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WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
WHO estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases: foodborne disease burden
epidemiology reference group 2007-2015.
I.World Health Organization.
ISBN 978 92 4 156516 5
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1.1 Motivation: the importance of food safety ............................................................................................................. 3
1.2 The value of foodborne disease burden estimates ............................................................................................. 3
1.3 Purpose and audience.......................................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Scope .........................................................................................................................................................................................4
1.5 History and structure .........................................................................................................................................................4
1.6 Objectives................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.7 Other relevant burden of disease estimates .......................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Timeline: FERG Meetings ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.8.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................7
1.8.2 Extracts from reports of major meetings ............................................................................................................................7
1.8.3 Strategic revisions .........................................................................................................................................................................10
1.8.4 Key decisions ...................................................................................................................................................................................10
1.8.5 Country-level involvement ..........................................................................................................................................................11
1.9  Task Force Meetings ..........................................................................................................................................................12
1.10  Participants...........................................................................................................................................................................12
1.11  Declarations of Interest ....................................................................................................................................................12

2.1  Enteric Diseases Task Force ...........................................................................................................................................15
2.1.1 Brucella spp. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Diarrhoeal disease ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.3 Mycobacterium bovis................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.4 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli............................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.5 Norovirus .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.6 Invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.7 Listeria monocytogenes ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.2  Parasitic Diseases Task Force .......................................................................................................................................16
2.2.1 Taenia solium.................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 Trematodes (includes Echinostoma spp., Fasciolopsis buski, Heterophyes spp. and Metagonimus spp.) .. 16
2.2.3 Echinococcus multilocularis ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.4 Trichinella spp. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.5  Toxoplasma gondii ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Chemicals and Toxins Task Force ...............................................................................................................................17
2.3.1 Aflatoxins .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.3.2 Arsenic ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
2.3.3 Cassava cyanide ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.3.4 Peanut Allergens ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
2.3.5 Dioxins ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.4 Source Attribution Task Force......................................................................................................................................18
2.5 Computational Task Force .............................................................................................................................................18
2.6 Country Studies Task Force ...........................................................................................................................................19
2.7 Other relevant publications ...........................................................................................................................................19


3.1  The DALY metric .................................................................................................................................................................23
3.2  Overarching methodology decisions by FERG in relation to DALY estimates ...................................23
3.2.1 Hazard-based approach ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
3.2.2 Incidence-based approach ...................................................................................................................................................... 23

4.1 Hazard Selection ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Enteric Hazards ...................................................................................................................................................................31
4.2.1 Estimating cases, sequelae and deaths for diarrhoeal diseases............................................................................ 32
4.2.2 Estimating cases and sequelae of, and deaths due to, extra-intestinal diseases .......................................... 33
4.3 Parasitic Hazards................................................................................................................................................................35
4.4 Chemicals and toxins ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.4.1  Cyanide in cassava ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.4.2  Peanut allergen .............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
4.4.3  Aflatoxin ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.4.4  Dioxin................................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
4.5 Outcomes and disability weights ............................................................................................................................. 42
4.6 Attribution ............................................................................................................................................................................ 45
4.6.1 Identification of experts ............................................................................................................................................................45
4.6.2  Selection of experts .....................................................................................................................................................................46
4.6.3  Expert panels .................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
4.6.4  Analytical method ........................................................................................................................................................................ 47
4.6.5  Seed questions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.6.6 Target questions ............................................................................................................................................................................49
4.6.7   Data analysis ...................................................................................................................................................................................49
4.7 Computation .........................................................................................................................................................................51
4.7.1   Disease models and epidemiological data....................................................................................................................... 52
4.7.2 CTF database template ............................................................................................................................................................. 56
4.7.3  Imputation ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 56
4.7.4 Probabilistic burden assessment .......................................................................................................................................... 58

5.1 Attribution ............................................................................................................................................................................ 63
5.1.1  Expert performance........................................................................................................................................................................64
5.1.2  Pathway attribution results ........................................................................................................................................................ 65
5.2 DALY Estimates: Overview ............................................................................................................................................72
5.3 DALY Estimates: Enteric diseases ............................................................................................................................ 84
5.4 DALY Estimates: Parasites ............................................................................................................................................ 86
5.5 DALY Estimates: Chemicals ......................................................................................................................................... 89

6.1 Attribution ............................................................................................................................................................................ 98
6.2 Enteric Diseases ...............................................................................................................................................................102
6.3 Parasites .............................................................................................................................................................................. 104
6.4 Chemicals .............................................................................................................................................................................110


7.1 Aim and Objectives of the Task Force and Objectives .................................................................................. 115
7.2 Tools and resources to facilitate national burden of foodborne disease studies .............................. 115
7.3 Pilot Studies......................................................................................................................................................................... 116
7.4 Process................................................................................................................................................................................... 116
7.4.1  Albania ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 117
7.4.2  Japan ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 117
7.4.3  Thailand ..............................................................................................................................................................................................118
7.4.4  Uganda ...............................................................................................................................................................................................118
7.5 Findings and Lessons Learned .................................................................................................................................. 119
7.5.1  Data gaps ...........................................................................................................................................................................................119
7.5.2  Public and private data sources ............................................................................................................................................119
7.5.3  Foodborne versus waterborne disease ............................................................................................................................ 120
7.5.4  Situation analysis and knowledge translation ............................................................................................................... 120
7.6 Discussion............................................................................................................................................................................120

8.1 Reflections on the WHO Initiative to Estimate the Global Burden of Foodborne Diseases....... 125

Appendix 1. Formal Description of the Project and Participants ...................................................................... 131
Appendix 2. Subregions .......................................................................................................................................................143
Appendix 3. Preliminary hazards considered by each task force ....................................................................144
Appendix 4. Hazard-specific input parameter sources and methods ...........................................................145
Appendix 5. Disease models ............................................................................................................................................. 190
Appendix 6. Derivation of Disability Weights ............................................................................................................195
Appendix 7: Attribution – Expert Elicitation Results..............................................................................................199
Appendix 8. Data tables for individual hazard classes: enteric, parasitic, chemical ................................ 211





WHO gratefully acknowledges the financial and in-kind contributions from Canada,
Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and other donors. WHO
also acknowledges the invaluable contribution of the members of the Foodborne
Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group, the resource advisors, and their
affiliated organizations who supported this initiative. They are named in Appendix 1.
This report is a compilation of the main reports of the task forces of the Reference
Group. Numerous persons contributed to or read the manuscript and provided
comments, including several units in WHO headquarters and Regional Offices.
The text was then edited to introduce conformity in language and style.


Foodborne diseases have been an issue The objective of the initiative was not
for all societies since the beginning limited to providing estimates on the
of humanity. The types, severity global burden of foodborne diseases
and impacts of these illnesses have for a defined list of causative agents of
changed through the ages and are microbial, parasitic and chemical origin.
still diverse across regions, countries The initiative also aimed at strengthening
and communities. the capacity of countries to conduct
assessments of the burden of foodborne
Yet there are some challenges common
disease, and encouraging them to use
to all countries. Only a fraction of the
burden of foodborne disease estimates
people who become sick from food they
for cost-effectiveness analyses of
have eaten seek medical care. Only a
prevention, intervention and control
fraction of those cases are recognized
measures including implementation of
as having been caused by a hazard in
food safety standards in an effort to
food, treated accordingly, reported to
improve national food safety systems.
public health authorities and recorded in
official disease statistics. Certain chronic Six taskforces were established under
diseases, such as cancer, kidney or liver FERG, focusing on groups of hazards
failure, that result from contaminated or aspects of the methodology. These
food appear long after the ingestion of taskforces commissioned systematic
food and the causal link is never made reviews and other studies to provide
for each case. This points to some of the data from which to calculate the
the challenges inherent in measuring the burden estimates.
burden of foodborne diseases and the
This report is an outcome of a decade
toll they take on lives and economies.
of work by WHO, key partners and
Up to now, the global burden of illness a number of dedicated individuals.
and deaths caused by foodborne Some additional findings, which cannot
disease has never been quantified. In be integrated into this report, will be
order to fill this data vacuum, the World published and user-friendly online tools
Health Organization (WHO), together made available separately.
with its partners, launched in 2006 the
This report and related tools should
Initiative to Estimate the Global Burden
enable governments and other
of Foodborne Diseases. After an initial
stakeholders to draw public attention to
consultation, WHO in 2007 established a
this often under-estimated problem and
Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology
mobilize political will and resources to
Reference Group (FERG) to lead the
combat foodborne diseases.

Kazuaki Miyagishima
Department of Food Safety
and Zoonoses
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


Foodborne diseases are an important in 2010; 40% of the foodborne disease

cause of morbidity and mortality, and burden was among children under 5
a significant impediment to socio- years of age. Worldwide, 18 (95% UI
economic development worldwide, but 12–25) million DALYs were attributed to
the full extent and burden of unsafe food, foodborne diarrhoeal disease agents,
and especially the burden arising from particularly NTS and enteropathogenic
chemical and parasitic contaminants, Escherichia coli (EPEC). Other foodborne
has been unknown. Precise information hazards with a substantial contribution
on the burden of foodborne diseases to the global burden included Salmonella
can adequately inform policy-makers Typhi and Taenia solium.
and help to allocate appropriate
Foodborne burden estimates are also
resources for food safety control and
reported for a further 4 bacterial and
intervention efforts.
1 chemical hazards, but only for some
This report, resulting from the WHO subregions; a global estimate was
Initiative to Estimate the Global Burden not feasible.
of Foodborne Diseases and prepared by
There were considerable differences
the WHO Foodborne Disease Burden
in the burden of foodborne disease
Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG),
among subregions delimited on the
provides the first estimates of global
basis of child and adult mortality. The
foodborne disease incidence, mortality,
highest burden per population was
and disease burden in terms of Disability
observed in Africa (AFR) (AFR D
Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). For the
and AFR E subregions), followed by
global estimates, thirty-one foodborne
South-East Asia (SEAR) (SEAR B and
hazards causing 32 diseases are included,
SEAR D) subregions and the Eastern
being 11 diarrhoeal disease agents (1
Mediterranean (EMR) D subregion.
virus, 7 bacteria, 3 protozoa), 7 invasive
Diarrhoeal disease agents were the
infectious disease agents (1 virus, 5
leading cause of foodborne disease
bacteria, 1 protozoon), 10 helminths and
burden in most subregions. NTS was
3 chemicals.
an important burden in all subregions,
Together, the 31 global hazards caused particularly in Africa. Other main
600 (95% uncertainty interval [UI] diarrhoeal causes of foodborne disease
420–960) million foodborne illnesses burden were EPEC, enterotoxigenic
and 420,000 (95% UI 310,000–600,000) E. coli (ETEC) and Vibrio cholerae in
deaths in 2010. The most frequent causes low-income subregions, and
of foodborne illness were diarrhoeal Campylobacter spp. in high-income
disease agents, particularly norovirus subregions. The burden of aflatoxin
and Campylobacter spp. Foodborne was high in the AFR D, Western Pacific
diarrhoeal disease agents caused (WPR) B and SEAR D subregions.
230,000 (95% UI 160,000–320,000) In the SEAR subregions there was a
deaths, particularly non-typhoidal considerable burden of Salmonella Typhi.
Salmonella enterica (NTS, which causes The burden of Opisthorchis spp. was
diarrhoeal and invasive disease). Other concentrated in the SEAR B subregion,
major causes of foodborne deaths were where the seafood-borne trematodes
Salmonella Typhi, Taenia solium, hepatitis Paragonimus spp. and Clonorchis sinensis
A virus, and aflatoxin. The global burden were also important. In the Americas
of foodborne disease by these 31 hazards (AMR) B and D subregions, Taenia solium
was 33 (95% UI 25–46) million DALYs and Toxoplasma gondii contributed
Executive summary

significantly to the foodborne disease burden of disease, and pilot studies were
burden. The global burden of foodborne conducted in four countries (Albania,
diseases is considerable, with marked Japan, Thailand and Uganda). Data gaps
regional variations. The burden of were the major hurdle in estimating
foodborne diseases is borne by the foodborne disease burden in these
individuals of all ages, but particularly national studies, and the global and
by children under 5 years of age, and by regional estimates provided by FERG
persons living in low-income subregions offer an interim solution, until improved
of the world. surveillance and laboratory capacity is
These estimates are conservative; further
studies are needed to address the data Despite the data gaps and limitations of
gaps and limitations of this study. these initial estimates, it is apparent that
the global burden of foodborne disease
In addition to providing global and
is considerable, and affects individuals
regional estimates, the Initiative sought
of all ages, but particularly children
to promote actions at a national level.
under 5 years of age and persons living
This involved capacity building through
in low-income subregions of the world.
national foodborne disease burden
All stakeholders can contribute to
studies, and encouraging the use of
improvements in food safety throughout
burden information in setting evidence-
the food chain by incorporating these
informed policies. A suite of tools and
estimates into policy development at
resources were created to facilitate
national, regional and international levels.
national studies of the foodborne
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


1.1  Motivation: the importance of Foodborne pathogens take advantage of

food safety weak immune systems. Infants and young
children, pregnant women, the elderly
Safer food saves lives. With every bite as well as those immuno-compromised,
one eats, one is potentially exposed are particularly at risk of contracting
to illness from either microbiological and dying from common food-related
or chemical contamination. Billions of diseases. Malnourished infants and
people are at risk and millions fall ill every children are especially exposed to
year; many die as a result of consuming foodborne hazards and are at higher risk
unsafe food. of developing serious forms of foodborne
Concerns about food safety have diarrhoeal diseases; these infections
skyrocketed in more affluent societies. in turn exacerbate malnutrition thus
However, the real tragedy of foodborne leading to a vicious circle of debilitation
diseases is played out in the developing and mortality. Those who survive may
world. Unsafe water used for the suffer from delayed physical and mental
cleaning and processing of food; poor development, depriving them of the
food-production processes and food- opportunity to reach their full potential
handling (including inappropriate use of in society.
agricultural chemicals); the absence of Beyond the individual level, foodborne
adequate food storage infrastructure; diseases affect economic development,
and inadequate or poorly enforced particularly challenging the tourist,
regulatory standards–these all contribute agricultural and food (export) industries.
to a high risk environment. Moreover, Developing countries’ access to food
as a country’s economy develops, the export markets will depend on their
agricultural landscape changes. Intensive capacity to meet the international
animal husbandry practices are put in regulatory requirements determined by
place to maximize production, resulting the Agreement on the Application of
in the increased prevalence of pathogens Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
in flocks and herds. The tropical climate (SPS) of the World Trade Organization
of many developing countries favours (WTO). Unsafe exports can lead to
the proliferation of pests and naturally significant economic losses.
occurring toxins, and the risk of
contracting parasitic diseases, including
worm infestations. 1.2  The value of foodborne disease
burden estimates
While exposed to more hazardous
environments, people in developing Foodborne diseases (FBD) are an
countries often have difficulty coping important cause of morbidity and
with foodborne disease. For many living mortality worldwide but the full extent
at or below the poverty line, foodborne and cost of unsafe food, and especially
illness perpetuates the cycle of poverty. the burden arising from chemical
The symptoms of foodborne diseases and parasitic contaminants in food,
range from mild and self-limiting (nausea, is still unknown. Detailed data on the
vomiting and diarrhoea) to debilitating economic costs of foodborne diseases in
and life-threatening (such as kidney and developing countries are largely missing.
liver failure, brain and neural disorders, Despite the growing international
paralysis and potentially cancers), leading awareness of foodborne diseases as
to long periods of absenteeism and a significant risk to health and socio-
premature death.

economic development, food safety 1.4  Scope
remains marginalized. A major obstacle
This report covers:
to adequately addressing food safety
concerns is the lack of accurate data on f history of the project;
the full extent and cost of foodborne f participants;
diseases, which would enable policy- f scientific work commissioned by
makers to set public health priorities and the project;
allocate resources. Epidemiological data f overview of approach to estimating
on foodborne diseases remain scarce, burden of foodborne disease;
particularly in the developing world. Even f methods, results, discussion, using a
the most visible foodborne outbreaks hazards-based approach;
often go unrecognized, unreported or f outputs, implications and context of
uninvestigated, and may only be visible results; and
if connected to major public health or f future plans.
economic impact. Precise information
on the burden of FBD is needed to 1.5  History and structure
adequately inform policy-makers and
In September 2006, FOS launched the
allocate appropriate resources for food
Initiative to Estimate the Global Burden
safety control and intervention efforts.
of Foodborne Diseases at an international
In order to fill this data vacuum, the consultation attended by over 50
World Health Organization (WHO) international experts. This consultation
Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses provided the strategic framework
and Foodborne Diseases (FOS) together for the assessment of FBD burden,
with its partners launched the Initiative and mandated WHO to establish a
to Estimate the Global Burden of Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology
Foodborne Diseases. The primary goal of Reference Group (FERG) to engage in:
the Initiative is: f assembling, appraising and reporting on
To enable policy-makers and other currently existing burden of foodborne
stakeholders to set appropriate, disease estimates;
evidence-based priorities in the area of f conducting epidemiological reviews for
food safety. mortality, morbidity and disability in
each of the major FBDs;
f providing models for the estimation of
1.3  Purpose and audience
FBD burden where data are lacking;
This report is a supplement to the f developing cause and source attribution
scientific papers published in journals models to estimate the proportion of
from the Public Library of Science diseases that are foodborne, and
(PLOS), which cover the estimates f developing user-friendly tools for
generated by the WHO Initiative to burden of FBD studies at country level.
Estimate the Global Burden of Foodborne
Following a public call for advisers in
Diseases. In addition to collating the
the scientific press the WHO Director-
results, this report is intended to provide
General appointed the FERG members
background and context on the project
who met for the first time in November
itself, as well as examining particular
2007. This multi-disciplinary meeting
scientific issues in more detail. As such,
commenced with a stakeholder
it provides a comprehensive source of
consultation that informed the technical
information on the Initiative.
discussions of FERG. The meeting
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

saw the establishment of the FERG and external resource and technical
Core or Steering Group (coordinating advisers who are invited on an ad hoc
and overseeing the burden work) as basis to provide specific expertise.
well as several thematic Task Forces
(TFs) to advance the work in specific
1.6  Objectives
areas, including:
The first report from the Initiative,
f Enteric Diseases Task Force (EDTF);
published in 2008, described the
f Parasitic Diseases Task Force (PDTF);
following objectives1:
f Chemicals and Toxins Task f To strengthen the capacity of countries
Force (CTTF). in conducting burden of foodborne
disease assessments and to increase
Subsequently, three additional Task
the number of countries who have
Forces were established to address the
undertaken a burden of foodborne
following topics:
disease study.
f Source Attribution Task Force (SATF) f To provide estimates on the global
(established 2008); burden of foodborne diseases
f Country Studies Task Force (CSTF) according to age, sex and regions for
(established 2009), with a sub-group, a defined list of causative agents of
the Knowledge Translation and Policy microbial, parasitic and chemical origin.
Group (KTPG) (established 2010); f To increase awareness and
f Computational Task Force (CTF) commitment among Member States
(established 2012). for the implementation of food
As shown in Figure 1, FERG consists of a safety standards.
f To encourage countries to use burden
Core (or Steering) Group to coordinate
and oversee the scientific work, Thematic of foodborne disease estimates for
TFs advancing the work in specific areas; cost-effective analyses of prevention,
intervention and control measures.

disease/Summary_Doc.pdf?ua=1 Accessed 9
July 2014

Figure 1. Structure of the initiative to estimate the global burden of foodborne diseases


Composed of staff from Specializing in foodborne diseases that are
eight WHO Departments viral & bacterial diseases in nature.
and UN partner
organizations with a stake PARASITIC DISEASES TASK FORCE
in foodborne disorders Specializing in foodborne diseases related
and/or burden of disease. to parasites.


Advancing the burden work in the area of
chemicals and toxins.


Seeking to identify the proportion of disease
burden that is directly due to food
contamination and aiming to attribute the
Core / Steering relevant fraction of disease burden to
Group Task Forces responsible food source.


Developing user friendly tools to aid
Countries in the conduction of foodborne
disease burden studies and policy situation
analysis and equipping Countries with the
skills to monitor the progress of food
safety interventions.
FERG ad hoc
External experts who join Utilizing epidemiological information
the FERG to supplement generated by other task forces to calculate
the group’s skills. burden of foodborne disease estimate
(expressed in DALYs).

To meet these goals and objectives, the f Global Burden of Disease 2010
Initiative took two approaches. (GBD2010) study, undertaken by
the Institute of Health, Metrics and
f A Foodborne Disease Burden
Evaluation (IHME)2
Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG)
f Mortality and Burden of Disease Unit
was established to assemble, appraise
of WHO3
and report on burden of foodborne
f Estimated Cancer Incidence, Mortality
disease estimates.
f In-depth country studies to supplement
and Prevalence 2012, published by the
International Agency for Research on
the work of FERG and enable countries
Cancer (GLOBOCAN)4
to conduct their own burden of
disease studies. Throughout the course of the burden
of foodborne disease project, FERG
1.7  Other relevant burden of di- communicated with these groups, to
sease estimates share data and promote consistency of
the estimates.
Estimates for the burden of diseases
considered to be at least partially
foodborne have been published by a
number of research groups. The most Accessed 24
September 2014
comprehensive estimates are those 3
published by the following: disease/en/ Accessed 24 September 2014
4 Accessed 24
September 2014
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

1.8  Timeline: FERG Meetings The objectives of the meeting were:

f to launch an appeal for wider
1.8.1  Overview
collaboration, with a detailed plan of
f 25–27 September 2006 – Establishment
action and time frame;
of the initiative, Geneva5 f to develop a strategic framework for
f 26–28 November 2007 – FERG
burden of disease estimation that
1, Geneva6 involved all relevant partners; and
f 17–21 November 2008 – FERG 2, f to propose elements of a standard
Geneva7 (plus Stakeholder Meeting)8 protocol for conducting burden
f 26–30 October 2009 – FERG 3, Geneva
of illness studies in countries to
(plus Stakeholder Meeting) obtain estimates.
f 8–12 November 2010 – FERG 4, Geneva9
f 7–10 November 2011 – Strategy Meeting The result of the Consultation was a draft
and Commencement of Country strategic framework for the assessment
Studies, Durrës, Albania of burden of foodborne diseases, which
f 8–12 April 2013 – FERG 5, Geneva10 included:
f 23–25 June 2014 – Review Meeting, f the outline of an evidence map for
Copenhagen assimilating existing information on the
1.8.2  Extracts from reports of burden of disease [along themes of
major meetings – (i) acute infectious diseases,
– (ii) chronic manifestations of
25–27 September 2006– Establishment
infectious diseases; and
of the initiative, Geneva
– (iii) acute and chronic non-infectious
WHO’s Department of Food Safety, illness]; and
Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases f a time frame outlining the individual
(FOS) launched an initiative to estimate strategic activities in relation to the
the global burden of foodborne evidence framework.
diseases from all major causes,
In order to complete the strategic
including chemicals and zoonoses, at an
and technical framework, participants
international consultation. This was held
mandated WHO to establish a
in Geneva, Switzerland, from 25 to 27
Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology
September 2006, and was attended by
Reference Group (FERG) and proposed
over 50 experts from around the world.
the relevant skill mix required for this
group. A number of funding agencies
were identified that might be approached
by WHO to enable the execution of this
work. The Consultation concluded with
the drafting of a Joint Statement of
burden_sept06/en/ Accessed 21 April 2015 Support for the Initiative.
6 A summary document describing the
burden_nov07/en/ Accessed 21 April 2015
initiative was published in 200811.
en/ Accessed 21 April 2015 26–28 November 2007 – FERG 1, Geneva
stakeholders/en/ Accessed 21 April 2015
en/ Accessed 21 April 2015
10 11
en/ Accessed 21 April 2015 ferg/en/ accessed 21 April 2015

Following a public call for advisers f agreement on the terms of reference
in the scientific press, the Director- of the new FERG Country Studies Task
General of WHO appointed the FERG Force (CSTF) in 2009;
members, who met for the first time in f formal evaluation of the activities,
November 2007. This multi-disciplinary processes and outputs of the first year
meeting commenced with a stakeholder of FERG activities; and
consultation that informed the technical f A major, multisectoral stakeholder
discussions of FERG. The meeting saw meeting, which provided valuable
the establishment of the FERG Core input and recommendations to WHO
or Steering Group (coordinating and in the areas of technical reviews,
overseeing the burden of the work), as communication and policy.
well as several thematic Task Forces
26–30 October 2009 – FERG 3, Geneva
(TFs) to advance the work in specific
(plus Stakeholder Meeting)
areas, including:
The Third Foodborne Diseases
f parasitic diseases;
Stakeholder Meeting brought together
f chemicals and toxins; and
international representatives from the
f enteric diseases.
various constituencies and sectors with
In their respective areas, the TFs an interest in ensuring food safety, be
provided: (1) priority lists of causative it through decision-making, research,
agents for which burden assessments production, consumption or advocacy.
should be conducted; (2) developed They included: WHO Member States;
concrete and very detailed work plans bilateral and multilateral donors; non-
to commission the individual burden governmental organizations (NGOs);
work; and (3) agreed on the logistic and consumer groups; industry; and public
technical steps to be taken by FERG over and scientific media. The purpose of the
the next year. meeting was to enable stakeholders to:
17–21 November 2008 – FERG 2, Geneva f actively engage with the Foodborne
(plus Stakeholder Meeting) Disease Burden Epidemiology
Reference Group (FERG) and
The second formal meeting of FERG in
its research;
November 2008 (FERG 2) highlighted
f open new channels for multisectoral
the progress made during the Initiative’s
cooperation; and
first year, which included:
f provide direct input into discussions
f an appraisal of the methods, and about how to bridge the gap between
preliminary results of ten systematic evidence and policy.
reviews commissioned in the areas
8–12 November 2010 – FERG 4, Geneva
of enteric, parasitic and chemical
causes of foodborne diseases, as well Continuing on the path taken during the
as mortality; previous FERG meeting, a large number
f the development of detailed new of new foodborne disease morbidity,
work plans for all FERG TFs for 2009, mortality and burden estimates were
including new burden work to be presented and discussed at FERG 4:
commissioned; f the global burden of diarrhoeal
f establishment of the FERG
Source Attribution Task Force f the global burden of foodborne
(SATF) and execution of its
technical recommendations;
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

f the global burden of cystic favourably in comparison with other

echinococcosis; international advisory bodies in which
f the global burden of neurocysticercosis; some of the experts had been involved.
f the global burden of aflatoxicosis; and
FERG experts recognized the complexity
f the global burden of cassava cyanide
of the Initiative, and some reported that
at the outset they had doubts about
In addition, the FERG experts appraised whether it was achievable. However,
the progress made on the systematic they had found that challenges had
reviews commissioned for other enterics, been overcome and continued to be
parasites and chemicals, and on the addressed, many products were being
protocols to be used in the source produced and some had already been
attribution expert elicitation process and finalized. The project was being managed
in the national FBD burden assessments very energetically, and they expected
and policy situation analyses. Each TF successful outcomes in due course.
also made recommendations for new
There was also a high satisfaction level
commissioned work.
with the guidance and direction of
The various TFs adopted their work plans the FERG and Task Force Chairs. The
for 2011 and beyond, which covered the global and regional representation of
continuation of the systematic reviews, the FERG membership was valued and
the finalization of the pathogen priority FERG experts reported that through
lists, and the further strengthening of the their involvement, many of them had
interfaces between the different TFs. The increased their own capacity. Stakeholder
Country Studies Task Force made the involvement was valued by FERG experts
final preparations for initiating the pilot and by the stakeholders themselves.
country studies in 2011. Four countries Continued expansion of stakeholder
were selected for these studies: Albania, constituencies was also suggested by
Japan, Thailand and Uganda. both groups.
July 2010 Mid-term evaluation A high quality of all outputs was
commissioned from an considered very important by FERG
external consultant experts, and should be maintained.
Most FERG experts were satisfied
The overall verdict of this evaluation
with the outputs already produced–
of the World Health Organization
pathogen- and hazard-specific mortality
Initiative to Estimate the Global Burden
and morbidity reports– although there
of foodborne diseases was that it was
was acknowledgement that there had
making good progress. FERG experts
been delays (some of which might not
and stakeholders considered it to be
have been avoidable), and that there
a very important Initiative and were in
remained a lot more work to be done.
agreement with its goals and objectives.
The delays occurred initially and were
They recognized that information on
mostly considered inevitable. They were
the burden of foodborne diseases is
dealt with, and FERG experts considered
required at country, regional and global
that the Initiative was progressing
levels in order to prioritize food safety
according to plan. Stakeholders were
interventions. The leadership and
satisfied with the results presented at
management of the Initiative by the
stakeholder meetings to date, and they
WHO Secretariat was highly praised by
looked forward to the production of
the FERG experts, and described very
more results.

The advocacy efforts of the coordinator that high level senior management at
of the Initiative were praised and WHO reiterate their support for the
considered to be very effective. Initiative through providing the necessary
resources to ensure the success of the
The main challenge to the Initiative
Initiative and the considerable investment
was how to deal with the expansion to
that had been made.
the scope of the Initiative. The need to
plan to collect primary data, overcome 7–10 November 2011– Strategy Meeting
methodological challenges, integrate and Commencement of Country Studies,
knowledge translation and respond Durrës, Albania
appropriately to the 63rd World Health
Assembly (WHA) resolution on food 1.8.3  Strategic revisions
safety– all these were part of the In view of the increased complexity
expanded scope of the Initiative. FERG of the WHO FERG Initiative, as well
experts were in agreement that the as the changed environment in which
expansion of the scope was necessary the Initiative was operating, the WHO
and appropriate. Because quality must be Secretariat convened a meeting with the
maintained, adjustments must be made objectives of:
to timelines and resources. Timelines
f updating the Initiative’s strategic
can be reviewed, but FERG experts
framework, its milestones and timelines;
and stakeholders stated that there was
f redefining the technical scope of the
a limitation on timeline extension due
Initiative, including the selection of
to the risk of loss of momentum, and
priority areas for foodborne disease
there was also the need to fulfil Member
burden estimation;
State and donor expectations for initial
f identifying key activities and resource
estimation of the global burden of
needs for implementation; and
foodborne diseases. Therefore, increasing
f updating FERG processes, roles
the Initiative’s human and financial
and responsibilities.
resources was the most appropriate
change that could be made.
1.8.4  Key decisions
FERG experts were concerned about f Scope of technical work: The thematic
a major threat to the Initiative, namely TF chairs, in consultation with their
the dependence of the Initiative and TFs, established a shortened list of
its success on such a small number of pathogens and hazards for which
key personnel in the WHO Secretariat. they intended to deliver incidence and
These few key people were considered mortality estimates by the end of 2012.
excellent in terms of technical expertise, f Methodological decisions: A
enthusiasm, energy, dedication and range of important technical and
motivation, and much of the success methodological issues linked to the
so far was ascribed to these qualities. estimation of foodborne disease
FERG experts were concerned that if burden were discussed at the meeting
there were any changes to personnel, the in Albania, and actions agreed upon
Initiative would be very vulnerable and in order to ensure accuracy, utility and
could fail. They were concerned about compatibility with other existing health
sustainability and lack of a ‘safety net’, metric indicatives.
and therefore requested an expanded f New FERG Computational Task
team at the Secretariat, with more of the Force: Continuing in this vein, a
existing skills. FERG experts requested new Computational Task Force
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

(CTF) to work on the mathematical the pilot studies and finishing the country
modelling to calculate DALYs would tools. Each TF had outlined its priority
be established. The TF was currently activities for the coming year and WHO
set to be operational by the end of would use these to solicit the funding
February 2012. required to complete the FERG project.
f Source attribution expert elicitation:
The hazard TFs– EDTF, PDTF and CTTF–
An expert elicitation would be
completed the technical review of the
conducted in 2012 to determine what
systematic reviews; reviewed and revised
proportion of the burden of each
the final outcome trees; and made plans
hazard was foodborne, and which
for completion for each hazard.
were the major foods associated
with transmission. A list of hazards SATF finalized the expert elicitation
that would be included in the expert protocol for: chemicals and toxins
elicitation was established. (inorganic arsenic, lead, cadmium
and dioxins); for parasitic diseases
1.8.5  Country-level involvement
(Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium
The ‘kick-off’ meeting of the FERG spp., Giardia spp., Echinococcus
pilot country studies marked a major granulosus, Toxoplasma gondii,
milestone for the work of the Initiative Echinococcus multilocularis and Ascaris
in fostering national studies of the spp.); and for enteric diseases (diarrhoeal
burden of foodborne disease. For the diseases [non-typhoidal Salmonella
first time, representatives of the FERG spp., Campylobacter spp., Shiga-toxin
pilot countries met to present progress producing, enteropathogenic and
on the implementation of a national enterotoxigenic E. coli, norovirus, Shigella
foodborne disease burden study. They spp., Vibrio cholerae], typhoid, brucellosis
also learnt about study tools that FERG and hepatitis A).
had developed, as well as the future
technical support that would be provided The methodology and elicitation
by FERG. instrument were agreed with each of the
hazard TFs. This expert elicitation would
The pilot countries during the kick- be the first time that the methodology
off meeting: had been applied at a global level for
f drafted pilot country study work plans food safety and would involve disease
outlining the way forward; experts from all six WHO regions. The
f provided recommendations and input logistics of such an enormous task were
to align FERG procedures and tools also mapped out and agreed during
for national foodborne disease burden the meeting.
estimation and food safety policy CTF (established October 2012) was
situation analyses specific to country able to agree on the disease models
requirements; and for the majority of the pathogens, as
f delivered feedback and agreed on
well as meeting individually with each
processes to communicate between TF to advance the DALY calculations.
participating countries, and between The database was revised, methods
the countries and FERG Secretariat. for imputation of missing data were
8–12 April 2013 – FERG 5, Geneva advanced, and disability weights (DWs)
were mapped to all outcomes.
There was a very clear path towards the
end goal of publishing the estimates of CSTF and KTPG agreed the aims,
burden of foodborne disease, completing objectives and outline for the joint

country study workshop, initiated the CTF
development of the communications 2 - 4 October 2012 – Establishment
strategy for the global and regional FERG meeting, Antwerp, Belgium*
results, and reviewed the situational April 2013 – Sunday pre-meeting at
analysis document and the outcome of FERG 5 Geneva, Switzerland
the commissioned work. 2 August 2013 – Data imputation
23–25 June 2014– Strategy Meeting, meeting. RIVM, Bilthoven,
Copenhagen The Netherlands
31 January 2014 – DALY calculation &
This working meeting involved detailed Disability Weights meeting, Brussels
discussions of burden estimation across February 2014 – Data imputation
all the TFs. Progress was enhanced meeting, Antwerp, Belgium
greatly by the attendance by Dr Colin
Mathers, the Coordinator of the Mortality CSTF
and Burden of Disease Unit in the 10 - 12 June 2009 – Rome, Italy*
Health System and Innovation Cluster at 18 - 20 March 2010 – Atlanta, USA*
WHO, Geneva. This enabled the FERG 7 - 10 November 2011 – Kick off
estimation approaches to be harmonized meeting (Albania, Japan, Thailand),
with those used by the WHO unit. Durrës, Albania
4 - 6 March 2012 – Kick off meeting
(Uganda), Kampala, Uganda
1.9  Task Force Meetings
Only face-to-face meetings are listed. In 1.10  Participants
addition to these meetings, numerous
See Appendix 1.
teleconferences were held by each TF.
For the meetings marked*, finalized or
draft meeting reports are available. 1.11  Declarations of Interest
EDTF All experts and resource advisers
7 - 9 June 2009 – Rome* invited to participate in FERG meetings
14 - 18 July 2010 – Tunis, Tunisia completed beforehand the WHO
standard form for Declaration of
CTTF Interests. At the start of each meeting, all
14 - 16 July 2009 – Geneva* participants were asked to confirm their
14 - 18 July 2010 – Tunis, Tunisia interests, and to provide any additional
PDTF information relevant to the subject
matter of the meeting. All declared
7 - 9 June 2009 – Rome*
interests were assessed by the WHO
14 - 18 July 2010 – Tunis, Tunisia
Secretariat to ensure the neutrality and
SATF unbiasedness of the work.
28 - 30 April 2008 – Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia*
20 - 22 April 2010 – Atlanta, USA*
14 - 18 July 2010 – Tunis, Tunisia
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


Each TF commissioned specific pieces f Fischer Walker, C.L., & Black, R.E. 2010.
of work to provide scientific evidence Diarrhoea morbidity and mortality
on which to base estimates. Most of in older children, adolescents, and
these were systematic reviews, either of adults. Epidemiology and Infection,
available data on diseases, or reviews 138(9): 1215–1226. Available at http://
of methodology. The majority of
commissioned work resulted in published displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=
papers, as listed below. Some of these 7849267&fileId=S0950268810000592
publications were part funded by FERG, Accessed 2015-10-16.
while others were generated as “in kind” f Pires, S.M., Fischer Walker, C.L., Lanata,
contributions by the authors. C.F., Devleesschauwer, B., Hall, A.,
Kirk, M.D., Duarte, A.S.R., Black, R.E.,
& Angulo, F.J. Aetiology-specific
2.1  Enteric Diseases Task Force
estimates of the global and regional
The EDTF commissioned the following incidence and mortality of diarrhoeal
systematic reviews: diseases commonly transmitted
through food. PLOS ONE, vol 10, iss 12,
2.1.1  Brucella spp. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142927
f Dean, A.S., Crump, L., Greter, H.,
2.1.3  Mycobacterium bovis
Hattendorf, J., Schelling, E. & Zinsstag,
f Muller, B., Durr, S., Alonso, S.,
J. 2012. Clinical manifestations of human
brucellosis: a systematic review and Hattendorf, J., Laisse, C.J., Parsons, S.D.,
meta-analysis. PLOS Neglected Tropical van Helden, P.D. & Zinsstag, J. 2013.
Diseases, 6(12): Art. e1929. Available Zoonotic Mycobacterium bovis-induced
at tuberculosis in humans. Emerging
info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal. Infectious Diseases, 19(6): 899–908.
pntd.0001929 Accessed 2015-10-16. Available at:
f Dean, A.S., Crump, L., Greter, H.,
Schelling, E. & Zinsstag, J. 2012. f Durr, S., Muller, B., Alonso, S.,
Global burden of human brucellosis: Hattendorf, J., Laisse, C.J., van Helden,
a systematic review of disease P.D. & Zinsstag, J. 2013. Differences
frequency. PLOS Neglected Tropical in primary sites of infection between
Diseases, 6(10): Art e1865. Available zoonotic and human tuberculosis:
at results from a worldwide systematic
info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal. review. PLOS Neglected Tropical
pntd.0001865 Accessed 2015-10-16. Diseases, 7(8): Art e2399. Available
2.1.2  Diarrhoeal disease at
f Fischer Walker, C.L., Sack, D. & Black,
pntd.0002399 Accessed 2015-10-16.
R.E. 2010. aetiology of diarrhoea
in older children, adolescents and 2.1.4  Shiga toxin-producing
adults: a systematic review. PLOS Escherichia coli
Neglected Tropical Diseases, f Majowicz, S.E., Scallan, E., Jones-Bitton,
4(8): Art e768. Available at A., Sargeant, J.M., Stapleton, J., Angulo, F.J., Yeung, D.H. & Kirk, M.D. 2014
info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal. Global incidence of human Shiga toxin-
pntd.0000768 Accessed 2015-10-16. producing Escherichia coli infections
and deaths: a systematic review and
Commissioned work

knowledge synthesis. Foodborne review and meta-analysis. Lancet

Pathogens and Disease, 11(6): 447– 455. Infectious Diseases, 14(11): 
Available at http://online.liebertpub. 1073– 1082. Available at

Accessed 2015-10-17. article/pii/S1473309914708709

Accessed 2015-10-17.
2.1.5  Norovirus
f Ahmed, S.M., Hall, A.J., Robinson, A.E., 2.2  Parasitic Diseases Task Force
Verhoef, L., Premkumar, P., Parashar, PDTF commissioned the following
U.D., Koopmans, M. & Lopman, B.A. systematic reviews:
2014. Global prevalence of norovirus in
cases of gastroenteritis: a systematic 2.2.1  Taenia solium
review and meta-analysis. Lancet f Carabin, H., Ndimubanzi, P.C., Budke,
Infectious Diseases, 14(8): 725–
C.M., Nguyen, H., Qian, Y., Cowan, L.D.,
730. Available at http://www.
Stoner, J.A., Rainwater, E. & Dickey, M.
2011. Clinical manifestations associated
S1473309914707674 Accessed
with neurocysticercosis: a systematic
review. PLOS Neglected Tropical
f Verhoef, L., Hewitt, J., Barclay, L.,
Diseases, 5(5): Art e1152. Available
Ahmed, S.M., Lake, R., Hall, A.J.,
Lopman, B., Kroneman, A., Vennema, H.,
Vinje, J. & Koopmans, M. 2015. Norovirus
pntd.0001152 Accessed 2015-10-17.
genotype profiles associated with f Ndimubanzi, P.C., Carabin, H., Budke,
foodborne transmission, 1999– 2012.
C.M., Nguyen, H., Qian, Y.J., Rainwater,
Emerging Infectious Diseases,
E., Dickey, M., Reynolds, S. & Stoner,
45: 95– 99. Available at: http://wwwnc.
J.A. 2010. A systematic review of the
frequency of neurocysticercosis with
2.1.6  Invasive non-typhoidal a focus on people with epilepsy. PLOS
Salmonella enterica Neglected Tropical Diseases, 4(11): Art
e870. Available at http://www.plosntds.
f Ao, T.T., Feasey, N.A., Gordon, M.A.,
Keddy, K.H., Angulo, F.J. & Crump, pntd.0000870 Accessed 2015-10-17.
J.A. 2015. Global burden of invasive
non-typhoidal Salmonella disease, 2.2.2  Trematodes (includes
2010. Emerging Infectious Diseases, Echinostoma spp., Fasciolopsis
21(6): 941– 949. buski, Heterophyes spp. and
f Crump, J.A. & Kirk, M.D. Estimating
Metagonimus spp.)
the burden of febrile illnesses. PLOS f Furst, T., Keiser, J. & Utzinger, J. 2012.
Neglected Tropical Diseases, (in press).
Global burden of human food-borne
2.1.7  Listeria monocytogenes trematodiasis: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. Lancet Infectious
f Maertens de Noordhout, C.,
Diseases, 12(3): 210– 221. Available at
Devleesschauwer, B., Angulo, F.J.,
Verbeke, G., Haagsma, J., Kirk, M., laninf/article/PIIS1473– 3099(11)70294–
Havelaar, A. & Speybroeck, N. 2014. The 8/fulltext Accessed 2015-10-17.
global burden of listeriosis: a systematic
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

2.2.3  Echinococcus multilocularis /10408444.2011.575766 Accessed

f Torgerson, P.R., Keller, K., Magnotta, 2015-10-17.
f Wu, F. 2010. Global Burden of aflatoxin-
M. & Ragland, N. 2010. The global
burden of alveolar echinococcosis. induced disease: Final Report for
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 4: the World Health Organization
e722. Available at http://www.plosntds. (WHO) Foodborne Disease Burden
org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal. Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG)
pntd.0000722 Accessed 2015-10-17. Chemical Task Force. Department
of Environmental and Occupational
2.2.4  Trichinella spp. Health, University of Pittsburgh
f Devleesschauwer B, Praet N, Graduate School of Public Health,
Speybroeck N, Torgerson P R, Haagsma Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
J A, De Smet K, Murrell K D, Pozio E f Liu, Y. & Wu, F. 2010. Global burden
and Dorny P (2014) The low global of aflatoxin-induced hepatocellular
burden of trichinellosis: evidence and carcinoma: a risk assessment.
implications. International Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives,
Parasitology, 45(2-3): 95– 99. Available 118(6): 818– 824. Available at http://
science/article/pii/S0020751914001374 PMC2898859/ Accessed 2015-10-17.
Accessed 2015-10-17. f Liu, Y., Chang, C.C., Marsh, G.M. & Wu,
f Murrell, K.D. & Pozio, E. 2011. Worldwide F. 2012. Population attributable risk of
occurrence and impact of human aflatoxin-related liver cancer: systematic
trichinellosis, 1986– 2009. Emerging review and meta-analysis. European
Infectious Diseases, 17(12): 2194– 2202. Journal of Cancer, 48(14): 2125– 2136.
Available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.
2.2.5  Toxoplasma gondii
f Torgerson, P.R. & Mastroiacovo, P. Accessed 2015-10-17.
2013. The global burden of congenital
toxoplasmosis: a systematic review. 2.3.2  Arsenic
Bulletin of the World Health f Oberoi, S., Barchowsky, A. & Wu, F.
Organization, 91(7): 501– 508. Available 2014. The global burden of disease
at for skin, lung, and bladder cancer
articles/PMC3699792/ Accessed caused by arsenic in food. Cancer
2015-10-17. Epidemiology Biomarkers and
Prevention, 23(7): 1187– 1194. Abstract
2.3  Chemicals and Toxins available at http://cebp.aacrjournals.
Task Force org/content/23/7/1187.abstract
Accessed 2015-10-17.
CTTF commissioned several systematic
reviews and reports. 2.3.3  Cassava cyanide
f Cliff, J. 2011. Incidence and prevalence
2.3.1  Aflatoxins estimates of cassava-cyanide induced
f Khlangwiset, P., Shephard, G.S. & Wu, F. diseases. Report for the FERG
2011. Aflatoxins and growth impairment: Chemicals and Toxins Task Force.
A review. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane,
41(9): 740– 755. Available at http:// Mozambique.
Commissioned work

2.3.4  Peanut Allergens methods in an age of globalized risks:

f Ezendam, J. & van Loveren, H. 2012. lesson from the global burden of
Parameters needed to estimate the foodborne disease expert elicitation.
global burden of peanut allergy: Risk Analysis DOI: 10.1111/risa.12385

Systematic literature review. European f Aspinall, WP., Cooke, RM., Havelaar,

Journal of Food Research and Review, AH., Hoffman, S., Hald, T. 2015. Science-
2(2): 46– 48. Available at http:// based global attribution of foodborne diseases: Findings of WHO expert
Reports/2012/april/Parameters_ elcitiation. PLOS ONE. (in press).
burden_of_peanut_allergy_Systematic_ 2.5  Computational Task Force
literature_review Accessed 2015-10-17.
f McDonald, S.A., Devleesschauwer, B.,
2.3.5  Dioxins Speybroeck, N., Hens, N., Praet, N.,
f Zeilmaker, M.J., Devleesschauwer, B., Torgerson, P.R., Havelaar, A.H., Wu, F.,
Mengelers, M.J.B., Hoekstra, J., Brandon, Tremblay, M., Amene, E.W. & Döpfer, D.
E.F.A. & Bokkers, B.G.H. The disease 2015. Data-driven methods for imputing
burden of dioxins: A global perspective. national-level incidence in global
RIVM Report National Institute for burden of disease studies. Bulletin
Public Health and the Environment of the World Health Organization,
(RIVM), Netherlands. 93(4): 228– 236 doi: http://dx.doi.
2.4  Source Attribution Task Force The following two papers were not
SATF commissioned the commissioned by the Computational Task
following papers: Force, but several of the authors were TF
members, and the papers are relevant to
f Pires, S.M. 2013. Assessing the
the Initiative estimates.
applicability of currently available
methods for attributing foodborne f Devleesschauwer, B., Havelaar, A.H.,
disease to sources, including food Maertens de Noordhout, C., Haagsma,
and food commodities. Foodborne J.A., Praet, N., Dorny, P., Duchateau,
Pathogens and Disease, 10(3): 206– 213. L., Torgerson, P.R., Van Oyen, H. &
f Pires, S.M., Evers, E.G., van Pelt, W., Speybroeck, N. 2014. Calculating
Ayers, T., Scallan, E., Angulo, F.J., disability-adjusted life years to quantify
Havelaar, A. & Hald, T. and the Med- burden of disease. International Journal
Vet-Net Workpackage 28 team. 2009. of Public Health, 59(3): 565– 569.
Attributing the human disease burden f Devleesschauwer, B., Havelaar, A.H.,
of foodborne infections to specific Maertens de Noordhout, C., Haagsma,
sources. Foodborne Pathogens and J.A., Praet, N., Dorny, P., Duchateau,
Disease, 6(4): 417– 424. L., Torgerson, P.R., Van Oyen, H. &
f Hoffman, S., Aspinall, W., Cooke, R., Speybroeck, N. 2014. DALY calculation
Cawthorne, A., Corrigan, T., Havelaar, in practice: a stepwise approach.
A., Gibb, H., Torgerson, P., Kirk, M., International Journal of Public Health,
Angulo, F, Lake R, Speybroeck N, 59(3): 571– 574.
Devleesschauwer B, Hald T. 2015
Perspective: Research synthesis
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

2.6  Country Studies Task Force WHO is responsible? PLOS Neglected

Tropical Diseases, 1: Art e161. Available
Two systematic reviews
were commissioned:
f Polinder, S., Haagsma, J.A., Stein, C. & Accessed 2015-10-17.
Havelaar, A.H. 2012. Systematic review f Havelaar, A.H., Cawthorne, A., Angulo,
of general burden of disease studies F., Bellinger, D., Corrigan, T., Cravioto, A.,
using disability-adjusted life years. Gibb, H., Hald, T., Ehiri, J., Kirk, M., Lake,
Population Health Metrics, 10: Art R., Praet, N., Speybroeck, N., de Silva, N.,
21. Available at http://www.ncbi.nlm. Stein, C., Torgerson, P. & Kuchenmüller, T. 2013. WHO Initiative to Estimate the
Accessed 2015-10-17. Global Burden of foodborne diseases.
f Haagsma, J.A., Polinder, S., Stein, C.E. Lancet, 381(Suppl. 2): S59.
& Havelaar, A.H. 2013. Systematic f Hird, S., Stein, C., Kuchenmüller, T. &
review of foodborne burden of Green, R. 2009. Meeting report: Second
disease studies: quality assessment of annual meeting of the World Health
data and methodology. International Organization Initiative to estimate
Journal of Food Microbiology, the global burden of foodborne
166(1): 34– 47. Available at http:// diseases. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 133: 210– 212.
article/pii/S0168160513002778 f Kuchenmüller, T., Hird, S., Stein, C.,
Accessed 2015-10-17. Kramarz, P., Nanda, A. & Havelaar,
The results from one of the country A.H. 2009. Estimating the global
studies have been published: burden of foodborne diseases – a
collaborative effort. Eurosurveillance,
Kumagai, Y., Gilmour, S., Ota, E., Momose, Y.,
14(18): 1– 4. Available at http://www.
Onishi, T., Bilano, V.L.F., Kasuga,
F., Sekizaki, T. & Shibuya, K. 2015. Estimating
aspx?ArticleId=19195 Accessed
the burden of foodborne diseases in Japan.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
f Lake, R.J., Havelaar, A.H. &
93(8): 540–549.
Kuchenmüller, T. 2013. New research
The preparation of material to augment on estimating the global burden of
the resources developed by the CSTF foodborne disease. pp. 260– 271, in:
was commissioned from Sandy Campbell J. Sofos (ed.). Advances in microbial
(Knowledge Translation Consultant, food safety. Vol. 1. Woodhead
New Mexico, USA). The results of that Publishing, Oxford, UK.
work have been included in the Situation f Lake, R.J., Stein, C.E. & Havelaar,
analysis, knowledge translation and risk A.H. 2014. Estimating the burden of
communication guidance manual, one of the foodborne disease.. pp. 73– 79, in:
tools and resources developed by the CSTF. Y. Motarjemi (ed.). Encyclopedia of
Food Safety. Vol. 1. Academic Press,
2.7  Other relevant publications Waltham, MA, USA.
f Kuchenmulller, T., Abela-Ridder,
The following articles were written by B., Corrigan, T. & Tritscher, A. 2013.
FERG members and WHO staff: World Health Organization Initiative
f Stein, C., Kuchenmuller, T., Hendrickx, to Estimate the Global Burden of
S., Pruss-Ustun, A., Wolfson, L., Engels, foodborne diseases. Revue Scientifique
D. & Schlundt, J. 2007. The Global et Technique-Office International des
Burden of Disease assessments – Epizooties, 32(2): 459– 467.
Commissioned work

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


3.1  The DALY metric incidence, i.e. both current and future

health outcomes are included. Future
As mentioned in the report from the outcomes include sequelae and mortality
initial consultation, the Initiative was resulting from the initial disease within a
encouraged to use summary measures defined time period.
of public health as the metric for the
burden of FBD. The disability adjusted life To define life expectancy for the
year (DALY) metric was chosen for the calculation of YLL life expectancy tables
following reasons: for the population being studied may be
used. Alternatively, life expectancy that
f It is an established WHO metric with reflects an ideal of human potential may
international application; and be used.
f It is consistent with the Global Burden
of Disease project.
3.2  Overarching methodology de-
The DALY is calculated by adding the
number of years of life lost to mortality cisions by FERG in relation to DALY
(YLL) and the number of years lived with estimates
disability due to morbidity (YLD):
3.2.1  Hazard-based approach
DALY = YLL + YLD The burden of disease estimation is
The YLL due to a specific disease in a hazard-based because:
specified population is calculated by the f it allows a complete estimate of the
summation of all fatal cases (n) due to burden of disease due a specific hazard;
the health outcomes (l) of that specific f it includes all related sequelae; and
disease, each case multiplied by the f measures to address foodborne
expected individual life span (e) at the diseases are often hazard specific.
age of death.
3.2.2  Incidence-based approach
DALYs, and more specifically their YLD
component, may be calculated from an
YLD is calculated by accumulation over incidence or a prevalence perspective.
all health outcomes (l), the product of While incidence-based YLDs are defined
the number of cases (n), the duration of as the product of the number of incident
the illness (t) and the severity weight (w) cases and the duration and disability
of a specific disease. It should be noted weight (DW) of the concerned health
that the calculation for YLL implicitly state, prevalence-based YLDs are
includes a severity weight factor. The defined as the product of the number of
severity weight or disability weight (DW) prevalent cases and the corresponding
factors are in the range zero to one, with DW [1,6]. In the incidence-based
the severity weight for death being equal approach, all health outcomes, including
to one. those in future years, are assigned to the
initial event (e.g., exposure to a certain
hazard). This approach therefore reflects
the future burden of disease resulting
DALYs may be calculated using a from current events. In the prevalence-
prevalence approach which estimates the based approach, on the other hand, the
current burden of disease in a population, health status of a population is assessed
considering previous events. However, at a specific point in time, and prevalent
the more common approach is to use
Overview of the scientific approach

diseases are attributed to initial events Regions

that happened in the past. This approach Several options were available for
therefore reflects the current burden reporting on a regional basis
of disease resulting from previous (14 subregions based on child and adult
events. For burden of FBD studies, the mortality, as described by Ezzati et al.
incidence-based YLD approach was [5]; 21 GBD regions [6]; and 13 GEMS
deemed the most appropriate approach, Cluster Diet Regions1). The subregions
because (1) this approach is more based on mortality were chosen.2
sensitive to current epidemiological Countries grouped into each of the
trends [2]; (2) is more consistent with 14 subregions are listed in Appendix 2.
the hazard-based approach, since it has

Reference year

the point of infection (or primary health
effect from exposure) as starting point The reference year for the calculation of
for the calculations; and (3) is consistent absolute numbers was 2010.
with the estimation of YLLs, which by Attribution
definition follows an incidence-based
The choice of a method to attribute
approach, as mortality can be seen as
a proportion of disease incidence
the incidence of death [3]. Nevertheless,
to foodborne transmission was a
the prevalence- and incidence-based
major decision for the project. The
approaches yield similar overall results if
rationale for choosing a global expert
the epidemiology of disabilities and the
elicitation process was developed
population age-structure are constant
after consideration of alternatives, as
over time [2]. However, burden estimates
described below.
for specific age groups will always differ
between the prevalence- and incidence- Estimating the burden of FBD is
based approaches, because the former complicated because most of the hazards
assigns the burden to the age at which causing foodborne disease are not
the burden is experienced, while the transmitted solely by food. The relative
latter assigns the burden to the age of impact of each route differs depending
disease onset [4]. on the epidemiology of the disease
causing microorganism (bacteria, virus
Using the incidence for the burden
or parasite) or chemical hazards. Other
estimations is important for diseases
factors such as the geographical region,
having a long period between exposure
season and food consumption patterns
and appearance of clinical signs. An
also influence the role of different
incidence-based approach for the
exposures routes [7, 8]. The estimation
burden estimations fits better with
of the burden of FBD, therefore, requires
a hazard-based approach. However,
incidence figures are not always 1
available. For example, in the case of index1.html Accessed 23 July 2014
peanut [Arachis hypogaea] allergy, only 2
The subregions are defined on the on the basis of
child and adult mortality, as described by Ezzati
prevalence figures are available. When et al. [5] Stratum A = very low child and adult
only prevalence figures are available, mortality; Stratum B = low child mortality and very
incidence can be estimated based on the low adult mortality; Stratum C = low child mortality
and high adult mortality; Stratum D = high child and
prevalence figures and on the duration of
adult mortality; and Stratum E = high child mortality
the disease. and very high adult mortality. The use of the term
‘subregion’ here and throughout the text does
not identify an official grouping of WHO Member
States, and the “subregions” are not related to the
six official WHO regions.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

a delineation of the major transmission designed as randomized controlled

routes, including contaminated food, intervention trials, have been conducted
water, soil, air or contact with infected to assess the importance of water,
animals or humans. Previous efforts to particularly for the transmission of
quantify the contribution of specific diarrhoeal diseases (reviewed by [27] and
sources (including types of foods) and [28]). However, other transmission routes,
transmission routes have been gathered such as soil, air and direct contact with
under the term ‘source attribution’ or infected humans or animals, are generally
‘human illness attribution’ [9, 10]. The not considered in those studies. Thus, for
applicability of available methods for most countries, and at the global level,
source attribution of FBD at the global relevant studies and data for quantifying
level was recently assessed by Pires [7]. attribution of potential FBD to the major
transmission routes do not exist.
Source attribution is an important
tool for identifying and prioritizing In such situations, structured elicitation
effective interventions to prevent and of scientific judgment may be used
control FBD [11]. The need for reliable [7, 29]. When data are not available,
source attribution estimates has or undertaking primary research is not
prompted a growing body of research feasible, a structured elicitation offers
focusing on attribution, particularly for a transparent and mathematically
infectious agents [7, 10, 12, 13]. However, rigorous way of evaluating and
comprehensive attribution studies enumerating uncertainty distributions,
based on surveillance data and/or food from the judgments of many individual
monitoring and exposure data are still researchers, for quantifying risk models.
limited in scope, and to date have been Within food safety, the approach
performed for a few hazards only, or in a has been applied to provide national
limited number of countries [14– 26]. estimates for the proportion of illnesses
attributable to food for specific infectious
In addition, existing studies have focused
diseases [30– 37], or to inform modelling
mainly on identifying specific food
of foodborne disease risk assessment
sources or animal reservoirs, whereas
models by estimating specific model
other potential transmission routes are
parameters and their uncertainty
often not quantified due to lack of data,
[38, 39].
or neglected due to the complexity of
attribution models. Many studies, often
Overview of the scientific approach

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


The following material is derived from, Health Organization estimates of the

and in some parts repeated verbatim global and regional disease burden of
from, text in the suite of papers in which 22 foodborne bacterial, protozoal and
the FERG results have been published.1 viral diseases, 2010: A data synthesis
These primary outputs are listed below, PLOS Medicine, DOI:10.1371/journal.
and have been collated in a dedicated pmed.1001921
PLOS collection entitled “The World Torgerson, P.R., Devleesschauwer, B.,
Health Organization Estimates of the Praet, N., Speybroeck, N., Willingham,
Global Burden of Foodborne Diseases”, A.L., Kasuga, F., Rokni, M.B., Zhou, X.-N.,
which can be accessed at the website: Fèvre, E.M., Sripa, B., Furst, T., Budke, We C.M., Carabin, H., Kirk, M.D., Angulo, F.J.,
acknowledge the PLOS for permission to Havelaar, A. & de Silva, N. 2015. World
incorporate this material into this report. Health Organization estimates of the
In addition to the series of published global and regional disease burden of 11
papers, the estimates of foodborne foodborne parasitic diseases, 2010:
disease burden have been made available a data synthesis. PLOS Medicine,
as an on-line tool which will be accessible DOI:10.1371/journal pmed.1001920
via the WHO FERG web page.2
Gibb, H., Devleesschauwer, B., Bellinger,
Havelaar, A.H., Kirk, M.D., Torgerson, D., Bolger, P.M., Zeilmaker, M., Barchowsky,
P.R., Gibb, H.J., Hald, T., Lake, R.J., A., Oberoi, S., Wu, F., Ezendam, J., Zang,
Praet, N., Angulo, F.J., Bellinger, D.C., de J., Carrington, C., Cliff, J., Verger, P., Pitt,
Silva, N.R., Gargouri, N., Speybroeck, J., Adegoke, G., Afshari, R., Baines, J.,
N., Cawthorne, A., Mathers, C., Stein, Bokkers, B., Mengelers, M., van Loveren,
C., Devleesschauwer, B. on behalf H., Rainis, H., O’Leary, K. & Liu, Y. 2015.
of the World Health Organization World Health Organization estimates of
Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology the global and regional disease burden
Reference Group. 2015. World Health of four foodborne chemicals and toxins,
Organization global estimates and 2010: a data synthesis. F1000 Research.
regional comparisons of the burden of
foodborne disease, 2010. PLOS Medicine, Hald, T., Aspinall, W., Devleesschauwer,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001923 B., Cooke, R., Corrigan, T., Havelaar, A.,
Gibb, H., Torgerson, P., Kirk, M., Angulo,
Kirk, M.D., Pires, S.M., Black, R.E., Caipo, F.J., Lake, R., Speybroeck, N. & Hoffmann,
M., Crump, J.A., Devleesschauwer, B., S. 2015. World Health Organization
Döpfer, D., Fazil, A., Fischer-Walker, estimates of the relative contributions
C.L., Hald, T., Hall, A.J., Keddy, K.H., of food to the burden of disease due to
Lake, R., Lanata, C.F., Torgerson, P.R., selected foodborne hazards: a structured
Havelaar, A.H. & Angulo, F.J. 2015. World expert elicitation. PLOS ONE. in press.
All estimates of burden of foodborne disease were
reviewed by relevant WHO focal points before
Devleesschauwer, B., Haagsma, J.A.,
submission. In particular, each paper was reviewed Bellinger, D., Cole, D., Döpfer, D., Fazil,
by the Mortality and Burden of Disease Unit, Health A., Fèvre, E., Lake, R., Maertens de
Statistics and Information Systems Department,
Health System and Innovation Cluster (Coordinator:
Noordhout, C., McDonald, S.A., Pires, S.M.,
Dr Colin Mathers) and cleared as required through Speybroeck, N., Thomas, K., Torgerson,
Food Safety and Zoonoses Department located in P.R., Wu, F., Havelaar, A.H. & Praet, N.
Health Security Cluster at WHO Headquarters.
2015. Methodological framework for
foodborne-diseases/ferg/en/ accessed 3 World Health Organization estimates of
November 2015 the global burden of foodborne disease.
Hazard-specific methodology

PLOS ONE, vol 10, iss 12 DOI: 10.1371/ f Likely magnitude of foodborne
journal.pone.0142498 component of burden of disease.
Lake, R., Devleesschauwer, B., Nasinyama, Each of the three papers from the
G., Havelaar, A.H., Kuchenmüller, T., hazard-based TFs (EDTF, PDTF and
Haagsma, J.A., Jensen, H., Jessani, N., CTTF) includes supplementary material
Maertens de Noordhout, C., Angulo, F.J., discussing the sources and methodology
Ehiri, J., Molla, L., Agaba, F., Aungkulanon, for the parameters used to estimate:
S., Kumagai, Y. & Speybroeck, N. 2015. incidence, clinical outcomes, duration,
National studies as a component of the DW, mortality, age and sex distribution.
World Health Organization initiative to The full details have been combined
estimate the global and regional burden in Appendix 4. The material below
of foodborne disease. PLOS ONE, vol 10, explains the rationale for the sources
iss 12, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140319 and methods.
Burden of foodborne disease estimates
4.1  Hazard Selection were prepared for the 40 foodborne
hazards causing 41 diseases shown in
At the first meeting after the

Figure 2.
establishment of FERG, each hazard-
based TF compiled a comprehensive The following methodology section
universal list of foodborne hazards that describes the inputs and processes used
could be addressed (see Appendix 3). to generate DALY estimates. This material
Pragmatic decisions were then made is broadly structured as follows:
about specific hazards for further work, f estimation of incidence (or population
based on the knowledge of TF members attributable fraction);
and applying the following criteria: f health states and disability weights;
f Availability of data to estimate f attribution of foodborne

incidence; and transmission; and

f computation.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Figure 2. Hazards for which burden of foodborne disease estimates were prepared by FERG,
grouped according to TF. Hazards in grey boxes were addressed by individual TFs but were not
included in the global overview. Hazards in blue boxes are pending.


Ascaris spp. Aflatoxin Brucella spp. Bacillus cereus1
Echinococcus multilocularis Arsenic Clostridium botulinum Campylobacter spp.2
Echinococcus granulosus Cadmium Hepatitis A virus Cryptosporidium spp
Clonorchis sinensis Cassava cyanide Listeria spp. Clostridium perfringens1
Fasciola spp. Dioxin Mycobacterium bovis Entamoeba histolytica
Salmonella enterica (invasive Enteropathogenic E. coli
Intestinal flukes4 Lead
infections) non-typhoidal (EPEC)
Salmonella enterica
Opisthorchis spp. Methyl mercury Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
Paratyphi A
Paragonimus spp. Peanut allergens5 Salmonella enterica Typhi Giardia spp.
Taenia solium Norovirus
Salmonella enterica
Toxoplasma gondii6 (non-invasive infections)
Trichinella spp. Shigella spp.
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
Staphylococcus aureus1
Vibrio cholerae

Note that salmonellosis and invasive salmonellosis are counted as a single hazard causing two diseases.

Notes: (1) 61 EUR and other subregion A (low mortality) countries only. (2) Includes Guillain-Barré Syndrome cases and deaths.
(3) 61 EUR and other subregion A (low mortality) countries only, excluding WPR countries. (4) Includes selected species of the
families Echinostomatidae, Fasciolidae, Gymnophallidae, Heterophyidae, Nanophyetidae, Neodiplostomidae and Plagiorchiidae
(depending on data availability). (5) Only the burden for AMR A, EUR A and WPR A was assessed. (6) Separate estimates for
congenital and acquired toxoplasmosis.

4.2  Enteric Hazards for global estimation and they were

infrequent causes of foodborne disease.
The overall aim of the EDTF was to
provide estimates of disease incidence During the course of the project, it was
and mortality (by age, sex and country or identified that burden estimates for
region) for diarrhoeal and other illnesses three parasitic hazards (Giardia spp.,
Cryptosporidium spp. and Entamoeba
due to bacteria and viruses, by all causes
histolytica) should be included with
and by selected aetiological agents, and
the hazards addressed by EDTF, given
including sequelae. Despite its name, the
that that the primary disease caused by
EDTF was not exclusively concerned with these organisms was diarrhoea, and the
hazards causing enteric disease. approach taken to estimate the burden of
The initial list of hazards considered by these hazards was applicable.
EDTF is given in Appendix 3. From this As shown in Figure 2, there were 21
list, entero-aggerative Escherichia coli, hazards causing 22 diseases for which
Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus final burden estimates were prepared by
and Yersinia spp. were excluded on the EDTF. Of these diseases, four are distinct
basis that there were insufficient data manifestations of Salmonella enterica
Hazard-specific methodology

infection: invasive infections due to For this approach, the WHO Child
S. enterica serotype Typhi Health Epidemiology Reference Group
(S. Typhi); invasive infections due to (CHERG) method was modified to
S. serotype Paratyphi A (S. Paratyphi A); estimate diarrhoeal incidence and
invasive infections due to non-typhoidal mortality for all age groups [50]. First,
S. enterica (iNTS); and diarrhoeal disease the overall incidence of diarrhoea from all
due to non-typhoidal S. enterica. causes (i.e. the “envelope” of diarrhoeal
incidence) was estimated for 2010
Diarrhoea is a dominant feature for
by combining estimates of diarrhoeal
14 of these diseases – ten caused by
incidence for children <5 years of age
bacteria, three by protozoa, and one
and persons *5 years of age [51, 52].
by a virus. One or more extra-intestinal
The overall diarrhoeal mortality (i.e. the
manifestations, including bacteraemia,
envelope for diarrhoeal deaths) derived
hepatitis and meningitis, are the
by WHO for 2010 was used.3
dominant feature for the other eight
An aetiological proportion for each
diseases – seven caused by bacteria and
disease by region was derived from
one caused by a virus.
systematic reviews of stool sample

isolation or detection proportions from
4.2.1  Estimating cases, sequelae and
inpatient, outpatient and community-
deaths for diarrhoeal diseases
based studies of persons with diarrhoea.
For diarrhoeal diseases caused by Following the CHERG standard approach,
Campylobacter spp., Cryptosporidium developed because there is limited
spp., Entamoeba histolytica, ETEC, information on pathogens among
EPEC, Giardia spp., norovirus, non- people who have died, it was assumed
typhoidal Salmonella spp. and Shigella that the distribution of pathogens
spp., because national estimates of observed among inpatients hospitalized
foodborne diseases were only available with severe diarrhoea represented the
from a limited number of countries, two pathogen prevalence among diarrhoeal
approaches were used depending on the deaths [50]. To derive aetiological
level of development of the country. The proportions for children <5 years of age,
approaches have been described by a it was assumed that the distribution of
key accompanying publication [40]. pathogens in outpatient and community
The first approach, based on national studies represented the pathogen
estimates of the incidence of foodborne prevalence among diarrhoeal episodes
diseases, was applied to the 61 countries for those who did not die. The same
in low-mortality (EUR and other assumption was made for persons
subregion A) countries [41– 49]. For *5 years of age but due to sparseness of
countries with national estimates of data, inpatient studies were also included.
incidence and mortality, these data For some pathogens it was assumed
were used. The median and associated that different aetiological agents, such
uncertainty intervals for diarrhoeal as Shigella spp., NTS and Campylobacter
diseases for the subregion were used spp. had similar clinical profiles.
to estimate incidence and mortality of Initial estimates for the 61 countries in
diarrhoeal diseases for other countries low-mortality (EUR and other subregion
within these subregions without national A) countries had been prepared
data [40]. using this second “CHERG approach”.
The second approach was applied to However, it was recognized that for
the remaining 133 countries worldwide. 3 Accessed 6 June 2014
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

these developed countries this would caused by these pathogens in these

overestimate incidence of diseases, in countries. The median CFR from national
comparison with published estimates studies was 0.003% for C. perfringens
from the national studies available. and 0.0025% for S. aureus; there were no
Estimates for cholera were based on B. cereus deaths.
the incidence among populations at It was considered that 31% of Guillain-
risk for cholera in endemic and non- Barré Syndrome (GBS) cases globally
endemic countries [53]. The case fatality were associated with antecedent
ratio (CFR) for cholera was 1% in WPR Campylobacter infection and that the
subregion B; 1% in SEAR B (except CFR for GBS was 4.1% [55, 56].
1.5% in Bangladesh); 1.3% in EMR B; 3%
Assignment of aetiology of diarrhoeal
in SEAR D; 3.2% in EMR D; and 3.8%
diseases when using the CHERG
in AFR [53]. For all other countries, it
approach for middle- and high mortality
was assumed cholera occurred only
countries was refined by adding in an
among international travellers and did
not result in deaths. In this instance, the aetiological proportion for pathogens not
median incidence from non-endemic associated with foodborne transmission
countries with available data for cholera (rotavirus, astrovirus, coronavirus)
was applied. and for unspecified diarrhoeal agents
(pathogens that are possibly foodborne
Shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC) but with insufficient data for estimation,
infection incidence and mortality were and unknown agents not yet discovered).
based on a systematic review [54].
Sequelae, more common with O157 In our study, norovirus resulted in the
infections, were haemolytic uraemic largest number of cases of foodborne
syndrome (HUS) and end-stage renal diseases and overall burden, highlighting
disease (ESRD). Based on review, it was the global importance of this agent.
estimated 0.8% of O157 infections and However, the disease model we used
0.03% of infections caused by other in the 135 middle- and high-mortality
serotypes result in HUS, and 3% of HUS counties included only norovirus
cases result in ESRD. It was further infections that resulted in a diarrhoeal
estimated that the CFR for HUS was illness. If we also included estimates
3.7%; for ESRD the CFR was 20% in the for norovirus infections that resulted in
35 subregion A countries; and 100% in vomiting without diarrhoea, there would
other countries. be an estimated additional 163 million
norovirus cases in these countries [57].
For the incidence and mortality of
foodborne intoxications caused by 4.2.2  Estimating cases and
Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens sequelae of, and deaths due to,
and Staphylococcus aureus, data from extra-intestinal diseases
national studies conducted in low-
For diseases caused by hepatitis A virus,
mortality countries were used. The
Brucella spp., Listeria monocytogenes,
median incidence from national studies
Mycobacterium bovis, iNTS, S. Paratyphi
was applied to the 61 countries in EUR
A and S. Typhi, a variety of approaches
and other subregion A countries. The
were used, depending on availability
burden due to these three foodborne
of data.
intoxications in high- and middle-
mortality countries was not estimated Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation
due to the absence of data on diseases (IHME) Global Burden of Disease 2010
Hazard-specific methodology

(GDB2010) data were used to estimate region except those free from M. bovis
the burden of disease for typhoid, in cattle were assumed to have the same
paratyphoid and hepatitis A [58]. proportion of human TB infections due
IHME provided country-specific, age- to M. bovis. To account for internationally
standardized prevalence data for typhoid acquired infections, all countries free
and paratyphoid fever. These data were of M. bovis in cattle were assigned the
converted to incidence by dividing by lowest observed proportion of human
duration, and partitioned into typhoid TB infections due to M. bovis (0.3%).
and paratyphoid assuming a 1.0 to 0.23 To derive estimates of human M. bovis
ratio [59]. Country-specific hepatitis A incidence, WHO country-specific human
mortality data, stratified by age and sex, TB incidences were multiplied by the
were converted to incidence assuming a estimate of the proportion of human
CFR of 0.2%. TB infections that were due to M. bovis
Rates of iNTS are highly correlated with [65]. To estimate mortality associated
HIV prevalence and malaria risk [60]. To with M. bovis that accounted for HIV
estimate iNTS incidence globally, age- co-morbidity estimates were used of
mortality due to human TB in HIV-

specific estimates of incidence from a

systematic review [60] were used to negative persons (WHO data). Mortality
construct a random effect log linear data were adjusted by assuming that the
model using covariates of country- CFR for M. bovis was 20% lower than
specific HIV and malaria deaths, and human TB, as M. bovis infections are
the log of Gross Domestic Product. As more likely to be extrapulmonary [66].
data were sparse, incidence for all ages To estimate the incidence and mortality
was predicted, which was converted to for brucellosis a systematic review was
age-specific incidence based on age updated and included additional data
profiles for iNTS cases in low and high on 32 countries that were considered
incidence settings [60]. From this, iNTS Brucella-free in livestock (free of B.
incidence was predicted among persons abortus in cattle and B. melitensis
not infected with HIV [61, 62]. To estimate in sheep and goats) [67]. Incidence
deaths, it was assumed that the CFR data were imputed to countries
for iNTS in non-HIV infected individuals without estimates using a Bayesian
was a uniform distribution with a range log-normal random effects model,
5– 20% in sub-region B-E countries except for countries that were Brucella-
and range 3.9– 6.6% in sub-region A free in livestock [68]. To account for
countries [63]. internationally acquired infections, all
Estimates for M. bovis infections were countries that were Brucella-free in
based on a systematic review where livestock were assigned the median
the proportion of human tuberculosis incidence of human brucellosis reported
(TB) infections due to M. bovis ranged from these countries. The CFR for
from 0.3% in AMR to 2.8% in AFR [64]. brucellosis was 0.5%, and 40% of cases
Fifty-one countries were identified that resulted in chronic infections, and 10% of
were free from M. bovis in cattle, based cases in males resulted in orchitis [69].
on European Union certification and The incidence and mortality for listeriosis
the World Animal Health Information were estimated using a systematic
System (WAHIS) of World Organization review that is described elsewhere [70].
for Animal Health.4 All countries in a In accordance with standard burden of
OIE – disease practice, stillbirths were excluded
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

in our baseline burden estimates. The the other intestinal protozoa, as citation
CFR was 14.9% for perinatal cases and frequency had remained constant over
25.9% for other cases. the same period.
Incidence and mortality data for botulism Foodborne trematodes of high priority
were only available from countries were Fasciola spp., Clonorchis spp.,
in Europe and North America. The Opisthorchis spp., Paragonimus spp.
estimation was limited to the 55 countries and intestinal trematodes such as
in EUR and AMR subregion A, which was Fasciolopsis buski, Heterophyes spp. and
based on the median incidence derived Metagonimus spp. Three cestode species
from countries with national estimates were considered important: Echinococcus
of botulism. It was estimated that 35% of granulosus, E. multilocularis and Taenia
botulism cases were severe and that the solium. The cestode Taenia saginata
CFR of severe botulism was 15%. was considered likely to have a very
low burden for human health because
of the lack of serious sequelae resulting
4.3  Parasitic Hazards from intestinal taeniosis, and hence was
At the first formal meeting of FERG, excluded from the priority list. Foodborne
the PDTF initially reviewed all parasitic Chagas disease was also considered for
diseases that could be potentially possible inclusion at the second FERG
transmitted by food (Appendix 3) with meeting, but resources were not available
14 parasitic diseases selected as high to commission work on the foodborne
priority. The selection criteria of these transmission of a primarily vector-borne
14 diseases was based on: proportion of disease. Finally the nematode species
foodborne transmission; severity of illness believed to have high impact were
and/or sequelae; frequency of illness Anisakidae, Ascaris spp. and Trichinella
and/or sequelae causes; global relevance; spp. Disease caused by the Anisakidae
particular regional relevance; propensity was later considered to be an uncommon
to cause outbreaks; and availability foodborne disease and was subsequently
of existing evidence to derive burden removed from the priority list.
estimates (see meeting reports from The incidence of each of the parasitic
FERG 1 and 2). diseases was estimated where possible.
Three intestinal protozoa genera – For cysticercosis, the burden was
Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba and Giardia estimated from a proportion of the
– were considered a priority, as they prevalent epilepsy cases, i.e. the number
were likely to result in a high disease of actual cases of disease, as further
burden, and the frequency of citations detailed below. Those incident cases with
for these parasites had been markedly sequelae (or diseased individuals) were
increasing between 1990 and 2008. For assigned years of life lost (YLLs) if fatal,
methodological reasons, the burden of or years lived with disability (YLDs) with
the three priority intestinal protozoa that a DW that depended on the severity of
cause diarrhoeal disease was estimated the disease. For some diseases, such
by the EDTF as described above. as toxoplasmosis, many of the incident
cases do not have sequelae (i.e. they are
Toxoplasma gondii was also considered
sub clinical). Such cases were given a DW
to be of high priority because of the
of zero.
potential serious sequelae. Cyclospora
was also initially considered, but a Systematic reviews were undertaken to
decision was made to target resources to estimate the incidence, sequelae and
Hazard-specific methodology

mortality due to these diseases [71– 77]. between age of T and T+1 can be used to
Where possible, public health records estimate incidence.
describing numbers of cases presenting
Incidence estimates and clinical sequelae,
for treatment were reviewed. These data
for diseases caused by foodborne
were only available for some diseases
trematodes, were mainly based on the
in some countries. In others surveillance
results of two review articles [77, 78].
data were used (for example laboratory
Incidence rates for countries without
data on sero-conversion rates in
reported national prevalence were
the population).
imputed, but only where there were
For congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) reports of at least one autochthonous
a systematic search of nine major human infection, by using a hierarchical
databases for published and unpublished random-effects model and incidence
sources was conducted, alongside direct information from other countries as input
contact with the authors of source data [79]. In highly endemic zones, adult
materials. Searches were country specific. subjects either maintain the parasites
To be included, studies had to report acquired when young or can be newly

on the incidence of CT, on positivity infected as the consequence of inhabiting

to Toxoplasma-specific IgM in infants a zone of high infection risk. This
and pregnant women (including sero- suggests that, in those areas, the majority
conversion results) or on positivity to of infected adults should be chronically
Toxoplasma-specific IgG in the general infected. However, acute lesions by
population. Various modelling techniques repetitive infections are frequently
were used, depending on the country- superimposed on chronic disease [80].
specific data available, to estimate the Therefore, it is reasonable to assume
CT incidence and burden in each country. that such overlapping series of repeat
Reports of children born with CT, IgM infections result in life-long sequelae.
serology of infants and pregnant women, Thus the incidence of trematode infection
and age-stratified sero-prevalence in was estimated from the numbers of new
women and the general population, cases in each age cohort.
combined with fertility rates of specific
age groups, were used to directly To estimate the incidence of alveolar
estimate the incidence of CT, or the data echinococcosis (AE), due to infection
was used to input into models that were with the larval stage of Echinococcus
able to generate CT incidences from IgM- multilocularis, literature searches were
sero-positive rates in children or pregnant undertaken in any relevant databases
women, or from the IgG-sero conversion that could be accessed. These data
rates in women, combined with age- sources were synthesized to obtain
specific fertility rates. These data were estimates of the incidences of AE in
then synthesized into an estimate of the countries where E. multilocularis was
global incidence of CT and of the global known to be endemic. Further details of
burden of CT in disability-adjusted life the strategy to obtain the data, together
years (DALYs). Further details of the with the methodology to estimate
methodology, inclusion criteria, PRISMA incidences from the data, are described
statement and the modelling techniques in the report from FERG 2. For cystic
used are given in [76]. Data on sero- echinococcosis (CE), due to infection
prevalence were also used to estimate with the larval stage of E. granulosus, the
the incidence of acquired toxoplasmosis. results of a systematic review [73] and
Thus changes in sero-prevalence other databases were used.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

T. solium neurocysticercosis (NCC) is outbreak reports were analysed. Searches

known to cause epilepsy and other of six international databases yielded
neurological sequelae [73]. A meta- 494 reports, of which 261 were selected
analysis revealed that brain lesions due to for data extraction after applying strict
NCC are present in approximately 29.0% relevance and reliability criteria. From
(95% UI 22.9%– 35.5%) of people with 1986 to 2009, there were 65 818 cases
epilepsy in populations living in reported from 41 countries, with
T. solium endemic areas in settings with 42 deaths. The apparent annual
poor sanitation and pig management incidence of and mortality caused by
practices, and where pork is consumed trichinellosis was calculated by dividing
[74]. Consequently, the incidence, the average number of cases and deaths
prevalence, mortality and burden of in this 24-year period by the 1997 mid-
disease due to epilepsy (including both year population. Due to the important
idiopathic and secondary) used in the variability in reporting of the disease,
Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 the apparent incidence and mortality
(GBD2010) [58, 81– 83] were used rates per billion persons per year were
to estimate the burden of epilepsy- adjusted to account for under-reporting
associated NCC. of the cases due to under-ascertainment,
Once the population at risk was known, medical misclassification, and/or absence
29% of the burden of epilepsy from of effective surveillance systems. The
GBD2010 was applied to that population data analysis focused on incidence, age
to estimate the burden of epilepsy and sex of patients, major clinical aspects
attributable to NCC. Although NCC including sequelae, and meat sources
can show many other neurological of infection. Full details of the search
and psychiatric symptoms [81], in the criteria, data sources and analysis are
absence of available consistent data on described in [71]. The global burden of
these other sequelae, only the burden of trichinellosis was subsequently estimated,
NCC-associated epilepsy was estimated which is described elsewhere [84], where
in this study. full details of the methodology are given.

In the case of NCC, prevalence-based Of the 12 PDTF hazards (including

YLDs were used. However, in the congenital and acquired Toxoplasma
absence of evidence of strong temporal gondii as separate entities), two hazards
trends in incidence, this is a reasonable did not need imputation. For epilepsy
approximation for incidence-based YLDs. due to Taenia solium, we applied the
GBD2010 burden envelopes [81]. For
Data on the global prevalence of human trichinellosis, the regional estimates
ascariosis, stratified by age, gender and generated by Devleesschauwer et al.
country, were provided by the Institute [84] were applied. For the 10 remaining
for Health Metrics and Evaluation hazards, the total number of countries
(IHME). Based on these data and using with missing data ranged from 5 to 90
the life expectancy of the parasite (out of 194 countries included). Among
(approximately 1 year), the equivalent
the 194 countries included, the number of
incident cases were estimated from the
hazards for which no data were available
prevalence data. The sequelae proposed
ranged from 0 to 6 (out of 10 hazards).
in GBD2010 [82], were used in this study.
For the five most populous countries in
To assess the global incidence and the world, the number of hazards with no
clinical effects of human trichinellosis, data were 0 (China), 6 (India), 3 (United
Hazard-specific methodology

States of America), 2 (Indonesia) and insects. Appropriate processing before

3 (Brazil). consumption can reduce cyanogenic
glucoside content of cassava. High
dietary cyanide exposure occurs when
4.4  Chemicals and toxins
high-cyanogenic cassava and insufficient
At its first meeting, the CTTF identified processing combine, usually in a context
groups of chemicals and toxins that of food shortage. Cyanide in cassava is
are of highest priority in estimating associated with acute cyanide poisoning
the burden of foodborne disease and several diseases, including konzo
(Appendix 3). The hazards were [86]. Worldwide reports exist of acute
ranked on: (1) the severity of potential poisoning from cyanide in cassava [86],
health effects; (2) the prevalence of but the data are inadequate to make
exposure; and (3) the availability of burden estimates. The data are sufficient,
data to make burden estimates. After however, to make burden estimates of
considerable discussion, the final list konzo. Konzo is an irreversible spastic
of chemicals and toxins for which the paraparesis of sudden onset, associated
CTTF believed that burdens could be with the consumption of bitter cassava

estimated were aflatoxin5, cyanide in [87, 88] and a low protein intake [89].
cassava, peanut allergen, dioxin and It is a disease of extreme poverty.
dioxin-like compounds6, methylmercury, Konzo mostly occurs in epidemics, but
lead, arsenic and cadmium. Only the sporadic cases are also reported. The
results for aflatoxin, cyanide in cassava, case definition includes the following
peanut allergen, and dioxin are presented criteria: (1) a visible, symmetrically spastic
here. The results for the metals will be abnormality of gait while walking and/
provided in a subsequent publication. or running; (2) a history of abrupt onset
For each of the four chemicals, a (less than one week), followed by a non-
systematic literature review was progressive course in a formerly healthy
conducted. It was concluded that burden person; and (3) bilaterally exaggerated
estimates could be developed for: knee and/or ankle jerks without signs of
(1) cyanide in cassava, and associated disease in the spine [89, 90].
konzo syndrome; (2) peanut (Arachis Because konzo mostly affects remote
hypogaea) allergy; (3) aflatoxin and rural areas where health infrastructure is
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); poor or non-existent, many cases remain
(4) dioxin and hypothyroidy; and undiagnosed or unreported, so the true
(5) dioxin and decrease in sperm count. burden of disease remains unknown. No
cases have been reported from urban
4.4.1 Cyanide in cassava areas. A total of 2376 konzo cases have
Cassava is an important staple for over been reported in 5 countries in Africa
800 million people in approximately (Cameroon, Central African Republic,
80 countries, mostly in sub-Saharan Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),
Africa but also in Asia, the Pacific, Mozambique, and United Republic of
and South America [85]. Cassava Tanzania) [86], corresponding to 149
tubers contain a varying quantity of cases per year for 122 million people.
cyanogenic glucosides, which protect Dividing the average annual number
the root against attack by animals and of cases for each country by the
The term, "aflatoxin," refers to all aflatoxins. corresponding country population
The term, “dioxin,” refers to dioxins and dioxin- produces an observed incidence ranging
like PCBs. from 0.043 to 0.179 per 100 000. The
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

degree of underestimation is difficult onset, with a most likely value of three

to determine as konzo occurs in rural years after onset, following Banea et al.
areas, often under conditions of war, and [94] and Tylleskar et al. [96].
the disease is not notifiable. The only There is no DW specifically for konzo.
reported calculation of underestimation WHO defined three severity levels for
was that of Tylleskar [91] in the DRC in konzo: (1) Mild = able to walk without
1994, when he estimated that at least support; (2) Moderate = uses one or two
twice as many cases may have occurred sticks or crutches to walk; and (3) Severe
as those reported. The underestimation in = not able to walk [89]. The GBD2010
the DRC is likely to be much greater more DWs for mild, moderate, and severe
recently, due to war and displacement. motor impairment are 0.012, 0.076 and
It was therefore decided to account for 0.377, respectively [82]. The distribution
the uncertainty in the underreporting of konzo severity among 753 patients
by applying an expansion factor ranging from nine different studies were mild
uniformly from 1 to 10 to the observed (63%), moderate (27%) and severe (10%)
cases. The mean annual incidence rate [91, 93, 94, 96– 101]. This distribution and
was therefore estimated as 0.9/100 000 the DWs described above were used
(0.04 to 1.8/100 000). This estimate of to assign a disability weight of 0.065
the burden of konzo is restricted to the to konzo.
5 African countries described above, and
Angola. The decision to include Angola is 4.4.2  Peanut allergen
based on a report to the World Congress Prevalence data on peanut [Arachis
on Neurology suggesting that cases have hypogaea] allergy were used to make
occurred in that country [92]. Although estimates of incidence, since allergy
cassava consumption occurs in tropical occurs early in life (<5 years) and is
areas throughout the world, the term believed to be lifelong [102– 106]. All
konzo has only been used to describe peanut allergy cases are assumed to be
cases in Africa. The incidence of konzo in the result of eating peanuts or peanut
other countries in Africa and other parts products. In western countries, the
of the world is assumed to be zero. prevalence of clinical peanut allergy in
The age of onset and gender distribution children is 0 to 1.8% of the population
of these cases was assumed to be that [102], corresponding to incidence rates
observed by Tylleskar [90]. The konzo of 0 to 22.6 per 100 000. Limited data
case-fatality ratio is approximately 21% exist on the mortality rate of peanut-
based on four studies [90, 93– 95]. The induced anaphylaxis, but the majority
of studies found similar rates, ranging
age and gender distribution of fatal
from 0 to 0.006 deaths per 100 000
cases was assumed to be that of Tshala-
person-years [102]. Incidence was
Katumbay [93].
estimated only for the A level (high
The onset of paraparesis in konzo is income) subregions; too few data exist
abrupt, usually within minutes or hours, to make estimates for other subregions
with occasional progression during [102]. Several studies have reported that
the first days of the illness. After that 63– 66% of cases are male [102], but
time, the paraparesis is non-progressive given the uncertainty in this number,
and permanent. As a result, duration is the gender distribution was assumed
defined as lifelong for non-fatal cases. to be equal for the burden of disease
For fatal cases, it was assumed that calculations. No DW exists for peanut
death occurred one to seven years after allergy. Mullins et al. [103] reported that
Hazard-specific methodology

52% of cases referred to a specialist derived [111] and global populations, the
allergy medical practice in Australia population attributable fractions (PAFs)
suffered from mild symptoms (skin and by country were estimated, and applied
subcutaneous tissue involvement only), to HCC incidence and mortality based on
42% from moderate symptoms (features information from WHO [112, 113].
suggestive of respiratory, cardiovascular A Bayesian log-normal random effects
or gastrointestinal involvement), and model [79] was used to extrapolate
6% from severe symptoms (cyanosis, available PAFs to countries without
hypotension, confusion, collapse, loss of data. Age-specific incidence estimates
consciousness, incontinence). were derived from a study in China
The DW for peanut allergy was assigned comparing age-specific incidence of
as a weighted average accounting for HCC in Qidong, a city in China with high
this severity distribution. GBD2010 aflatoxin exposure, and Beijing, a city
DWs [82] for the health states defined with low aflatoxin exposure [114]. The
in the category “Asthma: controlled” YLD and YLL envelopes for HCC available
(DW=0.009) are considered applicable from WHO were multiplied by the
for mild and moderate cases (94%), and proportion of the burden due to aflatoxin.

“Generic uncomplicated disease: anxiety Thus no DW was directly involved in
about the diagnosis” (DW=0.054) for the calculation.
severe cases (6%), because anxiety
is known to affect Quality of Life in 4.4.4  Dioxin
food allergic patients [107], leading to Dioxins are mainly by-products of
a severity-weighted DW of 0.012 for industrial processes, but can also
clinically relevant peanut allergy. Unlike result from natural phenomena, such
other childhood allergies, such as cow’s as volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
milk and egg allergy, peanut allergy rarely More than 90% of human exposure is
resolves [108, 109]. through food, mainly meat and dairy
products, fish and shellfish [115]. Due
4.4.3  Aflatoxin to the bio-accumulating and lipophilic
Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites characteristics of dioxins, daily dietary
of the fungi Aspergillus flavus and A. exposure leads to accumulation of these
parasiticus, and less frequently other compounds in human body fat. In adults
Aspergillus species such as A. nomius this accumulation is thought to reach
[110]. These species are prevalent in a constant level (i.e. a steady state).
food crops – particularly maize, peanuts Consequently, the dioxin body burden,
(groundnuts), oilseeds and tree nuts rather than the daily exposure, is taken as
– in tropical and subtropical regions the dose metric for chronic toxicity risk
worldwide [110]. It is believed that all and the assessment of dioxins [116– 121].
aflatoxin exposure results from food In this context the dioxin concentration
consumption. A multiplicative model in breast milk fat directly reflects the
concentration in body fat [121– 124].
was assumed for the effects of aflatoxin
exposure and hepatitis B virus (HBV) Many national authorities have
infection on hepatocellular carcinoma. programmes in place to monitor dioxin
Aflatoxin exposure by country is that in the food supply and breast milk
described by Liu and Wu [110]. To [124– 126]. Dioxin-induced pre-natal and
account for differences in background post-natal hypothyroidy and pre-natally
rates between the study population from induced reduced sperm production have
which the cancer potency factor was been found to be the most sensitive
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

non-cancer toxic endpoints for dioxins. the reduction in cauda epididymis

Estimates for dioxin-induced pre-natal sperm count in male offspring [136]. The
and post-natal hypothyroidy and reduced resulting dose response data were used
fertility due to disturbed sperm formation to calculate a BMD lower confidence
were based on an exposure assessment, limit (BMDL) and upper confidence
toxicity assessment and the comparison limit (BMDU) dioxin body burden for
of both assessments [127, 128]. The various levels of reduction in sperm
exposure assessment is based on breast count. A WHO reference cut-off value
milk concentrations of dioxin from for impaired fertility of 20 ×106 sperm
50 countries [129]. The toxicity cells/mL was used to link toxicity (sperm
assessment utilizes the benchmark count reduction) to a disease status
dose (BMD) approach [130– 132] in (impaired fertility) (i.e. the calculation of
which the dose response of post- the probability of a male being born with
natal total thyroxine (TT; decrease of dioxin-impaired fertility) [137].
TT4 in adult blood), pre-natal thyroid
A BMD analysis of a National Toxicology
stimulating hormone (TSH; increase
Program (NTP) two-year feeding study in
in TSH in neonatal blood), and sperm
rats was used to make estimates of dioxin-
production (reduced concentration of
induced thyroid toxicity. The NTP study
sperm cells) is analysed. The toxicity and
administered 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-
exposure assessments are compared
p-dioxin (TCDD) [138] and 2,3,4,7,8–
to derive the transgression of a dioxin-
pentachlorodibenzofuran [139] for periods
induced decrease in TT4, decrease
of 14, 31 and 53 weeks. The concentrations
in sperm cell count and increase in
were converted to Toxic Equivalent
TSH across a physiological threshold
Quotients [140] to enable a combined
indicating a disease status (i.e. incidence
analysis of both congeners. BMDL and
of hypothyroidy or impaired fertility).
BMDU body burdens for reduction in TT4
Additional details of these assessments
were calculated for each of the exposure
may be found in Zeilmaker et al. [133].
periods. A distribution of TT4 in human
The BMD analysis was performed on
blood has been reported by Aoki et al.
studies that served as the starting point
[135]. The 5th percentile of this distribution
for the derivation of a Tolerable Weekly
(65 nmol/L) was used as the cut-off for
Intake (TWI) [117– 120] or Reference Dose
overt clinical hypothyroidism in adults.
for dioxin (RfD) [121].
The results of the BMD analyses and
In a study of a mother-child cohort,
the breast milk concentrations for
Baccarelli et al. determined the
50 countries were compared, taking
relationship between maternal plasma
account of possible differences between
dioxin concentration and TSH level [134].
experimental animals and humans and
A BMD analysis of these data resulted in
among individual humans [127, 128].
a population distribution of the maternal
This comparison provided country-
body burden of dioxin corresponding
specific estimates of the incidence of
to an increased TSH level of 5 ųU/mL
dioxin induced pre-natal and post-natal
in offspring, a level not to be exceeded
hypothyroidy and impaired fertility.
in 3% of newborns in iodine-replete
The estimates were extrapolated to
populations [135].
other countries for which no breast
Following administration of an acute oral milk concentrations were available,
dose to pregnant Long Evans rats on by means of Bayesian random effects
day 15 of gestation, Gray et al. measured modelling [79].
Hazard-specific methodology

4.5  Outcomes and [4]. For dioxin-induced hypothyroidy,

disability weights the GBD2013 DW for hypothyroidy was
adopted, as this health state was not
DALYs incorporate the severity of health included in the GBD2010 DW study [142].
states through the DW, reflecting the
corresponding relative reduction in Several FBDs present with unique clinical
healthy life on a scale from zero to one. signs, for which no DWs have been
Table 1 lists the DWs used for the health derived. Acute trichinellosis, for instance,
states associated with each hazard. typically presents with myalgia and facial
Further details are given in Appendix 5 oedema, for which no specific DWs are
– Structuring of the health states into available [84]. When DWs were missing,
disease models for computation, and proxy health states were selected by a
Appendix 6 – Sources and derivation medical expert and DW expert in the CTF
of DWs. and confirmed by disease experts in the
hazard-specific TFs.
DWs for several health states have In other instances, DWs were available
been derived for the GBD studies and for severity levels that were not explicitly
for various national burden of disease

considered in the disease models.

studies [141]. To ensure comparability, the For diarrhoea, for instance, DWs were
CTF adopted the DWs that were used available for mild, moderate and severe
for WHO’s Global Health Estimates [4]. diarrhoea, although the disease models
These DWs were based on those derived only included diarrhoea as such. In those
for the GBD 2010 study [82], but with an cases, weighted averages were calculated
alternative value for primary infertility (i.e. based on published reviews of severity
0.056 instead of 0.011). The latter revision distributions, avoiding an over- or under-
was motiviated by an analysis showing estimation of YLDs that would occur if
that the GBD 2010 weights undervalued only one DW would have been selected.
the health states associated with fertility
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Table 1. FERG hazards, causally related health states and corresponding disability weights (DWs).
Details on the derivation of the DWs are provided in Appendix 4.


Norovirus Diarrhoeal disease 0.074
Campylobacter spp. Diarrhoeal disease 0.101
Guillain-Barré syndrome 0.445
Enteropathogenic E. coli Diarrhoeal disease 0.074
Enterotoxigenic E. coli Diarrhoeal disease 0.074
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli Diarrhoeal disease 0.091
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome 0.210
End-stage renal disease 0.573
Non-typhoidal S. enterica Diarrhoeal disease 0.101
Invasive salmonellosis 0.210
Shigella spp. Diarrhoeal disease 0.101
Vibrio cholerae Diarrhoeal disease 0.194
Cryptosporidium spp. Diarrhoeal disease 0.074
Entamoeba histolytica Diarrhoeal disease 0.074
Giardia spp. Diarrhoeal disease 0.074
Hepatitis A virus Hepatitis 0.108
Brucella spp. Acute brucellosis 0.108
Chronic brucellosis 0.079
Orchitis 0.097
Listeria monocytogenes, perinatal Sepsis 0.210
Central nervous system infection 0.426
Neurological sequelae 0.292
Listeria monocytogenes, acquired Sepsis 0.210
Central nervous system infection 0.426
Neurological sequelae 0.292
Mycobacterium bovis Tuberculosis 0.331
Salmonella Paratyphi Paratyphoid fever 0.210
Liver abscesses and cysts 0.254
Salmonella Typhi Typhoid fever 0.210
Liver abscesses and cysts 0.254
Toxoplasma gondii, congenital Intracranial calcification 0.010
Hydrocephalus 0.360
Chorioretinitis, early in life 0.033
Chorioretinitis, later in life 0.033
CNS abnormalities 0.360
Toxoplasma gondii, acquired Chorioretinitis, mild 0.004
Chorioretinitis, moderate 0.033
Chorioretinitis, severe 0.191
Acute illness 0.053
Post-acute illness 0.254
Bacillus cereus (1) Acute intoxication 0.061
Clostridium botulinum (1) Moderate/mild botulism 0.198
Severe botulism 0.445
Hazard-specific methodology


Clostridium perfringens (1) Acute intoxication 0.061
Staphylococcus aureus (1) Acute intoxication 0.061
Echinococcus granulosus, cases seeking
Pulmonary cystic echinococcosis 0.192
Hepatic cystic echinococcosis 0.123
CNS cystic echinococcosis 0.221
Echinococcus granulosus, cases not
Pulmonary cystic echinococcosis 0.015
seeking treatment
Hepatic cystic echinococcosis 0.012
CNS cystic echinococcosis 0.054
Echinococcus multilocularis Alveolar echinococcosis 0.123
Taenia solium Epilepsy: treated, seizure free 0.072
Epilepsy: treated, with recent seizures 0.319
Epilepsy: severe 0.657
Epilepsy: untreated 0.420

Ascaris spp. Ascariasis infestation 0.030
Mild abdominopelvic problems due to
Severe wasting due to ascariasis 0.127
Trichinella spp. Acute clinical trichinellosis 0.637
Abdominopelvic problems due to heavy
Clonorchis sinensis 0.123
Abdominopelvic problems due to heavy
Fasciola spp. 0.123
Abdominopelvic problems due to heavy
Intestinal flukes (2) 0.123
intestinal fluke infections
Abdominopelvic problems due to heavy
Opisthorchis spp. 0.123
Central nervous system problems due to
Paragonimus spp. 0.420
heavy paragonimosis
Pulmonary problems due to heavy
Dioxin Infertility 0.056
Hypothyroidy due to pre-natal exposure 0.019
Hypothyroidy due to post-natal exposure 0.019
Hepatocellular carcinoma: diagnosis and
Aflatoxin 0.294
primary therapy
Hepatocellular carcinoma: metastatic 0.484
Hepatocellular carcinoma: terminal phase
with medication
Hepatocellular carcinoma: terminal phase
without medication
Cyanide in cassava Konzo 0.065
Peanut allergens (1) Living with peanut-induced allergy 0.012

Notes: (1) Excluded from global burden assessments. (2) Includes Echinostoma spp., Fasciolopsis buski, Heterophyes spp.,
Metagonimus spp. and other foodborne intestinal trematode species.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

4.6  Attribution through food contamination, resulting in

cysticercosis. In the complete absence of
Overall, the study was designed to
pork consumption, there would be no
provide estimates of the proportion of
T. solium taeniosis and hence no
illness acquired through different major
routes of exposure. Major exposure routes
considered were: food, environmental The regions selected for this study were
(water, soil, air), human-to-human based on mortality. Six general regions:
transmission, direct animal contact, and a Africa (AFR), the Americas (AMR), the
variety of potential lead exposure sources. Eastern Mediterranean (EMR), Europe
Exposure route attribution estimates were (EUR), South-East Asia (SEAR) and the
developed for 19 individual hazards for Western Pacific (WP) were then divided
each of the fourteen subregions (Table 2). into subregions on the basis of child and
Three hazard-based TFs within FERG adult mortality, where Stratum A = very low
(EDTF, PDTF and CTTF) identified, from child and adult mortality; Stratum B = low
their prioritized lists of hazards, those to be child mortality and very low adult mortality;
included in the expert elicitation. Stratum C = low child mortality and high
adult mortality; Stratum D = high child and
Certain hazards were considered 100%
adult mortality; and Stratum E = high child
foodborne, i.e. Listeria monocytogenes,
mortality and very high adult
Mycobacterium bovis, all foodborne
mortality [5, 144].
trematodes, Taenia solium, Trichinella
spp., cyanide in cassava and peanut 4.6.1  Identification of experts
allergens. For aflatoxin, inorganic arsenic,
An iterative peer nomination process
cadmium, dioxin and methyl mercury,
based on a social network sampling
CTTF determined that adequate data on
technique called “snowball sampling” was
foodborne exposure existed to allow use of
used to identify a pool of potential expert
a risk assessment approach for estimating
participants for this study. The first points
the foodborne disease burden, thus
of contact were identified through FERG
negating the need for attribution.
members and other networks (e.g. Global
The remaining hazards were included in the
Foodborne Infections Network – GFN;
structured expert elicitation (Table 1).
Global Environment Monitoring System
Fish-borne trematodes and Trichinella – GEMS; International Network of Food
spp. were assumed to be 100% foodborne, Safety Authorities – INFOSAN; Joint FAO/
based on the nature of their life cycle. In WHO Expert meeting on Microbial Risk
addition, Fasciola spp. were assumed to Assessment – JEMRA; Joint FAO/WHO
be 100% foodborne, although there may Expert Committee on Food Additives –
be small opportunities for waterborne JECFA; European Food Safety Authority
transmission [77, 143]. Taenia solium – EFSA scientific panels; and WHO regional
cysticercosis was assumed to be 100% food safety advisors). These persons were
foodborne, but indirectly. In other words, asked to use their professional networks
the T. solium life cycle cannot persist and recognized expertise in relevant areas
without foodborne transmission of the to nominate additional experts. Since the
parasite between pigs and humans. purpose of this process was to identify
Humans become infected by the adult an adequately large pool of appropriate
stage of T. solium by eating pork, resulting experts, rather than to identify the entire
in intestinal taeniosis. However individuals expert network, the process of referral
who have T. solium taeniosis infect continued until an adequate size pool was
themselves or others by eggs excreted in identified to fill panels of typically
their faeces, which are then ingested, often 8 to 12 experts per panel.
Hazard-specific methodology

Table 2. Foodborne hazards, and structure of the expert panels.



Bacteria Campylobacter spp., enteropathogenic Escherischia

coli (EPEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Shiga-toxin
Sub regional 7
producing E. coli (STEC), non-typhoidal Salmonella spp.,
Shigella spp., Vibrio cholerae

Virus Norovirus Sub regional 1

Intestinal protozoa Cryptosporidium spp., Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia spp.  Global 3


Bacteria Brucella spp., Global

Salmonella Typhi Sub regional

Virus Hepatitis A virus Global 1

Protozoa Toxoplasma gondii Global 1

Helminths Ascaris spp., Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus

Global 3



 Lead   Global 1

Total      19
Experts on a global panel were asked to provide estimates for all 14 sub regions, whereas experts on a sub-regional panel could
choose a set of sub regions depending on their expertise.

4.6.2  Selection of experts TFs and the SATF reviewed the expert’s

In collaboration with the FERG hazard- information and CVs, and a final selection
based TFs, SATF defined a set of criteria was made. FERG TF chairs and members
for inclusion of experts. These criteria of the SATF were not eligible for the
considered each expert’s background study. DOIs were evaluated by WHO.
(education, and current and past Given the broad nature of the attribution
positions), years of experience within task, care was taken to include a suitably
the field, and geographic coverage of wide range of scientific backgrounds and
expert within the panel. The WHO invited professional experience, and to ensure
nominated experts to participate, and adequate geographical representation.
the experts were asked to complete a Frequently, expert elicitations use
declaration of interests (DOI), and an publication record as the measure of
expert sheet providing information on recognized expertise [145]. However, for
their research/working area, highest this study, restricting expert selection
education, current position, geographical to choices based solely on publication
experience, and years of experience. records would have eliminated important
The experts were asked also to indicate groups of experts, in particular public-
for which panel(s) they believed health field workers and food-safety
themselves to be best suited for. professionals in developing countries.
The experts were not offered any
compensation for their participation.
The chairs of the three hazard-based
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

4.6.3  Expert panels (narrow) are the distributions provided).

The panels for Brucella spp., hepatitis Experts are thus scored with regard to
A virus, parasitic diseases including statistical accuracy (calibration score)
intestinal protozoa, and lead were and informativeness (information
structured as global panels, meaning that score). The statistical accuracy is
all experts in those panels were asked measured as the p-value at which one
to provide estimates for all fourteen would falsely reject the hypothesis that
subregions. the expert’s probability assessments
The panels for the eight bacterial and were statistically accurate, and
viral pathogens and Salmonella Typhi informativeness is measured as Shannon
were structured as subregional panels. relative information with respect to a
user-supplied background measure.
The experts on subregional panels were
Informativeness scores are not absolute,
free to decide the subregions for which
but relative to a set of experts assessing
they provided their judgments. Experts
the same variables. The calculated
participating in panels addressing more
calibration and information scores are
than one hazard could also choose
used to aggregate experts' judgments
to provide estimates only for those
on target variables. The same measures
hazards for which they felt they had
can be applied to any combination of
adequate expertise.
the experts’ assessments to implement
criteria for aggregating the assessments.
4.6.4  Analytical method
The study used Cooke’s [145– 147] The Cooke Classical Model provides
“Classical Model” for expert elicitation. a rigorous, quantitative means for
This approach uses “calibration” or estimating model parameters and their
“seed” questions to develop performance uncertainties and is the only elicitation
weights used in aggregating experts’ procedure that has objective empirical
judgments. The paradigmatic seed control on expert scoring. Moreover, it
question is one for which the true value allows formal optimization of aggregated
is not known at the time the experts uncertainty distributions in terms of
answer the question, but will be known statistical accuracy and informativeness
or is expected to become known post [146]. The expert judgment processing
software EXCALIBUR (http://www.
hoc. So the experts are not expected to also allows
know these values, but should be able
direct comparison of the results that
to capture a majority of them reliably by
would be obtained from unweighted
defining suitable credible intervals.
aggregation of expert judgments versus
Analysis of the experts’ performance those produced by weighted linear
on the seed variables has two main pooling (or other combination schemes).
purposes: 1), to evaluate the expert’s
statistical accuracy when assigning 4.6.5  Seed questions
values to probability outcomes against It is not always possible to develop seed
the seed values (i.e. how reliably the questions that are in the paradigmatic
expert’s credible interval responses form of asking about a future event or
capture the true values of the seed measurement that has not been made,
variables, statistically), and 2), to evaluate but could be made, in principle. The
the expert’s informativeness when essential feature of a viable seed question
providing uncertainty distributions over is that the expert is not expected to know
the seed variables (i.e. how concentrated the exact value but, if they are a subject-
Hazard-specific methodology

matter expert, should be able to define a were designed to focus on questions that
narrow uncertainty range that captures are substantively related to foodborne
the value. Therefore, an alternative is to illness source attribution. Further, to
ask about selected data or values in the account for the wide range of scientific
topic domain, about which the expert backgrounds and experiences, seed
will not have perfect knowledge, nor questions covered a range of substantive
access to realization values at the time topics relevant to source attribution. Five
they are answering the seed questions, main categories of seed questions were
but for which the values are known to the identified for the panels on biological
analyst. Such “retrospective” questions hazards (diarrhoeal pathogens and
are frequently used in expert elicitations parasites): (1) dietary patterns and food
applying the Cooke Classical Model (see supply; (2) under 5 years mortality
e.g. [31, 148]). rate; (3) access to improved water and
sanitation; (4) disease surveillance; and
In the present case, the seed questions
(5) systematic reviews related to these
formulated were a mixture of
and other scientific topics relevant to
retrospective and prospective seed
source attribution. For the panel on lead,

variables. It is possible that expert

questions were categorized as: (1) mean
uncertainty judgments vary by subject
blood levels; (2) dietary exposure;
matter domain. In this study, the
and (3) dietary patterns and food
possibility of such biases relevant to
supply. Examples of seed questions are
foodborne illness source attribution was
presented in Table 3.
of concern. Therefore, the seed questions

Table 3. Examples of calibration seed questions


Dietary patterns All microbial hazards Among all subregions in 2010, what was the proportion of regional
and food supply vegetable supply (tonne) that was imported rather than produced
domestically in the subregion with the highest such percentage?
Under 5 mortality Brucella spp., Echinococcus Based on WHO estimates, think of the country in the African Region that
rate spp., intestinal protozoa, had the largest percentage point decrease from 2000 to 2010 in all-cause
diarrhoeal pathogens <5 mortality due to diarrhoea. What was that percentage point decrease?
Disease surveillance Ascaris spp., Echinococcus
spp., intestinal protozoa, What will be the rate per 100 000 population of laboratory-confirmed
hepatitis A virus, diarrhoeal human cases of Campylobacteriosis in 2012 in all EU member states as
pathogens (developed reported in EFSA’s annual report?
subregions only)
Systematic review All microbial hazards Fewtrell et al. (2005) conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to
compare the evidence of relative effectiveness of improvements in drinking
water, sanitation facilities and hygiene practices in less developed countries
in reducing diarrhoeal illness. The meta-analysis of 5 studies was used to
estimate the relative risk of diarrhoeal illness with and without multiple
interventions. What was the estimated relative risk?
Mean blood level Lead What was the geometric mean blood lead concentration for all participants
ages 1 year and older in the 2007– 2008 U.S. NHANES survey? Please
express your answer as positive micrograms per deciliter (ųg/dL).
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

All experts comprising each panel were the questionnaires did provide experts
asked the same set of seed questions, with an option to indicate additional
and several sets of seed questions were routes of transmission if they disagreed
used across panels. This allows some with the TF’s evaluation.
consistency checks to be performed
Experts were asked to complete a set
between panels on performance and
of tables for each assigned hazard and
scoring outcomes. The number of
subregion. Experts were provided with
questions varied from nine to twelve in
the tables at the end of the telephone
total, depending on the panel. Experts
interview during which the seed
were asked to provide a central judgment
questions were asked, and the facilitator
in terms of the median value, and a
went through several target questions
90% credible interval for each question.
Seed questions were administered with the experts to ensure that they
by facilitators through one-to-one understood the task. For the target items
telephone interviews. The experts were (but not the seed questions), the experts
not presented with the seed questions were free to consult any information
before the interview and they were asked sources they felt appropriate in the four-
to provide estimates based on their week period they were given to return
experience, knowledge and judgment, the target item spreadsheets.
without referring to other sources As with the seed questions, the experts
of information. were asked to provide their 5th, 50th
and 95th percentile values for each
4.6.6  Target questions question. Technically, the median values
Target questions are the substantive of a joint distribution do not need to add
questions of interest. In this study, for all up to 100%, but because we included
identified hazards, we enquired about the a category “other”, we asked about a
percentage of all human disease cases joint distribution that logically spanned
caused by exposure through each of a all possible exposure routes. Therefore,
number of indicated exposure routes. the experts’ median values for source
The point of exposure was chosen as the attribution percentages for a hazard
point of attribution, i.e. the experts were should sum to a value close to 100%.
asked to distribute the disease burden In individual cases, where these sums
on the sources that was the direct cause were found to differ significantly (i.e.
of human exposure. So, for example, outside 100% ± 10%), the experts
someone with a norovirus infection might concerned were asked to review their
be exposed by eating food contaminated responses.
with the virus, although the food may
have been contaminated by wastewater 4.6.7  Data analysis
at an earlier stage. Weights for individual experts were
Exposure routes varied between hazards, computed using the Classical Model
as indicated in Table 4. In order to formulation, using the EXCALIBUR
reduce the time and effort burden of software, by multiplying their calibration
the elicitation on expert panelists, the and informativeness scores, with
hazard-based TFs decided which hazard the products then jointly normalized
exposure routes were relevant for present to sum to unity over all experts in
purposes. So, for example, human-to- the group. An expert was positively
human transmission was excluded as an weighted only if his/her p-value was
exposure route for Brucella spp. However, above a certain threshold, chosen to
Hazard-specific methodology

optimize the combined score across all The quantiles corresponding to these
seed items. See [146, 149] for further random deviates were then obtained
details on the computation of expert via linear interpolation. To ensure that
performance weights. the random attributional proportions
summed to 100%, a “normalization” step
The normalized experts’ performance
was applied per iteration, in which each
weights were used to construct the joint
random value was divided by the sum
probability distribution complying with
of random values for each exposure
their assessments for individual target
pathway. The resulting 10 000 normalized
questions (i.e. attributable proportion
random attributional proportions were
of illness per pathway, subregion and
then summarized by their median and a
hazard). In a final step, 10 000 random
95% uncertainty interval defined by the
values from the marginal cumulative
2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. These final
distributions were simulated using
manipulations were performed in R 3.1.1
probability integral transform [34].
[150] using functions available in the
First, independent vectors of 10 000
‘FERG’ package [151].
random deviates from a Uniform (0,100)

distribution, per exposure category

within a hazard-subregion combination,
were generated.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Table 4. Exposure routes included in the expert elicitation, per hazard









Campylobacter spp. x x x x x na N/A N/A N/A x

Non-typhoid Salmonella spp. x x x x x N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Shiga toxin-producing E. coli x x x x x N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Brucella spp. x x N/A x x N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Shigella spp. x N/A x x x N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Enteropathogenic E. coli x x x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Enterotoxigenic E. coli x x x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Cryptosporidium spp. x x x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Giardia spp. x x x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Tyhoid Salmonella spp. x N/A x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Vibrio cholerae x N/A x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Entamoeba histolytica x N/A x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Norovirus x N/A x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Hepatitis A virus x N/A x x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A x


Toxoplasma gondii x x N/A x x N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Echinococcus granulosus x x N/A x x x N/A N/A N/A x

Echinococcus multilocularis x x N/A x x x N/A N/A N/A x

Ascaris spp. x x x x x N/A N/A N/A N/A x


Lead x N/A N/A x x x x x x x

Notes: N/A = not applicable, meaning that these exposure routes were considered not possible or extremely unlikely by the
respective FERG TF.

4.7  Computation enterica), or a risk factor (e.g. an exposure

that inceases the likelihood of illness such
Different approaches can be taken for as unsafe water) [152]. Since FERG is
calculating DALYs, depending on whether concerned with the burden of FBDs, which
the interest lies in quantifying the burden are caused by a wide range of hazards
of a health outcome (such as diarrhoea), (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites,
a hazard (e.g. a biological agent that may chemicals and toxins), a natural choice is
cause illness in humans such as Salmonella the hazard-based approach. This approach
Hazard-specific methodology

defines the burden of a specific foodborne models, and not merely as biological
hazard as that resulting from the health disease models. While biological disease
states, i.e. acute and chronic manifestations models merely reflect the natural history
of disease, including death, that are causally of disease, computational disease models
related to the hazard transmitted through also reflect the input parameters needed
food, and which may become manifest to calculate incidence and mortality of
at different time scales. This approach each of the relevant health states. As
thus allows for a comprehensive estimate such, computational disease models are
of the burden of disease due to a certain a combination of disease biology and
hazard, including sequelae, which may have data availability.
a higher burden than acute illness alone
Computational disease models may be
[153– 155].
represented as directed acyclic graphs,
defined by parent and child nodes and
4.7.1  Disease models and
directed edges (arrows) defining the
epidemiological data
relationships between nodes. In the CTF
The starting point of the CTF workflow framework, parent nodes were either
was the outline of disease models

incidence, mortality, YLD or YLL rates,

for each of the included hazards (as while child nodes were multiplicative
chosen by the hazard-based TFs), and elements, such as proportions or ratios
the epidemiological data inputs that (reflecting, e.g. the probability of
parameterized these disease models. developing a specific symptom following
To obtain this information, systematic infection, or the proportion of illnesses
reviews were commissioned and attributable to the concerned hazard).
managed by three hazard-based TFs, i.e. A specific disease model “language” was
the Enteric Diseases Task Force (EDTF), developed to denote the relationship
the Parasitic Diseases Task Force (PDTF), and contribution of the different nodes.
and the Chemicals and Toxins Task Rectangles defined parent nodes, and
Force (CTTF). rounded rectangles defined child nodes.
The course of disease is characterized Grey nodes did not contribute directly
by various health states (e.g. acute to the DALYs, green nodes contributed
or chronic phases; short-term or YLDs, and red nodes contributed YLLs.
long-term sequelae), possibly having Nodes that contributed to the incidence
different severity levels. A disease of the index disease were identified by
model, also referred to as an outcome a thick border. Appendix 5 gives the
tree, is a schematic representation of disease models for all 36 FERG hazards.
the various health states associated In general, three main approaches can be
with the concerned hazard, and the distinguished for estimating the burden
possible transitions between these due to a specific hazard in food, i.e.,
states. A disease model for each categorical attribution, counterfactual
hazard was defined by the members analysis, and risk assessment. Table
and commissioned experts of each 5 gives an overview of the modelling
hazard-based TF, considering relevant strategy applied for each included
health outcomes identified in the hazard. As the choice of the modelling
respective reviews. strategy was mainly driven by the type
In the context of the CTF, disease models of data available, no sensitivity analyses
were defined as computational disease could be performed to triangulate
different modelling approaches.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Table 5. Modelling strategies for the hazards included in the WHO global burden of foodborne
disease estimates

Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Norovirus Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Campylobacter spp. Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Enteropathogenic E. coli Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Enterotoxigenic E. coli Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Non-typhoidal S. enterica Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Shigella spp. Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Vibrio cholerae Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Cryptosporidium spp. Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Entamoeba histolytica Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Modified CHERG Expert elicitation
Giardia spp. Attribution
attribution approach [40] [156]
Categorical Expert elicitation
Hepatitis A virus Direct: GBD2010 [3] N/A (1)
attribution [156]
Categorical Random effects Expert elicitation
Brucella spp. Transition
attribution [79, 151] [156]
Categorical Random effects
Listeria monocytogenes, perinatal Transition 100%
attribution [79, 151]
Categorical Random effects
Listeria monocytogenes, acquired Transition 100%
attribution [79, 151]
Mycobacterium bovis Attribution N/A (1) 100%
Categorical Expert elicitation
Salmonella Paratyphi Direct: GBD2010 [3] N/A (1)
attribution [156]
Categorical Expert elicitation
Salmonella Typhi Direct: GBD2010 [3] N/A (1)
attribution [156]
Categorical Random effects Expert elicitation
Toxoplasma gondii, congenital Transition
attribution [79, 151] [156]
Categorical Random effects Expert elicitation
Toxoplasma gondii, acquired Transition
attribution [79, 151] [156]
Bacillus cereus (2) Direct Uniform 100%
Clostridium botulinum (2) Direct Uniform 100%
Clostridium perfringens (2) Direct Uniform 100%
Hazard-specific methodology

Staphylococcus aureus (2) Direct Uniform 100%
Echinococcus granulosus, cases Categorical Random effects Expert elicitation
seeking treatment attribution [79, 151] [156]
Echinococcus granulosus, cases Categorical Random effects Expert elicitation
not seeking treatment attribution [79, 151] [156]
Categorical Random effects Expert elicitation
Echinococcus multilocularis Transition
attribution [79, 151] [156]
Taenia solium Attribution N/A (1) 100%
Categorical Expert elicitation
Ascaris spp. Direct: GBD2010 [3] N/A (1)
attribution [156]
Trichinella spp. Direct N/A (1) 100%

Categorical Random effects
Clonorchis sinensis Direct 100%
attribution [79, 151]
Categorical Random effects
Fasciola spp. Direct 100%
attribution [79, 151]
Categorical Random effects
Intestinal flukes (3) Direct 100%
attribution [79, 151]
Categorical Random effects
Opisthorchis spp. Direct 100%
attribution [79, 151]
Categorical Random effects
Paragonimus spp. Direct 100%
attribution [79, 151]
Random effects
Dioxin Risk assessment Direct 100%
[79, 151]
Counterfactual Random effects
Aflatoxin Attribution 100%
analysis [79, 151]
Cyanide in cassava Direct Uniform 100%
Peanut allergens (2) Direct Uniform 100%

Notes: (1) N/A = not applicable as no imputation had to be performed because data were used that had already been imputed.
(2) Excluded from global burden assessments. (3) Includes Echinostoma spp., Fasciolopsis buski, Heterophyes spp.,
Metagonimus spp. and other foodborne intestinal trematode species.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Categorical attribution can be used cancer case was caused by aflatoxin. In

when a foodborne hazard results in an this situation, the standard approach for
outcome (death or a specific syndrome) calculating the burden of environmental
that is identifiable as caused by the exposures is to use a counterfactual
hazard in individual cases [157]. Following analysis in which the current disease
the typology of Devleesschauwer et outcomes with current exposure are
al. [152], the burden due to a specific compared with the disease outcomes
hazard can then be calculated using under an alternative exposure (a min.
an attributional model (in which the risk exposure which could be zero, or
incidence of the symptom is multiplied some accepted background level) [158].
with the attributable proportion for a This allows calculation of a population
given hazard) or a transitional model attributable fraction (PAF) that can be
(in which the incidence of the hazard applied to the all-cause burden estimates
is multiplied with the probability for the relevant disease outcome (the
of developing a given symptom). so-called burden envelope), leading
Categorical attribution was applicable to a special case of the attributional
for all viral, bacterial and parasitic model [152]. In the context of FERG,
hazards, and for cyanide in cassava and counterfactual analysis was used to
peanut allergens, and was therefore estimate the burden of aflatoxin-related
the standard method used by FERG. hepatocellular carcinoma.
Appendix 5 shows the computational
In addition to categorical attribution
disease model for Mycobacterium
and counterfactual analysis, which can
bovis, which is characteristic for the
be considered top-down approaches,
attributional models. In this model,
FBD burden can also be estimated by a
the overall incidence and mortality
risk assessment approach, which can be
of tuberculosis is multiplied with the
considered a bottom-up approach. In this
proportion attributable to M. bovis,
approach, the incidences of the specific
resulting in the incidence and mortality
health states (e.g. impaired male fertility
of M. bovis tuberculosis. Appendix 5
due to prenatal dioxin exposure) are
shows the computational disease model
estimated by combining exposure and
for Echinococcus granulosus, which is
dose-response data. The dose-response
characteristic for the transitional models.
model may for instance define the
In this model, the overall incidence of
probability of illness at a given exposure
infection by this parasite was multiplied
level, which can then be translated into
with child nodes reflecting the probability
an estimate of the number of incident
of developing the concerned health
or prevalent cases expected to occur
states, resulting in the incidences of the
in the exposed population [158, 191]. As
specific health states.
this approach does not involve burden
When the hazard elevates the risk of a attribution, it does not necessarily ensure
disease or disability outcome that occurs consistency with existing health statistics.
in the population from other causes as However, risk assessment may be a valid
well, causal attribution can only be made alternative when no burden envelopes
statistically, and not on an individual exist or when it can be demonstrated
basis. This is the case for many chemicals, that the estimated excess risk is additive
including aflatoxin and dioxin. Aflatoxin to the background risk. In the context
for instance may increase the risk of of FERG, risk assessment was used to
hepatocellular carcinoma, but it is not estimate the burden of dioxin-related
possible to specify that a specific liver hypothyroidy and impaired fertility.
Hazard-specific methodology

4.7.2  CTF database template data such as incidence or mortality rates

A database template was developed in [159]. These models estimate parameters
Excel™ 7 to collect in a standardized way based on data of neighboring regions
the data resulting from the systematic or other time periods. The external
reviews. The structure of the database data used must thus be representative
was based on the disease models, with of the selected population, region and
one sheet per node. Three generic sheets time. The CTF developed, tested and
were defined: (1) a “RATE” sheet, for rates evaluated several possible approaches
by country; (2) a “PROB-local” sheet, to impute missing incidence data at the
for proportions or ratios by country; country level [79]. This exercise identified
and (3) a “PROB-global” sheet, for a several pitfalls in the use of explanatory
single proportion or ratio that applied to covariates, such as the potential for
all countries. overfitting and the arbitrariness in
the selection of covariates. Therefore,
Each sheet consisted of four tables for and further motivated by a strive for
entering: (1) the rate or proportion/ratio parsimony and transparency, we decided
data; (2) the age distribution; (3) the to use a log-Normal random effects

sex distribution; and (4) if applicable,

model as the default model for imputing
the duration. Using a drop-down menu, missing country-level incidence data.
different formats could be selected for We used the subregions as defined in
entering the input parameters, including Appendix 2 as the random effect or
a mean and 95% confidence interval; cluster variable. This model assumes
minimum, most likely and maximum that the log-transformed incidence rate
percentiles; the shape and rate of a in country belonging to subregion
Gamma distribution (for rates); and the arises from a Normal distribution with
shape parameters of a Beta distribution
subregion specific mean and a within-
(for proportions). Gamma and Beta
region (= between-country) variance
distributions were chosen because
their domains correspond to that of . Each subregion specific mean
rates and proportions, respectively, is in turn assumed to arise from a
and because their parameters have an Normal distribution with mean and a
intuitive interpretation (i.e., number of between-region variance :
cases and sample size, respectively,
number of positives and number of
negatives). Likewise, different levels of
stratification could be selected for the
duration parameters (i.e. none, by age
After fitting this hierarchical random
only, by sex only, by age and sex). Age
effects model to the available data,
distribution, sex distribution and duration
incidence values for countries with
were allowed to vary by country, by
no data were imputed based on
defining different “groups” and assigning
the resulting posterior predictive
countries to “groups”.
distributions. In other words, we
4.7.3  Imputation represented missing incidence data by
log-Normal distributions based on the
Extrapolation or imputation models may fitted mean and variance parameters. For
be needed when literature searches countries in a subregion where none of
cannot provide essential epidemiological the countries had data, the log-incidence
was imputed as multiple random draws
Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Washington, USA
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

from a Normal distribution with mean while for other hazards we directly
equal to the fitted global intercept drew on GBD 2010 estimates (Table
and variance equal to the sum of the 5). For the remaining hazards, either
fitted between-region variance and epidemiological data were used that
did not need (further) correction, or the
the fitted within-region variance (thus underreporting factor was included in the
imputing the log-incidence as that of disease model (which was the case for
a “random” country within a “random” Trichinella spp. and cyanide in cassava).
subregion, with the uncertainty interval
describing the variability between and For aflatoxin, the same random effects
within subregions): model was used to extrapolate PAFs, but
now using logit-transformed instead of
log-transformed values.
For countries in a subregion where at The model was implemented in a
least one of the other countries had Bayesian framework, using independent
data, the log-incidence was imputed as Normal(0, 1e5) priors for and ;
multiple random draws from a Normal a Uniform(0, 10) prior for ; and a
distribution with mean equal to the
Folded-t(1) prior for , as suggested
fitted region-specific intercept and
by Gelman [160]. Sensitivity analyses
variance equal to the fitted within-region
using Gamma priors for the variance
variance (thus imputing the log- parameters did not yield meaningful
incidence as that of a “random” country differences. The model was run in JAGS
within the concerned subregion, with [161] through the ‘rjags’ package in R
the uncertainty interval describing the [162]. After a burn-in of 5000 iterations,
variability within subregions): another 5000 iterations were retained
for inference. Two chains were run,
and convergence was ascertained
When countries were considered free through density and trace plots,
from exposure through the food chain, and the multivariate potential scale
they were excluded from the imputation reduction factor (or Brooks-Gelman-
model and thus did not contribute to Rubin diagnostic).
the subregional estimates. This was the A crucial assumption made by this
case for Brucella spp., as discussed in imputation model is that missing data
[168], and foodborne trematodes and were considered “missing at random”
Echinococcus spp., as discussed in [261]. (MAR), meaning that missingness was
For countries with available incidence independent of the unobserved data,
data, no imputation was performed. The given the observed data [163, 164]. In our
incidence data used in the probabilistic case, this assumption implied that, within
burden assessments were thus a each subregion, countries with data
combination of actual data and imputed provided unbiased information on those
estimates. No additional step had to be without data, and that, across subregions,
included to correct incidence data for subregions with data provided unbiased
potential underreporting, as this was information on those without data.
already captured by the previous steps However, for five hazards (Bacillus cereus,
of the framework. Indeed, for the hazards Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium
that used an attributional model, disease botulinum, Staphylococcus aureus and
envelopes were used that had already peanut allergens), only data from high-
been corrected for underreporting,
Hazard-specific methodology

income subregions, i.e. subregions A or B, Nations World Population Prospects

could be retrieved. In those instances, the [166]. All estimates were generated per
assumption of MAR was clearly violated, country, and subsequently aggregated
and it was decided not to extrapolate per subregion, per region, and globally
those data to the rest of the world. As a (Appendix 2).
result, those hazards were excluded from
The duration component of the YLDs is
the global burden of disease estimates.
defined as the average observed duration
Table 5 shows which imputation strategy until remission or death. For calculating
was used for each of the included YLDs when duration was lifelong, we
hazards. For the four intoxications, therefore used the country-specific
peanut allergens and cyanide in cassava, life expectancy (LE) [166] as duration.
the default random effects model was The time component of the YLLs, on
not used because of the limited number the other hand, is defined as the ideal
of data points. Instead, the burden for residual life expectancy a person would
each concerned country was imputed have if the world would be free from
as draws from a Uniform distribution disease and provide maximal access

defined by the lowest and highest to health care. We used the highest

globally observed incidence or mortality projected LE for 2050 as normative LE
rates. To ensure consistency with results for calculating YLLs [4]. This LE table has
of the Child Health Epidemiology a LE at birth of 92, higher than that of the
Reference Group (CHERG), alternative LE tables used in the GBD studies, which
imputation approaches were applied for were based on current death rates [1, 6].
estimating aetiological fractions for the Since even for the lowest observed death
eleven diarrhoeal agents [40, 50, 168]. rates there are a proportion of deaths
For seven other hazards, no imputation which are preventable or avertable, the
had to be performed because data were highest projected LE for the year 2050
used that had already been imputed. was deemed to better represent the
This was the case for hepatitis A virus, maximum life span of an individual in
Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Paratyphi, good health, while acknowledging that
Ascaris spp. and Taenia solium, for it may still not represent the ultimate
which GBD2010 data were used, and for achievable human life span [166].
Mycobacterium bovis and Trichinella spp.,
In line with current global burden of
for which other published data were used
disease assessments, no age weighting
[84, 165].
or time discounting was applied [4, 6].
HIV infected invasive salmonellosis cases
4.7.4  Probabilistic burden assessment
and deaths, and HIV infected M. bovis
For each hazard, incidence, mortality, deaths, were excluded from the burden
YLD, YLL and DALY rates were calculated estimates. No further corrections were
for 11 age groups (<1; 1-4; 5-14; 15-24; made for possible co-morbidities.
25-34; 35-44; 45-54; 55-64; 65-74;
75-84; *85) and both sexes. When Parameter uncertainty was taken into
necessary, age and sex specific rates account by performing the burden
were obtained by multiplying the overall assessments in a probabilistic framework.
rates with outcome specific age and sex Ten thousand Monte Carlo (parametric
distributions. The reference year for the bootstrap) simulations of the input
calculation of absolute numbers was parameters were generated to calculate
2010, with population estimates obtained 10,000 estimates of incidence, mortality,
from the 2012 revision of the United YLD, YLL and DALY rates. These 10,000
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

estimates were then summarized by The structured expert elicitation using

their median and a 95% uncertainty Cooke’s Classical Method conducted to
interval defined as the 2.5th and 97.5th attribute burden to different exposure
percentile of the distribution of estimates. routes, providing hazards-specific
Special care was taken to deal with estimates for each exposure route
correlated uncertainties, for instance per subregion [156]. This process
when the disease model included “global” yielded a probabilistic estimate of the
probabilities (e.g., when it was assumed proportion foodborne, in the form of an
that the probability of developing a empirical cumulative density function
certain health state following infection from which random samples could
was the same for each country). In such be drawn. Foodborne cases, deaths,
cases, a vector of random probabilities YLDs, YLLs and DALYs were then
was simulated only once and applied obtained by multiplying the vectors of
to the different countries, instead of random values for these parameters
incorrectly simulating a new, independent with a vector of random values for the
vector of random probabilities for proportion foodborne. As before, the
each country. perfect correlation of uncertainty was
dealt with by simulating only one vector
of random foodborne proportions per
subregion, and by applying this vector to
all parameters of all countries within the
concerned subregion.
Hazard-specific methodology

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


In this section, the results of the global interest (2). Of the 100 experts enrolled,
expert elicitation study are reported first. 78 completed interviews with facilitators
An overview of global and regional DALY and 73 returned their spreadsheets with
estimates according to hazard follows. their responses to the target questions
Subsequent sections report more specific and seed questions. The single main
hazard-based estimates, and include reason for not completing the interview
estimates for some hazards for which and returning the spreadsheet was time
global estimates could not be derived constraints. All responses were reviewed
and only regional estimates are reported (e.g. checked for missing estimates, that
(peanut allergen; toxin-producing species sums across pathways were close to
of bacteria). 100%, and that the 5th percentile < 50th
percentile < 95th percentiles), and some
experts were contacted for clarification
5.1  Attribution
of the responses they had provided. One
A total of 299 potential experts were expert was dropped after not responding
asked by email of their interest in to requests for clarification. This resulted
participating in the study. Of these154 in the responses of 72 experts being
replied positively and they were included in the final dataset. Table 6
requested to forward their CV, a filled-in shows the distribution of experts across
expert sheet and a signed declaration of panels, and Figure 3 shows distribution of
interest. A total of 103 did that. the experts by their geographical areas
Of these, 3 were not included due to lack of expertise.
of experience (1) or possible conflicts of

Table 6. The number of experts enrolled, interviewed and finally included in the elicitation
across panels




Bacterial (incl. S. Typhi) pathogens and norovirus Sub regionala 49 37 37

Intestinal protozoa Global 12 9 9


Brucella spp. Global 10 8 7

Hepatitis A virus Global 9 7 7

Toxoplasma gondii Global 11 10 9

Ascaris spp. Global 8 6 7

Echinococcus spp. Global 7 6 6


Lead Global 10 9 6
Total   100 78 72
Due to the sub regional structure of these panels, the number of experts varied between 10 and 15 depending on the hazard and
sub region.
As several experts served on more panels, the number of experts per panel does not add up to the total number of individual
experts included.

Figure 3. Geographical distribution of experts according to working experience (>3 years) per
subregion. Several experts had experience in more than one subregion.

18 23


11 5
5 14


AFR E EMR D SEAR D 0 1000 2000 3000 km
AMR D EUR C Not applicable © WHO 2015. All rights reserved

Notes: The subregions are defined on the on the basis of child and adult mortality, as described by Ezzati et al. [5]. Stratum A =
very low child and adult mortality; Stratum B = low child mortality and very low adult mortality; Stratum C = low child mortality and
high adult mortality; Stratum D = high child and adult mortality; and Stratum E = high child mortality and very high adult mortality.
The use of the term ‘subregion’ here and throughout the text does not identify an official grouping of WHO Member States, and the
“subregions” are not related to the six official WHO regions.

5.1.1  Expert performance produced by applying the performance
In this study, there were 115 distinct weights. In contrast, the informativeness
panels (i.e. panels that differed in properties of the equal weights solutions
membership or seed questions) and, were much lower than those provided
overall, performance weight and equal by performance weights solutions
weight combinations showed acceptable (Figure 4). This “trade-off” between
statistical accuracy. Only in the case accuracy and informativeness when
of the panel considering lead was the applying equal weights or performance
p-value of the performance-based weights is often seen, because the
combination small enough to cast doubt least accurate experts are typically the
on the usual criterion for statistical most informative, and their narrow 90%
accuracy, with p = 0.045 (i.e. less than confidence bands often have little or no
the 0.05 criterion). With a set of 115 overlap. Moreover, the combined score
panels, at least one score this low would using performance-based weights was
be expected even if the performance- above that of the equal weights pooling
based combination was always in 62% of the cases. It was therefore
statistically accurate. decided to use the performance weights
combinations for constructing the joint
Results obtained by applying equal probability distributions for the pathway
weights pooling and performance attribution estimates, as long as the
weights pooling were compared. The statistical accuracy was acceptable. It
equal weights solutions tended to have should also be noted that the weight
higher statistical accuracy than those
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

attributed to an expert – comprising the large number of experts were assessed

normalized product of their two scores using very similar variables, thereby
– is dominated by the accuracy term, allowing their informativeness scores to
so that high informativeness cannot be compared. An in-depth analysis of
buy down poor accuracy. A unique the experts’ performance has also been
feature of the present study is that a published [181].

Figure 4. Statistical accuracy versus informativeness of the experts included, when using equal
weight (blue) or performance weight (red) combinations, respectively.









1,E-02 1,E-01 1,E+00
Statistical accuracy (p-value)

5.1.2  Pathway attribution results Figure 5 shows the subregional

The collective results of the performance- estimates of the foodborne proportion
based weighted expert responses are for Campylobacter spp., non-typhoidal
shown in Appendix 7 (Table A7.1-3 for Salmonella spp., Shiga-toxin producing
diarrhoeal disease, Table A7.4 for non- Escherichia coli (STEC), Brucella spp. and
diarrhoeal parasitic disease, and Table Shigella spp. For Salmonella spp. and
A7.5 for lead). For most estimates there Brucella spp., there is a clear pattern that
is considerable uncertainty, reflecting: the foodborne proportion is considered
(1) variations in uncertainty estimations more important in the developed
between individual experts; (2) that, subregions (AMR A, EUR A and WPR A)
for some hazards, the values provided compared with developing subregions.
by experts having high performance Although less distinct, this pattern can
weights in the analysis did not accord also be seen for Campylobacter spp.
with one another; and (3) that, for some and STEC. For Campylobacter spp.,
subregions or hazards, the number of Salmonella spp. and STEC, the foodborne
contributing experts was small (<7). Thus, transmission route was assessed by the
the broad uncertainty intervals are most experts to be the most important route in
likely reflecting current shortcomings in all subregions, followed by direct animal
hard scientific evidence about the relative contact, human-to-human transmission
contribution to human disease from each of and waterborne transmission in varying
the transmission pathways. order, but generally with medians below
0.25 (Table A7.1 in Appendix 7). For Brucella
spp., direct animal contact was considered

equally or more important than foodborne histolytica, norovirus, and hepatitis A

transmission in developing subregions. virus. Overall, foodborne infections were
Human-to-human transmission was not assessed by the experts to be the
considered the most important route for more important routes in the majority of
Shigella spp. in the majority of subregions. subregions. Exceptions were hepatitis A
The proportion of foodborne Shigella infections, where foodborne and human-
spp. infections ranged from 0.07 (95% UI to-human transmission were evaluated
0.00– 0.46) in EUR A to 0.36 (95% UI 0.01– equally important in most subregions,
0.70) in WPR A (Table A7.1 in Appendix 7). and S. Typhi, where foodborne and
Overall, foodborne transmission was waterborne infections were assessed
assessed to be more important in equally important in SEAR and WPR
South-East Asian and Western Pacific regions (Table A7.3 in Appendix 7). Human-
subregions than in other parts of the world. to-human transmission was identified as
Transmission through soil or other routes the main exposure route for norovirus and
was recognized by the experts to be of E. histolytica in most subregions, whereas
minor importance for these five pathogens. waterborne transmission was estimated
to be the main transmission route for
Figure 6 shows the subregional estimates
V. cholerae infections (Table A7.3 in
of the proportion foodborne for entero-
Appendix 7).
pathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterotoxigenic
E. coli (ETEC), Cryptosporidium spp. Figure 8 shows the subregional
and Giardia spp. The estimates for EPEC estimates of the proportion foodborne
are seen to follow the same pattern as for Toxoplasma gondii, Echinococcus
described above, with the foodborne route multilocularis, Echinococcus granulosus
being assessed to be more important and Ascaris spp. The foodborne route was
in developed subregions. In developing assessed by the experts to be the most

subregions in the African, American and important transmission route for T. gondii
Eastern Mediterranean regions (AFR, AMR and Ascaris spp. in most subregions,
and EMR), water was identified as the most but there was a clear tendency for soil
important transmission route. For ETEC, to increase in relative importance in less
the estimated foodborne proportions were developed subregions (subregions D and
quite similar for all subregions with medians E) (Table A7.4 in Appendix 7). Specifically
ranging from 0.33 to 0.43 (Table A7.2 in for Ascaris spp., the foodborne route was
Appendix 7), but the foodborne route was assessed to be particularly important in
only assessed by experts to be the more developed subregions (A subregions).
important route in European subregions. There was only little geographical variation
For Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp., between the median estimates for each
the foodborne proportions were also quite of the transmission pathways for the two
similar across subregions, but generally Echinococcus species. For E. granulosus,
considered less important, with medians animal contact was clearly believed to be
below 0.20 (Table A7.2 in Appendix the most important route, with medians
7). Human-to-human and waterborne just over 0.50. For E. multilocularis, the
transmission were the more important foodborne route was considered most
routes for these infections in all subregions. important, with medians ranging from
0.43 in EMR B to 0.58 in AFR D and E,
Figure 7 shows the subregional estimates
AMR B and D, and SEAR B and D, but
of the proportion foodborne for Salmonella
the estimates had very large uncertainty
Typhi, Vibrio cholerae, Entamoeba
intervals (Table A7.4 in Appendix 7).
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Figure 5. Subregional estimates of the proportion of foodborne illnesses caused by

Campylobacter spp., non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli
(STEC), Brucella spp. and Shigella spp. Indicated on the line plot are the 2.5th, 5th, 50th, 95th
and 97.5th percentiles.
Campylobacter spp. non-typhoidal S. enterica














0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Proportion

STEC Brucella spp.


0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Proportion

Shigella spp.














0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00


Figure 6. Subregional estimates of the proportion of foodborne illnesses caused by

enteropathogenic E. (EPEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Cryptosporidium spp. and
Giardia spp.














0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Proportion

Cryptosporidium spp. Giardia spp.



0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Proportion

Notes: Indicated on the line plot are the 2.5th, 5th, 50th, 95th and 97.5th percentiles.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Figure 7. Subregional estimates of the proportion of foodborne illnesses caused by typhoidal

Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae, Entamoeba histolytica, norovirus, and hepatitis A virus.
Salmonella Typhi Vibrio cholerae














0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Proportion

Entamoeba histolytica Norovirus


0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Proportion

Hepatitis A virus














0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00


Notes: Indicated on the line plot are the 2.5th, 5th, 50th, 95th and 97.5th percentiles. HAV = Hepatitis A virus.

Figure 8. Subregional estimates of the proportion of foodborne illnesses caused by Toxoplasma

gondii, Echinococcus multilocularis, Echinococcus granulosus and Ascaris spp.
Toxoplasma gondii Ascaris spp.














0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Proportion

Echinococcus granulosus Echinococcus multilocularis



0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Proportion Proportion

Notes: Indicated on the line plot are the 2.5th, 5th, 50th, 95th and 97.5th percentiles.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Figure 9 shows the subregional estimates in two subregions in Europe.

of the foodborne proportion for lead Air was assessed to be the main exposure
exposure. Water, food and air exposure route in seven of the 14 subregions
were the main transmission routes and water in four regions. Soil, paint,
indicated by the experts with some cookware/pottery/glassware and toys
subregional differences (Table A7.5 in were in comparison found to be of only
Appendix 7). The foodborne route was minor importance in most subregions
assessed to be the most important only (Figure 10).

Figure 9. Subregional estimates of the proportion of disease caused by foodborne exposure to lead.














0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00


Notes: Indicated on the line plot are the 2.5th, 5th, 50th, 95th and 97.5th percentiles.

Figure 10. Subregional estimates (medians) of the proportion of disease caused by exposure
to lead through eight different exposure routes.

AFR E food

AMR A water

AMR B soil

AMR D air

EMR B paint

EMR D cookware

EUR A toys
EUR B other





0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00


5.2 DALY Estimates: Overview The global burden of FBD caused by

the 31 hazards (including sequelae)
Global disease burden in 2010 was 33 million DALYs (Table
Of the approximately 600 million cases 7). Eighteen million DALYs, or 54%,
of illness caused by the 31 foodborne of the total burden was attributed to
hazards in 2010 (see Table 7), infectious diarrheal disease agents, particularly
agents that cause diarrhoeal diseases to non-typhoidal S. enterica, which
accounted for the vast majority (550 was responsible for 4.0 million DALYs
million), in particular norovirus (120 (Figure 11). Six diarrhoeal disease agents
million cases) and Campylobacter (norovirus, Campylobacter spp., EPEC,
spp. (96 million cases). Among other ETEC, Vibrio cholerae and Shigella
hazards, hepatitis A virus, the helminth spp.) each caused a foodborne burden
Ascaris spp. and the typhoid bacterium of 1–3 million DALYs. Other foodborne
Salmonella Typhi were frequent causes of hazards that contributed substantially to
foodborne illness, causing 14, 12 and 7.6 the global burden included Salmonella
million cases, respectively. Typhi (3.7 million DALYs), T. solium
(2.8 million DALYs), hepatitis A virus
Foodborne diarrhoeal disease agents (1.4 million DALYs) and Paragonimus
also caused 230,000 of the 420,000 spp. (1.0 million DALYs). By contrast,
deaths due to foodborne hazards (Table the global burden of trichinellosis, due
7). Of these, non-typhoidal S. enterica to the widespread nematode parasite
accounted for 59,000, enteropathogenic Trichinella, was estimated at only 550
E. coli (EPEC) for 37,000, norovirus DALYs. For full details of results including
for 35,000, and enterotoxigenic E. coli foodborne illnesses, deaths, DALYs, YLLs
(ETEC) for 26,000 deaths. Of the 59,000 and YLDs for all 31 hazards in this study,
global deaths due to non-typhoidal

see the Supplementary Information
S. enterica, 32,000 were in the two for the overview publication [167]. The
African subregions, and included 22,000 Supplementary Information also includes
deaths due to invasive disease by this the results for total illnesses, deaths,
bacterium. The major non-diarrhoeal DALYs, YLLs and YLDs by all exposure
causes of foodborne deaths were due to pathways, for all hazards that were
Salmonella Typhi (52,000), the helminth included in the source attribution expert
Taenia solium (28,000) and hepatitis A elicitation in Appendix 7.
virus (28,000) and aflatoxin with 20,000
(95% UI 8,000-51,000) deaths.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Table 7. Median global number of foodborne illnesses, deaths, Years Lived with Disability (YLDs),
Years of Life Lost (YLLs) and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), with 95% uncertainty
intervals, 2010.


600 652 361 5 580 028 27 201 701 32 841 428
418 608
TOTAL (417 646 804– (4 780 374– (19 655 451– (24 809 085–
(305 128–598 419)
962 834 044) 8 195 314) 38 922 210) 46 274 735)

548 595 679 839 463 16 821 418 17 659 226

Diarrhoeal disease 230 111
(369 976 912– (644 924– (11 700 916– (12 458 675–
agents (160 039–322 359)
888 528 014) 1 123 907) 23 579 652) 24 516 338)

124 803 946 2 403 107 2 496 078

34 929 91 357
Viruses (70 311 254– (1 102 397– (1 175 658–
(15 916–79 620) (51 047–174 130)
251 352 877) 5 387 672) 5 511 092)

124 803 946 2 403 107 2 496 078

34 929 91 357
Norovirus (70 311 254– (1 102 397– (1 175 658–
(15 916–79 620) (51 047–174 130)
251 352 877) 5 387 672) 5 511 092)

349 405 380 13 795 606 14 490 808

187 285 685 212
Bacteria (223 127 469– (9 688 221– (10 303 551–
(131 742–254 037) (521 848–921 335)
590 002 559) 18 893 580) 19 681 271)

95 613 970 1 689 291 2 141 926

21 374 442 075
Campylobacter spp. (51 731 379– (1 141 055– (1 535 985–
(14 604–32 584) (322 192–587 072)
177 239 714) 2 652 483) 3 137 980)

23 797 284 2 908 551 2 938 407

Enteropathogenic E. 37 077 22 977
(10 750 919– (1 574 520– (1 587 757–
coli– EPEC (19 957–61 262) (9 662–66 211)
62 931 604) 4 833 325) 4 865 590)

86 502 735 2 011 635 2 084 229

Enterotoxigenic E. coli– 26 170 70 567
(49 136 952– (1 132 331– (1 190 704–
ETEC (14 887–43 523) (40 134–119 017)
151 776 173) 3 407 273) 3 494 201)

1 176 854
Shiga toxin-producing 128 3 486 9 454 12 953
(754 108–
E. coli– STEC (55–374) (1 741–6 996) (4 140–27 208) (5 951–33 664)
2 523 007)

78 707 591 3 976 386 4 067 929

Non-typhoidal S. 59 153 78 306
(31 843 647– (2 410 953– (2 486 092–
enterica (36 341–89 045) (35 961–185 179)
211 154 682) 6 180 921) 6 271 290)

51 014 050 1 181 231 1 237 103

15 156 51 613
Shigella spp. (20 405 214– (519 372– (554 204–
(6 839–30 072) (21 184–114 267)
118 927 631) 2 445 834) 2 520 126)

763 451 1 719 381 1 722 312

24 649 2 721
Vibrio cholerae (310 910– (718 642– (720 029–
(10 304–50 042) (1 019–6 020)
1 567 682) 3 487 195) 3 491 997)

67 182 645 492 354
5 558 57 536 432 316
Protozoa (35 794 977– (239 400–
(2 593–11 958) (30 526–102 608) (195 372–960 910)
120 556 797) 1 034 790)

8 584 805
3 759 8 155 287 690 296 156
Cryptosporidium spp. (3 897 252–
(1 520–9 115) (3 598–17 355) (114 012–711 990) (119 456–724 660)
18 531 196)

28 023 571
1 470 20 851 115 740 138 863
Entamoeba histolytica (10 261 254–
(453–5 554) (7 431–53 080) (32 070–476 144) (47 339–503 775)
68 567 590)

28 236 123
0 26 270 0 26 270
Giardia spp. (12 945 655–
(0–0) (11 462–53 577) (0–0) (11 462–53 577)
56 996 454)



35 770 163 1 098 675 6 960 656 8 065 581

Invasive infectious 117 223
(18 604 754– (729 530– (3 128 316– (3 983 949–
disease agents (54 789–243 482)
70 045 873) 1 796 607) 14 882 637) 16 557 714)

13 709 836 1 258 812 1 353 767

27 731 85 885
Viruses (3 630 847– (325 409– (383 684–
(7 169–77 320) (22 118–250 641)
38 524 946) 3 509 844) 3 672 726)

13 709 836 1 258 812 1 353 767

27 731 85 885
Hepatitis A virus (3 630 847– (325 409– (383 684–
(7 169–77 320) (22 118–250 641)
38 524 946) 3 509 844) 3 672 726)

10 342 042 5 472 374 5 697 913

85 269 225 792
Bacteria (3 506 116– (2 283 968– (2 394 245–
(37 573–196 544) (108 092–604 162)
27 627 480) 12 803 285) 13 384 811)

393 239 110 971
1 957 13 324 124 884
Brucella spp. (143 815– (37 470–
(661–45 545) (4 095–315 952) (43 153–2 910 416)
9 099 394) 2 583 081)

14 169 3 175 2 255 116 109 118 340

Listeria monocytogenes
(6 112–91 175) (1 339–20 428) (843–14 981) (48 693–740 357) (49 634–754 680)

121 268 10 545 50 733 556 998 607 775

Mycobacterium bovis
(99 852–150 239) (7 894–14 472) (38 441–68 052) (417 711–761 851) (458 364–826 115)

1 741 120 829 136 855 730

12 069 26 987
Salmonella Paratyphi A (536 650– (259 990– (268 879–
(3 784–29 521) (7 610–72 811)
4 310 983) 2 028 112) 2 100 120)
7 570 087 3 604 940 3 720 565
52 472 117 334
Salmonella Typhi (2 333 263– (1 130 390– (1 169 040–
(16 454–128 350) (33 086–316 571)
18 743 406) 8 817 876) 9 130 956)
10 280 089 829 071
684 763 326 62 899

Protozoa (7 403 516– (561 297–
(333–1 300) (511 314–1 175 619) (30 575–119 512)
14 904 324) 1 264 567)
10 280 089 829 071
684 763 326 62 899
Toxoplasma gondii (7 403 516– (561 297–
(333–1 300) (511 314–1 175 619) (30 575–119 512)
14 904 324) 1 264 567)
12 928 944 3 367 987 2 428 929 5 810 589
45 226
Helminths (8 957 617– (2 840 638– (1 869 610– (4 864 518–
(34 143–59 035)
24 008 256) 4 358 741) 3 173 545) 7 367 619)

430 864 1 220 578 1 932 154 3 158 826

36 500
Cestodes (334 389– (941 084– (1 387 290– (2 411 585–
(25 652–50 063)
774 703) 1 576 600) 2 664 120) 4 122 032)

Echinococcus 43 076 482 12 121 27 626 39 950

granulosus (25 881–371 177) (150–3 974) (5 515–99 213) (8 577–227 715) (16 996–322 953)

Echinococcus 8 375 7 771 8 749 303 039 312 461

multilocularis (656–17 005) (243–15 896) (856–22 576) (8 102–622 954) (9 083–640 716)

1 192 236 1 586 288 2 788 426

370 710 28 114
Taenia solium (916 049– (1 170 461– (2 137 613–
(282 937–478 123) (21 059–36 915)
1 522 267) 2 177 848) 3 606 582)
12 285 286
1 012 518 451 80 021 605 738
Nematodes (8 292 732–
(388–2 783) (351 732–1 211 907) (30 652–220 274) (411 113–1 301 619)
22 984 630)
12 280 767
1 008 518 096 79 800 605 278
Ascaris spp. (8 287 414–
(384–2 781) (351 418–1 211 691) (30 426–220 154) (410 668–1 301 114)
22 980 491)

4 472 4 342 210 550

Trichinella spp.
(2 977–5 997) (2–5) (149–646) (116–306) (285–934)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


1 616 785 2 024 592
218 569 7 533 403 884
Trematodes (1 257 657– (1 652 243–
(167 886–281 872) (6 383–8 845) (342 815–473 423)
2 062 782) 2 483 514)
302 160
31 620 5 770 219 637 522 863
Clonorchis sinensis (247 586–
(21 515–45 059) (4 728–6 988) (149 514–312 718) (431 520–635 232)
366 036)

10 635 0 90 041 0 90 041

Fasciola spp.
(6 888–24 100) (0–0) (58 050–209 097) (0–0) (58 050–209 097)

18 924 0 155 165 0 155 165

Intestinal flukes*
(14 498–24 200) (0–0) (118 920–198 147) (0–0) (118 920–198 147)

16 315 1 498 102 705 85 364 188 346

Opisthorchis spp.
(11 273–22 860) (1 230–1 813) (70 849–143 938) (70 123–103 317) (151 906–235 431)

1 033 097 1 048 937
139 238 250 15 535
Paragonimus spp. (730 118– (743 700–
(95 610–195 078) (160–371) (9 971–23 035)
1 423 031) 1 438 588)
217 632 247 920 650 157 908 356
19 712
Chemicals and toxins (172 024– (196 490– (283 769– (506 112–
(8 171–51 664)
1 140 463) 1 410 260) 1 617 168) 2 714 588)
632 901 636 869
21 757 19 455 3 945
Aflatoxin (265 578– (267 142–
(8 967–56 776) (7 954–51 324) (1 551–10 667)
1 606 493) 1 617 081)

1 066 227 2 521 15 694 18 203

Cassava cyanide
(105–3 016) (22–669) (249–7 142) (1 514–46 304) (1 769–53 170)

193 447 240 056 240 056

0 0
Dioxin (155 963– (192 608– (192 608–
(0–0) (0–0)
1 085 675) 1 399 562) 1 399 562)
Notes: * Includes selected species of the families Echinostomatidae, Fasciolidae, Gymnophallidae, Heterophyidae, Nanophyetidae,
Neodiplostomidae and Plagiorchiidae (depending on data availability).

Figure 11. Ranking of foodborne hazards, based on Disability-Adjusted Life Years at the global
level, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010.
Foodborne Disability-Adjusted Life Years






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Notes: White dots indicate the median burden, black boxes the inter-quartile range (50% UI), black lines the 5 and 95 percentiles
(90% UI) and grey lines the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles (95% UI). Note that the y-axis is on a logarithmic scale. Abbreviations:
EPEC = Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli; ETEC = Enterotoxigenic E. coli; STEC = Shiga toxin-producing E. coli.

Regional differences Australia, New Zealand and Japan), which

The studies found considerable regional were all in the range of 40-50 DALYs per
differences in the burden of FBD (Table 100,000 population. Other subregions
8 and Figure 12). The highest burden per (AMR B and AMR D, EMR B and WPR
100,000 population was observed in the B) had intermediate burdens, all in the
two African subregions: 1,300 DALYs per range of 140-360 DALYs per 100,000
100,000 population in AFR D and 1,200 population (see Table 2 for a full list of
DALYs per 100,000 population in AFR the countries in each subregion).
E. In the South-East Asian subregions, The contribution of individual hazards
SEAR B and SEAR D, the burden to the burden of FBD differed markedly
was 690 and 710 DALYs per 100,000 between subregions (Figure 12). In
population, respectively, and in the both African subregions, nearly 70%
Eastern Mediterranean subregion, EMR of the burden was due to diarrhoeal
D, 570 DALYs per 100,000 population. disease agents, particularly to non-
The lowest burden was observed in the typhoidal S. enterica (including invasive
North American subregion AMR A (35 salmonellosis), EPEC, and ETEC;
DALYs per 100,000 population), followed additionally, V. cholerae caused an
by the three European subregions EUR important burden of diarrhoeal disease
A, EUR B and EUR C, and the Western in the AFR E subregion, and T. solium
Pacific subregion WPR A (which includes caused a high burden in both African
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

subregions (see Table 8 for the detailed burden. In the AMR B region, important
data for all hazards and all subregions). causes of FBD burden were T. solium
In the SEAR D and SEAR B subregions, (25 DALYs per 100,000 population)
diarrhoeal disease agents contributed and T. gondii (20 DALYs per 100,000
approximately 50% of the total disease population). In the AMR D region, the
burden, mainly caused by a range of burden of T. solium was particularly high
hazards including EPEC, norovirus, at 69 DALYs per 100,000 population;
non-typhoidal S. enterica, ETEC and the trematodes Paragonimus spp.
Campylobacter spp. In both of these and Fasciola spp. contributing 53 and
subregions, there was also a considerable 46 DALYs per 100,000 population,
burden of Salmonella Typhi (180 DALYs respectively to the overall disease
per 100,000 population in SEAR B and burden.
110 DALYs per 100,000 population in
The burden due to chemical hazards was
SEAR D). The burden of disease due to
also highly localized. Aflatoxin caused
the fluke Opisthorchis spp. was almost
the highest burden in AFR D, WPR B
exclusively concentrated in SEAR B
and SEAR B, whereas dioxins caused the
(40 DALYs per 100,000 population). In
highest burden in SEAR D, EMR B and
EMR D, diarrhoeal disease agents were
D and EUR A. The burden of cassava
responsible for approximately 70% of the
cyanide was limited to the AFR regions,
total burden of FBD, with Campylobacter
and was similar to that of aflatoxin in
spp. the leading cause in the region,
followed by EPEC, non-typhoidal S.
enterica, Shigella spp. and ETEC. Other In the three European subregions,
important hazards in this region were diarrhoeal disease agents contributed
Salmonella Typhi, aflatoxin and hepatitis to 49-68% of the total burden of FBD,
A virus. with non-typhoidal S. enterica and
Campylobacter spp. being the most
In the WPR B subregion, diarrhoeal
important hazards. Other important
disease agents accounted for
hazards included T. gondii in all European
approximately 14% of the FBD burden,
subregions, Brucella spp. in the EUR B
with Campylobacter spp. the leading
and Mycobacterium bovis in the EUR C
cause. In this region, the seafoodborne
subregions. In the WPR A region, 65%
trematodes Paragonimus spp. and
of the burden was caused by diarrhoeal
Clonorchis sinensis were important
disease agents, with T. gondii and
contributors to the FBD burden. In
hepatitis A virus also contributing. Finally,
the AMR B and AMR D subregions,
in the AMR A region, diarrhoeal disease
the contribution of diarrhoeal disease
agents contributed approximately 67%
agents to the total burden was smaller
of the total burden, with non-typhoidal
than in other subregions (approximately
S. enterica and Campylobacter spp.
40% and 20%, respectively), with
the most important hazards; T. gondii
Campylobacter spp., norovirus and
and L. monocytogenes were also
non-typhoidal S. enterica causing most
relatively important.

Table 8. Median rates of foodborne Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) per 100 000
population, by subregion, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010.

1 276 1 179 140 315 362 571 52 685 711 36 293
35 41 49
TOTAL (459– (726– (97– (243– (205– (325– (33– (360– (343– (23– (219–
(23–49) (29–64) (33–77)
2263) 1764) 274) 575) 582) 954) 136) 1291) 1335) 170) 406)
Diarrhoeal 889 824 277 393 330 380
23 60 72 28 25 24 23 41
disease (196– (447– (153– (217– (154– (159–
(13–33) (36–94) (40–117) (17–39) (14–37) (13–35) (14–32) (21–65)
agents 1 731) 1 326) 460) 644) 576) 717)
28 33 3 69 3
75 76 3 12 13 4 3 55 4
Viruses (0.5– (0.4– (0.08– (0.8– (0.09–
(6–222) (0–225) (0.6–8) (0–38) (0–43) (0–11) (0.2–9) (0–224) (0–19)
79) 90) 9) 263) 7)
28 33 3 69 3
75 76 3 12 13 4 3 55 4
Norovirus (0.5– (0.4– (0.08– (0.8– (0.09–
(6–222) (0–225) (0.6–8) (0–38) (0–43) (0–11) (0.2–9) (0–224) (0–19)
79) 90) 9) 263) 7)
787 712 237 347 247 285
19 45 54 24 21 20 19 34
Bacteria (186– (393– (124– (190– (107– (119–
(10–28) (26–68) (28–87) (14–32) (11–32) (10–29) (11–27) (17–54)
1 482) 1 160) 403) 576) 429) 506)
75 97
Campyloba- 71 70 9 15 15 10 8 8 37 33 9 10
(40– (54–
cter spp. (35–119) (33–117) (5–14) (8–23) (8–26) (6–14) (4–13) (4–12) (14–87) (2–84) (5–14) (4–17)
109) 143)
Enteropatho- 0.006 9 0.006 0.006
136 138 7 46 60 0.004 0.004 64 65 5
genic E. coli– (0.001– (0.9– (0.001– (0.001–
(11–329) (6–327) (0.4–21) (9–114) (8–151) (0–0.01) (0–0.01) (3–144) (1–162) (0.3–13)
EPEC 0.02) 26) 0.02) 0.02)
Enterotoxi- 107 105 0.003
7 9 29 37 0.004 0.004 0.004 42 42 0.003 4
genic E. coli– (26– (17– (0–
(1–19) (2–25) (6–78) (5–102) (0–0.01) (0–0.01) (0–0.01) (3–106) (2–111) (0–0.01) (0.3–11)
ETEC 245) 240) 0.009)
Shiga toxin- 0.009 0.08 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.07 0.1 0.2 0.01
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.4
producing (0.002– (0.02– (0.05– (0.09– (0.1– (0.02– (0.03– (0.007– (0.002–
(0.09–1) (0.2–1) (0.2–1) (0.02–1) (0.1–1)

E. coli 0.03) 0.2) 0.3) 0.4) 0.5) 0.2) 0.4) 1) 0.04)
Non- 338 193 59
9 11 14 50 67 12 12 11 58 9 9
typhoidal (94– (44– (22–
(4–16) (2–20) (4–26) (17–82) (26–112) (7–18) (6–21) (5–19) (0–162) (5–14) (4–16)
S. enterica 612) 336) 154)
25 25
37 37 0.2 2 2 27 37 0.09 0.1 0.2 0.2 4
Shigella spp. (0.6– (0.7–
(0–156) (0–148) (0–1) (0–8) (0–9) (0–109) (0–145) (0–0.9) (0–1) (0–1) (0–1) (0.1–11)
84) 90)
0.2 28 36 0.1
Vibrio 70 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
(0.009– (0.9– (0.2– (0.005–
cholerae (2–197) (4–383) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0.2–3) (0–0)
0.5) 96) 133) 0.4)
20 21 0.2 2 3 7 0.2 0.2 0.2 10 10 0.2 1
Protozoa (0.9–
(0–74) (5–66) (0.01–1) (0.4–6) (0.5–8) (1–33) (0–0.8) (0–0.9) (0–0.9) (2–35) (2–39) (0–0.9) (0.2–4)
Crypto- 0.2 0.7
12 12 1 3 3 0.1 0.1 0.1 6 6 0.1 0.3
sporidium (0.01– (0.08–
(0–44) (0–45) (0.1–5) (0–21) (0–24) (0–0.8) (0–0.8) (0–0.8) (0–28) (0–32) (0–0.8) (0–3)
spp. 0.9) 3)
Entamoeba 5 5 0 0.4 0.4 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0.3
histolytica (0–41) (0–41) (0–0) (0–2) (0–3) (0–12) (0–17) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–17) (0–18) (0–0) (0–1)
0.7 0.7 0.03 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.1 0.1 0.03 0.3
Giardia spp. (0.005–
(0–3) (0–3) (0–0.1) (0–2) (0.01–3) (0–2) (0–0.1) (0–0.1) (0–0.1) (0–0.9) (0–1) (0–0.1) (0–1)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

146 147 73 137 244
infectious 10 38 49 10 19 16 272 10 65
(46– (55– (32– (38– (38–
disease (6–14) (16–76) (19–144) (7–15) (9–61) (10–29) (71–721) (5–132) (19–145)
342) 343) 148) 334) 623)
0.5 0.8 1
27 18 1 2 2 32 1 1 5 58 5
Viruses (0.07– (0.03– (0.07–
(4–77) (3–55) (0.1–4) (0.2–7) (0.2–5) (2–102) (0.2–3) (0.3–4) (0.6–15) (6–182) (0.3–17)
2) 2) 3)
0.5 0.8 1
Hepatitis A 27 18 1 2 2 32 1 1 5 58 5
(0.07– (0.03– (0.07–
virus (4–77) (3–55) (0.1–4) (0.2–7) (0.2–5) (2–102) (0.2–3) (0.3–4) (0.6–15) (6–182) (0.3–17)
2) 2) 3)
93 104 82 251 165
4 16 19 50 3 8 5 3 50
Bacteria (31– (40– (22– (59– (27–
(2–7) (4–47) (5–65) (16–121) (3–5) (3–39) (3–10) (1–126) (12–124)
259) 277) 241) 696) 490)
2 0.3 0.07 2 4 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6
1 23 0.3 4
Brucella spp. (0.2– (0.007– (0.02– (0.2– (0.6– (0.07– (0.004– (0.003– (0.02– (0.09–
(0.3–16) (3–83) (0.07–1) (0.7–35)
53) 18) 0.6) 38) 68) 6) 112) 92) 125) 9)
Listeria 0.3
1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 0.6 1 1 1 1
mono- (0.2–
(0–21) (0–21) (2–5) (0.2–17) (0–21) (0–21) (0–21) (2–4) (0.3–2) (0–21) (0–21) (0.7–2) (1–4)
cytogenes 0.8)
Myco- 0.03 0.4 0.08 0.1
25 34 2 1 13 0.6 3 11 14 3
bacterium (0.01– (0.2– (0.06– (0.08–
(15–39) (21–48) (0.8–4) (0.5–3) (6–25) (0.5–1) (2–5) (4–27) (6–27) (1–5)
bovis 0.06) 0.8) 0.1) 0.2)
2 0.01 26
Salmonella 11 12 0.1 2 3 10 0.02 0.3 42 0.1 8
(0.006– (0– (0.6–
Paratyphi A (0–39) (0–43) (0–0.4) (0–6) (0–12) (0–36) (0–0.1) (0–2) (7–120) (0–0.5) (1–22)
7) 0.06) 80)
8 184
Salmonella 47 52 0.4 7 14 45 0.09 2 0.04 113 0.6 36
(0.03– (32–
Typhi (0–169) (0–187) (0–2) (0–27) (0–51) (0–158) (0–0.6) (0–9) (0–0.3) (3–347) (0–2) (6–95)
29) 522)
21 20 5 20 27 20 18 6 10 10 13 9 5 9
(8–41) (9–37) (2–8) (9–33) (10–84) (10–35) (9–31) (3–9) (5–23) (5–18) (6–22) (2–19) (3–8) (4–14)
Toxoplasma 21 20 5 20 27 20 18 6 10 10 13 9 5 9
gondii (8–41) (9–37) (2–8) (9–33) (10–84) (10–35) (9–31) (3–9) (5–23) (5–18) (6–22) (2–19) (3–8) (4–14)
186 184 36 185 162
1 5 21 0.4 6 6 52 60 2
Helminths (125– (141– (27– (149– (131–
(0.9–4) (2–15) (12–40) (0.2–1) (3–27) (4–15) (42–64) (45–80) (1–3)
308) 240) 134) 229) 202)
172 178 0.4 0.2 0.03
25 71 1 0.7 4 4 3 46 45
Cestodes (112– (136– (0.3– (0.05– (0.007–
(19–34) (53–95) (0.2–10) (0.1–19) (2–25) (2–12) (2–5) (34–61) (25–65)
289) 235) 0.6) 0.5) 0.8)
0.4 0.01 0.3 0.1 0.02 0.3
Echinococcus 0.8 2 0.9 0.6 2 0.5 0.001 0.8
(0.06– (0.002– (0.02– (0.02– (0.001– (0.08–
granulosus (0.2–16) (0.4–8) (0.2–10) (0.1–19) (0.5–6) (0.09–1) (0–0.1) (0.2–3)
21) 0.03) 5) 0.4) 0.8) 0.9)
0.03 0.005 0.03 0.007 0.008
Echinococcus 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 18
(0.005– (0– (0.008– (0– (0.001–
multilocularis (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0.5–21) (0.5–11) (0–0) (0–37)
0.06) 0.05) 0.06) 0.04) 0.02)
170 176 0.4
25 69 0 0 0 0 0.9 3 45 0 27
Taenia solium (110– (134– (0.3–
(19–32) (51–91) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0.6–2) (2–5) (33–60) (0–0) (20–35)
283) 229) 0.6)
0.6 0.04 0.004
13 5 11 12 3 13 1 1 8 13 11
Nematodes (0.3– (0.02– (0.001–
(2–28) (1–11) (3–106) (3–24) (1–7) (4–20) (0.3–2) (0.4–2) (2–15) (4–26) (3–22)
0.9) 0.07) 0.007)
13 5 11 12 3 13 0 1 1 8 13 0 11
Ascaris spp. (0.3–
(2–28) (1–11) (3–106) (3–24) (1–7) (4–20) (0–0) (0.3–2) (0.3–2) (2–15) (4–26) (0–0) (3–22)
0.001 0.001 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.04 0.04 0.04 0 0 0.004 0.004
Trichinella 0 0
(0– (0– (0.005– (0.005– (0.005– (0.02– (0.02– (0.02– (0– (0– (0.001– (0.001–
spp. (0–0) (0–0)
0.002) 0.002) 0.01) 0.01) 0.01) 0.07) 0.07) 0.07) 0.001) 0.001) 0.007) 0.007)

0.06 0.02 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2
101 7 1 40 0.7 2 106
Trematodes (0.02– (0.008– (0.04– (0.04– (0.2– (0.05– (0.05–
(74–135) (4–10) (0.8–1) (32–50) (0.2–2) (1–2) (85–131)
0.2) 0.07) 3) 0.5) 0.5) 0.6) 0.6)
0.04 0.01 0.04 0.05
Clonorchis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
(0.03– (0.003– (0.01– (0.01–
sinensis (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (26–38)
0.04) 0.04) 0.2) 0.2)
0.02 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.2 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.07
46 7 0.9
Fasciola spp. (0.008– (0.005– (0.001– (0.02– (0.1– (0.02– (0.02– (0.01– (0.008– (0.02– (0.01–
(27–75) (4–10) (0.1–8)
0.07) 0.04) 2) 0.1) 0.3) 0.2) 0.2) 0.1) 0.05) 0.1) 0.4)
0.01 0.1 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.2 0.1
Intestinal 0 0 1 9
(0.005– (0.04– (0.02– (0.02– (0.03– (0.009– (0.02– (0.03– (0.1– (0.03–
flukes* (0–0) (0–0) (0.9–2) (7–11)
0.04) 0.5) 0.2) 0.2) 0.2) 0.09) 0.2) 0.2) 0.5) 0.4)
0.07 0.05
Opisthorchis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 40 0.4 0 3
(0.02– (0.01–
spp. (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0.6–1) (32–50) (0.1–1) (0–0) (2–4)
0.3) 0.3)
0.03 0.008 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.05
Paragonimus 53 0 0 0 60
(0.008– (0.002– (0.004– (0.01– (0.008– (0.01– (0.008– (0.02– (0.02–
spp. (38–73) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (43–83)
0.08) 0.02) 0.6) 0.1) 0.07) 0.1) 0.5) 0.2) 0.2)
2 0.9 0.3
Chemicals 30 7 0.4 3 0.8 9 2 2 20 18 18
(0.09– (0.4– (0.06–
and toxins (8–85) (3–21) (0.2–3) (0.7–16) (0.3–14) (4–66) (1–22) (2–9) (4–75) (13–52) (3–71)
159) 25) 13)
0.04 2 0.3 0.2
28 3 3 0.7 5 0.6 0.5 18 4 17
Aflatoxin (0.006– (0.07– (0.1– (0.04–
(7–78) (1–8) (0.6–9) (0.2–3) (1–17) (0.3–1) (0.2–2) (3–52) (0.6–15) (3–69)
0.2) 137) 0.7) 0.8)
Cassava 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
cyanide (0.1–3) (0.3–9) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0)
0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.09 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.06
0.3 3 2 2 14
Dioxin (0.05– (0.09– (0.03– (0.01– (0.004– (0.09– (0.005– (0.02– (0.006–
(0.1–3) (2–56) (1–22) (1–8) (12–40)
6) 9) 11) 23) 11) 24) 45) 12) 5)

Notes: * Includes selected species of the families Echinostomatidae, Fasciolidae, Gymnophallidae, Heterophyidae, Nanophyetidae,
Neodiplostomidae and Plagiorchiidae (depending on data availability).

Figure 12. The global burden of foodborne disease (DALYS per 100 000 population) by hazard
groups and by subregion, 2010.

Foodborne DALYs per 100,000 inhabitants




Diarrheal disease agents Helminths

Invasive infectious disease agents Chemicals and toxins
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

The relative contribution of mortality and V. cholerae, Listeria monocytogenes,

(measured as YLL) and morbidity Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella
(measured as YLD) to the total burden of Paratyphi, Echinococcus multilocularis
disease varied widely between hazards and aflatoxin). At the other extreme,
(Figure 13). For 18 foodborne hazards, more than 75% of the total burden due
more than 75% of the total burden was to morbidity (blue columns in Figure 2)
due to premature mortality (red columns were accounted for by seven foodborne
in Figure 13). These mainly include hazards, of which four (Giardia spp.,
hazards leading to diseases with known Fasciola spp., intestinal flukes, and dioxin)
high case-fatality ratios (non-typhoidal were not assumed to cause fatal illnesses.
S. enterica, EPEC, ETEC, Shigella spp.

Figure 13. Relative contribution of Years of Life Lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and Years Lived
with Disability (YLD) to the global burden of 31 hazards in food, 2010.





or nt s

m aty hi
oc A

ET s

yc pa ella us

a s

m a h yan .
lo sto de
ct ica

ST .
on nu EC
Ta chi us

ho so .
Tr rch lium

pl car pp.

Fa dia p.

st la s .
flu .
Di es
fla ae

co lla ella pp

ac is A spp

ra ma pp

al pp

Ec alm Salm idiu eric
Cr hoid cyt PE


En Ca ruc bov
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As lla

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ta ss ell


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Cl ra

oe va


ob tit












no eria








Figure 14. Age-distribution of disability adjusted life years for 31 hazards contributing to the
global burden of foodborne disease, 2010.




di pp

ct ica


m C

br a so es
st cho m

av is e
Sh l flu s
la s

m As EP .

nt ii
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5+ <5

The FERG studies show that children incidence), including uncertainty

under five years old bear 40% of the intervals. On the basis of this plot,
foodborne disease burden (including, hazards were divided by two criteria
for some hazards, the life-long burden with arbitrary cut-offs as indicated
of sequelae). More than 75% of the by grey-shaded areas in the Figure. V.
burden of four hazards (Fasciola spp., cholerae, T. solium and Paragonimus
Giardia spp., dioxins, and intestinal spp. were in the H/H category. All other
flukes) occurred among children under diarrheal disease agents were in the H/L
five (Figure 14). Prenatal infections category, except STEC, E. histolytica
accounted for 21% of the burden of and Giardia spp. (L/L). The L/L category
L. monocytogenes and for 32% of further included Trichinella spp. The L/H
the burden of Toxoplasma gondii. By category contained agents that are of
contrast, more than 75% of the burden of relatively low global impact but have
11 hazards occurred among people over a high impact on affected individuals.
five years old. These included different parasites,
particularly E. multilocularis, the invasive
Figure 15 presents a scatterplot of the
bacteria Brucella spp., L. monocytogenes
burden at individual level (DALYs per
and M. bovis. In subregions where the
case, a measure for disease severity)
burden is higher than the global average,
and the burden at population level
these agents are of specific relevance to
(foodborne DALYs per 100,000
policy makers.
population, also accounting for disease
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Figure 15. Scatterplot of the global burden of foodborne disease per 100 000 population and per
incident case.



C Clon
10 Lmono
Parag Tsol
Fasc Flukes

DALYs per foodborne case

SPara STyph


Trich EPEC
0.1 HAV


0.001 Giar

0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Foodborne DALYs per 100,000 inhabitants

Diarrheal disease agents Helminths

Invasive infectious disease agents Chemicals and toxins

Abbreviations: NoV = Norovirus; Camp = Campylobacter spp.; EPEC = Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli; ETEC = Enterotoxigenic
E. coli; STEC = Shiga toxin-producing E. coli; NTS = non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica; Shig = Shigella spp.; Vchol; Vibrio cholerae;
Ehist = Entamoeba histolytica; Cryp = Cryptosporidium spp.; Giar = Giardia spp.; HAV = Hepatitis A virus; Bruc = Brucella spp.;
Lmono = Listeria monocytogenes; Mbov = Mycobacterium bovis; SPara = Salmonella Paratyphi A; STyph = Salmonella Typhi; Toxo
= Toxoplasma gondii; Egran = Echinococcus granulosus; Emult = E. multilocularis; Tsol = Taenia solium; Asc = Ascaris spp.; Trich
= Trichinella spp.; Clon = Clonorchis sinensis; Fasc = Fasciola spp.; Flukes = Intestinal flukes; Opis = Opisthorchis spp.; Parag =
Paragonimus spp.; Diox = Dioxin; Afla = Aflatoxin.

5.3  DALY Estimates: proportion of foodborne infections

Enteric diseases caused by EPEC, Cryptosporidium spp.
and Campylobacter spp. occurred among
It was estimated that the 22 diseases in children <5 years of age (Table A8.3 in
the enteric disease study caused Appendix 8) Among the 11 diarrhoeal
2.0 billion (95% UI 1.5–3.0 billion) diseases, the rate ratio of foodborne
illnesses in 2010, 39% of which (95% UI cases occurring among children <5 years
26–53%) were in children <5 years of age. of age compared with those >5 years of
Among the 1.9 billion cases of diarrhoeal age was 6.44 (95% UI 3.15–12.46).
diseases, norovirus was responsible for
684 million illnesses– the largest number It was estimated that the 22 diseases in
of cases for any pathogen (Table A8.1 in the enteric diseases study caused 1.09
Appendix 8). The pathogens resulting million (95% UI 0.89–1.37 million) deaths
in the next largest number of cases in 2010, of which 34% (95% UI 29–38%)
were ETEC, Shigella spp., Giardia spp., in children <5 years of age. Among
Campylobacter spp. and non-typhoidal the diarrhoeal diseases, norovirus was
Salmonella spp. Campylobacter spp. responsible for the most deaths. Other
cases included almost 32 000 GBS diarrhoeal pathogens responsible for
cases. There were also 2.48 million large numbers of deaths were EPEC, V.
STEC cases, which included 3610 with cholerae and Shigella spp. The 37 600
HUS and 253 with ESRD. Among the deaths attributed to Campylobacter spp.
extra-intestinal diseases, the pathogens included 1310 deaths from GBS. Among
resulting in the most infections were the extra-intestinal enteric diseases, the
hepatitis A virus, S. Typhi and S. pathogens resulting in the most deaths
Paratyphi A. Brucella spp. resulted in 0.83 were S. Typhi, hepatitis A virus, iNTS and
million illnesses, which included almost S. Paratyphi A.

333 000 chronic infections and 83 300 Overall, the 22 diseases in the enteric
episodes of orchitis. L. monocytogenes diseases study resulted in 351 000
resulted in 14 200 illnesses which (95% UI 240 000–524 000) deaths due
included 7830 cases of septicaemia, to contaminated food in 2010; with 33%
3920 cases of meningitis, and 666 cases (95% UI 27–40%) in children <5 years of
with neurological sequelae. age. The enteric pathogens resulting in
Overall, 29% (95% UI 23–36%) of all the most foodborne deaths were S. Typhi,
22 diseases were estimated to be EPEC, norovirus, iNTS, non-typhoidal
transmitted by contaminated food, Salmonella spp. and hepatitis A. The
equating to 582 million (95% UI mortality rates of foodborne diseases
400–922 million) foodborne cases in were consistently highest in the African
2010; of which 38% (95% UI 24–53%) in subregions, followed by the South
children <5 years of age. The pathogens Eastern Asian subregions (Table A8.2
resulting in the most foodborne cases in Appendix 8) Among the 11 diarrhoeal
were norovirus, Campylobacter spp., diseases due to contaminated food, the
ETEC, non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., rate ratio of deaths in children <5 years
and Shigella spp. A high proportion of age compared with those >5 years of
of foodborne infections caused by V. age was 8.37 (95% UI 5.90–11.4). For all
cholerae, S. Typhi, and S. Paratyphi 22 diseases, the rate ratio of deaths in
A occurred in the African region children <5 years of age compared with
(Table A8.2 in Appendix 8). A high those >5 years of age was 4.85 (95%
UI 3.54–6.59).
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

It was estimated that the 22 diseases in age. Figure 17 shows the relative burden
the enteric diseases study caused 78.7 of foodborne enteric infections, if iNTS
million (95% UI 65.0–97.7 million) DALYS and non-typhoidal Salmonella spp. were
in 2010, of which 43% (95% UI 38–48%) grouped together. The pathogen resulting
in children <5 years of age. The in the most foodborne DALYs was non-
pathogens resulting in the most typhoidal Salmonella spp., if iNTS were
DALYs were norovirus, S. Typhi, EPEC, included (4.07 million). Other pathogens
V. cholerae, ETEC, and hepatitis A resulting in substantial foodborne DALYs
(Table A8.1 in Appendix 8). included: S. Typhi, EPEC, norovirus and
Campylobacter spp. The rates of DALYs
The rates of foodborne DALYs per
for foodborne diseases were highest in
100 000 population are shown by hazard
the African subregions. Overall, the 22
and by subregion in Table A8.2
diseases transmitted by contaminated
in Appendix 8.
food resulted in 10.8 million (95% UI
It was estimated that the 22 diseases 7.59–15.3 million) DALYs in children <5
in the enteric diseases study resulted years of age, compared with 14.3 million
in 25.2 million (95% UI 17.5–37.0 million) (95% UI 9.42–22.5 million) DALYs in those
DALYs due to contaminated food; 43% >5 years of age.
(95% UI 36–50%) in children <5 years of

Figure 16. The global burden of foodborne disease by subregion (DALYS per 100 000
population) caused by enteric hazards, 2010.
Foodborne DALYs per 100,000 inhabitants





Norovirus non-typhoidal S. enterica Giardia spp. Salmonella Paratyphi A

Campylobacter spp. Shigella spp. Hepatitis A Virus Salmonella Typhi
EPEC Vibrio cholerae Brucella spp.
ETEC Cryptosporidium spp. Listeria monocytogenes
STEC Entamoeba histolytica Mycobacterium bovis

Figure 17. Disability Adjusted Life Years for each pathogen acquired from contaminated food
ranked from lowest to highest with 95% Uncertainty Intervals, 2010.

Global foodborne DALYs































































Note figure is on a logarithmic scale. The figure shows the median (white dot); Inter-Quartile Range = 50% UI = 25%/75% percentiles

(thick black line); 90% UI = 5%/95% percentiles (thin black line); 95% UI = 2.5%/97.5% percentiles (thin grey line). Note, four
foodborne intoxications due to Clostridium botulinum, Cl. perfringens, S. aureus, and Bacillus cereus due to a lack of data for
global estimation. In addition, data for non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica infections and invasive non-typhoidal S. enterica have
been combined.

5.4  DALY Estimates: Parasites caused by cysticercosis were 2.79

million (95% UI 2.14–3.61 million) DALYs.
The parasitic diseases with the largest Foodborne trematodiasis resulted in
total number of symptomatic incident 2.02 million (95% UI 1.65–2.48 million)
cases and symptomatic incident cases DALYs. Toxoplasmosis had a burden
attributable to contaminated food in (congenital and acquired combined) of
2010 are acquired toxoplasmosis and 1.68 million (95% UI 1.24–2.45 million)
ascariosis. The incidence in 2010 of DALYs, with ascariosis also resulting in
each parasitic disease per 100 000 1.32 million (95% UI 1.18–2.70 million)
population by region are given in DALYs. Echinococcosis (alveolar and
(Table A8.4 in Appendix 8). Also of note cystic combined), had a burden of
were the relatively few cases of human approximately 871 000 DALYs (CE
trichinellosis, with a global estimate of 184 000, 95% (UI 88 100–1.59 million]
just 4400 cases and 4 deaths in 2010. DALYs; AE 688 000, 95% [UI 409 000–1.1
The number of DALYs associated with million] DALYs). This gives a 2010 global
each parasite and the proportion of burden of these 11 parasitic diseases of
DALYs that were foodborne in 2010 8.78 million (95% UI 7.62–12.5 million)
are given in Table A8.5 in Appendix 8. DALYs, of which 6.64 million (95% UI
In 2010 the burdens estimated to be 5.61–8.41 million) DALYs were estimated
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

to be foodborne. Contaminated food may DALYs per 100 000, respectively, whereas

be responsible for 48% (95% UI 38%– the lowest was found in the European
56%) of incident cases and approximately subregions, with 11 (95% UI 8–24) DALYs
76% (95% UI 65%–81%) of DALYs (Table per 100 000 (Appendix 8 Table A8.4).
1). Stillbirths were excluded, although in However, the relative importance of the
the case of congenital toxoplasmosis, different parasitic infections varied across
if counted as deaths as an alternative regions and this is clearly illustrated in
scenario, this would result in 4470 (95% Figure 18A. For example, the burden of
UI 969–12 400) additional deaths and opisthorchiosis is largely confined to
hence an addition of approximately SEAR subregion D, whilst cysticercosis is
411 000 (95% UI 89 100–1.14 million) rarely seen in either EMR or EUR regions.
YLLs. Of these, approximately 2180
The absolute and relative foodborne
(95% UI 470–6090) deaths and 200 000
burdens of these parasitic diseases,
(95% UI 43 200–560 000) YLLs would
including the three enteric protozoa,
be foodborne.
are illustrated in Figure 18B. The relative
The largest global incidence rate of proportion of the burden of each of the
DALYs was found in the Western Pacific foodborne parasitic diseases contributed
and African subregions, with 156 (95% by YLLs and YLDs is illustrated in
UI 127–193) and 208 (95% UI 159–283) Figure 19.

Figure 18A. The relative contribution to the DALY incidence by each agent for each of the
subregions. This includes enteric protozoa to complete the picture on foodborne parasitic
diseases. However the detail is reported in the accompanying manuscript on foodborne enteric
pathogens [168].

Foodborne DALYs per 100,000 inhabitants





Toxoplasma gondii, congenital Taenia solium Fasciola spp. Entamoeba histolytica

Toxoplasma gondii, acquired Ascaris spp. Intestinal flukes Cryptosporidium spp.
Echinococcus granulosus Trichinella spp. Opisthorchis spp. Giardia spp.
Echinococcus multilocularis Clonorchis spp. Paragonimus spp.

Figure 18B. Disability Adjusted Life Years for each parasite acquired from contaminated food
ranked from lowest to highest with 95% Uncertainty Intervals, 2010. This includes enteric
protozoa to complete the picture on foodborne parasitic diseases. However the detail is reported
in the accompanying manuscript on foodborne enteric pathogens [168].
Foodborne Disability-Adjusted Life Years











































































Figure 19. The relative proportion of the burden of each of the foodborne parasitic diseases
contributed by YLLs and YLDs














































































WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

5.5  DALY Estimates: Chemicals disease per 100 000 population for each

of the regions is reported in Table A8.7
The analyses presented here show that
in Appendix 8. Peanut allergy is not
four selected chemicals already have
reported in Table A8.7 in Appendix 8
a substantial impact on the foodborne
because burden was estimated only
burden of disease, particularly in low-
for AMR A (United States of America,
and middle-income countries. Just
Canada and Cuba), EUR A (primarily
these four agents are estimated to be
countries in Western Europe), and WPR
associated with 339 000 illnesses (95%
A (Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Japan
UI 186 000–1 239 000); 20 000 deaths
and New Zealand) subregions. Burden
(95% UI 8 000–52 000); and 1 012 000
estimates for cyanide in cassava are
DALYs (95% UI 562 000–2 822 000) in
provided only for the African region
2010. These should be considered the
(AFR) and assumed to be zero for
“tip of the iceberg” in terms of foodborne
other regions.
chemicals and their impact on the global
burden of disease. For peanut allergens, Figure 20 provides the DALYs per
we were unable to estimate a burden 100 000 inhabitants by global region.
for low- and middle-income countries The regions with the highest burden
due to data gaps. We also had to use an per 100 000 inhabitants are the
approximate disability weight, as there subregions in SEAR, WPR and AFR.
are data only on quality of life of patients The American Region (AMR), Eastern
with food allergy [102] and no specific Mediterranean Region (EMR), and
data are available for peanut allergy. European Region (EUR) have the lowest
DALYs per 100 000. Aflatoxin is the
The estimated number of incident
largest contributor to the burden in
cases, deaths and DALYs for each of
AFR and WPR. Dioxin makes the largest
the diseases associated with chemicals
contribution in SEAR. Figure 21 contrasts
is given in Table A8.6 in Appendix 8.
the proportion of DALYs due to YLL
The chemical associated with the most
and YLD for each of the four chemicals.
number of illnesses is dioxin; however,
Virtually all of the DALYs for aflatoxin
no deaths have been reported from the
and most of the DALYs for cyanide in
presence of dioxin in the food supply. The
cassava are due to YLL, whereas most
chemical associated with the greatest
of the DALYs for peanut allergen and all
number of DALYs is aflatoxin. The DALY
of the DALYs for dioxin are due to YLD.
estimates for aflatoxin and dioxin have
Figure 22 shows the uncertainty around
the least uncertainty; more uncertainty is
the DALY estimates for each of the four
associated with the DALY estimates for
chemicals. The chemical with the least
peanut allergen and cyanide in cassava.
uncertainty and the greatest number of
The annual incidence, mortality, and
DALYs is aflatoxin.
DALY rate of each chemical-associated

Figure 20. The relative contribution to the DALY incidence by each of four chemicals for each of
the WHO Regions.
Foodborne DALYs per 100,000 inhabitants




Aflatoxin Cassava cyanide Dioxin Peanut

Notes: Peanut allergy burden was estimated only for the AMR A (United States of America, Canada and Cuba); EUR A (primarily
countries in western Europe); and WPR A (Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Japan and New Zealand) subregions. Burden estimates for

cyanide in cassava are provided only for the African region (AFR), and assumed to be zero for other regions.

Figure 21. The relative contributions from YLLs and YLDs for each of four chemicals.












WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Figure 22. Disability Adjusted Life Years for each of four chemicals from contaminated food
ranked, from lowest to highest, with 95% uncertainty intervals
Foodborne Disability-Adjusted Life Years













Notes: The dot in the middle of each box represents the median, the box the 50% uncertainty interval, the dark bar the 95%
uncertainty interval, and the light bar the 95% uncertainty interval.

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


This study estimates that 31 foodborne in the FERG estimates whereas in the
hazards resulted in 33 million DALYs GBD 2010 study they were recorded in
in 2010, which shows the considerable different disease categories. Furthermore,
public health impact of contaminated the GBD 2010 study used a different life
food. Importantly, children <5 years of table than FERG and more extensive
age experienced 40% of the foodborne mathematical modeling to account for
disease burden, despite representing only data gaps, which smoothed the data
9% of the global population. The study considerably, resulting in narrower
provides a substantial expansion of the uncertainty intervals than in our study.
available data on the public health impact The GBD 2010 and FERG studies used
of FBDs. the same set of disability weights,
but the FERG included some updates
Several high-income countries have
as recommended by WHO. Neither
published national estimates of FBD.
study applied time discounting or age-
Estimates of food-related illnesses and
weighting in their baseline estimates.
deaths in the USA were estimated in the
late 1990s [169] and updated to cover The GBD 2010 study, which looked at
the period 2000–2008 [170, 171]. Similar all sources of disease, found that the
studies are available from Australia [173], key hazards and risk factors for disease
Canada [175], France [174] and the UK burden were dietary risk factors (254
[172]. Some countries have extended this million DALYs), unimproved water and
work to estimate DALYs, including Greece sanitation (211 million DALYs), HIV/AIDS
[177], the Netherlands [178], New Zealand (82 million DALYs), malaria (82 million
[176] and the USA [179]. While the range DALYs), air pollution (76 million DALYs)
of hazards covered in these studies and tuberculosis (49 million DALYs).
differed from those in the FERG studies, Recently published findings from WHO1
the focus was on enteric diseases and a for 2012 were: HIV/AIDS (92million
limited number of invasive and parasitic DALYs); malaria (55 million DALYs) and
diseases. The FERG data, by contrast, tuberculosis (44 million DALYs). Hence,
cover numerous countries across the the burden of FBD (33 million DALYs)
globe and provide a more complete is of a similar order of magnitude as
picture of FBD. the ‘big three’ infectious diseases (HIV/
Comparisons of the FERG estimate of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis) and
the burden of FBD with other estimates, air pollution, but clearly lower than
such as those of the Institute for Health the burden of dietary risk factors or
Metrics and Evaluation’s GBD 2010 study unimproved water and sanitation.
[81], must be made with care because The FERG estimate of 29,000 deaths due
of differences in the methodology and to foodborne transmission of invasive
data used. For example, the GBD 2010 non-typhoidal S. enterica only included
study used prevalence-based DALYS, infections in non-HIV infected individuals.
whereas our study used incidence-based Ao et al. [180] estimated there were
DALYs. As a consequence, the impact of approximately 680,000 deaths due to
sequelae such as Guillain-Barré syndrome invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis in
(due to Campylobacter spp.), hemolytic 2010. Of these, approximately 350,000
uremic syndrome (due to Shiga toxin- would be due to foodborne transmission,
producing E. coli) and invasive disease assuming 52% of all non-typhoidal
(due to non-typhoidal S. enterica) were 1
attributed to the diarrheal disease agents DALYNUMWORLD?lang=en; accessed July 22, 2014

salmonellosis cases is transmitted by relevance [182]. In particular, we did not

food [156]. Even though this high number include burden estimates for several
of deaths among HIV infected people chemicals (arsenic, cadmium, lead and
is not included in the FERG estimates methylmercury), because methods for
of the burden of FBD, they would be estimation of the fraction of illnesses
preventable by food safety interventions. attributed to foodborne exposure to
This study is subject to several limitations, these chemicals are not readily available.
notably due to uncertainties in the data Even for the hazards we have studied,
limitations on burden estimates and it was not always possible to include
attribution estimates. For most hazards all relevant disease outcomes in our
(25 of the 31 studied), the 95% DALY estimates of burden. For example, we did
uncertainty interval (UI) ranged from not include functional bowel disorders as
one-fourth to four times the median. The potential outcomes for enteric infections
uncertainty was markedly greater for E. [183]. Inclusion of these outcomes would
multilocularis (because of uncertainty in likely considerably increase the burden of
the attribution estimates), E. granulosus enteric infections [184}.
and L. monocytogenes (because of Aflatoxin burden was estimated using
uncertainties in the imputation results). a counterfactual approach, estimating
In low-income countries, where the population attributable fractions from
burden is highest, data availability was exposure assessment estimates and
generally most problematic. Furthermore, cancer potency factors, and applying
in these countries, the proportions of these to WHO estimates for incidence
diseases transmitted by food, water and mortality by hepatocellular
and the environment are difficult to carcinoma. Risk assessment, as used to
disentangle, as contaminated water may assess the burden of dioxins [133] has
also result in contamination of foods. Due been proposed as an alternative basis
to these limitations, it was not possible for estimating this particular burden,
to present reliable estimates at country and would result in considerably higher
level, and elected to present results at estimates of the burden of aflatoxin [110].
subregion level. Moreover, both aflatoxin and dioxin can

For some hazards (e.g. M. bovis and cause other adverse health effects than
E. multilocularis, aflatoxin and dioxin), the ones considered (e.g. diarrhoeal
incident illness is related to past diseases [185] and aflatoxin as causes
exposures due to long incubation of malnutrition and stunting, dioxin and
times of disease. For such hazards, the immune effects or cancer), for which
estimated burden reflects exposure data were not available to allow disease
dating back to the average incubation burden estimates.
period of the disease rather than current A further limitation of this study is that
exposure. For some hazards (e.g. DALYs do not quantify the full societal
dioxins), the impact on the child depends impact of FBD. The economic burden
on the lifelong exposure of the mother. (cost-of-illness, losses in the agricultural
The FERG estimates of the FBD and food sectors and trade impacts)
burden are probably conservative, is also an important factor to consider
i.e. underestimates rather than in national and international decision-
overestimates. Limited resources and making. Also, the process of food
data obliged us to focus on only a subset production can cause human diseases
of more than 100 hazards of potential by mechanisms other than direct
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

transmission of pathogens through regional estimates, the consideration of

food. For example, animal husbandry local hazards that may not have been
is an important source of zoonotic addressed at a global level, and the
disease agents that spread from pigs, translation of burden estimates into food
poultry, cattle, etc., by direct contact or safety policy. The estimates developed by
through the environment, and may also this WHO initiative will be invaluable for
affect livestock health. It is increasingly countries where local data gaps prevent
necessary to consider holistically all the development of a full picture of FBD.
aspects of food-related disease in a One
Health Framework [186]. The considerable difference in the burden
of foodborne disease between low- and
Despite its data gaps and assumptions, high-income regions suggests that a
this study presents the first ever major proportion of the current burden
estimates of the global burden of FBD is avoidable. The WHO is working with
and should serve as an important governments and partners, including
resource to focus activities that will food producers, caterers and consumers,
reduce this burden. A sustainable, to reduce food contamination throughout
multi-sectoral response is needed the food chain, and particularly at
from governments and international the point of consumption, to levels at
organizations to reduce the visible which the exposure to pathogens and
and ‘hidden’ burden; this includes
contaminants does not pose significant
enforcement of food safety standards
risks for human health. There is, therefore,
and effective surveillance networks
an urgent need to develop cost-effective
at country, regional and global levels.
food hygiene interventions that can be
This will require a concerted effort by
implemented in resource-poor settings.
all stakeholders in the food chain, from
This research and development should be
primary production to consumers. The
informed by estimates of the burden of
diversity of foodborne hazards suggests
specific food vehicles, taking all hazards
the need for a multi-faceted strategy,
with priorities tailored to each region. into account.
While national studies may further General principles for strengthening food
refine these priorities and are highly safety systems have been suggested by
recommended, the current findings the WHO; they include integrating food
could already be a basis for developing safety into nutrition and food security
strategies at the global, regional and policies and programs, and fostering
national levels. closer collaboration between the various
The diversity of foodborne hazards and sectors involved (agriculture, human
regional differences in their importance health, animal health, trade, tourism, etc.).
suggest the need for consideration of The WHO recommends governments put
these estimates at the national or even in place risk-based food control systems
subnational level. As one of its aims, and implement international food
the FERG has fostered national studies safety standards as established by the
of the burden of FBD, and pilot studies Codex Alimentarius Commission. Food
have been conducted in Albania, Japan, handlers and consumers should handle
Thailand and Uganda. The tools and and prepare food safely, practicing the
protocols developed by the FERG to WHO’s ‘Five Keys to Safer Food’ and
support such national studies emphasize grow fruits and vegetables using the
the collation of local data to validate its WHO’s ‘Five Keys to Growing Safer Fruits

and Vegetables’ to decrease microbial We were unable to identify

contamination2. epidemiological studies in the literature
that delineate and quantify the
FBDs are closely linked to poverty in
importance of each transmission pathway
developing countries but they are also
as investigated in this study. This makes it
a global public health issue because
difficult to formally validate the findings
growing international trade increases
of the expert elicitation. Still, a discussion
the risk of contamination in transported
of summary findings in the context of
foods; also, migration and travel can
other scientific knowledge may be of
expose populations to new hazards.
Achievement of the internationally
agreed Millennium Development The hazards can be grouped into several
Goals and the proposed Sustainable categories with respect to their major
Development Goals, including the pathways. For Campylobacter, non-
overarching goals of poverty reduction, typhoidal Salmonella, STEC, T. gondii, and
achieving food security and ensuring E. multilocularis, the foodborne route was
healthy lives, will depend in part on considered the most important route in
successful reduction of the burden all subregions. These pathogens are all
of FBD. zoonotic and known to have one or more
animal reservoirs. The zoonotic nature
of these organisms is also reflected in
6.1  Attribution experts’ judgments by the identification
In the attribution study, the results are of direct contact with animals as an
presented of the first world-wide study important transmission route as well.
on the contribution of contaminated Other pathogens with animal reservoirs
food and other exposure routes to include E. granulosus and Brucella spp.,
human disease caused by 18 major and here direct contact with animals was
microbiological hazards and a chemical considered equally or more important
hazard. The study highlights the than food as routes of transmission.
importance of the foodborne route As described in the results section for
of transmission for these hazards

several pathogens, there was a clear
and– when combined with estimates pattern that the experts considered the
of incidence, severity, duration and foodborne route less important in low-
mortality– allows estimation of the and middle-income subregions, where
burden of foodborne disease. Attempting other routes (animal contact, water
to estimate foodborne transmission at and soil) were believed to contribute
the subregional level is an ambitious relatively more in comparison with high-
goal. However, this was vital given income subregions. This is consistent
the geographically localized nature of with data showing lower levels of access
exposure to many pathogens. The results to improved water and sanitation in
are significant due to the global nature less developed regions compared
of the estimation, the number of experts with high-income countries. This
participating, and the rigorous approach ranking of subregions across different
taken to assessing and including expert pathogens provides some confidence
performance in the final estimates. in the results, as the estimates were
2 done independently and partly by
day/2015/en/ different experts.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

An expert elicitation was used to primarily a human reservoir (e.g. hepatitis

estimate source attribution parameters A virus, S. Typhi and V. cholerae). Some
because of not only the lack of globally of the differences observed may occur
consistent data on which to base such because we are comparing national
estimates, but also a general lack of estimates with subregional estimates,
data and research on source attribution where the latter could be interpreted as a
in most of the world. The generally weighted average across all countries in
wide uncertainty bounds provided by the subregion.
the expert elicitation in this study are For hepatitis A, there is a strong
presumed to reflect both uncertainty disagreement between the national
and variation, where uncertainty arises studies and this study, where the
due to the sparseness of hard evidence proportion foodborne is estimated to
data for, or the presence of conflicting be less, but at the same level in the
evidence for, the contribution of different four national studies that investigated
transmission pathways, and variation this pathogen. This difference cannot
reflects the experts’ beliefs concerning be readily explained, but it should be
variations between countries within any noted that there was also disagreement
given subregion. A study operating with between the experts in this study,
smaller regions or at country level might where three of the six experts serving
have reduced the uncertainty due to on the hepatitis A virus panel provided
variation. estimates in line with those published
There exist a few recent national studies for the national studies, whereas the
that estimate the proportion of illnesses remaining three experts provided
attributable to the foodborne route considerably higher estimates. The
for specific infectious diseases [33–35, disagreement between the experts is also
37, 187, 188]. Table A7.6 in Appendix 7 reflected in the uncertainty bounds for
provides the main results from these the estimates, which are quite wide and
studies. Four of the six studies used contain the estimates from the national
some kind of formal expert elicitation, studies. For S. Typhi and V. cholerae,
where enrolled experts were asked to the estimates from the national studies
provide a central estimate and their are higher than those found in this
uncertainty bounds around this. The study. One explanation could be that
estimates published by Gkoga et al. [187] the national studies [35, 187, 188] were
only attributing domestically acquired
and Scallan et al. [42] were derived by
cases. In the study by Scallan et al. [42],
the authors using a synthesis of data
the proportion foodborne for S. Typhi
from different public health surveillance
was estimated based on data from 17
systems and the literature. As all six
domestic outbreaks reported in a 19–
studies were conducted in developed
year period, where 13 outbreaks were
countries, we compare the results
confirmed foodborne and 4 outbreaks
only with the results from the relevant
were of unknown origin. The same study
subregions (i.e. EUR A, AMR A and WPR
included also only data from domestically
A) in this study.
acquired cases of V. cholerae, but as
For the zoonotic pathogens, particularly around 70% of all cases were estimated
non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., the to be travel related, including all cases
estimates agree more closely and the could change the proportion foodborne
uncertainty ranges tend to be relatively significantly. Infections with S. Typhi
narrower than for pathogens with and V. cholerae are typically linked with

contaminated water sources and poor food or water depending on the point-
hygiene in developing regions [27], so of-attribution. It is clear that there exists
these transmission routes are likely to no single “right” way of delineating the
be relatively more important among foodborne route from other transmission
cases that have been travelling to these routes; however, it is critical that point of
regions. This is probably what is reflected attribution be clearly defined. Definition
in the attribution results in this study. of point-of-attribution should depend on
the objective and focus of the specific
The operational definition of different
study carried out, and could involve many
transmission routes, in particular the
factors, including the foodborne hazard
food and waterborne routes, will
in question, the food production systems
affect attribution estimates. Hazards
and routines in place, the geographical
transmitted by multiple routes can
occurrence of the hazard, sanitation and
“change” source or vehicle during the
hygiene in the region, and consumption
transmission from primary source to
patterns. If point of attribution is clearly
humans, meaning that the burden of
defined, then additional modelling or
illness caused by a particular hazard
further research can be used to adjust
attributed to a specific transmission route
attribution to exposure at other points of
may vary, depending on the point-of-
interest in the transmission chain. If the
attribution chosen [7, 21]. The choice of
point of attribution is not unambiguously
point-of-attribution seems particularly
defined, then not only are the results of
critical for delineating foodborne and
the study unclear, but it will be difficult to
waterborne diseases. This is because
use them to model other relationships in
water in itself is ingested just as a food,
the transmission chain.
is used for irrigation of food plants, for
washing and cleaning of food during FERG agreed that the point of human
preparation and constitutes an essential exposure was the most simple and
ingredient in many food products. In understandable point-of-attribution to
addition and particularly related to be used across all hazards for delineating
zoonotic diseases, the water source the major transmission routes (Figure 23).
itself is often contaminated by an animal FERG recognizes that for other purposes,
reservoir, including food-producing e.g. for risk management, other points

animals. Another situation relates to of attribution may be more appropriate
the consumption of water-based foods (e.g. primary production, processing and
such as shellfish harvested from areas retail, or preparation). Yet, the FERG’s
where the water is contaminated with definition of point of attribution for
pathogenic organisms, such as Vibrio major transmission routes directly links
spp. or enteric viruses. The burden attribution to disease incidence, as it is
related to the consumption of foods that the end of the transmission chain. Further
have had contact with contaminated modelling can then be used to work
water at some stage of the production backward from exposure to identify the
may, therefore, be attributed to either important points of contamination.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Figure 23. Major transmission routes of human foodborne diseases indicate two points of
attribution: the reservoir level and the exposure level.

Environment Food and

Food animals Pets and wildlife Reservoir level
Feed plants

Processing Processing



Water, soil, Direct animal Exposure level

Human contact


In this study, we identified potential with the usual markers of professional

experts through peer-nomination, for qualifications, such as publication records
the purpose of enumerating parameter [190]. Structured expert judgment
uncertainties through structured expert studies are, therefore, not as sensitive to
judgment. It is important to recognize selection bias and low response rates as
that the goal of a structured expert other types of surveys. In our study, we
judgment is not to characterize the approached 299 potential experts and
properties of the group of experts in ended up with a final pool of 72 (24%),
some sense, but to obtain uncertainty which is actually a fair response rate
quantifications of target variable compared with population surveys. The
which are statistically accurate and response rate of those that committed
informative. The degree to which this to participate in the study by forwarding
goal is realized is assessed objectively by their CV, DOI, etc. was 70%. The motives
referencing elicited target uncertainties for some people declining to participate
to the experts’ performances in judging were not specifically asked for, but most
similar, factual realizations of calibration of those giving a reason indicated lack
variables in the subject matter field. of time. A few declined because they did
This empirical validation of expert not perceive themselves experts in the
(and combined experts) uncertainty field. The reason given by the majority
quantifications is what distinguishes for not finally submitting responses to
formalized structured expert judgment the target question, even though they
from surveys or statistical sampling had gone through the interview, was also
[189]. Assessment of the uncertainty time constraint. Although some selection
judgment capabilities of experts using bias cannot be ruled out absolutely,
calibration variables has also been we do not believe that it has had major
demonstrated to be a better predictor impact on the study results due to
of expert performance compared the formalized basis of the elicitation

process and objective judgment- availability of estimates of the envelope

pooling methodology. of diarrhoeal deaths, along with recent
advances in diarrhoeal disease diagnosis,
such as widespread application of
6.2  Enteric Diseases
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for
This study, for the first time, estimates norovirus detection [192, 193].
the substantial burden of foodborne
In our study, norovirus resulted in the
bacterial, viral and protozoal diseases
in humans, particularly among largest number of cases of foodborne
children. Although children <5 years diseases and overall burden, highlighting
of age represent only 9% of the global the global importance of this agent [192].
population, 43% of the disease burden However, the disease model we used
from contaminated food occurred in in the 135 middle- and high-mortality
this group. Foodborne illnesses from counties included only norovirus
diarrhoeal and invasive non-typhoidal infections that resulted in a diarrhoeal
Salmonella spp. resulted in the largest illness. If we also included estimates for
disease burden, reflecting the ubiquitous norovirus infections in these countries
nature of Salmonella, the severe nature of that resulted in vomiting without
illness, and the fact that young children diarrhoea, there would be an estimated
are commonly infected [54]. Large additional 163 million norovirus cases
human disease burdens are also imposed [194]. We also found, similar to what
by foodborne infections due to norovirus has been reported in national studies,
and typhoid. It is important to recognize that in the countries where we applied
that diseases with a lower immediate the modified CHERG approach, the
burden may still warrant intervention. In aetiological cause of almost half of
particular, certain foodborne diseases diarrhoeal cases and deaths remained
may represent a larger problem in unknown. This was probably due, in large
some regions. For example, the most part, to pathogens that are possibly
substantial burden due to foodborne foodborne but with insufficient data for
cholera occurs in African and Asian estimation, or unknown agents not yet
regions. Similarly, the burden of discovered. In this study, we focused

brucellosis and M. bovis infections were our attention on the burden due to
highest in the Middle Eastern and African pathogens that were known to be
regions. transmitted by contaminated food.
To develop these comprehensive “When we examined the human health
estimates of the disease burden of impact of different pathogens, various
foodborne diseases, we adopted an serotypes of Salmonella resulted in
innovative approach to incorporate the greatest foodborne burden. If
the highest quality data available for we consider the combined burden
each foodborne disease [40]. Due to attributable to S. enterica from all
their quality, we gave highest priority invasive (including iNTS, Salmonella
to studies with national estimates of Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi A)
foodborne diseases. Since studies with and diarrheal infections, there were
national estimates were only available in an estimated 21.2 million (95% UI 12.8–
a few countries, we adapted the CHERG 35.8 million) DALYs from all transmission
approach for estimating the disease sources and 8.76 million (95% UI 5.01–
burden of diarrhoeal diseases [50, 51]. 15.6 million) DALYs from contaminated
This approach was facilitated by the food. This highlights the significant
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

public health importance of Salmonella typhoid fever and incorporated these

infections and the urgency of control, data into our estimates. The CFR for
particularly for invasive infections in low- each of the diseases included in our
and middle-income settings where most estimate are comparable to those
of the mortality occurs [51–53].” reported in national studies. There is a
continuing need for high quality studies
Twelve of the diseases included in
assessing the foodborne disease burden
our study were also included in the
at the national level. Our methodology
GBD2010 study [6, 58, 81]. For three
for estimating the disease burden
diseases (typhoid, paratyphoid and
attributable to foodborne transmission
hepatitis A) we used GBD2010 data
could be used in future studies.
to derive estimates of incidence. For
the other nine diarrhoeal diseases, we In comparing the overall burden of our
elected to conduct our own analysis or findings, the diseases we included in
used updated data from commissioned our study resulted in 79 million DALYs in
systematic reviews to derive estimates. 2010. This represents approximately 3%
Our study builds upon the GBD2010 of the 2.49 billion DALYs reported in the
study by providing estimates of the GBD2010 study [81]. GBD2010 estimated
proportion of each disease acquired that approximately 25% of DALYs globally
from food; we also provide, in addition were due to deaths and disability in
to estimates of deaths, estimates of children <5 years of age, while we
the number of illnesses for each of the estimated that 43% of the DALYs in our
diseases [6]. Before we applied our study were among children <5 years
estimate of foodborne proportions to of age.
each pathogen, our estimates of the There are obvious policy implications of
disease burden for a few pathogens, in our findings. Countries and international
terms of the estimated number of deaths agencies must prioritize food safety to
and DALYs, were relatively similar for minimize foodborne illness, particularly
diseases common to GBD2010 and FERG. among young children. The highest
However, there were important burden of disease due to contaminated
differences in other estimates. The food was in the African region, largely
GBD2010 estimates of deaths due to E. due to iNTS in children. In contrast to
histolytica, Cryptosporidium spp. and waterborne disease, the interventions
Campylobacter spp. were 10 times, 4 for foodborne diseases are less clear
times and 3 times greater, respectively, and have a much weaker evidence
than the FERG estimates [58]. The FERG base. For example, there are virtually no
estimate for DALYs for non-typhoidal randomized studies examining the impact
Salmonella spp., combining diarrhoeal of interventions on reducing foodborne
and invasive infections, was 4 times disease. Our results should stimulate
greater than GBD2010 [81]. The FERG research into prevention of foodborne
estimates are relatively similar to previous illnesses and better understanding of the
global estimates of cholera, typhoid fever, epidemiology of these infections.
salmonellosis and shigellosis [53, 54, 59, A limitation of our estimates of the
198]. GBD2010 estimates included ‘cysts consequences for human health of
and liver abscesses’ as a complication of foodborne diseases is that, due to data
typhoid fever, which has been questioned gaps, particularly in middle- and high-
[199]. However, we understood this mortality countries, we included only a
categorization to be a proxy for serious few sequelae in our estimates. We did not

include data on post-infectious sequelae, variable proportions attributed to food,

such as reactive arthritis and irritable depending on the nature of the experts
bowel syndrome following foodborne included in elicitation studies [201, 202].
infections. Studies of the burden of Without specific studies attributing
enteric pathogens in low-mortality sources of infection, it is difficult to
countries highlight that excluding these obtain accurate estimates for foodborne
sequelae under-represents the true transmission, but this finding regarding
burden of disease, but reliable data were the need for more attribution studies
not available from middle- and high- is an important outcome of our study
mortality countries [200]. Where we did [203]. For example, the FERG expert
include sequelae, there were insufficient elicitation study estimated that 18% of
data to account for age-specific effects. norovirus was foodborne, compared with
We also excluded stillbirths; this exclusion 14% estimated from a recent study based
only affected disease burden estimates on outbreak genotyping [204].
for L. monocytogenes. The major limitation of our study was
A recent review estimated that listeriosis, the lack of reliable data from many
which we assume is all foodborne, causes regions of the world. In particular, we
273 stillbirths globally annually [70]. had the least data for some pathogens
We were unable to distinguish between for the most populous regions of the
the effects on health from the condition world [50]. We tried to use the best
under study and that of co-morbid data available and attempted to make
conditions, which is common to many reasoned assumptions wherever possible
studies of human health. For example, [205]. For some agents, such as toxin-
salmonellosis and M. bovis infections mediated illnesses, we elected to limit our
may occur as HIV co-infections. If estimates to countries where diseases
FERG included deaths among HIV- were endemic or where there was
infected persons, there would have been sufficient data. Further data on burden of
substantial additional deaths due to enteric diseases from low- and middle-
invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella spp. income settings, particularly high quality
deaths, some of which could presumably epidemiological data, are needed to
improve our understanding of foodborne

be averted by improvements in food
safety. For some other pathogens in our diseases [40, 205].
estimates, such as L. monocytogenes
and Cryptosporidium spp., due to a 6.3  Parasites
lack of reliable data we were unable to
In this study, we estimate for the first
account for the excess mortality due to
time the disease burden imposed by
HIV infection.
foodborne parasites. The results highlight
Another important limitation of our the significant burden in low- and
attempt to quantify the disease burden middle-income countries, where cycles
due to foodborne disease is the inherent of parasitic infection are highly specific
difficulty in estimating the proportion of to food sources. In addition to those
illness acquired from food [7]. We relied detailed here, a further 357 million cases,
on a structured expert elicitation study. 33 900 deaths and 2.94 million DALYs
We were unable to estimate differences are due to enteric protozoa, of which 67.2
in mode of transmission by age, despite million cases, 5560 deaths and 492 000
this potentially being important. Expert DALYs are attributable to foodborne
elicitation studies can result in highly transmission (see [168] and Table 1),
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

completing the picture for the foodborne in the present study. The former study
parasitic diseases, given data available. [206] also undertook age weighting and
discounting, which we decided not to
We used the best evidence available
incorporate into this study. In addition
combined with the natural history of
different life tables were used. Our use
the disease to obtain estimates of the
of DWs was guided by GBD2010 and
incidence, mortality and sequelae of
the results of a systematic review of
each parasitic disease. Several of the
the clinical manifestations of CE [75].
diseases were included in GBD2010 [81].
However, a median estimate in excess
In a number of cases our estimates for
of 188 000 cases of CE per year, with
the global burden of disease differ quite
the possibility of up to 1.77 million new
substantially from those of GBD2010.
cases, indicates a substantial burden.
The estimate for echinococcosis (which
With a low case-fatality rate the burden
combined AE and CE in one estimate)
in terms of DALYs is highly dependent on
in GBD2010 is 144 000 DALYs [81].
the DW and duration of illness. Neither of
This is less than a fifth of our combined
these is defined with certainty. The lack
median estimate of 871 000 DALYs. This
of defined DWs specific for the differing
discrepancy probably reflects different
sequelae of CE must be seen as a major
methodologies between the two studies.
data gap.
GBD2010 relied heavily on vital records
for mortality attributed to these diseases, When arriving at the estimates for AE,
whereas we used an approach based it was assumed that in excess of 90%
on the natural history of the disease. of cases outside of Europe would be
Our choice of approach was strongly fatal. This assumption was supported by
influenced by the chronic nature of these survival analyses, confirming that in the
diseases, and that often only prevalence absence of aggressive treatment of this
data were available. In addition, these disease, including chemotherapy, most
diseases often have their highest impact cases die [207, 208]. Our results suggest
in low income countries, where vital it is possible that the global burden of AE
records are likely to be poor and hospital may be somewhat higher than that of CE,
treatment unavailable. Our estimates for which may at first sight seem surprising
the global burden of CE would arguably as there are many more cases of CE
be more consistent with an earlier globally and the parasite has a more
estimate [206], if there had been no cosmopolitan distribution. Hence, we
substantial methodological differences. have a median estimate of CE incidence
The earlier report suggested a median that is ten times higher than the median
estimate of 285 000 DALYs assuming no estimate of AE incidence. The high case
under-reporting, rising to 1 million DALYs fatality ratio of AE, results in the loss
where under-reporting was assumed. The of 37 DALYs per case compared with
earlier report also used DWs ranging from 0.98 DALYs for each case of CE. Thus
0.2 to 0.809, depending on the severity the global burden of AE was driven by
of the disease. In the present study we the large number of YLLs. For CE it was
used a maximum DW of 0.221, and that driven by the YLDs.
was only applied to the relatively small
Our estimates for cysticercosis were
number of neurological cases.
higher than that of GBD2010, as a result
Echinococcosis of the abdominal organs of assigning a substantial proportion
– the most common presentation – had a of epilepsy burden to cysticercosis,
DW of 0.123 for treatment-seeking cases based on the results of a systematic

review [74]. Furthermore, a subsequent and where human food habits suggest
systematic review has largely confirmed transmission to humans to be likely. We
our findings in terms of the fraction tried to correct for this lack of data by
of epilepsy attributable to NCC [209]. imputing incidence rates for all countries
However, our results are not inconsistent with at least one autochthonous human
with GBD2010 [81] because we have infection reported in the reviewed
allocated some of the burden from literature. Nevertheless, and in line with
epilepsy to a specific aetiological agent. the original study [78], very conservative
Nevertheless, the present estimate in this estimates from the imputation were
report may still underestimate the burden accepted in an attempt to avoid inflating
of cysticercosis, as there are other the burden estimates for human
important clinical symptoms associated foodborne trematode infections based on
with neurocysticercosis, such as chronic unclear evidence.
headache, hydrocephalus, stroke and
Some diseases, such as toxoplasmosis,
depressive disorders [73]. Better
were not estimated in GBD2010 and
estimates of the role that cysticercosis
will inevitably have been included
plays in stroke and depressive
in other syndromes. For example,
disorders globally could considerably
congenital defects in GBD2010 will have
increase its burden estimates, since
incorporated the DALYs for congenital
these conditions are ranked third and
toxoplasmosis that we have estimated in
eleventh, respectively, in the GBD2010
the present study.
[81] estimates. It is also unclear how
GBD2010 arrived at their estimates It can be argued that congenital
for cysticercosis. If, for example, it was toxoplasmosis is a vertically transmitted
assumed that cysticercosis-related disease rather than foodborne. However
epilepsy can only be attributed in public health measures are largely
individuals who are serologically undertaken to prevent maternal (i.e.
positive for cysticercosis, this would horizontal) infection, which will, as a
lead to substantive underestimates. A consequence, reduce the risk of foetal
large proportion of cases of epilepsy infection. There is relatively little evidence
attributed to cysticercosis, as shown that treatment to prevent vertical

by imaging studies, are nevertheless transmission (such as antiprotozoal
sero-negative. For example Montano treatment of acutely infected pregnant
et al. [210] describes 15 cases of women) is effective in reducing disease
epilepsy aetiologically confirmed as burden [211].Thus it was considered a
neurocysticercosis, but only 7 of these horizontally transmitted infection to the
were sero-positive. mother, although the burden of disease is
suffered mostly by the foetus, following
Likewise, the estimates for the burden of
subsequent vertical transmission.
foodborne trematode infections may also
Accordingly the proportion of foodborne
represent underestimates. Our estimates
disease suffered by the foetus is the
were based on the results of an earlier
proportion of the horizontal transmission
study, which used estimation methods
to susceptible women that occurs
that were conservative [78]. Often,
through food.
population-level information on human
foodborne trematode infections were With the exception of NCC, we have used
completely lacking from areas where an incidence approach to estimating
the parasites are endemic, as indicated the YLDs. This is where the YLD part of
by substantial rates of animal infections the DALY was estimated from number
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

of incident cases per year multiplied by methods to deal with data deficiencies.
the DW and duration. This is in contrast Until these are published we will only be
to the GBD2010 approach, which used able to hypothesize the reasons for some
a prevalence approach to YLDs, where of the differences in the estimates.
YLDs were estimated by number of
The limitations in this study are similar
prevalent cases multiplied by the DW.
to others in this series. There were often
For acute disease in generally stable
substantial data gaps that had to be
epidemiological situations (i.e. no
filled by imputation and suffer from
considerable shifts in the epidemiological
the uncertainties that surround such
key indicators of prevalence, incidence,
models. Excluding stillbirths is consistent
duration, severity, remission and
with the approach used to estimate the
mortality) and settings with more or
burden due to enteric pathogens [168].
less stable population size, the approach
Congenital toxoplasmosis is the only
makes little difference [2]. But for chronic
pathogen investigated that could result
diseases in populations that are rapidly
in a substantial incidence of stillbirths.
increasing, the prevalence approach may
However, an estimate for the burden
underestimate the numbers of YLDs.
of congenital toxoplasmosis, which
Parasitic diseases are often chronic
includes stillbirths as equivalent to
and are often of highest incidence in
neonatal deaths, has been reported as
low income countries with increasing
1.2 million DALYs per annum [76]. FERG
populations. Many parasitic diseases
has assumed that acquired toxoplasmosis
have durations of many years, or in
usually results in a relatively mild acute
the case of congenital toxoplasmosis,
illness, with some cases suffering
the sequelae are usually lifelong. Thus,
fatigue for a few months [212]. Although
as we adopted the GBD2010 data for
fatal cases have been recorded [213],
epilepsy to estimate the burden of NCC,
these were assumed to be uncommon
the YLDs will be prevalence-based.
and hence zero YLLs were estimated.
Nearly all of the burden of NCC is in
We have also assumed that although
low income countries, which usually
acquired chorioretinitis occurs following
have increasing populations. Therefore
toxoplasmosis, it only occurs in a small
the cohort at the time of infection, with
proportion of cases (see Appendix 4).
the burden attributed in an incidence-
This results in approximately 1.15 million
based approach, will be larger than
DALYs in 2010 from an estimated 20.7
earlier cohorts that are still affected by
million people having clinical disease
NCC but are reported in the prevalence-
following exposure to the pathogen for
based approach. Accepting this
the first time. However, there is increasing
limitation means that the estimates for
evidence that acquired toxoplasmosis
epilepsy attributed to NCC will result in
may result in a number of neurological
a further under-estimate of the burden
or psychiatric diseases, such as
of cysticercosis.
schizophrenia and epilepsy. In GBD2010
We have summarized the differences these diseases resulted in 15.0 million
between the estimates for GBD2010 and and 17.4 million DALYs, respectively.
the FERG estimates for these pathogens, From two meta-analyses [214, 215] and
including the enteric protozoa in Table 9. a large cross-sectional study conducted
In addition, an issue that appears in China [216], it is possible to estimate
common to many hazards is that that the population-attributable
GBD2010 [9] has not published many of fraction of schizophrenia associated
the search strategies used, or modelling with seropositivity to toxoplasmosis is

approximately 9%, which on a crude detect and remove the parasite from the
level could account for approximately 1.3 food chain [217]. Likewise, other cestode
million additional DALYs. zoonoses, where the adult tapeworm is
located in the gastrointestinal tract (e.g.
There were also some notable omissions
Diphyllobothrium spp.) with few clinical
from our study. Taenia saginata,
signs, were also excluded. In contrast,
which causes human taeniosis and
trichinellosis was considered to be an
is transmitted solely from beef, was
important foodborne pathogen with
not considered because the parasite
potentially serious disease. However,
produces very mild, unapparent clinical
this study has suggested that the global
disease in affected humans, which would
burden of trichinellosis is small. This is
result in a DW of close to zero and hence
discussed elsewhere [84]. For reasons
a very low burden of human disease.
of resource limitations, we were not able
However, it is accepted that this parasite
to consider foodborne Chagas disease,
generates substantial economic damage
although it was suggested as a possible
because of meat inspection and trade
priority pathogen during the second
regulations required in many countries to
FERG meeting.

Table 9. Comparisons of the total burden of parasitic diseases (foodborne and non-foodborne)
with 95% uncertainty intervals, estimated by FERG and by GBD2010 [9]


8 372000 2 159 331 Differences in DALYS estimated by GBD2010 and FERG are
(6 473 000– (1 392 438– largely due to differences in how aetiological-specific deaths were
10 401 000) 3 686 925) estimated. FERG estimated aetiology specific deaths using the
methodology adopted by CHERG*[35]. GBD2010 used a modelling-
2 237 000 515 904
Entamoeba spp. based approach to estimate aetiology-specific deaths, but there is
(1 728 000– (222 446–
(Amoebiasis) no description of the GBD2010 model available to review. GBD2010
2 832 000) 1 552 466)
has not published the studies included, their search strategy, nor
171 100 modelling methods; until these are published it is not possible to
Giardia spp. Not estimated completely compare GBD2010 and FERG estimates.
(115 777–257 315)
1 684 414
Toxoplasma Assumed to be included in congenital diseases and non-specific
Not estimated (1 236 005–
gondii communicable diseases in GBD2010.
2 452 060)

183 573 GBD2010 used vital records, which are often missing in low
(88 082– resource countries. FERG used a natural history approach based
granulosus 152 000 1 590 846) on surveillance data. GBD2010 used prevalence-based YLDs, which
(60 000–
687 823 will underestimate burden for a chronic disease like echinococcosis.
Echinococcus 359 000)
(409 190– Methods for imputation of missing data were different. GBD2010 has
multilocularis not published their modelling methods for missing data.
1 106 320)
GBD2010 used vital records relying on a diagnosis of cysticercosis.
514 000 2 788 426 FERG assigned a substantial proportion of the epilepsy envelope to
Taenia solium (398 000– (2 137 613– cysticercosis in resource-poor, pork-consuming communities, based
650 000) 3 606 582) on evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis. GBD2010
has not published their modelling methods for missing data.
1 315 000 1 317 535 Only subtle differences as FERG and GBD2010 used the same source
Ascaris spp. (713 000– (1 182 187– data, but FERG estimated incidence-based YLDs whereas GBD2010
2 349 000) 2 700 572) used prevalence-based.
Trichinella spp Not estimated
1 875 000 2 024 592 Only subtle differences as FERG and GBD2010 used the same source
(708 000– (1 652 243– data, but FERG estimated incidence-based YLDs whereas GBD2010
4 837 000) 2 483 514) used prevalence-based.

Notes: *Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group of the WHO/UNICEF.

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

However, particularly recently, the The expert elicitation for routes of

assumption that Chagas disease is transmission estimated that a median
primarily a vector-borne disease is being of approximately 15% (95% UI 7–27%)
questioned [218]. For example, 70% of of Giardia infections were transmitted
cases of acute Chagas disease recorded via contaminated food. This is was
in Brazil between 2000 and 2010 were higher than we expected for this enteric
associated with food consumption protozoan. For example, Scallan et
[219]. As GBD2010 made an estimate al. [188] suggested that 7% of Giardia
of the burden of Chagas disease of infections acquired in the United States
546 000 DALYs [81] there could be a of America were of foodborne origin.
significant additional burden through However, in contrast, a recent 40-year
foodborne transmission if these data summary of outbreaks of giardiosis
are representative. Indeed, foodborne reported to the United States Centers for
Chagas disease may turn out to have Disease Control and Prevention identified
a higher burden than the foodborne that 16% of 242 outbreaks were true
burden of some of the pathogens FERG results of foodborne transmission [222].
considered, such as Trichinella and Both these studies suggested that the
Giardia spp. proportion of foodborne giardiosis is
within the 95% uncertainty limits of our
FERG was also unable to estimate the
study. Furthermore, a recent report by
burden of foodborne cyclosporosis.
the Food and Agriculture Organization
This has caused outbreaks in the United
of the United Nations (FAO) and WHO
States of America, such as the multi-
presented a multi-criteria ranking of 24
state outbreak of 631 cases in 2013 [220].
[groups of] foodborne parasites, and
However, the total numbers of cases
concluded that Giardiosis was the 11th
over the medium to long term appears
most important foodborne parasite [223,
to be quite small, with a median annual
224], with fresh produce likely to be the
incidence of 0.03 cases per 100 000
vehicle of transmission. This indicates
[221]. Thus any contribution to the
that it is accepted that this parasite has
burden of disease by this pathogen is
a foodborne transmission route and puts
likely to be small.
our estimates in this context.
A further important limitation was
We used epilepsy and ascaris prevalence
relying on expert elicitation for the
data from GBD2010 to inform our
proportion of disease that is foodborne.
estimates of cysticercosis and foodborne
This was an important issue with those
ascariosis, respectively. Therefore the
parasitic diseases such as ascariosis,
accuracy of our estimates will be limited
toxoplasmosis and echinococcosis,
to the accuracy of the GBD2010 data
that can have several pathways of
from which it was derived.
transmission. Expert elicitation studies
can result in a highly variable proportions Toxoplasma gondii is globally
attributed to food. However, as data distributed, with a high proportion of
on source attribution for a number the world population estimated to be
of parasites were not available, the seropositive. Ascaris spp. is the most
structured elicitation undertaken offered frequently encountered human helminth,
a transparent way of evaluating and although the burden is confined to
enumerating this uncertainty, and thus low- and middle-income countries.
represents the best available source of However, a number of diseases had
information [156, 168]. very high burdens limited to distinct

geographical populations. Most of the The report by FAO/WHO presented a

global burden of AE is in China, and ranking of foodborne parasites, based
mainly on the Tibetan plateau [72]. In on multi-criteria analysis [224]. In our
this highland region there are specific study, we present data on the foodborne
factors that promote transmission disease burden for 13 parasites included
between wildlife, dogs and humans in the FAO/WHO report. Comparing the
that are not present in other endemic results of the ranking from the FAO/WHO
areas. This results in large numbers of model with the results of the present
human cases in certain communities study, the parasites selected by FERG
[225]. Such unique epidemiological had the highest rank orders in the FAO/
conditions are not present elsewhere, WHO report (i.e. ranking from #1to #14),
even where the parasite is endemic. only Trypanosoma cruzi at rank #11 and
Taenia solium transmission can only be Cyclospora cayetanensis at rank #13 were
maintained where pork is consumed, not assessed by FERG. Taenia solium
pigs are left roaming, and where there was ranked #1 by both approaches and
is poor sanitation. Thus it is largely Toxoplasma gondii #3 by FERG and #4
absent from upper-income countries by FAO/WHO. There were, however, also
and from communities where pork is remarkable differences in the ranking of
not consumed, such as countries in the individual parasites. Paragonimus spp.
the Middle East. Sporadic cases are was ranked #2 by FERG, but only #14 in
occasionally reported and these are often the FAO/WHO report, and E. granulosus
#12 by FERG, but #2 by FAO/WHO. The
linked to the employment of immigrants
disease burden of E. multilocularis was
who originate from endemic countries
considerably higher than the burden of E.
and hence transmit the infection through
granulosus (310 000 vs. 40 000 DALYs),
poor hygienic practices [226]. Foodborne
but nevertheless was ranked lower at
trematodes also have a limited
#3 by FAO/WHO. The disease burden
distribution, but they cause a high burden
of intestinal flukes was #9 by FERG.
of disease in the at-risk populations such
This was higher than the #22 ranking of
as in South-East Asia. Trematodes have
heterophyidae by FAO/WHO. FAO/WHO
complex life cycles that include various
used 9 criteria for ranking, of which 6

species of molluscs. This limits their were health-related criteria and 3 non-
distribution to specific regions where health criteria. This weighting of the
suitable life-cycle hosts are endemic, different criteria may be responsible for
which may be adapted to specific the FAO/WHO report having a different
climatic and hydrological conditions ranking order for the various parasites.
[227]. The human disease is further For example, E. granulosus has a global
limited to populations that are likely to distribution and a relatively important
consume the raw fish or undercooked measure in the FAO/WHO ranking. In
aquatic vegetables that are the sources contrast, E. multilocularis is only found in
of transmission. Consequently, although the northern hemisphere.
we are reporting the global burden of
these parasitic diseases, this is often
borne almost completely by relatively 6.4  Chemicals
small populations in limited geographical The assessment of the burden of disease
areas. Therefore, in such communities, from chemicals in food is a challenge
these diseases have a major impact on on several levels. There are thousands
the health of the population. of chemicals in production and many
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

naturally occurring toxins. How many of the disease that is attributable to the
of these chemicals and toxins make it exposure. A probabilistic version of this
into the food supply is unknown. The method, which is applied in chemical risk
health effects of chemicals may not be assessment, was used for dioxin [127, 128].
observed for years following exposure
The two approaches would result in
(e.g. aflatoxin and liver cancer; lead and
the same outcome if perfect data were
cardiovascular disease). Longitudinal
available, and if it can be assumed that
studies of these effects are expensive and
the risk of exposure to a chemical is
time-consuming. Sufficient information is
additive to the background risk from
available, however, to make estimates of
other causes. In reality, the available data
the burden for arsenic, cadmium, methyl
for both approaches are limited and
mercury and lead, and possibly for other
there is insufficient information to decide
chemicals and toxins (e.g. fish toxins,
conclusively whether risks are additive,
aristolochic acid). Other chemicals (e.g.
multiplicative or otherwise. This may result
Persistent Organic Pollutants) may not
in considerable discrepancies between
require elaborate epidemiological studies
results from these methods. In this study,
because the burden can be derived from
bio-monitoring data in combination with FERG chose a “top-down” approach for
relevant toxicity data. Estimates of the aflatoxin because the cancer potency
burden for these chemicals will provide a factor derived by JECFA [111] was based
much more comprehensive understanding on a multiplicative model, and there is
of the impact that chemicals in the food evidence for a high background rate in the
supply have on the burden of disease. study population underlying this estimate
and the global population (see Appendix
As the relevant disease endpoints due 4). Using the population-attributable
to foodborne chemicals may arise from fraction approach, it was estimated
different causes, various approaches there were approximately 22 000 (95%
are possible for estimating incidence UI 9 000–57 000) cases of aflatoxin-
and mortality. A “top-down” approach related HCC in 2010. A dose-response
uses an existing estimate of morbidity approach [110] estimated that, annually,
or mortality of the disease endpoint by 25 200–155 000 cases of HCC might
all causes (the “envelope”) as a starting be attributable to aflatoxin exposure.
point. A population-attributable fraction Even though the uncertainty intervals
is then calculated for the hazard under overlap, the differences between these
consideration, and applied to the envelope two approaches are considerable. There
to estimate the hazard-specific incidence. is evidence for a high background rate
This method, which is the standard in in the study population underlying this
Global Burden of Disease estimations, was estimate and the global population (see
used for aflatoxin. Appendix 4), which may result in over-
A “bottom-up” or dose-response approach estimation of mortality by the dose-
uses dose-response and exposure response approach. In contrast, the
information. The approach begins with global liver cancer envelope may be
selection of the appropriate dose-response underestimated, particularly in Africa
relationship between the chemical and [228, 229], leading to underestimation
the particular disease. This dose-response of the aflatoxin-attributable incidence.
relationship is then combined with the Hence, there is considerable data and
distribution of exposure within a population model uncertainty in our estimates, which
to derive an estimate of the incidence should be addressed by further studies.

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


7.1  Aim and Objectives of To specifically address the second

the Task Force objective above, a subgroup, the
Knowledge Translation and Policy Group
The WHO initiative to estimate the (KTPG), was established in 2010.
global and regional burden of foodborne
diseases has four stated objectives,
two of which involve actions at a 7.2  Tools and resources to facilitate
national level: national burden of foodborne di-
f To strengthen the capacity of countries sease studies
in conducting burden of foodborne The initial activity by the CSTF was to
disease assessments, and to increase develop of a series of tools and resources
the number of countries that have to facilitate national burden of foodborne
undertaken a burden of foodborne disease studies. These were intended to
disease study. promote a methodology that would be
f To encourage countries to use burden consistent with the global and regional
of foodborne disease estimates for burden estimates being developed by
cost-effective analyses of prevention, FERG, in particular estimating burden
intervention and control measures. using the disability-adjusted life-
The Country Studies Task Force (CSTF) year (DALY) metric, and strengthen
was established in 2009 to advise WHO capacity to develop science-based
on the initiation, conduct and completion policies. These tools and resources were
of national burden of foodborne developed by members of the CSTF,
diseases studies. as well as commissioned scientists, to
be made available on a WHO website
The objectives of the Task Force were to dedicated to the burden of foodborne
advise WHO on: disease initiative. The tools and
f the development of burden of resources included:
foodborne disease pilot protocols that f reviews of existing burden -of disease
can be used by countries to estimate studies and protocols [230, 231];
their national burden of foodborne f a manual on how to conduct a national
disease from enteric pathogens, burden of foodborne disease study
parasites and chemicals and toxins; (adapted from the WHO manual
f the development or commissioning of on national burden -of disease
all relevant training materials needed estimation [232]);
to assist countries to build capacity f a hazard selection tool, including
and undertake a national burden of a listing of priority hazards being
foodborne disease study; addressed by the WHO initiative at the
f oversight of the initiation, conduct global and regional levels, and guidance
and completion of an agreed number for identification of hazards that may
of national foodborne disease be locally important;
pilot studies; f guidance on data collection, describing
f the evaluation of the protocols after the information needed to estimate
the pilot studies are completed, and on foodborne burden-of disease, and
making necessary revisions; and potential sources of data, such as
f oversight of the initiation, conduct and surveillance systems, demographic
completion of 18 national burden of databases, etc. This tool also suggests
foodborne disease studies, 3 in each contextual information that helps to
WHO region. assess data quality; and a
Country studies

f FERG Situation Analysis/Knowledge 7.4  Process

Translation/Risk Communication Manual
Each pilot country was asked to
(SA/KT/RC Manual).1 The development
assemble a team to conduct their study.
of this resource benefited from previous
The members of these teams included
burden of food- and waterborne
representatives from government and
disease studies in the Caribbean, under
academic institutions. Early in the
the auspices of the Pan American
process, KTPG recommended that each
Health Organization (PAHO) [233]. study team conduct a situation analysis
A WHO Global Foodborne Infections according to the guidelines in the SA/
Network capacity building workshop KT/RC Manual, to describe the regulatory
in July 2012 resulted in the creation of and economic status of food safety in
13 issue briefs, with context-specific the country; identify actors, policies and
target audiences, and immediately practices; and generally provide context
implementable recommendations. The for the scientific data. This analysis would
template for these issue briefs was also identify stakeholders who should be
included in the guidance manual aware of the study, could contribute data
(Dr Enrique Perez, PAHO, pers. comm.). and information, and might ultimately use
the results of the study to guide
7.3  Pilot Studies decision-making.
In 2010, WHO invited countries to The initial step in each study was to
express interest in conducting national identify hazards in the food supply that
burden of foodborne disease studies as a were relevant to the pilot country. Lists
pilot process. Countries which expressed of hazards and associated diseases
interest were sent an overview of a that were considered of global and
national burden of foodborne disease regional importance by FERG were
study from the FERG perspective, and provided; each country was able to add
a request for information relevant to hazards considered important from
the conduct of the study. Following their perspective. Available information
an assessment process undertaken by was then collated on the incidence of
the Department of Food Safety and diseases associated with the hazards,
Zoonoses (FOS) at WHO headquarters, as well as data on the prevalence of the
four countries were selected for pilot hazards in the food supply. These data
studies: Albania, Japan, Thailand and were summarized, and then attribution
Uganda. A commencement meeting of disease burden to foodborne
for the Albanian, Japanese and Thai transmission was considered, as
studies was held in November 2011, and data allowed.
for the Ugandan study in March 2012. KTPG sought to promote knowledge

The studies were supported by ongoing


translation and risk communication

communication between the countries throughout the development and
and CSTF. implementation of the study. Tools for
A situation analysis report or resource is designed these processes, as described in the
to collect and summarize the contextual SA/KT/RC Manual, are intended to
information concerning food safety in the country
undertaking the national foodborne burden of involve stakeholders from the outset so
disease study, including policies and practices, as to promote ownership, share results
capacities, key agencies and actors in the food with stakeholders, and promote efforts
safety system, and to document factors that
will affect the development of policies and to use the information for developing
their implementation. evidence-based policies.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Here we provide a brief overview of key and Environment, is responsible for

data and food safety systems associated general hygiene and sanitation across
with each pilot study. As enteric disease all businesses, including food-related
is a common outcome of exposure to businesses. The Ministry of Agriculture,
microbial foodborne hazards, there is a Food and Consumer Protection
focus on data related to enteric disease. Food Safety Directorate includes the
National Food Authority (NFA), which
7.4.1  Albania is responsible for official control, risk
Human health surveillance of foodborne assessment, and communication. Official
diseases in Albania is led by the Public control involves the inspection of food
Health Institute within the Ministry of production hygiene, and certification
Health, which collates data supplied by of hazard analysis critical control point
regional departments of public health. (HACCP)-based systems.
An early warning surveillance system Data on the prevalence of hazards in
operates across all of Albania (similar the food supply are limited. Official
to the system that operates in Serbia monitoring programmes for shellfish
and Macedonia [234]), and the case (algal toxins and Escherichia coli) have
definitions are the same as for syndromic been in place since 2005 to support
surveillance under the International exports to the European Union.
Health Regulations. Key indicators of
foodborne disease are the annual rates 7.4.2  Japan
of reported gastrointestinal illness The major objectives of the Japanese
(approximately 56 000 cases per year, country study were to assess the disease
approximately 2 000 cases per 100 000 burden from major foodborne diseases
population) and cases reported as food in Japan and to analyse the policies
poisoning (approximately 2800 cases on foodborne disease using the FERG
per year, approximately 100 cases per framework. The study has now been
100 000 population). Food poisoning published [238].
cases are reported on the basis of
assessment by physicians from primary As a pilot study, three major foodborne
health care, as well as hospitalized diseases caused by Campylobacter
spp., non-typhoid Salmonella spp., and
cases. aetiology for cases in these
enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
general disease categories is rarely
were prioritized, based on food
investigated. Surveillance for parasitic or
poisoning statistics in 2011 and an expert
viral infections is not routine, apart from
consultation. First, the annual incidence
infection with Entamoeba histolytica.
was estimated from reported surveillance
Cross-sectional studies of faecal samples
data, adjusted for probabilities of
for viral and parasitic infections have
case confirmation and physician visits.
been carried out (e.g. [235, 236]).
The estimated annual incidence was
Access to health care is limited, significantly higher than that reported in
particularly in rural areas. A lack of the routine surveillance data, suggesting
awareness of entitlements, and informal a marked underestimation of the
payment systems, mean that 20–30% magnitude of foodborne diseases.
of people cannot access primary health
A series of systematic reviews of
care [237].
disabling sequelae from the three
Another section of the Ministry of priority diseases was conducted.
Health, the Department of Health Subsequently, the estimated incidence
Country studies

was adjusted for food-attributable and interoperability of all three health

proportions, which were estimated by insurance databases contributed to data
an expert elicitation process, similar reliability and ensured entitlement to the
to that carried out in the Netherlands health services covered [239].
[33]. Together with the cause-of-death
Extrapolations from these data sources
data from vital registration, the disease
allowed an estimate of the incidence
burden in terms of DALYs was estimated.
of acute diarrhoea in the community
In 2011, foodborne disease caused
of 10–35 million illnesses in 2009
by Campylobacter spp., non-typhoid
(for the National Notifiable Disease
Salmonella spp. and EHEC led to an
Surveillance System, acute diarrhoea
estimated 6099, 3145 and 463 DALYs
in Japan, respectively. The burden from is defined as at least 3 loose stools
disabling sequelae was consistently within 24 hours or any abnormal stools
higher than that due to gastroenteritis [e.g. watery, with mucous, or bloody]).
among the three major foodborne Information on aetiology is limited, but
diseases. Data gaps in estimating the incidence of salmonellosis, cholera,
foodborne disease burden in Japan, in shigellosis and E. coli infection were
particular population-based data on estimated from diagnoses in the National
incidence, were also identified. Hospital Record.

Building on the FERG framework, the In addition, the prevalence of liver fluke
policy situation analysis provided an infection (Opisthorchis viverrini, a locally
overview of the food safety policies and important foodborne hazard transmitted
systems in Japan. As a Japan-specific via fish) and the incidence of rotavirus
issue, a rigorous policy situation analysis infection have been estimated.
of the management of risks associated Food safety regulatory activity in
with possible radioactive substances in Thailand is led by the Bureau of Food and
food, due to the nuclear power plant Water Sanitation, Department of Health,
accident in Fukushima after the Great Ministry of Public Health. The popularity
East Japan Earthquake in 2011, was of street food has led to the development
also completed. of a sanitation standard for vendors.
7.4.3  Thailand 7.4.4  Uganda
The Thai country study focused on The Ugandan country study established
the incidence of diarrhoeal disease, teams to separately address enteric,
using data from the National Notifiable parasitic and chemical hazards, and
Disease Surveillance System maintained source attribution [240]. A detailed
by the Bureau of Epidemiology of situation analysis was prepared, which
the Thai Ministry of Public Health.
described the context for food safety

These data were supplemented by

in terms of legislation, regulatory
information from National Hospital
authorities, the food supply, production
Records (both in-patient and out-
and consumption. The Ugandan country
patient), the National Health and Welfare
study was undertaken in conjunction with
Survey, and community-based studies
a project by FAO on the use of multi-
of young children. In this study, the
criteria decision analysis for food safety
hospital data accessed all three health
in Uganda.
insurance systems, including the universal
coverage, social security, and civil servant Data were collated from surveillance
benefit health insurance. The sharing sources (particularly the Health
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Management Information System in parts of Uganda, no reports of acute

administered by the Ministry of Health, cyanide poisoning, konzo or tropical
and the Central Public Health Laboratory) ataxic neuropathy were found.
on acute diarrhoea (1.9 million reported
It was important that both waterborne
outpatient cases in 2012, approximately
and foodborne transmission of diseases
5700 cases per 100 000; case definition:
were included in the Ugandan study, as
three or more watery stools in 24 hours
food safety was not considered to be
but not lasting for more than 14 days),
independent from water safety. It was
cholera, dysentery, brucellosis, hepatitis
difficult to generate DALY estimates
E and typhoid fever. Parasitic infections
from the available data, particularly due
are reported as worm infections or
to the shortage of community-level
intestinal worm infections. Although
incidence data.
such infections are very common
(approximately 1.8 million outpatient
infections reported annually), aetiological 7.5  Findings and Lessons Learned
data are few.
7.5.1  Data gaps
The reliability of these data has improved
steadily with increased access to A lack of data prevented DALY
healthcare since 2000. Uganda has calculations in several of the pilot studies.
undergone a number of reforms that The data gaps included:
have influenced health service delivery. f information to assign aetiology
Among the major reforms, conducted in for important syndromes such as
the early 1990s, was the decentralized acute gastrointestinal disease and
governance of districts, with attendant parasitic infections;
devolution of powers to allocate f data on the incidence of diseases
resources and deliver services, including caused by some hazards, particularly
health care. Physical access to health chemical hazards; and
facilities for the population living within f limited outbreak and other data
5 km of a health facility increased from on which to base attribution for
49% in 2001 to 72% in 2004 [241]. foodborne transmission.
Other sources of data included the 7.5.2  Public and private data sources
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry In some countries, private hospitals
and Fisheries; the Ministry of Trade, provide a significant proportion of the
Industry and Cooperatives; the Ministry of available healthcare, and may not have
Water and Environment; the Ministry of the same reporting requirements as
Local Government and Local Authorities; public hospitals [242]. Engagement
and research and academic institutions. with private hospitals and other
Of the chemical hazards, the most facilities to provide a complete picture
data were available for aflatoxins, of the incidence of diseases caused
with information on the prevalence of by foodborne hazards may need to
contamination for relevant foods being be specifically addressed. Data from
available. The incidence of hepatocellular primary producers and the food industry
carcinoma, an important health outcome concerning foodborne hazards can be
of aflatoxin exposure, is also available. gathered, but economic implications,
Acute poisoning due to methanol in illicit particularly for trade, mean that such
alcoholic beverages is often reported. data should be carefully handled and
Despite cassava consumption being high with discretion.
Country studies

7.5.3  Foodborne versus Barriers to knowledge translation include:

waterborne disease f Limitations resulting from lack of
The separation of food and water data and information. Incomplete
as exposure vehicles for attribution information, with associated caveats
and uncertainty, may prevent clear
purposes is often useful as different
conclusions being drawn for policy.
regulatory agencies may have f Differing time pressures. Research may
responsibility for each source. However, take months or years to complete,
at a community level, the differentiation whereas policy-makers usually
between food and water may not need to produce decisions in much
shorter timeframes.
be sensible in terms of how risks are
f The weighting of evidence may differ.
managed. These issues should be Scientists are likely to value data
specifically considered in a national and analysis most highly, whereas
burden study. policy-makers may be also influenced
by personal experience, anecdotal
7.5.4  Situation analysis and information, political and economic
knowledge translation considerations, and other factors.

Social scientists, stakeholders and Knowledge translation can be

facilitated by:
decision-makers need to be included
in the study team from the earliest f Strong personal relationships between
stages in order to effectively support researchers and policy-makers. Face to
face meetings and direct conversations
knowledge translation and the
can promote trust and credibility, and
development of science-based policies. support formal written reports.
Their involvement includes developing f Presenting the results of research so

a situation analysis (for an example see that they address risk management
[243]), and early and continuous efforts questions. Such questions are best
formulated and delivered by policy-
to recognize and incorporate knowledge
makers at the commencement of
translation and risk communication to the research, but researchers should
audiences identified in the situation always expect to address questions
analysis. Differences in experience and of effectiveness, cost, and high
perspectives can make collaboration risk groups.
between the social scientists and
7.6  Discussion
epidemiological/food safety technical

participants challenging. The pilot studies of national burdens-

of-foodborne disease, initiated by
Knowledge translation and risk WHO, have promoted the importance
communication are usually specialist of such studies amongst the
activities, and require on-going participating countries and disseminated
internationally accepted methodology
commitment and resources [244]. In
for such estimates. Few DALY estimates
order to promote uptake of research could be calculated, but this was not
results, identified barriers and facilitators unexpected, due to data gaps. The first
are described in the SA/KT/RC Manual. attempt at conducting such studies has
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

identified challenges in both process and a situation analysis (such as the existing
information, including the recognition national food control system). In addition,
that data collection and analysis, the WHO initiative sought to foster the
development of situation analysis, and knowledge translation of burden of
on-going knowledge translation and risk disease data into policy through on-
communication, require commitment of going cross-agency communication.
time and financial resources. Such activities are best undertaken by
The WHO initiative has provided burden people from within a country.
of foodborne disease estimates from National burden of foodborne disease
global and regional perspectives. These studies, particularly in developing
estimates provide context and can fill countries, now have an opportunity to
many of the data gaps for individual fill data gaps, and assign aetiology and
countries undertaking foodborne attribution to the incidence of foodborne
burden-of disease studies. In particular, diseases, using the data from the WHO
the provision of aetiology estimates initiative to augment local data. Such
for syndromic surveillance data, and local data can also be used as a cross
attribution estimates for foodborne check to validate national estimates
disease, will be particularly difficult derived from regional estimates. This
for studies in developing countries to should allow the generation of at least
address individually. preliminary burden estimates to inform
The Global Burden of Disease 2010 Study national policy. The effective delivery of
(GBD2010), undertaken by IHME, Seattle, this information can be guided by the
USA, covers a broad range of disease considerations and tools provided in the
and injuries, and has published country- SA/KT/RC Manual. In the longer term,
specific estimates for these on its website burden of foodborne disease information
[245]. Foodborne diseases are a subset should be a fundamental component of
of these estimates, although estimates a systematic approach to food safety,
are typically not stratified by transmission such as the risk management framework
route. National foodborne disease studies advocated by Codex [246]. Such an
as promoted by WHO and FERG include approach can enhance both public health
consideration of the national context in and trade.
Country studies

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


This report presents the first global army of more than a hundred scientists,
and regional estimates of the burden specialized in their own fields, it turned
of foodborne diseases. The large out to be possible to present the first
disease burden from food highlights the ever estimates of the global burden of
importance of food safety, particularly in foodborne disease. The process took
Africa, South-East Asia and other more eight years and an uncounted number
greatly affected regions. Our results of hours. All involved donated their time
indicate that some hazards, such as and experience to WHO, finding own
non-typhoidal S. enterica, are important sources of funding in addition to the
causes of FBD in all regions of the limited means available and invested
world, while others – such as certain liberal amounts of personal time. In
parasitic helminths and aflatoxin – are particular the Core Group (Task Force
of highly focal nature resulting in high chairs and senior advisers) spent their
local burden. time in numerous teleconferences at
Despite the data gaps and limitations of sometimes highly inconvenient hours,
these initial estimates, it is apparent that in particular for the colleagues from
the global burden of FBD is considerable, Australia and New Zealand. Initially
and affects individuals of all ages, but annual meetings were organized, creating
particularly children <5 years of age and momentum and commitment. The global
persons living in low-income regions financial crisis inevitably hit FERG, and
of the world. By incorporating these much more reliance was placed on
estimates into policy development at teleconferences and other means of
both national and international levels, remote communication, slowing down
all stakeholders can contribute to the process and limiting the involvement
improvements in safety throughout the to the Core Group mainly. Nevertheless,
food chain. These results will also help to all FERG members and resource advisers
direct future research activities. continued to believe in and support
the Initiative.

8.1  Reflections on the WHO Initia- The global burden of foodborne disease

was estimated in several distinct steps,
tive to Estimate the Global Burden
building on established methods for
of Foodborne Diseases estimating burden, as expressed in
When the WHO Foodborne Disease Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs).
Burden Epidemiology Reference Group First, incidence of food-related diseases,
(FERG) first met in September 2007, including some chronic sequelae and
they were convinced of the necessity to mortality, were estimated for 31 hazards
present estimates of the global burden of that were considered to contribute
foodborne disease, but did not yet know significantly to the burden, and for
if, and how, it could be done. They were which sufficient data were available. The
aware of national studies on the burden hazards included 18 enteric pathogens, 10
of foodborne diseases, but recognized parasitic diseases and 3 toxic chemicals.
that attempting a global estimate was For 5 hazards, the data were insufficient
a daunting task. The sheer complexity to present global estimates, and data
of the problem was challenging: food were presented for high-income regions
consumption across the globe is highly only. Next, information was generated
diverse and the range of potential on duration and severity of the incident
contaminants in the food supply is cases of disease to produce estimates
astounding. Yet, with the help of an of Years Lived with Disability (YLD)

and on the number of Years of Life Lost needs for burden of illness estimates are
(YLL) due to premature mortality. Many high, and crucial information was often
foodborne hazards are not exclusively lacking, particularly for some of the
transmitted by food, and a separate world’s most populous countries, such
effort was set up for the attribution of as China, India and Russia. FERG used
exposure to different sources, including statistical models and expert input to
food, the environment and direct contact estimate some missing data. In particular,
between humans or with animals. As Bayesian regression modelling has
many data are lacking for attribution, been used to estimate missing disease
it was decided to apply structured incidence data.
expert elicitation to provide a consistent Due to the limitations in data availability,
set of estimates. The global expert FERG decided to present its estimates
elicitation study involved 73 experts and on a regional level, even though all
11 elicitors, and was one of the largest, calculations were made on a national
if not the largest study, of this kind ever level. The regional estimates are
undertaken. Combining all streams of considered more robust as they build
data resulted in estimates of the global on data from several countries in most
burden of foodborne disease. regions. Yet, the regional estimates
Unlike previously completed national do not reflect the diversity of risks
burden of illness studies, FERG decided between countries in a region, or even
to also include chemical hazards. The within a country. Maps are therefore
inclusion of chemical hazards was not presented as it was considered
particularly challenging, and it was that these would not adequately reflect
only through determined efforts by regional heterogeneity.
the Chemicals and Toxins Task Force The results of the FERG project are
(CTTF) that several chemical hazards presented in several formats. A PLOS
could be included. Whereas WHO collection entitled “The World Health
committees such as the Joint FAO/WHO Organization Estimates of the Global
Expert Committee on Food Additives Burden of Foodborne Diseases”, which
(JECFA) and Joint FAO/WHO Meeting can be accessed at a dedicated website.1
on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) typically The website presents the key results in
use a risk assessment approach, a a series of seven peer-reviewed papers,
counterfactual attribution approach and also provides access to a large
is commonly applied in global burden and growing number of reviews and
estimates of cancer, cardiovascular and description of methods that have been
other diseases. Deciding which of these published in different peer-reviewed
approaches was most appropriate for journals. This large body of evidence
FERG was a difficult, and as yet not fully reflects the considerable support given to
resolved, process. As a result, burden FERG by the global scientific community.
estimates for several important chemical These papers are also accessible through
contaminants (methylmercury, lead, a dedicated WHO website.2 WHO has
arsenic and cadmium) are expected to be also produced this report, documenting
presented at a later stage. the results and the process of estimating

Even though all efforts were made to accessed 2
December 2015
include the best available science in the 2
estimates, FERG is fully aware of the foodborne-diseases/ferg/en/ accessed 3
limitations of the current work. Data November 2015
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

the global burden of foodborne disease (as documented for aflatoxin, see
and an interactive website allowing Section 6.4).
stakeholders to explore the results from
Countries who want to build their
different perspectives.
national food safety strategies are
Even though the currently presented advised to combine the global estimates
burden of foodborne disease is with national data. It is our experience
substantial, it was not feasible to that a vast amount of additional data
document the full burden, which is likely exist but has not yet been mined because
to be considerably higher. Not all relevant it is not available in easily accessible
contaminants could be included, and for databases but rather in paper form.
those that were included, not all relevant Building on such data may provide
endpoints could be taken into account. sources of validation for any estimates
FERG selected a shortlist of hazards at derived from FERG numbers. As a next
the onset, reducing a list of more than step, further development of national
100 contaminants to 40. Exclusions laboratory-based surveillance programs,
were based on initial judgments about should be a priority.
the importance of the global or regional
A crucial element of the initiative, often
burden, but also on data availability. Of
taking a back seat during the huge
the 40 contaminants selected, analyses
effort in generating global and regional
have not been completed for lead,
burden estimates, was therefore the
methyl mercury, arsenic and cadmium
promotion of foodborne burden of
for inclusion in this report. Of potentially
disease studies and capacity building in
relevant endpoints, only Guillain-Barré
individual countries. FERG was only able
syndrome and haemolytic uraemic
to make limited progress towards this
syndrome and invasive salmonellosis
objective, in the form of pilot studies in
were included as outcomes for diarrhoeal
four countries. Since some of these pilot
diseases, but not irritable bowel
studies encountered significant resource
syndrome or other functional bowel
barriers and data shortages, it is hoped
disorders that are increasingly linked to
that one legacy of the initiative would
diarrhoeal disease in developed countries
be to help overcome these through local
and are associated with a substantial
use of regional estimates. Individual
burden. FERG estimates do not include
countries can evaluate and apply the
the effects of foodborne diseases
FERG regional burden estimates to
on malnutrition and development in
generate national DALY-based burden
low- and middle-income countries,
data for foodborne illness prioritization.
and invasive salmonellosis in HIV co-
Such a process should include local data
morbid cases was also excluded, even
for validation where available, and be
though a major proportion of these
undertaken by local scientists with an
infections may be foodborne. No
awareness of the food safety context in
stillbirths were included for listeriosis
their country. FERG has also sought to
and toxoplasmosis, but many would
promote knowledge translation of burden
be preventable by appropriate food
of disease estimates into food safety
safety interventions. The counterfactual
policy at a national level.
approach for chemicals produces lower
estimates than risk assessment approach

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Formal Description of the Project and Participants
A1.1  Terms of Reference for A1.2  Foodborne Disease Burden
WHO’s Foodborne Disease Epidemiology Reference Group
Burden Epidemiology Reference The Foodborne Disease Burden
Group (FERG) Epidemiology Reference Group
The Foodborne Disease Burden (FERG) is composed of internationally
Epidemiology Reference Group renowned experts in a broad range of
(FERG) will act as an advisory body to disciplines relevant to global foodborne
WHO on matters of global foodborne disease epidemiology. Members were
diseases epidemiology. appointed by the WHO Director-
General, Dr Margaret Chan, following a
Functions: transparent selection process.
The FERG shall have the The expert group is charged to:
following functions: f assemble, appraise and report on
f To review epidemiological data on the current, the projected, as well
foodborne disease burden. as the averted burden of foodborne
f To identify technical gaps and priorities disease estimates;
for research activities. f conduct epidemiological reviews for
f To make recommendations to WHO mortality, morbidity and disability in
on the establishment of FERG TFs and each of the major foodborne diseases;
other means through which scientific f provide models for the estimation of
and technical matters are addressed. FBD burden where data are lacking;
f develop cause attribution models to
estimate the proportion of diseases that
f FERG members shall serve in their
are foodborne; and, most importantly,
personal capacities to represent the f use the FERG models to develop user-
broad range of disciplines relevant to friendly tools for burden of foodborne
global foodborne disease epidemiology. disease studies at country level.
f Members of the FERG, including the
Chair, shall be selected by the Director- To estimate the global human health
General. burden (expressed in Disability-Adjusted
f Members of the FERG, including the Life Years– DALYs), FERG will initially
Chair, shall be appointed to serve for a focus on microbial, parasitic, zoonotic
period of one year, and shall be eligible and chemical contamination of food with
for re-appointment. an emphasis on:
Operation: f diseases whose incidence and severity
The FERG shall usually meet at least is thought to be high; and
f pathogens and chemicals that are most
twice a year. WHO shall provide any
necessary scientific, technical and other likely to contaminate food, and that
support for the FERG, including for the have a high degree of preventability.
preparation of meeting reports. FOS shall
provide secretarial support.

A1.3  Participants Formerly
National Institute for Public Health and
FERG Members the Environment
f Formally appointed by the WHO Bilthoven
Director-General, following a Netherlands
selection procedure. Vice-chair
f Allocated to Core Group and TFs.
2007 - 2010
f Have full participation rights in all
Nilanthi DE SILVA
technical discussions.
Dean and Professor of Parasitology
Resource advisers Faculty of Medicine, University
f Not formally appointed by the of Kelaniya
Director General. Ragama, Sri Lanka
f Allocated to TFs on an ad hoc basis
(as required). 2011 - 2015
f Have full participation rights in Alejandro CRAVIOTO
technical discussions. Global Evaluative Sciences
Seattle, WA.
WHO Secretariat and other USA
UN Organizations
f Have full participation rights in
technical discussions. Gabriel O Adegoke
f Allocated to TFs on an ad hoc basis. Department of Animal Science, National
University of Lesotho
Observers Lesotho
f Nominated by FERG members (one
per member). Reza Afhshari
f No ‘formal’ right of intervention Head, Development of Research and
in plenary. Education Development
f Participation in TFs, as appropriate. Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
Stakeholders Iman Rez Hospital
Iran (Islamic Rep.)
f Invited by WHO to designated sessions.
f Formal right of intervention in
Frederick J. ANGULO
designated sessions.
Associate Director for Science
f No participation in technical discussions
Division of Global Health Protection
to avoid conflicts of interest.
Center for Global Health,
CDC, Atlanta GA USA
A1.4  Members of the Foodborne
Disease Burden Epidemiology Janis BAINES
Reference Group (FERG) (past Manager
and present) Food composition, Evaluation and
Modelling Section
Chair Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Emerging Pathogens Institute Australia
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Kalpana BALAKRISHNAN Department of Clinical Medicine, School

Professor and Head, Department of of Veterinary Medicine
Environmental Health Engineering, University of Wisconsin– Madison,
Director, WHO Collaborating Center for WI, USA
Occupational Health
Sri Ramachandra University John EHIRI
India Professor and Director
Division of Health Promotion Sciences in
David C. BELLINGER the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of
Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical Public Health
School, and University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Professor in the Department of USA
Environmental Health, Harvard School of
Public Health Aamir FAZIL
Neuroepidemiology Unit, Risk Assessment Specialist and
Children’s Hospital Environmental Engineer
Boston, MA Public Health Agency of Canada, Guelph,
USA Ontario N1G 5B2, Canada


Disease Control Division Profesora Titular
Ministry of Health Departamento de Salud Publica, Facultad
Federal Government Administrative de Medicina Pontificia Universidad
Complex, Putrajaya, Malaysia Catolica de Chile, Chile


Edgar Berman Professor and Chairman, Chair of Veterinary Infectious Diseases;
Department of International Health International Livestock Research Institute
The John Hopkins University Bloomberg PO Box 30709–00100, Nairobi, Kenya
School of Public Health Institute of Infection and Global Health
Baltimore, MD University of Liverpool, Leahurst Campus
USA Neston, UK


Professor Emeritus Director, Medical Affairs
Dept. Parasitology Hikma Pharmaceuticals
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj, Amman, Jordan
Mahidol University
Bangkok, Thailand Herman J. GIBB
Gibb Epidemiology Consulting LLC
Global Food Safety and Zoonoses
Emerging Pathogens Institute and Tine HALD
Department of Animal Sciences Head of Epidemiology and Risk Modelling
University of Florida, FL, USA Division of Epidemiology and
Microbial Genomics
Dörte DÖPFER National Food Institute, Technical
Farm Animal Production Medicine Group University of Denmark, Søborg, Denmark

Gillian HALL Xiumei LIU

Senior Lecturer Technical Consultant
National Centre for Epidemiology and China National Center for Food Safety
Population Health Risk Assessment
College of Medicine / Health Sciences Ministry of Health
Australian National University Beijing, People’s Republic Of China
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Fumiko KASUGA Deputy Executive Director
Director Uganda National Bureau of Standards
National Institute of Health Sciences Uganda
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Tokyo, Japan George NASINYAMA
Associate Professor of Epidemiology and
Karen Helena KEDDY Food Safety,
Senior Consultant, and Head of the Department of Veterinary Public Health
Centre for Enteric Diseases, and Preventive Medicine, and Director
National Institute for in charge of Research, Innovations and
Communicable Diseases Knowledge Transfer
Sandringham, South Africa Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda


Associate Professor Head, Centre for Development of Best
Convener, Master of Philosophy in Practices in Health
Applied Epidemiology (MAE) Yaoundé Central Hospital
National Centre for Epidemiology and Yaoundé, Cameroon
Population Health
The Australian National University, ACT John PITT
Australia Honorary Research Fellow
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Robin LAKE Research Organization (CSIRO)
Institute of Environmental Science and Food Science Australia, North Ryde,
Research (ESR) Ltd NSW Australia
Christchurch, New Zealand
Nicolas PRAET
Claudio F. LANATA Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp
Senior Researcher and Professor Antwerpen, Belgium
Instituto de Investigación Nutricional
Lima Peru Mohammad Bagher ROKNI
Professor, Department of Medical
Haichao LEI Parasitology and Mycology
Deputy Director-General School of Public Health and Institute of
Beijing Municipal Health Bureau Public Health Research
China Teheran University of Medical Sciences
Tehran, Islamic Republic Of Iran
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Niko SPEYBROECK Philippe VERGER (later WHO staff)

Institute of Health and Society (IRSS) Head, Research Unit
Faculty of Public Health (FSP) National Institute for
Université catholique de Louvain Agricultural Research
Brussels, Belgium Paris, France

Banchob SRIPA Arve Lee WILLINGHAM (later WHO staff)

Tropical Disease Research Laboratory Head, WHO Collaborating Centre for
Department of Pathology Parasitic Zoonoses
Faculty of Medicine, Khon Faculty of Life Sciences, University
Kaen University of Copenhagen,
Khon Kaen, Thailand Frederiksberg, DENMARK


Section of Epidemiology Professor and Deputy Director
Vetsuisse Faculty, National Institute of Parasitic Diseases
Zurich, Switzerland Chinese Center for Disease Control
Shanghai, People’s Republic Of China
Professor in Food Toxicology
Center for Substances and Integrated
Risk Assessment
National Institute for Public Health and
the Environment (RIVM)
The Netherlands

Resource/Technical Advisers and Commissioned Scientists

Director of Nutrition Research Assistant
Ministry of Health, Oman Department of Mathematics, Statistics
and Computer Science
Aden ASEFA St. Olaf’s College
Center for Food Safety and Northfield, MN 55057, USA
Applied Nutrition
US FDA, USA Philip Michael BOLGER,
Senior Managing Scientist
Willie ASPINALL Center for Chemical Regulation and Food
Cabot Professor in Natural Hazards and Safety Exponent
Risk Science Annapolis, MD 21401, USA
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol, UK Eric BROWN
Molecular Methods and Subtyping
Branch, Division of Microbiology


Director and Professor Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Center for Food Safety and Switzerland
Security Systems
University of Maryland, MD 20742, USA Elissavet GKOGKA
Wageningen University
Christine BUDKE The Netherlands
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
Department of Veterinary Integrative David GOLDMAN
Biosciences, and College of Veterinary Assistant Administrator
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Office of Public Health Science
Texas A&M University, USA. Food Safety and Inspection Service, USA


Knowledge Translation Specialist Erasmus Medical Centre
Taos, NM, USA Department of Public Health
3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Alessandro CASSINI
European Centre for Disease Prevention Aron HALL
and Control (ECDC) Epidemiologist, Division of Viral Diseases
171 83 Stockholm, Sweden National Center for Immunization and
Respiratory Diseases
Julie CLIFF CDC, MS A-34, Atlanta, Georgia
Health Alliance International 30333, USA
Eduardo Mondlane
University, Mozambique Olga HENAO
Dana COLE National Center for Zoonotic,
Centers for Disease Control and Vectorborne and Enteric Diseases
Prevention (CDC) CDC, Mailstop D-63, Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA 30333, USA

Roger COOKE Brianna HIRST

Chauncey Starr Chair for Risk Analysis Research Assistant
Resources for the Future, USA Department of Mathematics, Statistics
and Computer Science
Amélie CREPET St. Olaf’s College, Northfield, MN
French Agency for Food Safety, and 55057, USA
Environmental & Occupational Health
Safety (ANSES) Sandra HOFFMANN
France Economic Research Service
USDA, Washington, DC, USA
McKinlay Professor of Global Health
and Co-Director
Centre for International Health
Dunedin School of Medicine
University of Otago, Dunedin 9054,
New Zealand
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


Department of Economics Institute of Health and Society (IRSS)-
Food and Nutrition Policy Division Faculty of Public Health (FSP)
Center for Agriculture and Rural Université catholique de Louvain
Development (CARD) Clos Chapelle-aux-champs, 1200 Brussels,
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011– Belgium
1070, USA
Nasreen JESSANI Assistant Professor
Department of International Health School of Public Health and
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health Systems
Public Health University of Waterloo
Baltimore, MD 21205, USA 200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
Deputy State Epidemiologist Scott MCDONALD
Communicable and Environmental National Institute for Public Health and
Disease Services the Environment
Tennessee Department of Health, USA Centre for Infectious Disease Control
PO Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven,
Ina KELLY The Netherlands
Senior Medical Officer
Department of Public Health, Ireland Sara MONTEIRO PIRES
Division of Epidemiology and
Marion KOOPMANS Microbial Genomics
National Institute for Public Health and Technical University of Denmark
the Environment, RIVM Department of Microbiology and Risk
Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9 Assessment
3721 MA Bilthoven, The Netherlands National Food Institute
Technical University of Denmark
Bocar KOUYATE DK-2860 Søborg , Denmark
Health Adviser
Ministry of Health, Burkina Faso Gerald MOY
Private Consultant (and former WHO
Julie LEGLER staff member)
Director, Statistics Program Switzerland
Department of Mathematics, Statistics
and Computer Science Darwin MURRELL
St. Olaf’s College, Northfield, MN Honorary Professor
55057, USA Department of Veterinary
Disease Biology
Myron LEVINE Faculty of Life Sciences
Grollman Distinguished Professor University of Copenhagen, Denmark
and Director
University of Maryland School
of Medicine
Center for Vaccine Development , USA


European Centre for Disease Prevention Epidemiologist
and Control (ECDC) Enteric Surveillance and Population
Surveillance Unit Studies Division
17183 Stockholm, Sweden Centre for Food-borne, Environmental
and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Shilpi OBEROI, Public Health Agency of Canada
University of Pittsburgh Guelph Ontario, N1H 8J1, Canada
Graduate School of Public Health
Department of Environmental & Juerg UTZINGER
Occupational Health Bridgeside Point Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA Switzerland

Sarah O’BRIEN Sommer WILD

Department of Epidemiology and Research Assistant
Population Health Department of Mathematics, Statistics
Institute of Infection and Global Health and Computer Science
University of Liverpool St. Olaf’s College, Northfield, MN
Liverpool, L69 7BE, UK 55057, USA

Edoardo POZIO Felicia WU

Head of the European Union Reference Department of Environmental and
Laboratory for Parasites Occupational Health
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Colorado School of Public Health Marco ZEILMAKER
University of Colorado National Institute for Public
Aurora, Colorado 80045, USA Health (RIVM)
Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Health Scientist Yu ZANG
Division of Public Health Systems and Toxicology Team, Division of
Workforce Development Petition Review
Center for Global Health Office of Food Additive Safety
Centers for Disease Control and FDA CFSAN
Prevention, USA College Park, MD 20740, USA


International Agency for Research Assistant Professor
on Cancer Department of Epidemiology and
69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France Public Health
Swiss Tropical and Public Health
Institute, Switzerland
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

WHO Secretariat and other UN Organizations

Initiative Leader for WHO Secretariat Anthony BURTON

2006– 2010 Expanded Programme on
Claudia STEIN Immunization Plus
Director WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Division of Information, Evidence,
Research and Innovation Tim CORRIGAN
World Health Organization Department of Food Safety
Regional Office for Europe and Zoonoses
Copenhagen Ø, Denmark WHO, Geneva, Switzerland

2010 – 2011 Chrystelle DAFFARA

Danilo LO-FO-WONG Department of Food Safety
Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses
and Zoonoses WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Leonardo DE KNEGT
2011 – 2013 Division of Epidemiology and
Tanja KUCHENMUELLER Microbial Genomics
Department of Evidence and Intelligence Department of Microbiology and
for Policy-making Risk Assessment
WHO Regional Office for Europe National Food Institute Technical
Copenhagen Ø, Denmark University of Denmark
Soborg, Denmark
2013 – 2015
Department of Food Safety Environmental Health Risk
and Zoonoses & Regional Adviser for Food and
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland Chemical Safety
Regional Centre for Environmental
2015 – 2015 Health Action
Natsumi CHIBA Regional Office for the Eastern
Department of Food Safety Mediterranean
and Zoonoses WHO, Amman, Jordan
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Assistant Director-General
Other UN and WHO Staff: WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Department of Food Safety David HEYMANN
and Zoonoses Former Assistant Director-General
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland WHO, Geneva, Switzerland


Department of Food Safety Foodborne Diseases
and Zoonoses Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (CAREC)
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland

Mary KENNY Jørgen Schlundt

Food Safety and Quality Unit Former Director
FAO, Rome, Italy Department of Food Safety
and Zoonoses
Hilde KRUSE WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Copenhagen Ø, Denmark Annette PRUESS-ÜSTÜN
Occupational and Environmental Health
Doris MA FAT WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Health Statistics and Evidence
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland Agneta SUNDEN-BYLEHN
UNEP Chemicals
Colin MATHERS Châtelaine, Switzerland
Country Health Information
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland Andrea SWINTEK
Department of Food Safety
Yuki MINATO and Zoonoses
Department of Food Safety WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
and Zoonoses
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland Angelika TRITSCHER
Department of Food Safety
Kazuaki MIYAGISHIMA and Zoonoses
Director WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Department of Food Safety
and Zoonoses Philippe VERGER
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland Department of Food Safety
and Zoonoses
Linda MOLONEY WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Department of Food Safety
and Zoonoses Steven WIERSMA
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland Expanded Programme on
Immunization Plus
Desiree M. NARVAEZ WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Mercury and Other Metals Programme
UNEP Chemicals DTIE, Switzerland Maged YOUNES
Former Director
Enrique PÉREZ GUTIÉRREZ Department of Food Safety
Epidemic Alert and Response and and Zoonoses
Waterborne Diseases Unit WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Department of Communicable Diseases
and Health Analysis
PAHO/WHO, Washington DC, USA
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Ermias Woldemariam AMENE Patricia GRIFFIN
School of Veterinary Medicine CDC
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Atlanta
WI, USA Georgia, USA

Valerie DAVIDSON Erika OTA

School of Engineering Department of Global Health Policy
University of Guelph Graduate School of Medicine
Canada The University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Section of Epidemiology Todd REED
Vetsuisse Faculty Acting Director, Data Analysis and
Zurich, Switzerland Integration Group
Office of Data Integration and
Food Protection
Food Safety Inspection Service, USA

Task Force Members:

Co-chairs: Martyn Kirk, Fred Angulo Chair: Neyla Gargouri (2006 - 2010),
Nilanthi da Silva (2010 - 2012)
EDTF and FERG members: George
Paul Torgerson (2012 - 2015)
Nasinyama, Fred Angulo, Aamir Fazil,
Arie Havelaar, Dörte Döpfer, Bob Black, PDTF and FERG Members: Nicolas
Tine Hald, Rob Lake, Claudio Lanata, Praet, Niko Speybroeck, Fumiko Kasuga,
Alejandro Cravioto, Karen Keddy, Claudia Mohammad B Rokni, Xiao-Nong Zhou,
Lanata, Xu-Mi Liu, George Nasinyama, Eric M. Fèvre, Banchob Sripa
Paul Torgerson
Commissioned scientists/resource
Commissioned scientists/resource advisers/consultants: Arve Lee
advisers/consultants: Marisa Caipo, Willingham, Thomas Fürst, Christine M
Brecht Devleesschauwer, Christa Fischer- Budke, Hélène Carabin
Walker, Sara Pires, Shannon Majowicz,
Aron Hall, John Crump, Tony Ao, Charline
Maertens de Noordhout, Anna Dean, Chair: Herman Gibb
Borna Muller, Jakob Zinsstag CTTF and FERG members: Gabriel
Adegoke, David Bellinger, Reza Afshari,
Michael Bolger, John Pitt, Janis Baines,
Yan Liu, Arie H. Havelaar, David
C. Bellinger
Commissioned scientists/resource
advisers/consultants: Kurt Straif, Felicia
Wu, Janine Ezendam, Julie Cliff, Marco
Zeilmaker, Philippe Verger, Bas Bokkers,
Henk van Loveren, Marcel Mengelers

Chair: Tine Hald Chair: Niko Speybroeck (2009 - 2011),
Rob Lake (2012 - 2015)
SATF and FERG members: Arie Havelaar,
Fred Angulo, Fumiko Kasuga, Nilanthi CSTF and FERG members: Gabriel
de Silva, Muhammad Rokni, David Adegoke, Fred Angulo, David Bellinger,
Bellinger, Robert Black, Herman Gibb, Dr Alejandro Cravioto, Dörte Döpfer, Nicolas
Wan Mansor Bin Hamzah, Dörte Döpfer, Praet, Herman Gibb, Arie Havelaar,
Rob Lake Fumiko Kasuga, Bocar Kouyate, George
Nasinyama, Robert Buchanan, Catterina
Commissioned scientists/resource
Ferriccio, Bocar Kouyate, Myron Levine,
advisers/consultants: Sara Pires, Roger
Sarah O’Brien, Nilanthi de Silva, Paul
Cooke, Sandra Hoffmann, Willie Aspinall
Consultants: Brecht Devleesschauwer,
Chair: Nicolas Praet Charline Maertens de Noordhout,
CTF and FERG members: Brecht Juanita Haagsma
Devleesschauwer, Paul Torgerson, Aamir KTPG:
Fazil, David Bellinger, Arie Havelaar, Rob
Chair: Pierre Ongolo-Zogo (2010 - 2011),
Lake, Dörte Döpfer, Niko Speybroeck,
John Ehiri (2012 - 2015)
Eric Fèvre
Members: Deena Alasfoor,
Commissioned scientists/resource
Nasreen Jessani, Helen Jensen,
advisers/consultants: Dana Cole, Sara
Tanja Kuchenmüller, Haichao Lei,
Pires, Juanita Haagsma, Kate Thomas,
Bocar Kouyate
Scott McDonald, Felicia Wu
Consultant: Sandy Campbell

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

AFR D Algeria; Angola; Benin; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Cabo Verde; Chad; Comoros; Equatorial Guinea; Gabon;
Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; Madagascar; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius; Niger; Nigeria;
Sao Tome and Principe; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Togo.
AFR E Botswana; Burundi; Central African Republic; Congo; Côte d’Ivoire; Democratic Republic of the Congo;
Eritrea; Ethiopia; Kenya; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Rwanda; South Africa; Swaziland;
Uganda; United Republic of Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe.
AMR A Canada; Cuba; United States of America.
AMR B Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica;
Dominica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Grenada; Guyana; Honduras; Jamaica; Mexico; Panama;
Paraguay; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Suriname; Trinidad and
Tobago; Uruguay; Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
AMR D Bolivia (Plurinational State of); Ecuador; Guatemala; Haiti; Nicaragua; Peru.
EMR B Bahrain; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syrian
Arab Republic; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates.
EMR D Afghanistan; Djibouti; Egypt; Iraq; Morocco; Pakistan; Somalia; South Sudan(2); Sudan; Yemen.
EUR A Andorra; Austria; Belgium; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greece;
Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Luxembourg; Malta; Monaco; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; San Marino;
Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom.
EUR B Albania; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Georgia; Kyrgyzstan; Montenegro;
Poland; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Tajikistan; The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Turkey;
Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan.
EUR C Belarus; Estonia; Hungary; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Lithuania; Republic of Moldova; Russian Federation;
SEAR B Indonesia; Sri Lanka; Thailand.
SEAR D Bangladesh; Bhutan; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; India; Maldives; Myanmar; Nepal; Timor-
WPR A Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Japan; New Zealand; Singapore.
WPR B Cambodia; China; Cook Islands; Fiji; Kiribati; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Marshall Islands;
Micronesia (Federated States of); Mongolia; Nauru; Niue; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Republic
of Korea; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; Viet Nam.

Notes: (1) The subregions are defined on the basis of child and adult mortality as described by Ezzati et al. [5]. Stratum A = very
low child and adult mortality; Stratum B = low child mortality and very low adult mortality; Stratum C = low child mortality and high
adult mortality; Stratum D = high child and adult mortality; and Stratum E = high child mortality and very high adult mortality. The
use of the term ‘subregion’ here and throughout the text does not identify an official grouping of WHO Member States, and the
“subregions” are not related to the six official WHO regions, which are AFR = African Region; AMR = Region of the Americas; EMR =
Eastern Mediterranean Region; EUR = European Region; SEAR = South-East Asia Region; WPR = Western Pacific Region.

(2) South Sudan was re-assigned to the WHO African Region in May 2013. As this study relates to time periods prior to this date,
estimates for South Sudan were included in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region.

Preliminary hazards considered by each task force
At the FERG 1 meeting (26–28 November Dientamoeba fragilis
2007), each of the hazard-based TFs Diphyllobothrium latum
considered a comprehensive list of potential Echinococcus spp.
foodborne hazards for the development of Echinostoma spp.
burden estimates. During the course of the Entamoeba histolytica
project these lists had to be reduced, largely Fasciola spp.
for practical reasons concerning the ability Fasciolopsis buski
to generate burden estimates. For reference, Gastrodiscoides hominis
the complete list is given here. Giardia spp.
EDTF Gnathostoma spinigerum
Adenovirus Heterophyes heterophyes
Aeromonas spp. Hymenolepis nana
Astrovirus Isospora belli
Bacterial toxins (B. cereus) Linguatula serata
Bacterial toxins (C. perfringens) Metagonimus yokogawai
Bacterial toxins (S. aureus) Nanophytes salmincola
Brucella spp. Opisthorchis felineus
Campylobacter spp. Opisthorchis viverrini
Clostridium botulinum Paragonimus spp.
Enteroaggerative E. coli (EAggEC) Sarcocystis hominis
Entero-pathogenic E. coli (EPEC) Taenia saginata
Entero-toxigenic E. coli (ETEC) Taenia solium
Enterovirus Toxocara spp.
Helicobacter pylori Toxoplasma gondii
Hepatitis A virus Trichinella spp.
Hepatitis E virus Trichostrongylus spp.
Leptospira spp. Trichuris trichiura
Listeria monocytogenes CTTF
Mycobacterium bovis Elemental contaminants (e.g. lead,
Non cholera Vibrios mercury, cadmium, manganese, arsenic)
Norovirus Mycotoxins (e.g. aflatoxins, ochratoxins,
Prions fumonisin, trichothocenes)
Food additives (e.g. sulphites, nitrites/
Salmonella (non-typhoidal) spp.
nitrates, benzoic acid)
Salmonella (typhoid) spp.
Pesticides (e.g. organophosphates,
Shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STEC)
carbamates, DDT, pyrethrins)
Shigella spp.
Vibrio cholerae 01/0139 Organic industrial pollutants (e.g.
Yersinia spp. persistent organic pollutants)
PDTF Veterinary drugs/residues (e.g.
antibiotics, hormones–but not
Ancylostoma duodenale antimicrobial residues)
Angiostrongylus cantonensis
Seafood toxins (e.g. tetrodotoxin,
Angiostrongylus costaricensis
ciguatera, shellfish toxins, DSPs,
Anisakis simplex
PSPs, histamines)
Ascaris spp.
Blastocystis hominis Process contaminants (e.g. acrylamide,
Capillaria philippinensis PAHs, choropropanol)
Clonorchis sinensis Allergens (e.g. peanuts)
Cryptosporidium spp. Natural toxicants (e.g. cyanide in
Cyclospora spp. cassava, aminoglycosides)

Dicrocoelium dendriticum Radionuclides and depleted uranium

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Hazard-specific input parameter sources and methods
A4.1  Brucellosis brucellosis incidence estimates for
81 countries. The FERG Computational
Incidence Task Force imputation model was
There were 32 countries identified as then used to impute an incidence of
“free of brucellosis in livestock”, using human brucellosis in all countries with
2006–2012 data reported to the World missing incidence.
Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
[248], and a list of European countries Clinical Outcomes
recognized by the European Union as The FERG-commissioned systematic
“officially brucellosis free” in cattle, sheep review assisted in determining the clinical
and goats in 2010 [249]. Using 2001– outcomes for human brucellosis [254].
2004 OIE data, a previous review [250] These were: acute brucellosis (severe);
estimated human brucellosis incidence acute brucellosis (moderate); chronic
for 9 of the countries identified as free brucellosis; brucellosis orchitis; and
of brucellosis in livestock. The median brucellosis death. For acute brucellosis,
human brucellosis incidence from these it was assumed that 50% of cases were
9 countries free of brucellosis in livestock severe, 50% of cases were moderate,
was used as the estimated human 40% of brucellosis cases resulted in
brucellosis incidence for each of the chronic brucellosis, and 10% of brucellosis
32 countries free of brucellosis in livestock. cases in males resulted in orchitis [254].
A FERG-commissioned systematic review
was then used to screen 2385 articles Duration
[251] and a literature review for national Acute brucellosis: duration 14 days (min.
human brucellosis incidence estimates 7 days–max. 21 days). Chronic brucellosis:
[174, 175, 187, 188, 252, 253], to extract duration 6 months (min. 3 months– max.
brucellosis national incidence estimates 24 months). Brucellosis orchitis: duration
for 17 countries (Argentina, Canada, 6 months (min. 3 months–max.
Chad, China, Egypt, France, Greece, Iraq, 24 months) [254].
Iran, Italy, Kyrgyztan, Jordan, Mexico,
Oman, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the Disability weight
United States of America). The human Acute brucellosis (severe): GBD2010
brucellosis incidence estimates in each disability weight of 0.210 (95% UI
of these countries were compared with 0.139–0.298) for infectious disease,
human brucellosis incidence estimates acute episode, severe. Acute brucellosis
in the same country in a previous review, (moderate): GBD2010 disability weight
which used 2001–2004 OIE data [250], to of 0.053 (95% UI 0.033–0.081) for
estimate a multiplier (mean=5.4, range infectious disease, acute episode, mild.
1.6–15.4) to account for under-reporting. Chronic brucellosis: GBD2010 disability
This multiplier was used to estimate weight 0.079 (95%UI 0.053–0.115)
national human brucellosis incidence for for musculoskeletal problems, legs,
countries with OIE human brucellosis data moderate. Brucellosis orchitis: GBD2010
in the previous review but without national disability weight of 0.097 (95% UI 0.063–
human brucellosis incidence estimates 0.0137) for epididymo-orchitis [82].
identified in the current systematic review
or literature review. By multipling the Mortality
human brucellosis incidence reported to Acute brucellosis and chronic brucellosis
OIE by the multiplier, there were 32 such case fatality ratio 0.5% (min. CFR 0.25%–
countries. These steps yielded human max. CFR 0.75%) [255, 256].

Age distribution Clinical Outcomes

Acute brucellosis, chronic brucellosis, Clinical outcomes were M. bovis
brucellosis orchitis and brucellosis death tuberculosis and M. bovis death.
age distribution: 3% <15 years; 29% 15–24
years; 24% 25–34 years; 16% 35–44 years; Duration
13% 45–54 years; 12% 55–64 years; and M. bovis tuberculosis duration was
3% >65 years [257]. estimated using data in the 2014 WHO
Global Tuberculosis Report on incidence
Sex distribution and prevalence of human TB infections
Acute brucellosis, chronic brucellosis [165]; these data yielded a duration of
and brucellosis deaths sex distribution: 1.5 years in all regions except AFR, where
55% male (95% UI 50%–60% male) [254]. the duration was 1 year.
Brucellosis orchitis: 100% male.
Disability weight
M. bovis tuberculosis: GBD2010 disability
A4.2  Mycobacterium weight of 0.331 (95% UI 0.222–0.450) for
bovis infections tuberculosis without HIV infection [82].

Incidence Mortality
There were 51 countries identified as Deaths from M. bovis were estimated
“free of Mycobacterium bovis in cattle” following the same approach for
using 2005–2012 data reported to OIE estimating M. bovis cases after
[248] and a list of European countries reducing the mortality by 20% due to
recognized by the European Union as the recognition from another FERG-
“officially free of bovine tuberculosis” commissioned review that M. bovis
in 2010 [249]. A FERG-commissioned infections are more likely to result in
systematic review screened 1203 articles extrapulmonary infections [259] and that
[258] with data from 91 countries, and extrapulmonary infections have a lower
estimated the median proportion of case-fatality ratio (CFR) than pulmonary
human tuberculosis cases due to M. bovis tuberculosis infections; a 20% reduction
at the region level as 2.8% for AFR, 0.4% in mortality was based on a review of
the United States of America national
for EUR and 0.3% for AMR; the overall
surveillance data from 2009–2010, which
median proportion from studies in the
found that the CFR for extrapulmonary
review (1.0%) was used in the three
tuberculosis infections was approximately
other regions. These proportions were
20% lower than the CFR for pulmonary
applied to all countries in each respective
tuberculosis infections. Therefore,
region except for the 51 countries free of
country-level human tuberculosis
M. bovis in cattle. The lowest observed mortality rates of tuberculosis among
proportion (0.3%) was assigned to the persons not infected with HIV were
51 countries free of M. bovis in cattle. abstracted from the WHO Global
Country-level human tuberculosis Tuberculosis Report [165], reduced by
incidence was abstracted from the WHO 20%, and then multiplied by population
Global Tuberculosis Report [165] and estimates and the proportion of human
multiplied by population estimates and tuberculosis cases due to M. bovis to
the proportion of human tuberculosis estimate M. bovis deaths.
cases due to M. bovis to estimate human
M. bovis cases.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Age distribution survey in 1997 [262]; similarly for typhoid

It was assumed that the age distribution abscesses and cysts. We used the
of M. bovis cases and M. bovis deaths GBD2010 range of estimates around the
was the same as the age distribution of mean estimate of global deaths due to
human tuberculosis cases and deaths, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers (190 242
and therefore used the age distribution with UI 23 786–359 075) to derive a
from Table 3.2 of the WHO Global range of estimates for typhoid incidence.
Tuberculosis Report: 2% <15 years; 60%
Clinical Outcomes
15–44 years; 28% 45–64 years; 10% >65
years [165]. Clinical outcomes were typhoid fever,
typhoid liver abscesses and cysts, and
Sex distribution typhoid death [6].
It was assumed that the sex distribution
of M. bovis cases and M. bovis deaths
was the same as the sex distribution of Typhoid fever: duration 28 days (min.
human tuberculosis cases and deaths, 7 days–max. 42 days). Typhoid liver
and therefore used the sex distribution abscesses and cysts: duration 42 days
from Table 3.2 of the WHO Global (min. 28 days–max. 56 days). Duration
Tuberculosis Report: 65% male [165]. was estimated based on median duration
before hospitalization for typhoid fever
or typhoid abscesses/cysts of 10 days,
A4.3  Typhoid recommended treatment duration for
typhoid fever of 10–14 days and for
Incidence typhoid abscesses/cysts of 28–112 days,
FERG reviewed available burden of and presumed longer duration in patients
disease estimates for typhoid fever with typhoid fever or typhoid abscesses/
[6, 260] before selecting the IHME Global cysts who are not hospitalized [263].
Burden of Disease 2010 (GBD2010)
estimates because these estimates were Disability weight
published in peer-reviewed literature Typhoid fever: GBD2010 disability
and were available for all countries. At weight of 0.210 (95% UI 0.139–0.298)
the request of FERG, IHME provided for infectious disease, acute episode,
GBD2010 data with country-specific, severe. Typhoid liver abscesses and cysts:
age-standardized prevalence (per GBD2010 disability weight of 0.254 (95%
100 000 population) of “typhoid and UI 0.170–0.355) for infectious disease,
paratyphoid fever”, and “typhoid and post-acute consequences, severe [82].
paratyphoid liver abscesses and cysts”
[6]. Assuming a steady disease state, Mortality
prevalence of typhoid and paratyphoid GBD2010 country-specific mortality data
fever was converted to incidence by for “typhoid and paratyphoid fevers”
dividing by duration; similarly for typhoid were obtained by sex and 20 age groups
and paratyphoid abscesses and cysts. from the IHME website [58]. Typhoid
Typhoid fever incidence was determined mortality was determined using a ratio
using a ratio of 1.0 Salmonella serotype of 1.0 Salmonella serotype Typhi cases
Typhi cases to 0.23 Salmonella serotype to 0.23 Salmonella serotype Paratyphi A
Paratyphi A cases observed in national cases observed in national laboratory-
laboratory-based surveillance in the based surveillance in the United States
United States of America and in a global of America and in a global survey in 1997

[262]. The GBD2010 range of estimates of 0.23 Salmonella serotype Paratyphi A

around the mean estimate of global cases to 1.0 Salmonella serotype Typhi
deaths due to typhoid and paratyphoid cases observed in national laboratory-
fevers (190 242 with UI 23 786–359 075) based surveillance in the United States
were used to derive a range of estimates of America and in a global survey in 1997
for paratyphoid deaths. [262]; similarly for paratyphoid abscesses
and cysts. We used the GBD2010 range
Age distribution of estimates around the mean estimate
Using data from IHME, the age of global deaths due to typhoid and
distribution for typhoid fever, typhoid paratyphoid fevers (190 242 with UI
liver abscesses and cysts, and typhoid 23 786–359 075) to derive a range of
deaths was 5% <1 year; 16% 1–4 years; estimates for paratyphoid incidence.
22% 5–14 years; 19% 15–24 years; 14%
25–34 years; 9% 35–44 years; 6% 45–54 Clinical Outcomes
years; 3% 55–64 years; 3% 65–74 years; Clinical outcomes were paratyphoid fever,
1% 75–84 years; and 1% >85 years [6]. paratyphoid liver abscesses and cysts,
and paratyphoid deaths [6].
Sex distribution
Using data from IHME, the sex
distribution for cases of typhoid fever, Paratyphoid fever: duration 28 days (min.
and typhoid liver abscesses and cysts 7 days–max. 42 days); paratyphoid liver
was 56% male, and the sex distribution abscesses and cysts: duration 42 days
for typhoid deaths was 58% male [6]. (min. 28 days–max. 56 days). Duration
was estimated based on median duration
before hospitalization for paratyphoid
A4.4  Paratyphoid fever or paratyphoid abscesses and
cysts of 10 days, with a recommended
Incidence treatment duration for paratyphoid
FERG reviewed available burden of fever of 10–14 days and for paratyphoid
disease estimates for typhoid and abscesses and cysts of 28–112 days, and
paratyphoid fever [6, 260] before presumed longer duration in patients
selecting the IHME Global Burden of with paratyphoid fever or paratyphoid
Disease 2010 (GBD2010) estimates abscesses and cysts who are not
because these estimates were published hospitalized [263].
in peer-reviewed literature and were
available for all countries. At the request Disability weight
of FERG, IHME provided GBD2010 data Paratyphoid fever: GBD2010 disability
with country-specific, age-standardized weight of 0.210 (95% UI 0.139–0.298) for
prevalence (per 100 000 population) infectious disease, acute episode, severe.
of “typhoid and paratyhoid fever”, and Paratyphoid liver abscesses and cysts:
“typhoid and paratyphoid liver abscesses GBD2010 disability weight of 0.254 (95%
and cysts” [6]. Assuming a steady UI 0.170–0.355) for infectious disease,
disease state, prevalence of typhoid post-acute consequences, severe [82].
and paratyphoid fever was converted
to incidence by dividing by duration; Mortality
similarly for typhoid and paratyphoid GBD2010 country-specific mortality data
abscesses and cysts. Paratyphoid fever for “typhoid and paratyphoid fevers”
incidence was determined using a ratio were obtained by sex and 20 age groups
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

from the IHME website [58]. Paratyphoid Clinical Outcomes

mortality was determined using a ratio Clinical outcomes were acute hepatitis
of 0.23 Salmonella serotype Paratyphi A A (severe), acute hepatitis A (mild), and
cases to 1.0 Salmonella serotype Typhi hepatitis A death. For acute hepatitis,
cases observed in national laboratory- it was assumed that 50% of cases were
based surveillance in the United States severe and 50% of cases were mild [264].
of America and in a global survey in 1997
[262]. We used the GBD2010 range of Duration
estimates around the mean estimate
Acute hepatitis A: duration 21 days (min.
of global deaths due to typhoid and
14 days–max. 30 days) [264].
paratyphoid fevers (190 242 with UI
23 786–359 075) to derive a range of
Disability weight
estimates for paratyphoid deaths.
Acute hepatitis A (severe): GBD2010
Age distribution disability weight of 0.210 (95% UI
Using data from IHME, the age 0.139–0.298) for infectious disease, acute
distribution for paratyphoid fever, episode, severe. Acute hepatitis A (mild):
paratyphoid liver abscesses and cysts, GBD2010 disability weight of 0.005 (95%
and paratyphoid deaths was 5% <1 year; UI 0.002–0.011) for infectious disease,
16% 1–4 years; 22% 5–14 years; 19% 15–24 acute episode, mild [82].
years; 14% 25–34 years; 9% 35–44 years;
6% 45–54 years; 3% 55–64 years; 3% Mortality
65–74 years; 1% 75–84 years; and 1% >85 GBD2010 country-specific mortality
years [6]. data for “hepatitis A” were obtained by
sex and 20 age groups from the IHME
Sex distribution website [58]. The GBD2010 range of
Using data from IHME, the sex estimates around the mean estimate of
distribution for cases of paratyphoid global deaths due to hepatitis A (102 850
fever, and paratyphoid liver abscesses with UI 51 157–228 057) were used to
and cysts, was 56% male, and the sex derive a range of estimates for hepatitis
distribution for paratyphoid deaths was A deaths.
58% male [6].
Age distribution
A4.5  Hepatitis A infection Using data from IHME, the age
distribution for acute hepatitis A cases
Incidence and hepatitis A deaths was 10% <1 year;
Assuming a case-fatality ratio of 0.2% 5% 1–4 years; 2% 5–14 years; 3% 15–24
[264], the IHME Global Burden of Disease years; 5% 25–34 years; 11% 35–44 years;
2010 (GBD2010) country-specific data 17% 45–54 years; 20% 55–64 years; 17%
on “Hepatitis A”, available on the IHME 65–74 years; 5% 75–84 years; and 5% >85
website by sex and 20 age groups years [58].
[58] were converted to incidence. the
GBD2010 range of estimates around Sex distribution
the mean estimate of global deaths due Using data from IHME, the sex
to hepatitis A (102 850 with UI 51 157– distribution for acute hepatitis A
228 057) to derive a range of estimates cases and hepatitis A deaths was 57%
for hepatitis A incidence. male [58].

A4.6  Shiga toxin-producing moderate diarrhoea, and 80% of STEC

Escherichia coli (STEC) infection infections resulted in mild diarrhoea
[266]. We assumed that the following
Incidence percent of STEC infections were serotype
O157: 36% in AMR A, AMR B, EUR and
Using a FERG-commissioned systematic
WPR A; 10% in AMR D, AFR and SEAR;
review that screened 17 178 articles, and
and 0% in EMR. We assumed that 0.8%
a search for national surveillance data,
(min. 0.7%–max. 0.9%) of O157 STEC
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
infections and 0.03% (min. 0.01%–max.
(STEC) incidence data from 21 countries
0.04%) of non-O157 STEC infections
were identified. Using a hierarchical study
resulted in HUS, and the 3% (min. 0%–
selection process, in the subregions with
max. 30%) of HUS cases resulted in
prospective cohort studies or multipliers
ESRD [265].
studies that estimated national STEC
incidence, that STEC incidence was Duration
assigned to all countries in the subregion.
Acute STEC diarrhoea: duration 7 days
In subregions with only STEC-notifiable
(min. 5 days–max. 10 days) [266]. STEC
disease data, STEC incidence for all
haemolytic uraemia syndrome: duration
countries in the subregion was estimated
28 days (min. 14 days–max. 42 days).
using a multipler of 36 (range 7.4–106.8) STEC end-stage renal disease: results in
to account for under-reporting; the lifelong disability in countries in AMR A,
STEC incidence from notifiable disease EUR A and WPR A, and death in other
data was multiplied by the multiplier to countries [265, 267, 268].
estimate the national STEC incidence.
In subregions with no STEC incidence Disability weight
data, geographical proximity was used Acute diarrhoea (severe): GBD2010
to extrapolate the STEC incidence to all disability weight of 0.281 (95% UI
countries in the subregion [265]. These 0.184–0.399) for diarrhoea, severe.
efforts led to the following regional Acute diarrhoea (moderate): GBD2010
incidence (per 100 000 population) disability weight of 0.202 (95% UI 0.133–
estimates: AFR subregions D and E 0.299) for diarrhoea, moderate. Acute
1.4; AMR subregions A and D 93.5; diarrhoea (mild): GBD2010 disability
AMR subregion B 27.2; EMR 152.6; EUR weight of 0.061 (95% UI 0.036–0.093) for
subregion A 47.1; EUR subregion B diarrhoea, mild. STEC haemolytic uraemic
2.7; EUR subregion C 2.5; SEAR 66.3; syndrome: GBD2010 disability weight
WPR subregion A 44.5; and WPR 0.210 (95% UI 0.139–0.298) for infectious
subregion B 3.5. disease, acute episode, severe. STEC end-
stage renal disease: GBD2010 disability
Clinical Outcomes weight of 0.573 (95% UI 0.397–0.749) for
Clinical outcomes of STEC infections end-stage renal disease, on dialysis [82].
were acute STEC diarrhoea (severe),
acute STEC diarrhoea (moderate), acute Mortality
STEC diarrhoea (mild), STEC haemolytic STEC haemolytic uraemic syndrome
uraemic syndrome (HUS), STEC end- case fatality ratio 3.7%. STEC end-stage
stage renal disease (ESRD), and STEC renal disease case fatality ratio 20% in
death. We assumed that 2% of STEC countries in AMR A, EUR A and WPR
infections resulted in severe diarrhoea, A; case fatality ratio 100% in other
18% of STEC infections resulted in countries [265].
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Age distribution Clinical Outcomes

Acute STEC diarrhoea and STEC Clinical outcomes were botulism (mild
haemolytic uraemic syndrome age (HUS) to moderate), botulism (severe), and
distribution: 29% <5 years;, 20% 5–14 botulism death. We assumed that 35%
years; 35% 15–54 years; 16% *55 years. (range 20-50%) of botulism cases
STEC end-stage renal disease (ESRD) resulted in severe botulism [269–271].
and ESRD deaths age distribution: 41%
<5 years; 18% 5–14 years; 26% 15–54 Duration
years; 15% *55 years. HUS deaths age Botulism (mild to moderate): duration
distribution: 11% <1 year; 47% 1–4 years; 10 days (min. 5 days–max. 20 days);
14% 5–14 years; 22% 15–64 years; 6% *65 botulism (severe): duration 30 days (min.
years [267]. 15 days–max. 180 days) [269–271].

Sex distribution Disability weight

Acute STEC diarrhoea, STEC haemolytic – Botulism (mild to moderate):
uraemic syndrome (HUS), STEC end- GBD2010 disability weight 0.198 (95%
stage renal disease (ESRD), HUS deaths UI 0.137–0.278) for multiple sclerosis,
and ESRD deaths sex distribution: mild.
50% male [265]. – Botulism (severe): GBD2010 disability
weight 0.445 (95% UI 0.303–0.593)
A4.7  Botulism for multiple sclerosis, moderate [82].
Incidence Estimates of mortality were only
Estimates of incidence were only conducted for the 55 countries in EUR
conducted for the 61 EUR and other and AMR A. Severe botulism case fatality
subregion A (low mortality) countries. ratio 15% (range 5-25%). Assume no
Based on a literature review for articles deaths among mild to moderate botulism
with national estimates of foodborne cases [188, 269, 270].
diseases including botulism, we identified
national estimates of the incidence of Age distribution
botulism from five countries: Canada Mild to moderate botulism, severe
[175], France [174], Georgia [269], Poland botulism, and botulism death age
[270] and the United States of America distribution: mode 50 years (min. age
[188]. The median botulism incidence 4 years–max. age 88 years) [269–271].
from these five countries was from
Canada, therefore the botulism incidence Sex distribution
from Canada (0.04 per 100 000
Mild to moderate botulism, severe
population, with a 90% confidence
botulism, and botulism death sex
interval of 0.02–0.08 per 100 000) was
distribution: 48% male [269–271].
used as the incidence for all 55 countries
in EUR and AMR A.

A4.8  Clostridium Mortality
perfringens intoxication Estimates of mortality were only
conducted for the 61 EUR and other
Incidence subregion A (low mortality) countries.
Estimates of incidence were only National estimates of Clostridium
conducted for the 61 EUR and other perfringens intoxications cases and
subregion A (low mortality) countries. deaths were available from Australia
Based on a literature review for articles [272], France [174], Netherlands [154],
with national estimates of foodborne New Zealand [252], and the United States
diseases that included Clostridium of America [188]; the median case fatality
perfringens intoxications, we identified ratio (CFR) from these five countries
national incidence estimates for was the New Zealand (0.0030% [95%CI:
Clostridium perfringens intoxications 0.0024%-0.0038%]), therefore the CFR
from seven countries: Australia [272], from New Zealand was used as the
Canada [175], France [174], Netherlands CFR for all EUR and other subregion
[154], New Zealand [252], United A countries.
Kingdom [48], and the United States of
America [188]. The median C. perfringens Age distribution
intoxication incidence from these Acute gastroenteritis and deaths due to
seven countries was from the United Clostridium perfringens intoxication age
States of America, therefore the C. distribution: 1% <5 years; 13% 5–14 years;
perfringens intoxication incidence from 59% 15–54 years; 27% *55 years [273].
the United States of America (324.19
per 100 000 population with a 95% Sex distribution
confidence interval of 126.14–833.44 per Acute gastroenteritis and deaths due to
100 000) was used as the C. perfringens Clostridium perfringens intoxication sex
intoxication incidence for all EUR and distribution: 63% male [273].
other subregion A countries.

Clinical Outcomes A4.9  Staphylococcus

Clinical outcomes were acute aureus intoxication
gastroenteritis due to Clostridium
perfringens intoxication and death due to
C. perfringens intoxication [273]. Estimates of incidence were only
conducted for the 61 EUR and other
Duration subregion A (low mortality) countries.
Acute gastroenteritis due to Clostridium Based on a literature review for articles
perfringens intoxication: duration 1 day with national estimates of foodborne
(min. 0.25 days–max. 2.5 days) [273]. diseases that included Staphylococcus
aureus intoxication, we identified
Disability weight national incidence estimates for S. aureus
intoxication from seven countries:
– Acute gastroenteritis due to
Australia [272], Canada [175], France
Clostridium perfringens intoxication:
[174], Netherlands [154], New Zealand
GBD2010 disability weight 0.061
[252], England and Wales as a proxy
(95% UI 0.036–0.093) for diarrhoea,
for United Kingdom [172], and the
mild [82].
United States of America [188]. The
median S. aureus intoxication incidence
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

from these seven countries was Sex distribution

from Canada, therefore the S. aureus Acute gastroenteritis and deaths due to
intoxication incidence from the Canada S. aureus intoxication sex distribution:
(77.3 per 100 000 population with a 48% male [273].
95% confidence interval of 50.65–118.0
per 100 000) was used as the S. aureus
intoxication incidence for all EUR and A4.10  Bacillus cereus intoxication
other subregion A countries.
Clinical Outcomes Estimates of incidence were only
Clinical outcomes were acute conducted for the 61 EUR and other
gastroenteritis due to S. aureus subregion A (low mortality) countries.
intoxication and death due to S. aureus Based on a literature review for articles
intoxication [273]. with national estimates of foodborne
diseases that included Bacillus cereus
Duration intoxication, we identified national
Acute gastroenteritis due to S. aureus incidence estimates for Bacillus cereus
intoxication: duration 1 day (min. 0.25 intoxication from seven countries:
days–max. 2.5 days) [273]. Australia [272], Canada [175], France
[174], Netherlands [154], New Zealand
Disability weight [252], England and Wales as a proxy for
the United Kingdom [172], and the United
– Acute gastroenteritis due to S. aureus
States of America [188]. The median
intoxication: GBD2010 disability
B. cereus intoxication incidence from
weight 0.061 (95% UI 0.036–0.093)
these seven countries was for the United
for diarrhoea, mild [82].
Kingdom (England and Wales), therefore
Mortality the B. cereus intoxication incidence from
Estimates of mortality were only the United Kingdom (21.4 per 100 000)
conducted for the 61 EUR and other was used as the B. cereus intoxication
subregion A (low mortality) countries. incidence for all EUR and other subregion
National estimates of S. aureus A countries; because the available B.
intoxication cases and deaths were cereus intoxication incidence estimate
available from the Netherlands [154] from England and Wales did not include
and the United States of America [188]; a corresponding confidence interval, the
the case fatality ratio (CFR) for the average values of the intervals from the
Netherlands was 0.0024% and for the countries with the next lowest and next
United States of America was 0.0025%. highest B. cereus intoxication incidence
We used the CFR from the United States were used (United States of America
of America as the CFR for all EUR and 5.2–49.4 and the Netherlands 11.5–67.2)
other subregion A countries with a 95% for a 95% confidence interval 7.9–58.3
confidence interval of 0.0012%-0.0045%. per 100 000.

Age distribution Clinical Outcomes

Acute gastroenteritis and deaths due to Clinical outcomes were acute
S. aureus intoxication age distribution: gastroenteritis due to Bacillus cereus
5% <5 years; 19% 5–14 years; 48% 15–54 intoxication [273].
years; 28% *55 years [273].

Duration Clinical outcomes included perinatal and

Acute gastroenteritis due to Bacillus non-perinatal listeriosis; we estimated
cereus intoxication: duration 1 day (min. that 79.3% (min. 77.3%–max. 81.3%)
0.25 days–max. 2.5 days) [273]. of listeriosis cases were perinatal and
20.7% (min. 19.0%–max. 22.4%) were
Disability weight non-perinatal. Clinical outcomes among
– Acute gastroenteritis due to Bacillus perinatal listeriosis cases were neonatal
cereus intoxication: GBD2010 septicaemia, neonatal meningitis,
disability weight 0.061 (95% UI 0.036– neurological sequelae, stillborn, and
0.093) for diarrhoea, mild [82]. death; stillborns were estimated but not
included in the final FERG estimates of
Mortality deaths and DALYS. We estimated 30.7%
No deaths estimated. of perinatal listeriosis cases developed
neonatal septicaemia and 15.2% (min.
Age distribution 13.1%–max. 17.3%) neonatal meningitis, of
Acute gastroenteritis due to Bacillus whom 43.8% (min. 31.8%–max. 55.8%)
cereus intoxication age distribution: had neurological sequelae. Clinical
3% <5 years; 14% 5–14 years; 53% 15–54 outcomes among non-perinatal listeriosis
years; 30% *55 years [273]. cases were septicaemia, meningitis,
neurological sequelae and death; it was
Sex distribution estimated that 61.6% (min. 59.4%–max.
Acute gastroenteritis due to Bacillus 63.8%) of non-perinatal listeriosis cases
cereus intoxication sex distribution: 50% developed septicaemia and 30.7%
male [273]. (min. 28.7%–max. 32.7%) meningitis, of
whom 13.7% (min. 8.2%–max. 19.2%) had
neurological sequelae [70].
A4.11  Listeriosis
Incidence For perinatal and non-perinatal listeriosis
Using a FERG-commissioned systematic cases: septicaemia duration 7 days,
review which screened 11 22 papers and meningitis duration 182 days, and
national surveillance, listeriosis incidence neurological sequelae 7 years [70].
data were extracted from 43 papers.
National listeriosis incidence estimates Disability weight
were then calculated for all countries – For listeriosis septicaemia: GBD2010
using the extracted data and imputed disability weight (DW) of 0.210 (95%
estimates through a multilevel random UI 0.139–0.298) for infectious disease,
effects model [70]. acute episode, severe [82].
– For listeriosis meningitis: a DW of
Clinical Outcomes 0.426 (95% UI 0.368–0.474) derived
Clinical outcomes were determined using from multiplicative methodology and
outcome probabilities from the FERG- expert elicitation (with bootstrap
commissioned review and a random analysis for CI) using a combination
effects meta-regression model; for each of the following DWs: (1) 0.210 for
study identified in the review, a weight infectious disease, acute episode,
was assigned reflecting the study quality. severe; (2) 0.126 for intellectual
These weights were included as a fixed disability, severe; (3) average of
effect in the meta-regression model. 0.488 for epilepsy, severe and
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

epilepsy, treated with recent seizures; 5–14 years; 10% 15–34 years; 6% 35–44
and (4) 0.76 for motor impairment, years; 7% 45–54 years; 13% 55–64 years;
moderate. 20% 65–74 years; 20% 75–84 years; 18%
– For listeriosis neurological sequelae: *85 years.
a DW of 0.292 (95% UI 0.272–0.316)
derived from a multiplicative Sex distribution
methodology and expert elicitation The sex distribution of listeriosis cases
(with bootstrap analysis for CI) using and deaths was determined from
a combination of following DWs: published papers during the FERG-
(1) 0.047 resulting from average of commissioned review [70]. The sex
all 10 DWs involving hearing loss; distribution for listeriosis cases and
(2) 0.087 resulting from average of all deaths was: 50% male.
5 DWs for vision loss; and (3) 0.303
resulting from average of all 4 DWs
for stroke, long-term consequence A4.12  Non-typhoidal
[70, 82]. Salmonella infection
Mortality Incidence
Listeriosis case fatality ratios were The incidence of diarrhoeal non-typhoidal
estimated following the same approach Salmonella (NTS) was estimated
for estimating clinical outcomes of separately for middle and high mortality
listeriosis cases; using probabilities from countries, and low mortality countries.
the FERG-commissioned review and a For the 133 middle to high mortality
random effects meta-regression model. countries, we used a modification of the
For each study identified in the review, a Child Health Epidemiology Reference
weight was assigned reflecting the study Group (CHERG) approach [50]. To
quality; these weights were included as a derive “envelopes” of diarrhoea cases,
fixed effect in the meta-regression model. for children <5 years of age we used
The case fatality ratio for perinatal cases estimates of diarrhoea incidence from
was 14.9% (mimimum 11.3% - max. 18.5%); a CHERG systematic review [51] and
9.2% (mimimum 7.5% - max. 10.9%) for persons >5 years of age we used
resulted in neonatal deaths and 5.7% a FERG-commissioned systematic
(minumum 3.8% - max. 7.6%) resulted in review [52]. We then estimated the
stillbirths; stillborns were not included in aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
the final FERG estimates of deaths and illnesses due to NTS and the 10 other
DALYs. The case fatality ratio for non- diarrhoeal pathogens1 in children <5
perinatal cases was 25.9% (mimimum years of age using CHERG and FERG
23.8% - max. 29.0%). systematic reviews of aetiology studies
among outpatients and persons in the
Age distribution community [40], and the aetiological
The age distribution of listeriosis cases proportion of diarrhoeal illnesses due
and deaths was determined from to NTS and the other 10 diarrhoeal
published papers during the FERG- pathogens in persons >5 years of age
commissioned review [70]. The age 1
The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
distribution for perinatal listeriosis cases Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus,
and deaths was: 100% <1 month. The age enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic
E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba
distribution for non-perinatal cases and histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known
deaths was: 0% <1 year; 2% 1–4 years; 4% to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and
unspecified agents.

using an updated FERG systematic Clinical Outcomes

review of aetiology studies among Clinical outcomes were acute non-
inpatients, outpatients and persons typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) diarrhoea
in the community [40, 274]. The NTS (severe); acute NTS diarrhoea
aetiological proportions were extracted (moderate); acute NTS diarrhoea (mild);
from studies, and regional median NTS and NTS death. We assumed that 2% of
aetiological proportions calculated. NTS diarrhoeal cases resulted in severe
We modified the CHERG approach diarrhoea, 25% of NTS diarrhoeal cases
by dropping regional median NTS resulted in moderate diarrhoea, and
aetiological proportion outliers that 73% of NTS diarrhoeal cases resulted in
were *5 times greater than the global mild diarrhoea.
median NTS aetiological proportion,
and replacing missing regional NTS Duration
aetiological proportions with the global In children <5 years of age, duration
median. Furthermore, for children of severe diarrhoea was 8.4 days,
<5 years of age, we proportionally moderate diarrhoea was 6.4 days, and
decreased the aetiological proportions mild diarrhoea was 4.3 days [275]. Based
for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in each on the assumed distribution of severe,
region so that the sum of the aetiological moderate and mild diarrhoea cases, the
proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens duration of all non-typhoidal Salmonella
in a region equalled 1. The resultant (NTS) diarrhoea cases in children <5
regional NTS aetiological proportions years of age was estimated to be 4.9
were multiplied by the regional estimates days (min. 4.3 days–max. 8.4 days). In
of diarrhoea incidence, and the resultant persons >5 years of age, the duration of
regional NTS incidence was applied to NTS diarrhoea was 2.8 days [275].
all countries in that subregion. In the 61
low mortality countries (EUR and other Disability weight
subregion “A” countries), we used a
– Acute non-typhoidal Salmonella
literature review that identified national
(NTS) diarrhoea (severe): GBD2010
incidence estimates for NTS from seven
disability weight of 0.281 (95% UI
countries: Australia [272], Canada [175],
0.184–0.399) for diarrhoea, severe.
France [174], Netherlands [154], New
– Acute NTS diarrhoea (moderate):
Zealand [252], United Kingdom [48],
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.202
and the United States of America [188].
(95% UI 0.133–0.299) for diarrhoea,
These national estimates were based on
systematic reviews, national surveillance
– Acute NTS diarrhoea (mild): GBD2010
data, and expert judgment. In these
disability weight of 0.061 (95% UI
seven countries, we used the estimated
0.036–0.093) for diarrhoea, mild [82].
national NTS incidence (and range) for
that country. For low mortality countries Mortality
without a national estimate, we used the The mortality of NTS was estimated
median NTS incidence from the seven separately for middle-to-high mortality
national studies. The median incidence countries, and low mortality countries.
was from Australia: 301.5 per 100 000 For the 133 middle-to-high mortality
population (which was increased by 19% countries, we used a modification of
to account for travellers using proxy the CHERG approach [50]. We received
information from New Zealand), with envelopes of diarrhoeal deaths from
range 171.1–541.8. WHO; because this estimate was not
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

available with an uncertainity interval, expert judgment. In these five countries,

we used the uncertainty range from we used the estimated national NTS
the GBD2010 estimate of diarrhoeal mortality (and range) for that country.
deaths (81.7% to 114.6% around the point For low mortality countries without a
estimate) [58]. We then estimated the national estimate, we used the median
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal NTS mortality from the five national
deaths due to NTS and the other studies. The median NTS mortality was
10 diarrhoeal pathogens in children from the United States; 0.15 per 100,000
<5 years of age using a CHERG and population: range 0.08 – 0.40.
FERG systematic review of aetiology
studies among inpatients [40], and the Age distribution
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal In middle-to-high mortality countries
deaths due to NTS and the other we estimated incidence and mortality
10 diarrhoeal pathogens in persons of non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS)
>5 years of age, using an updated diarrhoea seperately for children <5 years
FERG systematic review of aetiology of age and persons >5 years of age.
studies among inpatients [40, 274]. In low mortality countries, the age
The NTS aetiological proportions were distribution for NTS diarrhoea cases was
extracted from studies, and regional 24% <5 years; 10% 5–14 years; 11% 15–24
median NTS aetiological proportions years; 42% 25–64 years; and 13% >65
calculated. We modified the CHERG years [276].
approach by dropping regional median
NTS aetiological proportion outliers that Sex distribution
were >5 times greater than the global Salmonella sex distribution: 50% male.
median NTS aetiological proportion,
and replacing missing regional NTS
aetiological proportions with the global A4-13  Invasive Non-typhoidal
median. Furthermore, for children Salmonella (iNTS) infection
<5 years of age, we proportionally
decreased the aetiological proportions Incidence
for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in each Rates of iNTS are highly correlated with
region so that the sum of the aetiological HIV prevalence and malaria risk [277]. To
proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens estimate iNTS incidence globally, we used
in a region equalled 1. The resultant age-specific estimates of incidence from
regional NTS aetiological proportions a systematic review [277] to construct
were multiplied by the regional estimates a random effect log linear model using
of diarrhoea deaths, and the resultant covariates of country-specific HIV and
regional NTS mortality was applied to malaria deaths, and the log of Gross
all countries in that region. In the 61 Domestic Product. As data were sparse,
low mortality countries (EUR and other we predicted incidence for all ages,
subregion “A” countries), we used a which was converted to age-specific
literature review that identified NTS incidence based on age profiles for iNTS
mortality estimates from five countries: cases in low and high incidence settings
Australia [272], France [174], Netherlands [277]. From this, we predicted iNTS
[154], New Zealand [252], and the United incidence among persons not infected
States of America [188]. These national with HIV [62, 278]. To estimate deaths,
estimates were based on systematic we assumed that the CFR for iNTS
reviews, national surveillance data, and in non-HIV infected individuals was a

uniform distribution with a most likely 133 middle-to-high mortality countries,

value of 10% (range 5–20%) in subregion we used a modification of the CHERG
B to E countries, and a most likely value approach [50]. To derive “envelopes” of
of 4.3% (range 3.9–6.6%) in subregion A diarrhoea cases, for children <5 years
countries [279]. of age we used estimates of diarrhoea
incidence from a CHERG systematic
Clinical Outcomes review [51] and for persons >5 years
Clinical outcomes were invasive of age we used a FERG-commissioned
Salmonella infection and death. systematic review [52]. We then
estimated the aetiological proportions of
Duration diarrhoeal illnesses due to Campylobacter
The duration of iNTS infection was and the 10 other diarrhoeal pathogens2
assumed to be the same as the duration in children <5 years of age using a
of typhoid which was estimated to be 28 CHERG and FERG systematic review of
days (min. 7 days–max. 56 days). aetiology studies among outpatients and
persons in the community [40] and the
Disability weight aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
– iNTS infection: GBD2010 disability illnesses due to Campylobacter and the
weight of 0.210 (95% UI 0.139–0.298) 10 other diarrhoeal pathogens in persons
for infectious disease, acute episode, >5 years of age, using an updated
severe [82]. FERG systematic review of aetiology
studies among inpatients, outpatients
Mortality and persons in the community [40,
To estimate deaths, we assumed that 274]. The Campylobacter aetiological
the CFR for iNTS in non-HIV infected proportions were extracted from studies,
individuals was a uniform distribution and regional median Campylobacter
with a most likely value of 10% (range aetiological proportions calculated.
5–20%) in subregion B to E countries and We modified the CHERG approach by
a most likely value of 4.3% (range 3.9– dropping regional median Campylobacter
6.6%) in subregion A countries [63]. aetiological proportion outliers that were
>5 times greater than the global median
Age distribution Campylobacter aetiological proportion,
We assessed the age distribution and replacing missing regional
of invasive NTS cases and deaths in Campylobacter aetiological proportions
high (Mali) and low (United States) with the global median. Furthermore,
burden settings. for children <5 years of age, we
proportionally decreased the aetiological
Sex distribution proportions for all 11 diarrhoeal
Salmonella sex distribution: 50% male. pathogens in each region so that the sum
of the aetiological proportions for all 11
diarrhoeal pathogens in a region equalled
A4.14  Camplyobacter infection 1. The resultant regional Campylobacter
Incidence The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus,
The incidence of diarrhoeal enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic
Campylobacter was estimated separately E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba
histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known
for middle-to-high mortality countries, to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and
and low mortality countries. For the unspecified agents.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

aetiological proportions were multiplied 2% of Campylobacter diarrhoeal cases

by the regional estimates of diarrhoea resulted in severe diarrhoea, 25% of
incidence, and the resultant regional Campylobacter diarrhoeal cases resulted
Campylobacter incidence was applied to in moderate diarrhoea, and 73% of
all countries in that region. Campylobacter diarrhoeal cases resulted
In the 61 low mortality countries (EUR in mild diarrhoea.
and other subregion “A” countries), we
used a literature review that identified
national incidence estimates for In children <5 years of age, duration of
Campylobacter from seven countries: severe diarrhoea was 8.4 days; moderate
Australia [272], Canada [175], France diarrhoea was 6.4 days; and mild
[174], Netherlands [154], New Zealand diarrhoea was 4.3 days [266]. Based
[252], United Kingdom [48], and the on the assumed distribution of severe,
United States of America [188]. These moderate and mild diarrhoea cases, the
national estimates were based on duration of all Campylobacter diarrhoea
systematic reviews, national surveillance cases in children <5 years of age was
data, and expert judgment. In these estimated to be 4.9 days (min. 4.3 days–
seven countries, we used the estimated max. 8.4 days). In persons >5 years of
national Campylobacter incidence (and age, the duration of Campylobacter
range) for that country. For low mortality diarrhoea was 2.8 days [266]. The
countries without a national estimate, duration of Guillain-Barre Syndrome due
we used the median Campylobacter to Campylobacter infection was assumed
incidence from the seven national life-long [281].
studies. The median incidence was from
Canada: 789.2 per 100 000 population Disability weight
(after increasing by 20% to account for – Acute Campylobacter diarrhoea
travellers according to proxy infomation (severe): GBD2010 disability weight
from the United States of America) with of 0.281 (95% UI 0.184–0.399) for
range of 532.3–1140.3. Using a systematic diarrhoea, severe.
review that identified 63 papers, updated – Acute Campylobacter diarrhoea
for papers published through 2013 for (moderate): GBD2010 disability
FERG by the author with the addition of weight of 0.202 (95% UI 0.133–0.299)
9 papers, the incidence of Guillain-Barre for diarrhoea, moderate.
Syndrome (GBS) in all countries was – Acute Campylobacter diarrhoea
estimated at 1.4 per 100 000 population (mild): GBD2010 disability weight
(min. 1.1–max. 1.8) [55]. Based on a of 0.061 (95% UI 0.036–0.093) for
systematic review, we assumed that 31% diarrhoea, mild.
(min. 28%–max. 45%) of GBS cases were – Guillain-Barre Syndrome due to
due to Campylobacter infection [280] Campylobacter infection: GBD201
disability weight of 0.445 (95% UI
Clinical Outcomes
0.303–0.593) for multiple sclerosis,
Clinical outcomes were acute moderate [82].
Campylobacter diarrhoea (severe);
acute Campylobacter diarrhoea Mortality
(moderate); acute Campylobacter The mortality of Campylobacter was
diarrhoea (mild); Guillain-Barre Syndrome estimated separately for middle-to-
due to Campylobacter infection; and high mortality countries, and for low
Campylobacter death. We assumed that mortality countries. For the 133 middle-

to-high mortality countries, we used a that identified Campylobacter mortality

modification of the CHERG approach estimates from five countries: Australia
[50]. We received envelopes of diarrhoeal [272], France [174], Netherlands [154],
deaths from WHO; because this estimate New Zealand [252], and the United
was not available with an uncertainty States of America [188]. These national
interval, we used the uncertainty range estimates were based on systematic
from the GBD2010 estimate of diarrhoeal reviews, national surveillance data,
deaths (81.7% to 114.6% around the point and expert judgment. In these five
estimate) [58]. We then estimated the countries, we used the estimated national
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal Campylobacter mortality (and range) for
deaths due to Campylobacter and the 10 that country. For low mortality countries
other diarrhoeal pathogens in children without a national estimate, we used the
<5 years of age using a CHERG and median Campylobacter mortality from
FERG systematic review of aetiology the five national studies. The median
studies among inpatients [40], and the Campyloacter mortality was the mean
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal from the United States: 0.04 per 100 000
deaths due to Campylobacter and population, with a range 0–0.17). We
the 10 other diarrhoeal pathogens assumed that the case fatality ratio
in persons >5 years of age using an for Gullain-Barre Syndrome due to
updated FERG systematic review of Campylobacter infection was 4.1% (min.
aetiology studies among inpatients [40, 2.4%–max. 6%) [281].
282]. The Campylobacter aetiological
proportions were extracted from studies, Age distribution
and regional median Campylobacter In middle-to-high mortality countries
aetiological proportions calculated. we estimated incidence and mortality of
We modified the CHERG approach by Campylobacter diarrhoea seperately for
dropping regional median Campylobacter children <5 years of age and persons >5
aetiological proportion outliers that years of age. In low mortality countries
were >5 times greater than the global the age distribution for Campylobacter
median Campylobacter aetiological diarrhoea cases was 11% <5 years;
proportion, and replacing missing 8% 5–14 years; 10% 15–24 years; 57%
regional Campylobacter aetiological 25–64 years; and 14% >65 years [276].
proportions with the global median. We assumed the age distribution of
Furthermore, for children <5 years Campylobacter Guillian-Barre Syndrome
of age, we proportionally decreased cases and deaths were the same
the aetiological proportions for all 11 as Campylobacter diarrhoea cases
diarrhoeal pathogens in each region and deaths.
so that the sum of the aetiological
proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens Sex distribution
in a region equalled 1. The resultant
Campylobacter sex distribution:
regional Campylobacter aetiological
50% male.
proportions were multiplied by the
regional estimates of diarrhoea deaths,
and the resultant regional Campylobacter A4.15  Norovirus infection
mortality was applied to all countries
in that region. In the 61 low mortality Incidence
countries (EUR and other subregion “A” The incidence of diarrhoeal norovirus
countries), we used a literature review and vomiting-only norovirus were
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

estimated separately. The incidence <5 years of age, we proportionally

of diarrhoeal norovirus was estimated decreased the aetiological proportions
separately for middle-to-high mortality for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in
countries, and low mortality countries. each region so that the sum of the
For the 133 middle-to-high mortality aetiological proportions for all diarrhoeal
countries, we used a modification of pathogens in a region equalled 1. The
the CHERG approach [50]. To derive resultant regional norovirus aetiological
“envelopes” of diarrhoea cases, for proportions were multiplied by the
children <5 years of age we used regional estimates of diarrhoea incidence,
estimates of diarrhoea incidence from and the resultant regional norovirus
a CHERG systematic review [51] and incidence was applied to all countries in
for persons >5 years of age we used a that region.
FERG-commissioned systematic review In the 61 low mortality countries (EUR
[52]. We then estimated the aetiological and other subregion “A” countries), we
proportions of diarrhoeal illnesses used a literature review that identified
due to norovirus and the 10 other national incidence estimates for norovirus
diarrhoeal pathogens3 in children <5 from seven countries: Australia [272],
years of age using a CHERG and FERG Canada [175], France [174], Netherlands
systematic review of aetiology studies [154], New Zealand [252], United
among outpatients and persons in the Kingdom [48], and the United States of
community [40], and the aetiological America [188]. These national estimates
proportions of diarrhoeal illnesses due were based on systematic reviews,
to norovirus and the 10 other diarrhoeal national surveillance data, and expert
pathogens in persons >5 years of age, judgment. In these seven countries, we
using an updated FERG systematic used the estimated national norovirus
review of aetiology studies among incidence (and range) for that country.
inpatients, outpatients and persons in the For low mortality countries without a
community [40, 274]; these systematic national estimate, we used the median
reviews were supplemented by a FERG- norovirus incidence from the seven
commissioned norovirus systematic national studies. The median incidence
review [283]. The norovirus aetiological was from the United States: 6978.5 per
proportions were extracted from 100 000 population, with range 4 295.0–
studies, and regional median norovirus 10 282.3.
aetiological proportions calculated.
We modified the CHERG approach by To estimate the incidence of vomiting-
dropping regional median norovirus only norovirus, based on a FERG-
aetiological proportion outliers that were commissioned systematic review [57],
we multiplied the incidence of diarrhoeal
>5 times greater than the global median
norovirus by 19% (min. 15%–max. 23%).
norovirus aetiological proportion, and
replacing missing regional norovirus
Clinical Outcomes
aetiological proportions with the global
median. Furthermore, for children Clinical outcomes were acute norovirus
diarrhoea (severe); acute norovirus
The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus, diarrhoea (moderate); acute norovirus
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic diarrhoea (mild); acute norovirus
E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba vomiting-only; and norovirus death. We
histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known
to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and assumed that 0.5% of norovirus diarrhoea
unspecified agents. cases resulted in severe diarrhoea, 8.5%

of norovirus diarrhoea cases resulted norovirus and the other 10 diarrhoeal

in moderate diarrhoea, and 91% of pathogens in persons >5 years of age
norovirus diarrhoea cases resulted in using an updated FERG systematic
mild diarrhoea. review of aetiology studies among
inpatients [40, 274]; these systematic
Duration reviews were supplemented by a FERG-
The duration of norovirus diarrhoea was commissioned norovirus systematic
estimated to be 2 days (min. 1 day–max. review [192]. The norovirus aetiological
4 days). We assumed norovirus vomiting- proportions were extracted from
only cases had the same duration as studies, and regional median norovirus
norovirus diarrhoea cases. aetiological proportions calculated.
We modified the CHERG approach by
Disability weight dropping regional median norovirus
– Acute norovirus diarrhoea (severe): aetiological proportion outliers that were
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.281 >5 times greater than the global median
(95% UI 0.184–0.399) for diarrhoea, norovirus aetiological proportion, and
severe. replacing missing regional norovirus
– Acute norovirus diarrhoea (moderate): aetiological proportions with the global
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.202 median. Furthermore, for children
(95% UI 0.133–0.299) for diarrhoea, <5 years of age, we proportionally
moderate. decreased the aetiological proportions
– Acute norovirus diarrhoea (mild) for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in
and acute norovirus vomiting-only: each region so that the sum of the
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.061 aetiological proportions for all diarrhoeal
(95% UI 0.036–0.093) for diarrhoea, pathogens in a region equalled 1. The
mild [82]. resultant regional norovirus aetiological
proportions were multiplied by the
Mortality regional estimates of diarrhoea deaths,
The mortality of norovirus was estimated and the resultant regional norovirus
separately for middle-to-high mortality mortality was applied to all countries
countries, and low mortality countries. in that region. In the 61 low mortality
For the 133 middle-to-high mortality countries (EUR and other subregion “A”
countries, we used a modification of countries), we used a literature review
the CHERG approach [50]. We received that identified norovirus mortality
envelopes of diarrhoeal death from WHO; estimates from four countries: Australia
because this estimate was not available [272], Netherlands [154], New Zealand
with an uncertainity interval, we used the [252], and the United States of America
uncertainity range from the GBD2010 [188]. These national estimates were
estimate of diarrhoeal deaths (81.7% to based on systematic reviews, national
114.6% around the point estimate) [58]. surveillance data, and expert judgment.
We then estimated the aetiological In these four countries, we used the
proportions of diarrhoeal deaths due to estimated national norovirus mortality
norovirus and the other 10 diarrhoeal (and range) for that country. For low
pathogens in children <5 years of age mortality countries without a national
using a CHERG and FERG systematic estimate, we used the median norovirus
review of aetiology studies among mortality from the four national studies.
inpatients [40], and the aetiological The median norovirus mortality was the
proportions of diarrhoeal deaths due to mean from New Zealand and the United
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

States: 0.18 per 100 000 with a range of to Shigella and the 10 other diarrhoeal
0.11– 0.28. We assumed no deaths among pathogens in persons >5 years of age
vomiting-only norovirus cases. using an updated FERG systematic
review of aetiology studies among
Age distribution inpatients, outpatients and persons in
In middle-to-high mortality countries the community [40, 274]. The shigellosis
we estimated incidence and mortality aetiological proportions were extracted
of norovirus seperately for children <5 from studies, and regional median
years of age and persons >5 years of shigellosis aetiological proportions
age. In low mortality countries the age calculated. We modified the CHERG
distribution for norovirus was 40% <5 approach by dropping regional median
years; 10% 5–14 years; 30% 15–44 years; shigellosis aetiological proportion
10% 45–64 years; and 10% outliers that were >5 times greater
>65 years [284]. than the global median shigellosis
aetiological proportion, and replacing
Sex distribution missing regional shigellosis aetiological
Norovirus sex distribution: 50% male. proportions with the global median.
Furthermore, for children <5 years
of age, we proportionally decreased
A4.16  Shigellosis the aetiological proportions for all 11
diarrhoeal pathogens in each region
Incidence so that the sum of the aetiological
The incidence of shigellosis was proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens
estimated separately for middle-to- in a region equalled 1. The resultant
high mortality countries, and low regional shigellosis aetiological
mortality countries. For the 133 middle- proportions were multiplied by the
to-high mortality countries, we used a regional estimates of diarrhoea incidence,
modification of the CHERG approach and the resultant regional shigellosis
[50]. To derive “envelopes” of diarrhoea incidence was applied to all countries in
cases, for children <5 years of age we that region.
used estimates of diarrhoea incidence
In the 61 low mortality countries (EUR
from a CHERG systematic review [51]
and other subregion “A” countries), we
and for persons >5 years of age we
used a literature review that identified
used a FERG-commissioned systematic
national incidence estimates for
review [52]. We then estimated the
shigellosis from five countries: Australia
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
[272], Canada [175], France [174], New
illnesses due to Shigella and the 10 other
Zealand [252], and the United States of
diarrhoeal pathogens4 in children <5
America [188]. These national estimates
years of age using a CHERG and FERG
were based on systematic reviews,
systematic review of aetiology studies
national surveillance data, and expert
among outpatients and persons in the
judgment. In these five countries, we
community [40], and the aetiological
used the estimated national shigellosis
proportion of diarrhoeal illnesses due
incidence (and range) for that country.
The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
For low mortality countries without a
Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus,
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic national estimate, we used the median
E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba shigellosis incidence from the five
histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known national studies. The median incidence
to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and
unspecified agents. was from Canada (which was increased

by 8% to account for travellers, using For the 133 middle-to-high mortality

proxy information from the United States countries, we used a modification of
of America) which was 23.6 per 100 000 the CHERG approach [50]. We received
population, with a range of 13.2–38.7. envelopes of diarrhoeal deaths from
WHO; because this estimate was not
Clinical Outcomes available with an uncertainity interval,
Clinical outcomes were acute Shigella we used the uncertainity range from
diarrhoea (severe); acute Shigella the GBD2010 estimate of diarrhoeal
diarrhoea (moderate); acute Shigella deaths (81.7% to 114.6% around the point
diarrhoea (mild); and Shigella death. estimate) [58]. We then estimated the
We assumed that 2% of Shigella cases aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
resulted in severe diarrhoea, 25% of deaths due to Shigella and 10 other
Shigella cases resulted in moderate diarrhoeal pathogens5 in children
diarrhoea, and 73% of Shigella cases <5 years of age using a CHERG and
resulted in mild diarrhoea. FERG systematic review of aetiology
studies among inpatients [40], and the
Duration aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
In children <5 years of age, duration of deaths due to Shigella and the 10
severe diarrhoea was 8.4 days, moderate other diarrhoeal pathogens in persons
diarrhoea was 6.4 days, and mild >5 years of age using an updated
diarrhoea was 4.3 days [266]. Based FERG systematic review of aetiology
on the assumed distribution of severe, studies among inpatients [40, 274].
moderate and mild diarrhoea cases, the The shigellosis aetiological proportions
duration of Shigella diarrhoea cases in were extracted from studies, and
children <5 years of age was estimated regional median shigellosis aetiological
to be 4.9 days (min. 4.3 days–max. proportions calculated. We modified
8.4 days). In persons >5 years of age, the CHERG approach by dropping
the duration of Shigella diarrhoea was regional median shigellosis aetiological
2.8 days [266]. proportion outliers that were >5 times
greater than the global median shigellosis
Disability weight aetiological proportion, and replacing
– Acute Shigella diarrhoea (severe): missing regional shigellosis aetiological
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.281 proportions with the global median.
(95% UI 0.184–0.399) for diarrhoea, Furthermore, for children <5 years
severe. of age, we proportionally decreased
– Acute Shigella diarrhoea (moderate): the aetiological proportions for all 11
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.202 diarrhoeal pathogens in each region
(95% UI 0.133–0.299) for diarrhoea, so that the sum of the aetiological
moderate. proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens
– Acute Shigella diarrhoea (mild): in a region equalled 1. The resultant
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.061 regional shigellosis aetiological
(95% UI 0.036–0.093) for diarrhoea, proportions were multiplied by the
mild [82].
The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
Mortality Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus,
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic
The mortality of shigellosis was estimated E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba
separately for middle-to-high mortality histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known
countries, and low mortality countries. to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and
unspecified agents.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

regional estimates of diarrhoea deaths, [52]. We then estimated the aetiological

and the resultant regional shigellosis proportions of diarrhoeal illnesses due to
mortality was applied to all countries ETEC and 10 other diarrhoeal pathogens
in that region. In the 61 low mortality in children <5 years of age using a
countries (EUR and other subregion “A” CHERG and FERG systematic review of
countries), we used a literature review aetiology studies among outpatients
that identified shigellosis mortality and persons in the community [40],
estimates from the United States of and the aetiological proportion of
America [188]. This national estimate was diarrhoeal illnesses due to ETEC and 10
based on national surveillance data, and other diarrhoeal pathogens in persons
expert judgment. We used the shigellosis >5 years of age using an updated FERG
mortality from the United States of systematic review of aetiology studies
America for all low mortality countries: among inpatients, outpatients and
0.013 per 100,000 population with range persons in the community [40, 274].
0.002 – 0.085. The ETEC aetiological proportions were
extracted from studies, and regional
Age distribution median ETEC aetiological proportions
calculated. We modified the CHERG
In middle-to-high mortality countries
approach by dropping regional median
we estimated incidence and mortality
ETEC aetiological proportion outliers that
of Shigella separately for children <5
were >5 times greater than the global
years of age and persons >5 years of
median ETEC aetiological proportion,
age. In low mortality countries the age
and replacing missing regional ETEC
distribution for Shigella cases was 24% aetiological proportions with the global
<5 years; 23% 5–14 years; 10% 15–24 median. Furthermore, for children
years; 39% 25–64 years; and 4% >65 <5 years of age, we proportionally
years [276]. decreased the aetiological proportions
for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in each
Sex distribution region so that the sum of the aetiological
Shigella sex distribution: 50% male. proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens
in a region equalled 1. The resultant
A4.17  Enterotoxigenic Escherichia regional ETEC aetiological proportions
were multiplied by the regional estimates
coli (ETEC) infection
of diarrhoea incidence, and the resultant
Incidence regional ETEC incidence was applied
to all countries in that region. In the 61
The incidence of diarrhoea due to ETEC low mortality countries (EUR and other
was estimated separately for middle- subregion “A” countries), a liturature
to-high mortality countries, and low review identified a national incidence
mortality countries. For the 133 middle- estimates for ETEC in the United States
to-high mortality countries, we used a of America that was based on national
modification of the CHERG approach surveillance data, and expert judgment
[50]. To derive “envelopes” of diarrhoea [188]. We used the ETEC incidence from
cases, for children <5 years of age we the United States for all low mortality
used estimates of diarrhoea incidence countries; 13.3 per 100,000 population
from a CHERG systematic review [51] and with range 3.9 – 34.2.
for persons >5 years of age we used a
FERG-commissioned systematic review

Clinical Outcomes available with an uncertainty interval,

Clinical outcomes were acute ETEC we used the uncertainty range from
diarrhoea (severe); acute ETEC diarrhoea the GBD2010 estimate of diarrhoeal
(moderate); acute ETEC diarrhoea (mild); deaths (81.7% to 114.6% around the point
and death. We assumed that 0.5% of estimate) [58]. We then estimated the
ETEC cases resulted in severe diarrhoea, aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
8.5% of ETEC cases resulted in moderate deaths due to ETEC and 10 other
diarrhoea, and 91% of ETEC cases diarrhoeal pathogens6 in children
resulted in mild diarrhoea. <5 years of age using a CHERG and
FERG systematic review of aetiology
Duration studies among inpatients [40], and the
In children <5 years of age, duration of aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
severe diarrhoea was 8.4 days, moderate deaths due to ETEC and 10 other
diarrhoea was 6.4 days, and mild diarrhoeal pathogens in persons >5
diarrhoea was 4.3 days [266]. Based years of age using an updated FERG
on the assumed distribution of severe, systematic review of aetiology studies
moderate and mild diarrhoea cases, the among inpatients [40, 274]. The ETEC
duration of ETEC diarrhoea cases in aetiological proportions were extracted
children <5 years of age was estimated from studies, and regional median ETEC
to be 4.9 days (min. 4.3 days–max. 8.4 aetiological proportions calculated.
days). In persons >5 years of age, the We modified the CHERG approach
duration of ETEC diarrhoea was 2.8 days by dropping regional median ETEC
[266]. aetiological proportion outliers that
were >5 times greater than the global
Disability weight median ETEC aetiological proportion,
and replacing missing regional ETEC
– Acute ETEC diarrhoea (severe):
aetiological proportions with the global
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.281
median. Furthermore, for children
(95% UI 0.184–0.399) for diarrhoea,
<5 years of age, we proportionally
decreased the aetiological proportions
– Acute ETEC diarrhoea (moderate):
for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in each
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.202
region so that the sum of the aetiological
(95% UI 0.133–0.299) for diarrhoea,
proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens
in a region equalled 1. The resultant ETEC
– Acute ETEC diarrhoea (mild):
aetiological proportions were multiplied
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.061
by the regional estimates of diarrhoea
(95% UI 0.036–0.093) for diarrhoea,
deaths, and the resultant regional ETEC
mild [82].
mortality was applied to all countries
Mortality in that region. We estimated no ETEC
The mortality of ETEC was estimated deaths in the 61 low mortality countries
separately for middle-to-high mortality (EUR and other subregion “A” countries).
countries, and low mortality countries.
For the 133 middle-to-high mortality
countries, we used a modification of 6
The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
the CHERG approach [50]. We received Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus,
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic
envelopes of diarrhoeal deaths from E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba
WHO; because this estimate was not histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known
to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and
unspecified agents.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Age distribution to EPEC and the 10 other diarrhoeal

In middle-to-high mortality countries pathogens in persons >5 years of age
we estimated incidence of diarrhoea using an updated FERG systematic
seperately for children <5 years of age review of aetiology studies among
and persons >5 years of age. In low inpatients, outpatients and persons in
mortality countries, no information the community [40, 274]. The EPEC
was available on the age distribution of aetiological proportions were extracted
EPEC cases; we therefore, used the age from studies, and regional median EPEC
distribution for Campylobacter diarrhoea aetiological proportions calculated.
cases as a proxy, which was 11% <5 years; We modified the CHERG approach
8% 5–14 years; 10% 15–24 years; 57% by dropping regional median EPEC
25–64 years; and 14% >65 years. aetiological proportion outliers that
were >5 times greater than the global
Sex distribution median EPEC aetiological proportion,
and replacing missing regional EPEC
ETEC sex distribution: 50% male.
aetiological proportions with the global
median. Furthermore, for children
A4.18  Enteropathogenic <5 years of age, we proportionally
Escherichia coli (EPEC) infection decreased the aetiological proportions
for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in each
Incidence region so that the sum of the aetiological
The incidence of diarrhoea due to EPEC proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens
was estimated separately for middle- in a region equalled 1. The resultant
to-high mortality countries, and low regional EPEC aetiological proportions
mortality countries. For the 133 middle- were multiplied by the regional estimates
to-high mortality countries, we used a of diarrhoea incidence, and the resultant
modification of the CHERG approach regional EPEC incidence was applied
[50]. To derive “envelopes” of diarrhoea to all countries in that region. In the 61
cases, for children <5 years of age we low mortality countries (EUR and other
used estimates of diarrhoea incidence subregion “A” countries), we adopted the
from a CHERG systematic review [51] assumption used in the national study in
and for persons >5 years of age we the United States of America that EPEC
used a FERG-commissioned systematic was as common as enterotoxigenic E. coli
review [52]. We then estimated the [188]. The national estimate for ETEC in
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal the United States of America was based
illnesses due to EPEC and the 10 other on national surveillance data, and expert
diarrhoeal pathogens7 in children <5 judgment. For low mortality countries, we
years of age using a CHERG and FERG used the EPEC incidence from the United
systematic review of aetiology studies States of America, which was 13.33 per
among outpatients and persons in the 100 000 population with range
4.00 – 34.24.
community [40], and the aetiological
proportion of diarrhoeal illnesses due
Clinical Outcomes
The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus, Clinical outcomes were acute EPEC
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic diarrhoea (severe); acute EPEC diarrhoea
E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba (moderate); acute EPEC diarrhoea (mild);
histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known
to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and and EPEC death. We assumed that
unspecified agents. 0.5% of EPEC cases resulted in severe

diarrhoea, 8.5% of EPEC cases resulted <5 years of age using a CHERG and FERG
in moderate diarrhoea, and 91% of EPEC systematic review of aetiology studies
cases resulted in mild diarrhoea. among inpatients [40], and the aetiological
proportions of diarrhoeal deaths due
Duration to EPEC and the 10 other diarrhoeal
In children <5 years of age, duration pathogens in persons >5 years of age using
of severe diarrhoea was 8.4 days, an updated FERG systematic review of
moderate diarrhoea was 6.4 days, and aetiology studies among inpatients [40,
mild diarrhoea was 4.3 days [188]. Based 274]. The EPEC aetiological proportions
on the assumed distribution of severe, were extracted from studies, and regional
moderate and mild diarrhoea cases, the median EPEC aetiological proportions
duration of EPEC diarrhoea cases in calculated. We modified the CHERG
children <5 years of age was estimated approach by dropping regional median
to be 4.9 days (min. 4.3 days–max. 8.4 EPEC aetiological proportion outliers that
days). In persons >5 years of age, the were >5 times greater than the global
duration of diarrhoea was 2.8 days [266]. median EPEC aetiological proportion,
and replacing missing regional EPEC
Disability weight aetiological proportions with the global
– Acute EPEC diarrhoea (severe): median. Furthermore, for children <5 years
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.281 of age, we proportionally decreased the
(95% UI 0.184–0.399) for diarrhoea, aetiological proportions for all 11 diarrhoeal
severe. pathogens in each region so that the
– Acute EPEC diarrhoea (moderate): sum of the aetiological proportions for all
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.202 diarrhoeal pathogens in a region equalled 1.
(95% UI 0.133–0.299) for diarrhoea, The resultant EPEC aetiological proportions
moderate. were multiplied by the regional estimates of
– Acute EPEC diarrhoea (mild): diarrhoea deaths, and the resultant regional
GBD2010 disability weight of 0.061 EPEC mortality was applied to all countries
(95% UI 0.036–0.093) for diarrhoea, in that region. We estimated no EPEC
deaths in the 61 low mortality countries
mild [82].
(EUR and other subregion “A” countries).
The mortality of EPEC was estimated Age distribution
separately for middle-to-high mortality In middle-to-high mortality countries
countries, and low mortality countries. we estimated incidence and mortality
For the 133 middle-to-high mortality of EPEC separately for children <5 years
countries, we used a modification of the of age and persons >5 years of age. In
CHERG approach [50]. We received low mortality countries, no information
envelopes of diarrhoeal deaths from WHO; was available on the age distribution of
because this estimate was not available EPEC cases; we therefore used the age
with an uncertainity interval, we used the distribution for Campylobacter diarrhoea
uncertainity range from the GBD2010 cases as a proxy, which was 11% <5 years;
estimate of diarrhoeal deaths (81.7% to 8% 5–14 years; 10% 15–24 years; 57%
114.6% around the point estimate) [58]. We 25–64 years; and 14% >65 years.
then estimated the aetiological proportions
of diarrhoeal deaths due to EPEC and the Sex distribution
10 other diarrhoeal pathogens in children EPEC sex distribution: 50% male.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

A4.19  Cholera the global burden of cholera [285] range

of estimates around the mean estimate
Incidence of global cholera cases (2.8 million with
Estimates of the incidence of cholera a range of 1.4 to 4.3 million) to derive a
were adapted from a published range of estimates for cholera incidence.
systematic review of the global burden
of cholera [285] updated with 2010 Clinical Outcomes
population estimates. This review Clinical outcomes were cholera (severe);
classified 51 countries as cholera- cholera (moderate); cholera (mild);
endemic countries based on results and cholera death. We assumed that
of the systematic review and national 35% of cholera cases resulted in severe
cholera reports in the WHO Weekly cholera, 40% of cholera cases resulted
Epidemiological Record. The review in moderate cholera, and 25% of cholera
then used WHO 2008 country-specific cases resulted in mild cholera [290, 291].
estimates of the proportion of each
country’s population that lacked Duration
improved sanitation [286] to estimate We assumed the duration of cholera was
the proportion of the population in the 7 days (min. 3 day–max. 10 days).
cholera-endemic countries that were at
risk for cholera. Then a cholera incidence Disability weight
was assigned to the population at risk – Cholera (severe): GBD2010 disability
for cholera in the cholera endemic weight of 0.281 (95% UI 0.184–0.399)
countries based on population-based for diarrhoea, severe.
studies in India [287], Indonesia [288] – Cholera (moderate): GBD2010
and Mozambique [289]. The review also disability weight of 0.202 (95% UI
identified an additional 18 countries that 0.133–0.299) for diarrhoea, moderate.
reported cholera to WHO during 2000 – Cholera (mild): GBD2010 disability
to 2008, but were judged to be not be weight of 0.061 (95% UI 0.036–0.093)
endemic for cholera; a country-specific for diarrhoea, mild [82].
cholera incidence in each of these “non-
endemic” countries was estimated Mortality
using the annual average number of For 51 cholera-endemic and 18 cholera
cholera cases reported to WHO cases in non-endemic countries, we used the case
each country times a multiplier of 10 to fatality ratios (CFRs) estimated in the
account for under-reporting. For all other systematic review of the global burden
countries, we used a literature review of cholera [285]. This review calculated
that identified national cholera incidence a variance-weighted average cholera
estimates from three countries countries: CFR by region; the CFR was 1% in WPR
France [174], New Zealand [252] and subregion B, 1% in SEAR B (except 1.5% in
the United States of America [188]. The Bangladesh), 1.3% in EMR B, 3% in SEAR
cholera incidence in the United States D, 3.2% in EMR D, and 3.8% in AFR. For
of America was the median estimate all other countries, the literature review of
from these three countries and was used national incidence estimates for cholera
(0.093 per 100 000 population) as the identified no reported deaths; therefore
cholera incidence for all countries (other we assumed no cholera deaths occurred
than the cholera-endemic and non- in countries (other than the cholera-
endemic countries) which did not have endemic and non-endemic countries).
national incidence estimates. We used We used the global burden of cholera

[285] range of estimates around the proportions calculated. We modified the

mean estimate of global cholera deaths CHERG approach by dropping regional
(91 000, with a range of 28 000 to median cryptosporidiosis aetiological
142 000) to derive a range of estimates proportion outliers that were >5
for cholera deaths. times greater than the global median
cryptosporidiosis aetiological proportion,
Age distribution and replacing missing regional
Cholera age distribution: 15% <5 years; cryptosporidiosis aetiological proportions
25% 5–14 years; 42% 15–34 years; 15% with the global median. Furthermore,
35–64; 3% >60 years [292, 293]. for children <5 years of age, we
proportionally decreased the aetiological
Sex distribution proportions for all 11 diarrhoeal
Cholera sex distribution: 50% male. pathogens in each region so that the
sum of the aetiological proportions for all
A4.20  Cryptosporidiosis diarrhoeal pathogens in a region equalled
1. The resultant regional cryptosporidiosis
Incidence aetiological proportions were multiplied
by the regional estimates of diarrhoea
The incidence of cryptosporidiosis
incidence, and the resultant regional
was estimated separately for middle-
to-high mortality countries, and low cryptosporidiosis incidence was applied
mortality countries. For the 133 middle- to all countries in that region. In the 61
to-high mortality countries, we used a low mortality countries (EUR and other
modification of the CHERG approach subregion “A” countries), we used a
[50]. To derive “envelopes” of diarrhoea literature review that identified national
cases, for children <5 years of age we incidence estimates for cryptosporidiosis
used estimates of diarrhoea incidence from six countries: Australia [272],
from a CHERG systematic review [51] Canada [175], Netherlands [154], New
and for persons >5 years of age we Zealand [252], United Kingdom [48]
used a FERG-commissioned systematic and the United States of America [188].
review [52]. We then estimated the These national estimates were based on
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal systematic reviews, national surveillance
illnesses due to Cryptosporidia and 10 data, and expert judgment. In these
other diarrhoeal pathogens in children <5 six countries, we used the estimated
years of age using a CHERG and FERG national cryptosporidiosis incidence (and
systematic review of aetiology studies range) for that country. For low mortality
among outpatients and persons in the countries without a national estimate,
community [40], and the aetiological we used the median cryptosporidiosis
proportion of diarrhoeal illnesses incidence from the six national studies.
due to Cryptosporidia and 10 other The median incidence was the mean
diarrhoeal pathogens in persons >5 from Australia (which was increased
years of age using an updated FERG by 19% to account for travellers, using
systematic review of aetiology studies proxy information from New Zealand)
among inpatients, outpatients and and the Netherlands, which was 128.4 per
persons in the community [40, 274]. The 100 000 population with a range
cryptosporidiosis aetiological proportions of 50.3 – 601.6.
were extracted from studies, and regional
median cryptosporidiosis aetiological
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Clinical Outcomes [50]. We received envelopes of diarrhoeal

Clinical outcomes were acute deaths from WHO; because this estimate
cryptosporidiosis diarrhoea (severe); was not available with an uncertainity
acute cryptosporidiosis diarrhoea interval, we used the uncertainity range
(moderate); acute cryptosporidiosis from the GBD2010 estimate of diarrhoeal
diarrhoea (mild); and death. We assumed deaths (81.7% to 114.6% around the point
that 0.5% of cryptosporidiosis cases estimate) (14). We then estimated the
resulted in severe diarrhoea, 8.5% aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
of cryptosporidiosis cases resulted deaths due to Cryptosporidia and 10
in moderate diarrhoea, and 91% of other diarrhoeal pathogens8 in children
cryptosporidiosis cases resulted in <5 years of age using a CHERG and
mild diarrhoea. FERG systematic review of aetiology
studies among inpatients [40], and the
Duration aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
In children <5 years of age, duration of deaths due to Cryptosporidia and 10
severe diarrhoea was 8.4 days, moderate other diarrhoeal pathogens in persons
diarrhoea was 6.4 days, and mild >5 years of age using an updated
diarrhoea was 4.3 days [266]. Based FERG systematic review of aetiology
on the assumed distribution of severe, studies among inpatients [40, 274]. The
moderate and mild diarrhoea cases, the cryptosporidiosis aetiological proportions
duration of cryptosporidiosis diarrhoea were extracted from studies, and regional
cases in children <5 years of age was median cryptosporidiosis aetiological
estimated to be 4.9 days (min. 4.3 days– proportions calculated. We modified the
max. 8.4 days). In persons >5 years of CHERG approach by dropping regional
age, the duration of diarrhoea was 2.8 median cryptosporidiosis aetiological
days [266]. proportion outliers that were >5
times greater than the global median
Disability weight cryptosporidiosis aetiological proportion,
– Acute cryptosporidiosis diarrhoea and replacing missing regional
(severe): GBD2010 disability weight cryptosporidiosis aetiological proportions
of 0.281 (95% UI 0.184–0.399) for with the global median. Furthermore,
diarrhoea, severe. for children <5 years of age, we
– Acute cryptosporidiosis diarrhoea proportionally decreased the aetiological
(moderate): GBD2010 disability proportions for all 11 diarrhoeal
weight of 0.202 (95% UI 0.133–0.299) pathogens in each region so that the
for diarrhoea, moderate. sum of the aetiological proportions for
– Acute cryptosporidiosis diarrhoea all diarrhoeal pathogens in a region
(mild): GBD2010 disability weight equalled 1. The resultant regional
of 0.061 (95% UI 0.036–0.093) for cryptosporidiosis aetiological proportions
diarrhoea, mild [82]. were multiplied by the regional estimates
of diarrhoea deaths, and the resultant
regional cryptosporidiosis mortality was
The mortality of cryptosporidiosis 8
The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
was estimated separately for middle- Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus,
to-high mortality countries, and low enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic
mortality countries. For the 133 middle- E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba
histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known
to-high mortality countries, we used a to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and
modification of the CHERG approach unspecified agents.

applied to all countries in that region. “envelopes” of diarrhoea cases, for

In the 61 low mortality countries (EUR children <5 years of age we used
and other subregion “A” countries), we estimates of diarrhoea incidence from
used a literature review that identified a CHERG systematic review [51] and
cryptosporidiosis mortality estimates for persons >5 years of age we used
from three countries: Netherlands [154], a FERG-commissioned systematic
New Zealand [252] and the United review [52]. We then estimated the
States of America [188]. These national aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal
estimates were based on systematic illnesses due to Giardia and the 10 other
reviews, national surveillance data, diarrhoeal pathogens in children <5
and expert judgment. In these three years of age using a CHERG and FERG
countries, we used the estimated national systematic review of aetiology studies
cryptosporidiosis mortality (and range) among outpatients and persons in the
for that country. For low mortality community [40], and the aetiological
countries without a national estimate, proportion of diarrhoeal illnesses due
we used the median cryptosporidiosis to Giardia and the 10 other diarrhoeal
mortality from the three national studies. pathogens in persons >5 years of age
The median cryptosporidiosis mortality using an updated FERG systematic
was from the United States: 0.015 per review of aetiology studies among
100 000 population with a range of inpatients, outpatients and persons in
range 0.003 – 0.080. the community [40, 274]. The giardiasis
aetiological proportions were extracted
Age distribution from studies, and regional median
giardiasis aetiological proportions
In middle-to-high mortality countries, we
calculated. We modified the CHERG
estimated incidence of cryptosporidiosis
approach by dropping regional median
seperately for children <5 years of age
giardiasis aetiological proportion
and persons >5 years of age. In low
outliers that were >5 times greater
mortality countries, the age distribution
than the global median giardiasis
for cryptosporidiosis was 16% <5 years;
aetiological proportion, and replacing
17% 5–14 years; 13% 15–24 years; 14%
missing regional giardiasis aetiological
25–34 years; 11% 35–44 years; 9% 45–54
proportions with the global median.
years; 7% 55–64 years; 6% 65–74 years;
Furthermore, for children <5 years
7% >75 years [294].
of age, we proportionally decreased
the aetiological proportions for all 11
Sex distribution
diarrhoeal pathogens in each region
Cryptosporidiosis sex distribution: so that the sum of the aetiological
50% male. proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens
in a region equalled 1. The resultant
A4.21  Giardiasis regional giardiasis aetiological
proportions were multiplied by the
Incidence regional estimates of diarrhoea incidence,
The incidence of giardiasis was estimated and the resultant regional giardiasis
separately for middle-to-high mortality incidence was applied to all countries in
that region.
countries, and low mortality countries.
For the 133 middle-to-high mortality In the 61 low mortality countries (EUR
countries, we used a modification of and other subregion “A” countries), we
the CHERG approach [50]. To derive used a literature review that identified
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

national incidence estimates for giardiasis Disability weight

from six countries: Australia [272], – Acute giardiasis diarrhoea (severe):
Canada [175], Netherlands [154], New GBD2010 disability weight of 0.281
Zealand [252], United Kingdom [48] (95% UI 0.184–0.399) for diarrhoea,
and the United States of America [188]. severe.
These national estimates were based on – Acute giardiasis diarrhoea (moderate):
systematic reviews, national surveillance GBD2010 disability weight of 0.202
data, and expert judgment. In these six (95% UI 0.133–0.299) for diarrhoea,
countries, we used the estimated national moderate.
giardiasis incidence (and range) for that – Acute giardiasis diarrhoea (mild):
country. For low mortality countries GBD2010 disability weight of 0.061
without a national estimate, we used the (95% UI 0.036–0.093) for diarrhoea,
median giardiasis incidence from the six mild [82].
national studies. The median incidence
was the mean from Canada (which was
increased by 8% to account for travellers, We estimated no giardiasis deaths.
using proxy information from the United
Age distribution
States of America) and the United
States of America, which was 384.6 per In middle-to-high mortality countries,
100 000 population, with a range of we estimated incidence of giardiasis
266.4–537.0. seperately for children <5 years of age
and persons >5 years of age. In low
Clinical Outcomes mortality countries, the age distribution
for cryptosporidiosis was 20% <5 years;
Clinical outcomes were acute giardiasis
17% 5–14 years; 10% 15–24 years; 11%
diarrhoea (severe); acute giardiasis
25–34 years; 12% 35–44 years; 12% 45–54
diarrhoea (moderate); acute giardiasis
years; 9% 55–64 years; 5% 65–74 years;
diarrhoea (mild); and giardiasis death.
4% >75 years [295].
We assumed that 0.5% of giardiasis
cases resulted in severe diarrhoea, 8.5% Sex distribution
of giardiasis cases resulted in moderate
Giardiasis sex distribution: 50% male.
diarrhoea, and 91% of giardiasis cases
resulted in mild diarrhoea.
A4.22  Amoebiasis
In children <5 years of age, duration of Incidence
severe diarrhoea was 8.4 days, moderate The incidence of diarrhoea due to
diarrhoea was 6.4 days, and mild amoebiasis was estimated separately
diarrhoea was 4.3 days [266]. Based for middle-to-high mortality countries,
on the assumed distribution of severe, and low mortality countries. For the
moderate and mild diarrhoea cases, the 133 middle-to-high mortality countries,
duration of giardiasis diarrhoea cases in we used a modification of the CHERG
children <5 years of age was estimated approach [50]. To derive “envelopes”
to be 4.9 days (min. 4.3 days–max. 8.4 of diarrhoea cases, for children <5
days). In persons >5 years of age, the years of age we used estimates of
duration of diarrhoea was 2.8 days [266]. diarrhoea incidence from a CHERG
systematic review [51] and for persons
>5 years of age we used a FERG-

commissioned systematic review [52]. Clinical Outcomes

We then estimated the aetiological Clinical outcomes were acute amoebiasis
proportions of diarrhoeal illnesses due to diarrhoea (severe); acute amoebiasis
Entamoeba histolytica and the 10 other diarrhoea (moderate); acute amobiasis
diarrhoeal pathogens9 in children <5 diarrhoea (mild); and amoebiasis death.
years of age using a CHERG and FERG We assumed that 0.5% of amoebiasis
systematic review of aetiology studies cases resulted in severe diarrhoea, 8.5%
among outpatients and persons in the of amoebiasis cases resulted in moderate
community [40], and the aetiological diarrhoea, and 91% of amoebiasis cases
proportion of diarrhoeal illnesses due resulted in mild diarrhoea.
to Entamoeba histolytica and the 10
other diarrhoeal pathogens in persons Duration
>5 years of age using an updated FERG In children <5 years of age, duration of
systematic review of aetiology studies severe diarrhoea was 8.4 days, moderate
among inpatients, outpatients and diarrhoea was 6.4 days, and mild
persons in the community [40, 274]. diarrhoea was 4.3 days [266]. Based
The amoebiasis aetiological proportions on the assumed distribution of severe,
were extracted from studies, and moderate and mild diarrhoea cases, the
regional median amoebiasis aetiological duration of amoebiasis diarrhoea cases
proportions calculated. We modified in children <5 years of age was estimated
the CHERG approach by dropping to be 4.9 days (min. 4.3 days–max. 8.4
regional median amoebiasis aetiological days). In persons >5 years of age, the
proportion outliers that were >5 duration of diarrhoea was 2.8 days [266].
times greater than the global median
amoebiasis aetiological proportion, and Disability weight
replacing missing regional amoebiasis – Acute amoebiasis diarrhoea (severe):
aetiological proportions with the global GBD2010 disability weight of 0.281
median. Furthermore, for children (95% UI 0.184–0.399) for diarrhoea,
<5 years of age, we proportionally severe.
decreased the aetiological proportions – Acute amoebiasis diarrhoea
for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in each (moderate): GBD2010 disability
region so that the sum of the aetiological weight of 0.202 (95% UI 0.133–0.299)
proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens for diarrhoea, moderate.
in a region equalled 1. The resultant – Acute amoebiasis diarrhoea (mild):
regional amoebiasis aetiological GBD2010 disability weight of 0.061
proportions were multiplied by the (95% UI 0.036–0.093) for diarrhoea,
regional estimates of diarrhoea incidence, mild [82].
and the resultant regional amoebiasis
incidence was applied to all countries in
that region. We estimated no amoebiasis The mortality of amoebiasis was
cases in the 61 low mortality countries estimated separately for middle-to-
(EUR and other subregion “A” countries). high mortality countries, and low
mortality countries. For the 133 middle-
The 11 diarrhoeal pathogens are: non-typhoidal
Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, norovirus, to-high mortality countries, we used a
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic modification of the CHERG approach
E. coli (EPEC), Cryptosporidia, Giardia, Entamoeba [50]. We received envelopes of diarrhoeal
histolytica, other diarrhoeal agents not known
to be foodborne (rotavirus and astrovirus), and deaths from WHO; because this estimate
unspecified agents. was not available with an uncertainity
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

interval, we used the uncertainity range No other information on age distribution

from the GBD2010 estimate of diarrhoeal for diarrhoea cases.
deaths (81.7% to 114.6% around the point
estimate) [58]. We then estimated the Sex distribution
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal Amoebiasis sex distibution: 50% male.
deaths due to Entamoeba histolytica
and the 10 other diarrhoeal pathogens in
children <5 years of age using a CHERG A4.23  Congenital Toxoplasmosis
and FERG systematic review of aetiology
studies among inpatients [40], and the
aetiological proportions of diarrhoeal Full details of how estimates of
deaths due to Entamoeba histolytica congenital toxoplasmosis was estimated
and the 10 other diarrhoeal pathogens are available in [76] and online
in persons >5 years of age using an appendixes (available at: www.vetepi.uzh.
updated FERG systematic review of ch/research/Diseaseburden/Burden_CT-
aetiology studies among inpatients Appendices.pdf ).
[40, 274]. The amoebiasis aetiological
proportions were extracted from Clinical Outcomes
studies, and regional median amoebiasis Based on data in [296, 297], the following
aetiological proportions calculated. probabilities were assigned to clinical
We modified the CHERG approach by outcomes: neonatal death probability
dropping regional median amoebiasis 0.7% (UI 0.4%–1.2%); chorioretinitis in first
aetiological proportion outliers that were year of life probability 13% (UI 12%–15%);
>5 times greater than the global median chorioretinitis later in life probability 16%
amoebiasis aetiological proportion, and (UI 5%–52%); chorioretinitis in first year
replacing missing regional amoebiasis of life (AMR) probability 80% (UI 70%–
aetiological proportions with the global 90%); chorioretinitis later in life (AMR)
median. Furthermore, for children probability 10% (UI 5%–15%); intracranial
<5 years of age, we proportionally calcification probability 11% (UI 7.9%–
decreased the aetiological proportions 12%); hydrocephalus probability 2.0%
for all 11 diarrhoeal pathogens in each (UI 1.0%–3.0%); CNS abnormalities 2.9%
region so that the sum of the aetiological (UI 1.0%–6.0%).
proportions for all diarrhoeal pathogens
in a region equalled 1. The resultant Duration
amoebiasis aetiological proportions were Lifelong (i.e. life expectancy at birth),
multiplied by the regional estimates except chorioretinitis later in life,
of diarrhoea deaths, and the resultant which has duration the same as the life
regional amobiasis mortality was applied expectancy at age 10 years (mean age of
to all countries in that region. We onset is 10 years)
estimated no amoebiasis deaths in the
61 low mortality countries (EUR and Disability weight
other subregion “A” countries). Suitable DWs were selected from
GBD2010 [82]. These were
Age distribution
– chorioretinitis 0.033,
The incidence of amoebiasis diarrhoea
– intracranial calcification 0.01,
was estimated separately for children <5
– hydrocephalus 0.36. and
years of age and persons >5 years of age.
– other CNS abnormalities 0.36.

Mortality [298], for example). Incidence estimates

A value of 0.7% (UI 0.4%–1.2%) was with uncertainty limits were made using
used, as these are the proportions of age-stratified seroconversion rates on a
cases that die in the neonatal peiod. In country by country basis, and summed
addition, there are approximately 2.4% over regions to derive global estimates.
(2.3%–6.3%) fetal loss (stillbirths) after 24
weeks, but these were not assigned as Clinical Outcomes
fatal cases. Mild chorioretinitis p = 4.5%; moderate
chorioretinitis p = 0.25%–0.69%; severe
Age distribution chorioretinitis 0.01%. Acute infectious
In AMR: 90% onset at birth, 10% at age 10 disease: p = 26%; post-acute syndromes
years. Other regions: 86% onset at birth, p = 2.9%. These were estimated from
14% at age 10 years. data in [212, 299–301], which derived
from cohort and cross-sectional
Sex distribution studies of individuals with confirmed
There is no evidence that male and acquired toxoplamsosis.
female infants have different risks
of having congenital toxoplasmosis.
Therefore, the sex ratio at birth was used Eye lesions: lifelong, i.e. life expectancy
to determine the sex distribution. at age of incident case. Acute 4 weeks;
post-acute syndromes 8 weeks.

A4.24  Acquired toxoplasmosis Disability weight

Mild chorioretinitis = 0.004; moderate
chorioretinitis = 0.033; severe
Generally there is an increase in sero- chorioretinitis = 0.191. Acute infectious
positivity with age, and estimates of disease = 0.053, post-acute
incidence were made from age-stratified syndromes = 0.254.
sero conversion data as the difference in
prevalence between age t and age t+1. Mortality
Where there were insufficient data points, None
a model was constructed based on the
assumptions that individuals that convert Age distribution
remain seropositive for life and live under
Five different age distributions were
a constant infection pressure. In this
used which was driven by the country-
model, the prevalence p(t) at age t can
specific data.
be described by: p(t) = 1–exp (-ßt) where
ß is the incidence. This model has been
Sex distribution
widely used for infectious diseases (see
Male = 0.5

DISTRIBUTION <5 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+
G1Mean 0.26 0.34 0.19 0.11 0.055 0.027 0.013 0.0057 0.0015 0.00016
G2 Mean 0.21 0.3 0.2 0.13 0.078 0.043 0.023 0.011 0.0029 0.0002
G3 Mean 0.09 0.18 0.19 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.071 0.041 0.02 0.0059
G4Mean 0.075 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.064 0.039 0.016
G5Mean 0.072 0.11 0.17 0.32 0.21 0.086 0.021 0.0049 0.00098 0.00019
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

A4.25  Cystic echinococcosis CNS lesions: moderate motor and/or

cognitive impairments.
Non-treatment-seeking: mild abdominal
For cystic echinococcosis (CE), due pelvic problems, mild chronic
to infection with the larval stage of respiratory disease.
Echinococcus granulosus, a systematic
review was conducted to collect and CNS: mild motor or
synthesize data on both the frequency cognitive impairments.
and clinical manifestations of CE
globally [75]. In addition to information
acquired via the systematic review, World Lifelong for non-treatment-seeking.
Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Median of 2 years for treated cases.
and European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA) databases were queried to obtain Disability weight
officially reported numbers of human – Mild abdominal pelvic problems: 0.012
cases by country. Individual government – Moderate abdominal pelvic
websites and reports were also searched problems: 0.123.
for relevant CE frequency data. Such data – Mild chronic respiratory disease: 0.015.
included official hospital discharge data – Moderate chronic respiratory
and notified cases in countries where disease: 0.192.
the disease is notifiable. Where no data – Mild motor or cognitive impairment:
are available, but the disease is believed 0.054.
to be endemic then the incidence – Moderate motor or cognitive
was imputed. impairment: 0.221.
Clinical Outcomes
For treatment-seeking: 2%; 1% for non-
Treatment-seeking: moderate abdominal
pelvic problems, chronic respiratory
disease moderate (chronic obstructive Age distribution
pulmonary disease – COPD).

<5 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
G1Mean 4.6 10.4 17.1 21.2 18.1 12.8 8.7 7.1

Sex distribution from countries such as Kyrgyzstan [302]

Male = 42.8% and Poland [303].

Clinical Outcomes
A4.26  Alveolar echinococcosis Abdominopelvic problems followed by
recovery after treatment, or death.
Full details of the methodology of Duration
estimating the incidence of alveolar Europe: 10 years. Other: 8 years.
echinococcosis (AE) can be found in
[72]. In addition, this data has been Disability weight
updated because of subsequent reports
– 0.123

Mortality to the total numbers of epilepsy by

Following abdominopelvic problems: dividing by 0.58 (58% of epilepsy cases
western and central Europe and north being idiopathic – see appendix of [83].
America 2–5%; eastern Europe: 10–30%; Population at risk was estimated by using
elsewhere: 100% seven assumptions:
– (1) Countries with negligible pig
Age distribution populations (less than 30 000 pigs
f Europe: 0–9 years, 0%; 10–19 years, (FAO data) were assumed to have
2.7%; 20–29 years, 8.8%; 30–39 years, zero risk due to there being no
13.6%; 40–49 years, 18.7%; 50–59 years , opportunity to transmit T. solium. This
18.4%; 60–69 years, 20.6%; 70–79 years, excluded countries where the Muslim
12.1%; 80 years and over, 5.1%. population was over 90% and a few
f Eastern Europe: 0–9 years, 1.7%; 10–19 non-Muslim countries (for example
years , 5.1%; 20–29 years, 12.8%; 30–39 Ethiopia) where the pig population
years, 14.5%; 40–49 years, 20.5%; 50–59 was very low.
years , 17.9%; 60–69 years, 14.5%; 70–79 – (2) For countries that raise pigs and
years, 12.0%; 80 years and over, 1.0%. have more than 80% of the population
f Central Asia: 0–9 years, 2.7%; 10–19 living with unimproved sanitation,
years, 10.3%; 20–29 years, 33.3%; 30–39 population at risk was estimated as
years, 25.1%; 40–49 years, 14.1%; 50–59 the proportion of the population that
years , 10%; 60years and over, 4.5% . was not Muslim.
f China: 0–9 years, 1.4%; 10–19 years , 7%; – (3) For countries that raise pigs and
20–29 years, 10.2%; 30–39 years, 23%; have less than 80% of the population
40–49 years, 24.5%; 50–59 years , 16%; living with unimproved sanitation,
60 years and over, 17.9%. population at risk was estimated as
Sex distribution the proportion of the population that
was not Muslim, multiplied by the
Europe: male 44%, central Asia,
proportion of the population that
male 36%, China male 47%.
lived with unimproved sanitation.
– (4) For the United States of America,
A4.27 Taenia solium neurocysticercosis it was assumed that transmission
does not occur, and hence nearly all
Incidence cases are in immigrants, mainly from
Taenia solium neurocysticercosis (NCC) Latin America. Thus a weighted mean
is known to cause epilepsy and other of the population at risk from the
neurological sequelae [73]. A systematic entire Latin America was applied to
review revealed that NCC may be the population of hispanic immigrants,
responsible for approximately 29.0% born outside of the United States
(95% UI 22.9%–35.5% of the burden of of America but now resident in the
epilepsy in at-risk populations in low United States of America.
and middle income, pork consuming – (5) For the ex-Soviet states, the risk
societies [74]. Consequently, the number of cysticercosis was assumed to be
of prevalent cases of epilepsy used in close to zero due to lack of evidence
the GBD2010 [58, 81–83] were utilized to for cysticercosis or taeniasis in public
estimate the prevalent cases of epilepsy- health surveillance data.
associated NCC. The total numbers – (6) Indonesia is predominantly Muslim
of cases of idiopathic epilepsy were (87%). However, the predominantly
available by country and were corrected non-Muslim provinces of Papua and
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

West Papua are known to be highly A4.28  Chlonorchiosis

endemic regions for T. solium and
hence the combined population of Incidence
these provinces was used as the Incidence estimates and clinical sequelae
population at risk, with the remainder for foodborne trematodiasis were mainly
of Indonesia having zero risk. based on the results of two systematic
– (7) There is no FAO data on pig review articles [77, 78]. The reviews
populations in Sudan or South Sudan, identified available qualitative and
the latter being predominantly non- quantitative information on prevalence,
Muslim and with little improved incidence, mortality and remission rates,
sanitation. However, extensive sex- and age-distributions and the
searches for information about pigs progression of foodborne trematodiasis
in Sudan revealed that the domestic into different sequelae. From these
pig population in both countries is data, simplified disease models were
negligible and hence there is virtually developed and quantitative data
zero risk if cysticercosis. summarized by meta-analyses. As
Due to the absence of available data information on incidence, remission, and
on all cysticercosis sequelae, only the duration of foodborne trematodiasis
frequency of NCC-associated epilepsy was particularly scant, zero remission
was estimated in this study. was assumed and entered into the
DisMod 3 software [304], together with
Clinical Outcomes the available prevalence and mortality
Epilepsy-associated NCC [74] estimates. DisMod 3 computed internally
consistent and complete sets of sex-,
Duration age- and country-specific prevalence,
incidence, remission, duration and
No data.
mortality for foodborne trematodiasis
Disability weight and associated sequelae. However, unlike
the original study, which computed
– GBD2010 for epilepsy [58, 81–83] incidence rates only for countries
Mortality reporting national prevalence rates, and
GBD2010 for epilepsy [58, 81–83] otherwise considered the incidence rate
to be zero [77], the present study also
Age distribution imputed incidence rates for countries
GBD2010 for epilepsy [58, 81–83] where no records of national prevalence
or incidence rates were available, but at
Sex distribution least one autochthonous human infection
could be identified in the systematic
GBD2010 for epilepsy [58, 81–83]
review. Hierarchical random-effects
models with incidence information
from other countries as input data were
applied in this additional imputation
process [79].

Clinical Outcomes
Abdominal pelvic discomfort, carcinoma.

Duration Disability weight

Lifelong due to low treatment coverage – Only for severe infections: 0.123.
in affected populations, longevity of
parasites in humans, high re-infection
rates, supposedly high susceptibility 1% case fatality.
of clinical cases, and irreversibility of
Age distribution
pathology after several years of infection.

DISTRIBUTION 0-1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+
G1Mean 5.0 8.1 11.5 13.4 22.7 12.4 13.9 8.1 2.9 1.1 0.6 0.2 0.0
G2 Mean 4.3 7.5 10.4 12.0 18.8 13.5 16.7 8.0 3.8 2.4 1.4 0.8 0.3
G3 Mean 4.1 7.2 9.1 13.0 32.9 18.6 12.9 1.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
G4Mean 6.8 8.8 11.2 12.4 23.5 12.2 13.4 7.6 2.6 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.0
G5Mean 5.1 8.2 11.4 13.2 22.6 12.5 14.0 8.0 2.9 1.1 0.6 0.3 0.1

Sex distribution the original study, which computed

Male 65–68%. incidence rates only for countries
reporting national prevalence rates and
otherwise considered the incidence rate
A4.29  Fasciolosis to be zero [77], the present study also
imputed incidence rates for countries,
Incidence where no records of national prevalence
Incidence estimates and clinical sequelae or incidence rates were available, but at
for foodborne trematodiasis were mainly least one autochthonous human infection
based on the results of two systematic could be identified in the systematic
review articles [77, 78]. The reviews review. Hierarchical random-effects
identified available qualitative and models with incidence information from
quantitative information on prevalence, other countries as input data were applied
incidence, mortality and remission rates, in this additional imputation process [79].
sex- and age-distributions and the
progression of foodborne trematodiasis Clinical Outcomes
into different sequelae. From these data, Abdominal pelvic discomfort.
simplified disease models were developed
and quantitative data summarized Duration
by meta-analyses. As information on Lifelong due to low treatment coverage
incidence, remission and duration of in affected populations, longevity of
foodborne trematodiasis was particularly parasites in humans, high re-infection
scant, zero remission was assumed, and rates, supposedly high susceptibility
entered into the DisMod 3 software [304], of clinical cases, and irreversibility of
together with the available prevalence and pathology after several years of infection
mortality estimates. DisMod 3 computed
internally consistent and complete Disability weight
sets of sex-, age- and country-specific
– 0.123
prevalence, incidence, remission, duration
and mortality for foodborne trematodiasis Mortality
and associated sequelae. However, unlike Zero.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Age distribution
DISTRIBUTION 0-1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+
G1 Mean 49.1 26.9 11.6 4.6 2.3 1.4 1.8 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0
G2 Mean 19.5 33.1 29.5 10.4 4.3 1.4 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
G3 Mean 75.3 14.8 5.1 1.8 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0
G4 Mean 21.9 52.6 16.1 1.3 0.5 0.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7
G5 Mean 59.1 22.0 9.4 3.6 1.8 1.1 1.3 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0

Sex distribution incidence rates only for countries

Male = 49.5% reporting national prevalence rates and
otherwise considered the incidence rate
to be zero [77], the present study also
A4.30  Opisthorchosis imputed incidence rates for countries,
where no records of national prevalence
Incidence or incidence rates, but at least one
Incidence estimates and clinical sequelae autochthonous human infection, could
for foodborne trematodiasis were mainly be identified in the systematic review.
based on the results of two systematic Hierarchical random-effects models
review articles [77, 78]. The reviews with incidence information from other
identified available qualitative and countries as input data were applied in
quantitative information on prevalence, this additional imputation process [79].
incidence, mortality and remission rates,
sex- and age-distributions and the Clinical Outcomes
progression of foodborne trematodiasis Abdominal pelvic discomfort, carcinoma.
into different sequelae. From these
data, simplified disease models were Duration
developed and quantitative data Lifelong due to low treatment coverage
summarized by meta-analyses. As in affected populations, longevity of
information on incidence, remission and parasites in humans, high re-infection
duration of foodborne trematodiasis rates, supposedly high susceptibility
was particularly scant, zero remission of clinical cases, and irreversibility of
was assumed and entered into the pathology after several years of infection
DisMod 3 software [304], together with
the available prevalence and mortality Disability weight
estimates. DisMod 3 computed internally
– 0.123
consistent and complete sets of sex-,
age- and country-specific prevalence, Mortality
incidence, remission, duration and Overall case fatality rate: 9.2%.
mortality for foodborne trematodiasis
and associated sequelae. However, unlike
the original study, which computed

Age distribution
DISTRIBUTION 0-1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+
G1 Mean 4.2 11.8 13.9 12.4 10.7 8.7 13.4 10.3 7.1 3.9 2.4 0.9 0.2
G2 Mean 4.3 13.4 15.8 15.4 12.7 8.5 10.9 8.1 5.5 2.3 2.1 0.9 0.2
G3 Mean 2.3 6.8 8.4 9.6 11.6 9.6 13.7 11.6 11.1 6.2 5.6 2.9 0.5
G4 Mean 4.2 11.7 13.8 12.4 10.7 8.7 13.4 10.3 7.2 4.0 2.4 1.0 0.2

Sex distribution countries reporting national prevalence

Male=55% rates and otherwise considered the
incidence rate to be zero [77], the present
study also imputed incidence rates for
A4.31  Paragonimosis countries, where no records of national
prevalence or incidence rates, but at least
Incidence one autochthonous human infection, could
Incidence estimates and clinical sequelae be identified in the systematic review.
for foodborne trematodiasis were mainly Hierarchical random-effects models with
based on the results of two systematic incidence information from other countries
review articles [77, 78]. The reviews as input data were applied in this additional
identified available qualitative and imputation process [79].
quantitative information on prevalence,
incidence, mortality and remission rates, Clinical Outcomes
sex- and age-distributions and the Lifelong due to low treatment coverage
progression of foodborne trematodiasis in affected populations, longevity of
into different sequelae. From these data, parasites in humans, high re-infection
simplified disease models were developed rates, supposedly high susceptibility
and quantitative data summarized of clinical cases, and irreversibility of
by meta-analyses. As information on pathology after several years of infection.
incidence, remission and duration of
foodborne trematodiasis was particularly Duration
scant, zero remission was assumed and Lifelong.
entered into the DisMod 3 software [304],
together with the available prevalence and Disability weights
mortality estimates. DisMod 3 computed
– Pulmonary: 0.132.
internally consistent and complete sets of
– Cerebral paragonimosis: 0.42.
sex-, age- and country-specific prevalence,
incidence, remission, duration and mortality Mortality
for foodborne trematodiasis and associated 10% case fatality for cerebral cases only
sequelae. However, unlike the original study,
which computed incidence rates only for Age distribution
DISTRIBUTION 0-1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+
G1 Mean 8.7 11.5 12.3 10.1 9.2 6.7 12.6 12.2 7.9 4.6 2.8 1.2 0.2
G2 Mean 8.9 16.1 16.2 12.5 9.5 7.3 11.0 7.7 5.1 3.0 1.8 0.8 0.2
G3 Mean 2.6 9.0 11.4 11.5 10.9 9.8 16.5 12.5 8.1 4.2 2.4 0.9 0.2
G4 Mean 2.0 8.1 11.5 11.4 10.7 10.6 20.1 13.4 7.2 3.3 1.2 0.5 0.2
G5 Mean 8.6 11.7 12.4 10.2 9.2 6.7 12.6 12.0 7.8 4.5 2.8 1.2 0.2

Sex distribution
Male = 55.9%
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

A4.32  Intestinal flukes reporting national prevalence rates and

otherwise considered the incidence rate
Incidence to be zero [77], the present study also
Incidence estimates and clinical sequelae imputed incidence rates for countries,
for foodborne trematodiasis were mainly where no records of national prevalence
based on the results of two systematic or incidence rates, but at least one
review articles [77, 78]. The reviews autochthonous human infection, could
identified available qualitative and be identified in the systematic review.
quantitative information on prevalence, Hierarchical random-effects models
incidence, mortality and remission rates, with incidence information from other
sex- and age-distributions, and the countries as input data were applied in
progression of foodborne trematodiasis this additional imputation process [79].
into different sequelae. From these
data, simplified disease models were Clinical Outcomes
developed and quantitative data Abdominal pelvic discomfort.
summarized by meta-analyses. As
information on incidence, remission and Duration
duration of foodborne trematodiasis Lifelong due to low treatment coverage
was particularly scant, zero remission in affected populations, longevity of
was assumed and entered into the parasites in humans, high re-infection
DisMod 3 software [304], together with rates, supposedly high susceptibility
the available prevalence and mortality of clinical cases, and irreversibility of
estimates. DisMod 3 computed internally pathology after several years of infection.
consistent and complete sets of sex-,
age- and country-specific prevalence, Disability weight
incidence, remission, duration and – Heavy infections only: 0.123.
mortality for foodborne trematodiasis
and associated sequelae. However, unlike Mortality
the original study, which computed Zero.
incidence rates only for countries
Age distribution
DISTRIBUTION 0-1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+
G1 Mean 24.4 32.7 22.1 8.3 4.3 1.9 2.5 1.8 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.0
G2 Mean 18.3 38.4 24.2 9.8 4.7 1.9 1.3 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0
G3 Mean 70.1 10.4 6.0 2.8 1.8 1.3 2.1 1.5 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.2
G4 Mean 56.4 26.4 9.1 3.1 1.6 0.9 1.1 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0
G5 Mean 24.8 40.8 18.6 7.7 4.5 1.7 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
G6 Mean 46.4 27.7 13.3 4.8 2.5 1.3 1.6 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0

Sex distribution
Male = 55%.

A4.33  Ascaris spp. Clinical Outcomes

The clinical outcomes were death
Incidence in severe cases, severe wasting,
Age-stratified prevalence was used pelvic abdominal disconfort and
to estimate the burden of disease in clinical ascariasis as described in
GBD2010 [81] and these data supplied GBD2010 [82]##
by IHME were used to estimate incidence
of ascariasis. The estimated numbers of Duration
prevalent cases were available for every Duration of each incidence case was set
country and each age group. at a mean of 1 year
Prevalence at age t = P(t) Prevalence
Disability weight
at age t+1 = P(t+1) Incidence = b =
proportion of population infected – For severe wasting = 0.127
between t and t= t+1 P(t+1) = b*(1– – For mild abdominal pelvic discomfort
P(t))–m * P(t) As proportion acquiring = 0.012
new infections are at a rate of b*(1–P(t)) – For clinical ascariosis = 0.296
and proportion losing infections at Mortality
rate –m * P(t) Therefore incidence
Incidence of mortaility due to ascariasis
(proportion) of new infections is
used the GBD2010 mortality figures. In
given by b=(P(t+1)+m*p(t))/1–P(t) b =
ascaris-endemic countries this ranged
proportion that are infected in time t
from a low of 0.000095 per 100 000
= 1 year m = proportion that lose their
per annum in Dominica to a high of 0.159
infection = death rate = 1/life expectancy
per 100 000 per annum in Equitorial
Approximate life expectancy of Ascaris
Guinea. Upper-income countries had
= 1 year Therefore b=(P(t+1)+P(t))/
zero mortality. Globally there were 0.031
(1–P(t)) Incidence per 100 000 per
deaths per 100 000
year = b *100 000 It is well known [88]
that the infection pressure or incidence Age distribution
varies with age with ascaris. In particular
children have a higher incidence. But Fatalities, Ascariasis and mild abdomino
by using this step equation all that is pelvic problems <1 year, 9%; 1–4 years,
required is the different prevalences 56.7%; 5–14 years, 16%; 15–24 years, 3%;
(proportion infected) at age t and 25–34 years 2.1%; >35 years, 13.2%.
t+1 which can be calculated from the Severe wasting: <1 year, 19%; 1–4
data provided by GBD2010. Assuming years, 81%.
the duration for ascariasis and other
manifestations (mild abdominopelvic Sex distribution
discomfort and severe wasting) are of Male =55.1% (fatalities), Male = 50.1%
the same duration, then this can be used (ascaris), Male=50.2% (mild abdominal
to estimate the incidence of all sequelae pelvic discomfort),
from the stratified prevalence data. There Male= 51% (severe wasting).
is some evidence that ascaris induces
some degree of protective immunity. But
this acts to decrease the abundance of
infection rather than the prevalence and
so can be discounted in this exercise.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

A4.34  Trichinella Age distribution

According to [71], the majority of cases
Incidence were between 20 and 50 years of age,
Incidence was estimated from the results with a median of 33.1. A generalized Beta
of a FERG-commisioned systematic distribution was fitted to the estimates to
review. Full details can be found in [71] define the full distribution of cases from
age 0 to 90 years [84].
Clinical Outcomes
In the absence of data on the probability Sex distribution
of occurrence of the major clinical According to [71], 51% of cases
symptoms of acute trichinellosis, it was were male.
assumed, as a worst case scenario, that
all patients would develop diarrhoea,
A4.35  Aflatoxin
facial oedema, myalgia and fever/
headache [84]. Incidence
Duration A population-attributable fraction
(PAF) approach was used to estimate
Based on the systematic review by [71],
the incidence of aflatoxin-related
disease duration ranged from 21.5 to 70
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We
days. These values were divided by 365
assumed a multiplicative model for
to express the duration in years.
the effects of aflatoxin exposure and
Disability weight hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The
excess risk due to aflatoxin exposure
Because no specific DW for acute is estimated as HCCa- = b * a for HBV-
trichinellosis is available, DWs were negative individuals and HCCa+ = b *
derived for each of the outcomes h * a for HBV-positive individuals, where
separately. The four clinical symptoms a = exposure to aflatoxin (ng/(kg bw
were, respectively, matched to the * day)), b = aflatoxin cancer potency
GBD2010 health states: factor in HBV- individuals ((ng/(kg bw *
– Diarrhoea: moderate – DW = 0.202. day)-1) and h = relative risk for aflatoxin
– Disfigurement: level 2, with itch or exposure in HBV+ individuals compared
pain – DW = 0.187. with HBV- individuals. We used potency
– Musculoskeletal problems: factors as derived by JECFA [111]: b = 0.01
generalized, moderate – DW = 0.292. [0.002–0.03](ng/(kg bw * day)-1 and b *
– Infectious disease: acute episode, h = 0.30 [0.005–0.50](ng/(kg bw * day)-
severe (DW = 0.210) [82]. 1. Uncertainty in the potency factors was
modelled as a Gamma distribution with
These four DWs were then aggregated
the most likely value as the mean and the
using the multiplicative method, which
range representing an approximate 95%
defines the aggregated DW as 1–∏i(1–
confidence interval.
DWi)=0.637 [84].
To account for differences in background
Mortality rates between different populations, we
Mortality was estimated from the results estimated PAFs by country, and applied
of a FERG-commisioned systematic them to HCC incidence, based on [305].
review. Full details can be found in [71] We assumed PAFs for incidence and
deaths were equal and calculated PAFs
based on published studies on HCC

mortality. For the study population that Disability Weight

was the basis of the JECFA potency Not applicable; population-attributable
estimates in Guangxi, China [306], the fractions as described above were
PAF was estimated as PAFa = ((1–p) * directly applied to WHO YLD
HCCa- + p * HCCa+)/HCC, where p estimates [308].
= prevalence of HBV infection and HCC
= total incidence of HCC by all causes. Mortality
We used the HCC death rate for the Population-attributable fractions as
Guangxi cohort, standardized to the described above were directly applied to
global population (121.5 per 100 000) and WHO mortality estimates [308].
calculated average exposure (607 ng/(kg
bw * day) based on [[307], Table I]. HBV Age distribution
prevalence was 23% based on [306],
We compared age distributions of
resulting in PAFa = 0.383. Background
HCC in the populations of Beijing and
death rate of HCC by all causes in the
Qidong from [114], and hypothesized
Guangxi population was calculated as
that the main difference in HCC risk
HCC0,s = (HCCs–HCCa,s) / (1–ps + h *
factors between these two cities is
ps), with the subscript s referring to the
aflatoxin exposure, since every other risk
study population; resulting in HCC0,s
factor is the same, and they are both
= 9.77 per 100 000.
predominantly Han (i.e. same ethnicity).
To calculate attributable incidence in Hence, the difference in age distributions
all countries, we estimated relative was presumed to be the contribution of
risks due to aflatoxin exposure as aflatoxin. This resulted in an average age
RRa,c = 1 + b * ac / HCC0,s, and PAFs at onset of 49.
per country as PAFa,c = (RRa,c–1) /
RRa,c, with the subscript c indicating Sex distribution
country. Attributable incidence was then In absence of information on the
calculated as HCCa,c = HCCc * PAFa,c. sex distribution of aflatoxin-induced
Aflatoxin exposure by country was based hepatocellular carcinoma, a 50:50 age
on [110], with uncertainty represented by distribution was assumed.
a uniform distribution over the reported
range. A Bayesian log-normal random
effects model [79, 151] was used to A4.36  Cyanide in cassava
extrapolate available PAFs to countries
without data.
A total of 2376 konzo cases have been
Clinical outcomes reported in 5 countries (Cameroon,
Hepatocellular carcinoma. Central African Republic, Democratic
Republic of Congo, Mozambique
Duration and United Republic of Tanzania),
corresponding to 149 cases per year for
Not applicable; population-attributable
122 million people [86]. Based on these
fractions as described above were
cases and dividing the average annual
directly applied to WHO YLD
number of case for each country by the
estimates [308].
corresponding country population gives
an observed incidence of 0.043 to 0.179
per 100 000.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

The degree of underestimation is difficult Disability Weight

to estimate, as konzo occurs in remote No specific DW exists for konzo
rural areas, often under conditions of war, paraparesis. WHO [89] defined three
and the disease is not notifiable. The only severity levels for konzo:
previous calculation of underestimation
was that of Tylleskar [90] in the DRC in 1. Mild = Able to walk without support
1994, when he estimated that there may 2. Moderate = uses one or two sticks or
have been at least twice as many cases crutches to walk
as those reported. The underestimation in
3. Severe = not being able to walk
the DRC is now likely to be much greater,
due to war and displacement. It was These three severity levels can be
decided to account for the uncertainty matched with the GBD2010 health states:
in the underreporting by applying an
– Motor impairment, mild: DW = 0.012.
expansion factor ranging from 1 to 10 to
– Motor impairment, moderate:
the observed cases. Therefore, the annual
DW = 0.076.
total of new cases would range from 149
– Motor impairment, severe:
to 1490 in the 5 countries and the mean
DW = 0.377 [82].
annual incidence rate would be 0.9 per
100 000 (0.04 to 1.8 per 100 000). Information on the distribution of konzo
severity levels is available from 9 studies
We restricted our estimates of konzo
[86][1]. Out of a total of 753 cases,
disease to the 5 African countries in
476 (63%) were mild, 203 (27%) were
which the disease has been reported,
moderate and 74 (10%) were severe.
together with Angola, based on a report
to the World Congress on Neurology The resulting weighted DW
suggesting that cases have occurred in equalled 0.065.
that country [92]. The incidence of konzo
disease was assumed to be null in other Mortality
countries around the world. Information on case fatality was provided
in 4 studies [94–96, 309]. Out of a total
Clinical outcomes of 340 cases, 73 deaths were observed,
Konzo disease is a paraparesis occurring yielding an average case fatality ratio
in populations exposed to cyanogenic of 21%.
glycoside in a context of bitter cassava
consumption associated with a low intake Age distribution
of protein-rich food. The age and sex distribution observed by
[90] was generalized to the whole konzo
Duration affected population. The age distribution
The onset of paraparesis is abrupt, for fatal cases was adapted from [309].
usually within minutes or hours, with
occasional progression during the first Sex distribution
days of the illness. After that time, the The age and sex distribution observed by
paraparesis is non-progressive and [90] was generalized to the whole konzo
permanent. As a result, duration was affected population. The sex distribution
defined as lifelong for non-fatal cases. for fatal cases was adapted from [309].
For fatal cases, it was assumed that
death occurred one to seven years after
onset, with an average of three years
after onset, following [93].

A4.37  Dioxin Age distribution

Hypothyroidy due to prenatal exposure:
Incidence Onset = birth.
Incidence rates were generated for
Hypothyroidy due to postnatal exposure:
50 countries and specified as lower and
Onset = 20 years.
upper bounds (hypothyroidy-postnatal
& male infertility) or point estimates Male infertility: Onset = 20 years.
(hypothyroidy-prenatal). Incidence rates
for the remaining 144 countries were Sex distribution
imputed using a Bayesian log-normal In absence of information on the
random effects model [151]. sex distribution of dioxin-induced
hypothyroidy, a 50:50 age distribution
Clinical outcomes was assumed.
Hypothyroidy due to prenatal exposure; For male infertility, the entire burden was
hypothyroidy due to postnatal assigned to males.
exposure; or male infertility due to
prenatal exposure.
A4.38  Peanut allergens
Hypothyroidy was assumed to be Incidence
lifelong; the male infertility impact was Data on clinically confirmed peanut
assumed to be present in the 20–44 age [Arachis hypogaea] allergy in children
group, in accordance with [83]. were available from six countries
(Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden,
Disability Weights Turkey and UK). Average incidences
– Hypothyroidy due to prenatal ranged from 0 to 22.6 per 100 000 [102].
exposure: 0.019; corresponding to To reflect this uncertainty, the incidence
GBD 2013 health state Hypothyroidy rate of clinical peanut allergy in subregion
[142]. Note that no corresponding DW “A” countries was modelled as a Uniform
was available in GBD2010 or WHO distribution ranging from 0/100 000
Global Health Estimates (GHE). to 22.6/100 000. Given the lack of
– Hypothyroidy due to postnatal data, no estimates were generated for
exposure: 0.019; corresponding to other countries.
GBD 2013 health state Hypothyroidy
[142]. Note that no corresponding Clinical outcomes
DW was available in GBD2010 or The symptoms of peanut allergy vary
WHO GHE. from mild to severe, from swollen lips,
– Male infertility: 0.056; corresponding shortness of breath, to an anaphylactic
to WHO GHE health state Infertility: shock, which is potentially fatal. However,
primary [310]. Note that this is higher because of the very short duration of
than the corresponding GBD2010 acute peanut allergy, we decided not
health state. to include acute peanut allergy in the
burden assessment. The considered
Mortality clinical outcome was therefore living
No mortality was assumed. with peanut allergy and the anxiety of a
possible allergic reaction.
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Duration Mortality
It is assumed that peanut allergy is a The limited data on the mortality rate of
lifelong disease. It is important to note peanut-induced anaphylaxis show values
that the duration of allergic symptoms is ranging from 0 to 0.006 deaths per
very short. 100 000 person-years [102]. To reflect
this uncertainty, the mortality rate of
Disability Weight peanut-induced anaphylaxis in subregion
Mullins et al. [103] reported that “A” countries was modelled as a Uniform
52% of cases referred to a specialist distribution ranging from 0/100 000
allergy medical practice in Australia to 0.006/100 000. Given the lack of
suffered from mild symptoms (skin and data, no estimates were generated for
subcutaneous tissue involvement only), other countries.
42% from moderate symptoms (features
suggestive of respiratory, cardiovascular Age distribution
or gastrointestinal involvement), and The onset of peanut allergy is early in
6% from severe symptoms (cyanosis, life (median age 18–24 months, [107,
hypotension, confusion, collapse, loss 108], with continued prevalence in older
of consciousness, incontinence). We age groups. All incident cases of peanut
propose the DW for clinically relevant allergy were therefore assumed to
peanut allergy be a weighted average develop early in life, i.e. before the age
accounting for this severity distribution. of five.
GBD2010 DWs [82] for the health states
Deaths due to peanut allergen were
“Asthma: controlled” (DW = 0.009)
assumed to occur at all ages, with an
are considered applicable for mild and
average age of 37 years [102][1].
moderate cases (94%), and “Generic
uncomplicated disease: anxiety about the Sex distribution
diagnosis” (DW = 0.054) for severe cases
In the absence of information on the sex
(6%), leading to a severity-weighted
distribution of peanut allergy, a 50:50
DW of 0.012 for clinically relevant
age distribution was assumed.
peanut allergy.

Disease models
Aflatoxin Dioxin
Disease Model Disease Model


Dioxin-induced Thyroid impairment Thyroid impairment
HCC HCC HCC HCC due to postnatal
impaired male due to prenatal dioxin
fertility exposure dioxin exposure

RATIO—local RATIO—local
cases/100k births to cases/100k births to
PROB—local PROB—local PROB—local PROB—local
cases/100k population cases/100k population
PAF aflatoxin PAF aflatoxin PAF aflatoxin PAF aflatoxin
correction factor correction factor

Paragonimus spp. Opisthorchis spp.

Disease Model Disease Model


symptomatic cerebral paragonimosis- symptomatic opisthorchiosis-
paragonimosis paragonimosis related mortality opisthorchiosis related mortality

Intestinal flukes Fasciola spp.

Disease Model Disease Model

intestinal symptomatic
trematodosis fasciolosis

Clonorchis sinensis Ascaris spp.

Disease Model Disease Model


symptomatic clonorchiosis-related INC ascariosis-related
clonorchiosis mortality ascariosis mild abdominopelvic

ascariosis-related ascariosis-related
severe wasting mortality
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Trichinella spp. Taenia solium

Disease Model Disease Model


Acute clinical Epilepsy Epilepsy Epilepsy Epilepsy
Trichinellosis death

RATIO—global RATIO—global RATIO—global

total:idiopathic total:idiopathic total:idiopathic
PROB—local PROB—local epilepsy epilepsy epilepsy
Underreporting Underreporting
correction factor correction factor
PROB—global PROB—global PROB—global PROB—global
NCC-associated NCC-associated NCC-associated NCC-associated
epilepsy epilepsy epilepsy epilepsy

PROB—local PROB—local PROB—local PROB—local

Taenia solium Taenia solium Taenia solium Taenia solium
population at risk population at risk population at risk population at risk

Echinococcus multilocularis Echinococcus granulosus

Disease Model Disease Model

INC PROB—global PROB—global

pulmonary CE pulmonary CE
PROB—global PROB—global
INC hepatic CE INC hepatic CE
CE cases seeking CE cases not
treatment seeking treatment PROB—global
case-fatality ratio
PROB—global PROB—global
death death

Staphylococcus aureus Clostridium perfringens

Disease Model Disease Model

INC PROB—global INC PROB—global

S. aureus case fatality ratio C. perfringens case fatality ratio

Clostridium botulinum Bacillus cereus

Disease Model Disease Model

PROB—global PROB—global INC

severe disease case fatality ratio B. cereus

C. botulinum

Toxoplasma gondii (acquired) Toxoplasma gondii (congenital)

Disease Model Disease Model

PROB—global PROB—global INC

Chorioretinitis - Congenital toxoplasmosis
mild Acute illness
Acquired PROB—global
toxoplasmosis calcifications
PROB—global PROB—global
PROB—local PROB—local
Chorioretinitis - Post-acute
moderate illness Non-genotype 2 Genotype 2

PROB—global PROB—global PROB—global

Chorioretinitis Chorioretinitis PROB—global
Chorioretinitis - CNS
early in life early in life
severe abnormalities

PROB—global PROB—global
Chorioretinitis PROB—global
later in life later in life Neonatal death

Salmonella Typhi Salmonella Paratyphi

Disease Model Disease Model


Typhoid fever Typhoid cysts Paratyphoid fever Paratyphoid cysts

Typhoid deaths Paratyphoid deaths

Mycobacterium bovis Listeria monocytogenes

Disease Model Disease Model


tuberculosis tuberculosis deaths listeriosis non-perinatal

PROB—global PROB—global PROB—global

death septicemia CNS infection
PROB—local perinatal cases
attributable proportion attributable proportion
M. bovis M. bovis
PROB—global PROB—global PROB—global neurological
death septicemia CNS infection sequela


Brucella spp. Hepatitis A virus

Disease Model Disease Model

PROB—global INC
chronic infection Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A

INC PROB—global
Brucella orchitis

case fatality ratio
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Giardia spp. Entamoeba histolytica

Disease Model Disease Model

INC PROB—local INC PROB—local

diarrhea <5 AF INC Giardia <5 diarrhea <5 AF INC Entam <5


diarrhea 5-14 Giardia-associated diarrhea 5-14
INC PROB—local INC PROB—local
diarrhea 15-54 AF INC Giardia 5+ diarrhea 15-54 AF INC Entam 5+
National studies approach
diarrhea 55+ diarrhea 55+
CHERG approach

INC PROB—local
diarrhea deaths <5 AF MRT Entam <5

diarrhea deaths 5+M
INC AF MRT Entam 5+
diarrhea deaths 5+F
CHERG approach

Cryptosporidium spp. Vibrio cholerae

Disease Model Disease Model


diarrhea <5 AF INC Crypto <5 cholera

diarrhea 5-14
INC PROB—local Cryptosporidium-
diarrhea 15-54 AF INC Crypto 5+ associated
diarrhea PROB—local
INC death
diarrhea 55+
Death due to
INC PROB—local Cryptosporidium-
diarrhea deaths <5 AF MRT Crypto <5 associated
diarrhea deaths 5+M
PROB—local National studies approach
INC AF MRT Crypto 5+
diarrhea deaths 5+F
CHERG approach

Shigella spp. Salmonella enterica

Disease Model Disease Model

INC PROB—local INC PROB—local Salmonella- Death due to
diarrhea <5 AF INC Shigella <5 diarrhea <5 AF INC Salmo <5 associated Salmonella-
diarrhea associated
INC INC diarrhea
diarrhea 5-14 diarrhea 5-14 National studies
INC approach
INC PROB—local INC PROB—local
diarrhea 15-54 Shigella-associated diarrhea 15-54 AF INC Salmo 5+
AF INC Shigella 5+
diarrhea 55+ diarrhea 55+
Invasive non- Invasive non-
INC typhoidal typhoidal
PROB—local Death due to INC PROB—local salmonellosis <5 salmonellosis 5+
AF MRT Shigella <5 Shigella-associated diarrhea deaths <5 AF MRT Salmo <5
diarrhea deaths <5
diarrhea deaths 5+M diarrhea deaths 5+M
PROB—local National studies approach PROB—local PROB—global PROB—global
AF MRT Shigella 5+ INC AF MRT Salmo 5+ case fatality case fatality
diarrhea deaths 5+F diarrhea deaths 5+F ratio <5 ratio 5+
CHERG approach CHERG approach

Disease Model Disease Model

PROB—global PROB—global PROB—global

HUS Death ESRD Death ESRD INC PROB—local
Survivor diarrhea <5 AF INC ETEC <5
diarrhea 5-14
PROB—global PROB—global PROB—global INC
O157 HUS ESRD INC PROB—local ETEC -associated
diarrhea 15-54 AF INC ETEC 5+ diarrhea
diarrhea 55+
PROB—global PROB—global PROB—global
Death due to
Non O157 HUS ESRD INC PROB—local
ETEC -associated
diarrhea deaths <5 AF MRT ETEC <5
PROB—global PROB—global diarrhea deaths 5+M National studies approach
PROB—global PROB—local
Survivor INC AF MRT ETEC 5+
diarrhea deaths 5+F
CHERG approach

EPEC Campylobacter spp.

Disease Model Disease Model

INC PROB—local INC PROB—local Death due to
diarrhea <5 AF INC EPEC <5 diarrhea <5 AF INC Campy <5 Camylobacter-
associated associated
INC INC diarrhea diarrhea
diarrhea 5-14 diarrhea 5-14
INC National studies approach
INC PROB—local EPEC -associated INC PROB—local
diarrhea 15-54 AF INC EPEC 5+ diarrhea diarrhea 15-54 AF INC Campy 5+
diarrhea 55+ INC diarrhea 55+
Death due to
PROB—local PROB—local PROB—global
INC EPEC -associated INC
diarrhea deaths <5 AF MRT EPEC <5 diarrhea deaths <5 AF MRT Campy <5 attributable fraction
diarrhea Campylobacter
diarrhea deaths 5+M National studies approach diarrhea deaths 5+M
PROB—local PROB—local PROB—global
INC AF MRT EPEC 5+ INC AF MRT Campy 5+ GBS case fatality
diarrhea deaths 5+F diarrhea deaths 5+F ratio

CHERG approach CHERG approach

Cyanide in cassava Norovirus

Disease Model Disease Model

INC PROB—local
cassava cyanide diarrhea <5 AF INC
induced konzo Norovirus <5
diarrhea 5-14
INC PROB—local Norovirus-
PROB—global AF INC
diarrhea 15-54 associated
konzo incidence Norovirus 5+
expansion factor INC
diarrhea 55+
PROB—local Death due to
INC Norovirus-
PROB—global PROB—global diarrhea deaths <5 AF MRT
PROB—global Norovirus <5 associated
konzo konzo diarrhea
identity factor
survival ratio case-fatality ratio INC
diarrhea deaths 5+M PROB—local National studies approach
INC Norovirus 5+
diarrhea deaths 5+F
CHERG approach

Peanut allergen
Disease Model

Death due to peanut-
Peanut-induced allergy
induced allergy
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Derivation of Disability Weights
Figure A6.1 FERG hazards, causally related health states and corresponding disability weights
(DWs). The fourth column describes how the various DWs were derived from the Global Burden
of Disease Studies (GBD) and the World Health Organization Global Health Estimates (WHO/


Diarrhoeal hazards
Norovirus Diarrhoeal disease 0.074 Weighted average of 91% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 8.5% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 0.5% Diarrhoea: severe
Campylobacter spp. Diarrhoeal disease 0.101 Weighted average of 73% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 25% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 2% Diarrhoea: severe
Guillain-Barré syndrome 0.445 Proxy health state of Multiple sclerosis:
Enteropathogenic E. coli Diarrhoeal disease 0.074 Weighted average of 91% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 8.5% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 0.5% Diarrhoea: severe
Enterotoxigenic E. coli Diarrhoeal disease 0.074 Weighted average of 91% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 8.5% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 0.5% Diarrhoea: severe
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli Diarrhoeal disease 0.091 Weighted average of 80% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 18% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 2% Diarrhoea: severe
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome 0.210 Proxy health state of Infectious disease: acute
episode, severe
End-stage renal disease 0.573 Mapped health state of End-stage renal
disease: on dialysis
Non-typhoidal S. enterica Diarrhoeal disease 0.101 Weighted average of 73% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 25% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 2% Diarrhoea: severe
Invasive salmonellosis 0.210 Proxy health state of Infectious disease: acute
episode, severe
Shigella spp. Diarrhoeal disease 0.101 Weighted average of 73% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 25% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 2% Diarrhoea: severe
Vibrio cholerae Diarrhoeal disease 0.194 Weighted average of 25% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 40% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 35% Diarrhoea: severe
Cryptosporidium spp. Diarrhoeal disease 0.074 Weighted average of 91% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 8.5% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 0.5% Diarrhoea: severe
Entamoeba histolytica Diarrhoeal disease 0.074 Weighted average of 91% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 8.5% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 0.5% Diarrhoea: severe
Giardia spp. Diarrhoeal disease 0.074 Weighted average of 91% Diarrhoea: mild
(DW=0.061); 8.5% Diarrhoea: moderate
(DW=0.202); and 0.5% Diarrhoea: severe


Invasive enteric hazards
Hepatitis A virus Hepatitis 0.108 Weighted average of 50% Infectious disease:
acute episode, mild (DW=0.005); and 50%
Infectious disease: acute episode, severe
Brucella spp. Acute brucellosis 0.132 Weighted average of 50% Infectious disease:
acute episode, moderate (DW=0.053); and
50% Infectious disease: acute episode, severe
Chronic brucellosis 0.079 Proxy health state of Musculoskeletal problems:
legs, moderate
Orchitis 0.097 Mapped health state of Epididymo-orchitis
Listeria monocytogenes, Sepsis 0.210 Proxy health state of Infectious disease: acute
perinatal episode, severe
Central nervous system 0.426 Weighted average; see [70]
Neurological sequelae 0.292 Weighted average; see [70]
Listeria monocytogenes, Sepsis 0.210 Proxy health state of Infectious disease: acute
acquired episode, severe
Central nervous system 0.426 Weighted average; see [70] for details
Neurological sequelae 0.292 Weighted average; see [70] for details
Mycobacterium bovis Tuberculosis 0.331 Mapped health state of Tuberculosis: without
HIV infection
Salmonella Paratyphi Paratyphoid fever 0.210 Proxy health state of Infectious disease: acute
episode, severe
Liver abscesses and cysts 0.254 Proxy health state of Infectious disease: post-
acute consequences (fatigue, emotional lability,
Salmonella Typhi Typhoid fever 0.210 Proxy health state of Infectious disease: acute
episode, severe
Liver abscesses and cysts 0.254 Proxy health state of Infectious disease: post-
acute consequences (fatigue, emotional lability,
Toxoplasma gondii, congenital Intracranial calcification 0.010 Proxy health state; see [296] for details
Hydrocephalus 0.360 Weighted average; see [296] for details
Chorioretinitis, 1st year of life 0.033 Proxy health state of Distance vision: moderate
Chorioretinitis, later in life 0.033 Proxy health state of Distance vision: moderate
Central nervous system 0.360 Weighted average; see [296] for details
Toxoplasma gondii, acquired Chorioretinitis, mild 0.004 Proxy health state of Distance vision: mild
Chorioretinitis, moderate 0.033 Proxy health state of Distance vision: moderate
Chorioretinitis, severe 0.191 Proxy health state of Distance vision: severe
Acute illness 0.053 Mapped health state of Infectious disease:
acute episode, moderate
Post-acute illness 0.254 Mapped health state of Infectious disease:
post-acute consequences (fatigue, emotional
lability, insomnia)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases


Enteric intoxications
Bacillus cereus (1) Acute intoxication 0.061 Proxy health state of Diarrhoea: mild
Clostridium botulinum (1) Moderate/mild botulism 0.198 Proxy health state of Multiple sclerosis: mild
Severe botulism 0.445 Proxy health state of Multiple sclerosis:
Clostridium perfringens (1) Acute intoxication 0.061 Proxy health state of Diarrhoea: mild
Staphylococcus aureus (1) Acute intoxication 0.061 Proxy health state of Diarrhoea: mild
Echinococcus granulosus, cases Pulmonary cystic 0.192 Proxy health state of COPD and other chronic
seeking treatment echinococcosis respiratory diseases: moderate
Hepatic cystic echinococcosis 0.123 Proxy health state of Abdominopelvic problem:
Central nervous system cystic 0.221 Proxy health state of Motor plus cognitive
echinococcosis impairments: moderate
Echinococcus granulosus, cases Pulmonary cystic 0.015 Proxy health state of COPD and other chronic
not seeking treatment echinococcosis respiratory diseases: mild
Hepatic cystic echinococcosis 0.012 Proxy health state of Abdominopelvic
problem: mild
Central nervous system cystic 0.054 Proxy health state of Motor plus cognitive
echinococcosis impairments: mild
Echinococcus multilocularis Alveolar echinococcosis 0.123 Proxy health state of Abdominopelvic problem:
Taenia solium Epilepsy: treated, seizure free 0.072 Mapped health state of Epilepsy: treated,
seizure free
Epilepsy: treated, with recent 0.319 Mapped health state of Epilepsy: treated, with
seizures recent seizures
Epilepsy: severe 0.657 Mapped health state of Epilepsy: severe
Epilepsy: untreated 0.420 Mapped health state of Epilepsy: untreated
Ascaris spp. Ascariasis infestation 0.030 Mapped health state of Intestinal nematode
infections: symptomatic
Mild abdominopelvic 0.012 Mapped health state of Abdominopelvic
problems due to ascariasis problem: mild
Severe wasting due to 0.127 Mapped health state of Severe wasting

Trichinella spp. Acute clinical trichinellosis 0.637 Aggregate of Diarrhoea: moderate (DW =
0.202); Disfigurement: level 2, with itch or
pain (DW = 0.187); Musculoskeletal problems:
generalized, moderate (DW = 0.292); and
Infectious disease: acute episode, severe (DW
= 0.210) [84]
Clonorchis sinensis Abdominopelvic problems 0.123 Proxy health state of Abdominopelvic problem:
due to heavy clonorchiosis moderate
Fasciola spp. Abdominopelvic problems 0.123 Proxy health state of Abdominopelvic problem:
due to heavy fasciolosis moderate
Intestinal flukes Abdominopelvic problems 0.123 Proxy health state of Abdominopelvic problem:
due to heavy intestinal fluke moderate
Opisthorchis spp. Abdominopelvic problems 0.123 Proxy health state of Abdominopelvic problem:
due to heavy opisthorchiosis moderate


Paragonimus spp. Central nervous system 0.420 Proxy health state of Epilepsy: untreated
problems due to heavy
Pulmonary problems due to 0.132 Proxy health state of Asthma: uncontrolled
heavy paragonimosis
Organic pollutants
Dioxin Infertility 0.056 Mapped health state of Infertility: primary
Hypothyroidy due to prenatal 0.019 (4) Mapped health state of Hypothyroidy
Hypothyroidy due postnatal 0.019 Mapped health state of Hypothyroidy
Toxins and allergens
Aflatoxin Hepatocellular carcinoma: 0.294 Mapped health state of Cancer: diagnosis and
diagnosis and primary therapy primary therapy
Hepatocellular carcinoma: 0.484 Mapped health state of Cancer: metastatic
Hepatocellular carcinoma: 0.508 Mapped health state of Cancer: terminal phase
terminal phase with with medication
Hepatocellular carcinoma: 0.519 Mapped health state of Cancer: terminal phase
terminal phase without without medication
Cyanide in cassava Konzo 0.065 Weighted average of 63% Motor impairment:
mild (DW=0.012); 27% Motor impairment:
moderate (DW=0.076); and 10% Motor
impairment: severe (DW=0.377)
Peanut (1) Living with peanut-induced 0.012 Weighted average of 94% Asthma: controlled
allergy (DW=0.009); and 6% Generic uncomplicated
disease: anxiety about diagnosis (DW=0.054)
Excluded from global burden assessments.
Includes Echinostoma spp., Fasciolopsis buski, Heterophyes spp., Metagonimus spp. and other foodborne intestinal
trematode species.
Note the higher values used in WHO/GHE [310] compared with GBD2010 [82].
Value taken from the GBD 2013 disability weights [142].

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Attribution – Expert Elicitation Results
Table A7.1 Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of
illnesses caused by Campylobacter spp., non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., Shiga-toxin producing
Escherichia coli (STEC), Brucella spp. and Shigella spp. through each exposure pathway.

Campylobacter spp.
0.57 0.18 0.04 0.09 0.00 0.06
(0.31–0.77) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.22) (0.01–0.29) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.16)
0.57 0.17 0.04 0.09 0.00 0.06
(0.29–0.77) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.30) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.16)
0.73 0.10 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00
(0.38–0.91) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.11) (0.00–0.02)
0.68 0.11 0.03 0.08 0.00 0.06
(0.41–0.82) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.27) (0.00–0.11) (0.00–0.16)
0.67 0.12 0.03 0.08 0.00 0.06
(0.37–0.81) (0.01–0.36) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.29) (0.00–0.15) (0.00–0.16)
0.67 0.11 0.03 0.07 0.00 0.06
(0.38–0.82) (0.01–0.35) (0.00–0.27) (0.00–0.29) (0.00–0.15) (0.00–0.15)
0.67 0.11 0.03 0.07 0.00 0.06
(0.41–0.82) (0.00–0.34) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.27) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.15)
0.76 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.00
(0.44–0.93) (0.00–0.31) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.09) (0.00–0.08)
0.66 0.11 0.03 0.12 0.03 0.00
(0.34–0.87) (0.00–0.39) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.40) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.05)
0.66 0.11 0.03 0.12 0.03 0.00
(0.34–0.87) (0.00–0.38) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.39) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.02)
0.57 0.13 0.11 0.05 0.03 0.02
(0.27–0.81) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.06)
0.51 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.03 0.02
(0.03–0.79) (0.00–0.39) (0.01–0.41) (0.00–0.44) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.10)
0.68 0.13 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00
(0.40–0.89) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.08) (0.00–0.01)
0.57 0.17 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.02
(0.25–0.82) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.34) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.15) (0.00–0.07)
Non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica
0.46 0.15 0.18 0.10 0.01 0.02
(0.13–0.74) (0.00–0.43) (0.00–0.48) (0.00–0.39) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.06)
0.46 0.15 0.18 0.10 0.01 0.02
(0.10–0.73) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.48) (0.00–0.40) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.08)
0.73 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.00
(0.38–0.91) (0.00–0.39) (0.00–0.28) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.09) (0.00–0.05)
0.49 0.19 0.15 0.09 0.01 0.02
(0.09–0.74) (0.00–0.45) (0.00–0.40) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.05)
0.50 0.19 0.15 0.09 0.01 0.02
(0.14–0.75) (0.00–0.46) (0.00–0.39) (0.00–0.31) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.05)
0.50 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.01 0.02
(0.18–0.75) (0.00–0.43) (0.01–0.38) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.04)
0.50 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.01 0.02
(0.19–0.74) (0.00–0.43) (0.01–0.39) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.05)
0.76 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.00
(0.47–0.94) (0.00–0.30) (0.00–0.26) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.11) (0.00–0.14)

0.62 0.10 0.11 0.07 0.02 0.00
(0.31–0.84) (0.00–0.37) (0.01–0.32) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.01)
0.62 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.02 0.00
(0.32–0.84) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.01)
0.58 0.06 0.10 0.11 0.02 0.00
(0.23–0.84) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.38) (0.00–0.40) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.03)
0.54 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.02 0.00
(0.00–0.85) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.59) (0.00–0.29) (0.00–0.06)
0.74 0.09 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.00
(0.45–0.93) (0.00–0.31) (0.00–0.28) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.08) (0.00–0.04)
0.57 0.10 0.12 0.08 0.02 0.00
(0.25–0.82) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.01)
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
0.42 0.21 0.16 0.10 0.05 0.00
(0.19–0.66) (0.04–0.46) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.30) (0.00–0.25) (0.00–0.03)
0.43 0.21 0.17 0.10 0.05 0.00
(0.14–0.66) (0.04–0.46) (0.01–0.34) (0.00–0.34) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.03)
0.59 0.13 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00
(0.19–0.84) (0.00–0.41) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.31) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.27)
0.53 0.17 0.11 0.08 0.04 0.00
(0.24–0.73) (0.01–0.44) (0.01–0.29) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.03)
0.53 0.15 0.11 0.09 0.04 0.00
(0.24–0.75) (0.00–0.43) (0.01–0.29) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.17) (0.00–0.03)
0.53 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.04 0.00
(0.24–0.76) (0.02–0.43) (0.00–0.29) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.18) (0.00–0.03)
0.52 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.04 0.00
(0.26–0.75) (0.01–0.42) (0.01–0.30) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.17) (0.00–0.03)
0.60 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.03 0.00
(0.26–0.83) (0.01–0.37) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.14)
0.49 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.00
(0.15–0.75) (0.00–0.42) (0.01–0.32) (0.00–0.38) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.01)
0.49 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.00
(0.15–0.75) (0.00–0.42) (0.01–0.32) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.01)
0.41 0.12 0.07 0.23 0.06 0.00
(0.10–0.70) (0.00–0.47) (0.00–0.31) (0.00–0.53) (0.00–0.26) (0.00–0.01)
0.40 0.13 0.06 0.23 0.06 0.00
(0.08–0.71) (0.00–0.47) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.53) (0.00–0.26) (0.00–0.02)
0.57 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00
(0.25–0.82) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.29) (0.00–0.16) (0.00–0.24)
0.43 0.12 0.07 0.22 0.06 0.00
(0.12–0.73) (0.00–0.44) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.46) (0.00–0.27) (0.00–0.01)
Brucella spp.
0.44 0.50 0.01 0.01 0.01
AFR D na
(0.10–0.68) (0.26–0.81) (0.00–0.08) (0.00–0.10) (0.00–0.06)
0.44 0.50 0.01 0.01 0.01
AFR E na
(0.06–0.70) (0.22–0.83) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.11) (0.00–0.06)
0.75 0.19 0.01 0.01 0.01
AMR A na
(0.28–0.93) (0.00–0.62) (0.00–0.04) (0.00–0.09) (0.00–0.12)
0.44 0.50 0.01 0.01 0.01
AMR B na
(0.09–0.69) (0.24–0.81) (0.00–0.08) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.08)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

0.44 0.50 0.01 0.01 0.01
AMR D na
(0.09–0.72) (0.18–0.81) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.11) (0.00–0.06)
0.51 0.43 0.01 0.01 0.01
EMR B na
(0.08–0.80) (0.11–0.81) (0.00–0.07) (0.00–0.08) (0.00–0.11)
0.44 0.50 0.01 0.01 0.01
EMR D na
(0.07–0.70) (0.20–0.83) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.15) (0.00–0.06)
0.66 0.23 0.01 0.01 0.02
EUR A na
(0.23–0.90) (0.01–0.60) (0.00–0.04) (0.00–0.05) (0.00–0.35)
0.45 0.50 0.01 0.01 0.01
EUR B na
(0.09–0.71) (0.20–0.81) (0.00–0.07) (0.00–0.08) (0.00–0.06)
0.44 0.50 0.01 0.01 0.01
EUR C na
(0.10–0.73) (0.18–0.81) (0.00–0.06) (0.00–0.06) (0.00–0.06)
0.51 0.43 0.01 0.01 0.01
(0.07–0.81) (0.10–0.81) (0.00–0.07) (0.00–0.07) (0.00–0.07)
0.45 0.50 0.01 0.01 0.01
(0.07–0.70) (0.22–0.82) (0.00–0.08) (0.00–0.07) (0.00–0.06)
0.71 0.18 0.01 0.01 0.02
WPR A na
(0.28–0.92) (0.00–0.58) (0.00–0.09) (0.00–0.26) (0.00–0.30)
0.51 0.43 0.01 0.01 0.01
WPR B na
(0.07–0.80) (0.12–0.81) (0.00–0.07) (0.00–0.07) (0.00–0.07)
Shigella spp.
0.15 0.50 0.27 0.00 0.00
AFR D na
(0.00–0.52) (0.06–0.81) (0.03–0.62) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.13)
0.15 0.50 0.26 0.00 0.00
AFR E na
(0.00–0.51) (0.08–0.80) (0.05–0.61) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.16)
0.12 0.69 0.10 0.00 0.00
AMR A na
(0.00–0.46) (0.33–0.93) (0.00–0.41) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.06)
0.14 0.51 0.27 0.00 0.00
AMR B na
(0.00–0.52) (0.10–0.81) (0.03–0.61) (0.00–0.18) (0.00–0.06)
0.14 0.51 0.27 0.00 0.00
AMR D na
(0.00–0.52) (0.11–0.80) (0.02–0.60) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.02)
0.14 0.51 0.28 0.00 0.00
EMR B na
(0.00–0.52) (0.11–0.81) (0.03–0.61) (0.00–0.17) (0.00–0.02)
0.14 0.51 0.28 0.00 0.00
EMR D na
(0.00–0.52) (0.11–0.81) (0.02–0.61) (0.00–0.18) (0.00–0.02)
0.07 0.54 0.12 0.01 0.00
EUR A na
(0.00–0.46) (0.14–0.90) (0.00–0.52) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.55)
0.11 0.44 0.31 0.02 0.02
EUR B na
(0.00–0.50) (0.10–0.75) (0.04–0.60) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.21)
0.19 0.43 0.26 0.01 0.05
EUR C na
(0.00–0.51) (0.07–0.70) (0.02–0.53) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.22)
0.36 0.30 0.26 0.04 0.01
(0.01–0.68) (0.01–0.65) (0.01–0.59) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.03)
0.34 0.25 0.29 0.04 0.01
(0.01–0.69) (0.00–0.64) (0.01–0.65) (0.00–0.26) (0.00–0.06)
0.13 0.66 0.12 0.00 0.00
WPR A na
(0.00–0.50) (0.25–0.91) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.19)
0.36 0.28 0.27 0.04 0.01
WPR B na
(0.01–0.70) (0.00–0.65) (0.01–0.60) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.03)

Table A7.2  Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion

of Diarrhoeal Disease illnesses caused by four hazards: enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC),
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. through each
exposure pathway.

Enteropathogenic E. coli
AFR D 0.29 (0.02–0.62) 0.00 (0.00–0.33) 0.16 (0.00–0.51) 0.45 (0.12–0.76) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
AFR E 0.29 (0.01–0.62) 0.00 (0.00–0.32) 0.16 (0.00–0.51) 0.46 (0.10–0.76) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
AMR A 0.72 (0.20–0.97) 0.00 (0.00–0.31) 0.11 (0.00–0.53) 0.00 (0.00–0.57) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
AMR B 0.29 (0.01–0.62) 0.00 (0.00–0.34) 0.16 (0.00–0.50) 0.46 (0.12–0.76) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
AMR D 0.30 (0.03–0.61) 0.00 (0.00–0.33) 0.15 (0.00–0.47) 0.47 (0.13–0.74) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
EMR B 0.31 (0.06–0.62) 0.00 (0.00–0.35) 0.14 (0.00–0.44) 0.46 (0.11–0.70) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
EMR D 0.31 (0.05–0.62) 0.00 (0.00–0.37) 0.14 (0.00–0.44) 0.45 (0.10–0.70) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
EUR A 0.64 (0.17–0.90) 0.05 (0.00–0.38) 0.17 (0.00–0.58) 0.03 (0.00–0.31) 0.00 (0.00–0.21)
EUR B 0.48 (0.06–0.81) 0.08 (0.00–0.41) 0.26 (0.00–0.65) 0.08 (0.00–0.43) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
EUR C 0.48 (0.06–0.81) 0.09 (0.00–0.42) 0.26 (0.00–0.65) 0.08 (0.00–0.42) 0.00 (0.00–0.02)
SEAR B 0.29 (0.01–0.62) 0.09 (0.00–0.34) 0.29 (0.01–0.62) 0.27 (0.01–0.58) 0.00 (0.00–0.02)
SEAR D 0.29 (0.01–0.67) 0.09 (0.00–0.38) 0.27 (0.00–0.65) 0.27 (0.00–0.63) 0.00 (0.00–0.05)
WPR A 0.69 (0.16–0.94) 0.00 (0.00–0.34) 0.18 (0.00–0.66) 0.00 (0.00–0.30) 0.00 (0.00–0.02)
WPR B 0.30 (0.01–0.62) 0.14 (0.00–0.40) 0.23 (0.00–0.59) 0.26 (0.02–0.55) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
Enterotoxigenic E. coli
AFR D 0.33 (0.09–0.65) 0.00 (0.00–0.33) 0.13 (0.00–0.44) 0.45 (0.12–0.71) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
AFR E 0.33 (0.06–0.64) 0.00 (0.00–0.33) 0.13 (0.00–0.45) 0.45 (0.09–0.71) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
AMR A 0.36 (0.12–0.63) 0.04 (0.00–0.32) 0.15 (0.00–0.37) 0.42 (0.11–0.66) 0.00 (0.00–0.19)
AMR B 0.34 (0.08–0.65) 0.00 (0.00–0.34) 0.12 (0.00–0.42) 0.46 (0.11–0.70) 0.00 (0.00–0.13)
AMR D 0.36 (0.07–0.68) 0.00 (0.00–0.32) 0.13 (0.00–0.43) 0.47 (0.10–0.72) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
EMR B 0.34 (0.07–0.65) 0.00 (0.00–0.31) 0.13 (0.00–0.42) 0.49 (0.10–0.72) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
EMR D 0.35 (0.05–0.66) 0.00 (0.00–0.31) 0.12 (0.00–0.41) 0.48 (0.12–0.73) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
EUR A 0.42 (0.09–0.73) 0.05 (0.00–0.31) 0.26 (0.01–0.60) 0.18 (0.00–0.53) 0.00 (0.00–0.08)
EUR B 0.43 (0.05–0.73) 0.05 (0.00–0.34) 0.31 (0.02–0.66) 0.14 (0.00–0.47) 0.00 (0.00–0.18)
EUR C 0.43 (0.06–0.72) 0.05 (0.00–0.34) 0.31 (0.02–0.66) 0.14 (0.00–0.47) 0.00 (0.00–0.20)
SEAR B 0.38 (0.03–0.73) 0.05 (0.00–0.32) 0.09 (0.00–0.51) 0.39 (0.02–0.71) 0.00 (0.00–0.02)
SEAR D 0.37 (0.02–0.73) 0.06 (0.00–0.34) 0.09 (0.00–0.52) 0.38 (0.03–0.73) 0.00 (0.00–0.11)
WPR A 0.38 (0.10–0.72) 0.04 (0.00–0.29) 0.20 (0.00–0.53) 0.33 (0.00–0.61) 0.00 (0.00–0.01)
WPR B 0.38 (0.03–0.72) 0.04 (0.00–0.29) 0.08 (0.00–0.50) 0.39 (0.04–0.71) 0.00 (0.00–0.20)
Cryptosporidium spp.
AFR D 0.15 (0.00–0.44) 0.06 (0.00–0.27) 0.38 (0.01–0.72) 0.35 (0.01–0.68) 0.01 (0.00–0.16)
AFR E 0.15 (0.00–0.47) 0.05 (0.00–0.26) 0.36 (0.01–0.72) 0.37 (0.01–0.71) 0.01 (0.00–0.17)
AMR A 0.16 (0.01–0.44) 0.10 (0.01–0.42) 0.30 (0.03–0.64) 0.37 (0.08–0.72) 0.00 (0.00–0.09)
AMR B 0.11 (0.01–0.38) 0.20 (0.02–0.47) 0.35 (0.07–0.66) 0.26 (0.05–0.61) 0.00 (0.00–0.09)
AMR D 0.16 (0.01–0.44) 0.21 (0.03–0.49) 0.34 (0.07–0.66) 0.20 (0.03–0.59) 0.00 (0.00–0.08)
EMR B 0.09 (0.00–0.41) 0.14 (0.00–0.46) 0.31 (0.02–0.65) 0.36 (0.05–0.69) 0.01 (0.00–0.17)
EMR D 0.08 (0.00–0.36) 0.13 (0.00–0.43) 0.32 (0.01–0.66) 0.38 (0.06–0.71) 0.01 (0.00–0.17)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

EUR A 0.10 (0.00–0.39) 0.14 (0.00–0.44) 0.30 (0.01–0.65) 0.38 (0.03–0.70) 0.01 (0.00–0.09)
EUR B 0.11 (0.00–0.39) 0.16 (0.00–0.46) 0.28 (0.01–0.64) 0.37 (0.02–0.68) 0.01 (0.00–0.08)
EUR C 0.09 (0.00–0.40) 0.15 (0.00–0.48) 0.29 (0.01–0.64) 0.36 (0.05–0.70) 0.01 (0.00–0.09)
SEAR B 0.10 (0.00–0.37) 0.13 (0.00–0.46) 0.31 (0.01–0.66) 0.38 (0.02–0.71) 0.01 (0.00–0.09)
SEAR D 0.10 (0.00–0.42) 0.13 (0.00–0.46) 0.30 (0.01–0.66) 0.37 (0.03–0.71) 0.01 (0.00–0.15)
WPR A 0.10 (0.00–0.40) 0.12 (0.00–0.46) 0.29 (0.01–0.66) 0.39 (0.03–0.72) 0.01 (0.00–0.09)
WPR B 0.10 (0.00–0.45) 0.10 (0.00–0.45) 0.29 (0.01–0.66) 0.39 (0.04–0.73) 0.01 (0.00–0.10)
Giardia spp.
AFR D 0.11 (0.00–0.43) 0.03 (0.00–0.27) 0.43 (0.01–0.75) 0.33 (0.05–0.69) 0.02 (0.00–0.18)
AFR E 0.11 (0.00–0.43) 0.03 (0.00–0.25) 0.44 (0.04–0.75) 0.32 (0.04–0.67) 0.02 (0.00–0.19)
AMR A 0.11 (0.00–0.39) 0.14 (0.00–0.41) 0.25 (0.00–0.64) 0.42 (0.05–0.75) 0.00 (0.00–0.12)
AMR B 0.12 (0.00–0.42) 0.18 (0.00–0.47) 0.32 (0.01–0.67) 0.30 (0.04–0.65) 0.00 (0.00–0.09)
AMR D 0.12 (0.00–0.42) 0.18 (0.00–0.46) 0.36 (0.01–0.69) 0.26 (0.03–0.63) 0.00 (0.00–0.10)
EMR B 0.13 (0.00–0.50) 0.02 (0.00–0.15) 0.45 (0.03–0.77) 0.32 (0.03–0.71) 0.01 (0.00–0.19)
EMR D 0.13 (0.00–0.47) 0.02 (0.00–0.25) 0.39 (0.02–0.73) 0.35 (0.03–0.71) 0.01 (0.00–0.18)
EUR A 0.11 (0.00–0.44) 0.02 (0.00–0.15) 0.47 (0.02–0.79) 0.32 (0.03–0.72) 0.01 (0.00–0.14)
EUR B 0.12 (0.00–0.47) 0.02 (0.00–0.15) 0.44 (0.02–0.77) 0.34 (0.02–0.73) 0.01 (0.00–0.12)
EUR C 0.12 (0.00–0.48) 0.02 (0.00–0.15) 0.44 (0.02–0.77) 0.34 (0.04–0.74) 0.01 (0.00–0.13)
SEAR B 0.13 (0.00–0.48) 0.02 (0.00–0.23) 0.41 (0.02–0.74) 0.35 (0.02–0.72) 0.01 (0.00–0.17)
SEAR D 0.13 (0.00–0.48) 0.02 (0.00–0.22) 0.41 (0.02–0.76) 0.35 (0.03–0.72) 0.01 (0.00–0.16)
WPR A 0.12 (0.00–0.45) 0.02 (0.00–0.31) 0.46 (0.02–0.78) 0.29 (0.01–0.68) 0.01 (0.00–0.18)
WPR B 0.14 (0.00–0.49) 0.02 (0.00–0.29) 0.43 (0.02–0.75) 0.30 (0.03–0.69) 0.01 (0.00–0.19)

Table A7.3  Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of

Diarrhoeal Disease illnesses caused by Salmonella Typhi, Vibrio cholerae, Entamoeba histolytica,
norovirus, and hepatitis A virus through each exposure pathway.

Salmonella Typhi
AFR D 0.24 (0.00–0.58) 0.22 (0.00–0.54) 0.51 (0.13–0.82) 0.00 (0.00–0.09)
AFR E 0.24 (0.00–0.58) 0.22 (0.00–0.53) 0.51 (0.16–0.81) 0.00 (0.00–0.10)
AMR A 0.26 (0.00–0.64) 0.11 (0.00–0.48) 0.57 (0.14–0.87) 0.00 (0.00–0.37)
AMR B 0.23 (0.00–0.59) 0.21 (0.00–0.53) 0.52 (0.14–0.82) 0.00 (0.00–0.10)
AMR D 0.23 (0.00–0.56) 0.21 (0.00–0.52) 0.53 (0.18–0.81) 0.00 (0.00–0.09)
EMR B 0.24 (0.00–0.58) 0.21 (0.00–0.53) 0.52 (0.15–0.82) 0.00 (0.00–0.10)
EMR D 0.24 (0.00–0.58) 0.21 (0.00–0.53) 0.52 (0.15–0.83) 0.00 (0.00–0.10)
EUR A 0.10 (0.00–0.53) 0.23 (0.00–0.72) 0.41 (0.00–0.83) 0.01 (0.00–0.66)
EUR B 0.08 (0.00–0.43) 0.47 (0.16–0.78) 0.35 (0.04–0.62) 0.02 (0.00–0.21)
EUR C 0.08 (0.00–0.43) 0.47 (0.15–0.78) 0.35 (0.03–0.62) 0.02 (0.00–0.21)
SEAR B 0.43 (0.11–0.82) 0.12 (0.00–0.49) 0.40 (0.01–0.70) 0.00 (0.00–0.03)
SEAR D 0.40 (0.01–0.81) 0.13 (0.00–0.54) 0.42 (0.00–0.80) 0.00 (0.00–0.10)
WPR A 0.33 (0.00–0.84) 0.11 (0.00–0.55) 0.48 (0.00–0.86) 0.00 (0.00–0.36)
WPR B 0.49 (0.10–0.84) 0.13 (0.00–0.51) 0.33 (0.01–0.66) 0.00 (0.00–0.03)
Vibrio cholerae
AFR D 0.21 (0.01–0.57) 0.02 (0.00–0.31) 0.72 (0.29–0.94) 0.00 (0.00–0.03)
AFR E 0.21 (0.01–0.56) 0.02 (0.00–0.30) 0.72 (0.33–0.94) 0.00 (0.00–0.04)
AMR A 0.30 (0.01–0.95) 0.02 (0.00–0.43) 0.59 (0.00–0.93) 0.00 (0.00–0.37)
AMR B 0.25 (0.00–0.58) 0.02 (0.00–0.27) 0.70 (0.33–0.95) 0.00 (0.00–0.34)
AMR D 0.25 (0.00–0.57) 0.02 (0.00–0.29) 0.69 (0.34–0.94) 0.00 (0.00–0.29)
EMR B 0.23 (0.01–0.64) 0.02 (0.00–0.30) 0.69 (0.25–0.94) 0.00 (0.00–0.03)
EMR D 0.23 (0.01–0.65) 0.02 (0.00–0.31) 0.70 (0.23–0.94) 0.00 (0.00–0.03)
EUR A 0.31 (0.00–0.85) 0.03 (0.00–0.44) 0.44 (0.00–0.86) 0.01 (0.00–0.57)
EUR B 0.46 (0.01–0.86) 0.11 (0.00–0.47) 0.36 (0.00–0.77) 0.00 (0.00–0.36)
EUR C 0.46 (0.02–0.86) 0.11 (0.00–0.47) 0.36 (0.00–0.76) 0.00 (0.00–0.38)
SEAR B 0.36 (0.04–0.78) 0.14 (0.00–0.50) 0.45 (0.02–0.79) 0.00 (0.00–0.02)
SEAR D 0.25 (0.00–0.75) 0.08 (0.00–0.50) 0.58 (0.04–0.91) 0.00 (0.00–0.02)
WPR A 0.25 (0.01–0.92) 0.04 (0.00–0.64) 0.56 (0.00–0.93) 0.00 (0.00–0.05)
WPR B 0.29 (0.01–0.74) 0.13 (0.00–0.49) 0.51 (0.04–0.83) 0.00 (0.00–0.30)
AFR D 0.15 (0.01–0.40) 0.68 (0.37–0.89) 0.07 (0.00–0.38) 0.04 (0.00–0.23)
AFR E 0.15 (0.00–0.40) 0.68 (0.38–0.89) 0.07 (0.00–0.37) 0.04 (0.00–0.24)
AMR A 0.23 (0.04–0.50) 0.50 (0.18–0.79) 0.22 (0.00–0.49) 0.00 (0.00–0.22)
AMR B 0.14 (0.00–0.42) 0.72 (0.36–0.90) 0.06 (0.00–0.40) 0.04 (0.00–0.24)
AMR D 0.15 (0.00–0.46) 0.72 (0.36–0.89) 0.06 (0.00–0.41) 0.04 (0.00–0.23)
EMR B 0.15 (0.00–0.40) 0.72 (0.43–0.89) 0.07 (0.00–0.30) 0.04 (0.00–0.22)
EMR D 0.15 (0.00–0.40) 0.72 (0.42–0.89) 0.06 (0.00–0.32) 0.04 (0.00–0.23)
EUR A 0.26 (0.00–0.73) 0.43 (0.00–0.83) 0.17 (0.00–0.58) 0.00 (0.00–0.36)
EUR B 0.23 (0.01–0.57) 0.32 (0.02–0.67) 0.33 (0.00–0.65) 0.04 (0.00–0.34)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

EUR C 0.23 (0.01–0.57) 0.33 (0.02–0.67) 0.33 (0.01–0.63) 0.04 (0.00–0.33)
SEAR B 0.12 (0.00–0.48) 0.53 (0.13–0.83) 0.21 (0.00–0.53) 0.00 (0.00–0.42)
SEAR D 0.15 (0.00–0.55) 0.46 (0.00–0.79) 0.29 (0.00–0.72) 0.00 (0.00–0.35)
WPR A 0.22 (0.01–0.52) 0.48 (0.12–0.77) 0.22 (0.00–0.51) 0.00 (0.00–0.32)
WPR B 0.15 (0.00–0.55) 0.46 (0.00–0.79) 0.28 (0.01–0.68) 0.00 (0.00–0.34)
Hepatitis A
AFR D 0.36 (0.07–0.63) 0.40 (0.10–0.68) 0.17 (0.00–0.49) 0.04 (0.00–0.10)
AFR E 0.29 (0.07–0.57) 0.36 (0.08–0.64) 0.30 (0.06–0.59) 0.02 (0.00–0.06)
AMR A 0.42 (0.06–0.77) 0.46 (0.04–0.78) 0.01 (0.00–0.19) 0.10 (0.00–0.32)
AMR B 0.31 (0.03–0.60) 0.46 (0.16–0.74) 0.11 (0.00–0.39) 0.09 (0.00–0.21)
AMR D 0.32 (0.03–0.61) 0.35 (0.11–0.65) 0.26 (0.04–0.57) 0.04 (0.00–0.09)
EMR B 0.35 (0.04–0.61) 0.42 (0.17–0.69) 0.15 (0.02–0.34) 0.09 (0.00–0.20)
EMR D 0.32 (0.02–0.59) 0.36 (0.11–0.66) 0.22 (0.00–0.49) 0.08 (0.00–0.23)
EUR A 0.42 (0.02–0.75) 0.46 (0.10–0.79) 0.01 (0.00–0.17) 0.10 (0.00–0.32)
EUR B 0.35 (0.12–0.59) 0.35 (0.18–0.61) 0.20 (0.01–0.36) 0.08 (0.00–0.19)
EUR C 0.34 (0.08–0.60) 0.42 (0.17–0.69) 0.14 (0.00–0.35) 0.09 (0.00–0.24)
SEAR B 0.34 (0.05–0.60) 0.35 (0.14–0.65) 0.23 (0.04–0.55) 0.04 (0.00–0.09)
SEAR D 0.29 (0.04–0.56) 0.37 (0.13–0.64) 0.29 (0.06–0.56) 0.02 (0.00–0.06)
WPR A 0.42 (0.03–0.76) 0.46 (0.10–0.79) 0.01 (0.00–0.16) 0.10 (0.00–0.29)
WPR B 0.34 (0.02–0.64) 0.36 (0.06–0.66) 0.21 (0.01–0.47) 0.08 (0.00–0.20)
Entamoeba histolytica
AFR D 0.30 (0.00–0.68) 0.37 (0.00–0.73) 0.25 (0.00–0.63) 0.04 (0.00–0.21)
AFR E 0.30 (0.00–0.68) 0.37 (0.00–0.72) 0.24 (0.00–0.62) 0.04 (0.00–0.22)
AMR A 0.25 (0.00–0.70) 0.34 (0.00–0.76) 0.33 (0.00–0.74) 0.00 (0.00–0.19)
AMR B 0.21 (0.00–0.62) 0.38 (0.02–0.76) 0.32 (0.00–0.70) 0.00 (0.00–0.20)
AMR D 0.17 (0.00–0.58) 0.37 (0.04–0.76) 0.37 (0.01–0.73) 0.00 (0.00–0.20)
EMR B 0.24 (0.00–0.62) 0.42 (0.01–0.76) 0.24 (0.00–0.62) 0.04 (0.00–0.22)
EMR D 0.28 (0.00–0.66) 0.39 (0.00–0.75) 0.25 (0.00–0.65) 0.04 (0.00–0.22)
EUR A 0.33 (0.00–0.71) 0.49 (0.03–0.83) 0.15 (0.00–0.51) 0.01 (0.00–0.16)
EUR B 0.30 (0.00–0.66) 0.42 (0.02–0.76) 0.20 (0.00–0.59) 0.04 (0.00–0.20)
EUR C 0.26 (0.00–0.64) 0.42 (0.02–0.76) 0.23 (0.00–0.61) 0.04 (0.00–0.19)
SEAR B 0.26 (0.00–0.65) 0.38 (0.00–0.75) 0.28 (0.00–0.68) 0.04 (0.00–0.18)
SEAR D 0.25 (0.00–0.63) 0.37 (0.00–0.72) 0.29 (0.01–0.69) 0.04 (0.00–0.19)
WPR A 0.25 (0.00–0.62) 0.41 (0.00–0.74) 0.26 (0.01–0.62) 0.04 (0.00–0.25)
WPR B 0.27 (0.00–0.63) 0.41 (0.00–0.73) 0.24 (0.01–0.62) 0.05 (0.00–0.23)

Table A7.4  Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of

illnesses caused by Toxoplasma gondii, Echinococcus multilocularis, Echinococcus granulosus
and Ascaris spp. through each exposure pathway.

Toxoplasma gondii
0.48 0.01 0.11 0.36
AFR D na na na
(0.24–0.76) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.37) (0.07–0.57)
0.42 0.01 0.16 0.38
AFR E na na na
(0.20–0.70) (0.00–0.19) (0.02–0.41) (0.05–0.58)
0.60 0.01 0.19 0.19
AMR A na na na
(0.30–0.81) (0.00–0.28) (0.01–0.42) (0.00–0.46)
0.52 0.01 0.23 0.22
AMR B na na na
(0.27–0.77) (0.00–0.20) (0.01–0.45) (0.00–0.46)
0.53 0.01 0.23 0.22
AMR D na na na
(0.27–0.77) (0.00–0.21) (0.02–0.44) (0.00–0.45)
0.52 0.01 0.11 0.34
EMR B na na na
(0.27–0.80) (0.00–0.20) (0.01–0.29) (0.02–0.56)
0.53 0.01 0.23 0.22
EMR D na na na
(0.29–0.77) (0.00–0.20) (0.02–0.43) (0.00–0.42)
0.61 0.01 0.19 0.18
EUR A na na na
(0.35–0.82) (0.00–0.21) (0.02–0.36) (0.00–0.40)
0.45 0.01 0.15 0.37
EUR B na na na
(0.23–0.76) (0.00–0.20) (0.02–0.35) (0.01–0.58)
0.53 0.01 0.23 0.22
EUR C na na na
(0.31–0.78) (0.00–0.20) (0.03–0.41) (0.01–0.41)
0.52 0.01 0.23 0.22
SEAR B na na na
(0.26–0.77) (0.00–0.19) (0.03–0.45) (0.00–0.43)
0.43 0.01 0.27 0.26
SEAR D na na na
(0.09–0.73) (0.00–0.22) (0.03–0.58) (0.00–0.56)
0.60 0.01 0.19 0.18
WPR A na na na
(0.33–0.81) (0.00–0.21) (0.02–0.37) (0.00–0.43)
0.53 0.01 0.23 0.22
WPR B na na na
(0.29–0.77) (0.00–0.20) (0.04–0.43) (0.00–0.43)
Echinococcus granulosus
0.21 0.51 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
AFR D na
(0.07–0.42) (0.25–0.72) (0.01–0.34) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.06) (0.00–0.01)
0.20 0.52 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
AFR E na
(0.05–0.40) (0.27–0.73) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.06) (0.00–0.06)
0.20 0.52 0.17 0.09 0.00 0.00
AMR A na
(0.03–0.40) (0.30–0.75) (0.00–0.31) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.01)
0.20 0.52 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
AMR B na
(0.02–0.43) (0.28–0.73) (0.00–0.34) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.01)
0.21 0.51 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
AMR D na
(0.05–0.41) (0.29–0.72) (0.01–0.35) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.01)
0.21 0.51 0.17 0.09 0.00 0.00
EMR B na
(0.05–0.43) (0.28–0.73) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.06)
0.21 0.52 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
EMR D na
(0.06–0.41) (0.28–0.72) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.18) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.01)
0.21 0.51 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
EUR A na
(0.04–0.40) (0.29–0.72) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.01)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

0.21 0.52 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
EUR B na
(0.06–0.40) (0.27–0.73) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.15) (0.00–0.01)
0.21 0.51 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
EUR C na
(0.04–0.40) (0.26–0.73) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.15) (0.00–0.01)
0.21 0.51 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
(0.03–0.44) (0.22–0.73) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.01)
0.20 0.52 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
(0.06–0.40) (0.29–0.73) (0.00–0.34) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.01)
0.20 0.53 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.00
WPR A na
(0.01–0.39) (0.30–0.75) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.01)
0.21 0.51 0.17 0.09 0.00 0.00
WPR B na
(0.05–0.43) (0.29–0.73) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.21) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.01)
Echinococcus multilocularis
0.58 0.02 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00
AFR D na
(0.00–0.87) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.61) (0.00–0.63) (0.00–0.03) (0.00–0.00)
0.58 0.02 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00
AFR E na
(0.00–0.87) (0.00–0.41) (0.00–0.62) (0.00–0.61) (0.00–0.03) (0.00–0.00)
0.51 0.03 0.17 0.16 0.00 0.00
AMR A na
(0.13–0.79) (0.00–0.50) (0.01–0.40) (0.01–0.38) (0.00–0.11) (0.00–0.03)
0.58 0.02 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00
AMR B na
(0.00–0.87) (0.00–0.38) (0.00–0.62) (0.00–0.61) (0.00–0.03) (0.00–0.00)
0.58 0.02 0.19 0.20 0.00 0.00
AMR D na
(0.00–0.88) (0.00–0.41) (0.00–0.61) (0.00–0.60) (0.00–0.03) (0.00–0.00)
0.43 0.14 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.00
EMR B na
(0.09–0.73) (0.00–0.55) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.06) (0.00–0.01)
0.48 0.12 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00
EMR D na
(0.00–0.77) (0.00–0.49) (0.00–0.54) (0.00–0.53) (0.00–0.04) (0.00–0.00)
0.52 0.03 0.17 0.16 0.00 0.00
EUR A na
(0.15–0.79) (0.00–0.48) (0.01–0.40) (0.00–0.39) (0.00–0.11) (0.00–0.03)
0.45 0.13 0.18 0.17 0.00 0.00
EUR B na
(0.12–0.72) (0.00–0.52) (0.02–0.38) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.03)
0.44 0.14 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.00
EUR C na
(0.12–0.72) (0.00–0.53) (0.01–0.38) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.03)
0.58 0.02 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00
(0.00–0.88) (0.00–0.41) (0.00–0.61) (0.00–0.61) (0.00–0.03) (0.00–0.00)
0.58 0.02 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00
(0.00–0.88) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.62) (0.00–0.60) (0.00–0.05) (0.00–0.00)
0.51 0.04 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.00
WPR A na
(0.09–0.81) (0.00–0.52) (0.00–0.41) (0.00–0.40) (0.00–0.03) (0.00–0.01)
0.48 0.12 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00
WPR B na
(0.00–0.78) (0.00–0.49) (0.00–0.54) (0.00–0.54) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.03)
Ascaris spp.
0.38 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.39 0.00
AFR D na
(0.10–0.66) (0.00–0.09) (0.00–0.08) (0.07–0.40) (0.07–0.65) (0.00–0.06)
0.38 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.39 0.00
AFR E na
(0.07–0.67) (0.00–0.09) (0.00–0.09) (0.07–0.41) (0.05–0.65) (0.00–0.06)
0.83 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.00
AMR A na
(0.43–0.97) (0.00–0.29) (0.00–0.08) (0.00–0.18) (0.00–0.42) (0.00–0.06)
0.55 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.22 0.00
AMR B na
(0.17–0.75) (0.00–0.13) (0.00–0.09) (0.06–0.40) (0.05–0.50) (0.00–0.04)

0.37 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.41 0.00
AMR D na
(0.07–0.68) (0.00–0.15) (0.00–0.08) (0.05–0.41) (0.04–0.69) (0.00–0.04)
0.55 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.22 0.00
EMR B na
(0.15–0.77) (0.00–0.10) (0.00–0.07) (0.02–0.44) (0.02–0.51) (0.00–0.06)
0.55 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.21 0.00
EMR D na
(0.18–0.75) (0.00–0.10) (0.00–0.09) (0.04–0.43) (0.04–0.51) (0.00–0.05)
0.85 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.00
EUR A na
(0.47–0.97) (0.00–0.25) (0.00–0.09) (0.00–0.18) (0.00–0.38) (0.00–0.06)
0.55 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.22 0.00
EUR B na
(0.13–0.76) (0.00–0.27) (0.00–0.10) (0.03–0.40) (0.02–0.50) (0.00–0.06)
0.55 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.22 0.00
EUR C na
(0.14–0.76) (0.00–0.25) (0.00–0.12) (0.03–0.40) (0.04–0.50) (0.00–0.05)
0.54 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.22 0.00
(0.18–0.75) (0.00–0.14) (0.00–0.08) (0.03–0.44) (0.01–0.52) (0.00–0.05)
0.39 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.38 0.00
(0.11–0.68) (0.00–0.12) (0.00–0.07) (0.04–0.44) (0.04–0.65) (0.00–0.06)
0.85 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.00
WPR A na
(0.47–0.97) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.09) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.37) (0.00–0.06)
0.54 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.21 0.00
WPR B na
(0.16–0.77) (0.00–0.24) (0.00–0.11) (0.02–0.43) (0.02–0.49) (0.00–0.06)

Table A7.5  Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of illnesses caused by exposure to lead through

each pathway.



0.17 0.22 0.12 0.20 0.08 0.09 0.04 0.00

(0.00–0.37) (0.06–0.48) (0.00–0.27) (0.03–0.39) (0.00–0.32) (0.01–0.24) (0.00–0.16) (0.00–0.04)
0.17 0.28 0.10 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.00
(0.00–0.37) (0.06–0.54) (0.00–0.28) (0.00–0.38) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.27) (0.00–0.17) (0.00–0.04)
0.24 0.30 0.09 0.12 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.00
(0.01–0.49) (0.05–0.61) (0.00–0.27) (0.00–0.50) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.02)
0.19 0.22 0.04 0.26 0.06 0.09 0.02 0.00
(0.00–0.41) (0.04–0.46) (0.00–0.16) (0.00–0.51) (0.00–0.35) (0.01–0.38) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.02)
0.17 0.14 0.13 0.29 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.00
(0.00–0.40) (0.03–0.42) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.57) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.02)
0.19 0.21 0.10 0.21 0.09 0.07 0.02 0.00
(0.01–0.37) (0.06–0.42) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.41) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.02)
0.11 0.09 0.07 0.38 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.00
(0.00–0.31) (0.03–0.23) (0.00–0.55) (0.10–0.66) (0.00–0.24) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.18) (0.00–0.01)
0.23 0.19 0.10 0.16 0.14 0.05 0.02 0.00
(0.00–0.46) (0.05–0.47) (0.00–0.24) (0.00–0.37) (0.04–0.48) (0.00–0.20) (0.00–0.18) (0.00–0.02)
0.23 0.16 0.12 0.18 0.05 0.09 0.06 0.00
(0.00–0.47) (0.02–0.40) (0.00–0.30) (0.00–0.40) (0.00–0.38) (0.01–0.28) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.02)
0.19 0.29 0.11 0.12 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.00
(0.00–0.37) (0.11–0.54) (0.00–0.30) (0.00–0.35) (0.00–0.39) (0.00–0.25) (0.00–0.22) (0.00–0.03)
0.17 0.17 0.07 0.28 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.00
(0.00–0.40) (0.02–0.38) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.54) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.33) (0.00–0.24) (0.00–0.01)
0.21 0.15 0.11 0.24 0.06 0.11 0.03 0.00
(0.00–0.46) (0.05–0.31) (0.00–0.27) (0.05–0.46) (0.00–0.30) (0.03–0.27) (0.00–0.23) (0.00–0.01)
0.12 0.14 0.14 0.27 0.09 0.11 0.03 0.00
(0.00–0.30) (0.03–0.36) (0.00–0.32) (0.00–0.51) (0.00–0.38) (0.03–0.37) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.01)
0.12 0.22 0.06 0.30 0.08 0.09 0.03 0.00
(0.00–0.30) (0.06–0.45) (0.00–0.19) (0.00–0.53) (0.00–0.38) (0.00–0.36) (0.00–0.24) (0.00–0.01)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases
Table A7.6 Percent of illness acquired through the foodborne transmission route for six national studies and this studya.




  AL., 2008 AL., 2011 AL., 2010 AL., 2011 AL., 2010 AL., 2014

Country/sub region NL GR EUR A CA USA AMR A NZ AU WPR A

Period 2006 1996-2006 2010 2008 2010 2010 2005 2010 2010

Formal expert Derived by the Formal expert Formal expert Derived by the Formal expert Formal expert Formal expert Formal expert
elicitation authors b) elicitation elicitation authors b) elicitation elicitation elicitation elicitation

depended on
Only domestically acquired cases yes no yes yes no no yes no
the data used


Brucella spp. - 84 (50-100) 66 (23-90) - 50 (40-60) 75 (28-93) - - -

Campylobacter spp. 42 (16-84) 55 (30-80) 76 (44-93) 68 (54-82) 80 (73-86) 73 (38-91) 56 (26-82) 76 (70-80) 68 (40-89)

Cryptosporidium spp. 12 (0-20) 5.6 (5.6-8) 10 (0-39) 9 (3-16) 8 (6-12) 16 (1-44) - - -

Entamoeba histolytica - 50 (10-100) 33 (0-71) - - - - - -

Enteropathogenic E. coli - - - - - - - 24 (10-49) 69 (16-94)

Enterotoxigenic E. coli - - - - 100 (99-100)c) 36 (12-63) - 24 (10-49) 38 (10-72)

Giardia spp. 13 (0-24) 10 (5-30) 11 (0-44) - 7 (5-10) 11 (0-39) - - -

Hepatitis A 11 (0-20) 8 (5-11) 42 (2-75) - 6 (4-16) 42 (6-77) - 12 (7-20) 42 (3-76)

Non-typhoidal Salmonella spp. 55 (32-88) 95 (55-95) 76 (47-94) 80 (68-92) 94 (91-96) 73 (38-91) 60 (18-83) 71 (65-75) 74 (45-93)

Norovirus 17 (16-47) - 26 (0-73) 31 (14-48) 26 (19-35) 23 (4-50) 39 (8-64) 17 (5-30) 22 (1-52)

Salmonella Typhi - 80 (55-95) 10 (0-53) - 100 (76-100) 26 (0-64) - - -

Shiga toxin-producing E. coli 42 (21-78) 51 (40-90) 60 (26-83) 76 (60-91) 82 (75-87) 59 (19-84) 40 (6-95) 55 (30-75) 57 (25-82)

Shigella spp. - 10 (8.2-31) 7 (0-46) 18 (7-29) 31 (23-40) 12 (0-46) - 11 (5-20) 13 (0-50)

Toxoplasma gondii 56 (26-88) 50 (30-63) 61 (35-82) - 50 (40-60) 60 (30-81) - - -

 Vibrio cholerae - - - 82 (66-98) 100 (99-100) 30 (1-95) - - -

This table presents a measure of central tendency with its associated uncertainty bound from each study. Because studies differ in how they measure central tendency and uncertainty, we cannot label the
columns with a single heading. Measures include: this study (median, 90% credibility interval (CI)); Havelaar et al., 2008 (mean, 90% CI); Gkogka et al., 2011(median, min-max); Ravel et al., 2010 (mean, 95%
CI); Scallan et al., 2011 (mean, 90% CI); Lake et al., 2010 (mean, 95% CI); Valley et al., 2014 (median, 95% CI).
These estimates were derived by a synthesis of data from different public health surveillance systems and the literature.
Only ETEC cases reported as part of foodborne outbreaks were included in the study by Scallan et al. (2011). Consequently the proportion foodborne was per definition 100% and cannot be readily
compared with the estimate in this study, which considers infections acquired from all transmission routes.


Table A8.1  Median number of foodborne Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), with 95% uncertainty
intervals, 2010.
(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) DALYs (95% UI)

1 912 159 038
715 196 55 139 959 0.29 548 285 159 199 892 15 780 400
Diarrhoeal Disease (1 413 002 730–
(603 325–846 397) (46 746 114–65 120 623) (0.22–0.36) (369 733 377–888 360 956) (136 903–286 616) (11 043 288–22 251 264)
2 849 323 016)

166 175 078 37 604 3 733 822 0.58 95 613 970 21 374 2 141 926

Campylobacter spp.*
(92 227 873–300 877 905) (27 738–55 101) (2 857 037–5 273 652) (0.44–0.69) (51 731 379–177 239 714) (14 604–32 584) (1 535 985–3 137 980)

64 003 709 27 553 2 159 331 0.13 8 584 805 3 759 296 156

Cryptosporidium spp.
(43 049 455–104 679 951) (18 532–44 654) (1 392 438–3 686 925) (0.07–0.24) (3 897 252–18 531 196) (1 520–9 115) (119 456–724 660)

103 943 952 5 450 515 904 0.28 28 023 571 1 470 138 863

Entamoeba histolytica
(47 018 659–210 632 459) (2 194–17 127) (222 446–1 552 466) (0.14–0.44) (10 261 254–68 567 590) (453–5 554) (47 339–503 775)

81 082 327 122 760 9 717 390 0.30 23 797 284 37 077 2 938 407

Enteropathogenic E. coli
(40 716 656–171 419 480) (97 115–154 869) (7 602 047–12 387 029) (0.17–0.48) (10 750 919–62 931 604) (19 957–61 262) (1 587 757–4 865 590)

240 886 759 73 857 5 887 541 0.36 86 502 735 26 170 2 084 229

Enterotoxigenic E. coli
(160 890 532–377 471 599) (53 851–103 026) (4 190 610–8 407 186) (0.24–0.50) (49 136 952–151 776 173) (14 887–43 523) (1 190 704–3 494 201)

183 842 615 0 171 100 0.15 28 236 123 0 26 270

Giardia spp.
(130 018 020–262 838 002) (0–0) (115 777–257 315) (0.08–0.27) (12 945 655–56 996 454) (0–0) (11 462–53 577)

684 850 131 212 489 15 105 714 0.18 124 803 946 34 929 2 496 078

(490 930 402–1 122 947 359) (160 595–278 420) (11 649 794–19 460 578) (0.11–0.30) (70 311 254–251 352 877) (15 916–79 620) (1 175 658–5 511 092)

Non-typhoidal Salmonella 153 097 991 56 969 4 377 930 0.52 78 439 785 28 693 2 183 146

enterica, (64 733 607–382 208 079) (43 272–88 129) (3 242 020–7 175 522) (0.35–0.67) (31 579 011–210 875 866) (17 070–49 768) (1 314 295–3 981 424)

190 849 501 65 796 5 407 736 0.27 51 014 050 15 156 1 237 103

Shigella spp.
(97 832 995–363 915 689) (46 317–97 036) (3 771 300–8 107 456) (0.13–0.44) (20 405 214–118 927 631) (6 839–30 072) (554 204–2 520 126)

2 481 511 269 26 827 0.48 1 176 854 128 12 953

Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
(1 594 572–5 376 503) (111–814) (12 089–72 204) (0.33–0.60) (754 108–2 523 007) (55–374) (5 951–33 664)

3 183 394 105 170 7 347 635 0.24 763 451 24 649 1 722 312

Vibrio cholerae
(2 211 329–4 146 250) (78 671–126 058) (5 496 431–8 804 408) (0.10–0.46) (310 910–1 567 682) (10 304–50 042) (720 029–3 491 997)

5 409 083 175 9 905 5 409 083 175 9 905

Intoxications 1.00
(2 187 762–12 929 293) (70–407) (3 993–23 527) (2 187 762–12 929 293) (70–407) (3 993–23 527)

256 775 0 45 256 775 0 45
Bacillus cereus** 1.00
(43 875–807 547) (0–0) (7–171) (43 875–807 547) (0–0) (7–171)

475 24 1 036 475 24 1 036

Clostridium botulinum*** 1.00
(183–990) (7–65) (299–2 805) (183–990) (7–65) (299–2 805)

3 998 164 120 6 963 3 998 164 120 6 963

Clostridium perfringens** 1.00
(837 262–11 529 642) (25–351) (1 423–20 493) (837 262–11 529 642) (25–351) (1 423–20 493)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases
(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) DALYs (95% UI)

1 073 339 25 1 575 1 073 339 25 1 575

Staphylococcus aureus** 1.00

(658 463–1 639 524) (10–55) (702–3 244) (658 463–1 639 524) (10–55) (702–3 244)

77 929 723 371 002 23 070 841 0.34 25 569 838 146 981 9 107 557

Invasive enteric diseases
(36 606 712–149 676 316) (218 593–631 271) (13 388 154–39 912 033) (0.17–0.52) (10 019 370–58 282 758) (81 052–274 835) (4 891 985–17 483 327)

832 633 4 145 264 073 0.47 393 239 1 957 124 884

Brucella spp.
(337 929–19 560 440) (1 557–95 894) (100 540–6 187 148) (0.30–0.61) (143 815–9 099 394) (661–45 545) (43 153–2 910 416)

46 864 406 93 961 4 580 758 0.30 13 709 836 27 731 1 353 767

Hepatitis A
(14 417 704–111 771 902) (29 602–221 677) (1 599 296–10 408 164) (0.14–0.49) (3 630 847–38 524 946) (7 169–77 320) (383 684–3 672 726)

14 169 3 175 118 340 14 169 3 175 118 340

Listeria monocytogenes 1.00
(6 112–91 175) (1 339–20 428) (49 634–754 680) (6 112–91 175) (1 339–20 428) (49 634–754 680)

121 268 10 545 607 775 121 268 10 545 607 775

Mycobacterium bovis 1.00
(99 852–150 239) (7 894–14 472) (458 364–826 115) (99 852–150 239) (7 894–14 472) (458 364–826 115)

invasive non-typhoidal 596 824 63 312 3 895 547 0.48 284 972 29 391 1 794 575

Salmonella enterica (596 824–596 824) (38 986–94 193) (2 401 034–5 790 874) (0.28–0.64) (167 455–384 321) (14 948–50 463) (886 443–3 107 172)

Salmonella enterica 4 826 477 33 325 2 367 164 0.37 1 741 120 12 069 855 730

Paratyphi A (1 782 796–10 323 273) (12 309–71 278) (875 236–5 066 375) (0.19–0.58) (536 650–4 310 983) (3 784–29 521) (268 879–2 100 120)

20 984 683 144 890 10 292 017 0.37 7 570 087 52 472 3 720 565

Salmonella enterica Typhi
(7 751 285–44 883 794) (53 519–309 903) (3 805 373–22 027 716) (0.19–0.58) (2 333 263–18 743 406) (16 454–128 350) (1 169 040–9 130 956)

2 000 626 631 581 902 722
1 092 584 78 730 084 0.29 350 686 25 175 035
TOTAL (1 494 986 030– (400 741 151–
(892 999–1 374 238) (64 963 913–97 740 062) (0.23–0.36) (240 030–524 042) (17 547 264–37 021 003)
2 942 534 533) 922 031 380)
Notes: * = Includes Guillain-Barré Syndrome cases and deaths; ** = 61 EUR and other subregion A (low mortality) countries only; ***  61 EUR and subregion A (low mortality) countries only, and excluding WPR
A countries

Note that non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica was split over diarrhoeal and invasive disease, whereas in Table 7 it was exclusively listed under diarrhoeal disease agents.

Table A8.2  Median rates of foodborne illnesses, deaths and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) per 100 000 persons, by region, with 95% uncertainty

intervals, 2010.


(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI)

9 830 687 7 900 16 387 2 483 7 074 6 302 7 968

9 0.5 44 4 354 0.3 23 5 363 0.3 33 3 229
Diarrhoeal Disease (3 969– (369– (4 497– (7 729– (1 439– (2 570– (2 501– (5 373–
(5–14) (0.3–0.7) (30–63) (2–6) (218–544) (0.2–0.4) (16–30) (2–9) (177–649) (0.1–0.5) (17–54) (2–4) (160–323)
21 567) 1 106) 13 850) 34 176) 4 136) 19 537) 17 289) 12 911)

2 221 1 389 1 873 522 0.05 1 152 876 1 390

0.8 70 0.07 13 1 90 9 0.4 33 0.04 10 0.3 31
Campylobacter spp.** (335– (490– (488– (363– (0.03– (200– (359– (752–
(0.4–1) (41–112) (0.04–0.1) (8–18) (0.6–1) (56–130) (6–13) (0.1–0.9) (9–83) (0.02–0.1) (4–17) (0.2–0.5) (22–46)
8 482) 3 207) 5 608) 687) 0.09) 3 372) 3 855) 2 576)

0.2 0.007 346 0.04 0.003 0.2 0.09

205 13 114 0.6 4 21 78 6 32 0.003 0.3 125 0.05 4
Cryptosporidium spp. (0.04– (0.002– (52– (0.004– (0– (0.03– (0.01–
(35–813) (3–37) (32–355) (0.2–2) (0.4–20) (4–70) (10–474) (0.9–29) (2–170) (0–0.03) (0.02–3) (57–269) (0.02–0.1) (2–11)
0.4) 0.02) 1 287) 0.2) 0.009) 0.6) 0.4)

796 0.05 212 0.001 0.02 0.03 0.001 0.02

5 0.3 737 2 0 0 0 256 3 229 0.3 407 2
Entamoeba histolytica (98– (0.009– (16– (0– (0.002– (0.004– (0– (0.007–
(0.9–39) (0.03–1) (79–3 110) (0.3–14) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (27–1 188) (0.3–17) (0–1 598) (0–1) (149–997) (0.7–7)
3 868) 0.4) 1 209) 0.009) 0.2) 0.2) 0.003) 0.08)

454 430 0.005 594 0.06

2 140 189 0.06 5 0.7 57 8 0 0.9 66 166 5 346 0.5 43
Enteropathogenic E. coli (125– (116– (0.002– (62– (0.003–
(0.6–3) (50–282) (35–730) (0.01–0.1) (1–12) (0.2–2) (18–131) (3–16) (0–0) (0.2–2) (15–146) (8–395) (0.2–12) (156–915) (0.3–0.9) (23–71)
1 215) 1 222) 0.01) 2 775) 0.1)

982 1 281 4 971 0.004 1 075 555 0.04 1 257

1 109 0.05 5 0.4 35 6 0 0.6 42 4 0.4 30
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (312– (299– (1 685– (0.001– (229– (43– (0.003– (714–
(0.6–3) (46–216) (0.01–0.1) (1–12) (0.1–1) (11–89) (2–13) (0–0) (0.1–1) (10–104) (0.3–10) (0.2–0.6) (17–51)
2 480) 3 295) 10 849) 0.01) 3 521) 2 430) 0.1) 2 206)

809 309 670 0.03 0.1

0 0.8 0 0.3 0 0.6 54 0 159 0 354 0 0.3 410 0 0.4
Giardia spp. (172– (62– (133– (0.009– (0.01–
(0–0) (0.2–3) (0–0) (0.05–1) (0–0) (0.1–2) (16–123) (0–0) (16–903) (0–0) (8–1 519) (0–0) (0.005–1) (188–828) (0–0) (0.2–0.8)
2 574) 1 249) 2 193) 0.1) 0.9)

1 749 2 491 0.1 2 796 1 652 841 1 305 0.05 1 814

1 81 9 0.4 33 0.05 4 1 71 4 0.5 36
Norovirus (491– (898– (0.04– (744– (630– (113– (189– (0.004– (1 022–
(0.3–3) (24–185) (3–23) (0.1–1) (9–76) (0.02–0.1) (1–8) (0.2–3) (15–230) (0.4–17) (0.2–1) (17–80)
5 060) 6 186) 0.3) 7 376) 3 294) 5 631) 6 441) 0.2) 3 653)

896 1 002 0.1 1 610 0.1 908 898 0.02 1 140

Non-typhoidal Salmonella 1 89 7 0.6 54 186 8 0.7 49 2 0.4 32
(175– (378– (0.06– (147– (0.08– (88– (170– (0.01– (459–
enterica (0.5–2) (42–147) (4–12) (0.3–1) (26–87) (118–275) (5–14) (0.2–2) (11–147) (1–7) (0.2–0.7) (19–58)
2 994) 1 990) 0.2) 14 052) 0.2) 4 758) 6 428) 0.03) 3 065)

523 278 0.02 627 0.2 1 084 689 0.04 741

0.5 43 1 0.4 38 3 0.003 0.3 25 4 0.2 18
Shigella spp. (45– (35– (0.003– (55– (0.03– (177– (19– (0.002– (297–
(0.1–2) (8–124) (0.3–5) (0.07–1) (6–117) (0.9–8) (0–0.01) (0.07–1) (5–83) (0.1–10) (0.1–0.4) (8–37)
2 865) 1 443) 0.05) 4 648) 0.8) 3 927) 2 549) 0.1) 1 728)

0 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.2

5 0.05 16 0.3 65 0.2 18 0.3 19 0.002 0.2 3 0 0.05 17
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (0– (0.001– (0– (0.001– (0– (0.09–
(2–9) (0.02–0.1) (9–30) (0.1–0.9) (37–97) (0.1–0.5) (9–28) (0.1–0.8) (2–95) (0–0.01) (0.02–1) (2–6) (0–0.001) (0.02–0.1) (11–37)
0.002) 0.01) 0.004) 0.006) 0.005) 0.5)

0.02 0.03 0.002 0.1

43 2 112 0 0 9 0.3 20 0 0 17 0.4 30 0.2 11 0.4 25
Vibrio cholerae (0.008– (0.01– (0– (0.005–
(13–101) (0.5–4) (35–252) (0–0) (0–0) (0.4–28) (0.01–1) (0.7–69) (0–0) (0–0) (0.7–52) (0.007–2) (0.5–109) (0.01–0.5) (5–23) (0.1–0.7) (10–51)
0.05) 0.06) 0.005) 0.3)

307 394 872

425 5 31 0.3 16 2 108 19 0.2 10 4 250 163 0.9 58 372 2 132
Invasive enteric diseases (160– (80– (169–
(156–976) (3–8) (11–81) (0.2–0.6) (8–35) (0.7–4) (41–250) (9–51) (0.1–0.3) (7–19) (1–9) (81–598) (30–391) (0.3–2) (19–134) (146–847) (1–4) (71–254)
508) 1 056) 2 288)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases
(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI)

0.02 0.01 0.2 0.02 2 0.8 0.01

3 1 3 0.9 33 11 4 1 0.01 2 0.6 6 0.03 2
Brucella spp. (0.002– (0.005– (0.05– (0.006– (0.02– (0.006– (0.002–
(0.4–110) (0.1–34) (1–37) (0.3–12) (10–187) (3–60) (1–33) (0.4–11) (0–1) (0.5–61) (0.1–19) (2–132) (0.01–0.7) (0.6–42)
0.5) 0.2) 0.9) 0.2) 302) 96) 0.3)

0.02 0.02 494 0.1

232 0.5 23 12 1 237 0.5 23 11 1 1 48 51 5 199 0.4 20
Hepatitis A (0.006– (0.006– (57– (0.006–
(60–643) (0.1–1) (7–60) (3–33) (0.3–3) (17–772) (0.04–2) (2–74) (3–28) (0.3–3) (0.1–3) (6–151) (3–164) (0.3–15) (53–560) (0.1–1) (6–53)
0.07) 0.06) 1 590) 0.3)

0.07 0.04 0.04 0.05

0.1 0.03 1 0.3 3 0.1 0.03 1 0.2 2 0.1 0.03 1 0.2 1 0.2 2
Listeria monocytogenes (0.03– (0.03– (0.03– (0.02–
(0–2) (0–0.6) (0–21) (0.1–1) (1–11) (0–2) (0–0.6) (0–21) (0.2–0.3) (1–2) (0–2) (0–0.6) (0–21) (0.1–0.4) (1–3) (0.09–1) (0.7–11)
0.3) 0.06) 0.09) 0.3)

0.1 0.007 0.2 0.02 0.04

7 0.5 30 0.4 1 9 0.2 0.9 2 0.2 13 0.8 2 2 0.2 9
Mycobacterium bovis (0.05– (0.003– (0.08– (0.01– (0.02–
(4–9) (0.3–0.7) (19–42) (0.2–0.8) (0.8–2) (5–18) (0.1–0.3) (0.7–1) (0.9–4) (0.1–0.5) (6–26) (0.4–1) (1–4) (1–2) (0.1–0.2) (7–12)
0.2) 0.01) 0.3) 0.03) 0.07)

0.1 0.2 0.1

Invasive non-typhoidal 25 3 169 0.7 0.06 3 1 8 0.8 0.07 3 2 9 1 6 4 0.4 26
(0.06– (0.03– (0.05–
Salmonella enterica (12–37) (1–5) (71–306) (0.4–0.9) (0.03–0.1) (1–5) (0.7–2) (3–14) (0.6–1) (0.04–0.1) (2–5) (0.3–2) (2–16) (0.5–2) (2–10) (2–6) (0.2–0.7) (13–45)
0.3) 0.3) 0.2)

0.2 0.02 0.1 0.002 0.1 0.1 0.2

Salmonella enterica 25 12 2 1 17 9 0.2 58 0.4 29 18 8 25 12
(0.04– (0.003– (0.01– (0– (0.01– (0.02– (0.05–
Paratyphi A (5–73) (3–36) (0.4–7) (0.2–4) (2–55) (1–28) (0.03–1) (11–167) (0.1–1) (7–83) (3–47) (1–20) (8–63) (4–31)
0.5) 0.05) 0.4) 0.008) 0.6) 0.3) 0.4)

108 0.7 53 10 0.07 5 73 0.5 37 1 0.007 0.5 250 2 128 77 0.5 33 110 0.8 54
Salmonella enterica Typhi
(24–317) (0.2–2) (12–155) (2–32) (0.01–0.2) (0.9–16) (9–240) (0.06–2) (5–122) (0.1–5) (0–0.03) (0.05–2) (50–725) (0.4–5) (29–361) (12–203) (0.07–1) (5–87) (34–272) (0.2–2) (17–133)

10 304 1 001 7 937 16 865 470 2 506 8 068 622 6 491 8 369 366
14 0.8 61 6 0.5 32 9 1 93 5
TOTAL (4 279– (562– (4 515– (8 051– (286– (1 455– (3 294– (306– (2 630– (5 723– (255–
(8–21) (0.5–1) (40–93) (4–9) (0.3–0.6) (24–45) (4–17) (0.6–2) (45–175) (3–8)
22 108) 1 543) 13 899) 34 712) 728) 4 168) 20 663) 1 145) 17 528) 13 318) 538)

Notes: * Table does not include four foodborne intoxications caused by Clostridium botulinum, Cl. perfringens, S. aureus, and Bacillus cereus due to a lack of data for global estimation.

** Includes Guillain-Barré Syndrome cases and deaths


Table A8.3  Median number of Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) by age group, with 95% uncertainty

intervals, 2010.



(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI)

216 839 210 327 209 075 7 205 002

91 621 8 547 149 107 500 0.66 0.86 1.19
Diarrhoeal Disease (148 937 428– (179 670 939– (4 790 026–
(62 442–132 707) (5 903 945–12 254 175) (69 907–163 979) (0.32–1.28) (0.60–1.16) (0.86–1.60)
309 926 253) 643 705 133) 10 747 526)

47 988 357 42 883 268
13 861 1 383 499 7 436 750 578 1.11 1.91 1.87
Campylobacter spp.** (22 436 891– (18 350 672–
(8 754–23 670) (911 878–2 279 897) (4 930–9 974) (540 003–956 663) (0.34–3.47) (1.21–3.08) (1.26–2.92)
102 663 926) 112 061 441)

5 986 213
1 989 185 057 2 253 036 1 673 104 794 2.61 1.23 1.83
Cryptosporidium spp. (2 569 532–
(678–5 683) (64 847–518 497) (774 628–8 639 265) (638–4 149) (40 408–256 055) (0.69–8.01) (0.42–2.72) (0.65–3.93)
12 738 924)

8 480 759 17 828 477
896 92 213 524 43 984 0.48 1.75 2.14
Entamoeba histolytica (1 593 697– (5 378 578–
(90–4 852) (15 997–444 002) (218–1 110) (20 149–85 551) (0.08–2.38) (0.18–8.71) (0.38–9.49)
30 849 576) 50 963 825)

17 312 780
22 156 2 004 543 5 458 601 14 647 911 012 3.20 1.52 2.21
Enteropathogenic E. coli (6 767 766–
(11 944–37 473) (1 084 856–3 389 584) (2 145 370–16 561 005) (7 305–25 447) (457 215–1 575 768) (0.85–11.78) (1.03–2.29) (1.52–3.29)
54 104 398)

38 352 806 46 811 878
14 056 1 303 490 11 933 767 975 0.82 1.21 1.74
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (21 144 875– (20 306 649–
(7 045–26 784) (668 837–2 446 758) (6 382–18 887) (419 834–1 204 273) (0.35–1.96) (0.63–2.10) (0.95–2.93)
64 795 160) 103 801 449)

18 773 028 8 693 968
0 20 677 0 5 016 2.11 4.04
Giardia spp. (8 075 497– (3 337 657– N/A
(0–0) (8 552–44 101) (0–0) (1 945–13 791) (0.84–5.22) (1.57–10.28)
38 649 748) 24 195 602)

34 582 700 89 056 582
8 992 844 376 25 807 1 638 925 0.38 0.35 0.52
Norovirus (19 595 826– (46 054 795–
(4 251–19 347) (406 822–1 776 252) (11 201–61 642) (730 924–3 844 771) (0.19–0.73) (0.22–0.54) (0.33–0.78)
59 592 939) 206 532 318)

15 274 234 60 293 254
Salmonella enterica, non- 12 531 1 149 675 15 807 1 016 047 0.26 0.84 1.19
(6 514 539– (18 488 275–
typhoidal (6 562–30 779) (609 216–2 792 992) (8 762–21 942) (576 408–1 405 079) (0.06–1.16) (0.44–1.83) (0.64–2.57)
41 696 874) 189 066 838)

34 049 173
15 516 627 8 863 819 280 6 060 404 144 0.45 1.49 2.06
Shigella spp. (10 186 959–
(5 416 319–38 620 351) (3 250–20 925) (309 576–1 909 450) (2 734–11 511) (188 009–749 866) (0.13–1.70) (0.60–3.26) (0.87–4.43)
95 312 884)

339 905 63 6 969 836 948 65 5 989 0.41 0.96 1.16

Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
(217 805–728 708) (30–170) (3 278–17 751) (536 302–1 794 298) (24–204) (2 654–15 877) (0.41–0.41) (0.81–1.31) (1.09–1.29)

114 518 3 697 331 395 648 933 20 952 1 390 973 0.18 0.18 0.24

Vibrio cholerae
(46 636–235 152) (1 546–7 506) (138 538–672 643) (264 273–1 332 530) (8 758–42 535) (581 491–2 820 499) (0.18–0.18) (0.18–0.18) (0.24–0.24)

21 182 632 6 900 776
4 336 215 23 727 2 180 916 123 026 0.21 0.19 0.32
Invasive enteric diseases (8 375 340– (3 799 471–
(1 675 945–9 422 681) (11 866–45 950) (1 085 765–4 219 254) (69 306–230 318) (0.15–0.23) (0.14–0.22) (0.23–0.35)
49 059 198) 13 355 093)

4 144 21 1 988 389 106 1 936 122 904 0.01 0.01 0.02

Brucella spp.
(1 527–93 225) (7–463) (687–44 999) (142 279–9 006 169) (654–45 081) (42 484–2 865 643) (0.01–0.01) (0.01–0.01) (0.02–0.02)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases



(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI)

11 544 593
2 165 243 4 380 411 592 23 351 941 278 0.19 0.19 0.44
Hepatitis A (3 057 415–
(573 433–6 084 381) (1 132–12 211) (112 767–1 130 290) (6 036–65 109) (269 448–2 538 627) (0.19–0.19) (0.19–0.19) (0.39–0.46)
32 440 565)

1 240 330 30 750 12 936 2 851 87 569 0.10 0.11 0.34

Listeria monocytogenes
(393–10 502) (126–2 138) (11 700–198 862) (5 716–80 766) (1 200–18 271) (36 830–561 221) (0.07–0.13) (0.08–0.16) (0.24–0.49)

869 76 7 134 120 398 10 470 600 639 0.01 0.01 0.01

Mycobacterium bovis
(732–1 049) (58–101) (5 477–9 496) (99 119–149 188) (7 836–14 372) (452 917–816 737) (0.01–0.01) (0.01–0.01) (0.01–0.01)

Salmonella enterica, invasive non- 45 549 4 700 421 523 239 467 24 692 1 373 635 0.19 0.19 0.31
typhoidal (25 019–62 638) (2 268–8 188) (203 340–733 940) (142 115–321 539) (12 655–42 246) (684 718–2 373 326) (0.17–0.20) (0.17–0.20) (0.29–0.32)

357 814 2 480 227 507 1 383 306 9 588 627 953 0.26 0.26 0.36

Salmonella enterica Paratyphi A
(110 286–885 942) (778–6 067) (71 530–557 578) (426 364–3 425 041) (3 007–23 454) (197 302–1 541 909) (0.26–0.26) (0.26–0.26) (0.36–0.36)

1 555 715 10 783 989 159 6 014 372 41 689 2 730 232 0.26 0.26 0.36

Salmonella enterica Typhi
(479 504–3 851 923) (3 381–26 377) (311 001–2 424 250) (1 853 758–14 891 483) (13 072–101 973) (857 835–6 703 954) (0.26–0.26) (0.26–0.26) (0.36–0.36)

221 451 463 10 831 919 350 711 509 14 250 088

116 613 232 916 0.63 0.50 0.76
TOTAL (153 244 508– (7 587 557– (199 599 319– (9 419 295–
(80 862–165 379) (152 283–368 498) (0.32–1.18) (0.36–0.68) (0.56–1.01)
315 075 166) 15 271 603) 673 777 073) 22 483 691)
Notes: * Table does not include four foodborne intoxications due to Clostridium botulinum, Cl. perfringens, S. aureus and Bacillus cereus due to a lack of data for global estimation. ** Includes Guillain-Barré
Syndrome cases and Deaths

Table A8.4  Median rate per 100 000 of foodborne Illnesses, Deaths and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) by region, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010.


(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI)

1 995 733 0.009 1 989 0.2 584 0.1 737 976

0.2 21 1 0.07 7 77 0.003 11 0.005 1 0.08 7
Enteric protozoa# (549– (222– (0.003– (560– (0.04– (133– (0.03– (124– (520–
(0.07–0.7) (6–62) (0.5–3) (0.01–0.3) (2–28) (21–181) (0–0.009) (3–36) (0–0.03) (0.2–4) (0.04–0.2) (3–15)
5 866) 2 077) 0.03) 5 118) 0.7) 1 946) 0.4) 2 566) 1 752)
0.2 0.007 0.04 0.2
Cryptosporidium 205 13 114 0.6 346 4 21 0.003 78 0.09 6 32 0.003 0.3 125 0.05 4
(0.04– (0.002– (0.004– (0.03–
spp.# (35–813) (3–37) (32–355) (0.2–2) (52–1 287) (0.4–20) (4–70) (0–0.009) (10–474) (0.01–0.4) (0.9–29) (2–170) (0–0.03) (0.02–3) (57–269) (0.02–0.1) (2–11)
0.4) 0.02) 0.2) 0.6)
796 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.02
5 212 0.001 0.3 737 2 0 0 0 256 3 229 0.001 0.3 407 2
Entamoeba spp.# (98– (0.009– (0.002– (0.004– (0.007–
(0.9–39) (16–1 209) (0–0.009) (0.03–1) (79–3 110) (0.3–14) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (27–1 188) (0.3–17) (0–1 598) (0–0.003) (0–1) (149–997) (0.7–7)
3 868) 0.4) 0.2) 0.2) 0.08)
809 670 0.03
0 0.8 309 0 0.3 0 0.6 54 0 159 0 0.1 354 0 0.3 410 0 0.4
Giardia spp.# (172– (133– (0.009–
(0–0) (0.2–3) (62–1 249) (0–0) (0.05–1) (0–0) (0.1–2) (16–123) (0–0) (16–903) (0–0) (0.01–0.9) (8–1 519) (0–0) (0.005–1) (188–828) (0–0) (0.2–0.8)
2 574) 2 193) 0.1)
0.03 0.009 0.02 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.01
Invasive infectious 230 21 160 15 196 19 119 8 137 10 117 8 149 12
(0.01– (0.004– (0.009– (0.002– (0.002– (0.002– (0.005–
disease (133–387) (11–36) (92–263) (9–26) (119–295) (11–30) (80–189) (5–14) (56–245) (4–19) (65–177) (4–13) (108–217) (8–18)
0.05) 0.02) 0.04) 0.01) 0.01) 0.01) 0.02)
0.03 0.009 0.02 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.01
Toxoplasma 2 8 1 5 1 7 0.3 2 0.4 2 0.3 2 0.7 4
(0.01– (0.004– (0.009– (0.002– (0.002– (0.002– (0.005–
gondii, congenital (0.8–4) (4–15) (0.7–2) (3–9) (0.7–3) (4–13) (0.2–0.7) (1–3) (0.1–0.9) (0.8–5) (0.2–0.7) (1–4) (0.5–1) (2–6)
0.05) 0.02) 0.04) 0.01) 0.01) 0.01) 0.02)
Toxoplasma 229 0 12 159 0 10 195 0 11 119 0 6 137 0 8 116 0 6 149 0 8
gondii, acquired (132–386) (0–0) (6–22) (92–261) (0–0) (5–17) (118–292) (0–0) (6–18) (79–188) (0–0) (4–10) (55–244) (0–0) (3–15) (65–176) (0–0) (3–10) (107–216) (0–0) (5–13)
15 2 177 4 0.1 20 0.7 0.8 1 0.04 2 9 0.4 38 4 0.6 41 6 0.5 46
Cestodes (0.002–
(11–37) (1–3) (131–247) (3–7) (0.08–0.2) (15–26) (0.3–18) (0.2–17) (0.5–2) (0.02–0.2) (1–10) (7–13) (0.3–0.5) (28–50) (3–6) (0.2–1) (23–60) (5–11) (0.4–0.7) (35–60)
0.007 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.3 0.007
Echinococcus 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.004 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.004 0.6 0.6
(0.001– (0.002– (0.003– (0.002– (0.08– (0.002–
granulosus (0.2–23) (0.2–18) (0.1–3) (0–0.04) (0.1–3) (0.3–18) (0.2–17) (0.4–2) (0.3–2) (0.2–2) (0.2–2) (0.09–0.7) (0–0.01) (0.4–5) (0.2–5)
0.2) 0.2) 0.03) 0.03) 0.8) 0.06)
0.01 0.07 0.1
Echinococcus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 1 0 0 0.006 0.4 0.4 16 0.1 5
(0.004– (0.03– (0.004–
multilocularis (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0.002) (0–0.001) (0.01–0.2) (0.4–8) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0.03) (0–0.8) (0–0.8) (0–34) (0.01–0.2) (0.1–9)
0.05) 0.4) 0.2)
14 2 175 3 0.1 19 0 0 0 0 0.2 8 0.4 37 4 0.2 24 5 0.4 41
Taenia solium (0.001–
(11–19) (1–3) (129–241) (3–4) (0.08–0.1) (15–25) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0.1–0.4) (6–11) (0.3–0.5) (28–50) (3–5) (0.1–0.3) (18–32) (4–7) (0.3–0.5) (31–52)
0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
170 9 130 7 200 10 8 0.002 0.6 255 12 213 10 179 9
Nematodes (0.005– (0.004– (0.004– (0.001– (0.001– (0.006–
(68–288) (4–17) (60–793) (3–57) (72–282) (4–15) (4–12) (0–0.006) (0.3–1) (88–461) (4–23) (57–358) (3–20) (121–334) (6–19)
0.07) 0.04) 0.06) 0.08) 0.06) 0.04)
0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
170 9 130 7 200 10 8 0.002 0.6 255 12 213 10 178 9
Ascaris spp. (0.005– (0.003– (0.004– (0.001– (0.001– (0.006–
(68–288) (4–17) (60–793) (3–57) (72–282) (4–15) (4–11) (0–0.006) (0.3–1) (88–461) (4–23) (57–358) (3–20) (120–334) (6–19)
0.07) 0.04) 0.06) 0.08) 0.06) 0.04)
0.06 0.009 0.04 0.01 0.004 0.06 0.008
0 0 0.001 0 0.002 0 0 0.4 0 0.002 0 0 0 0
Trichinella spp. (0.04– (0.005– (0.02– (0.004– (0.001– (0.04– (0.004–
(0–0.001) (0–0) (0–0.002) (0–0) (0–0.003) (0–0) (0–0) (0.3–0.5) (0–0) (0–0.004) (0–0) (0–0.001) (0–0) (0–0)
0.07) 0.01) 0.07) 0.02) 0.007) 0.09) 0.01)
0.006 0.06
0 0.04 1 0 9 0.6 0 5 0.06 0 0.4 0.7 8 11 0.4 97 3 0.1 29
Trematodes (0.002– (0.05–
(0–0) (0.01–0.1) (0.8–2) (0–0.001) (7–13) (0.4–0.9) (0–0) (3–7) (0.04–0.1) (0–0) (0.3–0.8) (0.5–1) (6–10) (8–14) (0.3–0.4) (78–120) (2–4) (0.09–0.1) (24–36)
0.02) 0.08)
0.01 0.004
Clonorchis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04 2 0.3 29 0.5 0.08 8
(0.008– (0.001–
sinensis (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0.001) (0.01–0.1) (1–2) (0.3–0.4) (24–35) (0.3–0.7) (0.07–0.1) (6–9)
0.01) 0.01)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases
(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI)

0.02 0.006 0.006

0.003 0 0.5 0 4 0.6 0 5 0 0.06 0 0.05 0.09 0 0.8 0.2 0 1
Fasciola spp. (0.007– (0.002– (0.002–
(0–0.008) (0–0) (0.3–0.9) (0–0) (2–7) (0.4–0.8) (0–0) (3–7) (0–0) (0.02–0.2) (0–0) (0.02–0.1) (0.01–0.8) (0–0) (0.1–7) (0.1–0.4) (0–0) (0.8–3)
0.06) 0.02) 0.02)
0.006 0.009 0.009 0.006 0.02 0.1
0 0 0 0.08 0 0.07 0 0.05 0 1 0 8 0.3 0 2
Intestinal flukes * (0.002– (0.003– (0.003– (0.003– (0.006– (0.05–
(0–0.003) (0–0) (0–0) (0.02–0.3) (0–0) (0.03–0.2) (0–0) (0.02–0.1) (0–0) (0.8–1) (0–0) (6–11) (0.2–0.4) (0–0) (2–3)
0.02) 0.03) 0.03) 0.01) 0.05) 0.4)
0.05 0.06 0.02 0.02
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0.6 8 0.2 3 0.2 3
Opisthorchis spp. (0.04– (0.05– (0.02– (0.02–
(0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0–0) (0.2–0.5) (0.4–0.9) (6–10) (0.2–0.3) (2–3) (0.2–0.3) (2–3)
0.08) 0.07) 0.03) 0.03)
0.02 0.02 0.009 0.008 0.01 0.004
0.002 0 0.6 0 5 0.002 0 0.001 0 0 0.06 7 55 2 15
Paragonimus spp. (0.005– (0.006– (0.003– (0.002– (0.008– (0.002–
(0–0.007) (0–0) (0.4–0.8) (0–0.001) (3–7) (0–0.006) (0–0) (0–0.004) (0–0) (0–0) (0.02–0.3) (5–10) (39–76) (1–3) (11–21)
0.05) 0.05) 0.03) 0.04) 0.02) 0.005)
418 293 404
TOTAL (excluding 2 208 0.1 51 398 0.05 35 128 0.05 11 0.5 69 346 1 156 337 0.7 96
(277– (195– (220–
enteric protozoa) (1–3) (159–283) (0.1–0.2) (41–112) (253–535) (0.03–0.3) (25–58) (89–199) (0.03–0.2) (8–24) (0.4–0.6) (54–89) (188–512) (0.5–1) (127–193) (265–553) (0.5–0.9) (82–122)
644) 1 035) 649)
2 428 232 1 060 0.1 53 2 390 0.1 44 210 0.05 1 007 80 1 089 158 1 325 104
2 12 0.6 1 0.8
TOTAL (934– (176– (507– (0.1– (42– (933– (0.05– (30– (136– (0.03– (461– (61– (429– (128– (851– (88–
(2–3) (8–24) (0.5–1) (0.6–1) (0.6–1)
6 426) 317) 2 790) 0.2) 113) 5 535) 0.4) 76) 328) 0.2) 2 491) 114) 3 088) 195) 2 237) 132)
Notes: * Includes selected species of the families Echinostomatidae, Fasciolidae, Gymnophallidae, Heterophyidae, Nanophyetidae, Neodiplostomidae and Plagiorchiidae (depending on data availability).
# Enteric protozoa are included to complete the picture for foodborne parasitic diseases, but are reported in detail elsewhere [5].Illnesses are defined as the numbers of new cases in 2010. For Taenia
solium this is estimated from GBD2010 [9] regional incidence data and modified as the actual number of cases of epilepsy attributed to cysticercosis. The YLD component of the DALY for cysticercosis is
prevalence-based, estimated from GBD2010 data.

TableA8.5 Median number of total and foodborne Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010

(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) SES (95% UI) (95% UI)
(95% UI) (95% UI)
(95% UI)

356 688 438 67 182 645
33 925 2 940 604 0.19 0.17 5 558 492 354
Enteric protozoa (251 929 267– (35 794 977–
(22 933–53 614) (1 978 442–4 686 855) (0.12–0.28) (0.09–0.29) (2 593–11 958) (239 400–1 034 790)
517 872 930) 120 556 797)

64 003 709
27 553 2 159 331 0.13 0.14 8 584 805 3 759 296 156
Cryptosporidium spp.# (43 049 455–
(18 532–44 654) (1 392 438–3 686 925) (0.07–0.24) (0.06–0.28) (3 897 252–18 531 196) (1 520–9 115) (119 456–724 660)
104 679 951)

103 943 952
5 450 515 904 0.28 0.28 28 023 571 1 470 138 863
Entamoeba histolytica# (47 018 659–
(2 194–17 127) (222 446–1 552 466) (0.14–0.44) (0.13–0.47) (10 261 254–68 567 590) (453–5 554) (47 339–503 775)
210 632 459)

183 842 615 28 236 123
0 171 100 0.15 0.15 0 26 270
Giardia spp.# (130 018 020– (12 945 655–
(0–0) (115 777–257 315) (0.08–0.27) (0.07–0.27) (0–0) (11 462–53 577)
262 838 002) 56 996 454)

Invasive infectious 20 817 916 1 409 1 684 414 0.49 0.49 10 280 089 684 829 071
disease (16 337 908–29 091 701) (701–2 620) (1 236 005–2 452 060) (0.40–0.59) (0.40–0.59) (7 403 516–14 904 324) (333–1 300) (561 297–1 264 567)

Toxoplasma gondii, 98 900 1 409 526 515 0.49 0.49 48 823 684 259 618
congenital (67 858–188 748) (701–2 620) (359 756–835 537) (0.40–0.58) (0.40–0.58) (31 893–93 213) (333–1 300) (168 510–422 935)

Toxoplasma gondii, 20 710 906 0 1 153 779 0.49 0.49 10 228 111 0 565 816

acquired (16 235 987–28 955 435) (0–0) (772 676–1 733 114) (0.40–0.59) (0.39–0.59) (7 351 013–14 844 411) (0–0) (354 029–891 032)

596 838 48 269 3 721 581 0.72 0.85 430 864 36 500 3 158 826

(482 828–2 169 206) (36 956–70 978) (2 942 173–5 416 945) (0.35–0.79) (0.65–0.93) (334 389–774 703) (25 652–50 063) (2 411 585–4 122 032)

Echinococcus 188 079 2 225 183 573 0.21 0.21 43 076 482 39 950

granulosus (156 848–1 770 405) (749–19 627) (88 082–1 590 846) (0.15–0.30) (0.15–0.29) (25 881–371 177) (150–3 974) (16 996–322 953)

Echinococcus 18 451 17 118 687 823 0.47 0.48 8 375 7 771 312 461

multilocularis (11 384–29 619) (10 184–27 346) (409 190–1 106 320) (0.04–0.75) (0.01–0.76) (656–17 005) (243–15 896) (9 083–640 716)

370 710 28 114 2 788 426 370 710 28 114 2 788 426

Taenia solium 1.00 1.00
(282 937–478 123) (21 059–36 915) (2 137 613–3 606 582) (282 937–478 123) (21 059–36 915) (2 137 613–3 606 582)

26 845 649 2 227 1 318 104 0.45 0.46 12 285 286 1 012 605 738

(25 375 461–47 940 713) (865–5 946) (1 183 025–2 701 170) (0.31–0.59) (0.31–0.59) (8 292 732–22 984 630) (388–2 783) (411 113–1 301 619)

26 840 692 2 224 1 317 535 0.45 0.46 12 280 767 1 008 605 278

Ascaris spp.
(25 371 434–47 937 154) (862–5 942) (1 182 187–2 700 572) (0.31–0.59) (0.31–0.59) (8 287 414–22 980 491) (384–2 781) (410 668–1 301 114)

4 472 4 550 4 472 4 550

Trichinella spp. 1.00 1.00
(2 977–5 997) (2–5) (285–934) (2 977–5 997) (2–5) (285–934)

218 569 7 533 2 024 592 218 569 7 533 2 024 592

Trematodes 1.00 1.00
(167 886–281 872) (6 383–8 845) (1 652 243–2 483 514) (167 886–281 872) (6 383–8 845) (1 652 243–2 483 514)

31 620 5 770 522 863 31 620 5 770 522 863

Chlonorchis sinensis 1.00 1.00
(21 515–45 059) (4 728–6 988) (431 520–635 232) (21 515–45 059) (4 728–6 988) (431 520–635 232)

10 635 0 90 041 10 635 0 90 041

Fasciola spp. 1.00 1.00
(6 888–24 100) (0–0) (58 050–209 097) (6 888–24 100) (0–0) (58 050–209 097)

18 924 0 155 165 18 924 0 155 165

Intestinal flukes * 1.00 1.00
(14 498–24 200) (0–0) (118 920–198 147) (14 498–24 200) (0–0) (118 920–198 147)
WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases
(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI) SES (95% UI) (95% UI)
(95% UI) (95% UI)
(95% UI)

16 315 1 498 188 346 16 315 1 498 188 346

Opisthorchis spp. 1.00 1.00
(11 273–22 860) (1 230–1 813) (151 906–235 431) (11 273–22 860) (1 230–1 813) (151 906–235 431)

139 238 250 1 048 937 139 238 250 1 048 937

Paragonimus spp. 1.00 1.00
(95 610–195 078) (160–371) (743 700–1 438 588) (95 610–195 078) (160–371) (743 700–1 438 588)

48 405 537
TOTAL (excluding 59 724 8 777 198 0.48 0.76 23 220 595 45 927 6 639 989
(43 376 746–
enteric protozoa) (48 017–83 616) (7 620 016–12 511 566) (0.38–0.56) (0.65–0.81) (18 215 499–38 081 817) (34 763–59 933) (5 611 955–8 414 684)
79 049 913)

407 149 528 91 148 998
94 620 11 794 391 0.22 0.61 51 909 7 161 689
TOTAL (301 670 420– (58 576 614–
(77 140–125 670) (10 164 903–15 675 990) (0.16–0.31) (0.52–0.67) (40 020–66 992) (6 078 248–9 074 283)
585 323 226) 153 950 104)

WHO Estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Table A8.6  Median number of foodborne Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted Life Years
(DALYs), with 95% Uncertainty Intervals, 2010


(95% UI) (95% UI) (95% UI)
21 757 19 455 636 869
(8 967–56 776) (7 954–51 324) (267 142–1 617 081)
1 066 227 18 203
Cyanide in cassava
(105–3 016) (22–669) (1 769–53 170)
193 447 0 240 056
(155 963–1 085 675 (0–0) (192 608–1 399 562)
107 167 28 99 717
Peanut allergens*
(6 262–210 093) (2–56) (5 827–195 489)
338 611 19 736 1 012 362
(185 705–1 238 725 (8 210–51 700) (562 087–2 822 481)

Notes: * = Only the burdens for AMR A, EUR A and WPR A were assessed.

Table A8.7  Median rate per 100 000 foodborne (FB) Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted
Life Years (DALYs) by region, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010.

FB Illnesses (95% UI) 0.4 (0.1–1) 0.1 (0.01–0.4) 0.2 (0.07–7) 0.7 (0.3–8)
AFR FB Deaths (95% UI) 0.4 (0.1–1) 0.03 (0.003–0.08) 0 (0–0) 0.4 (0.1–1)
FB DALYs (95% UI) 15 (5–40) 2 (0.2–6) 0.2 (0.07–8) 18 (7–49)
FB Illnesses (95% UI) 0.08 (0.02–0.6) 0 (0–0) 0.2 (0.05–6) 0.2 (0.1–7)
AMR FB Deaths (95% UI) 0.08 (0.02–0.6) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0.08 (0.02–0.6)
FB DALYs (95% UI) 2 (0.4–15) 0 (0–0) 0.2 (0.07–9) 2 (0.6–24)
FB Illnesses (95% UI) 0.2 (0.04–0.5) 0 (0–0) 2 (1–35) 2 (1–35)
EMR FB Deaths (95% UI) 0.1 (0.04–0.4) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0.1 (0.04–0.4)
FB DALYs (95% UI) 4 (1–13) 0 (0–0) 2 (2–43) 7 (3–51)
FB Illnesses (95% UI) 0.02 (0.01–0.03) 0 (0–0) 1 (0.7–13) 1 (0.7–13)
EUR FB Deaths (95% UI) 0.02 (0.01–0.03) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0.02 (0.01–0.03)
FB DALYs (95% UI) 0.5 (0.3–0.8) 0 (0–0) 1 (0.9–19) 2 (1–19)
FB Illnesses (95% UI) 0.2 (0.08–0.6) 0 (0–0) 9 (8–32) 10 (8–32)
SEAR FB Deaths (95% UI) 0.2 (0.08–0.5) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0.2 (0.07–0.5)
FB DALYs (95% UI) 7 (2–17) 0 (0–0) 12 (10–41) 19 (13–54)
FB Illnesses (95% UI) 0.6 (0.1–2) 0 (0–0) 0.05 (0.005–4) 0.8 (0.1–5)
WPR FB Deaths (95% UI) 0.5 (0.09–2) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0.5 (0.09–2)
FB DALYs (95% UI) 16 (3–63) 0 (0–0) 0.07 (0.007–6) 16 (3–65)
FB Illnesses (95% UI) 0.3 (0.1–0.8) 0.02 (0.002–0.04) 3 (2–16) 3 (3–17)
GLOBAL FB Deaths (95% UI) 0.3 (0.1–0.7) 0.003 (0–0.01) 0 (0–0) 0.3 (0.1–0.8)
FB DALYs (95% UI) 9 (4–24) 0.3 (0.03–0.8) 3 (3–20) 13 (7–39)



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Table 1. FERG hazards, causally related health states and corresponding disability weights (DWs).
Details on the derivation of the DWs are provided in Appendix 4..........................................................................................................43
Table 2. Foodborne hazards, and structure of the expert panels............................................................................................................46
Table 3. Examples of calibration seed questions .............................................................................................................................................48
Table 4. Exposure routes included in the expert elicitation, per hazard ............................................................................................... 51
Table 5. Modelling strategies for the hazards included in the WHO global burden of foodborne disease estimates.................53
Table 6. The number of experts enrolled, interviewed and finally included in the elicitation across panels ...................... 63
Table 7. Median global number of foodborne illnesses, deaths, Years Lived with Disability (YLDs),
Years of Life Lost (YLLs) and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010. ................... 73
Table 8. Median rates of foodborne Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) per 100 000 population,
by subregion, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010........................................................................................................................................ 78
Table 9. Comparisons of the total burden of parasitic diseases (foodborne and non-foodborne) with 95%
uncertainty intervals, estimated by FERG and by GBD2010 [9] ........................................................................................................... 108
Table A7.1 Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of illnesses caused
by Campylobacter spp., non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC),
Brucella spp. and Shigella spp. through each exposure pathway. ......................................................................................................... 199
Table A7.2  Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of Diarrhoeal
Disease illnesses caused by four hazards: enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC),
Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. through each exposure pathway. ...................................................................................... 202
Table A7.3  Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of Diarrhoeal
Disease illnesses caused by Salmonella Typhi, Vibrio cholerae, Entamoeba histolytica, norovirus, and
hepatitis A virus through each exposure pathway. ......................................................................................................................................204
Table A7.4  Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of illnesses
caused by Toxoplasma gondii, Echinococcus multilocularis, Echinococcus granulosus and Ascaris spp.
through each exposure pathway. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 206
Table A7.5  Subregional estimates (median and 95% uncertainty interval) of the proportion of illnesses caused by
exposure to lead through each pathway. .......................................................................................................................................................... 209
Table A7.6 Percent of illness acquired through the foodborne transmission route for six national studies
and this studya. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 210
Table A8.1  Median number of foodborne Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs),
with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 211
Table A8.2  Median rates of foodborne illnesses, deaths and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)
per 100 000 persons, by region, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010. ..............................................................................................213
Table A8.3  Median number of Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)
by age group, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010. .....................................................................................................................................215
Table A8.4  Median rate per 100 000 of foodborne Illnesses, Deaths and Disability Adjusted
Life Years (DALYs) by region, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010. .....................................................................................................217
TableA8.5 Median number of total and foodborne Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted
Life Years (DALYs), with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010 ...........................................................................................................................219
Table A8.6  Median number of foodborne Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted
Life Years (DALYs), with 95% Uncertainty Intervals, 2010 ..........................................................................................................................221
Table A8.7  Median rate per 100 000 foodborne (FB) Illnesses, Deaths, and Disability Adjusted
Life Years (DALYs) by region, with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010. .....................................................................................................221


Figure 1. Structure of the initiative to estimate the global burden of foodborne diseases ...........................................................6
Figure 2. Hazards for which burden of foodborne disease estimates were prepared by FERG, grouped
according to TF. Hazards in grey boxes were addressed by individual TFs but were not included in the global
overview. Hazards in blue boxes are pending. ................................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3. Geographical distribution of experts according to working experience (>3 years) per subregion.
Several experts had experience in more than one subregion. ..................................................................................................................64
Figure 4. Statistical accuracy versus informativeness of the experts included, when using equal weight (blue)
or performance weight (red) combinations, respectively. ......................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 5. Subregional estimates of the proportion of foodborne illnesses caused by Campylobacter spp.,
non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC), Brucella spp. and Shigella spp.
Indicated on the line plot are the 2.5th, 5th, 50th, 95th and 97.5th percentiles. .............................................................................. 67
Figure 6. Subregional estimates of the proportion of foodborne illnesses caused by enteropathogenic E. (EPEC),
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. .............................................................................................68
Figure 7. Subregional estimates of the proportion of foodborne illnesses caused by typhoidal Salmonella, Vibrio
cholerae, Entamoeba histolytica, norovirus, and hepatitis A virus. ........................................................................................................69
Figure 8. Subregional estimates of the proportion of foodborne illnesses caused by Toxoplasma gondii,
Echinococcus multilocularis, Echinococcus granulosus and Ascaris spp. ..........................................................................................70
Figure 9. Subregional estimates of the proportion of disease caused by foodborne exposure to lead. ............................. 71
Figure 10. Subregional estimates (medians) of the proportion of disease caused by exposure to lead through
eight different exposure routes. ............................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 11. Ranking of foodborne hazards, based on Disability-Adjusted Life Years at the global level,
with 95% uncertainty intervals, 2010. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 12. The global burden of foodborne disease (DALYS per 100 000 population) by hazard groups
and by subregion, 2010. ................................................................................................................................................................................................80
Figure 13. Relative contribution of Years of Life Lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and Years Lived with
Disability (YLD) to the global burden of 31 hazards in food, 2010. .......................................................................................................... 81
Figure 14. Age-distribution of disability adjusted life years for 31 hazards contributing to the global burden of
foodborne disease, 2010. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 15. Scatterplot of the global burden of foodborne disease per 100 000 population and per incident case....................83
Figure 16. The global burden of foodborne disease by subregion (DALYS per 100 000 population) caused
by enteric hazards, 2010. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 85
Figure 17. Disability Adjusted Life Years for each pathogen acquired from contaminated food ranked from
lowest to highest with 95% Uncertainty Intervals, 2010. .............................................................................................................................86
Figure 18A. The relative contribution to the DALY incidence by each agent for each of the subregions.
This includes enteric protozoa to complete the picture on foodborne parasitic diseases. However the detail is
reported in the accompanying manuscript on foodborne enteric pathogens [168]. ..................................................................... 87
Figure 18B. Disability Adjusted Life Years for each parasite acquired from contaminated food ranked from
lowest to highest with 95% Uncertainty Intervals, 2010. This includes enteric protozoa to complete the picture
on foodborne parasitic diseases. However the detail is reported in the accompanying manuscript on foodborne
enteric pathogens [168]. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 19. The relative proportion of the burden of each of the foodborne parasitic diseases contributed
by YLLs and YLDs .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 20. The relative contribution to the DALY incidence by each of four chemicals for each of
the WHO Regions. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................90
Figure 21. The relative contributions from YLLs and YLDs for each of four chemicals................................................................90
Figure 22. Disability Adjusted Life Years for each of four chemicals from contaminated food ranked,
from lowest to highest, with 95% uncertainty intervals ................................................................................................................................. 91
Figure 23. Major transmission routes of human foodborne diseases indicate two points of attribution:
the reservoir level and the exposure level. ........................................................................................................................................................ 101
Figure A6.1 FERG hazards, causally related health states and corresponding disability weights (DWs). The fourth
column describes how the various DWs were derived from the Global Burden of Disease Studies (GBD) and the
World Health Organization Global Health Estimates (WHO/GHE). .......................................................................................................195


Foodborne disease Food

A foodborne disease (FBD) can According to the Codex Alimentarius
be defined as a disease commonly Commission, “food means any substance,
transmitted through ingested food. FBDs whether processed, semi-processed
comprise a broad group of illnesses, and or raw, which is intended for human
may be caused by microbial pathogens, consumption, and includes drink,
parasites, chemical contaminants chewing gum and any substance which
and biotoxins. has been used in the manufacture,
preparation or treatment of food but
Burden of disease does not include cosmetics or tobacco
In the context of this Initiative, the term or substances used only as drugs”. The
“burden of disease” follows the principles definition includes all bottled drinks.
of the Global Burden of disease Study,
and includes the quantification of Source attribution
morbidity, all disabling complications Source attribution (SA) is the partitioning
and mortality in a single summary of the human burden of a particular
measure (DALY). disease to specific sources. With regards
to foodborne diseases, SA can be
DALY (disability-adjusted life year) conducted at various points along the
A health gap measure that combines the food distribution chain, from the animal
years of life lost due to premature death reservoir to the point of consumption.
(YLL) and the years lived with disability
(YLD) from a disease or condition, for
varying degrees of severity, making time
itself the common metric for death and
disability. One DALY equates to one year
of healthy life lost.


BMD Benchmark Dose

BMDL Benchmark Dose lower 5% confidence bound
BMDU Benchmark Dose upper confidence limit
BoD Burden of Disease
BW Body Weight
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [of the United States of America]
CE Cystic Echinococcosis
CEA Comparative Exposure Assessment
CFR Case fatality ratio
CHERG Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group
CI Confidence Interval
CNS Central nervous system
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CRA Comparative Risk Assessment
CSTF Country Studies Task Force
CT Congenital Toxoplasmosis
CTF Computational Task Force
CTTF Chemicals and Toxins Task Force
DALY Disability-adjusted life year
DOI Declaration of interests
DRC Democratic Republic of Congo
DW Disability Weight
EAggEC Enteroaggerative E. coli
ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
EDTF Enteric Disease Task Force
EFSA European Food Safety Authority
EPEC Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
ESRD End-stage renal disease
ETEC Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FBD Foodborne Diseases

FDA United States Food and Drug Administration
FERG Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group
FOS [WHO] Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases
GBD Global Burden of Disease
GBD2010 Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation Global Burden of Disease Study, 2010.
GBS Guillain-Barré Syndrome
GEMS Global Environment Monitoring System
GFN Global Foodborne Infections Network
HALE Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy
HAV hepatitis A virus
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCC Hepatocellular Carcinoma
HUS [STEC] haemolytic uraemic syndrome
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
IHME Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation
iNTS Invasive non-typhoid salmonellosis
JECFA Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
KT Knowledge Translation
KTPG Knowledge Translation and Policy Group
LE life expectancy
LOS Lipo-oligosaccharides
MAR “missing at random”
MAL-ED Interactions of Malnutrition & Enteric Infections: Consequences for Child
Health and Development
MDG Millennium Development Goal(s)
NBD National Burden of Disease
NCC Neurocysticercosis
NGO non-governmental organization
NTP National Toxicology Program
NTS Non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica

OIE World Organisation for Animal Health

PAF population attributable fraction
PAHO Pan American Health Organization
PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PDTF Parasitic Diseases Task Force
RfD Reference Dose
RIVM The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
SA Source attribution
SATF Source Attribution Task Force
SPS [Agreement on the Application of] Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures [of
the WTO]
STEC Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
TF task force
TWI Tolerable Weekly Intake
UI uncertainty interval
UN United Nations
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Funds
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
USA United States of America
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
WHA World Health Assembly
WHO World Health Organization
WTO World Trade Organization
YLD years lived with disability
YLL years of life lost
This report presents the first global and regional
estimates of the burden of foodborne diseases.
The large disease burden from food highlights the
importance of food safety, particularly in Africa,
South-East Asia and other regions. Despite the
data gaps and limitations of these initial estimates,
it is apparent that the global burden of foodborne
diseases is considerable, and affects individuals
of all ages, particularly children <5 years of
age and persons living in low-income regions
of the world. By incorporating these estimates
into policy development at both national and
international levels, all stakeholders can contribute
to improvements in safety throughout the food
chain. These results will also help to direct future
research activities.

ISBN 9789241565165

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