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In Rwanda we are facing a problem of low production in agriculture, these are usually caused by
climate change, poor techniques, low level of skills and knowledge and monocropping. This
challenge causes a big problem in the community because people are getting too much hunger.
This challenge can be solved by using many things, the following are problems facing
agricultural field here in Rwanda and how we can solve this challenge.
First of all, Most of the farmers in Rwanda they are agriculturalist but they haven’t any skills or
knowledge about agriculture as professional work, this is the one to cause low production, to
overcome this also we have to sensitize young people to join agricultural schools where they can
get skills and knowledge about agriculture. For example, there at RICA young people are getting
skills and knowledge about conservation agriculture. This sensitization may be done through TV
Shows, Radio Podcasts, Media Posts.
All these must be done with the purpose to inspire the young generation to join agriculture
Transformation. In addition, these sensitizations are supported by teaching the farmers about the
climate situation, of Rwanda. These teaching may be done through pieces of training and
engagement of youth. These must be provided to them for the free cost to grab the attention of
the youth due to misunderstanding of Many Rwandans that agriculture is done by ignorant
Furthermore, Monocropping was considered as the productive practice of farming last century,
but now it has been discovered that it is ineffective one, monocropping creates the spread of
pests and diseases easily which must be treated with yet more chemicals. the effects of
monocropping on the environment are severe when the pesticides and fertilizers accumulate in
the ground and when the rain comes it washes off all those chemicals in water bodies thus
creating pollution. To solve the issue, we must sensitize and teach Farmers about using
Intercropping techniques. These will reduce the number of pesticides and chemicals applied to
the crops, hence we are saving water bodies and increasing production since we plant different
crops needed on the market.
Last but not least in Rwanda as we have said above, we meet with many challenges in agriculture
such as climate change, poor techniques, poor skills and so on which lead us to low productivity.
Even these happen we cannot let this keep happening, we must find solutions. Some of these
solutions are to keep sensitizing Farmers in Rwanda, especially the young generation, by
providing them pieces of training, About new techniques of agriculture in Rwanda. Skills and
knowledge must be provided to Farmers in Rwanda, by providing them scholarships concerned
with agriculture.

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