completely
effects (Brown 2004). digestible starch 15 kJ/g (4.2 kcal/g) (Liversey 1994).
There are a number of advantages to using commer- However, at present in Europe this energy value is not
cially manufactured sources of RS in food products. accounted for during nutritional labelling of foodstuffs
Unlike natural sources of RS (e.g. legumes, potatoes, (see labelling and legislation section).
bananas), commercially manufactured resistant starches Several studies have attempted to quantify population
are not affected by processing and storage conditions. dietary intakes of RS. However, a number of different
For example, the amount of RS2 in green bananas methods of analyses of RS were used in these studies and
decreases with increasing ripeness, however, a commer- this makes any real comparisons between countries and/
cial form of RS2, Hi-maize, does not experience these or studies difficult. From population studies, it has been
difficulties. As RS is included within the definitions of calculated that intakes of non-starch polysaccharides
dietary fibre by the AACC (Anon 2000; Jones 2000), are approximately < 20 g/day (Baghurst et al. 1996).
and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies The last national survey of dietary intakes in the UK
(Institute of Medicine 2002), and is measured within the revealed that intakes of non-starch polysaccharides were
remit of the AOAC method (Prosky et al. 1985) which is approximately 12 g/day for women and 15 g/day for
used in the US, UK, Australia and Japan, commercially men (Henderson et al. 2003). However, it is believed
manufactured sources of RS can be used as vehicles to that approximately 60–80 g of substrate is needed per
increase the total dietary fibre content of foods and food day to sustain the 1013-1014 organisms found in the
products without affecting taste and texture (Liversey human large bowel. It is thought that RS contributes to
1994). They may also be used to provide fibre in some this ‘carbohydrate gap’ (Topping et al. 2003). RS has
commercially available low-carbohydrate foods mar- been reported to constitute up to 15% of the dry matter
keted for those following low-carbohydrate dieting reg- of a food product (Champ et al. 2003b).
imens. Table 3 lists some of the advantages and Worldwide, dietary intakes of RS are believed to vary
functional properties of commercial sources of RS2 and considerably. It is estimated that intakes of RS in devel-
RS3. oping countries with high starch consumption rates
range from approximately 30 to 40 g/day (Baghurst
et al. 2001). Dietary intakes in India and China were
Table 3 Functional properties and advantages of commercial
sources of RS2 and RS3
recently estimated at 10 and 18 g/day (Platel &
Shurpalekar 1994; Muir et al. 1998). Intakes in the EU
are thought to lie between 3 and 6 g/day (Dyssler &
Natural sources
Bland in flavour Hoffmann, 1994). Dietary intakes of RS in the UK are
White in colour estimated at 2.76 g/day (Tomlin & Read 1990) and are
Fine particle size (which causes less interference with texture) believed to range from 5 to 7 g/day in Australia
High gelatinisation temperature (Baghurst et al. 2001). In the study of Baghurst et al.
Good extrusion and film-forming qualities (2001) the authors analysed population dietary intakes
Lower water-holding properties than traditional fibre products of RS using Australian National Dietary Survey data for
Allows the formation of low-bulk high fibre products with improved texture,
the years 1988 and 1993 and a foods database which
appearance and mouthfeel (i.e. better organo-leptic qualities) compared
with traditional high-fibre products
they constructed using analytical data from published
Increases coating crispness of products findings and data presented at a scientific (EURESTA)
Increases the bowl life of breakfast cereals meeting. The main sources of RS for this cohort were
Functional food ingredient cereals (42%), vegetables (26%) and fruit and fruit juice
May lower the calorific value of foods (22%). There was little evidence of any age- or occupa-
Can be used to reduce oil pick-up in expanded snacks tion-related trends in the density of RS in the diet. How-
Useful in products for coeliacs, bulk laxatives and in products for oral
ever, this data must be viewed with caution as it
rehydration therapy
represents only a small amount of data, a number of
Source: Adapted from Liversey (1994), Brown et al. (1995) and Yue & Waring techniques were used to ascertain the amount of RS in
(1998). foods, the authors reported inconsistencies in the data-

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

32 A. Nugent

base and the data refers to Australian dietary intakes. As Short chain fatty acids
mentioned earlier, intakes of RS in Australia are likely to
be greater than in Europe due to the commercial avail- Short chain fatty acids (SCFA) are the metabolic prod-
ability of top-selling breads and cakes that are enriched ucts of anaerobic bacterial fermentation of polysac-
with RS. charides, oligosaccharides, protein, peptide and
glycoprotein precursors in the large intestine, including
those derived from dietary fibre and RS (Andoh et al.
Physiological effects of resistant starch
2003). The principal SCFA are butyrate, propionate and
A number of physiological effects have been ascribed to acetate, although other SCFA are also produced in lesser
RS and are listed in Table 4 and will be described below. amounts (MacFarlane & MacFarlane 2003). SCFA are
RS, by escaping digestion in the small intestine, has few the preferred respiratory fuel of the cells lining the colon
interactions with other components of the upper gas- (colonocytes). They increase colonic blood flow, lower
trointestinal tract. It is fermented in the large intestine luminal pH and help prevent the development of abnor-
resulting in the production of such fermentation prod- mal colonic cell populations (Topping & Clifton 2001).
ucts as carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen, organic SCFA are mainly found in the proximal colon where fer-
acids (e.g. lactic acid) and SCFA. However, RS is mentation is greatest, and the amount present mirrors
believed to result in only a modest production of these supply of carbohydrate in the diet (Topping et al. 2003).
gases compared with other non-digestible oligosaccha- Levels of SCFA fall during the passage of digesta
rides, fructo-oligosaccharides and lactulose (Christl through the colon; this is due to uptake and utilisation
et al. 1992). SCFA produced include butyrate, acetate by the colonocytes and bacteria. In humans, the abun-
and propionate, and it is thought that these SCFA in dance of SCFA is normally acetate > propionate >
particular mediate the effects of RS, rather than RS butyrate. Depending on diet, total SCFA concentrations
exerting a physical bulking effect (Topping et al. 2003). are usually between 70 and 140 mM in the proximal
SCFA will be discussed briefly below; other mechanisms colon and 20–70 mM in the distal colon; therefore,
by which RS may influence physiological behaviour will SCFA are found in much lower amounts in the distal
be discussed later in this review. colon (the site of many colonic diseases and most human
colon cancers). Butryate is the favoured fuel of colono-
cytes (Schwiertz et al. 2002). In vitro, butyrate can
Table 4 Physiological effects of resistant starch
reverse neoplastic changes (Ferguson et al. 2000) and it
Conditions where there may exerts trophic effects on the colonic epithelium in vivo
Potential physiological effects be a protective effect (Mentschel & Claus 2003). In addition, it can affect
gene expression and may induce cell cycle arrest or even
Improve glycaemic and insulinaemic Diabetes, impaired glucose apoptosis (naturally programmed cell death which
responses and insulin responses, the removes DNA damaged, unwanted or old cells) of
metabolic syndrome
colonocytes (Mentschel & Claus 2003). Therefore,
Improved bowel health Colorectal cancer, ulcerative
colitis, inflammatory bowel dietary interventions that increase the amount of SCFA
disease, diverticulitis, in the colon are thought to be beneficial to gut health,
constipation and SCFA are commonly used as markers of fermenta-
Improved blood lipid profile Cardiovascular disease, lipid tion and colonic health. Length of transit time and diet
metabolism, the metabolic are two variables known to influence the concentration
syndrome and types of SCFA found in the colon. A long transit
Prebiotic and culture protagonist Colonic health
time results in protein breakdown and an increased con-
Increased satiety and reduced Obesity
energy intake
tribution by amino acid fermentation to SCFA pools
Increased micronutrient absorption Enhanced mineral absorption, (MacFarlane & MacFarlane 2003), while dietary fibre
osteoporosis (including RS) can modify large bowel and faecal SCFA
Adjunct to oral rehydration Treatment of cholera, chronic levels (Bird et al. 2000a).
therapies diarrhoea However, there are several problems with using SCFA
Synergistic interactions with other Improved metabolic control as markers of (human) fermentation and colonic health.
dietary components, e.g. dietary and enhanced bowel health
As approximately 95% of SCFA are produced and
fibres, proteins, lipids
absorbed in the colon, the accuracy of faecal measure-
Thermogenesis Obesity, diabetes
ments is limited (Cummings et al. 1987). SCFA are also
Source: Adapted from Brown (2004) and Champ (2004). absorbed and transported via the portal vein to the liver,

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Health properties of RS 33

with the fraction not absorbed being distributed to other Resistant starch and colonic function
body organs and tissues for metabolism. Therefore, (colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel
while concentrations of human peripheral blood SCFA disease, constipation and diverticulitis)
are sometimes measured as a surrogate marker of SCFA
fermentation, these are not representative of levels Dietary fibre, starch, resistant starch and colon cancer
found in the portal circulation. Similarly, hydrogen
breath tests are only general indicators of fermentation A number of epidemiological studies have investigated
(Topping & Clifton 2001). The gold standard method is the potential benefits of dietary fibre and starch in pro-
isotopic dilution (Sakata et al. 2003) but in practice tecting against the development of colon cancer;
most human studies rely on the above indirect measures however, less information is available regarding RS.
of fermentation and many researchers choose to study Increasing evidence points to a protective effect of
animal models, which may have slightly different distri- dietary fibre on colorectal cancers: in the European pro-
butions of SCFA along the colon (Sakata et al. 2003). spective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC),
For all faecal measurements, it is recommended that the Bingham et al. (2003) showed that in populations with
molar ratios of SCFA are measured rather than the con- a low to average intake of dietary fibre (measured as
centration or the total output (Cummings et al. 1987). non-starch polysaccharides), doubling of fibre intake
Finally, it is noteworthy that the bacteria responsible for could reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by up to 40%
butyrate production are largely unknown and therefore (Bingham et al. 2003). Cassidy et al. (1994), in an inter-
it remains difficult to devise a dietary intervention (e.g. national correlative study, found a strong inverse rela-
using RS) to stimulate increased numbers and/or activity tionship between starch intake and colon and rectal
of the bacteria that produce butyrate. cancer, even after adjusting for fat and protein intake.
Non-starch polysaccharides were only significantly cor-
related when combined with starch. In this study, the
The effects of resistant starch on short chain
authors assumed that 5% of all starch consumed was
fatty acid production
resistant and that this RS contributed to the protective
Resistant starch can increase the production of SCFA effect of starch. However, this estimate represents a sub-
and therefore may help improve colonic health. Animal stantial amount of RS reaching the colon as dietary
studies in pigs and rats have reported that feeding RS intakes of starch are approximately 8–10 times higher
increased the caecal and faecal production of total SCFA than intakes of non-starch polysaccharides (Cassidy
and also the individual concentrations of propionate, et al. 1994). In addition, no attempt was made to
butyrate and acetate (Ferguson et al. 2000; Hennings- account for between-country variation in dietary
son et al. 2003). In most human studies, increased faecal sources of starch and amounts of starch eaten (Young &
excretion and/or faecal concentrations of SCFA were Le Leu 2004). At present, epidemiological studies
reported following supplementation with RS (Phillips addressing the relationship between colorectal cancers
et al. 1995; Silvester et al. 1995; Cumming et al. 1996; and RS have not been reported.
Birkett et al. 2000; Muir et al. 2004). However, discrep- One cohort and two case–control studies have inves-
ancies have been observed with respect to effects on the tigated the relationship between dietary starch and col-
individual SCFA and indeed no effect was observed in orectal cancer. A high intake of dietary starch was found
the study of Hylla et al. (1998). These differences are to be protective in the cohort study (Health Profession-
most likely due to the experimental method used, the als Follow-Up Study; Giovannucci et al. 1992), but not
source, type and amount of RS, interindividual varia- in two case–control studies (Haenszel et al. 1980;
tions in length of transit time and on the duration of Macquart-Moulin et al. 1986). More data is needed
feeding. In particular, RS2 (from raw potato starch) is regarding the potential protective effects of RS. How-
reported to increase the concentration of butyrate in ever, such research is hampered by a lack of standard-
humans and rats (Cummings et al. 1996; Ferguson et al. ised quantitative information relating to dietary intakes
2000; Martin et al. 2000; Henningsson et al. 2003), and levels of RS in common dietary foodstuffs.
while RS3 (retrograded starch) is reported to increase Two studies of note that are currently under-way are
the concentration of acetate in pigs (Martin et al. 2000), the Concerted Action Polyp Prevention (CAPP) studies,
but not in humans (Cummings et al. 1996). It has also which aim to test the efficacy of RS on colorectal can-
been reported that sufficient time for microbial adapta- cer prevention. CAPP-1, is a randomised double-blind
tion is necessary before changes in SCFA will be factorial design controlled trial investigating the effects
observed (Topping & Clifton 2001). of one of four treatments in suppressing colorectal

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

34 A. Nugent

adenoma formation in young subjects with an inher- is thought to be an intermediate risk marker for colorec-
ited disposition to developing colon cancer (Familial tal cancer (Van Gorkom et al. 2002) but its exact use-
Adenomatous Polyposis): (1) double placebo; (2) aspi- fulness as a marker of colonic cell function is unclear
rin (600 mg/day); (3) RS [30 g raw potato starch – and results are often difficult to interpret.
HYLON VII (1 + 1 w/w)/day]; and (4) aspirin and RS. Other measured markers of colorectal cancer and
CAPP-2 is also a randomised double-blind factorial colonic function are:
design controlled trial and is using aspirin (600 mg/
• SCFA production (particularly butyrate);
day) and a different form of RS [30 g NOVELOSE
• faecal pH;
260 – NOVELOSE 330 (1 + 1 w/w)/day] in gene carri-
• ammonia and phenol concentrations;
ers or affected family members with another hereditary
• faecal weight and output;
form of colorectal cancer (Hereditary Nonpolyposis
• secondary bile acid excretion;
Colorectal Cancer) (Mathers et al. 2003). Although
• cytotoxicity of faecal water;
results will not be available for several years, they
• transit time;
ought to provide valuable information regarding the
• activity of bacterial enzymes and microbial
potential protective effects of RS on the development
of colorectal cancer.
In general, improved colonic function is associated with
increased SCFA production, lower pH, lower produc-
Experimental measures used in studies of resistant
tion of ammonia and phenol, decreased secondary bile
starch and colonic function
acid excretion, reduced cytotoxicity of faecal water,
In the interim, a large number of animal and human reduced transit time and altered bacterial activity. The
studies have attempted to investigate the effects of RS on benefits imparted by SCFA have already been discussed.
colonic function. In general, these studies have tended to A lower pH is thought to depress the conversion rate of
look at two main areas: outcomes of colorectal neopla- primary to secondary bile acids and lower their carci-
sia and markers of colonic function and colorectal nogenic potential. Furthermore, a low (acid) pH in
cancer. combination with high concentrations of SCFA is
Commonly measured outcomes of colorectal neopla- thought to prevent the overgrowth of pH-sensitive
sia include: pathogenic bacteria (Topping & Clifton 2001). Phenol
and ammonia are products of protein fermentation and
• tumour formation;
reduced concentrations indicate a decreased reliance on
• tumour size and incidence;
protein for colonic fermentation and possibly a short-
• cell proliferation;
ened transit time (Young & Le Leu 2004). Reduced
• formation of DNA adducts;
activity of certain bacterial enzymes (e.g. b-glucu-
• the presence of abberant crypt foci;
ronidase) depresses the formation of toxic and carcino-
• apoptosis.
genic metabolites from dietary and endogenous
Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) are precursor lesions of col- compounds (Young & Le Leu 2004). The effect of RS
orectal cancer, which can be identified under a micro- on the activity of microbial populations will be dis-
scope and have been found to correlate with colon cussed later (prebiotics).
cancer risk, and adenoma size and number in humans.
DNA adducts are complexes formed from the reaction
Animal studies of resistant starch and colonic function
of toxic chemicals or their metabolites with cellular
DNA. The presence of DNA adducts reflects exposure Studies examining the effect of RS on colonic func-
to toxic chemicals and their bioaccumulation through- tion and colon cancer development in animals have
out life: in the colonic mucosa increased levels are generally focused on pigs, mice and rats, and have
thought to result in increased cancer risk (Young & Le used experimentally induced colon cancer (usually
Leu 2004). However, concerns have been raised con- using dimethylhydrazine, azoxymethane) or colitis
cerning the sensitivity and specificity of the analytical (using dextran sodium sulphate) or genetic models of
techniques for detecting these DNA adducts. Mainte- intestinal tumours (e.g. Min mice). Rats and mice are
nance of epithelial mass is important for regulation of more frequently used in studies of colon function than
normal colonic function and hyperproliferation (cell pigs. However, caution must be observed with regard
overgrowth) may result in an increased risk of colon to the use of genetically susceptible mouse models of
cancer development. Epithelial cell proliferative activity colon cancer (e.g. Min model) as the cancer sites are

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

Health properties of RS 35

predominately in the small intestine, rather than in the function (e.g. SCFA concentrations, pH, etc.). Results
large intestine – the site where RS is fermented and are less clear with respect to tumour formation, size, cel-
thought to confer maximal benefits (Young & Le Leu lular proliferation and DNA damage. Differences in
2004). results may be in part due to the animal models and
As presented in Table 5, a protective effect of RS on types of carcinogens used, the different types of RS (RS
the formation of ACF has been observed in two animal used was mainly RS2 or RS3) or even the different feed-
studies (Thorup et al. 1995; Cassand et al. 1997) but ing regimens. Further research is needed using different
not in the study of Young et al. (1996) where raw potato types and mixes of RS, and examining any potential
starch (RS2) at a level of 20% carbohydrate content interactions between RS and other macronutrients com-
(14.4 g/100 g diet) increased the density of ACF. Inter- monly found in the diet (e.g. protein and fat).
estingly, this effect was lost when RS was fed in combi-
nation with wheat bran (Young et al. 1996). Various
Human studies of resistant starch and
forms of RS (chiefly RS2 and RS3) appear to consis-
colonic function
tently increase faecal output and weight (Cassand et al.
1997; Ebihara et al. 1998; Maziere et al. 1998; Bird A limited number of studies have investigated the
et al. 2000b; Ferguson et al. 2000), reduce faecal and/or effects of different types of RS and colonic function in
caecal pH (Caderni et al. 1996; Cassand et al. 1997; humans; summaries of the major studies are presented
Maziere et al. 1998; Le Leu et al. 2003), decrease levels in Table 6. Positive effects of supplementation with RS
of ammonia (Silvi et al. 1999) and favourably modulate have been observed in most studies examining transit
the activity of bacterial enzymes (Maziere et al. 1998; time (Hylla et al. 1998; Muir et al. 2004) and faecal
Silvi et al. 1999). However, results with respect to output and/or bulk (Van Munster et al. 1994; Phillips
tumour incidence and size, cell proliferation and DNA et al. 1995; Cummings et al. 1996; Heijnen et al. 1998;
damage/adduct formation are less clear. Feeding RS had Hylla et al. 1998; Jenkins et al. 1998; Muir et al. 2004).
no effect on tumour incidence in four animal studies In addition, most authors reported a stool-softening
(Sakamoto et al. 1996; Young et al. 1996; Pierre et al. effect.
1997; Maziere et al. 1998) but had a negative effect on While a lack of effect of RS on SCFA production/con-
tumour frequency in the study of Williamson et al. centration was reported by three authors (Heijnen et al.
(1999) and resulted in increased tumour size in that of 1998; Hylla et al. 1998; Grubben et al. 2001), six other
Young et al. (1996). Increased cellular proliferation was reports would suggest that RS does confer beneficial
reported by Young et al. (1996) but not in the study of effects on SCFA and in particular butyrate (van Munster
Silvi et al. (1999). et al. 1994; Phillips et al. 1995; Cummings et al. 1996;
Interestingly it would appear that feeding RS at high Noakes et al. 1996; Jenkins et al. 1998; Muir et al.
levels, in combination with other dietary macronutrients 2004). Further evidence that RS supplementation may
may also directly affect outcomes. Conlon & Bird enhance fermentation of starch in the large intestine is a
(2003) reported a protective effect against DNA damage decrease in faecal pH (Phillips et al. 1995; Birkett et al.
when male Sprague Dawley rats were fed RS (Hi-maize 1996; Noakes et al. 1996; Van Gorkom et al. 2002;
or NOVELOSE) with 10% sunflower oil rather than Muir et al. 2004) and a reduction in the concentrations
when fed the RS with 10% fish oil for 8 weeks. The of products of protein fermentation in the faeces, i.e.
opposite was seen when rats were fed 10% fish oil or decreased levels of ammonia and phenol and an
sunflower oil and 10% fibre (as cellulose or wheat increased excretion of nitrogen (Birkett et al. 1996;
bran). Similarly, Toden et al. (2003) showed that when Heijnen et al. 1997; Muir et al. 2004). Indeed in the
male Sprague Dawley rats were fed a high protein diet short communication by Heijnen et al. (1997), the
(15 or 25% casein) with RS (48% Hi-maize), the RS diet authors reported that a decrease in faecal ammonia was
attenuated colonic damage and thinning of colonic only observed after supplementation with the RS2
mucous observed with the high protein diet alone. The source, HYLON VII, and not with RS3 (extruded, ret-
need for further research investigating the effect of RS is rograded HYLON VII). However, inconsistencies also
highlighted by the study by Ferguson et al. (2003) who exist in human studies: supplementation with RS had no
reported an increased bioavailability of a food carcino- effect on pH in three studies (Heijnen et al. 1998;
gen (2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline; IQ) Jenkins et al. 1998; Grubben et al. 2001) and while RS
after feeding rats RS. was found to decrease the concentration of soluble bile
In conclusion, animal studies would suggest that RS acids in faecal water (Van Munster et al. 1994; Noakes
appears to have a protective effect on markers of colonic et al. 1996; Grubben et al. 2001), it had no effect in the

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54


Table 5 Animal intervention studies examining the effects of resistant starch on colonic function
A. Nugent

Author Animal model Intervention Parameters measured Outcome

Thorup et al. (1995)
Wistar rats Carbohydrate content of diet replaced by: sucrose, ACF RPSØ total and larger ACF
(azoxymethane) cornstarch or RPS (RS2; 67 g/100 g)
Caderni et al. (1996) Sprague Dawley rats Sucrose, glucose, fructose, cornstarch or Cell proliferation NSD
(Dimethylhydrazine) HYLON VII (RS2) Caecal pH Ø
Caecal concentrations SCFA Ø
Sakamoto et al. (1996) Sprague Dawley rats 3 or 10 g/100 g cellulose or Tumour incidence NSD
(Dimethylhydrazine) 3 or 10 g/100 g RS3 (high amylose maize SCFA and butyrate production ≠
starch hydrolysed with pancreatin) Faecal output ≠
Young et al. (1996) Sprague Dawley rats Low RS, low fibre diet or Tumour incidence NSD
(Dimethylhydrazine) 14.4 g/100 g diet RPS (RS2) or Tumour size and multiplicity ≠
14.4 g/100 g RPS and 14.4 g/100 g wheat bran ACF ≠ density
Cell proliferation ≠
Faecal output ≠
Pierre et al. (1997) C57BL/6 J min mice RS-free diet (2% cellulose, no RS) or Tumour incidence NSD
Wheat bran (18.8 g/100 g) or
RS3 (high amylose cornstarch; 18.8 g/100 g)
Maziere et al. (1998) Sprague Dawley rats RS-free diet (2% cellulose) or ACF Ø
(Dimethylhydrazine) 25 g/100 g RS3 (high-amylose maize starch) Caecal pH Ø
Faecal weight and output ≠
Bacterial enzyme activity ≠ b-glucuronidase activity
Cassand et al. (1997) Sprague Dawley rats Retrograded high-amylose cornstarch (RS3) ACF Ø
Faecal output ≠
Faecal pH Ø
SCFA ≠ total and butyrate
Kleeson et al. (1997) Wistar rats RPS, or retrograded potato starch (RS2) SCFA ≠SCFA
10 g/100 g ≠ butyrate, RS2
Eibhara et al. (1998) Wistar rats Potato starch or Faecal output ≠
CMS Caecal SCFA Ø butyrate with CMS
Caecal bile acids ≠ with CMS
Silvi et al. (1999) Fisher rats RS- and cellulose-free diet (2.1%) or Caecal SCFA ≠ butyrate
Retrograded amylose starch (15 g/100 g) Bacterial enzyme activity Ø b-glucuronidase activity
Ammonia production Ø
Cell proliferation NSD
Williamson et al. (1999) Min mouse RS- and NSP-free diet or Tumour incidence ≠ with RS diet
1:1 RPS (RS2) and high-amylose maize diet (RS3)

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

Author Animal model Intervention Parameters measured Outcome
Bird et al. (2000b) Pigs Brown rice or SCFA excretion ≠
white rice and bran Large bowel digesta mass ≠
Ferguson et al. (2000) Wistar rats RS- and NSP-free diet or Faecal output ≠
Potato starch or SCFA ≠ including butyrate
High amylose maize starch or Transit time ^ by potato starch and
a-amylase treated Hi-maize (35 g/100 g) a-amylase treated

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

Wang et al. (2002) Balb/C mice Amylomaize starch SCFA ≠ butyrate in faeces
Modified amylomaize starch (40 g/100 g diet)
Ferguson et al. (2003) Wistar rats RS- and NSP-free diet Faecal output ≠
Potato starch and high amylose maize starch (35 g/100 g) Excretion of the food carcinogen, IQ ≠ carcinogen bioavailbility
Le Leu et al. (2003) Sprague Dawley rats High amylose maize starch pH Ø
Conlon & Bird (2003) Sprague Dawley rats 10 g/100 g fish oil or sunflower oil Colonic DNA damage ≠ DNA damage with RS
And and fish oil vs. RS and
10 g/100 g dietary fibre (wheat bran or cellulose) sunflower oil
Or Reverse with dietary fibre.
10 g/100 g RS (Hi-maize or NOVELOSE)
Toden et al. (2003) Sprague Dawley rats 15 or 25 g/100 g casein with or without 48% Hi-maize DNA damage Ø with RS diet
Thining of mucosal layer Ø with RS diet
Kestell et al. (2004) Wistar rats RS- and fibre-free diet Metabolism and disposal of the food carcinogen, IQ RS≠ number of intact IQ and
Potato starch Hi-maize Ø level of metabolites
Apple pectin
Wheat straw

ACF, aberrant crypt foci; CMS, chemically modified starch; IQ, 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline; NSD, non-significant difference; RS, resistant starch; RPS, raw potato starch; SCFA; short chain fatty acid.
Some of the data contained in this table was reprinted with kind permission from Young & Le Leu (2004) In: Journal of AOAC International 87: 779–84. Copyright (2004) AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
Health properties of RS

Table 6 Human intervention studies examining the effects of resistant starch on colonic function

Author Sample size and study length Intervention Parameters measured Outcome
A. Nugent

Tomlin & Read (1990) 8 subjects 6 large bowls Cornflakes (10.33 g RS) Breath hydrogen ≠
6 large bowls Rice Krispies (0.86 g RS)
Van Munster et al. (1994) 14 healthy subjects fed the diets for 45 g HYLON VII (32%) RS Cell proliferation Ø
3 weeks or Faecal output ≠
low RS, 20 g natural fibre pH NSD
Faecal SCFA ≠ total SCFA and butyrate
Breath hydrogen ≠
Bile acid excretion Ø secondary bile acids and concentrations
Cytotoxicity of soluble bile acids
Phillips et al. (1995) 11 healthy subjects in a crossover High RS (Hi-maize or cooked or uncooked Faecal output ≠
study for 3 weeks green banana flour; 26–50 g RS/day) or Faecal pH Ø
low RS diet (3–8 g RS/day) SCFA ≠ butyrate and acetate
Excretion of starch ≠
pH Ø by 0.6 units
Birkett et al. (1996) 11 subjects in randomised controlled High RS (39 g/day, RS1, RS2, RS3 mix) or Faecal nitrogen excretion ≠
cross-over for 3 weeks low RS (5 g/day) Faecal ammonia Ø
Faecal phenols Ø
Faecal pH Ø
Cummings et al. (1996) 12 healthy subjects fed each diet for RS2 – potato and banana starch Faecal weight ≠
15-day periods RS3 – maize and wheat starch SCFA ≠
RS-free diet (wheat starch) NSP breakdown Ø breakdown and ≠ faecal NSP
RS diets contained 17–30 g RS
Noakes et al. (1996) 23 hypertriglycerimd emics High amylose maize starch (17–25 g RS/day) or Bile acids Ø secondary bile acids in faecal water
for 4 weeks Oat bran pH Ø
SCFA ≠ faecal total SCFA and faecal butyrate
Heijnen et al. (1998) 24 healthy volunteers fed each diet Uncooked HYLON VII (32 g RS2/day) Faecal output ≠
for 1-week periods Retrograded high amylose cornstarch pH NSD
(32 g RS2/day) SCFA NSD
Glucose syrup Bile acids NSD
Cytotoxicity NSD
Hylla et al. (1998) 12 healthy volunteers for 4 weeks High RS – high amylose maize (55.2 g RS/day) Faecal weight ≠
Low RS – corn starch (7.7 g RS/day) SCFA NSD
Bile acids Ø total and secondary concentrations
Transit time ≠
Bacterial enzymes Ø b-glucosidase activity
Sterols Ø faecal total sterols

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

Author Sample size and study length Intervention Parameters measured Outcome

Jenkins et al. (1998) 24 healthy subjects fed each diet for RS2 (21.5 g RS/day) Faecal bulk ≠
2 weeks with a 2-week washout RS3 (27.9 g RS/day) SCFA ≠ butyrate: SCFA ratio
period Wheat bran (1.5 g RS/day)
Low fibre diet (2.3 g RS/day)
Grubben et al. (2001) 23 patients with recently removed 45 g amylomaize (28 g RS/day as a capsule) or Cell proliferation NSD

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

colonic adenomas for 4 weeks 45 g maltodextrin Faecal weight NSD
SCFA excretion ≠ faecal butyrate
Bile acids ≠ primary and secondary bile acids in faecal
Van Gorkom et al. (2002) 111 sporadic adenoma patients High RS: 30 g HYLON VII (19 g RS) or Cell proliferation NSD
Controlled placebo
Wacker et al. (2002) 12 healthy subjects for 4 weeks High RS: HYLON VII (50.7–59.7 g/day) or Cell proliferation NSD
(only 8 volunteers for DNA data) Low RS: cornstarch DNA adducts ≠ adduct levels in colonic mucosa
Muir et al. (2004) 20 volunteers for 3 weeks Wheat bran (12 g fibre) Faecal output ≠
RS and Wheat bran (22 g RS and 12 g fibre/day) Transit time ≠
Faecal pH Ø
SCFA ≠ faecal concentration
Phenol Ø
Ammonia Ø

NSD, non-significant difference; RS, resistant starch; SCFA, short chain fatty acid.
Some of the data contained in this table was reprinted with kind permission from Young & Le Leu (2004) In: Journal of AOAC International 87: 779–84. Copyright (2004) AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
Health properties of RS
40 A. Nugent

trial of Heijnen et al. (1998). It is thought that the con- treat ulcerative colitis in human patients therefore in
centrations of soluble bile acids in the faeces are a better principle, if RS increases SCFA production it may prove
indicator of potential colonic mucosal damage than a useful adjunct to traditional treatment regimens.
total faecal bile acids as it is the soluble acids that are Based on this hypothesis, RS has been studied (and is
available for contact with the mucosa (Rafter et al. sometimes used) as a treatment for ulcerative colitis.
1986). This relies on the in vivo generation of SCFA and
A limited number of studies have examined the effect butyrate to treat the ulcerations.
of RS on cellular proliferation and DNA damage. Only In the study of Jacobasach et al. (1999) Sprague Daw-
Van Munster et al. 1994) reported a small decrease in ley rats with chemically induced colitis were then fed
cellular proliferation, while three other studies have diets rich in RS2 (granular pea starch at a level of
showed no effect (Grubben et al. 2001; Van Gorkom 15.38 g/100 g) for 21 days. RS-fed rats showed earlier
et al. 2002; Wacker et al. 2002). The only study at improvements in histological markers of inflammation
present to examine the effect of RS on DNA adduct for- and normalisation of cell functions such as activation of
mation in humans (Wacker et al. 2002) found increased colonic cell proliferation, restoration of apoptotic
levels of adducts in volunteers following a high-RS diet. responses and uptake of SCFA. In addition, RS also
Clearly, there still remains a need for further research enhanced the growth of intestinal bacteria presumed to
into the effects of RS on human colonic function and promote health (Jacobasach et al. 1999). Similarly,
markers of colon cancer risk. It is difficult to explain Moreau et al. (2003) examined the potential healing
the discrepancies between the studies, however, there properties of feeding RS3 (11.5 g/100 g) for 14 days to
were large variations in study sample size, duration, Sprague Dawley rats in which colitis had been induced
dose of RS and even form of RS. For example, in the by dextran sodium sulphate. The RS-rich diet improved
study of Grubben et al. (2001), the authors reported no caecal and distal macroscopic and histological observa-
effect of RS supplementation on a variety of parame- tions and increased caecal levels of butyrate compared
ters including faecal output, pH, SCFA production and with a fructo-oligosaccharide-rich diet and the control
cell proliferation. However, RS in this study was given diet (RS and fructo-oligosaccharide-free) (Moreau et al.
in the form of a capsule rather than in a natural food 2003). Therefore, it would appear that RS can confer
form. Similarly, the study of Heijnen et al. (1998) was some healing properties in the management of inflam-
only a week in length and may not have allowed a suit- matory bowel disease, at least in rats, however, data in
able adaptation time. Finally, human studies have humans are lacking.
included healthy volunteers and patients with hyper- There is a lack of studies testing the potential benefits
triglyceridemia, or patients with sporadic or recently of RS in the management of diverticulitis and constipa-
removed adenomas, which makes direct comparisons tion, however, due to the beneficial effects of RS supple-
regarding colonic function difficult. In conclusion, it mentation on stool bulk, stool consistency and transit
would appear that RS can improve certain markers of time for example, it is possible that increasing dietary
colonic function in humans (e.g. increase faecal output, intakes of RS may help ameliorate these conditions.
faecal bulk and transit time and decrease pH and Indeed a number of over the counter products for bowel
ammonia levels, increase SCFA and decrease bile salts health are now available.
in faecal water). More research is needed to elucid- It is possible that by combining RS with other forms
ate the exact effects of RS on cellular and molecular of dietary fibre, it may have more favourable effects on
functions before a direct protective effect can be bowel health than consuming RS or dietary fibre alone.
determined. A number of studies are currently investigating this
hypothesis. A recent study by Muir et al. (2004) in 20
volunteers with a family history of colorectal cancer
showed that wheat bran (12 g/day) when given in com-
Resistant starch and inflammatory bowel disease,
bination with RS (22 g/day) had more benefits on bowel
diverticulitis and constipation
health over 3 weeks than wheat bran alone. The wheat
A limited number of studies have examined the potential bran–RS combination successfully reduced transit time
benefits of RS in ameliorating the symptoms of inflam- and faecal pH, increased faecal output and excretion of
matory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis. Ulcer- SCFA (e.g. butyrate) and lowered total phenol concen-
ative colitis refers to a chronic, often recurrent trations. This study suggests that the health benefits of
ulceration of the mucosa and submucosa of the colon RS can be maximised when given in conjunction with
(Mahon & Arlin 1992). SCFA enemas can be used to different types of dietary fibres.

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

Health properties of RS 41

Resistant starch and colonic microflora: prebiotics lost once probiotic consumption ceases. Initial data
and probiotics show that when RS is fed in combination with fructo-
oligosaccharides, no decline in faecal numbers of bacte-
Gibson & Roberfroid (1995) defined prebiotics as ria was observed (Brown et al. 1998). Based on this
‘growth substrates directly specifically towards poten- data, Topping et al. (2003) suggested that probiotics
tially beneficial bacteria already resident in the colon’. may not need to be consumed as often if combined with
Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that stim- foods rich in RS or fructo-oligosaccharides. However,
ulate the growth and/or activity of bacteria in the colon, more research in humans is needed, particularly with
thereby improving host health. Probiotics refer to cul- respect to the doses of RS needed and the differences in
tures of live micro-organisms which when applied to efficacy between the different types of RS.
man or animal may beneficially improve the properties In addition to these prebiotic effects, RS also appears
of indigenous flora. Synbiotics refer to a mixture of pre- to exert other health-promoting actions on gut health.
and probiotics where there is a synergistic interaction RS (high amylose starch) supplementation, in associa-
between the specific probiotic and a particular prebiotic tion with oral hydration therapy, is reported to reduce
(Topping et al. 2003). fluid loss and halve recovery time when fed to people
RS appears to function as a prebiotic and symbiotic with cholera-induced diarrhoea (Ramakrishna et al.
(Brown et al. 1997; Wang et al. 1999). Studies in 2000). Similar benefits have been found after feeding
humans and pigs have revealed that consumption of green bananas to children with other forms of infectious
high-RS diets result in a time-dependent shift in faecal diarrhoea (Rabbani et al. 2001) and after feeding
and large-bowel SCFA profiles, suggesting a change in cooked rice to pigs infected with the pathogen Brachys-
the autochthonous (local) microbial population and that pira hydodysenteriae (Hampson et al. 2000). It is
RS could interact with gut bacteria (Topping et al. thought that RS may confer these benefits through
2003). It is also worth noting that RS appears to func- increased fluid absorption as a result of greater SCFA
tion differently than more well known prebiotics (e.g. production (Topping et al. 2003). SCFA stimulate water
fructo-oligosaccharides); when the RS and fructo- and cation (sodium, potassium, calcium) uptake in the
oligosaccharides were fed together, the increase in faecal proximal colon and, through their action on muscular
bacteria was greater than the individual increases activity and blood flow in the colon, may directly reduce
observed when these two ingredients were fed separately the severity of diarrhoea. One hypothesis is that RS may
(Brown et al. 1998). affect the viability of the cholera organism in the gut
It is thought that RS may act as a feeding substrate for whereby the cholera bacteria adhere to the RS, in a sim-
Bifidobacteria in vitro (Wang et al. 1999) and that it ilar manner to Bifidobacteria, and are removed from the
may provide protection to these bacteria in vivo as they infection site (Topping et al. 2003). However, more
travel through the upper gastrointestinal tract (Wang research is needed to clarify the exact role of RS in the
et al. 1999). In vitro studies have also shown that sev- treatment of diarrhoea and its mechanisms of action.
eral categories of RS (including RS2 and RS4) may phys- Furthermore, the efficacy of the various types of RS
ically associate with several Bifidobacteria species needs to be established.
(Brown et al. 1998) protecting them from attack during
food preparation and storage (Brown et al. 1997), as
Resistant starch and metabolic responses
well as during transit through the gastrointestinal tract
(Wang et al. 1999). Because of these protective effects, Consumption of soluble fibre can confer benefits to
RS may be described as a ‘culture protagonist’ (Conway heart health, influencing both lipid and glucose metab-
2001) and RS has been combined with Bifidobacteria in olism. RS shares some common properties with soluble
yoghurt (Crittenden et al. 2001). However, there is a dietary fibres insofar as it is poorly digested in the small
lack of data relating to the efficacies of the individual intestine and largely digested and metabolised (fer-
types of RS. mented) in the colon releasing SCFA. However, unlike
There are shortcomings with using probiotics to pro- soluble fibre, the fraction of RS arriving at the colon is
mote gut health: only a small proportion of ingested not viscous, it can easily be incorporated into most
organisms reach the colon intact and once probiotic starchy foods in the diet and is considered more palat-
consumption decreases the organisms are washed out of able (Demigné et al. 2001). A significant number of
the gastrointestinal tract (Topping et al. 2003). RS may studies have examined whether RS affects lipid and glu-
safeguard against these losses by providing physical pro- cose metabolism (including glycaemic index), energy
tection and by slowing the rate at which the bacteria are expenditure and macronutrient oxidation.

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

42 A. Nugent

Resistant starch and lipid metabolism lesterol levels in genetically obese and lean rats (Mathé
et al. 1993) and in diabetic rats (Kim et al. 2003).
As is evident in Table 7, RS appears to particularly Some earlier studies in humans reported a beneficial
affect lipid metabolism based on studies in rats where effect of feeding RS on fasting plasma triglyceride and
reductions in a number of measures of lipid metabolism cholesterol levels (Behall et al. 1989; Reiser et al. 1989;
have been observed. These include total lipids, total cho- Noakes et al. 1996), however, it would appear that RS
lesterol, low density lipoproteins (LDL), high density does not affect total lipids (Behall & Howe 1995;
lipoproteins (HDL), very low density lipoproteins Heijnen et al. 1996; Noakes et al. 1996; Jenkins et al.
(VLDL), intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL), trig- 1998), triglycerides (Van Amelsvoort & Westrate 1992;
lycerides, triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. In these studies, Raben et al. 1994, 1997; Behall & Howe 1995; Heijnen
reductions of up to 22–32% in plasma cholesterol levels et al. 1996; Jenkins et al. 1998); HDL or LDL (Heijnen
and 29–42% in plasma triglyceride levels were noted. In et al. 1996; Noakes et al. 1996; Jenkins et al. 1998) or
the study of Younes et al. (1995), RS was more effective VLDL levels in humans (Behall & Howe 1995; Noakes
than the drug cholestyramine (a bile sequestrant) in low- et al. 1996). Therefore, on balance RS does not appear
ering plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels. RS has to influence these markers of lipid metabolism in
also been shown to be effective in lowering plasma cho- humans.

Table 7 Summary of the effects of resistant starch (RS) on markers of lipid metabolism in animals (A) and humans (H)*

Parameter RS exerted a positive effect RS had no effect

Triglycerides De Deckere et al. (1993), 1995) (A) Van Ameslvoort & Westrate (1992) (H)
Verbeek et al. (1995) (A) Kim et al. (2003) (A)
Younes et al. (1995) (A) Raben et al. (1994) (H)
Cheng & Lai (2000) (A) Behall & Howe (1995) (H)
Lopez et al. (2001) (A) Heijnen et al. (1996) (H)
Kishida et al. (2001) (A) Raben et al. (1997) (H)
Han et al. (2003a, 2003b) (A) Jenkins et al. (1998) (H)
Behall et al. (1989) (H)
Reiser et al. (1989) (H)
Noakes et al. (1996) (H)
Total cholesterol (total lipids) Mathe et al. (1993) (A) De Deckere et al. (1995) (A)
De Deckere et al. (1993) (A) Kishida et al. (2001) (A)
Verbeek et al. (1995) (A) Behall & Howe (1995) (H)
Younes et al. (1995) (A) Noakes et al. (1996) (H)
Cheng & Lai (2000) (A) Heijnen et al. (1996) (H)
Kim et al. (2003) (A) Jenkins et al. (1998) (H)
Kishida et al. (2001) (A)
Lopez et al. (2001) (A)
Kim et al. (2003) (A)
Han et al. (2003a, 2003b) (A)
Reiser et al. (1989) (H)
Behall et al. (1989) (H)
High density lipoproteins Han et al. (2003a, 2003b) (A) Cheng & Lai (2000) (A)
Younes et al. (1995) (A) Lopez et al. (2001) (A)
Kishida et al. (2001) (A) Kim et al. (2003) (A)
Noakes et al. (1996) (H)
Heijnen et al. (1996) (H)
Jenkins et al. (1998) (H)
Low density lipoproteins Han et al. (2003a, 2003b) (A)
Younes et al. (1995) (A)
Kishida et al. (2001) (A)
Intermediate density and/or very low density lipoproteins Han et al. (2003a, 2003b) (A)
Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins Kishida et al. (2001) (A)
Younes et al. (1995) (A)
Lopez et al. (2001) (A)

*A positive effect refers to an increase in the concentrations of high density lipoproteins but a decrease in the concentrations of all other parameters.

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

Health properties of RS 43

Resistant starch and insulin and responses: 15 studies have reported an improvement in
glucose metabolism these measures following the consumption of a RS-rich
test-meal, while 10 have showed no, or a physiologically
Insulin is a hormone that enables glucose uptake by irrelevant effect. It is noteworthy that, to date, there are
muscle and adipose cells, thereby lowering blood glu- no reports of RS worsening insulin and glucose
cose levels. It also inhibits the use of stored body fat and responses. In general, positive effects were usually
together with an array of other physiological signals can observed shortly (i.e. within the first 2–8 h) after the
modulate appetite and satiety signals. RS-rich foods high RS-meal (Higgins 2004). It would also appear that
release glucose slowly and therefore one would expect RS consumption may confer a small decrease in post-
this to result in a lowered insulin response, greater prandial glycaemia, but is associated with more physi-
access to and use of stored fat and, potentially, a muted ologically significant reductions in postprandial
generation of hunger signals. Not only would these con- insulinaemia. From these studies it was concluded that
ditions help in the management of clinical conditions, RS must contribute at least 14% of total starch intake in
such as diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance, but order to confer any benefits to glycaemic or insulinaemic
also possibly in the treatment of obesity and in weight responses (Behall & Hallfrisch 2002; Brown et al. 2003;
management. Higgins 2004). Table 8 lists the studies analysed.
There have been a number of studies examining the Difficulties arise when trying to compare these studies
effects of various forms and doses of RS on glucose (gly- as the composition of the test and control meals often
caemic) and insulin (insulinaemic) responses. Most stud- vary in terms of amount of digestible starch, total
ies in humans have focused on postprandial glycaemic dietary fibre and macronutrients present. Most food
and/or insulinaemic responses and have varied in qual- sources contain digestible starch as well as RS, yet often
ity (see below). There is a lack of consensus regarding the content of digestible starch is overlooked (Champ
the precise effects of RS on insulin and glucose 2004). In addition, some of the test foods/meals

Table 8 Summary of studies examining the effects of resistant starch (RS) on glucose and insulin responses in humans

Resistant starch decreased Resistant starch had no effect on

Glucose responses Insulin responses Glucose responses Insulin responses

Krezowski et al. (1987)*‡ NSD Goddard et al. (1984)*† Goddard et al. (1984)*†
NSD Behall et al. (1988)* Reiser et al. (1989)*‡¶ Reiser et al. (1989)*‡¶
Holm & Bjorck (1992)* Holm & Bjorck (1992)* Van Amelsvoort & Westrate (1992)* Van Amelsvoort & Westrate (1992)*
Liljeberg et al. (1994)* Liljeberg et al. (1994)* Westrate & van Amelsvoort (1993)* Westrate & van Amelsvoort (1993)*
Raben et al. (1994)* Raben et al. (1994)* Ranganathan et al. (1994)* Ranganathan et al. (1994)*
Byrnes et al. (1995)* Byrnes et al. (1995)* Heijnen et al. (1995)* Heijnen et al. (1995)*
Granfeldt et al. (1995)* Granfeldt et al. (1995)* Noakes et al. (1996)* Noakes et al. (1996)*
Lintas et al. (1995)† — Jenkins et al. (1998)* Jenkins et al. (1998)*
— De Roos et al. (1995)*§ Nestel et al. (2004)* Nestel et al. (2004)*
Achour et al. (1997)* Achour et al. (1997)*
Raben et al. (1997)* Raben et al. (1997)*
Hoebler et al. (1999)* Hoebler et al. (1999)*
Vonk et al. (2000)* —
Skrabanja et al. (2001)* Skrabanja et al. (2001)*
Behall & Hallfrisch (2002)*‡ Behall & Hallfrisch (2002)*‡
Anderson et al. (2002)* —
Robertson et al. (2003)*

*Indicates a postprandial measurement.

†Small decreases in glucose and insulin were observed at early time-points, but overall there were no significant differences in glucose or insulin levels.
‡indicates that the study group were overweight (body mass index > 25), hyperinsulinemic or diabetic
§Insulin response was measured using a urinary markers of insulin secretion only. RS3 had an effect, whereas RS2 did not.

measured as glycaemic index only.
— indicates parameter not measured or results not presented.
NSD; non-significant difference.

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

44 A. Nugent

contained extremely low (i.e. <5%) or no dietary fat causes insulin resistance (as assessed using an intrave-
(Goddard et al. 1984; Krezowski et al. 1987; Liljeberg nous glucose tolerance test) at 16 weeks of feeding
1994; Raben et al. 1994; Ranganathan et al. 1994; de (Byrnes et al. 1995; Higgins et al. 1996; Wiseman et al.
Roos et al. 1995; Granfeldt et al. 1995; Heijnen et al. 1996). Long-term studies in humans are also lacking.
1995; Larsen et al. 1996; Noakes et al. 1996; Raben Behall & Howe 1995) compared the effects of high and
et al. 1997; Hoebler et al. 1999; Vonk et al. 2000; low RS (amylose) diets in normal and hyperinsulin-
Anderson et al. 2002). Two of these studies did not maeic subjects for 14 weeks. Compared with a low
match the test meals for fat content (Krezowski et al. amylose (cornstarch) diet, the RS-rich diet caused a
1987; Granfeldt et al. 1995). This is important as the fat decrease in the plasma insulin response as assessed by a
content of a meal lowers the glycaemic response by three starch-tolerance test. However, no effect on glucose
possible mechanisms: (1) by slowing the gastric empty- responses was seen and the insulin data are difficult to
ing rate; (2) by increasing the secretion of gastric inhib- compare as different test-meals were used after the low
itory polypeptide (GIP) a secretagogue that stimulates and high RS-feeding periods (Higgins 2004). In a simi-
the release of insulin; and (3) by forming fat complexes lar study with normo-glycaemic subjects, Behall et al.
that cause conformational changes in starch/lipid com- (1989) reported no significant effect on glucose
plexes and slow the rate and extent of their digestion responses or insulin sensitivity (as assessed by a glucose
(Heijnen et al. 1995). tolerance test) following 5 weeks of feeding a high RS-
Problems also arise when studies fail to match the test diet. More research is needed to examine the effects of
meals for total dietary fibre content. A good example of RS on insulin sensitivity using validated methods such
a study which matched two test meals with high and low as the hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp (gold stan-
levels of RS for total dietary fibre content is that of Van dard) method. These studies should ideally be longer in
Amelsvoort & Westrate (1992). In this study, plasma length than 5 weeks.
glucose concentrations were initially decreased at More studies are also needed examining the effects of
1 hour post-test meal, but at 6 h no effects on plasma RS on insulin and glucose responses in animals and indi-
glucose and insulin levels were observed (Van Amels- viduals with impaired glucose responses. To date, the
voort & Westrate 1992). In other instances, the choice majority of studies have been in healthy animals or
of control meal may have influenced outcomes. Reiser humans. Kim et al. (2003) showed no improvement in
et al. (1989) compared the effects of a high amylose blood glucose or insulin concentrations in streptozocin-
cornstarch with a high-fructose diet, despite the fact that induced diabetic rats fed a RS-rich diet. Conversely,
fructose itself can modulate postprandial glycaemia and Lintas et al. (1995a, 1995b) reported an improved glu-
insulinaemia in rats (Lee & Wolever 1998) and in cose response in volunteers with type 2 diabetes follow-
humans (Elliott et al. 2002). ing the consumption of diets rich in natural RS (from
The physico-chemical properties of foods can directly durum wheat spaghetti, pearled barley or unripened
affect the amount of RS present and can also affect bananas), and a worsened glycaemic response following
blood glucose and insulin responses. The influence of the consumption of ripened bananas.
the physico-chemical properties of starchy foods on There is also a lack of information available regarding
metabolic responses is clearly indicated in the study of the influence of chemically modified RS on insulin and
Heijnen et al. (1995). In this study, RS (Ultraset; a com- glucose metabolism. Raben et al. (1997) investigated the
mercially manufactured high amylose starch) when pro- effect of feeding a test-meal containing native potato
vided in a drink or pudding resulted in a lowered starch, 1–2% acetylated potato starch or potato starch
immediate postprandial glucose response. Only the enriched with 2% b-cyclodextrin on a number of met-
drink attenuated early insulin responses. The RS- abolic factors. The b-cyclodextrin-starch resulted in a
enriched pudding did not affect insulin responses and lower initial glucose peak that was associated with
the same RS when incorporated in a bread roll did not attenuated plasma insulin and GIP. Plasma concentra-
affect insulin or glucose responses. tions of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1; a stimulator of
Less information is available regarding the effects of insulin secretion in the distal small intestine) were not
eating diets rich in RS on long-term glucose responses affected. The authors concluded from this study that
and insulin sensitivity in animals or humans; at present perhaps the b-cyclodextrin enriched starch may have
available studies in humans have not lasted longer than been absorbed more distally or may have resulted in
16 weeks and studies in animals no longer than delayed gastric emptying (Raben et al. 1997); however,
52 weeks (Higgins et al. 1996). Studies with rats indi- in general there is a lack of information regarding the
cate that compared with feeding RS, digestible starch effects of chemically modified starches.

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

Health properties of RS 45

Resistant starch and macronutrient ing a food, and as a result attenuate glucose uptake and
oxidation, satiety and weight loss lipogenesis in the adipocytes. In other words, RS may
result in a smaller fat pad size and/or mass due to
A number of authors have examined the potential of RS reduced glucose uptake and lipogenesis by the fat cells.
to alter macronutrient and in particular fat oxidation. It However, no information exists regarding RS and adi-
is proposed that eating a diet rich in RS may potentially pocyte size and function in humans, and more animal
increase the mobilisation and use of fat stores as a direct studies are needed.
result of any reduction in insulin secretion (Tapsell Any food/food ingredient that can increase satiety
2004). Experimentally, this is indicated by a reduced may play a vital role in weight-loss diets. Some studies
respiratory quotient (RQ). RQ is a relative measure of have examined the potential of RS as a satiety agent.
oxygen uptake and is indicative of the use of fat/carbo- These appear to show a weak or no association
hydrate as fuel whereby a high RQ is reflective of high between RS and satiety over the course of several hours
carbohydrate oxidation. Studies to date in humans or an entire day. de Roos et al. (1995) reported that
would indicate that diets rich in RS do not affect total long-term consumption of RS was more satiating than
energy expenditure, carbohydrate oxidation or fat oxi- glucose, but the effect was small and did not affect daily
dation (Ranganathan et al. 1994; Tagliabue et al. 1995; caloric intake. Anderson et al. (2002) reported that
Howe et al. 1996; Raben et al. 1997). Although in the high-RS meals caused less satiety than low-RS meals at
study of Tagliabue et al. (1995) the authors found that a 1 hour post-ingestion, while in the study of Skrabanja
RS-rich meal resulted in a short-term reduction in glu- et al. (2001) human volunteers reported that breads
cose oxidation and diet-induced thermogenesis and an rich in RS (sourced from buckwheat groats) imparted
increase in fat oxidation, these effects were lost after greater satiety than white bread, but only between 70
adjusting for total carbohydrate intake (Tagliabue et al. and 120 min post-meal. RS did not affect satiety in the
1995). In addition, oxidation effects were only observed studies of Holm & Bjorck (1992), Westrate & van
for a relatively short time period (5 h) and the test-meal Amelsvoort (1993) or Mèance et al. (1999), but
used contained no fat (Higgins 2004). Achour et al. resulted in satiety in those of van Amelsvoort &
(1997) examined the effect of RS on RQ during a post- Westrate (1992), Raben et al. (1994), Skrabanja et al.
absorptive period (i.e. 27 h after an initial RS-rich (2001). It is noteworthy that these studies also showed
mixed meal and 10 h after a second identical RS-rich a decrease in blood glucose levels following the con-
mixed meal). In this study, the authors unexpectantly sumption of a high-RS meal; therefore, it would appear
noted a significantly increased RQ (i.e. indicating that satiety is closely linked to blood glucose levels
increased carbohydrate oxidation), which they attrib- (Higgins 2004).
uted to increased bacterial fermentation in the colon. Future studies need to objectively measure satiety and
Clearly, more studies are needed to examine whether RS account for changes in blood glucose levels using stan-
can influence macronutrient oxidation in humans. These dardised test meals matched for macronutrients and
studies should be longer in duration (i.e. reflect the sev- fibre content but containing different levels of RS.
eral hours needed for normal transit time in humans)
and ideally should use more accurate measures of RQ
Glycaemic index, glycaemic response and
(i.e. direct calorimetry, rather than indirect calorimetry
glycaemic load
used in the above studies).
Animal studies indicate that feeding high doses of RS The glycaemic index (GI) is a physiological concept used
may decrease adipocyte cell size (De Deckere et al. to classify carbohydrate containing foods. It is closely
1993; Lerer-Metzger et al. 1996; Kabir et al. 1998; tied in with the term ‘glycaemic response’. Both refer to
Kishida et al. 2001) and lower fat pad weight (De Deck- the ability of a particular food to elevate postprandial
ere et al. 1993). RS was also shown to reduce the activ- blood glucose concentrations. GI is measured as the
ity of lipogenic enzymes such as fatty acid synthase (the incremental area under the blood glucose curve after
rate limiting enzyme in fat synthesis, Younes et al. 1995) consumption of 50 g of available carbohydrate from a
and the expression of the protein responsible for insulin- test food, divided by the area under the curve after eat-
stimulated glucose uptake (GLUT-4; Kabir et al. 1998) ing a similar amount of available carbohydrate in a con-
in these animals. As hypothesised by Higgins (2004) this trol food (generally white bread or glucose) (Ludwig &
may imply that (at least in rats) a high-RS diet may Eckel 2002). Foods with a high GI value release glucose
reduce the initial increase in plasma glucose and non- rapidly into the blood stream (i.e. elicit a rapid glycae-
esterified fatty acids levels, naturally observed after eat- mic response), while foods with a low GI value release

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

46 A. Nugent

glucose more slowly into the bloodstream and result in et al. (2001) reported no effect. In humans, these effects
improved glycaemic and insulinaemic responses. They appear to be limited to calcium (Trinidad et al. 1996;
may also modulate macronutrient (fat) oxidation. Coudray et al. 1997). RS may therefore improve the
Recently, there has been a flurry of public and commer- ileal absorption of a number of dietary minerals but any
cial interest in the GI concept and its possible inclusion effect in humans is likely to be small.
on food labels, both as an aid for the management of More recently RS has been reported to influence
diabetes and to indicate potential foods that may aid immune function, particularly the production of a num-
weight loss and management (McKevith 2004). It is ber of pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. tumour necrosis
known that dietary fibre may contribute to an improved factor alpha) and the expression of a number of recep-
(i.e. slower more controlled) glycaemic response and, in tors on T- and B-lymphocytes and macrophages that are
general, high-fibre foods are assigned a lower GI value. required for the initiation of immune responses [cluster
Interest is now increasing in assigning GI values to RS- of definition 3 (CD3), CD4, CD8, lymphocyte function-
rich foods. However, it must be remembered that for associated antigen-1 (LFA-1), intercellular adhesion
foods enriched with truly resistant starches, a reduced molecule-1 (ICAM-1), Mac-1] (Segain et al. 2000; Sot-
glycaemic response may simply result from a lack of nikova et al. 2002). If RS can beneficially modulate
available digestible starch, rather than any specific phys- immune function it could impart real benefits to patients
iological effects per se and that any readily digestible with inflammatory bowel disease. Therefore, the
starch present in the food would be absorbed as normal immuno-modulatory potential of RS, particularly on
(Hoebler et al. 1999; Jenkins et al. 2002). Nonetheless gut-associated immune cells, warrants further research.
there will be a physiological effect as a result of lowering
the content of digestible starch by replacing it with RS.
Putative mechanisms of action of
Glycaemic index refers to the nature of carbohydrate
resistant starch
in a food. However, people eat meals (mixes of foods)
and generally carbohydrate-containing foods are eaten With respect to gut health, RS may impart some benefits
alongside foods containing protein and/or fat. In addi- by decreasing transit time and increasing faecal output.
tion, the total carbohydrate content (quantity) varies Prebiotics effects associated with the consumption of
between foods. To account for this, the concept of gly- RS, such as the growth of beneficial microbial popula-
caemic load (GL) was developed which considers both tions and a lowered activity of certain bacterial enzymes
the carbohydrate content per serving of a food and its (e.g. b-glucuronidase), would be expected to have ben-
GI value, i.e. the quantity and nature of carbohydrate eficial impacts on colonic bacterial activity (Young & Le
present. Using GL, it is easier to account for a range of Leu 2004).
foodstuffs and also portion size. It is possible to lower However, it is likely that RS mediates some or a large
GL by replacing the carbohydrate content with protein, proportion of its effects through the actions of SCFA.
fat or other lower GI carbohydrates. As RS has a low As mentioned earlier, SCFA are important fuels for
glycaemic response, adding it as an ingredient to foods maintaining normal colonic function; they can regulate
will help lower the overall GL value of the food (par- colonocyte gene expression, cell cycle and apoptosis
ticularly if it is replacing existing readily absorbed forms and can also exert trophic effects on the colonic epithe-
of carbohydrate). Since the concept of GI and GL is lium (Mentschel & Claus 2003). Recently it has been
becoming more popular in the public domain, RS is reported that butyrate can directly inhibit inflamma-
likely to become an increasingly attractive ingredient to tory responses by down-regulating the activity of the
many food manufacturers (particularly those of breads transcription factor Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-kB).
and cakes or similar products which traditionally may NF-kB is a central regulator of many immune and
have had higher GI value). inflammatory responses and increased activity of NF-
kB has been observed in patients with inflammatory
bowel disease (Segain et al. 2000). Therefore, it is pos-
Other health benefits associated with
sible that RS may mediate some of its beneficial effects
resistant starch
on colonic function (particularly in inflammatory
Resistant starch is reported to enhance the ileal absorp- bowel disease) by increasing the production of
tion of a number of minerals in rats and humans. Lopez butyrate, which may in turn influence NF-kB expres-
et al. (2001) and Younes et al. (1995) reported an sion and activity.
increased absorption of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron Increasing SCFA production also lowers colonic pH
and copper in rats fed RS-rich diets, in contrast Kishida and increases the excretion of bile acids. A lowered pH

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

Health properties of RS 47

is thought to be protective against colorectal cancer and With respect to all of the above mentioned physiolog-
inhibits the transformation of primary to secondary bile ical effects, it is noteworthy that the different forms of
acids. Secondary bile acids are cytotoxic to colonic cells RS should not be assumed to be physiologically equiv-
and are thought to be tumour promoters (Young & Le alent. As mentioned earlier, large intra-individual differ-
Leu 2004). Therefore, RS may also confer benefits to gut ences exist between the amount of RS reaching the
health via the actions of SCFA on pH and a reduced pro- colon. Indeed in one human study (Cummings et al.
duction of secondary bile acids. 1996), fermentation of RS was impaired in 26% of
One of the SCFA acetate can inhibit cholesterolgene- cases. In addition, as it is impossible to quantify the
sis and is lipolytic in rats: in humans it can decrease the amount of RS reaching the human colon, researchers
availability of free fatty acids (high concentrations of must rely on the use of in vitro or indirect methods of
free fatty acids are deleterious for human health as they assessment. It is likely that physiological responses will
are associated with decreased insulin sensitivity and be affected by type and dose of RS used, whether the RS
impaired glucose uptake). Propionate is an effective was used as an individual food or included as a whole
inhibitor of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis in vitro meal, the level at which other macronutrients are
(Beynen et al. 1982; Berggren et al. 1996). In the study included and what cooking conditions were used. It is
of Cheng & Lai (2000), the authors hypothesised that important to stress that a lot of the studies analysed in
the decrease in serum total cholesterol observed was this review have used foods or drinks enriched with
linked to an increased production of propionate, uncooked commercially available starches, generally at
another SCFA. However, it is unlikely that propionate is doses much higher than that consumed as part of a nor-
responsible for these reductions in cholesterol as RS was mal diet. As part of normal dietary intakes, humans
found to reduce plasma cholesterol levels in germ-free usually obtain RS from cooked foods, e.g. corn-flakes,
mice (i.e. mice lacking the microbial population neces- cooked breads and pastas, and cooked and chilled pota-
sary to produce propionate) (Sacquet et al. 1983). toes, and the influence of RS from these foodstuffs also
Therefore, RS may exert its effects on metabolic factors merits attention. Furthermore, the majority of studies
through these SCFA, but any effect on lipid metabolism have used animal models. Pigs are often used as a model
in humans is unlikely to be mediated by propionate for human because they will eat similar foods to
alone and is likely to be much less than that reported humans and their digestive system performs in a man-
in vitro or in animal studies. ner closer to humans than many other animal models
With respect to lipid and glucose metabolism and but chemical agents commonly used to induce colon
insulin sensitivity, there are a number of other mecha- cancer in experimental animals cannot be used in pigs
nisms by which RS could exert its effects. RS is reported as they result in hepatic necrosis without intestinal can-
to increase the activity of the enzyme HMG-CoA cer. In addition, no genetically predisposed porcine
(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-co A; the rate limiting model of colon cancer exists, resulting in rodents and
enzyme in cholesterol synthesis) and to decrease the mice being commonly used despite the fact that they
expression of fatty acid synthase (FAS; the enzyme practice coprophagy. Coprophagy is the process
responsible for the rate limiting step in fat synthesis) and whereby food passes through their digestive system
GLUT4 (the protein responsible for insulin-stimulated twice and is likely to influence SCFA production
glucose uptake) (Younes et al. 1995; Kabir et al. 1998), (Topping & Clifton 2001).
but it had no effect on the activity of the enzyme lipo-
protein lipase in rats (De Deckere et al. 1993). RS is also
Safety of resistant starch
reported to decrease total cholesterol absorption (Lopez
et al. 2001), to alter the balance of secretion of the hor- Resistant starch appears to have no adverse impact on
mones glucagon and insulin (Champ 2004), to increase gastrointestinal function in well-nourished people and
the expression of the hepatic LDL receptor in rats may even promote health in children with diarrhoeal
(Fukushima et al. 2001) and to enhance bile acid secre- disease (Topping & Clifton 2001). In addition, it
tion (Mathe et al. 1993; Kishida et al. 2001). All of appears to be more readily acceptable than other
these effects would directly affect lipid and glucose forms of dietary fibre (e.g. wheat bran) at high levels
metabolism. However, critically and unlike soluble in the human diet (Ferguson et al. 2003). It has been
dietary fibre, RS arriving in the colon is not viscous and reported that it is not feasible for humans to consume
has no ion exchange properties; therefore this mecha- more than 30 g/day of RS due to problems with flatu-
nism is unlikely to be responsible for any lipid-lowering lence, belching, bloating, mild laxative effects and
effects following the consumption of RS. stomach aches (Heijnen et al. 1996); however, it is

© 2005 British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 30, 27–54

48 A. Nugent

unlikely that humans would consume such high levels Currently, non-modified resistant starches are consid-
of RS without aggressive supplementation and in some ered safe under existing food classifications and legisla-
instances RS was supplemented in association with tions in the US and in Europe. In Europe and the EU,
other forms of dietary fibre. No cases of allergic reac- chemically modified starches are regulated as modified
tions have been reported following supplementation starches under the European Parliament and Council
with more traditional forms of RS, such as those made Directive 95/2/EC in Europe and under 21 CFR
from high amylose maize (Goldring 2004). At present, 172.892 in the US. Canada has a distinct legislative pro-
other new sources of starch being used which are cess for all novel dietary fibres, however, as yet resistant
based on other types of starch including tapioca, starches have not been evaluated in Canada and cannot
potato and wheat. At present, there is little informa- be claimed on the product label.
tion regarding their effects, or those of RS4, in Globally, there is increasing interest amongst manu-
humans; more comprehensive information and studies facturers of commercial sources of RS in labelling foods
are needed in vivo. rich in RS. This is mainly due to the desirable properties
associated with foods rich in RS: their potential health
benefits and lowered food energy value in foods where
RS replaces digestible starch. Both are of interest to food
Labelling and legislation of fibre and
manufacturers who wish to include RS as an ingredient
resistant starch
in low-energy and low-carbohydrate foodstuffs and
At present, there is no legal definition for RS and with slimming/‘diet’ products. The US allows manufacturers
respect to labelling, RS falls under the remit of dietary to label foods with terms such as ‘resistant’ or ‘indigest-
fibre. Several countries including the USA, UK, Austra- ible’, but they must clearly label the legally approved
lia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Sweden and Japan name of the corresponding starches. The US also allows
use the AOAC method 985.29 (Prosky et al. 1985) for self-declared ‘structure-function’ claims without restric-
measuring and labelling the dietary fibre content of tion (e.g. fibre maintains bowel regularity), but restric-
foods. As this method accounts for some of the RS tions exist regarding ‘health’ claims linking food
present within foods, part of the published value for substances with diseases (e.g. antioxidants may reduce
fibre will include RS, if present. The UK has tradition- the risk of cancer).These claims must be supported by
ally used the Englyst method (Englyst et al. 1992) for scientific factual evidence. In contrast in the EU, no dis-
determining dietary fibre; this method does not measure tinction between structure-function and health claims is
RS present in foods. Although, the Food Standards made, and under current regulations, no preventative,
Agency (UK) now recommends that industry use the curative or disease treatment properties can be assigned
AOAC method (which does measure some RS), prob- to particular foods (BNF 2002). Proposed EU legislation
lems arise as the UK government recommendations for would allow nutrition and health claims, but only for
population dietary fibre intakes are still based on the certain categories. With respect to label claims on RS-
Englyst method. In addition, the existing UK food com- rich foods in Europe, much will depend on the final
position tables list dietary fibre values as measured by details of these new regulations.
the Englyst method. These food composition tables are For food labelling purposes, producers and regulators
used by health professionals, some food manufacturers first need an agreed definition and method of analysis
and catering outlets to determine the fibre content of for both dietary fibre and RS. The use of different meth-
foods and diets eaten. ods of analysis of dietary fibre makes comparisons of the
The agreed energy value for carbohydrates is 4 kcal/g. fibre content of foodstuffs difficult between countries.
In Europe, the Nutrition Labelling Directive does not With respect to RS, an agreed method is needed that is
specify an energy value to be used for fibre, and the robust, reproducible, repeatable and simple to complete.
value is therefore considered to be zero (BNF 2002). In Consensus on such an agreed method is likely to be
Australia and Japan, dietary fibres have been assigned hotly debate as the amount of RS in foods will continue
higher energy values (of 1.8 kcal/g and 2 kcal/g), respec- to be affected by external influences such as degree of
tively. In the USA, labelling of total dietary fibre is ripeness, transit time, extent of chewing.
mandatory. The labelling of soluble and insoluble
dietary fibre is optional and a labelling scheme has been
defined whereby the energy value assigned to insoluble
fibre is 0 kcal/g and the energy value for soluble fibre is Resistant starch, the portion of starch and starch prod-
4 kcal/g. ucts that resist digestion, appears to confer several

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health benefits. It may confer considerable benefits to References

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impact on markers of lipid and glucose metabolism. Achour L, Flourie B, Briet F et al. (1997) Metabolic effects of digest-
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effects through the action of SCFA but interest is association between the effect of carbohydrates on blood glucose
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to Food Australia 48 (3): S3–S35.
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ments would be useful. As yet, the exact mechanisms of Beynen AC, Buechler K & Van Der Molen AJ (1982) The effects of
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but lowers calcium in the large bowel in pigs. Journal of Nutrition
The author wishes to thank National Starch and Chem- 130: 1780–7.
ical Limited for financial support in the publication of Birkett AM, Mathers JC, Jones GP et al. (2000) Changes to the quan-
the finished report. tity and processing of starchy foods in a Western diet can increase

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