Cvambute 77427 - Fitness Technology Project

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Chelsey Vambute

Period 3

Fitness Technology Project

1. Describe the Fitness Tracker or Fitness App you chose. (Name, function,
purpose, etc.)

Zombies, Run!
This is a run/ walk tracker
Start off by going on a walk or run and start the tracker you could either be chased by
zombies or have a peaceful walk and collect supplies to upgrade your base. There is an
option to turn on chases so for example on a run randomly you have to be ready to get
away from the zombies. This app encourages you to run or walk more and is kind of like
a HIIT workout because for portions of it, it is very intense.

2. Why did you choose this tracker/app?

I chose this tracker because I have used it before and wanted to experiment more with it
like the chasing feature I usually used it for peaceful walks and always upgraded my
base and I wanted to see if this could improve my running.

3. What type of activities did you do with this tracker/app?

I did runs and walks usually for 30 min sometimes up to an hour.

4. What were the best features of this tracker/app?

The chasing option was definitely scary but it was very fun I also like being able to
upgrade my base. I also liked I could play my own music through the app

5. What did you like least about this tracker/app?

Personally I did not have any dislikes with this app.

6. Would you recommend this tracker/app?

Yes 100%.

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