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I have a machine that uses some material and produces some material and I’d like to model the usage and
production of the material.
Key Concepts:
Bill of Materials, Material Element, Operation Quantity, OutputStatistic, QuantityConsumed, QuantityProduced,

The source only produces 20 arrivals. One bookshelf is created for every entity that enters the workstation and for
each bookshelf that is created, 8 nails are consumed and 2 pieces of wood. There are initially 100 units of wood
and 400 units of nails.
Technical Approach:
A Workstation object is used and it consumes materials from a Bill of Materials. The Workstation object produces
a material (bookshelf). The number of bookshelves produced and the number of nails and pieces of wood
consumed is recorded with an output statistic.
Details for Building the Model:
Simple System Setup
Place a Source, Workstation and Sink from the Standard Library into the Facility Window.
Update the Source to set the Maximum Arrivals property to ‘20’.
Creating the Bill of Materials
Open the Data Window and select the Elements panel. Create four new Material elements by clicking on
the Material Icon in the top ribbon menu.
Change the Name of the first material element to be ‘Wood’. The Initial Quantity should be set to ‘100’.
Change the Name of the second to be ‘Nails’. The Initial Quantity should be set to ‘400’.
Change the Name of the third material element to be ‘BookShelf’. The Initial Quantity is ‘0’.
Change the Name of the fourth material element to be ‘BookShelfMaterials’. Add two rows to the
BillofMaterial property – one for the Material Name ‘Nails’, which should have a Quantity of ‘8’ and the
other row for Material Name ‘Wood’, which should have a Quantity of ‘2’.
Generating Output Statistics
Also within the Data Window, Elements panel, create three output statistics by clicking on the Output
Statistic icon.
The first output statistic can have the Name ‘BookShelvesProduced’ and the Expression should be
The second output statistic can have the Name ‘NailsUsed’ and the Expression should be
The third output statistic can have the Name ‘WoodUsed’ and the Expression should be
Defining the Workstation
Within the Facility Window, edit the Workstation object and change the Processing Batch Size property to
‘1’ and the Processing Time to ‘Random.Triangular(0.5,0.8,1.2)’.
Within the Other Requirements of the Workstation, set Material Consumption to ‘Bill of Materials’ and
select the ‘BookShelfMaterials’ element as the Consumed Material Name property. Set the Material
Production to ‘Material’ and select the ‘BookShelf’ element as the Produced Material Name property. The
Produced Material Transfer Time is ‘1.5’.

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