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Vazquez, Joannah D. Mr. Jaime B. Naval, MPP

2017-00054 Political Science 131

BA Political Science

Outline on Singapore’s Political History Reporting

I. Introduction

A. Heraldry, symbols, and meanings

B. Geography and early history as a trading port

C. Basic socio-political/cultural demographic

II. European Arrivals

A. The 1511 capture of the port of Melaka by the Portuguese

B. The arrival of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, an agent of the British East India Company

1. Enactment of free trade and free immigration policies

III. British Colonial Period

A. The Japanese occupation of Malaya and Singapore (1942-45)

B. The establishment of the People’s Action Party (PAP)

C. The election of Lee Kuan Yew as prime minister

IV. Singapore Merger with Malaysia (1963)

A. Singapore’s declaration of independence from Britain

B. 1963–1966 Undeclared war with Indonesia (Konfrontasi)

C. 1964 ethnic riots in Singapore

V. Independent Singapore

A. 1965 Separation from Malaysia

B. 1967 Formation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)


C. 1968 Withdrawal of the British from its military bases in Singapore

VI. Economic Success

A. Major reforms for rapid economic growth

B. The reputation of having a stable and corruption-free government

C. Development planning and social policies

D. Recession in the Asian economic crisis of 1997–98

VII. Leaders

A. David Marshall as first elected chief minister of Singapore

B. Lee Kuan Yew first prime minister of Singapore

C. Goh Chok Tong second prime minister of Singapore

D. Lee Hsien Loong third prime minister of Singapore (incumbent)

VIII. Problems and Concerns

A. The domination of PAP in Singaporean politics

B. The restriction of citizens on their basic rights to freedom of expression, association, and

peaceful assembly

IX. Observations/Conclusion

A. Economic success vs freedom and rights

B. Resilience of Singapore through effective government responses to recessions, wars, and



Abshire, J. (2011). ​The History of Singapore​. The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations.


LePoer B. (1989). ​Singapore a country study. ​Federal Research Division, U.S. Library of Congress.

Leinbach R., et al. (2019). ​Singapore​. Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc. Retrieved from:

Pearson, H. (1961). ​Singapore : a popular history​. Eastern Universities Press.

University of Texas (2007). ​Singapore: history.​ Asian Studies. Retrieved from:

U.S. Library of Congress. (n.d.). ​History of Singapore​. Retrieved from:

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