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1.Define Leadership on Action?

- A leadership is action examine behavior of a leader who lead. A leader should have characteristics of
being good communicator, not only good in words, able to express themselves clearly but also they are
excellent listeners. Confident, credible, courageous, and compassionate.

2. What kind of a leader will you be?

-Being a leader is not easy, it takes a great responsibility. I guess I'm not a perfect leader but a
responsible one. I have a characteristics that a leader have. I have faith with my belief, because I can't
expect others to consider me as a leader unless if a have a solid faith in my ideas. I'm willing to make a
hard choice and sacrifice myself in order to enhance the live of members. I show respect, empathy, and
care to those that follow me. Consider the strength and weakness of every individual to effectively,
manage the outcome of the team.

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