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Suga  Disorders of growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis

Cell turnover  Tissue in the process whereby cell formation is balanced by cell loss 
Process of our body produces new cells

Morphogenesis  Biological process (formation) that causes an organism to develop its shape

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Bertambah jumlah oleh karna mitosis  Multiplicative

Auxetic  Bertambah dalam size (growing skeletal muscle)  Jumlah sama

Accretionary  Increased in intacelluler tissue component (bone and cartilage)

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Morphogenesis  Highly complex process of development of structure shape, and form of


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Jejas  Kematian cell

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3 classes regenerative abilities :

- Permanent cell  No regenerative ability (very low mitotic activity)

- Stable cells  Good regenerative ability but low rate of turnover (little mitotic activity)
- Labile cells  Very high regenerative ability and rate of turnover (kulit) (rapidly
proliferating tissues)

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Labile cells  Bone marrow and lymphoid cells

Epithelial cells of skin, mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, gut, exocrine gland ducts

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Stable cells  Liver cells, endocrine glands, bone, fibrous tissue, renal tubules

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Permanent cells  Neuron cells, retina, neurons in eye, cardiac and skeletal muscle cells
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Cell turnover

Grwth factors  EGF, PDGF, IGF-1, -2

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Radiosensitivity 

Paste table from the slide

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Paste from slide

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Systemic growth disorders :

Endocrine 00> dwarfism (GH defect), gigantism

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Maternal nutrition hanya pengaruhi sdikit fetal size

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Faktor yg mempengaruhi pertumbuhan fetus :

- Genetic
- Endcrine 
- Nutrition

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Increased growth  Hypertrophy (jumlah sama tapi besar2) & hyperplasia

Hyperplasia  Enlargement of an organ or tissue caused by an increase in the reproduction

rate of its cells (component cell terlalu banyak)

- Common tissue response

- May be physiology (breash enlargement in pregnancy) or pathological (prostatic
enlargement in elderly men)

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Left ventricular hypertrophy bisa compensasi menyebabkan righ ventricle juga hypertrophy
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Atrophy  Decreased in size of cells

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Metaplasia  Acquired  Cell2 diganti dengan cell yg mature  Changes in non-neoplastic



Bisa berubah jadi dysplasia  neoplasia

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Smoke bisa mengubah cell type

Smokers : Epitel bersilia (bronchi)  epitel squamosa

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Dysplasia  Increased cell in number

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Neoplasia  Persistent walau penyebab sudah ditangani

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Agenesis (aplasia)  Failure of development of an organ or structure within it

Cari :

- Define and differences between hyperplasia, hypertrophy, metaplasia, dysplasia,

neoplasia, hypoplasia, atresia, aplasia (agenesis)  neo? Plasia? Meta?
- Polyps
Wound Healing
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Saat ada jejas, cell2 lain ditarik ke tempat kejadian jejas (cell migration)

Chemical and cytokine mediators inrease

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Yg datang pertama adalah neutrophil  Kill bacteria

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Yg kedua datang adalah macrophage  Untuk phagocyte dead bacteria

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Lalu endothelial cells datang untuk memuat new capillaries

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Pericyte yg menambal luka terbuka

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Pembentukan kembali epitel

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ECM  Collagen, elastin, matrix glycoprotein

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Paste table form slide

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Paste juga

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Mycardial infarction  Cardiac muslce diganti dgn jaringan ikat

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Glomeruli yg destroyed diganti jaringan ikat

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