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A. Background
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British
writer J. K. Rowling. The novel tells about the adventures of a teenage
wizard named Harry Potter and his best friend, Ronald Billius Weasley
and Harmione Jane Granger, who are students at the Hogwarts School of
Since the release of the first novel, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's
Stone (published in Indonesia under the title Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone). As of June 30, 1997, this series has gained great
popularity, critical acclaim, and commercial success throughout the world.
Early publishers of Harry Potter novels were Bloomsbury in the United
Kingdom and Scholastic Press in the United States. In addition, this series
has been published from various publishers around the world, including in
Indonesia, published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama. The whole novel, with
the seventh novel divided into two parts, has been adapted into eight series
by Warner Bros.


A. Novel Summary

Chapter 1: Owl's Post

HARRY POTTER is a very special child in many ways. For example, he hates
summer vacation more than any other time. Another example, he really wanted to
do his homework, but he was forced to do it late at night in hiding. And he
happens to be a witch too.

The quill stops above the paragraph that seems to fit. Harry pushed his
round glasses up his nose, moved his flashlight closer to the book and read:

Non-magic people (better known as Muggles) were especially afraid of

medieval magic, but didn't realize it very well. On rare occasions, when they
capture a female or male wizard, the Soma witches' burnt attacks have absolutely
no effect. The witch in question will chant the Fire-Freezing Spell and then
pretend to scream screaming in pain, while they actually enjoy a comfortable
feeling like being tickled. Wendelin the Weird actually enjoys being burned, so
that he lets himself be caught no less than forty-seven times in various disguises.

Harry took a bite of his feather pen and his hand slipped under the pillow
to retrieve his ink bottle and a roll of parchment. Slowly and very carefully he
opens the ink bottle, dips the pen into it and starts writing, pausing occasionally to
listen, because if one of the Dursleys hears the friction of his pen as they walk into
the bathroom, Harry might be locked up in the cupboard under the stairs for the
rest of this summer.

The Dursleys who lived in Privet Drive number four were the reason
Harry could never enjoy his summer vacation. Only Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia,
and their child, Dudley, were Harry's family still alive. They are Muggles and
their attitudes towards witch sarha are like those of medieval people. Harry's dead
parents, both magicians, had not been mentioned under the roof of the Dursleys.
For many years, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon hoped that if they oppressed
Harry as hard as possible, they would be able to eliminate Harry's magic power.
How angry they were because they failed, and now live in fear that someone
knows that Harry has spent the past two years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry.

All the Dursleys could do at best was to lock Harry's book of spells, sticks,
pans and brooms in the cupboard at the beginning of the summer, and forbid him
from talking to neighbors.

Farewell to the spell book was a big problem for Harry, because his
teachers at Hogwarts gave him many assignments to complete during the
holidays. One of his assignments was to make a very unpleasant essay about the
Shrink Potion, for the teacher that Harry least liked, Professor Snape, who would
love to have a reason to give Harry a detention for a month. That is why Harry
seized his opportunity in the first week of his vacation. While Uncle Vernon, Aunt
Petunia and Dudley were in the front yard admiring Uncle Vernon's new office
car (they were praising aloud so everyone on the street could hear it), Harry crept
down, opened the lock of the cupboard under the stairs,grabbed some of his
books, and hid them in his room. As long as he doesn't leave ink spots on the
sheets, the Dursleys don't need to know that he learns magic at night.

Harry took good care to avoid any problems with his aunt and uncle at this
time, because they were already angry with him, because he had received a call
from a fellow wizard a week after the holidays began.

Ron Weasley, one of Harry's best friends at Hogwarts, comes from a pure
magic family whose entire family is a witch. This means he knows a lot of things
that Harry doesn't know but has never used a telephone. Unfortunately, it was
Uncle Vernon who received the call.

Ron apparently realized that he was making things difficult for Harry,
because he hadn't called again. Harry's other friend, both of Hogwarts, Hermione
Granger, also did not contact him. Harry guessed Ron had warned Hermione not
to call. Too bad, because Hermione, the smartest student in Harry's class, whose
parents are Muggles, knows very well how to use the telephone, and might be
careful not to say that she goes to Hogwarts.

So Harry didn't hear from his wizard friends for five weeks, and this
summer lasted almost as badly as last year. There was only one very minor
improvement: after swearing he would not use it to send letters to his friends,
Harry was permitted to release his owl, Hedwig, at night. Uncle Vernon finally
gave up because of the noise

which Hedwig makes if he is locked in his cage all the time.

Harry finished writing about Wendelin the Weird and stopped to listen
again. The silence in the dark house was only broken by the snoring of her
supergendous cousin, Dudley in the distance. The day must have been very late.
Harry's eyes were already exhausted. Maybe he will finish his essay tomorrow
night ...

He closed the ink bottle again, pulled an old pillowcase from under his
bed, put the flashlight, History of Magic, his composition, pen, and ink bottle into
it and hid it all behind the loose board under his bed. Then he rose, stretched, and
looked at the dark-glowing needle in the dark on the table beside his bed.

It's one o'clock in the morning. Harry gasped. Without realizing it, he was
thirteen years old, for an entire hour.

One other special thing about Harry is that he never waits for his birthday.
He has never received a birthday card in his life. The Dursleys abandoned their
last two birthdays and he had no reason to think they would remember this time.

Harry crossed his dark room, past Hedwig's large, empty cage, to the open
window. He leaned against the window sill, the cool night air felt comfortable on
his face after so long languishing under the blanket. Hedwig hasn't come home in
two nights. Harry was not worried about him having been away all this time but
he hoped Hedwig would return soon. Hedwig is the only living thing inthis house
that doesn't look at it.

Harry, although still quite small and thin for his age, has risen several
inches since last year. Nevertheless, his jet-black hair was still the same as before:
stubborn, always messy again, whatever Harry did to him. The eyes behind his
glasses were bright green, and on his forehead, clearly visible between his hair,
visible scars in the form of lightning.

Of all the extraordinary things about Harry, this scar is the most special.
These scars are not a memento of a traffic accident that killed Harry's parents, as
Dursley's family has said so far, because Lily and James Potter did not die in a
traffic accident. They were killed, killed by the most feared black magician during
this hundred-year spell, Lord Voldemort. Harry survived the same attack,

leaving only a scar on his forehead, when Voldemort's curse, instead of

killing him, turned instead to attack the curse himself. Almost perished,
Voldemort ran away ....

But Harry has faced him twice since he went to Hogwarts. Remembering
his latest meeting with Voldemort, Harry had to admit he was lucky to have
reached his thirteenth birthday.

He stared at the starry sky in search of Hedwig, who might glide back at
him with dead mouse dangling from his beak, hoping for praise. His gaze
wandered over the roofs, only seconds later Harry realized what he was seeing.

Like a silhouette against the golden moon, and getting bigger and bigger,
there was a huge creature that tilted strangely, and it flapped its wings towards
Harry. Harry stood motionless, watching the creature swoop lower and lower.
Harry hesitated for a moment, his hand already holding the window latch,
wondering if it would be better to close it, but then the strange creature floated
past one of the streetlights on Privet Drive, and Harry, realizing what it was,
immediately jumped move aside.

Three owls flew in through the window, two of them holding the third
owl, who seemed to faint. They landed with a soft pluck on Harry's bed, and a
third owl, large and gray-haired, rolled and lay motionless. There is a large
package tied to his feet.

Harry immediately recognized the ping-san owl — his name was Errol,
and he belonged to the Weasleys. Harry hurriedly ran to the bed, untied Errol's
leg, took his package, and then took Errol to Hedwig's cage. Errol opened a
gloomy eye, said a weak uhu once in thanks, and began sipping water.

Harry turned to face his other two owls. One of them, a large female owl
with snow-white hair, is her hedwig. He also brought a package and seemed very
satisfied with himself. He pecked Harry fondly as Harry released his weight, then
flew across the room, joining Errol.

Harry did not recognize the third owl, a handsome brown haired, but he
didimmediately knew where this bird had come from, because in addition to
carrying a third package, it also carried a letter with the Hogwarts symbol on it.
When Harry had picked up the package he was carrying, the owl combed his
feathers in an important manner, stretched out his wings, and flew out through the
window through the darkness of the night.

Harry sat on his bed, grabbed the package Errol was carrying, tore up the
brown wrapping paper, and found a gift wrapped in gold paper, and the first
birthday card he had received in his lifetime. Two pieces of paper fell down — a
letter and a newspaper clipping.

Harry examined the moving photo, and a broad grin adorned his face when
he saw the nine members of the Weasleys waving at him excitedly, standing
before the pyramid. The short, fat Mrs. Weasley, the tall and rather bald Mr.
Weasley, six boys, and one daughter, all (though not visible in black and white
photos), had bright red hair. Ron was right in the middle, tall and thin, with his pet
rat, Scabbers, perched on his shoulder and his arms around his little sister, Ginny.

Harry argues that no one else is more worthy of winning a large pile of
gold money than the Weasleys, who are very kind and extremely poor. He picked
up Ron's letter and unfolded it.

Harry looked at the photo again. Percy, who went up to seventh grade, the
last class at Hogwarts, looked very satisfied. The Student Leader's badge was
pinned on a stylish fez cap perched on top of his neat hair, his glasses with horn
handles glittering in the Egyptian sun.

Harry now picks up his gift and opens it. Inside there are miniature
binoculars whose tops can rotate. There was another letter from Ron under the

Harry's a suspicious pocket binoculars. If there is an untrustworthy person

near us, these binoculars will turn on and turn. Bill said this was just a hoax tool
that was sold as souvenirs for magician tourists and could not be relied upon,
because the Binoculars were suspicious when we had dinner yesterday. But Bill
didn't know anyway, Fred and George put some beetles in his soup.

Aside from his friends, what Harry misses the most is Quidditch, the most
popular sport in the wizarding world, very dangerous, very interesting, and played
on a broom. Harry happens to be a very reliable Quidditch player. He was the
youngest son of a century who was chosen to strengthen the Hogwarts boarding
Quidditch team. One of Harry's most valuable possessions was his racing broom,
Nimbus Dua Thousand.

Harry put back the leather case and took the last package. He immediately
recognized the messy writing on brown paper: this was a shipment from Hagrid,
the animal watchdog at Hogwarts. He tore up the top layer of paper and glanced at
something like green skin, but before he could open it completely, the package
trembled strangely, and who knows what was inside, closed in with a loud noise -
as if it had a jaw.

Harry is scared. He knew Hagrid would not send him something

dangerous on purpose, but Hagrid's view of dangerous things was not the
samenormal people's views. Hagrid had been friends with giant spiders, bought a
fierce three-headed dog from people he met at the teahouse, and smuggled illegal
dragon eggs into his cabin.

Harry poked the package nervously. It closed in loud again. Harry reached
for the lamp on the table next to his bed, held it tightly in one hand, and held it
overhead, ready to hit. Then he jerked the rest of the wrapping paper with his
other hand and pulled it.

And a book falls. Harry still had the chance to see its cool green cover, adorned
with a large golden title: The Monster Book on Monsters, before the book rolled
up with its side down, then crept sideways along the bed like a magic crab.

The book fell from the bed with a thud and moved quickly across the
room. Harry silently followed him. The book hid in a dark place under his desk.
While praying that the Dursleys still slept soundly, Harry knelt down and reached
under the table.

Hedwig and Errol watched intently as Harry curled the rebellious book in
his arms, hurried to his cupboard, pulling out his belt, which he placed tightly
around the book. The Monster Book that could bite would be useful to him, but he
placed the Hagrid card next to Ron and Hermione's cards, grinning even wider
than before. Now only a letter from Hogwarts has not been opened.

Chapter 2: Aunt Marge's Mistake

HARRY went down for breakfast the next day and found the three
Dursleys sitting around the kitchen table. They watched new television, summer-
holiday-welcome gifts for Dudley, who lately always complained loudly the long
distance he had to go between the fridge and the television in the living room.
Dudley had spent most of the summer in the kitchen, his little piggy eyes fixed on
the screen and his five chins shaking while he ate endlessly.

Harry sat between Dudley and Uncle Vernon, a big fat man, with a very
short neck and a very thick mustache. Instead of saying good-bye to Harry's
birthday, none of the three of them showed any sign that they were aware of Harry
entering the kitchen. But Harry was so used to this, he didn't care. He took toast
and looked up at the anchor on television, who was halfway through reading a
report about a runaway convict.

He glanced sarcastically at Harry. Harry's messy hair had always been

very annoying to Uncle Vernon. Compared to the man on the television screen,
with his emaciated and hollow face surrounded by tangled hair along his elbows,
Harry felt very, very neat.

Aunt Petunia, thin and horse-faced, immediately turned around and looked
sharply out the kitchen window. Harry knew that Aunt Petunia would be delighted
to be the person who called the special channel number provided. She's the most
curious woman in the world and spends most of her time spying on neighbors-its
boring and law-abiding neighbors.

Aunt Marge is Uncle Vernon's sister. Although he has no blood relations

with Harry (whose mother is Aunt Petunia's younger sister), Harry is forced to call
her "Auntie" for the rest of his life. Aunt Marge lives in a rural area, in a house
with a large yard, where she breeds bulldogs. He rarely stayed at Privet Drive,

because he couldn't bear to leave his precious dogs, but each of his visits was still
clearly in Harry's mind.

At Dudley's fifth birthday party, Aunt Marge hit Harry's shins with his
wand so that Harry did not defeat Dudley in a duel game. A few months later,
Aunt Marge showed up on Christmas with a computer-programmed robot present
for Dudley and a can of dog biscuits for Harry. During his last visit, a year before
Harry entered Hogwarts, Harry accidentally stepped on the foot of his beloved
dog. The Ripper chased Harry into the yard, until Harry climbed a tree and Aunt
Marge refused to call his dog until after midnight. If you remember this incident,
Dudley still laughed until tears came out.

Uncle Vernon spun around, pulled open the front door, and slammed it so
hard that one of the small glass tops fell.

Harry did not return to the kitchen. He returned to the top, to his room. If
he has to act like a real Muggle, it's better from now on. Slowly and sadly, he
collected all of his birthday gifts and cards and hid them under the loose board
with his homework. Then he went to Hedwig's cage. Errol seems to have
recovered. He and Hedwig are sleeping, their heads hidden under the wings. Harry
sighed, then nawned to wake the two of them.

Ten minutes later, Errol and Hedwig (with Ron's letter tied to his feet)
flew out the window and disappeared from view.

Harry, now feeling very miserable, put the empty cage into his wardrobe.

But Harry could not be moody for long. A moment later Aunt Petunia had
shouted telling Harry to come down and get ready to welcome their guests.

Harry did not feel the need to try to keep his hair flat against his head.
Aunt Marge likes to criticize her, so the more messy she is, the more she likes.

Immediately there was a pebble outside as Uncle Vernon's car returned to

the yard, then slammed the car door, and steps on the path to the house.

Dudley walked slowly, due to body objections, crossing the vestibule, his
blond hair flat against his large head, a bow tie peering out from under his multi-
layered chin. Aunt Marge poked her large suitcase into Harry's stomach, almost
making her bend, grabbing Dudley in a tight hug with one hand and kissing her
cheek hard.

Harry knew very well that Dudley wanted to hug Aunt Marge just because
it was paid dearly, and it was true, when the hug was released, Dudley's fat hand
held a two-dollar billtwenty pounds which is still new.

When he returned to the kitchen, Aunt Marge had been served tea and fruit
cake, and Ripper was licking his drink noisily in the corner. Harry saw Aunt
Petunia's slight flinches as the tea splashes and the dog's saliva stained the clean
floor. Aunt Petunia hates animals.

While Aunt Marge began to feel at home, Harry longed to live in house
number four without Aunt Marge. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia usually pushed
Harry away from them, which Harry did with pleasure. Aunt Marge, on the other
hand, wanted Harry under his watch all the time, so that he could shout
suggestions for improvement. He likes to compare Harry with Dudley, and is very
happy to buy Dudley an expensive, expensive gift while glaring at Harry, as if

Challenge him to ask why he didn't get a prize too. Aunt Marge was also
unrelenting about negative opinions about what made Harry such an
unsatisfactory child.

Harry tried to concentrate on the food, but his hands trembled and his face
began to burn with anger. Remember the form, he remembers himself. Think
about Hogsmeade. Don't say anything. Don't wake up ... Aunt Marge reached for
her wine glass.

But both Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon looked at Harry suspiciously, so
Harry decided he had better not have to eat pudding and run off the table as fast as
he could.

Outside the kitchen, Harry leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. It
had been a long time since he had lost control and made something explode. Don't
let something like that happen again. Hogsmeade's form wasn't the only thing at
stake - if it happened again, Harry would deal with the Ministry of Magic.

Harry is underage and according to magic laws, he is prohibited from

using magic outside of school. His past history is also not exactly clean. Only last
summer he had an official warning that clearly said that if the Minister heard that
there was more magic in Privet Drive, Harry would be expelled from Hogwarts.

He heard the Dursleys leave the table and Harry hurriedly walked away

on. Harry spent the next three days coercing himself thinking about the Book

A Guide to Taking Care of Yourself Your Broom Every time Aunt Marge
nags her. This worked, although it seemed that his vision had gone blank, because
Aunt Marge had begun to voice the opinion that Harry was suffering from mental

Finally, after a long wait, Aunt Marge's last night arrived at the house.
Aunt Petunia cooked a "nice" dinner and Uncle Vernon opened several bottles of

wine. They enjoyed the soup and salmon without even mentioning Harry's
mistake. As they ate the lemon pie, Uncle Vernon bore them all bored with a long
story about Grunnings, his drill company. Then Aunt Petunia made coffee and
Uncle Vernon pulled out a bottle of brandy.

But suddenly Aunt Marge stopped talking. For a moment he seemed

speechless. It looked like he was bubbling up because of anger that couldn't be
released — but he was still bubbling up. His big red face grew bigger, his small
eyesthe red one stands out, and its mouth is pulled so tight that it can't speak. In
the next instant, several buttons flew out of his tweed jacket and bounced off the
wall — he ballooned like a giant balloon, his stomach growing until his belt was
released, each finger curved up to the size of a sausage ...

Uncle Vernon grabbed one of Aunt Marge's legs and tried to pull her
down, but instead she herself was almost lifted up. In the next instant, the Ripper
had jumped on Uncle Vernon's leg.

Harry ran away from the dining room before anyone could stop him,
heading for the cupboard under the stairs. The cupboard door opens magically
when Harry arrives in front of him. In an instant he had pulled his suitcase to the
front door. He ran up and threw himself under his bed, pulled the loose board and
grabbed a pillowcase filled with books and his birthday present. Harry came out
from under the bed, grabbed Hedwig's empty cage, and ran back down the stairs
to his trunk, just as Uncle Vernon emerged from the dining room, his pants legs
were torn and bleeding.

But extraordinary anger overwhelms Harry. He kicked his trunk open, pulled out
his wand, and pointed it at Uncle Vernon.

Chapter 3: Knight Bus

HARRY had passed several roads before he finally slumped over the low
wall in Magolia Crescent, panting exhaustedly dragging his suitcase. He sat
quietly, anger still filling him, listening to his heart pounding.

But after ten minutes on a dark road, new emotions overcome him: panic.
No matter from what angle he looked at him, he had never been in this much
trouble. He was stranded, alone, in a dark Muggle world, not knowing where he
was going. And worst of all, he had just bewitched, which meant it was almost
certain he would be expelled from Hogwarts. He had clearly violated the Decree
on Restrictions for Underage Magicians, he was surprised that Ministry of Magic
officials had not yet appeared to arrest him there.

Harry also doesn't have Muggle money. There was a hint of magic gold in
a money bag at the bottom of his suitcase, but the remnants of his parents'
inheritance were stored in a metal room at Gringotts Magic Bank in London. He
wouldn't be able to drag his suitcase to London. Except...

He looked down at his stick, which he was still holding. When he has been
expelled (his heart is now beating fast and painful), a little more magic is fine. He
had an invisibility cloak he inherited from his father — what if he bewitched his
trunk, made it as light as a feather, tied it to his broom, covered his body with an
invisibility cloak, and flew to London? That way he can take the rest of his money
in the vault and ... start his life as an outcast. The future is terrible, but he cannot
sit on this wall for long, otherwise he must explain to the Muggle police why he is
wandering in the middle of the night carrying a suitcase full of magic books and

Harry opened his trunk again and pushed the contents aside, looking for
the Invisibility Cloak - but before he could find it, he suddenly stiffened himself,
once again looking around.

The nape of his neck had shivered strangely, making him feel he was
being watched, but the road was empty, and no lights were lit in one of the large

He bent over his trunk again, but once again woke up immediately, his
hands gripping the tongs. He felt, instead of hearing: there was someone or
something standing in the narrow gap in the garage and the fence behind him.
Harry squinted at the dark alley. If only it moved, it would know whether it was
just a cat or - another creature.

"Lumos," Harry muttered and a light appeared on the end of his wand,
dazzling. He raised his wand high above his head, and the gravel walls of house
number two suddenly glowed, the garage door sparkled, and between them, Harry
saw, quite clearly, the outline of a huge creature, with its wide, shining eyes.

Harry stepped back. His feet crashed into his suitcase and he staggered.
His wand flew as he reached out to try to restrain the fall, and his body landed,
hard, in the gutter.

There was a loud LOUD sound and Harry raised his hand to cover his eyes
from the blinding light that suddenly appeared ...

While screaming he rolled up again on the sidewalk, just in time. A second

later, a pair of tires and an enormous lamp squeaked to a stop just where it had
been. As he looked up, Harry saw the tires and lights belonged to a bright purple

three-story bus that just appeared out of nowhere. The golden letters on the
windshield read The Knight Bus.

Harry searched again in his suitcase, pulled out his money bag and stuffed
some silver into Stan's hand. He and Stan then lifted his suitcase, with Hedwig's
cage on it, up the bus stairs.

Stan passes Harry's bed and disappears up the narrow wooden stairs. Harry
still looked out the window, feeling increasingly nervous. Ernie didn't seem to
master the use of the steering wheel. The Knight Bus went up the sidewalk many
times, but it didn't hit anything. Rows of street lights, mailboxes, and trash cans
jump away when the bus approaches, and return to their respective positions after
the bus passes.

Stan came down again, followed by a pale greenish witch wrapped in a traveling

Harry would not be able to sleep, even if he were riding on a bus that did
not continue to erupt BEYOND and jump one hundred and fifty pounds each time
even though moving. His stomach twisted as he went back to thinking about what
would happen to him, and whether the Dursleys had succeeded in getting Aunt
Marge down from the ceiling.

Stan had opened the Daily Prophet and was now reading with his tongue
between his teeth. A large photo of a hollow-faced man with long, matted hair
winking slowly at Harry from the front page.

Harry has violated witchcraft laws like Sirius Black. Was inflating Aunt
Marge a big enough mistake to send her to Azkaban? Harry knew nothing about
this magic prison, even though everyone he had heard spoke about Azkaban,
speaking of it in a terrified tonesame. Hagrid — the guardian of wild animals
Hogwarts — spent two months there last year. Harry could not forget the horror
on Hagrid's face when he was told he would be sent to Azkaban, even though
Hagrid was one of the bravest men Harry knew.

The Knight Bus glides through the night, making bushes, pay phones, and
odd walks step aside. And Harry lay, agitated and miserable, in his bed with
feather-filled beds. After a few moments, Stan remembered that Harry had paid
for hot chocolate, but as he poured it, chocolate spilled onto Harry's pillow
because the bus moved suddenly from Anglesea to

They roared along Charing Cross Road. Harry sat down and watched
buildings and benches constrict to avoid the Knight Bus. The sky is already rather
bright. He would lie down for an hour or two, go to Gringotts as soon as the bank
opened, then go — where, he didn't know.

Chapter 4 : The Leaky Cauldron

Harry is excited to be back in the magical world he hardly knows what to

do with himself. He was able to do homework in the bright sunshine at
FloreanFortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and delight people watching. One day he
walked The window shopping when he saw that The new broom had come out,
The Firebolt. It's the best model available, and Harry has to exert all his power to
not spend money on the great broom.

Ron and Hermione meet Harry just before school starts. Hermione buys
Cats, Crookshanks, and Ron buys some tonic mice for Scabbers, who are already
seemingly sickly.

After having dinner with Hermione and the rest of the Weasley family,
Harry overhears Mr and MrsWeasley being arguing about him. Harry discovers
that Sirius Black has a grudge against her, and will probably come to Hogwarts to
kill her. He also discovered that the Dementor had been placed outside of
Hogwarts for protection against Black.

Chapter 5 : Demantors

TOM woke Harry the next morning with his usual toothless smile and a
cup of tea. Harry changed clothes and was persuading Hedwig who was not
satisfied to get back into his cage, when Ron barged in while pulling a thick T-
shirt over his head. He looked annoyed. The journey to King's Cross was
mediocre compared to Harry's journey on the Knight Bus. The Ministry of
Magic's car looked like an ordinary car, though Harry noticed that both of these
cars could slip through gaps that were clearly inaccessible to Uncle Vernon's
office car. They arrived at the station twenty minutes before the train left. Mr.
Weasley clung to Harry until they entered the station.
Percy and Ginny suddenly appeared behind Harry. They were panting,
apparently breaking through the bar by running. Smoothing her hair and blushing

again. Harry, who sat closest to the door, rose to look into the corridor. Along the
carriage, heads popped curiously from inside the compartment. The train stopped
accompanied by a pounding noise and groaning and clattering in the distance that
told them that their suitcases and luggage had fallen from the shelf. Then, without
warning, all the lights went out and they sank into total darkness.
Harry's eyes seemed to turn inside his head. He could not see. He
in cold taste. The roar in his ears, like the roar of water. He was pulled down, the
roar of the water getting louder ... Harry opened his eyes. There were lanterns on
it, and the floor shook - Hogwarts Express was moving again and the lights were
on. His appearance was slashed from his chair to the floor. Ron and Hermione
knelt beside him, and above them, he could see Neville and Professor Lupine
watching. Harry felt very sick. When he raised his hand to put on his glasses
again, he felt his face covered in cold sweat. Harry looked around the bright
compartment. Ginny and Neville looked back at him. Both of them were pale.
Ginny, who was curled up in a corner, looked just as gentle as Harry felt, sobbing.
Overpowered by his emotions, he buried his face in his napkin, and
Professor McGonagall asked them to leave it. Passing through the portrait hole
and crossing the recreation room, the girls and boys separated to the stairs to their
respective rooms. Harry climbed the spiral stairs without thinking, except how
happy he was at Hogwarts. They arrived in their round dormitory with five large
beds and Harry - looking around - felt he was at home ... at last.

Chapter 6 : Claws and tea leaves

TIME Harry, Ron and Hermione enter the Great Hall for breakfast the
next morning, the first they see is Draco Malfoy, who seems to be entertaining a
large crowd of Slytherins with a very funny story.

Once Harry and Malfoy faced off in a Quidditch match, Malfoy was
totally defeated. Feeling a little happier, Harry picked up sausages and fried

The hall starts empty when the children go to their first lesson class. Ron
checked his list of lessons. "We better leave now, look, Divination at the top of
the North Tower. It takes ten minutes to get there." They hurriedly finished
breakfast, said goodbye to Fred and George, and walked to the door of the hall.
The journey in the castle to the North Tower is a long journey.

They climbed the last few steps and appeared on a small landing. Most of
the children have gathered there. There are no doors on this landing. Ron nudged
Harry and pointed at the ceiling. There was a round casement door with a brass
plaque attached.

He arrived at the weirdest class he had ever seen. In fact, the room did not
look like class at all. It is more suitable to say the mixture between the attic of
goods storage with an ancient tea room.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione descended Professor Trelawney's steps and the
tower stairs which circled without speaking, then went to Professor McGonagall's
Transfiguration lesson. It took a long time for them to find their class, so even
though they left the Divination class early, they arrived at the Transfiguration
class just in time.

As the lesson progressed, a dozen of the most magical creatures Harry had
ever seen walked toward them. Their body parts, hind legs, and tail are the body,
legs and tail of the horse. But the front had wings, heads and claws like a giant
eagle, with a sharp and cruel beak colored in steel and bright orange eyes. His
front paws were fifteen inches long and looked deadly. Each animal wore a thick
leather necklace around their neck, which was attached to a long chain, and the
ends of all of these chains were held by Hagrid's large hand, which entered into
the meadow behind the animal.

Buckbeak blew it around the meadow, then swooped back to the ground.
This is the part Harry feared. He leaned back when the slippery neck lowered.
Harry felt he was going to slide down through his sharp beak, then he felt the
Hippogriff land solidly when the other four legs touched the ground, and Harry
only had time to hold onto it so that it did not fall and sat up straight again.

Chapter 7 : Boggart Inside the Wardrobe

MALFOY did not take part in the lessons and only appeared on Thursday
afternoon, when Slytherin and Gryffindor's children were halfway through the two
hours of Potions. He appeared arrogantly in the basement, his right arm bound and
carried. Harry thinks he looks like a hero who survived a terrible war.

Harry and Ron snickered at each other. Snape would not say, "sit down," if
they were late, they would have been detained. But Malfoy was always allowed to
do anything in Snape's class. Snape was the Head of the Slytherin Boarding
House, and usually gave birth to the children of his own dormitory.

They made a new concoction today, Shrinking Liquid. Malfoy put the pot
right next to Harry and Ron, so they prepared the ingredients on the same table.

A few cauldrons from them, Neville was in trouble. Neville was depressed
as usual in Potions. This was the most difficult lesson for him and his enormous
fear of Professor Snape made everything ten times worse. The potion, which was
supposed to be bright green, was actually colored ...

But at that moment Snape said, "You guys should have finished putting all
the ingredients together now. This concoction must boil before it can be drunk.
Step aside while the concoction is boiling and then we will test the frog
Longbottom ...

Crabbe and Goyle laughed openly, gazing at Neville who was sweating
and stirring his mixture in a hurry. Hermione muttered hints at him from the
corner of her mouth, so Snape wouldn't see her. Harry and Ron repackaged their
unused ingredients, then washed their hands and stirring spoons in a stone sink in
the corner.

Near the end of the lesson, Snape came to Neville, who was trembling in
fear next to his cauldron.

"Everyone gather," said Snape, his black eyes glittering, "and watch what
happens to the Longbottom frogs. If he succeeds in making Shrinking Liquid, the
frog will shrink to a tadpole. poisoning. "

The Gryffindors watched in terror. The Slytherins looked excited. Snape
picked Trevor with his left hand, and slipped a small spoon into Neville's potion,
which was now green. He dripped a few drops into Trevor's throat.

Silent atmosphere. Trevor swallowed, then a soft plop, and Trevor the
taddle writhed over Snape's palm.

Gryffindor's children were clapping. Snape, with a sour face, pulled a

small bottle out of the pocket of his robe, poured a few drops onto Trevor, and in
an instant Trevor reappeared, becoming an adult frog.

Professor Lupine wasn't there when they arrived to take the first Defense
Against the Dark Arts lesson with him. They all sat down, took out their books,
quills, and parchments, and were chatting when Professor Lu-pin finally entered.
Lupine smiled faintly and placed his battered bag on the teacher's desk. He was
still as worn as before, but he looked much healthier than on the train as if he had
eaten enough.

The children keep their books back while exchanging curious looks. They
had never practiced in the Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons, except if an
unforgettable experience last year could be considered practical. At that time their
old teacher brought a cage of pixies into the classroom and released them.

This is too much, because loony means crazy, and loopy also means rather
crazy or crazy. Although it is almost always insolent and unmanageable, Peeves is
usually still respectful of teachers. All the children quickly looked at Professor
Lupine, curious how he would react to this ridicule. How amazing they were,
Lupine was still smiling.

They walked again, the children looking at the worn-out Professor Lupine
with increasing respect. He led them down the second corridor and stopped, right
in front of the teacher's door.

Most children consider this something to worry about. Neville looked at Professor
Lu-pin in horror, and Seamus Finnigan watched the cupboard door handle, now
trembling, nervously.

"Boggart likes dark enclosed spaces," said Professor Lupine. "Wardrobe,

under the bed, wardrobe under the sink — I've met Boggart who lives at a large
clock stand. This one moved here late in the afternoon, and I asked the Principal's
approval for the teachers to leave the teacher's office so I can teach my third-grade
students to practice.

"When the Boggart comes out of this cupboard, Neville, and sees you, it
will take the form of Professor Snape," said Lupine. "And you will lift your

tongues - like this - and cry 'Riddikulus' - and concentrate fully on your
grandmother's grooming. If all goes well, Professor Boggart Snape will be forced
to wear a vulture hat, green dress, big red handbag."

Harry was terrified. He is not ready. How can you make a dementor not
scary? But he did not want to ask for extra time. His friends all nodded and rolled
up their sleeves.

"Neville, we will retreat," said Professor Lupine. "So that you are alone
and clear, okay? I will call the next child forward ... all retreating now, so that
Neville can attack freely ..."

They retreated to the wall, leaving Neville alone next to the cupboard. He
looked pale and frightened, but he had rolled up the sleeve of his robe and his
wand had been raised ready to strike.

Sounds like a whip whip. Snape staggered. Suddenly she was wearing a
lacy long dress, a high hat on which a vulture had eaten by a moth, and waving a
big red handbag.

Parvati went forward, her face full of determination. Snape turned to him.
There was another cracking, and where Snape was standing now there was a
bloody mummy, his bloody face turned to look at Parvati, then he walked toward
her, very slowly, dragging his feet, his stiff arms pointing forward. .

Chapter 8: The Misty Mistress Blurred

IN a short period of time the Defense Against the Dark Arts becomes a
favorite lesson for all children. Only Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin gang spoke
ill of Professor Lupine.

But the other children didn't care and didn't mind Professor Lupin's robes
being worn and patched. The following lessons are as interesting as the first. After
Boggart, they learn about the Red Cap, evil creatures such as goblins hiding in
places of bloodshed, in castle dungeons and holes in the battlefield, waiting for
the chance to hit stray people with maces. From the Red Cap they advance to
Kappa, a dreadful water-dweller who looks like a scaled monkey, with webbed
hands like a duck's feet, itching to strangle anyone who accidentally wades
through his pool.

Harry just hoped he could be that happy in his other lessons. The most
severe Potion lesson. Snape's mood lately wants revenge, and everyone knows for
sure why. The story of the Boggart appearing in the shape of Snape, and the way
Neville dressed him in his grandmother's dress, spread like wildfire at school.

Snape doesn't find it funny. His eyes glittered dangerously every time Professor
Lupin's name was mentioned, and he whacked Neville heavier than before.

Harry was also afraid of skipping study hours in Professor Trelawney's

cramped tower room, interpreting italic shapes and symbols. Harry tried to ignore
how Professor Trelawney's big eyes flooded with tears each time she looked at
him. Harry could not like Professor Trelawney, even though most children were
respectful almost worshiping this Divination teacher. Parvati Patil and Lavender
Brown have a new habit of visiting Professor Trelawney's tower room at lunch
and always coming back with a superior, annoying look, as if they know things
other kids don't know. They also began to lower their voices each time they talked
to Harry, as though Harry was about to die.

Nobody really likes the Care of Magical Creatures, which, after a

superseru first lesson, turn out to be very boring. Hagrid seemed to have lost
confidence. Now every time a lesson, they aresame. Hagrid — the guardian of
wild animals Hogwarts — spent two months there last year. Harry could not
forget the horror on Hagrid's face when he was told he would be sent to Azkaban,
even though Hagrid was one of the bravest men Harry knew.

The Knight Bus glides through the night, making bushes, pay phones, and
odd walks step aside. And Harry lay, agitated and miserable, in his bed with
feather-filled beds. After a few moments, Stan remembered that Harry had paid
for hot chocolate, but as he poured it, chocolate spilled onto Harry's pillow
because the bus moved suddenly from Anglesea to

They roared along Charing Cross Road. Harry sat down and watched buildings
and benches constrict to avoid the Knight Bus. The sky is already rather bright.
He would lie down for an hour or two, go to Gringotts as soon as the bank
opened, then go — where, he didn't know.

Chapter 8: The Misty Mistress Blurred

IN a short period of time the Defense Against the Dark Arts becomes a
favorite lesson for all children. Only Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin gang spoke
ill of Professor Lupine.

But the other children didn't care and didn't mind Professor Lupin's robes
being worn and patched. The following lessons are as interesting as the first. After
Boggart, they learn about the Red Cap, evil creatures such as goblins hiding in
places of bloodshed, in castle dungeons and holes in the battlefield, waiting for
the chance to hit stray people with maces. From the Red Cap they advance to
Kappa, a dreadful water-dweller who looks like a scaled monkey, with webbed
hands like a duck's feet, itching to strangle anyone who accidentally wades
through his pool.

Harry just hoped he could be that happy in his other lessons. The most
severe Potion lesson. Snape's mood lately wants revenge, and everyone knows for
sure why. The story of the Boggart appearing in the shape of Snape, and the way
Neville dressed him in his grandmother's dress, spread like wildfire at school.
Snape doesn't find it funny. His eyes glittered dangerously every time Professor
Lupin's name was mentioned, and he whacked Neville heavier than before.

Harry was also afraid of skipping study hours in Professor Trelawney's

cramped tower room, interpreting italic shapes and symbols. Harry tried to ignore
how Professor Trelawney's big eyes flooded with tears each time she looked at
him. Harry could not like Professor Trelawney, even though most children were
respectful almost worshiping this Divination teacher. Parvati Patil and Lavender
Brown have a new habit of visiting Professor Trelawney's tower room at lunch
and always coming back with a superior, annoying look, as if they know things
other kids don't know. They also began to lower their voices each time they talked
to Harry, as though Harry was about to die.

Nobody really likes the Care of Magical Creatures, which, after a

superseru first lesson, turn out to be very boring. Hagrid seemed to have lost
confidence. Now every time a lesson, they are...

He followed Lupine into his office. In the corner stood a large water tank.
There was a pale green creature with pointed horns pressed his face to the glass of
the tank as he wrinkled his face and relaxed his long, thin fingers.

The Grindylow grinned and showed off his green teeth, then buried
himself in the algae in the corner.

The food is really good. Even Hermione and Ron, who were already
stuffed full of Honey-dukes sweets, it wasn't enough to just take all the food that
was served.

Harry repeatedly clattered the teacher's desk. Professor Lupine looked

cheerful and healthy. He was talking passionately to Professor Flitwick, a petite
Jimat and Guna teacher. Harry turned his gaze to where Snape was sitting. Did he
just imagine it or was it true that Snape's eyes were directed at Lupine more often
than is normal?

The party ended with entertainment presented by the Hogwarts ghosts.

They sprung from the walls and tables, then made mela-yang formations. Nearly
Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor, received a standing ovation when he
demonstrated his own beheading.

It was such a pleasant night, that Harry's cheerfulness wasn't even tainted
by Malfoy, who was shouting from across the room as they all left the hall, "The
Dementors send their warm regards, Potter!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione along with the other Gryffindor children down
the same road to the Gryffindor Tower. But when they arrived at the corridor at
the end of which was the painting of the Fat Lady, the place was already crowded
with children.

Chapter 9 : Pathetic defeat

PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE sent all Gryffindor children back to the

Great Hall. Ten minutes later they were followed by the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw
and Slytherin children, all of whom looked very confused.

Professor Dumbledore explained to them while Professor McGonagall and

Flitwick closed all entrances to the Great Hall.

A relaxed wave of his hand made the long tables fly closer to the wall.
One more wave and on the floor immediately scattered hundreds of soft purple
sleeping bags.

The Great Hall immediately buzzed. Gryffindor's children told their

friends from the other hostel what happened.

When they entered the sleeping bag they were still fully clothed and
resting on their arms to talk.

Said Hermione. "There are various kinds of magic used, to prevent people
from entering silently. You can't just Apparate in here. And I want to know what
disguises can fool the Dementors. They guard all the doors

Enter the castle yard. They would have seen it if Black flew in. And Filch
knows all the secret passageways, so surely the Dementors look after them too.

The candles are simultaneously extinguished. The only light now came
from the silvery ghosts - who flew while talking seriously with the Prefects - and
from the ceiling of the sky which, like the sky outside, was studded with stars. All
that, plus the whispers that still filled the Hall, made Harry feel like he was
sleeping outside, in a gentle breeze.

Once an hour, a teacher will appear in the Hall to check if everything is

okay. About three in the morning, when many children had finally fallen asleep,
Professor Dumbledore entered. Harry saw him looking around for Percy, who was

patrolling between sleeping bags, reprimanding the boy who was still chatting.
Percy was not far from Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who hurriedly pretended to be
asleep as Dumbledore's steps approached.

Harry opened his eyes slightly and looked to where they were standing.
Dumbledore turned his back on him, but he could see Percy's caring face, and the
profile of Snape, who looked very angry.

Percy looked rather embarrassed. Dumbledore left the Hall, walking

silently fast. Snape still stood for a moment, looked at the headmaster in
annoyance, then he also left. Harry glanced at Ron and Hermione. Their eyes were
also open, reflecting the star-studded ceiling.

During the next few days there was nothing else to talk about throughout
the school except Sirius Black. Allegations about how he entered the castle
increasinglyincreasingly wild. Hannah Abbot, Hufflepuff's son, spent a lot of time
in Herbology by telling anyone who would listen that Black could turn into a
flower bush.

The tattered painting of the Fat Lady is ragged down from the wall and
replaced by the painting of Sir Cadogan and his fat gray ponies. Nobody is happy
with this change. Sir Cadogan spent half of his time challenging the children's
duel, and the other half thinking of silly and complicated key words. He changes
keywords at least twice a day.

But for Harry, Sir Cadogan is only a small matter. Now he is closely
watched. The teachers looked for reasons to accompany him to walk down the
corridor and Percy Weasley (who Harry supposedly carried out his mother's
orders) followed him wherever he went, like a big, arrogant watchdog. As a
climax, Professor McGonagall called Harry into his office, with a face so gloomy
that Harry thought someone must have died.

Professor McGonagall considered seriously. Harry knew he was very

interested in the prospect of the Gryffindor victory. In fact, he himself had
suggested that Harry be the Seeker. Harry waited, holding his breath.

The closer the Quidditch's first match was, the worse the weather was.
Undaunted, the Gryffindor team trained harder than before under the supervision
of Madam Hooch. Then, in their final practice before Saturday's match, Oliver
Wood delivered an unpleasant news to his team.

During the day the wind blew very hard and it rained heavily, and as
Wood spoke, they heard a thunderous thunder in the distance.

The day before the match, the wind howled and the rain fell heavier. The
corridors and classrooms are so dark, that additional torches and lanterns are
turned on. The Slytherin team seemed very satisfied, especially Malfoy.

Harry had no place in his head to worry about anything but the match the
next day. Oliver Wood hurried back and forth to him at the turn of the lesson and
gave him suggestions. The third time this happened, Wood talked for a long time,
so suddenly Harry realized he was ten minutes late for the Defense Against the
Dark Arts lesson.

Harry stopped in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, opened
the door, and hurried inside.

But it was not Professor Lupine who looked up at him from behind the
teacher's desk, but Snape.

But Harry did not move. But Harry remained standing in his place. Snape's
black eyes glittered.

Harry walked slowly to his chair and sat down. Snape looked around the
class. Harry watched him flipping through his book, to the last chapter, which he
knew must not have been studied. With mutual annoyance and grumbling lyrics,
children opened their books. Everyone sat unmoved, except Hermione, whose
hands, as was often the case, raised up. "Anyone knows?" the word

Hermione's face turned bright red. He lowered his hands and looked at the
floor with tears in his eyes. All the children looked at Snape angrily. Obviously
the whole class hated Snape very much, because they had all said Hermione
knowledgeably at least once, and Ron, who called Hermione knowledgeably at
least twice a week.

The whole class knew right away, Ron was out of line. Snape slowly
approached him, and the whole class held his breath.

Nobody spoke for the rest of the lesson. They just sat down and made
notes about werewolves from textbooks, while Snape paced between chairs,
checking the work they had done with Professor Lupine.

When the bell finally rang, Snape held them back. Harry and Hermione
left the class with other friends. Children wait until they are out of earshot, then
grumble in annoyance.

Harry awoke early the next morning. It is still dark. For a moment he
thought the roar of the wind had awakened him, then he felt the cold wind in the
nape of his neck and he sat upright Peeves the wicked ghost hovered next to him,
blowing his ears loudly.

Peeves puffed out his cheeks, blew violently, and slid back out of the
room, giggling. Harry stammers for his alarm. Only in the middle of five. While
cursing Peeves, Harry rolled over and tried to sleep again. But after waking up, it
was very difficult to ignore the thunder of thunder, the storms of the storm against
the castle walls, and the rattling of trees in the distance in the Forbidden Forest.

In a few hours he would be on the Quidditch pitch, battling the storm.

Finally, Harry gave up. He got up, got dressed, took his Nimbus Two Thousand,
and walked quietly leaving the room. When Harry opens the door, someone
passes his foot. He bent down and caught the end of Crookshanks's furry tail, and
pulled it out.

Storms sound louder than the recreation room. But Harry knew the match
would not be canceled. The Quidditch match was not canceled just because of a
small matter such as a rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning. Even so,
Harry had begun to feel very worried. Wood has shown a child named Cedric
Diggory in the corridor. Diggory is a fifth grader and his body is much bigger than
Harry's. Seekers are usually light and nimble, but Diggory's weight will be
advantageous in this weather, because

thus a little chance he will be flown off the track.

Harry spent time waiting for dawn to come in front of the fireplace,
occasionally getting up to prevent Crookshanks from sneaking up into the boys'
room again. Finally Harry calculated, it was time for breakfast, so he went out
through the portrait hole alone.

But clearly not just a little rain. So popular was Quidditch, that the entire
school appeared to watch it, as usual. But they ran across the meadow to the
Quidditch field, heads bowed against the strong wind, umbrellas released by the
wind from their hands. Just before entering the dressing room, Harry saw Malfoy,
Crabbe, and Goyle who were walking towards the Quidditch field, laughing and
pointing at him under the giant umbrella.

The Gryffindor team wore their crimson red robes in uniform and waited
for Wood's usual pre-match speech, but there was none. Wood tried to speak
several times, made a gurgling sound, then shook his head in despair and gave a
signal for his team members to follow him.

The wind was so strong that they staggered sideways as they walked to the
field. If the audience cheers, they cannot hear it because they are swallowed by
thunder. The rain soaks Harry's glasses. How could he see the Snitch in a state

like this?

The Hufflepuff team greeted from the opposing side, wearing yellow
turquoise robes. The two captains approached each other and shook hands.
Diggory smiled at Wood, but Wood's jaw seemed to be locked, and he just
nodded. Harry watched

Madam Hooch said her command, "Get on your broom." Harry pulled his
right foot from the mud with a splattering sound and swung it over his Nimbus
Two Thousand. Madam Hooch brought the whistle close to her mouth and blew

It rang out from a distance - the match began. Harry glides up quickly, but
his Nimbus is slightly tossed in the wind. As much as he could hold it steady, then
squinted, looking for the Snitch. Within five minutes Harry was soaking wet,
barely able to see his teammates, let alone the tiny Snitch. He flew back and forth
over the field, past the faint red and yellow figures, not knowing what they were is
going. He couldn't hear the comment because he was defeated by the roar of the

The audience is hidden under an ocean of coats and umbrellas. Twice

Harry was almost overturned by Bludger. His vision was so obscured by the rain
that fell on his glasses, so he did not see the Bludger coming. He also can not
estimate the time. It's getting harder and harder to keep the broom straight. The
sky grew darker, as if the night had decided to arrive earlier.

Twice Harry nearly crashed into another player, not knowing whether he
was friend or foe. Everything was soaking wet now, and the rain was unusually
heavy, he could not recognize his friends ...

When lightning struck for the first time, Madam Hooch's whistle sounded. Harry
could only see Wood's figure in the pouring rain, gesturing for him to land. All the
team members landed splashing in mud.

Harry's numb hand slipped on the broom handle and his Nimbus sank
more than a meter. Shaking his head to shake the wet bangs from his eyes, he
squinted at the stands again. The dog has disappeared. But very strange. Horrific
silence spread throughout the stadium. The wind, though still as strong as before,
forgot to howl.

As if someone was turning the sound switch off, as if Harry was suddenly
deaf. What happened? And then the wave of terrible cold that he had known swept
over him, entered him, just as he realized something was moving in the field

At least a hundred Dementors stood below, their hidden faces directed at

him. It was as if frozen water rose to meet his chest, slicing the organs in his body.

And then Harry heard it again ... someone was screaming, screaming inside his
head ... a woman ...

Freezing whirling white mist filled Harry's brain ... What was he doing?
Why does he fly? He had to help her ... she would die ... she would be killed ...
Harry fell, through an ice-cold mist.

Harry could hear the voices whispering, but he could not understand it. He
doesn't know where he is, or how he got here, or what he did before he got here.
All he knew was that his entire body was hurting all, as if he had been beaten.

His team-mates trooped out, leaving mud. Madam Pomfrey closed the
door behind them, with a look of reproach. Ron and Hermione approached Harry's

His voice disappeared, but Harry barely noticed. He was thinking about
the influence of the Dementors on him ... about the screaming sound. He looked
up and saw Ron and Hermione looking at him so anxiously that he hurried

looking for something that is usually said

Hermione slowly reached for the bag at her feet, turned her head and
pulled out about a dozen pieces of wood and twigs onto the bed. That's all that's
left of Harry's faithful broom, which is finally defeated.

Chapter 10 :

Harry did not argue, but he did not allow madam Pomfrey to throw away
the remaining two thousand nimbus fragments. Grim had appeared twice, and his
appearance was followed by a near-fatal accident. First, he was almost run over by
a bus and the second he fell from a broom with a height of 15 meters. Dementors.
Harry felt humiliated when he met the Dementors because he was terrible. Harry
felt restlessness in his sleep, interrupted by a dream full of rotting wet hands and
wailing filled with fear. Therefore Harry jerked awake and thought of his mother.

Professor Lupine, he looks unwell. Even so he always looks smile to the

students. There is a small creature inside the glass box carried by the professor.
The name of the creature is Hinkypunk. There is a magical tree, a child almost
loses an eyeball and from then on the tree was forbidden to touch.

Somehow Dementors are the most feared people. Dementors in the stamp
become the most evil creatures on earth. Dementors occupy the darkest and
dirtiest places, he likes destruction and despair. If you are near a dementor, all
happiness is gone.

One time, the sky suddenly dazzled and muddy ground one morning was
covered with sparkling snow. All children look happy except Harry. Harry settles
and traces a secret passage. He pulled out a map and suddenly he saw a new ink
labeled Harry Poter. Then he arrived at the foot of the old stone staircase that
loomed before him. Harry climbed the stairs and was very careful. Apparently he
found a lot of tantalizing candy racks.

The sound of glass clashing with the board. Someone put a glass at dinner.
Pair after pair, the legs in front of Harry supported the owner's weight once more,
the edges of the robes waved in view and the high heels of the sparkling Rosmerta
madam shoes disappeared behind the counter. Ron and Hermonie appeared under
the table. They both just looked and did not say anything.

Chapter 11 : Firebolt

Harry doesn't really remember how he made it back to the Honeydukes

cellar, down the hall, and back to the castle.all he knew was, the return trip
seemed very short, and that he barely noticed what he was doing, because his head
was still throbbing because of the conversation he had just heard.Roy and
Hormione watched Harry anxiously throughout dinner, not daring to talk about
what they had heard accidentally, because Percy sat near them. Harry did not want
to be asked fred and george whether he had made it to Hogsmeade or not, slipping
silently into his room is empty and goes straight to the cupboard next to his
bed.He sits on his bed, pulls the mosquito net over it and starts flipping the pages
looking around until He stopped at a picture of his parents' marriage, his father
seemed to wave to him with a radiant face, his hair black and messy inherited to
Harry sticking out in all directions.His mother with a face of happiness, coupled
with his father.If he knew it was the same person, he would not have expected the
person in this old photo to be black. His face was not concave and pale, but rather
handsome, full of laughter.Harry closed the album and put it back in the cupboard.
He opened his robe, took off his glasses and climbed into bed, making sure his
hides hid him from view.Hatred that had never spread all over Harry's body like
poison. He could see Black laughing at him in the darkness, as if someone had
pasted a photo of the album into his eyes. chip.

Harry sank into a chair by the fire. Snow still continued to fall outside.
Crookshanks lay in front of the fireplace like a large orange mat.Ron and
Hermione shook their heads, looking worried "I can hear mother screaming and
pleading to Voldemort. And if you hear your mother screaming that thief before
being killed, you won't be able to forget it. Harry still did not answer. He did not
know what he wanted, all he knew was, he could not stand if he did nothing,
while Black was free to roam."Are you going to take Malfoy's advice instead of

ours? Ron said in exasperation." Listen, do you know the style that Pettigrew's
mother received after Black broke it?Dad told me the order of merlin, first class
and petigrew's fingers in the box. That was the biggest piece of his body they
could find.

"Harry please," Hermione said, her eyes now filled with tears. "Please,
think clearly.Black has indeed done a very heinous thing, but do not put yourself
in danger, that is what black wants, Oh harry your actions will benefit black if you
look for them.Your mother and father would not want you to be harmed, right?
want you to find black! "They advanced slowly across the lawn, making the
shallow trenches in the snow like sparkling powder, their socks and the edges of
their robes soaked and cold.The forbidden forest seemed to have been magic, each
tree gilded silver and the Hangrid hut looked like ice cake.Heavy steps were
heard, then the door creaked open. Harrid stood behind the door with red and
swollen eyes, tears streaming down the front of his leather vest.Considering that
Hangrid is twice the size of a normal human, this is not funny. Harry, who almost
objected to Hangrid's body, was saved by Ron and Hermione, who each grabbed
one of Hangrid's arms and supported him, assisted by Harry into the cabin.Harry
saw a letter that appeared to be officially open on two tables, was this Hangrid?
Hangrid's sobs were twice as hard, but he pushed the letter toward Harry, who
picked it up and read it aloud

Dear Hangrid

After further investigating the events of the Hippogrific attack on a child

in your class, we have accepted Professor Dumbledore's assurances that you are
innocent in that regrettable event.Nonetheless, we must express our concern about
the Hippigrif concerned. We have decided to accept the official complaint of Mr.
Lucius Malfoy and this matter will be brought to the Committee on the
Extermination of Dangerous Animals. The examination will take place on April
20 and we request that you attend with your hippogriff office committee at
londom on that date.You have to make a strong defense, Hangrid "said Hermione
as she sat and placed her hand on Hangrid's big forearm, I'm sure you can prove
Buckbeak is harmless.Hangrid moves his fingers as if cutting off his neck, then
cages hard and slides forward, face down on his arms.Finally, after being given
many promises to be helped with a cup of tea steaming in front of him, Hangrid
took a runny nose with a handkerchief as wide as a tablecloth and said "you guys
are right. I can't break like this. I have to be strong."

Hangrid was silent for a moment, staring at his tea then he said. I thought
I'd let go of Mrs. Keak. Try to mess, he flew away, but how can you explain to the
hippogriff he must hide? And I'm afraid of breaking the law. I don't want to go
back to azkaban.

Harry reached into his glasses and wore them, squinting through the
dimness at the foot of his bed. In that place a small pile of gifts had appeared. Ron
had begun to tear up his own gift wrap.Ron had begun to tear up his own gift

Harry opened the package and was stunned to see a beautiful sparkling
broom tumble on his bed.The broom was a firebolt, exactly the same as the dream
broom that had been every day in the harry's eyes at the diagon alley. The
merchandise sparkled when he picked it up. Harry could feel the vibration of the
broom."Who sent it to you? Ron asked, amazed

"I know who controls himself." I know who sent it, Luppin."I can't
understand how luppins are able to buy something like this," both of you laughed
at you? Hermione had just walked in wearing a nightgown and carried a fierce
looking Croockshanks, her neck wrapped in a series of gold and silver paper

Harry stuffed the suspicious binoculars into the sock again and tossed it
into the suitcase.What was heard now was only groaning and cursing at Ron's
anger.Christmas spirit was very thin in Gryffindor's recreation room that morning.
Hermione had locked Crookshanks inside her room, but she was still angry at Ron
because Ron had tried to kick her cat.Professor Trewaley was almost normal until
near the end of the Christmas, two hours later.With a full stomach full of delicious
Christmas dishes and still wearing their firecrackers, Harry and Ron rose first
from their chairs and Professor Trewney screamed loudly.Harry went straight to
his room, took the firebolt and the broom care kit from his hermione, took them to
the common room and tried to find something he could do with his broom."May I
see? Asked Professor McGonagall, but not waiting for an answer. She
immediately pulled a firebolt from their hands. She scrutinized caution from the
hilt to the ends of the branches."You have to check if evil magic is entered," said
Professor McGoganall.Professor McGoganall turned and carried the firebolt out
of the portrait hole, which closed behind him. Harry stood silently staring at him,
his hand still holding a super scouring can, but Ron immediately scolded
Hermione."Why are you complaining with McGonagall?

Hermione threw down her book. Her face was still bright red, but she rose
and faced Ron bravely."Because I think Professor McGoganall agreed with me
that the broom might have been sent to Harry by Sirius Black.

Chapter 12 : Patronus

Harry knew Hermione meant well, but that didn't make him angry with
Hermione. He had been the owner of the best broom in the world for several
hours, and now, because of Hermione's interference, he didn't know if he would
ever see his broom again. later if the broom has been used as an object as an evil
anti-magic test?Harry and Ron suspect he sought shelter in the library, and they
did not try to persuade him to leave the place.Oliver wood searched Harry the
night before the new semester began."Have you had a good Christmas?" He said
and then, without waiting for an answer, he sat down, lowered his voice and said,
"I've been thinking during the Christmas holidays, Harry. After the last match,
you know, if the dementors came to the next game, I mean it's very risky for our
team if you are well "Wood stopped, awry.

"I'm working on it," Harry said quickly. "The professor promised to train
me to ward off dementors. We should start this week, he said he had time after

"Don't be happy just yet, Oliver said Harry grimly."The broom is no more
to me. Confiscated ". And he explained how the Firebolt was being checked now
for evil magic to enter."I will meditate and talk to him, Harry he promised" I will
make him consider with a healthy mind. The first forecast lesson in this new
semester was not as exciting as the Hangrid lesson.It was the defense lesson
against black magic that Harry had been waiting for after his conversation with
Wood.Thursday night at eight, Harry left the Gryffindor Tower to go to magic
history class. The room was dark and empty when he arrived, but he blamed the
lights with his wand and only waited ten minutes before Professor Lupine
appeared, opposing the big box, which he painstakingly drove up to top professor
binns.Harry's mind suddenly appeared shadows curled behind a figure as large as
a hangrid holding a large joint.

Harry recalled what he could have thought was a very pleasant event. It
was clear that he had experienced it in the Dursleys' house. It could not be used.
Eventually he decided when he first got on the broom.He tried to concentrate on
the feeling of pleasure when flying but repeatedly there was a break in
concentration at any time, he could hear his mother's screams again, but he could
not think about it, later he actually heard it again, and he did not want or actually
he want.

I want to continue! Harry said firmly stuffing the rest of the frog chocolate
into his mouth."I have to continue! What if domentors appear in our match against
relevance? I can't fall again.If we lose this match, we lose the Quidditch trophy!
Harry thought hard and decided his feelings when Gryffindor won last year's cup
of love could clearly qualify as very happy.Harry suddenly noticed tears in his

face, mixed with sweat. He lowered his face as low as possible, wiping his tears
with his jubile pretending to fix the shoelaces, so lupine would not see.The
screams in Harry's head had started again only this time the sound came out of the
radio that missed the waves.The slow and loud voice then slowed down again and
he could still see the dementor. The dementor stopped and then a large silvery
shadow slid out of the radio.the tip of Harry's stick, hovering between Harry and
the dementor and even though Harry's feet felt like water, he was still standing
even though he wasn't sure how much longer he could last

Harry left the classroom, walked along the corridor and veered in a corner,
then took a detour behind a set of armor and sat on the anvil to spend his
chocolate time.She felt tired and empty, even though her stomach was full of
chocolate.Even though her parents' last moments were repeated in her head, this
was her chance to hear their voices again since she was a baby.Harry had no time
to think about the mysterious schedule of Hermione's lessons at the moment.He
had to finish writing for Snape. But two seconds later in between.This time by

"Bad news, Harry. I just met Professor McGonaggal, about your firebolt.
Apparently, she thought I was more important to win the trophy than your safety.
Just because I told her I didn't care if the broom overthrew you, as long as you
caught the Snitch first with her. "Without being felt January changed February
and the air was still cold piercing. The match against Revenclaw was getting
closer, but Harry still hadn't ordered a new broom.Worse yet, Harry's anti-
dementor lessons did not go as well as he had hoped. After several sessions, he
managed to bring up an obscure silhouette shadow every time the dementor
boggart approached him."You expect too much of yourself," said Professor
Lupine, reprimanding him in the fourth week of their training. "For thirteen-year-
old wizards, even an obscure Patronus has been a great success.

They drank the Butterbeer in silence, until Harry voiced something that
had been bothering his mind for some time now.He wanted to tell lupine about the
conversation he had accidentally heard at Three Broim-sticks about black who
betrayed his mother and father.But this meant he had to spill the beans that he was
going to Hogsmeade without permission, and he knew lupine would not be so
impressed with it.So he finished his Butterbeer to thank lupine and forsake the
history of magic."I've just been looking for you in the Gryffindor common room.
Well, here we are, we've done everything we could think of, and it seems that
there's nothing wrong with this broom, you have a good friend somewhere,
potter."Unable to speak, Harry carried his firebolt up to the Gryffindor tower.
When he turned a corner, he saw Ron running toward him, grinning very
wide.They turned into the corridor leading to Gryffindor and saw Neville
Longbottom begging Sir Cadogan, who apparently refused to let him in.Can I

hold it Harry? For about ten minutes, the firebolt was circulated and admired from
all angles. Only then did the crowd disperse Harry and Ron could see clearly
Hermione. The only child who did not come to them was bowed down on his
home work. And avoided their view. Harry and Ron approached his desk and
finally, Hermione looked up.

Ron took the Firebolt and held it as if the broom was made of glass, taking
it nicely to the boy's room.Harry looked at the table which was full, in the
Arithmancy essay whose ink was still shining, at the longer muggle study.Harry
looked at the table which was full, in the Arithmancy essay whose ink was still
shining, at the longer muggle study.

"How can you do all this? Harry asks him."Oh yeah you know the hard work,"
Hermione said, up close

"Arithmancy seems very difficult,said Harry

"Oh no, Aritmancy is very nice, said Hermione excitedly, that's my favorite lesson

But what exactly made Aritmancy fun. Harry never knew. Right then, a
muffled scream echoed from the boy's room down the stairs."Look at the roar,
step to the Hermione table, see her scream shake the sheet in front of Hermione's
face.Hermione leaned away from Ron, confused at once. Harry looked at the sheet
Ron was holding. There was a red stain on the sheet.

Ron dumped something over the Hermione rune translation.Hermione and

Henry leaned closer. Several strands of orange cats scattered over strange letters
like sharp nails.

Chapter 13 : Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw

Looks like Ron and Hermione's friendship is over. Each was so angry with
the others that Harry did not know how to reconcile them.

Ron was furious that Hermione had never taken Crookshanks seriously to
prey on Scabbers, did not bother to look after Crookshanks and was still trying to
pretend that Crookshanks was innocent by advising Ron to look for Scabbers
under all the beds in the boys' room. Hermione, meanwhile, maintained that Ron
had no evidence that Crookshanks had eaten Scabbers, that the orange cat fur
might have been there since Christmas, and that Ron had been prejudiced against
his cat since Crookshanks had landed on Ron's head in Magical Menagerie .

In a last-ditch effort to make Ron happy, Harry persuades him to join the
Gryffindor team's final training before competing against Ravenclaw, so he can

try to take the Firebolt after they finish training. This apparently managed to
divert Ron's mind from Scabbers for a few moments ("Fun! Can I try to score a
goal on the Firebolt?"), So the two of them set off for the Quidditch pitch.

Ron, with a face full of happiness, climbed the broom and darted into the
already dark air, while Harry walked to the edge of the field to watch it. It was late
when Madam Hooch woke up in surprise. He scolded Harry and Ron for not
waking him up, and insisted that they return to the castle.

Harry darted past Katie in the opposite direction, looked around for a flash
of gold and saw that Cho Chang was clinging to it. Clearly the girl was good at
flying — she repeatedly cut Harry's path, forcing him to change direction.

Gryffindor's party only stopped when Professor McGonagall appeared in

her checkered nightgown and head wrapped in harnet at one o'clock in the
morning, to insist that they all sleep. Harry and Ron climbed the stairs to their
room, still discussing the match. Finally, exhausted, Harry climbed onto his bed,
closed the bed netting to block a ray of moonlight, lay down, and immediately fell
asleep ...

Chapter 14 : Snape's Revenge

NO children in the Gryffindor Tower slept that night. They knew that the
castle was ransacked again and all the boarding boys gathered to stay in the
recreation room, waiting for news of whether Black had been captured. Professor
McGonagall reappeared, to inform them that Black had once again escaped.

Wherever they went the next day, they saw tightened security. Flitwick
appeared to be teaching the front doors to recognize a large photo of Sirius Black.
Filch suddenly paced along the corridors, closing all the holes, from the narrow
gap in the wall to the rat hole. Sir Cadogan has been fired. The painting had been
returned to its deserted landing on the seventh floor, and the Fat Lady had
returned. He has been restored expertly, but is still very frightened, and only
recently agrees to return to his duties on condition that he be given extra
protection. A group of grim looking security guards had been hired to escort him.
They paced the corridor with fierce looks, talking like grumbling and comparing
the size of their clubs.

Harry could not help but notice that the one-eyed witch statue on the third
floor was awake and unblocked. Apparently Fred and George's guess was correct
that only they - and now added by Harry, Ron, and Hermione - knew about the
secret passage inside.

Harry was glad Ron thought so. If the one-eyed witch is blocked, she
won't be able to go to Hogsmeade again.

Ron suddenly became a celebrity. For the first time, people paid more
attention to him than Harry and it was clear that Ron was rather enjoying this
experience. Even though he was still shaken by the previous night's events, he was
happy to tell anyone who asked, what had happened, in detail.

Harry had also questioned that. Why didn't Black, who came to the wrong
bed, silence Ron and continue searching for Harry? Black had proven twelve
years ago that he did not mind killing innocent people, and this time he only faced
five unarmed boys, four of whom were sleeping.

Neville really got embarrassed. Professor McGonagall was so angry at him

that he forbade Neville from attending all of Hogsmeade's upcoming visits, gave
him detention, and forbade anyone from giving Neville the key to enter the tower.
Poor Neville, he was forced to wait outside the common room every night until a
child invited him inside, while a troll security guard grinned at him. However,
none of this punishment is comparable to what his grandmother gave him. Two
days after Black's arrival, his grandmother sent him the worst thing a Hogwarts
student could receive at breakfast — Howler.

School owls roared into the Great Hall, carrying posts as usual, and
Neville choked when a large hoarse owl landed in front of him, its beak biting a
red envelope. Harry and Ron, who sat opposite him, immediately recognized the
letter as a Howler — Ron received it from his motherprevious year.

Neville doesn't need to be told twice. He grabbed the envelope and,

holding it in front of him as if it were a bomb ready to explode, ran out of the
Hall, while the children at the Slytherin table burst out laughing at him. They
heard the Howler explode in the Entrance Hall - the voice of Neville's
grandmother, who had been magically amplified a hundred times normal,
screamed how she had humiliated her entire family.

Harry was so busy feeling sorry for Neville that he did not immediately
realize that he had also received a letter. Hedwig got his attention after pecking his
wrist hard.

The first thing they saw upon entering Hagrid's hut was Buckbeak, who
was lying on Hagrid's quilt, his giant wings folded tightly to his body, enjoying a
large plate of weasel carcasses. Turning his face away from this unpleasant sight,
Harry saw a giant suit in a brown furry suit and a tacky yellow-orange tie hanging
above Hagrid's closet door.

Harry was feeling guilty. "He had completely forgotten that Buckbeak's
trial was very close, and judging from Ron's awkward face, Ron must have felt
guilty too. They had also forgotten their promise to help Hagrid prepare for
Buckbeak's defense. The Firebolt's arrival made that. flew from their minds.

Hagrid poured them tea and offered a plate of sweet cakes, but they knew
it would be wiser not to accept his offer. They are experienced with the results of
Hagrid's cooking.

They spent the rest of the visit discussing the increasing chance of
Gryffindor to win the Quidditch Cup. At nine o'clock Hagrid drove them back to
the castle.

Many children gather in front of the announcement board when they arrive
at the common room.

He had made a gap between his books that piled like a wall, and had
hidden it from view.

Hermione opened her mouth to answer, but with a soft hiss Crookshanks
leapt onto his lap. Upon seeing Ron's expression, Hermione immediately carried
Crookshanks and rushed to the girls' room.

On Saturday morning, Harry put his invisibility cloak in his bag, slipped
the Marauder's Map into his pocket, and went down to breakfast with the others.
Hermione kept throwing suspicious glances at him from across the table, but
Harry dodged his gaze and he deliberately arranged for Hermione to see him go
back up the marble staircase in the Entrance Hall while the others headed for the
front door.

Harry and Neville left without saying a word. When he was going to turn
in the corner, Harry turned his head. Snape was touching the head of the one-eyed
witch, examining it closely.

Harry manages to free himself from Neville in front of the Fat Lady by
roadtell him the password, then pretend the vampire essay was left in the library,
and he hurried away. Once he could no longer see the troll security guard, he took
out the map again and brought it to his face.

The third floor corridor seems empty. Harry examined the map carefully
and saw, with relief, that the small dot labeled "Severus Snape" was now back in
his office.

He ran back to where the one-eyed witch, opened her hump, lifted herself,
and slid down after her bag which was already at the bottom of the slide. He
emptied the Marauder's Map again, then ran.

Harry, completely hidden behind the Invisibility Cloak, appeared under
the sunlight in front of Honeydukes and poked Ron's back.

They went to the Post Office. Ron pretended to question the cost of
sending an owl to Bill in Egypt, so that Harry could be content to look around.
The owls perched uhu slowly greeted him from above. There are at least three
hundred owls, from the Big Gray to Scops ("Only for Local Posts") that are so
tiny, that they can be placed in Harry's palm.

Next they visited Zonko. The shop was crowded with children, so Harry
had to be very careful not to step on other children's feet and cause panic. There
are all kinds of jokes and ridiculous tricks that can satisfy even the wildest dreams
of Fred and George. Harry whispered his order to Ron and handed money from
under his robe. They left Zonko with a bag of money much lighter than when they
entered, but their pockets ballooned with Dirt Bombs, Cough Candy, Frog Egg
Soap, and Bite-Nose Teacups each.

The day was sunny and the breeze was blowing, and they both didn't want
to be indoors, so they walked past the Three Broomsticks and climbed the hillside
to visit the Shrieking Shack, the most haunted place in all of England. The cabin
was a little far from other houses in the village, and even in broad daylight it
looked rather eerie, with its windows closed by boards and a damp garden filled
with wild plants.

Harry, who was overheating after climbing, was considering removing his
Invisibility Cloak for several minutes, when they heard voices approaching. Some
climbed to the hut from the other side of the hill. Moments later, Malfoy
appeared, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy is talking.


Crabbe and Goyle are the targets this time. Goyle jumped furiously where
he stood, trying to clean it from his stupid little eyes.

Crabbe staggered forward, his long arms extended like zombies. Harry
dodged avoiding it, picked up a twig and jabbed it into Crabbe's back. Harry bent
down laughing silently as Crabbe spun around like a ballet dancer, wanting to
know who had stabbed him. Because Ron was the only person Crabbe could see,
he stepped closer to Ron. But Harry stretched out his legs. Crabbe stumbled - and
his large flat feet stepped on the edge of Harry's robes. Harry felt a tug, then his
robe drooped from his face.

For a split second Malfoy looked at him.

Back at Honeydukes, back down the cellar stairs, across the floor, down
through the casement door - Harry took off his Invisibility Cloak, pinned it, and
ran fast down the hall ... Malfoy would arrive first ... how long did it take him to
meet teacher? Although he was panting and his stomach was very painful, Harry
did not slow down until he arrived at the new launch. He was forced to leave his
invisibility cloak here. This invisibility cloak would reveal his secret if Malfoy
had filled in a teacher. Harry hid it in a dim corner, then began to climb, as fast as
possible, his sweaty hands repeatedly slipping from the edge of the slide. He
arrived inside the witch's hump, knocked it with his wand, and stuck his head out
of his hole, and lifted his body out. And as soon as Harry jumped out from behind
the statue, he heard steps quickly approaching.

Snape He approached Harry with swift steps, his black cloak waving, then
stopped in front of him.

Harry had only been in the office once, and even then he was in deep trouble.

Snape has succeeded in gathering several additional slimy creatures in his

jars. Everything lined up on the shelves behind his desk, sparkling in the light of
the fireplace, and made the atmosphere worse.

As if an invisible hand was writing on it, words appeared on the smooth

surface of the parchment.

Snape was stunned. Harry stared, surprised to see the message. But the
writing does not stop there. There are other words that appear below the first

He crossed to his fireplace, took a handful of powder flickering from the

jar on the hearth, and threw it into the fireplace. "Lupine!" Snape called into the
fireplace. "I want to talk!"

Very confused, Harry stared at the fire. A large figure appeared, swirling
very fast. Seconds later, Professor Lupine stepped out of the fireplace, wagging
the dust from his worn robe.

Lupine left, leaving Harry with a feeling of guilt far greater than what he
felt while in Snape's office. He and Ron slowly climbed the marble stairs. When
Harry passed the one-eyed witch, he remembered the invisibility cloak ... the
cloak was still below, but he didn't dare go down to get it.

Ron suddenly stopped. They had arrived at the corridor where the troll
guards were pacing and Hermione walked toward them. With a quick glance at his
face Harry was certain that Hermione had heard what had happened. His heart
sank - had Hermione told Professor McGonagall

Chapter 15 : Final Quiditch

"THEY can't do this," Harry said. "You can't. Buckbeak doesn't

"Malfoy's father had frightened the Committee so he decided so," said Hermione,
wiping her eyes. "You know what he looks like. Committee members are stupid
old men and they are scared. But there will be appeals, always there. It's just that I
don't see any hope ... nothing will change."
"There is," said Ron ferociously. "You don't have to do everything yourself now,
Hermione. I will help. "
"Oh, Ron!"
Hermione put her arms around Ron's neck and cried a little. Ron, who looked
scared, stroked Hermione's head very awkwardly. Finally Hermione broke free.
Ron, I'm really sorry about Scabbers ...," he sobbed. "Oh — well — he's old,
anyway," said Ron, who seemed relieved that Hermione had let him go. "And he's
rather useless. Who knows Mom and Dad will buy me an owl now."
The security measures applied to the children after Black had made his second
entrance made it impossible for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to visit Hagrid at
night. The only chance to talk to Hagrid was during the Care for Magical
Creatures.Hagrid looked shocked by the court's decision.
They passed the troll security guard and mentioned the password to the Fat Lady
("Flibbertigibbet") then climbed up the portrait hole, into the recreation room.
Hermione sat at one of the tables, sleeping soundly, her head lying on
Arithmancy's open book. Harry and Ron sat on either side of him. Harry nudged
him to wake him up. "W-what?" said Hermione, waking up in surprise and
glancing around frantically. "It's time to go? W-what are our lessons now?"
"Forecast, but it's still twenty minutes," said Harry. "Hermione, why don't you
join Amulet and Guna?" "What? Oh, no!" shrieked Hermione. "I forgot to join
Amulet and Guna-guna!" "But how can you forget?" said Harry. "You're with us
until we arrive in front of the class!" "I do not believe!" Hermione wailed. "Is
Professor Flitwick angry? Oh, garagara Malfoy, I thought of him and forgot
everything." "You know what, Hermione?" said Ron, looking down at the large

Arithmancy book that Hermione used as a pillow. "I think you're tired. You're
working too hard." "Not!" said Hermione, brushing her hair out of her eyes and
looking around desperately, looking for her bag. "I'm just careless, that's all! I'd
better see Professor Flitwick and apologize ... See you in Divination!" Hermione
joined them at the foot of the stairs that led to Professor Trelawney's class twenty
minutes later. He looked very restless.
"I thought we were just going to learn about the upcoming semes of crystal ball,"
Ron muttered
"Good afternoon, children, "said the familiar faint sound, and as usual Professor
Trelawney appeared dramatically from within the room. Parvati and Lavender
shuddered with pleasure, their faces glowing in the light from their crystal balls. .
"I decided to introduce the crystal ball earlier than I originally planned," Professor
Trelawney said, sitting back to the fireplace and looking around. "Fate has told me
that your exams in June will have to do with the crystal ball, and I would love to
give you enough practice."
Hermione snorted. "Seriously ... 'destiny tells him' ... who made the exam
questions? He did, right! What an amazing prediction!" he said, without trying to
lower his voice. It's hard to guess whether Professor Trelawney is listening to her,
because her face is hidden in the darkness. Nonetheless, Professor Trelawney
continued, as if she hadn't heard. "Reading crystal ball is a delicate art," he said
dreamy. "I do not expect that anyone of you will be able to see the first time you
see the infinite depth of the ball. We will begin by practicing relaxing your
conscious mind and outer eyes" - Ron
Harry, at the very least, felt foolish, staring blankly at the crystal ball, trying to
empty his mind, while thoughts like "this foolish act" never stopped crossing.
Have you seen anything?" Harry asked them, after a quarter of an hour watching
the crystal ball in silence. "Yeah, there's a burn mark on this table," said Ron,
pointing. "There is a child whose candle has fallen." "What a waste of time,"
hissed Hermione. "I can practice something useful. I can catch up with the Witty
Spell ..." Professor Trelawney walked past them. "Is there something I want to
help interpret the foggy signs in the ball?" he mumbled in the jingling of his

bracelets. "I don't need help," Ron whispered. "It's clear what this means. There
will be a lot of fog tonight." Harry and Hermione burst into laughter. "Jeez!" said
Professor Trelawney while all heads turned toward them. Parvati and Laven-der
looked horrified. "You disturb the vibration of the power of fortune-telling!"
Professor Trelawney approached and studied their crystal ball. Harry's heart sank.
He was very sure of what was going to happen.
I am forced to say that from the first moment you entered this class, son, it was
clear that you did not have what was demanded by the great art of Divination. To
be honest, I've never had a student whose mind was so ordinary. "A moment of
silence in the room. Then ... "OK!" said Hermione suddenly, getting up and
stuffing the Disclosure of the Future Fog into her bag. "OK!" he repeated,
swinging the bag over his shoulder and bumping Ron until he almost fell off his
chair. "I'm giving up! I'm not coming anymore!" And the whole class was amazed
to see Hermione walk to the casement door, kick her open, and down the steps
disappeared from view. It takes a few minutes before class can calm down again.
Professor Trelawney seemed to have forgotten completely Grim He suddenly
turned away from Ron's and Harry's desk, breathing rather heavily while
tightening a thin scarf to his body. "Ooooo!" said Lavender suddenly, to
everyone's surprise. "Ooooooo, Professor Trelawney, I just remembered! You saw
him leaving class, right? Right, right, Professor? 'Towards Easter, one of us will
leave us forever' You said so long before, Professor! " Professor Trelawney gave
him a faint smile. "Yes, son, I do know that Miss Granger will leave us. Even so,
people usually hope she misreads the Signs,our inner eyes sometimes weigh.
Harry glanced into his crystal ball, but saw nothing, except the white fog that was
hovering. Did Professor Trelawney see Grim again? Will he see it too? It would
be bad if he had another fatal accident, given that the Quidditch final is getting
closer. Easter holidays can not be called relaxed. Third grade students have never
gotten that much homework. Neville Longbottom seemed almost fainting with
anxiety, and he wasn't the only one. But there were no assignments as much as
Hermione. Even without Divination lessons, he took more subjects than his
friends. He is usually the last to leave the recreation room at night, and the first to

arrive at the library the next morning. Under his eyes there were now dark circles
like Lu-pins, and he seemed to be constantly crying. Ron had taken over the
responsibility for appealing Buckbeak. If he does not do his assignments, he will
diligently read thick books with titles such as the Hippogriff and Poultry or Wild
Psychology Handbooks? Study of Hippogriff Brutality. So much fun Ron, that he
forgot to be fierce with Crookshanks.Harry, meanwhile, had to take the time to
make homework in between his Quidditch exercises every day, not to mention
discussion of endless tactics with Wood. The Gryffindor-Slytherin match will take
place on the first Saturday after the Easter holidays. This temporary Slytherin
excelled in the tournament with exactly two hundred points. This means (as Wood
does not get tired of being reminded of his team) that they need to win the match
by exaggerating that number to get the Cup. As far as the children remember,
there had never been a time before the match with such a tense atmosphere. After
the holidays, the tension between the two reams and their respective dormitories
was such that they could explode at any time. Small friction occurred in the
corridors, culminating with an unpleasant incident, which ended with fourth-
grader Gryffindor and sixth-grader Slytherin being taken to the hospital with
garlic leaves popping out of their ears. Harry himself was struggling with various
disturbances. He could not walk to class without the Slytherins reaching out to try
to tackle him. Crabbe and Goyle always appear wherever Harry goes and get
away disappointed when they see Harry surrounded by children. Wood had
instructed Harry to be accompanied wherever he went, in case the Slytherins
would do something that would make Harry unable to compete. All Gryffindor
residents welcomed this challenge with such enthusiasm that it was impossible for
Harry to arrive in his class on time, because he was always surrounded by a large
group of noisy children. Harry himself was more concerned about the safety of his
Firebolt than himself. When not in flight, Harry saves them in his locked suitcase,
and he often runs back to the Gryffindor Tower during recess to check if the
broom is still there.Harry slept badly. At first he dreamed he was getting up late,
and Wood was screaming, "Where are you? We have to use Neville!" Then he
dreamed that Malfoy and the other Slytherin team members came to the dragon-

riding match. Harry was flying as fast as he could, trying to avoid the bursts of
fire from the mouth of Malfoy's mount, when he realized he had forgotten not to
ride his Firebolt. Harry fell from the sky and awoke with a start. Only a few
seconds later Harry realized that the match had not yet begun, that he was safely
in his bed, and that the Slytherin team was clearly not allowed to play with the
dragon. Harry felt very thirsty. As far as possible making no sound, Harry got out
of his bed and poured water from a silver teapot under the window. It's quiet and
calm outside. There was no wind to shake the treetops in the Forbidden Forest.
Dedalu Mighty did not move and seemed harmless. Looks like the condition of
the match this time is perfect. Harry put down his trophy and would only return to
his bed when his eyes caught something. There are animals roaming the lawn that
sparkles silvery. Harry darted to the table beside his bed, grabbed his glasses and
wore them, then hurried back to the window. There's no way it was Grim - not
now - not right before the match ... He squinted at the rum field again and after a
minute of searching frantically, saw him. The beast was walking on the edge of
the forest now ... he was not a Grim at all ... but a cat ... Harry gripped the window
sill with relief when he recognized the brush-tailed tail. It turns out that only
Harry and the other members of the Gryffindor team entered the Great Hall the
next day were greeted with loud applause. Harry couldn't help grinning when he
saw both the Ravenclaw table and Hufflepuff clap for them too. The Slytherin
table hissed loudly as they passed. Harry saw Malfoy look paler than usual. Wood
skipped breakfast to persuade his team members to eat, while he himself did not
touch anything. Then he told them to hurry to the field, before the others had
finished breakfast, so they could get a picture of the conditions of the field. When
they left the Big Hall, everyone applauded again. "Good luck, Harry!" Cho Chang
exclaimed. Harry felt his face flush red. "Okay ... there's no wind ... the sun is a
little too bright, this can mislead your view, so be careful ... the field is quite hard,
good, our steps can be hard ..." Wood walked around the field, looking around,
followed by his team members. Finally they saw the front door of the castle open
in the distance, and the whole school descended into the courtyard.Neither of

them spoke when they changed into their deep red robes. Harry wondered if they
all felt the way he felt: as if he had eaten something that writhed at breakfast
earlier. It was only for an instant, Wood had said, "Okay, it's time, we go ..." They
entered the field in the midst of noise waves. Three-quarters of spectators wore
red roses, waved red flags with the symbol of the lion Gryffindor or waved
banners with slogans such as "LET'S GRYFFINDOR!" or "LION IS
CHAMPION! "Nevertheless, behind the Slytherin goal post, two hundred people
wore green robes, Slytherin silver snakes glittered on their flags, and Professor
Snape sat in the front row, wearing a green robe like the others, and his smile was
very gloomy. "And here comes the Gryffindor team!" shouted Lee Jordan, who
acted as a commentator as usual. "Potter, Bell, Johnson, Spinnet, Weasley,
Weasley, and Wood. It is widely known as the best Hogwarts team has seen in
years.Lee's comment was drowned out by the "huu" waves from the end of
Slytherin.And now the Slytherin team was appearing, led by Captain Flint. He has
made several changes in order, and seems to choose based on size rather than
ability.Wave after wave of red supporters climbed the guardrail entering the field.
Hands rained down on their backs. Harry could only feel the voices and bodies
urging him. Then he, and his teammates, were carried to the supporters' shoulders.
After being lifted to the light, he saw Hagrid, his robes covered with red roses—
"You beat them, Harry, you beat them! Wait till I tell Buckbeak!" It looked like
Percy was jumping around like crazy, all dignity was forgotten. Professor
McGonagall sobbed louder than Wood, wiped her eyes with a large Gryffindor
flag, and, roaring through the crowd toward Harry, looked Ron and Hermione.
They were unable to speak so moved. They could only smile radiantly, when
Harry was taken to a row of seats, to where Dumbledore was standing waiting
with a huge Quidditch Cup. If only there was a Dementor ... When Wood who
was sobbing gave the Cup in Harry's hands, when Harry lifted it up, Harry felt he
could produce the world's greatest Patronus.

Chapter 16: Professor Trelawney's Prediction

Harry's Excitement for successfully winning the Quidditch Cup lasted about a
week. Even the weather seems to celebrate this victory. By June, the sky was
cloudless and the weather was hot and musty. All the kids want to do is walk in
the yard and sit on the grass carrying a few liters of pumpkin juice, maybe playing
Gobstone leisurely or watching a giant squid floating looking for air in the middle
of the lake. But they can't do it. The test is almost here, and instead of lazing
outside, children are forced to stay inside the castle, trying to force their brains to
concentrate, while the tantalizing aroma of summer enters through the window.
Even Fred and George Weasley seemed to study. They will soon be taking the
OWL test - Ordinary Wizarding Levels. Percy prepares to face NEWT. Newt
really is a kind of water lizard. But in this case NEWT was the Nastily Exhausting
Wizarding Test, the highest qualification offered by Hogwarts. Because Percy
wants to enter the Ministry of Magic, he needs to get top values. He became
irritable and gave severe penalties to anyone who disturbed the peace of the
recreation room in the afternoon. The only person who was more tense than Percy
was Hermione. Harry and Ron had given up, never asking again how Hermione
could take several subjects at the same time, but they could not take it anymore
when they saw the exam schedule that Hermione had made herself. Row "What?"
snapped Hermione, taking her schedule and studying her. "Yes, of course only. "
"Is there any point in asking how you can take two exams at the same time?"
asked Harry. "No," Hermione said curtly. "Have you seen my book Numerology
and Grammar?" "Oh, yeah, I borrowed it for bedtime reading," said Ron, but very
slowly. Hermione began sliding the stack of parchments on her desk, searching
for the book. At that moment there was a friction in the window, then Hedwig
flew in, his beak biting on the letter tightly. "From Hagrid," said Harry, tearing the
cover. "Buckbeak's appeal — the sixth has been determined." "That's the last day
of our exam," said Hermione, still looking for her Arithmancy book. "And they
will come here to do it," said Harry, still reading his letter. "An officer from The
Ministry of Magic and — and the executioner. "Hermione looked up in surprise.
"They brought executioners to appeal! It seems like they made a decision!" "Yes,"
said Harry slowly. "Can not!" growled Ron. "I've spent centuries reading
materials to appeal. They can't just ignore them!" But Harry had a gruesome
notion that the Dangerous Animal Disposal Committee had made a decision,
influenced by Mr. Malfoy. Draco, who had been visibly lethargic since
Gryffindor's victory in the Quidditch final, a few days later was arrogant. From
the derisive comments Harry had heard, Malfoy was sure that Buckbeak would be
killed, and Malfoy looked very pleased he was the cause. Only with great
difficulty did Harry manage to refrain from imitating Hermione hitting Malfoy on
these occasions. And worst of all, they had no time or opportunity to look at

Hagrid, because new strict security measures were still in place, and Harry did not
dare to take his invisibility cloak from under the one-eyed witch. Weeks of exams
start and unnatural silence envelops the castle. Third-grade students dropped out
of Transfiguration at lunchtime Monday with a limp and pale face, comparing
results and complaining about the difficulty of the assignment given to them,
which included turning a teapot into a tortoise. Hermione irritated her friends by
fussing about how her tortoise looked more like a turtle, even though the others
were far worse. "Mine has a teak spout. It's terrible ..." "Can turtles emit smoke if
they breathe?" "His back is still a picture of the cane tree. Do you think my grades
will be reduced because of this?" Then, after a rushed lunch, they went back up
again for the Amulet and Guna-use exams. Hermione is right. Professor Flitwick
tested them with Witty Spells. Hermione overdo it, because she was tense. As a
result, Ron, who became his partner, laughed incessantly and had to be taken to an
empty class to calm down and it was only an hour later that he himself could do
his witty spells. After dinner, the children rushed back to their respective
recreation rooms, not to relax, but instead to start studying the Care of Magical
Creatures, Potions, and Astronomy.Hagrid gave the examination of the Care of
Magical Creatures with a mind that did not concentrate the next morning. His
mind was not at all on the exam. He provided a large tub full of fresh Worm
Flobber, and told his students that in order to pass, their Worm Flobber had to be
alive after an hour had passed.They were the Potion test that afternoon, which was
a big disaster. However Harry tried, he could not make his Confused Solution
thicken, and Snape, who stood watching with satisfaction and pleasure, wrote
down something suspicious like a zero before he left. Then came the Astronomy
exam at midnight, on the highest tower. In the History of Magic examination on
Wednesday morning, Harry wrote everything Florean Fortescue had told him
about the hunt for witches in medieval times, while deep in his heart it felt like to
eat Fortescue coconut-nut ice cream in that hot classroom. Wednesday afternoon
means Herbology, in glasshouses under a blazing hot sunlight, then returns to the
recreation room once more, with their nape hot on the sun, imagining how fun it
will be tomorrow night, when all this has passed.The second test before the last,
on Thursday morning, was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupine had
prepared the most extraordinary test for them; various obstacles in the open air.
They must walk through the deep pool containing Grindylow, pass through holes
filled with Red Cap, trudge across the swamp, ignore the misleading instructions
from Hinkypunk, then enter the large old coffin to face the new Boggart.They
went down to dinner with the others, but did not return to the Gryffindor Tower
afterward. Harry had hidden the Invisibility Cloak under his robe. He had to cross
his arms in front of his chest to disguise the front of his swollen robe. They hid in
an empty room opposite the Entrance Hall, listening, until they were sure the hall
was quiet. They heard the last two children hurrying across the hall and the door
slamming. Hermione stuck her head out of the door. "Okay," he whispered,

"there's no one else — wear the robe ..." Walking very tightly so no one could see,
they tiptoed across the hall under the cover of the invisibility cloak, then
descended the stone steps and stepped into the courtyard. The sun had set behind
the Forbidden Forest, gilding the golden beauty of the trees at the top. They
arrived at Hagrid's cabin and knocked. A minute later Hagrid opened the door.
Hagrid looked around for his guests, his face pale and his body trembling. "Here
we are," hissed Harry. "We are wearing an invisibility cloak. Let us in so we can
take it off." "You shouldn't have come!" whispered Hagrid, but he stepped back,
and the three of them entered. Hagrid quickly closed the door and Harry pulled
open his Invisibility Cloak. Hagrid did not cry, nor did he rush into hugging them.
He looks like someone who doesn't know where he is or what he should do. This
helplessness is more pathetic than tears. "Want some tea?" he offered. His large
hands trembled as he reached for the kettle. "Where is Buckbeak, Hagrid?"
Hermione asked doubtfully. "I - I brought it out," said Hagrid. Milk was scattered
on the table as Hagrid poured it into a pitcher. "I moored him in my pumpkin
garden. I thought he should see the trees and — and breathe in fresh air — before
" Hagrid's hand trembled so hard that the milk jug slipped from its grip and broke
into pieces on the floor. "I'll do it, Hagrid," Hermione said quickly. He hurried
over to Hagrid and cleaned the floor. "There's another one in the closet," said
Hagrid, sitting down and wiping his forehead with the sleeve of his robe. Harry
glances at Ron, who stares back at him helplessly. "Is there nothing you can do,
Hagrid?" asked Harry curiously, sitting next to Hagrid. "Dumbledore" "He tried,"
said Hagrid. "He has no power to reject the Committee. He has told them
Buckbeak is okay, but they are afraid you know what Lucius Malfoy is
threatening them, I think and the executioner, Macnair, he old friend Malfoy but
the process will be fast and I will accompany him. They followed him to the door
that opened into the backyard of the cottage. Harry felt like he was dreaming,
even more so when he saw Buckbeak a few meters in the distance, tethered to a
tree behind Hagrid's yellow pumpkin garden. Buckbeak seemed to know
something was going on. He let his sharp head go right and left, and his feet
scavenged the ground anxiously. "It's okay, Beaky," said Hagrid softly. "It's
okay ..." Hagrid turned to look at Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Come on," he said.
"Go." But they did not move. "Hagrid, we can't ..." "We will tell them what really
happened ..." "They can't kill him ..." "Go!" said Hagrid firmly. "Things are bad
enough without you guys having a hard time too!" They have no choice. While
Hermione put the Invisibility Cloak on Harry and Ron, they heard voices in front
of the cabin. Hagrid looked to where they had just disappeared. "Hurry and go,"
he croaked. "Do not listen..." And he stepped back into his cabin when there was a
knock at the front door. Slowly, as if in a horrible trance, Harry, Ron, and
Hermione rounded Hagrid's cabin. Arriving at the front, they heard the front door
slam shut. "Come on, hurry up," Hermione whispered. "I can't stand it, I can't bear
..." They walked up the gentle slope to the castle. The sun is sliding rapidly now.

The sky had changed to grayish purple, but in the west there was still a reddish
light. Ron suddenly stopped. "Oh, Ron, come on," Hermione insisted. "The
Scabbers - he doesn't want to - shut up. Ron bent down, trying to hold Scabbers in
his pocket, but the rat went berserk, squeaking like crazy, writhing and reaching,
trying to bite Ron's hand. "Scabbers, it's me, you idiot, this is Ron," hissed Ron.
They heard the door open behind them and the sound of men. "Oh, Ron, let's go,
they will do it!" breathed Hermione. "Okay — Scabbers, shut up.They walked
again. Harry, like Hermione, tried not to listen to the murmurs in their backs. Ron
stopped again. "I can't hold it — Scabbers, shut up, all will hear us ..." The mouse
squeaked wildly, but not loud enough to overcome the sounds that came from
Hagrid's back garden. There were male voices, silence, and then, unexpectedly,
the whistling of the swing and the hitting of the ax. Hermione stumbled
immediately. "They've done it!" he whispered to Harry. "I - I - can't believe - they
killed him!"

Chapter 17 : Cat, Mice And Dog

None of them could have believed that the executioner was actually killing
Buckbeak. They are flat making their way back to the palace, but suddenly
Scabbers start to go crazy. He bit Ron and then took off through the grass,
followed by Crookshanks. Ron takes off after him and only manages to catch the
mouse and put it back in his pocket. Suddenly, the giant black dog Harry has seen
Ron's attack, dragging him to the mighty Dedalu, and disappears from view.

They could not figure out how to get in until Crookshanks showed them
the way. They get into a tunnel that leads to Shrieking Shack. When they find Ron
Ron over trying to tell them that Sirius Black is a big black dog, but he doesn't
have enough time. Sirius Black disarmed them.

Harry bursts into rage, remembering how Black betrayed his parents, and
suddenly the black attack. When he has his wand back and Black is corner, Black
tries to tell him, there are more stories but Harry does not want to hear. He
attempted to gather to kill him if he was cut off by Professor Lupin, who disarmed
helping Harry and Sirius stand. Harry is upset at the betrayal, and is even more
surprised when Hermione tells them all that Lupin is a werewolf. Lupin admits
that Harry needs to listen to the full story, and begins explaining. He told them

that the story begins with Rat Ron, Scabbers. He said that Scabbers were really a
witch by the name of Peter Pettigrew, who should have died.

BAB 18 : Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

It takes several seconds to digest this absurd statement. Then Ron voiced
what was in Harry's mind. "You two are crazy." "It doesn't make sense,"
Hermione said weakly. "Peter Pettigrew is dead," said Harry. "He killed him
twelve years ago!" Harry pointed at Black, whose face twitched twitched. "I want
to," Black growled, his yellow teeth grinning, "but little Peter Pettigrew
outperformed me ... nevertheless, this time it won't be repeated!" And
Crookshanks was thrown to the floor when Black pounced on Scabbers. Ron
shrieked in pain when his broken leg was crushed by Black's body.   Black
stopped struggling, though his sunken eyes were still fixed on Scabbers, who were
gripped tightly in Ron's bloody hands with his scratches and bites. "All right,"
Black said without taking his eyes off the rat. "Tell them, it's up to you. Just as
fast, Remus. I want to commit the murder that has been accused of me and put me
in jail ..." "You two are crazy," said Ron trembling, looking at Harry and
Hermione for support. "I've heard enough of all this. I want to go.   "HE'S NOT
PETER, HE'S SCABBERS!" shouted Ron, trying to cram back the rat into his
front pocket, but Scabbers struggled too hard. Ron staggered almost fell, and
Harry pushed him back to bed. Then, ignoring Black, Harry turned to Lupine.
"There are witnesses who saw Pettigrew die," he said. "People are one street

He looked sane and tired. Ron wanted to interrupt, but Hermione said,
"Ssh!" He looked at Lupine very seriously. "I was very young when I was bitten.
My parents tried everything, but at that time there was no cure. The concoction
that Professor Snape made for me all this time is a new discovery. This potion
makes me safe. As long as I drink it a week before full moon, my mind remained
human's mind as long as I turned into gala-human ... I can lie in a circle in my
office, a wolf not at all dangerous, waiting for the moon to fade again. "Before the
Wolf-Curse Potion was discovered, once a month I became a monster terrible.
There was no way I would be able to enter Hogwarts. The parents certainly don't
want to His children get along with me. "But then Dumbledore became head of
the school, and he sympathized with me. He said, as long as we are careful, there's
no reason I can't go to school ... "Lupine sighed, and looked Harry straight in the
eye. "I once told you a few months ago that Mighty Dedalu was planted the year I
entered Hogwarts. That The truth is that the tree was planted because I entered
Hogwarts. This house ... "Lupine glancing around gloomily, "... the tunnel leading
to here— everything was built for my use. Once a month, I'm smuggled in from

the castle, brought to this place, to transform into a human-gala series. The tree is
planted in the mouth of the cave to prevent lest anyone meet me while I am turned
into a wolf. " Harry could not guess where this story was going, but he listened
with attentive. The only other sound besides Lupin's voice was the great-
grandchildren of fear Scabbers.

"Severus really wants to know where I go every month," Lupine told him
Harry, Ron and Hermione. "We are in the same year, and we are - er - not so
mutual like. He especially disliked James, jealous of James's talent on the field
Quidditch ... in short, Snape once saw me cross the courtyard one night when
Madam Pomfrey drove me to Dedalu Mighty to transform. Sirius thought it would
be - er - funny to tell Snape what he needed to do is just pushing the bulge on a
tree with a long stick, and he will be able to follow me. Well, of course Snape
tried it — if he could get to this house, he would met an adult werewolf — but
your father, who heard what he had Sirius carried, chasing after him and pulling
him back, risking his own life ... Even so Snape had a chance to catch a glimpse
of me at the end tunnel. Dumbledore forbade him from telling anyone, but from
that moment on he knew what am I ... "

BAB 19 : Lord Voldemort's servant

 HERMIONE SCREAMS. Black jumped to his feet. Harry jumped as if he

was electrocuted big electric charge. "I found this at the base of the mighty
Dedalu tree," said Snape, throwing invisibility cloaks, be careful to keep the wand
pointing at Lupin's chest. "You might be curious, how did I know you were here?
"he said, his eyes flashing." I just came from your office, Lupine. You forgot to
take your herbs tonight, so I brought a full cup. Fortunately ... fortunately for me,
I mean. On your desk lay a map. Just one look at me already know everything I
need to know. I saw you running along this aisle and disappear from sight. "
"Add two more to inhabit Azkaban tonight," said Snape, his eyes now glittering
terrible. "I'm very interested in seeing how it reacts Dumbledore saw all this ... he
was sure you were not dangerous. According to him, Lupine ... human docile wolf
... " "You are stupid," Lupine said quietly. "Is a child's heartache in the past is
enough reason to put an innocent person back in in Azkaban? "   DUARR! Snake-
like thin strings burst from the tip Snape sticks and wraps around the mouth,
wrists, and feet of Lupine. Lupine lost balance and fell to the floor, unable to
move. With a roar outraged, Black stepped up to pounce on Snape, but Snape
brandished His staff was right between Black's eyes.

"It feels like someone lit a fire in my head, and the Dementors didn't can
extinguish it ... it's not a happy feeling ... it's an obsession ... but it gives me
strength, makes my mind clear. So, one night, when they opened the door my cell

to put food in, I slipped past them as a dog ... far away it's harder for them to feel
the emotions of animals, so they are confused ... me thin, very thin ... thin enough
to escape the bars ... I swam as a dog back to the mainland ... I walked north and
slipped into the Hogwarts compound as a dog ... I've lived in the woods since
then, except the time I came for watching Quidditch: of course ... you fly as good
as your father, Harry ... " He looked at Harry, who did not look away. "Believe
me," Black said raspy. "Believe me, I've never betrayed James and Lily. I'd rather
die rather than betraying them. " "Sirius, Sirius, what else can I do? Dark Lord ...
you don't know ... he has weapons you can't imagine ... I'm so scared, Sirius, I
don't been brave like you and Remus and Jarr ice. I didn't mean it ... Him whose
name cannot be called forcing me ... "   Black conjured heavy shackles from
empty air. Soon Peter Pettigrew straightened up again, his left arm was shackled
to Lupin's right arm, his right arm shackled to Ron's left arm. Ron's face was
determined. Apparently disclosure of the identity of the Scabbers actually
regarded as a personal insult. Crookshanks jumped lightly from the bed and led
out of the room, the brush-bottle tail held high with a gallant.

Chapter 20: Dementor Kisses

HARRY has never been part of a group as mysterious as this.

Crookshankstake the lead down the stairs. Lupine,Pettigrew, and Ron next, like
six-foot road race. Then followed Professor Snape, hovering horribly, fingershis
feet nudged each step as he went down, raised by his staffhimself, who was raised
at him by Sirius. Harry and Hermione are the rear.
Returning to the tunnel proved difficult. Lupine, Pettigrew, and Ron had
to tiltin order to enter. Lupine still guarded Pettigrew with his cane. Harry can
seethey advanced awkwardly in a row. Crookshanks is still in the lead. Harry
followed after Sirius, who still made Snape float in front of nothem. HeadSnape
that drooped repeatedly hit the low roof of the tunnel. Harry getsSirius's
impression was not at all trying to prevent it.They did not speak again until they
reached the end of the tunnel. Crookshanks shot more
Past. Obviously he had pressed his front legs to the bulge in the trunk,
becauseLupine, Pettigrew, and Ron climbed out without being greeted by

Sirius let Snape out of the hole first, then pulled over for Harry andHermione can
pass. Finally, everything was out.
The castle courtyard was now pitch black, the only light coming fromcastle
windows in the distance. Without words, they move. Pettigrew's breath
stillsighing and sometimes she whines. Harry's mind buzzed. She would
leaving the Dursleys. He will stay with Sirius Black, a close friendher parents ...
she felt like she was flying ... What would happen if she told the Dursleys he'll be
living with the convicts they've seen on television!
While the werewolf hugged, clenched its jaw with
loudly, Sirius disappeared from Harry's side. He has transformed. Big dogs are
likethe bear jumps forward. When the wolf snatches itself from its shackles
tied it up, the dog grabbed its neck and dragged it backward, away from Ronand
Pettigrew. They struggled, biting each other, tearing each other ...
Harry stood stunned, stunned by the sight, all over
his attention was absorbed by the battle, so he did not pay attention to the
Hermione's screams made him realize. ..
Pettigrew had bent down, grabbing the stick that Lupine had dropped. Ron
Yangcould not stand up straight with his legs stretched, collapsed. Eruptions
heard, bursts
light — and Ron lay motionless. Another eruption— Crookshanks bounced offair
and falls on the ground.
Harry could feel the Dementors watching him, hearing their breath
rattling like an evil wind around him. The closest dementor seems
weigh up to make Harry his victim.
Then he raised his rotten hands — and lowered his veil.
Where there should be eyes, there is only a thin, scabby, stretched gray skin
on an empty cavity. But there was a mouth, a formless gaping hole, sucking air
with the sound of death.
Unbelievable horror left Harry paralyzed, unable to move or speak.
The patronus flickered and then died.

White mist blinds it. He has to fight ... expecto patronum ... he can't
look ... and in the distance, he heard a scream that he already knew ... expecto
patronum ... he fumbled in the mist looking for Sirius, and found his arms ...
they won't take Sirius ...
But a pair of strong, wet hands suddenly slung themselves around Harry's neck.
The hand forced his face up. Harry could feel his breath ...
The dementor will destroy him first ... he can feel his breath
foul ... his mother screamed in his ear ... that would be the last scream he heard ...
And then, through the mist that drowned him, he thought he was watchingsilver
light, more and more brilliant ... he felt like falling in the grass ...
Face down, too weak to move, nauseous and trembling, Harry openedher eyes. A
blinding light illuminated the grass around Harry ... Screams had stopped, the cold
began to move away ...Someone is holding the Dementors ... around Harry and
Sirius and Hermione ...
the rattling and straws of the Dementors were fading. They go ... warm airagain...
With his remaining strength, Harry raised his head inches and
saw an animal in the light, ran towards the lake. With blurred eyes hit
in sweat, Harry tried to infer what the animal was ... the beast glowed like
Unicorn. Struggling to remain conscious, Harry saw him stop when he reached the
opposite side. For an instant, Harry saw in the light of his light, that someone was
greet him ... the man raised his hand caressing the animal ... the person seemed
knew ... but it was impossible ...
Harry did not understand. He could not think anymore. He felt the rest of his
left him, and his head hit the ground when he passed out.

Chapter 21: Hermione's Secret

When Harry came to him at the hospital. He goes ballistic when he hears
from Fudge that they have Sirius locked and that the Dementors will give him a
kiss soon. Harry tries to tell him about Sirius Pettirgrew's innocence and betrayal,
but Fudge won't listen. It was only when Dumbledore appeared that Harry had a
glimmer of hope.

Dumbledore quickly forms a plan that will allow Harry and Hermione to
help Sirius escape. They used a Time-Turner from Hermione that brought them 3
hours back in time. This shows that Hermione received a Time-Turner from
Professor McGonagall at the beginning of the semester and that she had used it to
take classes scheduled at the same time.

They save Buckbeak from execution, Harry saves himself from the
Dementor, and they save Sirius from the locked room just before the Dementor
appears to kiss him. Sirius thanks them with all their hearts and flies into the night
on Buckbeak's back.

Chapter 22: The Birdhouse Again

Hermione tugged at the sleeve of Harry's robe, staring at her watch. "We have
exactly ten minutes to go back to the hospital without anyone seeing—
before Dumbledore locked the door ... "
"Okay," said Harry, reluctantly looking away from the sky, "come on, us
They slipped through the tower door behind them and down the stairs
spiral stone. Arriving below, they heard voices. They close themselves to
the wall and listen. Sounds like Fudge and Snape. They walk
quickly down the corridor at the foot of the stairs.
"... just hope Dumbledore doesn't make it difficult, 'said Snape." A kiss will

immediately implemented? "
"As soon as Macnair returns with the Dementors. This Black affair is very
I can't say how much I have wanted to tell the Daily Prophet that
Finally we caught him ... surely they want to interview you later, Snape ...
and as soon as Harry was sane again, I guess he wanted to tell the Prophet how
exactly you saved him ... "
Harry gritted his teeth. At first glance he saw Snape's grin as he and Fudge
passed his hiding place with Hermione. Their steps are increasingly
stay away. Harry and Hermione waited a few more moments to confirm them
really gone, then started running in the opposite direction. Down one
stairs, then another, down the corridor - then they heard a sound
chuckled in front of them.
"Peevesl," muttered Harry, grabbing Hermione's wrist. "Enter here!"
They ran into the empty classroom on their left just in time.
Peeves seemed to float up and down the corridor in high spirits, laughing
laugh out loud.
"Oh, he sucks," whispered Hermione, ear pressed to the door. "Bet,
he must be happy because the Dementors will kill Sirius ... "Hermione checked
his watch. "Three minutes, Harry!"
They waited until Peeves's cheerful voice faded into the distance, then
slip out and run again.
"Hermione - what would happen - if we hadn't been back in the room before
Dumbledore locked the door? "Harry gasped.
"I don't want to think about it! ' complained Hermione, checking her watch again.
"One minute!"
They have arrived at the end of the corridor which is the entrance to the hospital
"Okay - I can hear Dumbledore," said Hermione tensely. "Come on, Harry!"
They crept down the corridor. Open door. Dumbledore's back looked.
"I'll lock you both up," they heard him say. "Now ... five

minutes before midnight. Miss Granger, three rounds is enough. Hopefully
succeeded. "
Dumbledore came out of the room, closed the door, and pulled out his wand for
magically lock it. Frantically Harry and Hermione ran toward him.
Dumbledore looked up, and a broad smile broke under his long mustache
silvery. "How?" he asked softly.
"We did it!" said Harry out of breath. "Sirius is gone,
riding Buckbeak ... "
Dumbledore smiled at them.
"Very good. I think ...," he listened carefully to whatever came
from the hospital sal. "Yes, I think you're gone too. Come in - I'll lock it
Harry and Hermione snuck into the sal. The room is empty. There is only Ron,
which is still lying motionless on the bed at the far end. When the lock click, click
behind them, Harry dai »Hermione climbed into each of Hermione's bed
tucked the Time-Turner under his robe. The next moment, Madam Pomfrey came
again from his office and come closer.
"Has the Principal left? Can I take care of my patient?
Madam Pomfrey is grumpy. Harry and Hermione thought the best
accepts the chocolate he gave secretly. Madam Pomfrey stood by
them, making sure they eat it. But Harry could barely swallow. Him and
Hermione waited, listened, their nerves tense ... And then, when they both
taking the fourth piece of chocolate from Madam Pomfrey, they heard a roar
distant rage echoed from somewhere above them ... "What's that?" ask
Madam Pomfrey was shocked. Now they could hear angry voices, longer and
harder. Madam Pomfrey looked at the door
a trip to King's Cross Station. The letter was still held tight when he was,

Ron, and Hermione stepped over the barrier on platform nine three quarters.
Harry immediately saw Uncle Vernon. He stood in a place quite far from Mr. and
Mrs. Weasley, looked at them suspiciously, and when Mrs. Weasley hugged
as a welcome, his worst suspicion of them was proven.
"I'll call you about the World Cup!" Ron shouted behind Harry,
after Harry said goodbye to him and Hermione, then
pushed the trolley carrying his suitcase and Hedwig's cage towards Uncle Vernon,
who welcomed him with his usual style.
"What is that?" he snapped, looking at the envelope still held by Harry. "If that
another form to sign, don't expect ... "
"No," said Harry cheerfully. "This is a letter from my guardian."
"Guardian?" asked Uncle Vernon nervously. "You don't have a guardian!"
"Just have it," said Harry brightly. "She's my father and mother's best friend. She's
a killer
convicted, but managed to escape from the magic prison and is on the run. But he
is happy
keep in touch with me ... want to know how I'm doing ... check if I'm happy .... "
And grinning at the horror on Uncle Vernon's face, Harry walked to
station exit. Hedwig squeezed in front of him, welcoming the summer
seems to be much more fun than the previous year.


A. Knot
The novel, entitled "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" has many
advantages and few shortcomings. This novel deserves to be read by the
general public, ranging from small children to parents because this novel is
very inspiring, reminiscent of the entertainment world. Where the
popularity has two faces. At first it always worships and exalts. But behind
it all, always dropping and destroying.

B. Advice
We as young people who become the successor to the nation
should often read books that contain both science, fiction, and nonfiction.
By reading books, we can add knowledge and insight, as well as useful
information in the future. Often take time to the library, storehouse of
So let's enjoy reading books to become a generation of
knowledgeable and achievers.


Rowling, J.K (2017). Harry Potter dan Tawanan Azkaban, Jakarta: Gramedia
Pustaka Utama


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