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Example: Length (in) × 25.4 = Length ( mm); Length (mm) × .03937 = Length (in)

Quantity Unit × Unit × Unit

Length in 25.4 mm .03937 in
ft .3048 m 3.281 ft
2 2 -3
Area in 645.16 mm 1550 x 10 in2
ft2 .0929 m2 10.76 ft2
ft2 2.3x10-5 Acre 43500 ft2
Volume cubic yard 21.7 Bushels 1.244 ft3
in3 1.639 x 10-4 mm3 6.102 x 10-5 in3
Mass slug 14.594 kg 2.205 lbm
slug 32.2 lbm .454 kg
Moment of ft-lb-s2 1.356 kg-m2 .7375 ft-lb-s2
lb/in2 6.895 kPa .1450 lb/in2
lb/ft2 .0479 kPa 20.89 lb/ft2
psi 6.895 kPa .1450 psi
ksi 6.895 MPa .1450 ksi
psi 6.895 x 10-6 GPa 1.450 x 105 psi
ksi 6.895 x 10 GPa 145 ksi
lbm/ft3 16.02 kg/m3 .0624 lbm/ft3
Force lbf 4.448 N .2248 lbf
Moment lbAin .1130 NAm 8.851 lbAin
lbAft 1.356 NAm .7376 lbAft
Energy in@lb .113 Joule 8.85 in@lb
kw-h 2655.18 klbs-ft 3.766x10 kw-h
m/s 2.237 mph .447 m/s
mph 1.467 ft/s .682 mph
mph 17.6 in/s 5.68x10-2 mph
Power watt .73755 ft-lb/s 1.356 watt
watt 1.341x10-3 hp 745.7 watt
Acceleration of Gravity (1g) = 32.2 ft/s (at latitude 45° near Alpena or Gaylord, Michigan)

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