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Universidad Abierta Para Adultos

Special English Didactic



Conrado Sánchez

José Y. Oviedo


Case Analysis and Role Plays in the teaching and learning process 


Palabras clave: Docencia - metodología de la enseñanza - didáctica - estrategias

de enseñanza - proceso de enseñanza - proceso de aprendizaje - educación -
estudio de casos.


The virtual educational platforms are a tool that introduce the teacher in the
creation of courses and workshops, in a simple and fast way, which allow
managing and organizing content tailored to the user. As good examples and
among the best known are Dokeos and Moodle, which have been developed
around the educational field and give this type of training a great pedagogical
interest that generates personalized education and diversity of courses adapted to
all profiles and demands.

The incorporation of these platforms in the educational field should not only focus
on the inclusion of educational materials, but also on the collaborative work that
these environments foster, as well as the didactic skills they may generate with
their application.

These spaces have different types of tools: content, communication and evaluation
and monitoring. All of them are essential for the educational and didactic learning
of the students and allow to create contents adapted to objectives, procedures and
defined results, as well as to collaborate with other users that help us to deepen in
the concept of collective formation.

The teaching and learning process

teaching - learning process is defined "the movement of the cognitive activity of the
students under the direction of the teacher, towards the mastery of knowledge,
skills, habits and the formation of a scientific conception of the world" [1]. It is
considered that in this process there is a dialectical relationship between teacher
and student, which are differentiated by their functions; the teacher must stimulate,
direct and control the learning in such a way that the student is an active,
conscious participant in said process, that is, "teaching" and the student's activity is

Some authors consider as components of the teaching process the objectives,

content, methods, means and their organization that make up an internal logical

Elements and activities of this process. (Use only a concept map in this point)

Elements and activities of this process

Elaborar LP

Medios Contexto Conocimientos Hábitos y Contenidos

Profesor Alumno habilidades

         Case Anaysis and Role plays

Role-playing games can be implemented in education, thanks to the closeness and
familiarity they have with children and young people. For this reason, they are
considered a didactic strategy for the teaching of Pilonieta concepts (2001, 2003).
These strategies can be used from the creation of videogames to the creation of
narrations. Since the role play can be used for educational purposes, it can be
considered part of the so-called Serious Games. Serious games are known in the
medium as those that fulfill a teaching objective and a learning objective. Following
are considerations about the importance of role-playing games in education and
how they fit into the classification of serious games.

El estudio de casos, es una técnica en la cual se desarrollan habilidades tales

como el análisis, la síntesis y la evaluación de la información. Se desarrollan
también el pensamiento crítico que facilita no solo la integración de los
conocimientos de la materia, sino que también, ayuda al alumno a generar y
fomentar el trabajo en equipo, y la toma de decisiones, además de otras actitudes
como la innovación y la creatividad.

Design your own activity of English Case Analysis and Role Plays.

Reform efforts encourage teachers to engage students in critical thinking skills and
research. They also encourage teachers to meet the needs of their diverse student
population and support students in developing communication skills. One way to
step outside of traditional teaching approaches and engage middle school students
in critical thinking, communication skills, and learning communities is by using an
integrated role-play and case studies approach. This teaching approach combines
the narratives of case study with the simulation and gaming features of role-play.
Through this integrated technique, students are provided the context of a scientific
issue through a case study, allowed to take on the role of a case study character,
and presented with multiple opportunities to research environmental science

Recommendations for a good teaching and learning process.

We ask students to be critically reflective in analyzing their performance. You must

be critically reflective in analyzing your teaching. Every 1-2 weeks critically
evaluate what you have done and how you might improve it.

Use different speeds of delivery to maintain concentration; pause to make

important points; use movement to reinforce important points.
Periodically break and tell students where you are: i.e., milestones within the
material – say something like: "we just covered the anatomy of the shoulder and
we now have the foundational basis upon which to talk about the functional
significance of these anatomical structures; it is impossible to understand the
functional significance of structures unless you first understand their anatomy"


The expert instructor is the master of many skills and fields of knowledge. What is
taught demands technical competence; but how the teaching is accomplished
depends largely on the instructor’s understanding of how people learn and the
ability to apply that understanding. In large measure this manual could be viewed
as a study of applied educational psychology, for the subject underlies virtually
everything with which the instructor is concerned. In this chapter, however, only
that branch of psychology dealing directly with learning is considered.

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