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General General Se eee sole Oita CONTENTS ae a a TANGINT INDIA: 1. Harappan/Indus Cvilzaon 2. Vaio Qh 2S AM. Mahsirapoda Pes 3, Religious Movements” Maury, Qe ee ee tecisk tesagee ose ae Bere tome tne ore esr a Ne nl tps rete sa a a ees ei ee Be eee sate re re ne a eer Sh ee os ee Seep neta wie ke Pane aa eye er eee ees tae! came hese Balik Cormeen Conse Sanson a oa conte | 2 Wetton ws TANCENEWORLD:Mecptin Citizen Esptin ise Fee Go Gene aay an elie me TIMEDINAL WORLD“ Matcra Baap Cena, Cosa th Gein Mer Cine Neer fem Sey Nose Moke ME MGOET HERD Raccene Keema Fe es alien tail trons Tats For eros Unica sy Unter of Comey Fant Weld War Rusin Revolution Chinese Revolution, Turkish Revelation, | ‘World Depression of 1923-34 Fascsmin tay, Nazism in Germany, Mian fn Japan Second Word Wer. IN. MISCELLANEOUS - Important Dats, Association of paces, Abbreviated or Alternative Names, Important Bates 3. Gevgraphy 158 The Solar System, Continents and O’eans, Biosphere, Lithosphere, Fiydrosphere Atmosphere Latitudes and Longitudes,Ditterentheat 2nesot the earth, Longtudes and time zones, International Date Line, Motion of the ‘earth, Effet ofthetted axis on day and night the Atmosphere (composition and layer ofthe Atmosphere), Weather and Climate, Atmospheric Pressure, Tntemal Structure ofthe earth, Rocks, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Various Landforms (Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Grasslands, Landforms created by the river system, Landforms created by glacier, Landforms created by the actonof wind, Landforms crested by theacions of Groundwater), The indian ‘Sub continent: Postion, exent and” physical features, Climatic diversity in the Indian Sub-continent, Soil resoures of the Indian sub-continent Agriculture in India, Land use pattem of Inia, Water resources and thir Ublization in India, Multipurpose river valley projets, Transport in india Indiacar gun Ste na capitals Poplin na a Site Wife antares an arp in ttn ian ‘nd power pct an satis» nl Col ned 0 ‘Aga Coogphy the nan stones Counties wh reat ‘egy Keer ae i Neder he met Cou sn a ah paces and dust Tos iad wth Same pian inst oss Fanon (Wd) Changed ome Cetin ah area, Continents highest an lowest ity Tie eps cea Highest “mountain peaks (world), Geographical epithets Important boundary ines, ‘ites an thi hanelnds Ghcery Indie Poy ond Constittion meme 1 volun of Indian Corton, 2 Contant Aserbly and Malig the Constuton Dif Sores fhe indian Carton 4 Important Arts ofthe Consttation& Iporart Amedinent fhe Cotsen ‘© Some Special features of the Indian Constitution. 7. Federal and Unitary: feature ot the Lian Union § The preamble 9 Lape of Parancuncy 10. eegrton and Merge finan Sates The Union and Teron 12. Reorganization of States 18 Citizenship 14. Fundamental Rights SS Dinstve Prngpi of Ske Ty 16. Fundamental Dats 17 Procedure of Amending the Coston 18, Exrctive ofthe Union 1 TheParamentofTnla2. nective ofthe Sates 21 Special Ponto 12 Panchayats 24 Municaiies24, The Supreme Cour 2 Ths High our 2 ner Sate Council 27. Fnane Commision 28 Paneing Commission Nail Dvelopneat Coun, Nabil eration Coun 3 ne State Relstins 32 Emergency Provisions $3, Pblc Service Cosmisons 3H. Heton 3, Deliritaton Comision of India 36. The Oil Languages 2 National Spal 38. Glasar of Costtutonal Terms Indian Economy eas! 1 Righlght of indian Bomomy2 Eamon and Eamomis3,Chaaceistics orca Economy 4 Agsculte & Land Development 5, Nanal Income & Panag? Unemployment Tae & Commerce New Enos Paley 10 Indian Franca Sytem IL Tan cal System 12. Banking in India 15 Tax System It Inds 15 Foreign Trade 16. Misclangous Facts 17 Giosary of Feonomic and Financial Terms 18. Some Noteworthy Fass ‘Append Highigh of Economic Survey 0118, #Appendin-2S0d0 Economicane Case Census 201 Physics = 401-450 1. Unit 2. Motion 3. Work, Energy and. Power 4. Gravitation 8. Pressure 6. Floatation 7. Surface Tension 8. Vices 9. Elasticity 10, Simple Harmonic orion 11. Wave 12. Sound Wave 13, Heat 14 Light 15. Static Electricity 16. Cursent Hectrcity 17. Magnetism 18. Atomic & Nuclear Physics 19. Electronics 20. Scentfc Instruments 21. Inventions 2. Important Discoveries Relating to Physics 23. Varios Unis of Measurement Weight 4. Conversion ‘of Units from one System to another Sytem, a 7% Chemistry a some. annicseuctse Preeti, re eduction ACs Bases? ge 7 ng felts Compounds 1. Fu 5 Indian Histooy 1 NoneMetal 4. Common Fen ! : Ancient Indi Biolog ‘i 1. Harappar eae BB an, cimaasof Onis’ Cle 4 Cet. Orage snes EaPPalnds Cation 0 B37 BO) ree pty Csi o Pet Kingdom 2 Man Norpeloy sme~Indus Cvlzaton, Fin ref Motaytese 6 at Hormones 6, Von Pa ‘According to archeological radon the most mppropsan name F faligy Pion, Zadogy <1. Chsaton of Animal Kingdom ‘Civilzation (Harappe the Retdiesromel ean appa EE ren Hunan Blood 4 Sytem of Human Body 5, Nutrient ‘According, to geographical point of view, “umn Dene. Micros. ys ue creo Cio Ui lugs Goan of elon i i a Indu Staal ver valley: Wf selement ang Sawed) dia (Mak) 2. iss in nda (Female) Firsts in World (Mate The mont accepted period-2500 BC-1750 BC (by Carbon-¥4 dating) pela Mle 6 Important Mose John Marshall was the fiat scokae to se the tor Td ‘ ais Hm ES es rn Indus Civilization oS Ea nus Civilzaton belongs to Pot Here Pei Eee 9. Aina Paria ic Prod (Chalelihic Agel Ss 6-Otfial Books 17. Nev The Indus Civilization was. spre papers wes speed secretary Cones 21 jean jen ears Ui and Noho Salto Te) | ss.sargcneralyelevetalaappe Ch te Tod's Word Heritage Sits 27, rind a he wa ae ae ee ‘of dia 29. Internal Security of “The Northem-most site of Indus Civili (Earlier) maton Day of Sone States i ianai/ koe tale odeonee, en aaa = Research Cente in Indi ths stead tase ane hernmost site of Indus Ciliation dng (Kin) Gar ati Dinah raat Now see st he Fara te of nhs Catnip indo ta Ta Nenemnorstaal nes Cian Sagtr Nao Gopi Ces —Harappa, Mobeni, Port lieyLathal, Sutkagendor Aladin alot, Kunis ‘Sie “Nee Dit Stel Cory eo : rou) lee Balan nest el apps Ravi_——Sahwal Fb Pakistan ci Mobesjdaro Indus Caan ‘Quinte one nega ssl scence Keene a -- eee ee ee aE Lenn hai Beet cot ocd ete rac epapescer nme Indian History a ele (Kamatal Afghan Pea kan) she ‘ghanistar Pen an Sut conver et Rate ante, Aa te Alghanitan, Bhar Topstar and Spphine Badak shan Alpha) pie ‘Cents Ass sett ‘taher-Sokta an Kiar le Pakistan Amat Mahara : ‘ate, Chakslonis and Camere Seurshraand West india copper ete > Ayer interting et ofthis uitaaton wath rm ma kon the people. The Sumerian texts refer to trade relations with’ Me given tothe Indus region. Agricultural products, cotton goods, erracota igurines, pottery, (trom Chenhudarc candhstll (rom Latha ivory procs, which was the name >> Sotughsiand Mundigag were the indus sts found in Afghani. 3 The Sumerian texts so refer to two intermediate tations — ilu aban) tnd. Makan (Makran coast), Som and Urape Mesopotamian places where Hoarappan seals were found. The Harappans were the east people to produce coin ( was led by the Grek). [As ther is no evidence of coins, barter s assumes fo have ben the normal tethod of exchange of goods Lethal was an ancient port f Indus Gviization. “The indus Civilization was primarily wan. “Thereisnodear-cut evidence ofthe natueof poly butitscemsthatibensing, authority of indus Chiization was a das of merchants. ‘The Harappan people did! worship thee godsin temple No temple in fact thas been upearthed. An idea of thei eigon i formed frm the satues and figurines found. ties > The most commonly found fgirine i that of Mother Gress (Matridert “Shalt There i evidence of prevalence of Yoniiemale exrgan) wor, > The chief male deity was the Pasupati Mahadeva! a ™ (ProtoShiva) represented in seals as sitting in posture; ‘surrounded by four animals (elephant, ge shino and buifalo) ad two ez cs (ingen worsip. ¥ vy ov v > The on of puapic ci un miy on sag Sept hae no eon epee ae ba Orctap of Feira toereeciaw derwrtngnasbocwe ns morte 40 left and from left to right in alternate lines, It has been referred toasmralt Drain a Nae thle nin stint Hn Se Sips bm sien omhoog sip owe om Bid in Seas inal sed int manta as > Humps bls epee inmestol he nds sae 3 Iahutation or complet burl was the moat come the dead > Theonign ofthe Syanta‘gmbolcanbe raced he ness Cen > “nas caso caning be decline das Cote ay a > Tefigretnpekvofettlents place mune Myung wien ee nied wi cp > The mpriy of slat hat the make ofthis ctaton weg > method of isos Dravidian, > Contemporary civilizations of Indus Civitzaton—Mesopotamis ype ang China 2 Vedic Culture (1500 8500 BC) Origin tome oie Aryan > "ihe bction of the rignal home of the Aryans sl rowio, « conor poit Some schlrselioe al te Arjan were nae he Sela nda a soe ote scholars belies ht i Ayre ce med fom outside Casal a (x Miler) Farope/ Anti ogo (8.0 ath > According opps the jan ae suppose to have mga fen inal Asan te ndanstheontnent instead sage ea 2 BCs RC > Bopha! inxptin (sla Nin Takes), which mentions 4 wie gas fies Vrain Nas proven Ce! Ra Ty a > The group that cameto India fst settle nthe present Frontier Province and | the Punjab then called Sapa Since, rogion of seven rivers Tey Bed 7 centuries and graduclly pushed into the intros setlin the valleys ofthe Ganges and the Yamuna. thatthe Rig Veda was composed weil the Aryans were sila ahi Eounaces >> Thereare four Vedas-Rip Leia Sama Va aur Madan Athare Ve The fit tne Vidas are jointly ell Vetrayit too eda > Of he four Vedas the Rig Veo (Collection yc) she eldest text in the woe and therefore, i ao known asthe int testament of mankind? The Rig Neda contains 28 ym ive no 10 manly. Sx mandala Em arecalled Cota /Vamsha Mandales (Kula Granth) The dnl 07h mand Ist and 10h mandalas ansaid to have tema fatet-The TOKh mandala contains the famous Purushasukta which explains the 4 Varma Beaman, Kshatrys Vishya and Shudra. Thehymasof Rig Vs were ced by Plate >The Sam Ved (book of chats) had 1549 hymns, All yrs exclang 75) ‘wow taken from the Rig Veda. The hymns ofthe Sama Veda erence by igor This Veda is important fr Indian muse > The Yajur Veta hook of scifi prayer) is ritual vd, Ils hymns were rected by Aaivagyus Its divided ito two patis-Krishna Yajur Nee end hk Yajur Vea tn contrast othe it two which arin were entirely. his ‘nwis in both vege and prese > The Athorva Nia (book of magical formulae), the South and the last one nia charms on spells to wardffevisand diseases. Fora very lang ime iewas not included in the eatagory ofthe Vedas > The Brahmansexpain the hymns of Uo Vedas. They are writen in prose and nualisticinnature,Brmameans sacri. The various aenifices and itis hhave been elaborately discussed in the Hrahumaras Every Veda has several Frahomanas attached tit Yes Aitweyaand Kasi Stalin ~ Sam Veda Panels (Tndya Maha ena: Shadnsh ‘rps Vohra "Yur Veda ‘Shep odet and the ep sharon) and altar ‘athena Vedi Gopatha ate > The word Aranyzmeas the forest’. The fort texts’ were called Aranyaka ‘because they were writen mainly forthe hermits and the stats ving in jungles. The Aranyaka are the contig petons othe Brahamanas. > The Upanishads ore philosophical texts, They are generally ale eden, 4 they came towards the end of the Veda, There are 108 Upanshadas. Vihodaranyatais thecldest Upanishada, Uterature of Vedic Tradition (60 BC-600 AD) > Uleratureof Vedi Tradition (Site, ememberance eran) of Sterary works: 1, Vedangas/Sutas? SmaitsDhaemashastras3 (Fpies)4. Puranas Upwedas 6. Shad-Dharshanas. s These are sx Vang: 11 Shiksha (Phonetics) :“Pratishakhya” 2 KalpaSutras(Ritual:) s oldest suse mat «Se (hte ig an History / of dict vedi Won ignary of the World) no i is Vda Yl 0 BCDC St crm toner este cS * tat nit) Mars Set (Pro Gupta Pasig Hind trhan ocann Rig Veda chavs ceria oft ogre an Scr ie ncaa | cae a, ee ease come Peed) Commentators gma ~ SE cree cee a ee Porton Capoeira Makar!) Aparara mentions 21 rivers which ctude. Miata Theda Pak aa Bn Sort (GHP Period (8) Kept Sy Kha (Kabul) inthewest Mis Baa = fered) PH) ~ Rigvedic people, who called Panahinl Rav Pama yi Mataanyn 1): “d Reetvehytrssorcnde! Sam Sa Ral a ri [bs ken a8 Ad? Kava" he odo i the rca which came to be Saianvath Santi | Kejeshan niche ic ee | Gene ra bt Bal ~ 26000) in 7 Kandas ic. sections. 1st ang nyo othe revives Sth Kabul ‘Afghanistan pee the ates adtons the Remayana Keni Soiaaes Siva sod thes ve ara Aihardtan 2 Te Mahibanls (le Ya): The Lot pic of the wea, y Ves Patel & saad x Jae ens of 10 shlokasi.. verses (Originally Bann iecaif@ctaturini Sikes Somho/ Bharat, Ply gma | According to the Rig Ved, the most mentioned iver—Sindhus the most plus Sts Sania Mate Bra) in 18 Pavan i. chore pa river—Saraswal, mention ofthe Ganges-l time mention of Yamuna-3 times Horeasa supplement. Bhagavad Cita isextracte from BikshunaParyagg > The Dastajon War (The atl of Tan Kings) Maha Shan Pavan theagst parvan hapten of eMalapen A cording i hes Daran war wantin wage Aryans. The Dasrjan war gives names often Kings who participated ina Wer > ThePrnamears the okt, Tere are 18 famous’ Puranas’ The Matsyary REI Theothes nportznt Parrasces oe against Sudas who was Bharata king of Tetsu family The ten kings Wee of er etre Terns ane Thar thestatesof Porus Yad Turvasay Anusand Druyus alongwith Ave ther ein y Sencalogies of vaio, ‘iz. Alinss, Paks, Bhalanas Sis and Vshanins. The baile was fought on es the bank of Parushni (Rav) in whieh Sis emerged victorious, > Tete heat vedas wertraditonallyasocated witha yy aaa AGORA | ~ Phe Kula (the family Above the Kela were the Grama, the Vi the Jana and was the basis of both soca and political organisations. o Rashi A group of Bueetieses: ae = Kame ome Grama he gs) an a Dhirurveda - > Regarding the form of goverment It was of patriarchal nature, Monarchy was. a Your ‘ocala Or a fa thon wea (shwakarme) AtbaraNGl > The Reshira was ruled by a King or Rajan and the royal descent was by School of Indian philosophy known as Shad-Darshanas waa as ‘Dasthans Founder ene > Very litte Ss known about ministers of Wait Mead 1 Sanya Darshana = theking. ThePurohitoordomesticpriest Kula (the family) Kulapa eee suas) Vasily Rent Grima tig) Goma Biers Patanjai Yoga Sutra 4 Kings peceptog frend, philosopher ithe dan _Vispati | MebetiDian — GaeecnCavins Noo EN ones yma ChepSe) Gopal BRE a | ‘Gramani ead of lage) ashtathe county) Rajan mata Parva Mims Sit > The amy consisted of font-sldiers and chariteers, Wood stone bone and « Milas Dadajana rahmasuta eevee Keo Beattie sn NI ema ale ee we ee er ing sent upholder of & Cee ten Polder of he a > el paste ihe amt Width, nas 5 assemboe> ant individuals. Ty aise ern portant nd 00 po > Be of fw posed 2° Certs on the arbitrary rule of eee Sorin St court of justice in rst 8 eof Be ingot ening eS Fhe hen > Tet ce “a ey is Sa nets ceeri kanoirs er > Tacs nd pie and barker were called Vaichyag et Serene ar > These wodby per as they became later on. a See rs riches #3 aa ec acmmnclttonh > The father’s property was inherited by son. veer a Se oe a SS cerieweimentemenel andthe > Mik ed ts predict, buter and gheeformed an important pat edt Tei also the mention of grain cooked with milk (Kit > Themes offs bins and animals was eaten. ® Tiscow was aleady deemed Aphanyaic. not to be killed on Pal tdethorexpuson from the kingdom tothest $ Mshotdinis SursandSomayere sso consumed ternal and paral people who rekon > Toot the gamble’s lament says: “My wile rejects me Ihe ip veda 83 dancing chariot racing and dicing. One sim tert Indian History > "Daring Rigedictine he Gods worshipped were pc the porwerofNatue It wasbetved hatin poweenton capeecheeniean Eh ies nd punishments nan Fi wavs nitereopeae oe the inermeay bets mans Ga cm were 23 Gs Late day tction sified hem et caer of tata (prthvthanl acta or meme anorectal Sis Grattan 1, Terentia Prithisthaniva: Poti. Ag Som Bahupaon ver 2 Aesallintrmedate Antrsosthanya des ade Ye Tus Paya 3 Geestal Dyusdniya) + Dau Sac Qn 3 forms | Sut Sv Al ‘Pushan, Vishnu), Varuna, Aditi, Usha and Asvin. sal > Inde Agnian Varuna were the most popular ees of igedic ryan Indra oe Purandare destroyer or) The mostionpertant ed 0 Rigi yrs aredevoed to him} who played hell wand and weseaetre tole fe aad Agri: The second mos important god (20 Rigweic hymns ar devoted to im re god was conser tobe the intermediary Betrwn the oan emi ‘runs: Pest water was supposed ool‘ the str nk (Ritasyagop Suna San) was woripe i 5 em Surya Sivitd Mi Phan a Vista arya) God who ive iy wn toy ini a even Spacers Sov (the god fight) Te fimons Gayot Manta adres thee Mim A sole ae Pasian + The god of mariage main funciom-gwarting. of wads fenton an cying ete Visa god which covered earthin hse tes paca > Soma : Originally a plant producing potint dink during courses of A gnisuomasarifce, could be hemp) a led King of plans denied inter withthe mou. The th mandala of Rig Ven which contains hy isarebuted tothe Soma That’ why tied the Some Mandal > Other Gods/ Goddesses Raa Che goof animal), Dyaus he ade gx _and the father of the world), Yama (the god of death). Ashwin/ Nastya (the godothealth youthandinmoraliy) Addithe ret mater of gods) sinha (iver goddess). > Sometimes gods were visualised a animals but there was no animal worship. > The nature of Rigvediceigion was Henotheismitea belief in many godsbut each god standing out in tums as the highest > Their religion primarily consisted of the worship of gods with a simple ceremonial known as Vjnaor sacrifice Sacrifices consisted ofoferingsof milk, the, grin, lsh and soma. “The Aryans crosed the nomadic stage Yel. great importance was oes Teva roe ina a ana aacrreny markets were known but they were not extensively die ot hnown > Gomplenity in producing goods resins lke carpenters, sits, rode its appearance. Men of ‘inners, weavers, pater and genders Smeets aed ce ‘scales nme SS cara agar vere shomepetneinte The ao ait Neg win and rugs rms ond spels wer Theos clea ee eran de cag See est Pot) Calne 150081000 BC 2 —- , beep Later Vedic Period: 100 BC- 600 BC ‘So py Comrie i en acho eceoee trie of Nore nd > The cei of altar now sited from Saraswati to Ganges (Madhya desak > Ther was mention of moce rivers such as Narmada, Sodanica Gandsl), Comat > The expansion of prope towards the east is indicated in a legend SiupoiaBeshamansow Vides Madhava migrated from the repo comed Scania and came to the land of Videha (modern “Te Ags hen went burning slong the earth towards the east and ahusaa (he pre and Viegh Mathaa followed afer im.” —Sa > Emergence of Jenapadas—Kuru (Combination of Purus and anchals Combination of Turvasasand Kev Kashiet in Doab region. > Ler Vicieratures mention Vindhya mountain (Southern mountain). > Rekencetotheteritil dvsion the later Vedas gives threebroad divs cf lia i. Aryoari (Northen India), Madhya des (Central ln Dakbinspot Souter India) Feliy > Lang Kingdoms and tly cities made their appearance inthe later 2 Lucent's General Knowledge Se ah en > Anulema Vivaha: marriage between a bridegroom fr ae uppe mayan Jatakarma5, a9. Karnachhedang javaratana Li, Vivalg lfeated King or with > 16Samskaras:1. Garbhadhana2. Pumsavana3,Simantom Namakarané Nishkxamana7 Annaprashanas Chudakor 10, Vidyarmbha 11, Upanayana 12. Vedarambha 13, Sam: 15, Vanprastha 16, Antyest. Religion The aslcr vines Indra aap aod Age oe sie iaetaa oer Into the background wie 2. Malic the Queen Universe, Inter known as % Wats Crown prnee Beahimal, Vishnu(Patrn god 4 Sita/Ssrthl the Royal herald Chie Of Aja) and Redes th Ge of animals, Teter ent With Siva/Mahesha)rosein © SstPanl.. Hesd othe lage a Mame 7. XGhata—‘Gatenan/Chanbesn became supreme God. Sonate ‘Trssurer > Pushanawhoprotectedcatle 9% Bhagaduidha Cols of tes intheearly VesicPeriodnow 10. Alshavapa Corer 4| became the god of Shucras’ i, Palgnls Pend of King ] Bahadanyota Uoniad 12 Cova Hest ost pune -docsrine oftransmigration (Punarjanma/Samsara-chakra)and deeds (Karma) > The early simple ceremonial of Rigvedie Period gave place to elaborate sacrifices requiring the services of as many as 17 press In the later Vedas and Brahamanas soerifces Yjnas)came into prominence. > There were two varies of sacrifices 1. Laghuyajnas (Simple/Private Sacrifices) ; Performed by householder eg: Pancha Mahayana ‘Darsha Yana (on Amavasya eon the ayo dt righ Puma Pron thy moon) ete. A 2 Malayainas{ Grand /RoyalSacrifces):Sacrifcesthat couldony be ‘by an aristocratic and wealthy man and the king. |) Rejasuya Yana: Raya consecration, whic i its ull form ‘eres of sacrifices lasting over a yea. Jn later days it was ie. anoinkment. Indian History life or a year before Vajna, Oy oii and his wife spent ascetic ‘Pnction against cul stuale and paced aa ina a tn ems negate , Lo the carpenter and the tner and the iidedeosee = an Ceo lemme tr the Rig Veda, ee ie eee cof rference to corporations (GanasJand aldermen (Sreshtins)” eee 3.1, Mahajanapada Period (600 BC-325 BC) emergence of 2 strong, Priestly domination; Reletion ofthis mood ert Knowles Indian ah » ian ile ee) Pan Pata > Heconquered Aga test jal pica aka wo Uji when Avan King dt a ‘aloe by uncon {Se sem) a ein ~ Knomna.onpa heathen waht an : serrunsiae) Rofo sak = He buit the city of New Rajagrha. tn sys Mav) and a Rte Kania ee Pathe mesos Co gogo peta ml "tr cen Ai ats ie ay aoe ri, Kosala, Valea, Ched, Shas ~ Soe nt ~ Tel oda Anne lad To ee eee SC pcan ea ae ae eren = ‘The three things that played important role to defeat the Vaiji—1, Sunidha and PROMEEC cre tanta a adel ot el et ren adinecas ea a > nts we Kaan al Oe cpael Va) wee addi Mei a hes eed eal ee a He built the fort of Rajagrihe and a watch-fort (laladunga) ata village called ieee Dain ee 7 [iiegr tmp nut ite aaa theconfluence oftheSon and the Gangesand shifted the capital from Rajagriha > Uap mci Aan He aa ve shinanga Dyoney: ADCS Aug Diasak was unworthy to rule, So the people got disgusted! and elected Sooner nokia ae ee : > Themes inporan herent f Saag wis Se Sac Pradyota dynasty of Avanti. This brought to an end the hundred year old cay btu apa ane He ee ta iidesarad . > Shisunaga was succeeded by Kalashoka (Kakavarna) His reign is important ‘because he convened the Second Buddhists Council in Vaishali (383BC). ‘Nanda Dynasty : 344 BC-323 BC ¢ > The Shisunaga dynasty was overthrown by Mahapadma who established a ‘new line of kings known as the Nandas. * > Mahapadma is known as Sarvakshatrantak te, Uprooter ofall the Kshatriyas (Puranas) and Ugrasena ie. Owner of huge army (Pali texts). ‘ Pancha, Kamboja Shakya (Kapila snstates Voi Mall, Ku ra Rammgrama} Soria (PPPHV=D sn ih century BC onyeards Is the hi India om Taga, Kosala, Vatsa and Avant of strato be roof Magacha emerged tobe themost powerful one tec thei Sa ed or making Weapon thats cpl of Moa ee ll in clean he hick oe implement on chahares ploughed the lane better and helped to in ripped plac iro-ippes plaoug walle y dh organisation. Although! 4. Mpc expe sia adantgen military ogoistion Along Neate feel aqurned wth th use of ores aed chaos gua wich st sed elephants on a Tage scale nis Wa 9 Haryanaka Dynasty : 544 BC-412 BC Bimbisara(Shronika):544 BC-492 BC > Hewasthe founder of Haryanka dynasty. > Magadha came into prominence under the leadership of Bimbisara- > Hewasa contemporary of Gautama Buddha > He marie the princesses of Kosala (Kosaldevi] Mahakosala-sister Of King rasent), Lchchhavi(Chellan-sister of Lichchhavi Head Chet MadralKhema-daughier ofMadcaking) whichhelped him in ise policy. > Heyjned a par of Kash as the dry in his marrage withthe sister Prasenjit of Recala : Lucent Genera Ree Je. the sole monarch H para > Terao MEME rant me nang Hel ret a ener ofan de send by Kinch Dianne i > Nara empty Mn with he Agra ne panda vans Alesana seen in 328 ter Custis Dhararanda commanded 2 huge 10 Gr ry 200 cari and 309 lepants ya vs WY) Meuander an sped is mah > Aen spun eval Fright of Danan that eee cane aa 32221 8 an 8 > the Nada ray un th Chg Moa ont ain oe le > The Adoompe Magadan pinos took advantage ofthe poli doae ee at ete Ne Te hein a ad Te Sctenmenn 2 Mec a tl 00 BC-400 BC et of Iranian Invasion {._Iegawoan impetus to Indo-ranian trade and commerce 2 Through thelranian the Greeks came to know about the great wealth of tn this evenly ko Alexander's invasion of Ini, The anan seibes brought into India a form of writing which came Anownas the Kharosthisrpt, K was writen from ight to lef tke the: 4 rananinience on he MauryanSeulptureis clearly perceptible the ul shapes capitals Iranian influence may aso be traced in the (of Ashokas ects aswell asin certain words used in thea 1 Macedonian tnvasion—Alexander’stnvasion (626 BC) > Inthe ah century BC the Greeks and te Iranian fought for the the word, Unde the leadership of Alexander of Macedonia the Greek Buddhism sls the anon en ‘ > Alevancersucvedes his father Philip tothe throneof Macedonia, He pia only 20 yeast Age > > From his very chilhood he ua to dram of workd-conguest He : in sxngaena may as. Lacon Genera Kens eses aero te ae vinoess of Kell republic ns ec tompenir hrm a - early age (0 ne metre = jhe hada #0" ray fon -rson, a dead body and an ascetic Foursighte-anold mar sd eased per dead body Cees Ns philosopher) fm pabhinshkramans (Rerseiation) See gt Shenae! marcas Ne ae ee fe gn eh fn el See erat aires ni tins ei en sa re one ours Princess of Mahabhinsbkremana Cat Kust ) Thisis known as Mahaparinirvana Shakya Munk Doctrine of Buddhism CChatwrat Arya Satyani Four Noble Truths) Ws the essence of Buddhism, 1. Lifeis fll of sorrow (Dak ‘There are causes of sorrow (Dultha Samudava): Dwadash Nidant Pe Samuipada 3. Thissormw canbe topped (Dultha Niroda)» Nirvar 4. Ther isa path leading to the exsstion of sorrow (Duikha Nirodha Ga Pratipada}: Ashtangika Mar Dr te 1 ali Sampak etd (en a Kath yeoman igen) 2 Desire is root cause of sorrow. ro 3 itnnews ina lata means liberation from the cycle of birth and death. a «Age age ge = Sten ie rape Teneo dahon Tae cena) Dn ‘oddist ©) RET NR Buddhist Literature L Pali Texts vamsho and Mahavamsha— UL Sanskeit Texts » Lucent's Genetal Knowledge in the South of India, eg Se Lanka, Borma (Myanmar, Syam (Than) Tava ee 6 There were te subsets of inayane-bhawka a Soutanene ‘Malhayana (ithe Greater Voice 1s lower believed in the hesventines, i Buda 2 They sought he walation ofall through the grace and help of Buda and Bodkin 9 They blvd in idl-worship They favoured Sant language's is know as ‘Northen Buddhist Reign’ becouse frcmalad Wt tat Noch of dla eg, China, Korea, Japan ete. 6. There ere Riaubuecuothahayana-cMadhyanska)Shunvavada(founder-Nagarong) ‘and Yogachar] Vinanavada (founder-Moitreyanath and his disciple Asanga), Sega eaioanineistoncas adie itl ponce hh they elled Va? The chet dviites of hs see eee nse ltbecate popula in Easter India, particularly Benga an Bila i Varapani: the dra hols undertow ofsin an ev. 2._Asloliesvara the lord wholooks down) ls called Padmapani(the ots bearer) : kind-hearted. Mans Gimusor o understanding) He holds abook dessin 10 sami itl pret). M The future Buddha, guard of paratries. jamitayusha: Buddha of heaven Scape heh ow pri ees life, namely Birth, Enlightenment, First Sermon and Death “To these are added four places Sravast, Raigriha, Vaishali and i places have all along been considereel as the eight holy xn in Ancient India-Amaravat and Nagajunikonda Nalanda in Bihar; Junagadh and Yallabh in Gujrat IMP Ajanta-EllorainMaharashtzs;Dhaulagiiin rss {Mathura in UP and Jagadsla and Somapur in West was developed in thee forms: Buddha of some prominent Buddhist monks are a iy ah Mc Man eae anda suuleck Harshavardhana (Vardhana ruler) Gopala, Dharmenie fee ee oe ate Sot Baht sla et sis daghersrghona ana sent mission to Chi Koc and Jpn 2, Paso Bengal ne hacer ts P i and grea patrons Phan, Thitthankaras (literally Ford maker, across, = the stream of existence), the fist being Nae = Rishabhaceva/Adinatha and last being = Rststha = sateen > The Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavay 3 Somibhirnalh — Hose Some ert UL Tine re : : ee Parshivanath (23ed) and Mahavira 24th), > Parshivanath was a prine of Benaras who abandoned the throne and le the fe of a hermit and. died at StimmetShiar) Parshicanath (Parasanath) Fil, Girth Jharkhand. Bis tour main Wwachings (Chaturthi) were 1, Aina oon-njs)2 Satya (nov-lying) 3. Asteye (non stealing) 4. Apariraha (non-possesson). Mahavira adopted ll these fur teahingsand added. ‘one more, that is frahmacharya (Chastity) twit Mahavira's Life > Mahavira was bom in 540 BC i a village Kendgronsa eae Vaishali Bars > Mis father Sitahartho was the head of 24 Mahaify Tom the Joathrika Kshtviya lan under Vai of ‘aisha and hismother Trisala was the sister of Chetak, thekingof Vaisal ‘Mahavira wasalsorelaectoBimbisar,theralerof Magadha.iwhohadi ‘Chellana, the daughter of Chetaka. " wc > Mahavira was married to Yashoda (daughter of Samarvira king) and a az sor’ General Koowlede oe potest Se a ememmsteen nn 7 pacticsnd| mecarh oftruth, le was ccompained by Maki Seine er = tine ks ot Figen bank of ig Me atv stained Kevstaoprene bree) re now nels fe wos eld. Keon (perfec eae, na @ Poundiyaone i conquered His venses), Netra free fom all bond Jhanttlesed one) and Mahavira(the brave) and his followers were namag edaivendlis internat Pras dpestknownas 11Garthra * ‘Gandharvad. Later, he founded a Join Sangha(Jain commune) at Pava. S Ait hge cf $68 06 he pase aay at Povapuriner Birt SB ecco 1 Gathers wh ied ser Sh he aim of existence is to attain through the triratna of TT tay shes igh ah isthe ble in Thiraankarag yak Jan (Right knowledge) ‘Wis the knowledge of the Jain creed. Le Five Vows of Jainism ism are: |. Alimsa(nominjury) 2. Saty{non-ying) 3. Asien, a{non-possession) 5. Brahmacharya\ chastity) The down by Parshwanath. The fith one was added by iad ats jareKooates eles appara ; Kinane coc of +All our ju See or Indian History 2 scons Yor Wome han a & 500 BC Patiputa Sthulibiades Chandeagspta i SHAD VARA Deva sin complain 9 2 ‘Ange sod 12 Upangas Notet4Pres/Parver-tsthepartef12 Angamand dle Mahavie’sprachings Besides this, the important jan texts are 1 Kalpast(in Sanskrt)—Bhadrabahu 2. Bhadrabal Carta 3, Parishishia Parvan (an appendix of Trshashthishlaka Purusl}-emehandrs of Jainism Se onan trod of many Join monks othe Deccan and South nda (Shravanbelgola) Slang with Bhoceabohu and. Chandeogupta Maurya They exam Ba Sher 12 years. The leader ofthe group, which stayed back st Magacha was, ‘Shulobhacra When the Jains (Bhadrabah and othe) tured em South, india, they eld that complete nucity be an nena part ofthe teachings of Mahavira, whe the monks in Magadha began to paton white clothes >» Thusaroethetwosecs Shvetambara white cad) and Digamibaraty clad) 1. Shetambaras (ce. those who pon white robes} —Sthuahadra 2. Digombaras ie those who were statknaked)—Bhadrabahi samples of Jain Architecture 1. Gumphas ie. Caves eg. Hathigumpha, Baghagumpha etc, Udaigisi and Khandagii(Orsss}~Kharvela 2. ilwara temples eg Vimalavasahi temple, T3epala temple-Mount ‘Abu (Rajasthan) 3, Temples —Girana and Paitana (Gujrat) 4 ‘Temples eg, Pavapari temple, Rajgrha temple-tihar 5. Statue of Gometeshwar/Bahubali-Shravanbelgola (Karnataka). Royal Patrons North India: 1. Nandas; Binbisar,Ajtshatra and Udayin (Haryank, Chandragupta | Maurya Bindusara and Samproti (Mauryan)-Magadha 2 Pradyota (Avanti) _ 3 Udayan (Sindhu-Sauvira) cS wad. Dymay 2 eee “3 SEAS on Csi oa Ganga patrons of ‘Kbaravela (Kalinga). aurya Period (322 BC-185 BC arene orien Dhoonnts Arn, Pltarchand Latin writers suchas Plinyand Justin le foMaunyan administration, ase system, absence of slavary ond usunge Indiaete > Vaoklha Data's ‘Madea Rakshasr’ «Though it was writton during Guy Period, describes how Chandregapta Maurya get Chanakya's assist fo overthrow the Nandss, Besides this it gives an excellent account ofthe revalling socio-economic conditions. > Puranas: Though they are a collection of legends interspread with relia teachings, they give us the chronology and lists of Maurya Kings, adds Lertoe 1 lodian Bais ext Jraka=(a part of Khuddsaihaya ‘of Suttapitaks which describes 519 stories of Buddha's previous bigs reveal a general picture of socio-economic conditions of Mauryan period 2.CeylonsseBuddhistchronilesDipavamssand Mahavamsadescibe the part played by Ashoka in spreading Buddhism to Sri Lanka. 3. Tibetan Buddhig fext Divyavadana gives information about Ashoka and his efor to spread Buddhism. 2 Archaeological Sources : > Ashoton Ets and isis Thee ane Rok Fics, Pilar aia) ave nso oad at several plices inthe Indian sub-continent. Th aan scene d {or14 Mejor Rock VrousPcpes Wt Maaahor Pata ee pha ‘ait Kaba Dead ‘woah Cima, Fradnhl Ohaal (Canam oa cote art Rak i aes ict addon wee z the nalnga wae (ia) Minor Rock Personal Nort nate sr ent ea ome ee ‘aur Arora and Kay oat oie ene arabar Cave Ashihara and AGH lean as Sa 1 ps oe ce A py beeen 5 pepe g 4 Courtesy to nulatives, elders on F rane [downloaded From: s ashisthakur23. blo toate Roowrciee Indian History a the available evidence (Buddhist iterature mainly that there pears rom the aval Buxkdhist iterate manly) th » ofthe Mout a 5 ‘te en net tem 2 > apr eric one amon pices on te dnt Bn a Drea retatinacn ces ems il Kuna (flow da epg Butt adiion, Asoka usurped the throne afer Hi his ecm rte su on iaguptacnlyasamagy > Acai Sra Te tae youngest one. Radha inser of vical rie ae Rsk Init laman (150 AD) Bstsara helps! him inf of Radradaman (150 AD) has some nding Ppa of session aceon er ineregnam of fut years 7-20 BO > The junngarh Rock ihivse Se es the Mayan das This 1 ger securng hs potionon the hone Asko Nas formally heer hand try to ink the Mauryan dynasty wig, Mayne #269 BC > frown st ig trp Ars Ce Ee | hae ela apo ame tobe oT 25 Beare enn poston oF Aka Che Pot) ang HM paises tt Mob ino tiet can sy thatthe Maury longa tthe Mor tea eee nriatec ce) | eee s eeee papal itr mine eke chandngapa Maurya 322 BC298 BC : Fe onda rie Charan! wd once] Se HPN BC with teh of Katia (Chak) rrydas Rap Maga Dutra ina rck ee > arecanianpa inns detec: lau whonurnden as aba cv inept ea se eRiuding Ava (era), Arachosa (Kandhs), Gedroma Py Kandhar mar rck eit and Deepa Alesa sn Paroparade (Kabul neuro cleans Aco a (ea ragapa ancl he Hiahush ese ound o tinea clei ‘a Varn Puranas Dace arta ent the of Capa ~ ela ul be Kas van 81 ea tis coronation. The Mauyaty Selec Naor ‘Big was moved by the maseacre in this war and therfore abandoned the > Ghandragupta became a jain and went to Chendragiri Hill, Sravanbelgali pplicy of physical occupation in favour of policy of cultural conquest. In other eer teed wr he iad by ow Sen ana ere edie ics /Slehar. > Ashoka was notan extreme pacifist, edd not parse te policy of peace for To patent imate tena | rennin raeneea ee H and incorporate it nto his empire. ‘> Tate Bourshed, agriculture was regulated, weights and messures wa ible tt leon Ee the Pandyas, and ee cre we states ruled by Greek Kings (Antiochus ya: Philadlphos Ptolemy > Tmation sation and famine relief became the concerns ofthe state. Higgs Antone Necdonln Meee eo ae ‘Bindusara:298 BC-273 BC pa piegoenwriaaneehe clei and Serpe ace > Chandragupta Maurya was succeed by his son Binds Ashoka's Dhamma & indus Lnown to the Geeks as Amitrchates (erived from the Sand > Ashola's Dhamma cannot be a Aron saraghaa te. layers ffs) i said to have card is arms toe See ane oe cel alae theirparents pay mapect to Brahmanas and Buddhist monks and show > Bina a Asin Ff 97 and an ee A Sdeaeeianaie nai and show mercy a aphat Antachos sent wine and igs but politely epied tat GRA Held that if people behaved well Phiopber 2 would attain Swarga (heaven a SS ioe canner ees. wena cawunens hiamsmavcamec cetera ene eS a ‘Ando the dil was named. Paton stm by the division of the Mauryan Empire into two > ‘The Wester part came tobe ale by Kiana (m of Ashoka an the Eastern pparteame tobe ruled by Psst > The last Mauryan ruler firhacaths was aswssinated in 185 BC by hig feammenderin-chiet, Pushyautra Surge, who established his own Sung dyna > Causes for the Destine: I. Highly centralised aministratio SFacpatejecadla fay Beaman : Beara eaten ects Spins Wek tesauyan Reg Fe oD. Rosin) 7 Nee of erly Frontier (Resaings ORM of the king, Ambarsdor Grech hing) ‘ Sendrocottus-Strabo, Justin Megasthenese (2-28 HC) (Secs Jn, Plutarch NikatorFesia ar Babylonia) tan | Mishabhadata (Mra) texts Dimachos fet (Antiochus 1» Syela) Dionysiuy txt (Phiadelphos/Poteny IE) Prana ore tae The Mauryan goverment was a centralise bureaucracy of which Fa SE swantheking According tKautlya/Chanakyo,thereare elements then) Raj( the king) Amatya the secretaries), fangpoda “Ren he tease), Seng (Arny)and es Friend) vas garded asthe soul among al the seven elerentsf the tate. ei Ptshad : The king was asisted by Mants Parishad, whose othe San the coven piace) 2 The pura he ‘TheSenapatltive commander-in-chief) iv) afew other ministers, nee ‘Then in charge he ity admin jae Accountint Genera ‘Sandhya Supers pcre Poach Superintendent of content (sevshondhyaishe ——Superotndentot hate Povtovadhyolsa ———_Supoitendont ef welghs and anes evade Superintendent of ship satkanthyatsha Calico ols ‘suaradhyabsho Saperinenden ins Tatdhysisha Superintendent fon I Provincial Administration ‘ovince capita ‘Wtwapathate Northern Provine ‘tot ‘vanes. Wester Province in Prachi: astern and Cental Province Patiputrs Kolin Easter Povige ‘oahu Dakshinspsthaje Souther Povins Suvamagi Note: according tthe unagadh Rc of Rudman Sasrshia wat gover by oshrapeP the vay, fete of Chane Maurya andy eat ting Tashspoat the eof Ashoka, ‘Minit Dit Heed = een Chase, provins) haps Kmars : Abse/VshevaGe Ditie) —__‘Prdethaladminrtiaand Raja landrevenue) Sangahana (group of 10 vile) Gaps halla emi sags) Graiha Sit ML Municipal Administration > Kautlyadevotesafulchaptertotheraesotthe Negara tysuperintndent. is ct Gay was maiteanceoflwandordet > Megasthenese account ofthe system 6 committes of five members each, and ‘their functions; Ist — Industrial Art, 2nd ~ Entertainment af 3a ~Reqisration of Biths and Deaths, th — Trade and Commerc, Sth ~ Public sale of manufactured goods, and 6th Collection of taxes onthe articles sold 1/10 of purchase price). 1 Army » Lanes anata Knowledge th nate controled sonal emomncativiton Tilted dom pasanis varied fom 1/41 160 the prstuce > esate so prove rigaton tas (eat) a charged ay i ae es “cedeeipte > Import tra /Mharhos sytem ‘in Denyal (astern cost, ‘a > Duting Maueyan perc the punch marten cons (est of vel were he common ui tasactin atl they way ale f1qu0% ManUiciy Setar /ratingopen oa rigid cn the Varna system as the -oarlior Siti writers. sus Atco upon th Shas an Arya comma eee reattatinwnce ters Recolgapotventh Vaya fem ween cee “oir trade though others continued eultivation) and the Shuclras(quite a fow gt om ere no aricultrists and others beng asthans). enesestaes tha dan woelety was divided into? classes acmers Slits 4. Herdsmen 8 Artisans 6 Magistrate ‘Th ‘laws’ mentioned above appear to have been econo we tate that there were noslavery iv India: ye acconting ‘Wasa recognised institution during Maryan eign as thinking of slavery in fll egal sense asi «high poition and freedom in the Mauryan soxety nen were peated to havea voc o eae onal bodyguards ofthe king, spiesand inothet > The Mauryasnteduced stone masonry on ange scale during Ashoka. Fraginentsofstonepillarsand wooden floor and eu plan hall have been discovered at Kumar em outset of Pat 1% follows : These palaces are so bewulll ara >be the creation of Ged eather than of ert the “masterpieces of Mauryan. sculpture. Each ofsandstoneonytheireaptay whicharebcautifl form of on or bul ae joined with pillar on the top. spial at Sarath and Sond, Lionel capita of Sanath was adopted nal Emblem of Inno 36 Jan, 1980, Single lion capital at Rampurva and Lauriya Nandangash. Single bull capita at Rampurva, ‘Acarved elephant at Dhauli and engraved elephant at Kale ‘The Mauryan artisans who slated the practice of hewing out caves from focks for monks to live in, The easiest example are Berar caves (Sudan, ‘Wook Ht, Chowpada of Karna, Rishi Lomesh) in Gaya (Ashokan). The other ‘examples are Narn cavesin Gaya (Dasharathh « built throught the empire to enshrine the eles of Buddha, OF the mist famouis are at Sonehi and Bharhta a s arta ere gnc em eee, “All men are my children — Kalinga Rock Edict F(Ohauli) 5.1, Post-Maurya/Pre-Gupta Period (185 BC-319 AD). Fe cece ‘Sunga Dynasty : 185 BC-73 BC ‘{Capital-Vidisha (M.P)) > Sunga Dynasty wasestablished by Pushymitra Sunga, aBrahenin Commander oe ee Sorainanns sci oe ee cae ee ee > Pushyamitrawassuccesded by hisson Agnimitrs, the heroofKalidasa'sdrama as SS hac serene» si Ral les ‘hagabhadea, Devabhuty followed, lading to the decline ofthe dynasty. > During their rate there was a revival of Brahminical influence. The Bhagavata ies ‘Pata author of the Mahabhasyat, was Bom at Gardai Central Tad. Patajal asthe pret of 2 Awana Yjnas performed by Puckymitea sutton caren ‘ailing which surrounds the Sanchi stupa, built by. ‘sonsirctes during the Sunga period. , ghrepyn sents Ne Chia and Spe hj on > The pila cone of sculpt vw > Stupas the ¥ very = mete Rn anos Dynty: 79 BC-24 BC — Stare va caer a he Sagat wos marry (Rao Vacate bs cued anode he kan yee The pero Kanal came wan end in 28 BC Surana Dyan 0 BC-28 AD Copal Psat thors timate ef mative ssn of the MAY in iy Dasa dCi ert aan > Te stshna record ob ena wih the Anas Wo ‘eter inc Porras > Treen ura ng appeared retin Anbu Makaha hey ist bec acpanshave ee ar ‘> ‘Sinuka0039 9) wns ine fonder th Satahann Satan tel ale and sper ond prestige by congue FSi nvr waste stro Cathar ot Stasi Pak Fel et K in Pe) ase coterie Mat > vas Gntaspry Sth (16 130 AD) who revive the Slav ahany gn deented he Saka oatrap Nahapan, He wasthe retest Satavahan ‘ior ied Setavahana rl ‘= sip Sei Satatar ts 24h rule wasmariedtothedaughierol Ska Kecapa Raxrndaman but defeated by him twice Mana Si Setabar its 27 alr, was the dynasty’ ast great ules, Planar ts 300s ruler, was the last Satavabana rue. > Setavahanas wer filly soccedo by the Ihshvakusin 3 Century AD, > Satovahanassartedthe practice of donating land with scl andadmisistrative {munities to Brabmanss and Buddhist monks, which eventually ween their authority. The ealstnsriptinalevidencsof land grantin ndiabslongs tos century BC > UndertheSatavahanas many Chaityas(orshiphallandihara(monasteri) ‘ere cutout fom rocks mainly in North-West Deccan or Maharashtra. The famous examples were Nasik Karheriand Kerk, > Stupas arg round structure erected overasacred relic) were seen satene all “round Ella The most famous of hese attributed to the Satay hana period ‘ne Ammaat a sculptural treasure house, and Nagarjunokonda > Theol language ofthe Satavahanas was Prakri¢ > TheSstavahanas issued their coins in ead (mainly) copper, bronze and poi ChetilChedi Dynasty of Kalinga > The history of Kalings after the death of Ashoka is shrouded in obscurity. 6 ‘new dynasty knownas the Chet or Chesi dynasty, rose inthe region probably inthe 1st century BC. > Osrinformation bout this dynasty is derived solely from tne Hathigumpht Tasca Baneshwar Oisa Khtravea the nd leo > Alollower of jainism, Kharavela was liberal patron of Jain monks for whole ees mann cso he Ug ea Bt - chs) wer the . eekuler was Men foreign sur of North-Western {\5BC-14SDC) alah agar a Mabe of coins which they issued a che were the st rulers iat ase coins which can dnt > es ww the kings. ‘sinbute hoy were te est to ae gold cof Hence. Greek estursinar giving rise Gandharachoo! Thee sata ah Arnda the mos th century AD. ‘The mest farnous Saka ruler in India was Rudeadgman (130 ADASO AD): > famous not only for his military conquests (particlary againat the aah) but also for his public works (he reputed the famous Sudarsin his patronage of Sanskrit (he snes the iss [ake of the Mauryan period) a the Lang insription i chaste Sasi) Saka rulerin India were Nahapana, Ushavadeva, Ghamatik, > Obherimporta ‘Chashuana ec > Inabout 58 BC a king of jin - Vikramaditya fs supposed to have fought ‘fectvelyagpinst the Sakas. An era called Vikramua Samat is reeknoed from ssc The Fasthians It Century BCAst Century AD Poel the Parthians (ahlvay vedi ran they rpc sh Saka in Nord Westrn Indi but contd an aet mh sale than the aka > Themast famous Pathan bn was Gndpheresin whose gn. Thomas issid shave come to nda forte propagation of Christin. The Kashan: Ist Century ADnd Century AD >the Kushans were rw of he ive Yeu clans of Central Asa > They placed the Parthians in North Wester indian the expands othe lower Indus asin and the upper and idle Gangetic basin > ThefintKushan dynasty was founded by Kadphist/KyjalKadhphises The secon king was Kadphises Il] Yona Kadphise who sed gol is ‘The second Kushan dynasty was founded by Kanishka ts kings extendes the Kahn poweroverupeind, Theircapitalswereat Peshawar(Pueushaputa) The most famous Kushan ruler was Kanishka (78 AD ~101 AD), also known ai “Second Ashoka’. He started an era in 78 AD which is now known as the Saka eraand \s used by the Government of India, > ™ Las Caner Krone RII Gare snip rss» mys rr rc teres ele ce Se 1% Molant grat Kushan aera Vasneva > TheKushanscontat famous wh ntstarting from China passing thro hed empire or 9 Ma aad Western Asi TS a Ince tthe Kushans > The Kine wee the ist ul int sae pol co 84 tothe yal court of Kanishka a host of scholars foun patronage. Pare Monumite Asvaghsha,Nagarhna coharok and Ntchare were some of them JS) C= 0 AD) = Savahanas [9 RC Sh Cetary AD) ~ Saka Kushars {NDAD-¥0 AD) ~SahmKustars, sve ede the Garr choo whe Maury or > Inaba? AD, Hiyas a greek all, discovered the monsoon Se Aut ty Toa from West Asia > tmporant ports : Renae (Bhawwh) and Rartwineum (Western Const Avon Pivetaeaconing 19 ‘erp -neat Pandiseri-Eastem Coast > Ballin was owing out of Rome to It" Geagraphica’—Serahy “Gangraphy’— Per “Perino the Brthryan So“Unknown, > iat cotta with Central Asa, China Gr East Asia ‘SU, The Sangam Period (Ist-3ni Century AD) ‘Natural History—Ptng, ceo- Roman Weed and South: > The Chere cour occupies the portion of beh Kerala and Tamil Naga > Thecapital of Cheras was Vay. > Remain ports were Mucns and Toni ct up two regiment at Muze dente with Grange i Di csonen oon arate Che aes and ter bowen among Chere urs was Ulan Oath sms an a an wo a i ie : tary Part ofCheraking ewer wa Songun Red Ger Wi ai Te inne Nor an evn od Cg ia thunder hemos nso Ff chastity-Kar - {HOCH gins tna ed a Tre rym hing between Penna and Vela iver Chat kings corey to the meer Tanne and Tachi ais evan capital was Urata ple famous for cotton trade, One of he Ie courees of wealth for Colas was tradein cotonelath, tran ential with Kaveripattanam was he main port of Chola and served Peitemative capital of Chola. ‘Teearlest known Chola king was Bara who conquered Sei Lanka and rule revit or nearly 50 yeas. ‘Their greatest king was Karka (man with charred eg) who founded Pubar Toes uttanany and constructed 16) km of embankment along the Kaver {ee with the lp of 12,000 Lankan slaves > They maintained an efficient navy > Te Chola were wiped out in the attack of Pllavas from the North. The Pandyas FP The Pandyas were frst mentioned by Megasthanese, who sid thei Kingdom twas famous for pearl, = The Pandya territory included modem districts of Tirunelveli, Ramand and ‘Macirai in Tamil Nadu. Ithad its capital t Madura situated on the banks of Vaigai river > The Pandya hing profited from trade with Roman Empire and sent emisaries toRoman emperor Augustusand Trojan. ‘The Pandas find mention inthe Ramayana and Mahabharat, > Thecariest known Pandyan ruler was Madukexum, > The greatest Pandya king, Nenlyjllan, cused Kovalan of theft As areal the ty of Madurai was lai under a curse by Kanna? (Kovalan's wife) Sangam Administration > Theking was the centre of administration, He was called Ke. Manna Venian Korravan oe iaivan, > Ava was the court ofthe crowned monarch. > Important officials (Panchmahasebia):1. Amaichchar(Minisers)2 Puroitar (icats) 3. Ducar (Envoys) 4. Senaputiyar (Commander) 5. Ora (Spies). 7 ¥ Lucent General Knowdge Stina ila) ee TName lcm enh arbour anh Cho Saha ion: Karsi(Land Tax), (Tribute paid by feudatg ; oneal ae Rea rehateatctciy pcan et rae * : seein Mandel Nadu) Udon, > me Bee cnllecton) Sere Japuld le down produced enough to feed seven persons I inp peta wore very fertile with gation facies, le Sangam ier Serviving, wm SS Ava Agay ue chia sy [ebatinse) Wskapys ster chaman) “Toppan: ‘North Madurai Nakkiror Eawogai, a at pat i Patines Inka te. Sangamyasanossembly of Tamil poetsheld under royal patronageotPandyan ™ ingsin Madura. According to tradition the assembly lasted for and ws ates by 8.5% poets and 197 Pandyan kings Theft Sangamyas attended by Gods and legendary sages Allis workshave 1390 yes > Ofthe second Sangam the only surviving work is Tolkappiyam anerly work © emia grammar eiton by Teak. “OF the thint Sungate mostly works are surviving, These are Etuogalg anthologies) Pattupatat.e- lO kdyls), Patinenkilakanakku(e 18a 4 orks) and > and Ptupatty are called Melakanakku (28 major wo “pale in form, Painenkana cll Kilakanakh (18 ino wo and didacive in form. , 4 Kimlos Mapp par of Patinenklakarakku ant writen by Tew alle! "The Bible of Tamil Land tis treatise on polity, ethics and social norm The Epes :ilappadikaram, Manimekalal, Sivaga Sindamant ee = (dhe story of the Anklet): Written by ago Adal the story of Kovalan and Madhavi of Kaveripattinam, His. ‘of Tam posty’ > Manimekalai: Written by SitalaSatanar it deals with se nee the daughier born of Kovalan and Madhav al ‘and strongly tinged with Buddhise. ~~ sas Sn naa Chinn Wan by ain Tad a > Sey unged with Jaina statu Write by Pea eas) Oe natty Pa ly Ys tine) Muig Caring ura tar Nemlnntr te) Catling Me bey ya Marae vata) ws ‘ng Agta Awe ina stn etn) owgh Ager ua a a (oat) Maing Sukevtacon Partner 6 Gupta Peviod (319 AD-540 AD) path Century AD anew yay the Gupta voce Magadhs and esablkis! « bige the a igptam over the greater part of Nosh Chasdaguplat 318384A0 Inthe cmp nn Sng {Patol he Marya). Tetrute ast or mone ‘than 200 years, bepereown ~ man p> Thsperie i rofered asthe ‘Clasical Age or Ein “Golden Age of ancient India the most prosperous > Accorting to epigraphic evidence, the founder ofthe dynasty was a person named Gupta He ‘et the imple tile of Maharaj > Gupta was suacweted by his son Ghatotkach, KumangptNes| as perhaps inthe tian history trhoalno inherited the ie ot Mabaroi diggs Chandragupta 1: 319-384 AD i. Naimbaguptis Sheva the int Cuplarulertoassumethe He KGaA AES AD) of Maharani - >t strengthened his Kingdom by matron lange with the pent family of Lichehhavis who weretherulesot Miia Hismariageto Licht Princess Kixmaradev brought tohimenormwnss power resouces a Hetook vantage of estan an scape hea oat alley > Hostarted the Gupta fain 319-20 AD. > Chandrogupta | was able to stash hs athay ver Maga Pryaga and Saketa, Original type of Gold Coins (Dinars); Chandragupla FKumarndel (ype Samuutrapupta 338380 AD > Samuatrayupia was the greatest king of Gupta dynasty a eeg_ ~ Resp ome con Pot i cm te > According to Prayaga Prasaitt, he was Inthe Gangetic Valley and Central y went cer oar eaters movant se eT er sce te terre eimegrmaremert io Ng a nach A sit svn ancl Mal al fe Retiro dain oe Jorn Sunes a Malye ade ng aieksie a in ete tt of Kas Wen aetmaianaanand sian} Vakatsboi sy ciate mse content With vey ol he qui “7 wast ra). a eens tte sp Mon Rate Nog ports aya Prasat), Para Bhat Naty aah Adnedhe prahrmate whose might way demu Wpllehenersseriie cis Vranne: prenwes(n), Ser.rehhetat pate ong in ater Cpa rer ba he ite Sar Oigial ype of Gold Colas (Pinar) Garud type, hanrdbar ie: Arche Hep Ppastcimed ype vyngeiatan Ve Niger ing Morotetori playing ype sm Sarangi 9480 Veishnavite 1% hetnling tte Chine wie Wang Hv Ton, Mav fe anh se aes Wo Sand agupa for hin pert sry fn Wi prime a Beh ayn HV kramadiy a 300-414 AD > Aecnding to “Devi Chandrogupla’ (Vishukbudatt), Samudragupta wos by ngpt M ewes Kamgupta tule fora very short pero, Heres only Cpt ruler ta awe copper coin % Managua cov a ipo ing ave to ured bis queen ‘Phone Sala vader Bt the prince Charadrgupta I the younger Antero te ing, sve potothers haa ngototheenemy’scamp in the guises the qumen pig toll dgtaa ony Chart pla sucewed ia ling the 2% Chavadraqupta 1 soo succeeded in killing Ramyupta, and not inte srr sw vate I Chapt xed the int of mp by mate wih wh Mista nono ern tna) ti acta pa Nga day amr dager tag ct repilabaad ‘of Saka rule in Watern India, the Gupta empite ert ue Araneae rth fs lg ewe Gupta lero arc and pte i Vikramaditya Ujair sewma to have tower mate the second Metal ra Kt a | Minar, Delhi) fron Hillar iweripti ‘Alva the kit aed ety ae eg te —_— he. nine gem of Chandeapupts 1K: 1. Kalidasa (Posty= jalan, Komarsabharan, Raghavamaharss; Dana yar, Absian-Shauntalar) 2 Amarsint a) Dhanavaniavantakanr medicine text Varia (ar rihtsamhita, Vehat ata, Lagi atk). Varah von Ashtadhyayie Ghatakara Kehapranak Vota pecs > Mienat, Meqho soma. ViRxATOr toch (Warta-a¢ shank 2a chandrpapl'time that the Chinese Fahien ve Indi oe pevaupta/Devaraa/Devashe, Parana Bhagavat, Narndea de sinh Vikram et eso Gold cons (inant): Aswarh type, CHbatadhas Ps Original 1 Chak Vikram yp 415-455 AD. ta was +! by his von Kumaragupta ithe end of eign, the Gupta empire was threatened from the North uns wha were temporarily checked by hisson Skandagupta the worshipper of god Kartiheya, slanda Mabavibara which developed into a grea contre of bythe > Kuenaragupa ws learning, > Titles: Mahendraditya, ‘Mahendra Sinhand Ashvameddha Mahendeah (coins) a > rignal types of Gold Coins (Dinar): Khadgadhas type, Gajarohi type Cem Sinh-nihants type, Khang-hanta Le, thinocerorslayer type, Kartheya type, Apeatigh-mudra type ec ‘Skandagupla 488-467 AD se Gkandagupt, the last great ruler of the Gupta cynasty. yung his eign the Gupta empire wasinvaded by the Huns. He suceeded in tofentingthe uns Success repelling the Hunsseemstohavebeen celebrated by the atsurnption ofthe tile’ikramaditya’ (Bitar Pillar inscription). ‘he continuow attacks of th uns weakened theempireand adversely affected its economy. The gold coinage of Skandagupta bears testimony to this > The decline of the empire began soon ater his death. > They + Vikramaditya and Kramaditya (coins), Param Bhagavat (coins), Sharkropama (Kahaum Pillar Inscription), Devaraja (Arya Manjusha Mila Kala ete Sd Chay sty AID The Vaan wet Ura by ver prt of Dec nl Corl nth a tet Chaya. Tore ct bab RAD) Wyo rt mcrded yh wn ion be Vata opie pron rae tng wracnat (275395 ADI ol Dyn eva arena Rebates pee Rasrasea If Rodrmena hd eer» srt ign of ve year we Fiat nd Decne, ratbvatpaya rd ws tS Sr Sal amon bec et te nae vars. rccaen sal Raa ava oy in Mar Sep ‘om ees Inscpions he Cate fhnidngutn Paya! Alia ce Ma Prana an Sta iar Prat ale Copper Pale Royal Chater (aig it Mebane iar Pras Migs” Jonna Rock Prenat as iar Pras) Todo Sone Fla Royal Charter (Evidence of ih agp Padua Copp ae Royal Chater (Even of sale ewnerhip and) Adaistration > Conta cont wasnt asullysalize persind fully alized under Guptasasichad been unde > Gap aration way tha, igh a thus highly cet, ans pasion banyan rachis bl concen ners ent a quash feudal character of Uwe econany, eee > leonpria snver tno en sone > The Gant bing eke sell governing tribes epesentaives of ald len tke the Mahadhitaj, Son their lage empire and imperial status ihc pre ie Ramarao vg ‘assisted by a council of | is and tributary kingdoms and I powers, laden Besos ney ean ister (Matra ‘ance istemce of such » council is implied in the Prayagal it cipen Ihc speak ofthe dig ofthe ‘Sabha? s pears ton oSamidapup orton 7 son Pt ak cl sie rama tnd _ ese 0 ot now a mariposa Se on thc at at as for ecrutinghigh ofa under oie ata) cute the Mantis, Sapa Mhaananya . Sonahivigraika (Minister of peace and wer) pene Anda Hien . Sundvvirabihe St appear under Samadeapupta. whee hel hi tie cals. Mapratihonthe Che wero the Royal alae) eetiposlika (Chiet offer of Pole Department ita ‘cs 2 Rago sn) Mabepapa ie of Baas era i Cha ed Corl tant. Shalt Gu can a ae SA sbaridaman, ‘hogan Up hosp hans, Ferthukti Yea Dai) a apn cha Bhar Ete a Nag i 9) Nea a wa. Westem Malwa 2° Goel 5 Gera OE = Theadninstaton fy wari tbhandofacouns Pu) whieh cones fi presidente ty ecxporation, te de epsentative ofthe ld of Shechartsarapresentative ofthe atsars andthe Chet Accountant = heres under tbe Maurya, the dy commits was appointed the Maury oveenment under the Gupta, was comprised of the local representaive = Decemaalsation of the adminsative authority began during the Gupta rio. ~ vasduing he Gupte evils heen bsamemons important one > The Gupta military organsiaton was fal by character (though the emperor ha a lage standing army) > nthe Gupta period for theft time cviland ciminallaw were cleanly defined nd demarcated > Gupta kings depended primarily n land revenue, varying fom 1/410'1/60f the produce > In Gupta period the army ast be fed by the people whenever it passed though the coukrysid. Ths tax was called Samak were also subjected 10 foreed labour called. vist! for serving royal army and oficial > TheGupla period alo experienced an exes of land grants (Agazhara grant, Devagraharagrans). Land gantsinetude the ranster of royal ightsoversalt nd mines, which were under the royal monopoly during he Marya: pesod. Sodety > The vama system begins to get made owing tothe proliferation of estes This was chiefly du tone factors) Alargenamber of foreigneshad been assimilated ito the Indian society primary and vere haawn as Kshatriyas {Gi There ovas a lange absorption of tebal people into Bralsmanical society Uvougt land grants, The acculturated tees were absorbed into the Shudra Varna (i) Guilds of eaftsmen were often transformed int castes asa tesult of the decline of rade and urban centres and the localised character of eras, > Thesccal postions he Shudrasseemstohave inthis were permite to isten tothe epics and Puranasand also worship anew called Krishna, nan Hiony = andthe 3ntcentury onwards the practice of a Yap laviniiieantiernantr gare. ane ery ely a ofthe Gupta pero wasthe fist tose the expression saprayataney the ports of the East cast~ Zama Ghantashal, cma mre] > Spey tetas a hme > The frst example of Sat/appears in Gupta time in 510 AD in Eean ip cotnare 510 AD) May, | > Women were deni any igh property excep fo Strida in the fag jewellery and garments. > Under the patronage of Gupta ruler, Vaishnavism became very popula > The gods were activated by thie unions with the respective consort Thy goth cre architect of he Gita tod may bod SSE , occ! aves Ajanta Hora Gr Mand Bah BP seturl Terps: Daal nt ‘Sides ond hs bs, hea poe amt ‘erie (Tiga ME, Paral bmp ef Lea ae ‘ary shi tempat Kh Sat Rema) Hoe ae ape a itagaon (Kanpur UT) taxman empl Spur Gps ME Pradesh. (hanagupla’s Exan laser Laxmi got her association with Vishnu and Parvati sociation wi temple ar Vara templet Bran (MP). Shiva ; 4 Stupas» Mirpur Khas Sindh), Oharwmekt(Saranath) and, > This was the perid of evolution of Vsjrayanism and Buddhist tantric eu F >> the art of architecture atid gaat hight By evaving the (shiar sy) the Gupta at ers inthe Nit of tla si ss aoa ae ed ma tt temple architecture ond i fle develapment ‘coplc iota iis gata oeaaen a the pod was placed, began vi the Gupta, 7 >The agienary remain of Dasevtar tmp of Degas the example ot tne moat omate and beastly composed Gupta temple building, > The centres of the Gandhar seuptures declined and their place Renata, Pts and Mathura > Ido worship became a common feature of Hinduism (rom Gupen pag nwa conoiy > Itsargud by many scholars tht the sat wa he exclisive owner Thetmstdeivesogument in favour of the exclusive sae wna isthe Pahadpar Copper Pate inscription of Baddhagupta > From te economic sand pont, we may clas land under he Gupta in 3 groupe. Kets BhonsnsClvable land 2. hile Waste a Vass Bhaoie Habitable and 8. Charagoh hoon Paste and 9 Ap ‘hoori-Fores land > Forte is time we get images of Vishnu, Shiva and other Bier Reg aaa “Arwong the best specimen ofthe images > Inthe Gupta period land survey is eee > Among, cette Pons pte of peegerall or sank which epi he Botha > Of he Briana ing ep ‘a eared neta noe > Thepaintngof ths pt an fot (Ranga dt Mahar) Te masterpieces ofthe paintings of hi age. Prbhavati Cup and many ober inariptons, hogs > An officer named Pustapala Inantined records of all land ‘transactions in the district, > The Guptas issued the largest number of gold coins in ancient India, but in gold content, Gupta {ning are nol as pure as Kushanas, > The Guplas alo issued umber of silver coins for | paar tes Hind a + Kae 4 mht te Siocon nwt 5 Kamas ites rk 0 ale trent wants i neice Gupta Peis alan hgh Ancien aiResy M7? Nn pc ig emily Ae ead nyse res een rence acs insane plac ep an at an erst Sh Be ct preage he Kalina, Anan, Dianova Feces rng prt rdatoies 2. Nimence of large Centra Bureactncy ) Deve dal cements nceaning ad gran, Fee reg ars diicton nd wl dvrder 7 edie in satu of 7 Post-Gupla Period/Vardhana Dynasty (350 AD-647 AD) Pushyabhuti/Vardhana Dynasty ‘> ThoyabtirYrdhanayastyvasfouehat Thane>wvar Kiara Amt yar) by Pushy pray rowan he benno the sh fentary, Pyabon sere the fdas ofthe Gupas, but hay avsured Indonesian Tangri er Syty wm Prabhakaravandhana (980-85 Petts dey on Rania ass > Maiyorsdana had Wo face pocea fom the day of hiv uecesaion to the een ental tKsce wujand husband of Rajyarheh KGa Rapin) we usr by Der np rules of Mal) alan with eer of Gaul x Nort Western Bengal) n0W sie Kas a0 pried Kaya nee ‘undertook » campaign against Deva Gupta and ‘hahaha ae ers Lee: ‘AD, In the meanwhile e; a Haring he tone Hara Gt ace i widowed oer Raya Hae ny ne fy wth ae oma Han Ssh tsa, Keaton ad baer, Se inant om tht ea ne ne tne potion fa feudalory van h was animpotant diplomatic ars cae recourse of Harsha’s conquest suffered a werous setback oni expedition Pies the Deccan. Pulkeshin I of Chalubya dynasty of Vatap/ adam von a decive defeat om hi at the an of Narmada, I was the oly aati Harsha’ victorious ie. The Chalk records describe Harsha as aes of whole of Norther country (Sikalotarapaheshvart ‘the area under his control covered many parts of Northern India Eastern Feopothanandthe Gangs Valle asfaras Assam, Hisempeincudedteritonies of distant feudal kings 0, Harsha maintained diplomatic relations with China In 681 AD, he sent an, ttway 1 Ta-Toung, the Tang, Emperor of China. These Chinese misions ‘Kitmequenty visited his cour. Hizen-Taag, the celebrated Chinese pilgrim ated India during Harsha's reign. He spent about eight years (635-643 AD) inthe dominions of Harsha, Hiven-Taang mentions two most celebrated events of Marsha’ reign the fasemblies at Kannau) and at Prayage. The Kannay) assembly (643 AD) twos held in the honour of HiuenTeang and to popularive Mi sect ‘of Buddhism, The Prayaga assembly was held in 643-648 AD. In Prayaga Hanthavardhana used to celebrate religious festivals atthe end of every five years, at the cont the Ganges, the Yarnana and the Saraswat essai that this was the beginning of Kumbha fain Harshavardhana wats a Shaiva by faith, but he showed equal respect to other sects, Hiven-Toang, portrays his as. Hberal Buddhist (Mahayana) ho also honoured gods of others sects ‘According to Hiven-Taang, Nalanda Univenity, meant for Buddhist monks, was maintained by te reverse from 10 villages which granted by Harshavardhana, > He did in 647 AD. Harsha does rot app eich was sare ter hile by hs miner nee ha, > Hanhaartuna var rt only «pte of rng a complied nth He wt de arnt yoy ey, nd iadandha Me ahora suns Nima cect nen, a tating themes carport of Hansa eo a Poetical nove of great Hterary merit) and Mayr the author Mag ee Sepsis ae the we ne son > Han governed him nth aetna Capos dt egy thisadminsrston a been non Raa and deco ee sce nai Ghaa f Vatpi/Vadani:543-755 AD Peis Wiatla pierre by Chaat > Ghallyas exabted thie capa ot Vy in dh et Dippin Karat, ane Pues (842 AD) was abe check Hara’ Ailoeinsription san eulogy writen by his court poe Ho sent an ambassador to the Persian King recive one fom hin The Chinese pilgrim Hier: Tsang visited his kingdom Palla ler Nasinfavarnan ‘Mamma invade the {ated Pulakesin Hand captured Vat He, ‘the conquer of Vita > In 757AD,Chalukyas were overthrown by their fou. Vessra Siye(Decean Style > Ghalukyas began the Vesara syle emo iors mate athe Hoyas, to conquer Dosey Yor, huseaw Min 25 AD and aly Ee > CChalukya kingdory, adopted the tle Vauikondo tories the Rasheakuta for Deccan style in building structural mination, only under the Rashtakulas > Spéceens of Chatuhyan Temples :1, Vesa style-nenten tome Mey Ne (Ravikits Vishw temple-Aihole, Ladh Khan tomple Hogod Surya} Alhole, Durga temple-Aihole;Aiholisclleda'tOWa ‘because it contains about 70 temples, 2. Nagaa style: Ppandtht, Dravida style: Virupaksha temple and Sangamesvard Crigin of Pallovas, Possibly the Pal their author in the Tondairandalam Pallavas ee varn usimhay _— [aownloaded from:] Iran History e ‘top in about 642 AD and asi the ti Vat ata fonda Le conqueror of instrumental in spreading nan culture in South-ast Asa ntury AD Falla influence was predinat in Cambodia The 1 Shikhara tobe Four nthe empleo ava, Cambodia a ‘anna sally began the Dravida sye of temple architecture, which reached Saitnaton under the roe of Croan = Thedevelopment of temple architecture, Pallvas cam be cen in Fe sages ticularly Dravida tye under the Mahondrasarmana Teepe a Hhaiavkooa (Noxth Avot ‘ean AD) Dust) Anant a Urata (Gurr Dit) Nonimbuvarmanat Mandap trp and Rath temples Namal (6X0456 AD) (Supt Pagodas) at Mamumatapuray {stshbapram) Novsnkavarmana tl Kallashnatha and Vakunth Peral ml’ 68-720 AD) Temple-at Ranch, Shore temple at Manalapan ‘NanvarvaraAparit Mute and Matangeshae tp (997 AD) atch Panharameanar ep at ‘ata | ‘Apr Gre > Thea as nto evopent opt in Soh nd he Pallava sculpture is ndebtd langely to the Buddhist tradition. Its more monumental anlinea inform, hus avoiding the typical ornamentation ofthe Deccan sculpture The best example isthe Descent ofthe Ganges or Arjana’s Penance at Mammalapuram. Gupta ‘n’Post-Gupta Dynasties and Their Founders ‘The Chauhyas of Vatap ‘The Gangasof lala ‘TheGuptae of Magadhs ‘The Kaas of Vana ‘The Kingdom of Gad “The Kingdom of Thana ‘The Lafe-Gplas of Magda Nava ‘he Maiteaas of Valli ‘The Moukhars of Kanna) ‘ThePallnvay of Kane The Pandyay of Madura ‘The Vatatakas Founder Jays Kooabanivarma Shri Gupta 2) enna . Lucent's General Knowledge Medieval India 8. Early-Medieval Period (650-1206) I. North India (Rajputa Period) ‘Atte Harshovardhana the Rajptas emerged asa power orn Nov India and dominated the indan poital scene for nearly 500 year rms the ay century — Reviod Capital Founder) Dath-Ajer 7h en-192 Deli Vasudeva 7304096 Avan Kanns)Nagabhatt 730190 Uin,Dha—Seak Sr Hah ‘yaa Anlhaivads Malaria srs Malbhand/ Dandy (Oar Maryabhta Varna it) 110m Khsjrabo, Nar. y ‘Mata Kaine Chandela joa Tipu Kobdalat 050194 Kanna Chandeadeva hms = ‘it Cen-1930 Chitor Bappa Rewsl, Harmiet iose ofthe th century AD, there were three great power in Indi Hasta the East the Gurjar-Parihara in the North and the Rashtrakutas ge for the supremacy among the Palas, Parharas andthe asthe important event of these centuries for this struggle was the desire to possess the city of Kannay UP) Which was then a symbol of soverenity. Capital: Maddagiei/Munger (had he Pala empire in 750 AD. $10) succeeded him. Dharmpala revived Noland seceded by Sena dynasty of Bengal Jayadeva (la Ecourt poet of Luxman Sen. tna Hor z uashrakuta 782979 1 ep) nt at apa Ma Karelia) Kanded the Kings ore ena Roshi ese Cove Tis a7H), Amoghvarha cle for 6b yeas but cman ea sto lig an aim, the east Kannada book Potion The famous rocket trp of Kailas (Siva) at Elon yaa the Rashtrakuta kings Keshna . lt oy one ‘other important Rulers 6 nas oes ee rar te peaperemcereyier ed an ale ee dee So ee ee ee clmmpmterme rls Tae ela eee 1 ren i: ea Ee a ee Me oe ee LN te ea oe eon iy Seal eae fg te ee Sal ite oe wre proud, warrior and peopl but hoxptable Inthe fied of ‘peat orresces and temples were bul by them soch as Ka Jagannath temple (Par, Dia tempieMoust Ab) - ‘Causes ofthe Decline of jp: Lack of unity ad forego oo the eystem, and defective military ongerizaion were some o the ce the downfall ofthe Rajpotas, 1-South India (Cholas and Others) Capital: Tanjore > Thefounder ofthe Chole > ‘The greatest Chola rulers were Rear ofthe Pallavas, He captured Tanjore in 50 ADS (lo1#-1044AD). » Laces General Keowledge = Rejets 1 congue Or, Begl ara and Anda an Glens The Chola dynasty wasat ier Gurnghis eign SOE > Rapcia| sume! te tie of Gangaondacls and Bal » Gy ay eee > Thelastraler of Chola dynasty was Rajendra IM Sheng rath ofl autor heed by 2 can nig Reishee Fe eee ty Melon Pirin) nd ni © esd ends (Commiesonay) Nos Ds and Renae sup ot vilage) Be pt cll goes gti the bs eng the adiinara ofChol > Lind rvens a rade tx were th mn sures of inne eres ence ro rpm cing as petod inca Brava Kattuth emp ofKenciparars Be Acts spectnsingenaking which reached cen dancing gag of Shiva called Nataraja. a $5 mnie Ramet was ove of the gts igure of Tang pnt layne slo knoen so Kab Ramayan, et ts ee Palerc a coired o"ce gems of Tn pe > Inthetemples the Vinans or thet pyramidal tower domintes the whee Strucure i ine andimparis an xeardinary digit to Gp sd Garage theater two portant sracures 3 ThebsspcinunsretheemplesofVisylaya Cholechwara he Nagehae temple he Koran empl andthe Muvarakoita temple Gott Real Founder 7 SseniKamaala Tap Warangal, Andhra Pradsh Protaras ‘Devaget Mahara hia V | Dirrasimudra, Karnataka Vitigades 4 oe “Vihnardhar ‘Thtepl of oyasesinara a Dara (Moder kb) the get "acleveet of Hoyas ar 8. Sultanate Period (1206-1526AD) L-The Dethi Sultanate Bin Qasim’s Invasion (712AD) = India in 712 AD and conquered Sindh whi ee ‘Ghaznavi's Invasion (998-1030 AD) : Sulist 17 expositions to Inia to eneich himself Indian History siento ca a heed ee ei eae pe Scot ages Sos nl a oy Senn icp een te a 7 oo od ergqnsation and were divided by ras? The weep Saenger sed tek ety eae Rajputes. oe per ISO Sua shea eet eine ees Unto mae peceaene ‘Dynasty (1451-1526). _ psa ae peated rn Ar emt em perdi Mn esol seh ore Shh A eet ee ae ae pom oot aio footie ae ate gute a je ee sees vy ¥ Shamsuddin Ituimieh: 120-36 > He wasa slave of Quiubuddin Aiba and occupied thethrone of Delia 12. after deposing Aram Bats > Heveasa very capable ruler and is regard asthe rea founder ofthe Det Sultanate, He made Duthi he capital in pac of Lahore. > Hesaved Deh Sultanate from the wrath of Cheng Kha the Monglleader, by reusing shelter to Alwar Shah whom Chengiz was chasing, > He introduced the sliver exin (lanka) ane the copper cin (ial Be ‘ongaised the gt System and introduced reforms in tl admiration and ‘om which waco coal pen es : > Heset up an ofc nobility f slaves known as Chahlgani/ Chala (group of40) . ‘He completed the construction of Qutub Minar which was: He patroised Minky usr author of Tabagat Nast vy 2 Rokndtin 1236 at Te oc Ikumich and was covered by her mathe Shah Yur cet rrrscennin in mgr ce tana 123648 Pa ae eadpaminstdhisdnughtecRariasthesacesorthenebieg Fa ane) omte ve owes Rain gr io ak Percent. = Showautbe intend enly Masi dy who over le ni’ 2 Shen pputar ang th peopl bi wan not apt tothe reblesana Bee ert oseedth ncbls by hr pence or on Ap Sve tee fe Sear er axes he gore morsofM Seapievhedagloet er thereresasecoancbetionn hatin. irctcafBhadnanrfasedtonccpesusorinity ofRazis Rao occompaic at ecogn rs Fewer teapot Yk ecdnd and imprisoned Raia, Sato Tedbaed Anau andboth ofthe arched toward De peste Rattbacnetievcimofa conspiracy ani wasassicated rear il are) ara Sis: 120082 Fe Raia tsi tid son Bava Soh wasp onthe throne bythe over ish coc hols Bees cay Gee jr rls ve Nai-erunint the reget etic nc: aa Sho is tears ad atop vas his autho ate tice Masud shah: 046 5 Heastie sono Rakin bu wos depos ser Puan and Nain iterate Miia Matteo copied eget hn and cabished Nasrvdn Manna sth new Sl ‘Nasiadn Mahamad 121646 > He ashe somo mish and was known asthe Dares! King she was very piou ane noble He ded in 268 Ghiyescin Ban: 126387 > alba ascended te rove in 126, > He broke the power of Chalisa and restored the prestige of the crown, That ass grit contin ards th salty ofthe Sultanate > Tokeephinsel wel-nformed Batson appined spies. > Hecreatedastrong centralised army o del withinteral disturbances and 0 heck Mongols who were posing serious danger o Delhi Sultan > Hesteished the miliary deparmentDivan.ieAce > ThePersisn court modal infuenced Balbus conception of Kingship. He took pthe itl of Zita Shadow of Go). tay Balan, Hans. =(postraton belo the mona) > hi eco he Sutanateatain de othe deaf hi st mace eset, ‘The Kaiji Dynasty ataddin KR: 129098 3 jaaludin Kh foundad the Ki dy usudaln KAI: 1296516 ie was a reper csr ofan Ki Alain Ki il firs and sticeweded theo in 126 {= He wos th fst Tush Sultan of Del who separated gon rom palin He proclaimed "Kingship knows 10 Kinship Alaudaln’sImperaism 3 Aton annexed Gujarat (1298), Ranansbho (07) Mewar 0305) Mali (0309), Jalor (311). In Deean, Aladin’ army ld by Mall: Kafur eft Ram Chandra (Yadava ruler of Devagi), Pratap Rudradeva (Kaki rule ot Warangal), Vir Bull (Hoyasla ru of Dasara and ir Pandy (anda raler of Mada Administrative Reforms ‘onder to avoid the problems cted by the males, Alauddin isso 4 fondinances, The stonditeimedatheconscationothereligiosendowments hd fee grants of lands. By te ind ordinance Alguddin weorganise the 9p Sytem Lhe led ondinane prohibited he use of wine, The 1Vth oninance ‘Rbued by Alauddin laid down that nobles should nohave soil gathering ‘nd they should no net-marry without is permission. > He introduced the system of Dagh (he branding of hoes) and Chet {descriptive rll of soles) > Alauddin ordered that al land was to bemeasured and then thesharé ost was tobe fixed > The post of special cficer called collection of revere, > The peasans had to pay the produce > Alou sought to fx cst aleommosis Fre apn eS markets at Deli: one markt fos fod gra third for horses slaves and etl. Each market was under the control of igh Masaka was cent forthe purpose of sland revere. ate Shae wi anni einer en Ste Seer rane ee ee 2 an cpen ae Fate fee we uty Bm rd oe i fe a rg tenes ee oe Mina Bene Puceos towne rs beware peruntartsnd eaming. Erste or poe =m ite after death of Alanddin Mah R36 Shove: Bote Kafr he nominated parce as King But empisoned the ede Eicdy etapa ofthe royal fara ofA Mabarak Khan 181629 niet the death of Kar Mbrak Khan was ante shihabucn. He captures thet FS cape ahesankirtodeber 2 slower Mubarak Feist esti Hea Pan ee hoon cess fll cont ver uta Palen Se ec ie Hise Kha by fe Sclan and within See id Naber Khan and asumed thei of Nasrodinin por hasas Khan: 1320 ‘iplipag Wi he Lied by Ghai Mak, goveror Tby Chast Malic and icon Farad Jun. This and extabised the Taghlag dynasty onthe > Rhrscas Khon wt thedtooppoea rte tend of Kh dy bree of Del The Toghlg Dynasty: 1520-4414 AD Ghiyasadin Tughlag 1320-25 = husrau Khan, the las king ofthe Khu dynasty was killed by Ghazi Mali, (Ghar Malik ascended the throne assuming the tte Ghiyasuddin Tughlag, Khan) sucoveded him under sama en for which he became particularly debatable. ms Fastener nimicacion Saati iio iearey elie natn bl do eid sa cated som inal Awa ex ‘iieodae iv acnnmn ein liin a Serato ieandag produce into money, Itis said that the increase was twenty Biefetstens aivbernie oe ow Steipmeuliaharehet rail fe Jy amma nae hina bette Devan wast Seo ear arta i Tan dss 2 a cul not contol Neh fom Datlatabss 1236); Mchammad biTughlg desea 1 Ma have same vale asthe ster <0 rea Egy mi ve er ae cal so Tugs tui He was notable to do so and soo the peo SR cy deve trast Bal Mohammad mrs % State han currency He promise Wo eschange : or bronze coins. 2 a eo nl eae «age ree prj le was encouraged odo by Khar se ho Eee Se Lay ner Sle ribet unca opeeesbe anda eh Ea Tseng ws aed Karoo ii ce a Chinas reso als appears a nay es n Romance 2 ice ener De ute The stack oF ae vader Wey st day werepetin ecg he eo 5 Qarac tialy pei Rep ausessbutw ce was ected fre projects eto eval ee 36 eves in 25 Modi ecame independant lala ASH) Foundation yanagar(HaarapdBubbal WerngaTbaneisieperdent (ankaial {a1 Revol of Sada Amin and Foundation of Bahama in EA Hasan Gangs) sta while campaigning in Sindh against Taghi, a turkish slave, Re 136 > Hedied in That Firor Shah Tughlag 1351-88 ee enn a goasi of Mohanmad-bin-Tughlag ter his death the nobles and theologians ofthe court selected Firoz Shah asthe next Sultan. sm After his aoession Fico Tghlag was faced with the problem of preventing, Reis nent break up of Delhi Sultanate, He adopted the policy of tying trappers the eobalt aray and thenogians and of acting his on ther ely sch aeas, which could beeasty administered fom the canes ctor, aude no attempt to re-asert his authority over Sout India and Deccan He decved that whenever a noble ded hs son shouldbe allowed to suena tohis postion including his qa aif he had no sons his sonia nein his absence his slave wasbbe tucent's Gone Koowledge acy tre, epee ee aoe ome fon lend sevens of villages (Vata) ne Pd —_ rove tbe theologians procaiming hat he was. > fi ese under wartral amic Indes thew the and tetera them were appointed thigh ofces © Feat pats tc he crt tholgans considered eg Be ie pained pracceoFMusimworen gcingcuttoweere owe stent 4 ee cree tine frost became a separa. gg Be ere esha ror payment of Fiya since Ns ns not proce a é ding to Quran. Four bi ey taxation was according to Quran. Four kinds of tangs rec a inns ara was the land ax, which was equal to 1/10 ofthe prota Bibeln Zakatras 2 axon propery, Jzya was levied on now: Mls isha was1/Softhe booty captured during war, ‘> nonertoencourage agree the Stan pid aloof atentionoirsgatin Fosempaircanomberofcanalsandimposed Haque-Shorbor Hast Sha (orate. He wase greater The cites of Fatchabad, Hisar Jaunpur and Firwzabad set wo pillrs of Ashoka, one from Topra (Haryana) and other from Mert > {Uber brought to Deb ; tablished at Delhi a hospital described as Dar-ul-hifa fof Dinare:Khaiot was setup to make provisions forthe poor gs. Ftoz ook wasboth economic end politcal in nature. He ofl that whenever they altacked a place they should select young boys and send them to Sultan as slaves and the credit frit omsbrokeaway fom theSultanae the lame TurkishChief andcruelconqueet Rn rade dain 98 08 last ruler of Tughlag dynasi ‘Plundered Delhi. Timur returned to the new Sultan. He waste rst ofthe Say dyraty which led over the urrounding dist om ‘Mubarak Shah (1421-3); He succeded Khir atthe throne alters succes Ripeditions agains! Mewatis, Katchars and the Gangete Doub ate, He was Chay te nobles a a one >> sham Sah 14449; The oles pot Mahan Shh ond hone Irie tee pig ong in a 1h tora ony amenp a suelo sad ata ‘Sultanate was ruled by nobles. tis ‘veh (3-1; Theo king dso lineout Ba Lbs {ite ts gn he ah dy chs ed Da and se tad Dynasty 513536 AD putt od 151.58 Beh ahlol Lodhi was one ofthe Afghan Sardas. He established himself in Punjab fer the invasion of Tamas He founded the Lodhi dynasty sikapdat Lodhi: 14591517 SP Sikandar Lodi was the sn of Bahl! Lodhi who conquered Bier and Western Bengal = He shifted his capital from Delhi to gra acy founded by him, > Sikandar wasa fanatical Mustimandbrokethesacred imagesfthe|walannubhi Tenple at Noga Kot and ordered the empl of Mathura tbe destroyed > He took a keen interest nthe development of agriculture Heintrdtced the Gar" Sikandar Skandor's yard) of digits for measuring elated fields. Ibrahim Lodhi 151728 3 He was the last king of the Lodhi dynasty and the ast Sultan of Delhi > Hewas the son of Sikandar Lodhi. > The Afghan nobility was brave and freedom-loving people but it wasberause ‘fis Ssiparvus and individualistic tendencies thatthe Afghan monarchy was ‘weakened, Moceovesorahim Lodhi assorted the absolute poweroftheSulan. ‘Asa resul, some ofthe nobles tured against him, > AtlastDaulat Khan Lodhi the governor of Punjab invited Baburto overthrow Thrahim Lodhi. Babur accepted the ofer and inf crushing defeat on Ibrahim Lodhi in the fst bateof Panipat 1526. brahim Lodhi was Killed inthe battle Normal and with him ended the Deh Sultanate. which did the wild project of Mubammad-bin-Tughlag, 2, War of succession as there wasn fixed lw for succesion 4, Greed and incompetency ofthe nobles 5, Defective military organisation 6, Vastness of ‘empire and poor means of communication 7, Financial instability ‘of slaves increased to 18,000 in Fitoz Tughlag’ time the treasury 9, Invasion of Timur. oy Lucent’s General Knowledge ’ ae Z Mongolian Invasions Dating Delhi Sultanate ezittSin Yesr Eve administrative Uni ae Heirs YEMAD—Chegir Rh conc wp wo the tank ottoner na (ie Province) a BAD Ta Brion aoa ht seis) _ Balban fought bock the Mongelians and re ana (oe. Tale Chaudhary and Amit scr wer apne scored ou GGRIOW eens wiser can ED ee ar an Mak Muturak of Dal combined on ge Architecture Under Delhi Sultanate S the ong sf) Ast ae vr Ceatures brought by the Tisch ensigueroe ete 1. ee Saban MAD Tamar invaded India. Prince Muhammad wa ed lofty towers3. the true arch unsupported by beam. the vault: ttle anc as dort with the on Spgs Inauddin hi N2AD Abus care to the Norther part of la. Ata Mongol ot convered to sla and beams fe rey alo brought with them an expert knowledge ofthe ws ofepnerete and To wtic tad hthero ban tewsediainda The Alan ka Jhonpra a Ajmer has a beat prayer ll an anc’ Mehrab of white marble nda Secwatveathaaeen. ThefintexopeeftrueorvousoiredarcissidtobethelomborGhiyamddin ots in Medal (Deli). fi Inthe Khiljiperiod the usage of vousored arch and dome wasestabished and forall Famousexamples the fom af Hazrat Nandi Aula & Dei “The Tophlag buildings show starksimpliiy-and : Jess nancial osourecs a wells purtancal test appraisers bung Smeneaie the fort of Tughlaquabed, the tomb of Ghiy ew phase in Indo-tslamic architecture by serving. tnd the fort of Adilabad. ? “The Sayyid peri was too short allow “The construction of double domes was ‘One building worth ntingisthe Moth of Sikandar Lodhi. ii Alauddin 128-99 AD Zafar Khan defied the Mongo alan abroad was ahem prcmee Meth and Zafar Khan was bled in the bate Albuddin Ki) 1904AD_ AW Beg and Tach wore defeated, Muksmmad+-bi= IAD Tarmathirin Khan was able to reach the outkit “Tophsg bat was defenied by Muhammad-bin-Taghlag Administration under Dethi Sultanate > The Turkich Sultan in India declared developed among Muslim rulers. Thus Sime asthe man factorin sucssion othe throne Central Administration Bo one taser tmporance Grace Namah Area sary as he pay ooo Hisense a Pina Paria lor AmicKiuars Ute and Pos — Fide ‘Nout Mobed Chas gy, Kirtan Bash orga with toe Mien Fahmi Kens Je sco oe Mabeeihomeae pit Khaws terry tp cme ‘fiers — pi Kanes ray epic Hace Be ‘ices Ura serps ‘Sis AmirKhsms rary maserices Tacks Shs Shame AS! Hoyo Tapa FS had ‘a Babrscs Kg 9.11.,Vijayanagar and Other Kingdoms YUAYANAGAR ESIPIRE 1336-1565 AD ipa glo nd te cy cf bengata wo mere estate 0 econ el Karp 1S Wiaranaga bing > Visyangae period canbe divided oto our dis Sr Trane Ara ‘he Sangaes Dynasty: 136-1885 AD > Harhars and Boa 1 (1336-38) They lid the foundation o Viana Vpoyanaga Bahamant conics bean wit the foundation of ¥ingoms Cla oL ceeeta terse: Raich doa (tween Keisha and Tinga, Fesca-Gonera ea a Marathad D> Bales (1956-79) Boa strengthened te cy of Vidyanage and ean A Vipyanagae He restored harmony tewccnthe warring Vases and Dil eal oa Ge aiee. The Rais of Malabar, Ceylon Sanygama 1306-1485 Harihar and Be Gelcteereootteskeplamassssors Sears. 1th Saha skal Tuva 1905-1570 Ver Nain ‘his ort ‘ewids 1570-1080 Tiramala founded by Harih ad Bb ny > Hariar 333793408) :Bulea | was seccreed by is won Haha > Devs Rays | (14oe-2); He was the thitd son of Harihara His pe adievemers was bis iigation works where 0 darn was built 208 Tangata withcanalseading tothe cy. Nicolo decontvied aya ug his ig. > Deva Rays (142-40) He was the prandon of Deva Rays | Ahmad Shit A Barareriraded Vjpyanagas end exacied a was ndemaity Deva apt began te pce fermion Msi cavalryinen and archers in thea ed the Salva dynam (49-1505): Both were minors ig, iis Com landed i Calc rig ss Vie aria the som of Nara Nayaka, became the mead Nana, the ast Slava ier of ViraNarsmba, placed Krishna Deva Rays, intheth ‘ava i Ferther of Vira ershna Deva Ray Pomupuese go%rT0% Peron (Gap Fnglom) or Vy frongest during his reign Hebuilt the Vn stained friendly relations with Alfaguergue, the ‘whose ambassador Friar Lis resided in Viana. cand Vijayanagar emerged of Vitor) the Hazara Rama temple and the YavanaraeSthapnachey (restorer ofthe Yevana kingsion and Abiinava Boj Andhra Bho and od scholar in beh Telugu and Sanit of which only two works snditheSorekrtdrama > Hewssag se crtanttheTelugs workon polity’Amuktamalyad Jambavat Kalyana > His court was donned by the “Ashtadiggajes’ (the eight celebrated ps of Telugu) + 1eddana (Manuchantam’) 2. Timmaya’ (Pasta Npaharanama’) 3. Bhatamurthi S.Dhuroti 8, Mallon 6 Raju Ramehandra Faron Tenall Rankrisha (Panduranga Mahamata’, contemporary of Babur, was the most lustrous ruler > Krishna Deva Ra of the Deccan. >» Duarie Harboss and Dominigo Paes, Portuguese traveller, visited Vijayanagar during the time of Krishna Deva Rays, > Adiyuta Deva Raya (152542): Krishna Devo Raya nominated his brother Adhyuta Deva Raya as the successor. During his reign, Famao Nun, a Portugese horse trader, visited Viayanagat. > Venkata 1 (1542) and Sadashiva Raya (1549-76): Real power was exercised by kama Kaja/Raya and his two brothers, The five successor states of the shaman empire were divided through Rama Raj's diplomacy. The Battle ‘Talika (als called the Battle of Rakshasa-Tangad!) was fought on Jan, 1945, Rama Raja was taken prisoner and executed by Hussain Nizam Shab ® Loc Geter Keeway Techy of Woyansgne which watheprideotmalicel wow ete. Grr Pvc, a Prag rc: vate Vag eS 1567-68 during the mign of Sash rapa The Aravidu Dynasty 157-1680 AD > Trumala Raya, the brother of Ra Rj reine ame of Sada ‘Onis faire to repopulate Vavanagac he sited the capa He divide his mpi the pracy Hinguisti tons. > Thecompine stony shrunk and the Ara dynasty end in 16 ava ay > Naar System was the special feature of provincial administagg > ArngarSrstemwasthespecal ature ibinitie wit Hea of vilage admiration A body & dtandaen Le Province 12 functionaries, knw a ayarears a Nadie Dist) Nad conducted village air ao ae > They wore grated tax fee lands ‘anya which hey were toes pepe > The Wjayanagar rulers asd gold coins call Varah “Tak teas hala Varaha, Tie arom was ne eth of Pet, All were vith allo. The Tareas sive eo. The ia was a copper cin, > asthe only mpi inMatival Inia whichempoyed women in thea servic: Women een wen fo fates Als vas only sate that proms Slow remarings Sas of women improved during ths tine > potting Raj: Keatsya Nalovjtvan: ShucrasVipeavindi, Ards Kahle: WeversSahagaman Sa, Besabga orc labs Arcitectare > The iayangar niles prac ate spo architecture called as Po sive: Te large number and prominence of plas and piers ae some o Aint features Horse was the ot commer animal onthe plas > Another important estes wer the fro open pavilion witha torn, mean for seating eis and Annan se % portane temples were Vier’ and Haare Rema Tene Hampi, Taiapatr and Parvati temples at Chidambaram and Varadraja an HlambarnathepesatKanchipuran > The Vijyangar rulers stated the practice of inscribing the stores th Ramya an the Mahan th val of he various tmp italswams and Hacara Rama Temple are examples ofthis type of sean i 1 pe Bahan Kingdom > Aloud Hasan Bahman Sha (1347-58) He was aso known a Hs ng He founded the Bahmani kingdom with its capital at ung (8 oe ng i 8 > Tajuddin Firox Shah(1397-1422) : The satest among thems all. He determined to make Deccan the cultural centre in Inia. He induced ‘numberof Hindus he administration on age scale He pid much test I ssn Chavland Dabolwhihatroted tadeshiptrom rn or): Tansfred the capital rom Gubargato Bidar 2S pa Banani Empire int Kingdoms ‘wont Dau At fata oad ahah 157g StAdisish ALS UN 166 (Aun Maik Akal Nisha 180 Shaan) ee llth Sah Nag) ceaselh [Shor Amir Abad ‘ash 6) eg sas tne greatest of Al Shah dyasy nec abi gd Whispering Caley htt the famous Golbonda Fo Co eed Qali was the greatest rer of Qutub Shahi dynasty ho founded the city of Hider oxgially known 3s the name ofthe Sultan's favourite Bhagyamati and he also Aaa twas be wl fptthe famous C Other Provincial Kingdoms a — eS eee Ce sa oon ee a ee cont Scrat Ee inca Sea = Se a 10. Religious Movements in 15th-16th Centuries 1. Bhakti Movement “Bah movement wasbsed on the doctrine thatthe lationship between God and man is through love and worship rather than through performing any tual o religious ceremonies. eas in South Inia for the fst time that aE movement gree fom a ‘mere igious datrne to abroad based popular movement based on sal and religious equality. eas ed by popular saint poets called ‘Alvar, who represented emotional side of Vaishnavism through callectve songs calle ‘rtras It dete after the 1th cent Butitwas revived asa philosophical and ideological movement “Acharya {who represented intellectual side of Vaishnavism inthe eh entry): Most ‘etant among them was Ramanujg whose disciple Ramanandatok ito oth Inia, Hsin Features: 1, Discarded rituals and sacrifices 2. Emaphasised purity of ‘and mind, humanism and devotion 3, Monotheisticin nature 4 Gt has, Pen 1558). ANangna Bak snt 2nd social reformer. The eg ‘Sih Gans ad founder of hsm S59), One of he gest sins of Krishna Bhakti cul ang rtrga Vee. foeasthCenur)- Mati sain-pet who wrote thousands fig (Padeval). (5) The foremost and the mos prolific Vaishnay san: Das 160- : Believed tohave laid the foundations of the mode. | (4961546): The Rathor princess of Merata and daughterindaw a fewat Themost well-known woman Bhaktisaintofthe Krish GED) A peti oe Kaos Sts ih operon pcan thos SUSE) Naty gm He gin inn > Tubidas (15321029) - The greatest s sie Ram ns kd htm thecal Bannon et > Shankara : Bets Te ac he than dod Ce tan ne mt spethevinsiinipon onde > Thyopansati7e7 1887): > inmate eegeospenthi iin TLNadu. The gt ___inamatono Vs and Here ln nee orm eta ‘movement in Mahara tana 2 The founian-head of the Bhsbé ‘of Marathi language an literature, W Instian History . enthe Aiayrvar’ Gita called the Bhovarthastpal some een ee rucnporry of Janeane wa a by nee _ ‘to all caste distinctions. The abject of his dewotion was a cre oN Vohra) Pandan The clot Vide Begotten caeneneetatY OO" the eleventh book of the Bhagavata Purana, Faas yne reat Bhak poet fom Maharahira weote pase (own as antangas which ae te gly of devel ss) Tei ttt Mara De Bate nc wing a 1. Saf Movement fz the mystical movement in Islam, The sus while accepting the Sofi dnatconine ther reigiousprotceto formal adherence and stress See of religious experience aimed at dest pereptin of God 1p Thess dosrine was based onion with Ga which canbe achieved through TAG provers fasts and tual, without reference to Hindu oe Muslim. Jp aninFestares: | Organise in dferentsisls{onders) 2. Absorbed variety of se prectice from Hinduism Christianity Buddhism and Zorasrianism. Hee aibedatecrviceofmankind through piitual self development Eager {oe Hindy Muslim unity and cultural synthesis 5, Opposes to orthexion they faith and. devotion to God. 6 Discourages materialistic life but not Inavouraf complete renunciation. suf Sains 3 Kovaja Ali Hujjwri (12th Century) +Also Knoven a8 Daa iy Bas the caries Sf saint of eminence known to have sete in Indi, the author of the ‘elevated manual of Sufism entitled" Kash/ul-Maljub > Shaikh Bahaadain Zakariya (1182-1262) The founder ofthe Suhare-nsn order who founded the rst leading Khangahin tna at Multan. > Khovaja Muinudain Chisti (1141-1236) The founder of the Chis/onderthe fist and most popular liberal Sus onder in India. He sete down at Ajmer about 1206. Other Chist Suf saints who followed Khwaja Muiaddin Chis ‘F Khwaja Ajmeri were: Sheikh Hamiduddin Nagausi 921274), Khwaie Qutubuciin Bakhtiar Kaks (died 1236) in whose memory Qutub Minar Jes built Tsutmish; Bas Faridaddin GanptShakar(1X78-1268) popularly Sown as abo Frc built his Khangah a Ajsan (Punjab) anc was the fist ‘Feat Punjabi poet of Sufism; Shaikh Nicamuddin Auliya (1236-1328) who fined the popular ttle ehboob-ahi (he beloved ofthe Goal) bul his Khangsh inDethiand was one of the most famousSufsaintof the hist Orders {Baikh Nesinedin Mahmud(d365), dhe charismatic Cia saint Who wa * known as Chirags-Dethi (the Lamp of Delhi), Syed Muhammad Gost Parac(d. 1421) who settled down at Gulbarga (Kamataka) was popularly roomed a pe ae pn ae cr a rn nde FI oer ano ots on See Se Wig = cee are Sah spredin Uae vats SES urd Disciple Cage eee Mone, eesieearen Sen ite > eee en Semen ogee A. Ziyect Pirie ty nesets Acces Su Movements rcedench other nd inbertd fom Situs elormed Hinduism and Sufism liberalised Islan Sra on ecbodony. 4 Both encouraged sis! reform easing ed nlp ftemty wos created. Hindu and Msg ef inal langues 7A cultral Sythe to eMasin eiladiatosrational govt. under Ae Indian History @ soso and 1555-56 Bab aed aac rn in 1590. His scceeion wat ee ceded the throne in 1530. ie no abrothers Kamran, Hindaland, Askarialongwith the Afghans ee ats ast She Sahat Cha 19%) nd at Ka/ He 08 and was completely defeated by him. sto ran where he passed 12 years of is fein ele Hee etcr Shak’ death Humayun invaded India in 1555 and defeated his Ah Sw aighons. He once again became the rule of India, jad while climbing down te stairs of his bray (at Din Pana in 1556 > ee pas burried in Delhi ‘i Sages Gulbadan Begum wrote hs iography Humayunama, Hie Din Parahat Debi as his second expt emir Second Afghan Empire): 154055 Sera 1580-5 saa the son of Hasan’ Khan the Jagiedar of Sasa. Nahi Lod * transferred his father’s jagir to him. Ia 1527-28, be joined Babur's Soviee and then retumed 10 Sot thar as deputy governor Sa guncdan ofthe minor king jaa Khan Lohani, son of Bahar ‘Adminsrative Unit Head Jora(he Province) Hagin and Aaa Sakata Dist) Shigdae-Shiaaaran and Murai Munstan earn Pangan Taluka) Shigdar and Murat > Sher Shah usurps throne as Crome: Village)” Mian anc Aaa Herarat-Ala He gained Chunar by marrying Lad Malika the widow of ‘governor of Chunar Fort > In 1539, he defeated Humayun in the battle of Chaussand assumed the title Sher Shahas emperor > In 540, he defeated Humayun in the battle of Kannauj/Blgramand annexed Kanna > Asan emperor, he conquested Malwa (1542), Ranthambhor (1542), Raisin (1542), Raputana-annexation of Marwar (1542), Chtto (1544) and Kalinjar (1545). He died in 1545 while conquesting Kalinjar. > During his brief reign of 5 years he introduced a briliant administration land ‘everie policyand severa other measuresto improve the economic conditions this subject > Helaaad the con called Rupisand fed standard weighs and measures ll over the empire > Healsoimproved communications by building several highways. Heb the Grand Trunk Road(G.T. Road), that rans from Calctta to Peshawar. He set up cantonment in various parts of his empire and strong garrison was Posted in each cantonments, Heintroduced the principle of local responsibility forlocalerimes. Mugaddams Were punished for failure to find culprits. ‘Land was measured and 1 /3td ofthe average was fixed asland tax. The peasant ‘as given a pataltitle deed) and a qabuliyat(deed of agreement) which fixed acts General Knowhege even Zaina wee removed andthe Ls les “ (0545-54 lam Shah by was app ‘ >> Panipat Nox, 155) as fought between 40 (Che Hind {Gansta of Mohammad All Shah) snd Boiram Khan (he regent of Akbag ‘Hema was detested, captured an lin by Bairam Khan > This war enced the Mughal-Afghan contest fr the thre of Dethi in favoge ‘fthe Maghals and enabled. AKbar to reoccupy Delhi and Agro. [> Aiborendedthe regency Baim Khanin 160 and athe age ot 18 assume ‘theregnsofthelangdon, > Abarvesianderthe in uence of Maham Anga and Adham Khan junta from, AS to 1562 [Ptcat Govt 156-2] win ove wherever posible and indicted Raj int Mughal serviw and tated hen a par with Mughal bility By displayed his secular policy with Kings recognise the supremacy of AKBar Siaghandhisson AmarSingh (Ssoliya Rjputas of Mewat Sra ary * To, Bengal Bhar Daud Khan Kara = ‘Slo at Kabul Miva Hakien * a = mee =~ roe eee a ae mee = — aot alga ‘Miran Bahadur Khan > TRL SS eta oS Se RiperwistcTovesynineivat Bikes E atu taken fom several migons 185 Abst fess ike Hinduism, Islam, Jainism and 864 Abalone CChestianty. 1. did not recognize the prophet, ira was th oa Hote ono level tee ‘aligion. Din--llahi, however, dk Fatbstome popular ‘Alber built Fothpur Sk Ag Fort Lahore Fort and Allahabad fot and. Humayun’s Tom at 1580 Dash Bandcbstiniodaend Dath:Fatchpur Sik, place near 158 DiMA Agrostis sag that Akbar ad 90 594 aS Calender son fora long time. Sheikh Salim Sees ae. Chis a Sul saint blessed Akbar 157 Rah GE PT ith son who was named Salim Sheikh Babaahangi)ntonou of Salim ‘Chisti, Akbar shifted his court fom Agra to Fatehpur Sk. He was patron of the art and in his court many persons flourished, Navaraina ic. nine jewels of Akbar: 1 Brbal administrator) 2. Abul Fas! (scholar and statesman) 3. Fai (Scholar and statesman, brother of Abul Faz) 4. Tetarmal (Finance Ministet, Dahsala Bandobest/ Jab) 5. Bhagwiandas sonof Bharmal) 6 Man Singh(Mansabda Grandson ofBharmal) (Musician) 8. Adxiur Rahim Khanekhana Statesman, Hindi poe) ~ Lucente Genera Keowee ‘> Birbalwasklled inthe bute with Yusueal Tribe (1586). Abst Fac wes marcered by Bir Singh Bundels 8601), 3 Akbar gave Mughal India one official Ianguage (Persian). Fane sono Akbar came tothe throne after Akbor's death in 1605. He sbueg Tondinanees. > Heisknown! administration ofjustce Heestablished Zanjri-Acy forhistet ie chain fuse) at Agra For forte vsker of royal justice > Inet Jahngie mani’ Miban-isa, widow of Sher Alghan a Persian aotenan of Benga. tater on she was given the tile Nurjshan. Nusphay ementoanisencover estat afars She wasirade thei Pasa Begun. 2» Jahangir ssc cor jin Nuraha's name and iso. > Jahangir also married Manmeti/ogat Gosai/JochaBar of Marwat, and x Kackwaha princes. > In th Captain Wiliom Fwkins 0 representative of East Inia Company ‘areto|ahangr cout. He was given te mansab of 400.19 1613 Sir Tm ‘Roe an ambstsador of King James of England also came this cour. Thowgh Teil Jahangir rested, ater on he granted permission te English sstalich a wading port at Surat > A pula tsamph during Jshangir reign wos the submission of Rone ‘Altar Singh of Mewar (i615. Jahangir captured the sions Toro Kangara(1e20)-ApartotAkmadnogar was als annexed, Math Aber ceed ‘ace Maal erin Baga rasta > His eg was marked by several revolts. His son Khsrau, who rece Fnac pn ee ps sag 09) ‘De was later entenced to death fr his being to tne ea! prince (188 Desig at pti Khar hon wo shang, ad Mant Eigse of ang no revolt (Khar = 162225 od > Hewiaehismemoisfizuk-Jahangiin Person > Hewes buried in Lahore. ‘Shahjahan 1028-55 % Mother ang Gri ai Aaughe osag Sigh. ‘Shabahan ascended the throne in 1628 afte his ather’s death 2 Herasbet own ri Dacan an fg li, hate had to face was revolts in Bundel anda nade evs in Burden Qua Sh ete: 162529)end the Deccan Khanohan Lox the gover > The jyear aftr his accession, hisbeloved wife Mumts) Mahal original name: Aenean 1631To pepetusteher emery he bull > In 1631-22 he defeated the Portuguese. > Inaddition to Jahangirs empire, Nizam Shah's dynasty of Ahmadnagat "2 Indian History n 1 Mughal conto (189 by Shaljhan, The Deccan San sa ey accepted hint in ot Hers alt imorderto sri the defence of Nr Waterlada 1 Regt oa nner ar Agha et Sn 10 Gp Hee cape une acs Maral i nd Dara nen ie FEE era cb by Hck ana ara re oat See SE Nol ane Ptr Nan td th a ey ala tine eh evades main rl > rp. He is known forthe promotion of a, clare and architecture re pct ror ons Mal nd hy Mate some ot it cst rng her ie ling hth oy rc ea ee > Stl mAurangzeb emerged the Vitor who crowned himsel in July 1658 MS coeds on har at Age et at Sate yao He won ed a gs ‘War of Soest! aot Bshadurpur reer Banaras ‘Feb 1653 Daraand shah Shula ‘arofDharmat near isin ‘Apsl 1688 Dara and Aurangzeb-Murad arf Somugarh, eas Agra May 2658 Daraand Auranguel>Murad ‘arf Risa, near Alaa Dec. 1688 Aurangasb and Sha Shia WaroDeori near Ajmer Mar 1659 Auangac and Dara Avrangueb 1658-1707 "Aurangzeb defeated Dara at Dharmat (1658) Samugarh (1658) and Deoral in hich Semugath was decisive one and Deorai was ast one. > After victory, Aurangzeb was erowned at Dethi under the tile Alamgir: He ruled for 50 years il his death in Feb 1707 in Ahmadnagar. > During the fist 23 years of the rule (1658-1) Aurangazeb concentrated on [North india. During this petiod the Marathas under Shivaji rose to power and ere a fore to reckon with. > Aurangzeb captured Guru Teg Bahadur the th Guru of Sikhs in 1675 and ‘executed him when he refused to embrace Islam. The 10th and ls sikh Gur ‘Gara Gobind Singh, son of Gara Teg Bahadut, oganised his followers into ‘sommunity of warsiorealled Khas to fight the Muslim tyranny and avenge the iling of his father, Guru Gobind Singh was, however assassinated in 1708 by an Afghan at Nander in Deccan, Banda Daina trusted disciple of Gur ‘Gobind Singh continued the war against Mughals. ep coe : me apn a NE Sasa : 1669 ‘Gokula, Rajaram, Churamant “Agrarian policy 167 “Champat Rai, Chisatrasal Political and religious cmeenen Dae itil aig = Sea” nee Senet Ral = we Gay eel entation ‘ponents of jaya 1686 Sibandar All Shah Vioation ‘Annexation of Golconda 1667 AbulHasn Kutub Shah Helping > Aurangzetseft the Noth i 1682 and enperate bids to rush the Marathas, > Shiva vas the most wert Maratha king and an arch ereny of Adan ‘When Aurongzsbs could not eliminate ‘of Amber, Rajput to elimina by Auanyge in 1689, Sombhayi was ater is eatin 190, his widow T ‘The mughal conquests reached a climax during Au xd Golconda were annexe in 166 a > ‘Autangzc died in 1707. He was burie > Hewap called Zn Pic the living si > Jriyawas veintrodvoed, However we Hindu Mansabdaes maintained fer eter tag th ce & Decne ofthe Mogha Emp Rar hopes She pha tp pa dod peta Gin ee ing’ Rapa, Daas tlt lier Wek susan he wee acpi Both teicher eenpa Masten. Err sng mbaliy ae Aca Ist Goa npr pore ney Hydra aod, Myo Fondpn lavas by Nir Sh Pan Nl [Phd ii Src vce Caneel Kawedge Te Madar Gur Relos Maratha for he next 25 year (642-1707) ma him, heconspies im 1658 wa = Shiva. On 2 at oii ‘Shiva led Arongzes court Shiva wasimprisoned by Auraria tranaged io eseape and 1674 proclaimed bi Hele in 189 and was miccceded by his son Sambhaj, who wns ene ther Rajaram noe given by Ja id by his b ried on the movements, nd 1687, rempectively. ed at Khuldabed (Daulatabad), ‘oftmorat dracer) 114 Ba on Sat eustom 14 Ban on Hind Festival | Ban on tharobha darshan, ‘muse nthe coun. 167 Ban on Tuladan (weighing, ‘emperor 179 Resitrodueton of foi well an independent mo anjzeb's reign, a Bley nm wae Al fe ‘esha a vor shah (1712°0719)% Ascended the throne withthe : voted a Ne ale — a U7 ATI9 © Aewended the throne can aod ae oe hth ot erp ut shal (1719-1749): Ir 1798-99, Nae Shah tad i nthe peo thane) and Koha dienes ae 17481754) Ahmad shah Abdali (General s ul end Mughal a i i (17541789) > Ahmad Shah occupied Oath Lae, Dahl yam ig (179 8): Nao Khan bean ey pel So al coe et 1 (1805-1807) Penwtoner of ast india Company. ‘A Ga (1971897) Can Mg ep i sateen te wastpored ang Pana ea ce din rar pet wet ua Adinistration 2M emit a ded int Sie Wh wee ua ~ Metfae Panga and Gram, ubnidvided ver, it alse had other territorial units ws Khalisn eal and yas) and Ina (fed Jandy mainly waste ans) ea sm There wea 15 Subs (provinces) during, Akbar reign, which literinereased to ahunder Aurangzeb Sura he. iat) Pada Ait Pan i Tala) SiqdaeAdmiinaive Hea Ami (ae Mg) Madan end > Akbarintroduced Mansabdas system, The term Mansa indicates sab dar ase el and mlitary.Alinoat Hw whale thureaucracy and military hold Manas. > The Mughal Manvab was dual Za personal ankand pay sta) ana (number of horsemen to maintain), > Mansabadar were of categories, Mansabadars, Amir and Amielat@i > According to pay made they were of 2 types: Nagi (pad ough cash) and iiar (paid through agi) ™ Tange added DuOPA Sih-aypal system Leon's saw anc be rine without rising his za rake > Shubjahan added Jama-Dami ot Mabiana Zaye Monihly Seale) seen, > ttn y cae Jagirdar and agrarian crn which was major cae dedtine of Mughals enter Koo . x of reve colton in rate vi. K seer ct ft ats on Be Fs ap Fe Asanard mando cleton bse on o Malpioneered i = esa cs > cd eops determined efter 10 years asessmen > aaa annie 1 gfe W380 Palin ca oa = ts t0 peop ee a peop Erna ig cpr SE i NOTE anh Mal bay pina Bi ve rg eee ie irs ending a ia ars a aber Ct vid) red he main tna Fah FR dace ae atari the et Mughal ba Fipee si) Pec Bt Police of Tarsrare also nse the Fish st 3 Aidestbegnothiconn tbat tandorwhichwalatercomplasy ‘by Jahangir > Theat of atshpu Skis known as picin ed sandstone % Natihanbui tnactdul/Ns Gas y's marble oma Ag Ibis rtiabl ete fit seo pit dara design made nok Snipes tin) chic > hrgnsodced vigorous se of mabe intend of red sandstone ‘of pica dura for decorative purpose. fore ll x aren Me ayn Labreand is ‘mausoleum at Shalidara(Lahor) > Mospehaling a sci r spelling act machi climax Mahal hajohan lok > Some of importa’ bidings ul by Sha i ohan at Agra ane Mot Masi (only Mosque of mari), Keo hee ieattan eg lea: | herehe spent his ls yearin captivity) etc, ime > Helaidthe foundations of Shaljahanabad and TathcTius Peack tone) > Suing by Aurangzeb inthe Red Foes Mot Mas, sag Mae ott > Aurangzab also built the in 1657 where he built the Red Fit jahansi a es two fans palas of Akbar’ out. Mansur and Bishandss were thee famous painter of _- hun lains athe oul stings he work each ain pte Ties given by Meghal Ret enon le Pall. Ruler jerome Hai St Ian Ralgion Alba pera) fohacimad Hsin lesire ‘ibe i ae me tine he oan ma erin Sa a se a tae administrative organisation. Alan was depute yA Sh Rleof Bop to punish Shiva ut | hele Azad Khan as id by Shvap in 1552 Sa Fit povmor tea, wae deputy Aurangzcbto put downthe ‘powers in dS tot Puna and our scr tes ‘Bibs ade old stack on Sasa Kan (160) an plunderes Sart a) BBB be Sih of Antes was then appointed by Aurangzeb to put down ‘SBiva LE) Jal Singh sicreded in besiging Shiva inthe ortarTeces er, Soret the trent of Puranchar (1665) was signe according to which Stra ded some frst the Mughals and pid anh tothe Mead et > Hales Sia ae comma ot capa Rigch and asd the ie Hes et ee ah ae > ‘Aes orapashstons + 3 = Z ae ith Mughals and Sidis bison ner his re Sri the province. ch a Indian History 7 sary Perio Were vide it pm ee on Thelowest unit wasvilageheadedby PoteHecdeseay 0 parse ciped by the ashvaprathan (eight minister) See ae ee teccaitane ee sponse Shiva. respon cach ier Son eupanorein Pradhan) Finan pees eby= Paine Minis ioe as Revenve and Heance Mlle (asa) aoa) Home Minister paecuman) Foreign Minister once) Hed of Royal correspondence fake) Hed of eligous fais shat Senapati) Military commander. Thisisan honorary post with feet Nel ‘no real military powers. Perry Justice 3 Ms of the amiistrative reforms of Shiva we ted ceri bendaogae forme > Assessment of land revere was based on measurement. The Kathiof Malik Amber was adopted asthe unit of measurement > Land revere was fxd 1/3rd 33% of the gros produce (niall) 2/5dh 1. 40% ofthe gross produce (alter reforms) > CHaurhwast /th Le 255 of the Ind revenue was paid tothe Marathas wo for rotbeing subjected fo Martha raids. > Serdeshukhiwas an additonal levy of 10% on those lands of Mabarasira ‘ver which the Maratha claimed hereditary rights, but whi eres pat the Mughal Empire Sambaji: 1680-99 > ‘Simba the elder sno Shiva defeated Rajaram heyoungersonot SH, war of succession > He provided protection and support to AREUr Ik the belo so ® Re was captured at Sangameswar by a Mughal noble and exec. Rojeam :1689-1200 2 Hesucceeded the throne with the help ofthe ministers at Raigarh Heed from Rajga to Fn in 1689 deta Mughal invasion in which algae a PES@Ptured along with Sambhaj’s wife and son Shabu) by the Mughals Saitam died at Satara, which had become te capital after the fl fino Mughal in 1698, ; Mam created the new post of Pratinh thus taking te ftal mame Minster to nine (Praia + Achtpradhae. Lucent's General Knowledge ™ ‘Taabai: 1700-07 . Rs es suceeded by his minor son Sv under the gua hismothe Tarabai. ‘> Tarabi continued the struggle with Mughals, Stabe: 1707799 Shue was lesb the Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Tarabatsaomy was defeated by Shahin the Battle of Kha (1700, ands ‘= But the Souler part ofthe Maratha kingdom with its cm continued tobe under the contol ofthe descendents of Rapes ‘ndlaterShambhaji I). (hing > Shahus reign saw the rise of Peshwas and transformation nga nan epi baced onthe pric ple of conaderreg Ma Viswana (1713-20): The Firs Peshwa began his carer as smal event offical and was given Kare(matkr ofthe army) by Shah in 17 ren he ae > Hebecame Pestain 713and madethepost the most importa ‘evel as here. i ae 2 “He payed a crucial role in the final victory of Shah by winning oe atari arate side of Sha a > He concluded an agreement withthe Syed Brothers King Mi ed Brothers King Maker (178) whihthe MaghalemerorFarath Svar weopnised Sha oot ne itd Kay 1 rd pone Swat. Martha Confederacy: 1720-1818 ljhs a0 > BajRoo theeldestson of Bala: Viswanath, succeeded Kido 1 le svete yamgap on TheSendia Cnt Fewoscoserdthe greatest exponent of geriln Thea. a ig ater Shiva and Maratha power reached is TheRawae OME zenith ck Bel > UnlehinivealMarséailisbeaneprminent etre, Na Rd Bx themselves enenched in diferent pats of TSO SAE > Alter defeating and expelling th i a ing the Sidas of Jain from the mainland __ eeosnered Boch an Sete om tne uneg 29) ‘Healso defeated the Nizamvul-Mulk near Bhopal and coneluced the et — 7 ‘which he got Malwa and Bundelkhand from the later (0 > innumerable successful expeditions into North India to wed > gBslempiee and o make the Maratha the supreme power in nG= eae abou Mughals: “Let us strike atthe trunk ofthe withering Will of themselves Balai BajiRao: 1740-61 ‘opalatly known as Nana Sahel he succeeded his father atthe age of Pert est of Shabu (179), the management of al state aflais a 2. tl — Indian History » ¢ with the Mughal emperor Ahmad Shaly the esha wast na ae aghal empire fromm internal and external enemies (ike Ahmad i Re itor or Chast 75) san ttle of Pinipat Gan 1, 1761) sesited in the defeat ofthe Marathas by Tad ten dhe dave aon saa Rao. Ts 2 d the Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao and after six month he also died. This. Se nasa ne > Saeeega),soval Madhav Rao 0773-55) and Bat Rao I 1795-1818), eesti vas creed nto oe et ape Ne ee ot > British latersigned Tent of Sulbai(1782),renouneing the ease of Raghobs. [second Anglo-Maratha war (1803-06) : The Maratha Peshwa signed the Sutmiciary Alliance Treaty of Basseln (1802) > The Maratha confederacy, which did not ike the idea challenged the British power but were defeated by the British > Third Anglo-Maratha war (1817-18) : Lord Hastings was determined to proclaim British paramountcy inIndia, Hemoved against Pindaristransgressed the sovereignty ofthe Maratha chies and the war began. > TheMarathas were decisively defeated, 13, The Advent of the Buropeans Compony i, Had Ona Ptgese East nda company 1488, Cochin (15100), Gos (1530-1961) Engish Eas India Company 1600 Wt cost: Surat (168-71, Bombay (rom 168) aa cnt: Koromandal Maslipttanun (6111) ‘Mackas (from 168). ‘Berga Under Madras upto 1700) Caleta (fo m170) 1602 East coast: Koromandal, Palieut (upto 1690), ‘Negapatanun Groot 60g Hugh ro 1688) 1616 Serampur Bgl): 1676185 16 Surat (168 79) Pondicherry (16731954) stements in Indiatothe Bahn 185. Dutch Eat India Company Dash Bast nda Company > ‘The Cape route was discovered fom Europe to nda by Vasco da Gua. He "eached the port of Cac on May 17,1496 and was reseved by the nga 4 ler ot Calicut now by he ileofZamori ‘Tis tod to the establishment of trading stations at Calicut, Cochin and nore. Cochin was the early capital ofthe Portuguese in India. Later Goa eplaced it. Francis de Ania waste fst gover of Portuguese. Almeida (150549) Inroced the policy oF Bla water —- Lace’ General Knowle the second governor of Portuguese. Albuqueryye A at ted on as er of ia rte isco rm Cochin 0G (1 1 t0.Go4 (153) rat pact (1534) rom Baha Shah of Gara 4p dante Alens deSourat 15248): The famous JS Fann Xn atv in swith > Te Ponugese power winewed a dace bythe end of the 1th century. > Berit fans rn by Qasim khan, a Mughal noble “yn eet the King of Portugal gave Bombay to Chale tf England as dowry “when he married the formes sister. ‘> The Marathas cptured Salsette and Bassein in 179. > they were lef only with Goa, Diu and Daman which they retain ~ her > > Fermationofthe company ia March, 1602 by charter of Dutch: ‘Dutch Eat India Company was formed with powers to make wa ‘meatles, ace leritores and build fortress. > TheDuich setup factories at Maslipatam (1605), Pulicat (1610), Surat (1616, ‘imlipstam (1641), Kartkal (1685), Chinsura (1699) Kasimbaar, Boronagore, Patna Balasore, Negaptam (all in 1658) and Cochin (165) > The Dutch replaced the Portyguese asthe most dominant power in European ‘ade with the Eat including India. > Pulls was main conten india til 169, after which Negapatam replaced it > TheDutch conceded to English after their defeat nthe bate of Bcerain 7A Enel > Belo the English East India established trade in india, Jor aS vnt ftEgih man vas ute, ostensbly forte purpose ade wi > “The Govemar and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the Et {nds poplin te Engh East Ini company, fre # > Captain William Hawkinsartived at Jahangir's court (1609) to seck permissio® tw open faciory a Surat AFartnan was sued by Jahangir ve English to build a factory at Surat (1613). = reaeie > Si Thomas Roccame'w lads tsebassdor of James to Jang scout seers eben beep (> The Englth East India Company acquired Bombay from Charies It on les est anger et pre 9 J B10, fob Charnock table factory at Sutanat and the rand the thave villages of Sutanat, Kalikats and Gobindpur was by ‘esi (1696) Those villages ater pre ino the cy of Calcstis The BO desi we foriod in 196s he rtd er asad asin Poe Bs pl ares treet ae ed ai aang ict a a) Gaetan te pay ce der hl Te > The ir mpanyof Merchants of England Trading othe Fast nie This new Ta ni Copy wn ormaly Cil we mwa Sr Ge cin abt nt ty Pana acy at Masulipalam was set up in 16 Berries werent ee lap oe eee Been re tnd V2. Tey ecapied Mabe in he Malbec ana in pee dat and Kartal inant Nad 79) Saba Dupes French governor din 12a th bop trench condi (coma Vas) eating nth lef Freeh ConfctCaratc Wars since of Anglo French vary > Pat Ang french war 40-4); Ther beg Maden tS Thome fate he Nawab of Cama army was dena ty Hench under Dupe HeentyofA Copel 17) endd he waot ae scene Fat AngioPrench tind Second Anglo-French wat 17030 : Dupl aligd with Maal Jag tyr) has Cat Asin ves aba ae, Pacer / Tat by God (na Sonor place {topes 175-ened the Scone Agen Wa. Third Angotrench ar 173009: Ven Count de ally cape ot Di enc ere ested Wadia 70) as ce det of ‘Thetreaty of Pars (1763 ended the Third and Final Anglo-French war in india Pondicherry was returned wo Feench by this treaty, Modern India 14. Expansion of British Power Un the content of Bengal, Mysore, Pun et) Qul han (717-22). X7A7, Murshid Ql Kan ne appointed = Bemyal sSubediar ie. governor by Mus Facrubh Siyar rat of he remap ol Criss by rari 71 He tarlrd tenga em Dao cba (072779) He was te sonia of Murai Cul Khan He wes Fag be Cova of iar by Mughal enpens Muhanad Sh —— lt (ikl 2 Laces General Koowled® $= Sec Knan(1729-0; He was ths of Sun and was murdered y ‘Miveat Khan the Deputy Goveror of ia i 1740 > se cafanie ani 7 6): Lata honors reciting rman sagt exper Manoa Sak Rangel’ ater ering im Re 2 Crary He aed ie Fen rom rng Ue tactony Caleta and Chandranagone respecte Siajuddaula 175657 eeisad Kan was succeeded by his grandconSrsoddaula F Seatana ced iting cor st Rainer On 20 )2r6 1756 Ray See darendered but Robot Clive recovered Casta, SG dnd Ja 1957, Tat of Alinagar wos signed, were ty Sirs once lyst comands Bashi cptred Chanda he ch Eederent on Mach 757 The Bate of Pnsery was fought on 23 ae, the Nawab was defeated > Theallwing bazayed the Nawab: Mir Je: Mir Balt “Moni chan. Ofer in charge of Caleta “Amichand: Rich Sikh merchant gat Se Big barker of Bengal hadi Ran Commanded 3 arg nuke of Nawab’ oops. Mir ater: 1757-60 Sele company was groned undisputed right ore tade io Bengal, Bihar and Guise Trrsived the zamindan of 24 Parganas. Mir Jaf, however, fl into rears 3nd wes forced to abdicate in favour of his solar Mir Qasim. Mir Qasim: 176064 > Mir usm cade Burda, Midnnpoce and Chittagong. He shied his capt from Marhidabad to Manger > Mir Qasim soon revolted as he was angry with the British for misusing stk ie duty pase) However having been defeated by the Brit he fled to Awad whereheformedaconfederey with AvadhrulerShujauddach and Mughal emperor Skah Ala IL > The Battle of Barer (176): Mit Qasim, Shujauddaula and Shah Alam ee defeated by Murso, > MirJafar was agen placed on the throne. > Successors of Mie Ossim : Mir Jol (1764-65), Nazmuddaulah (176566. Saifuddaula (1766-70), Mubaraquddaula (1770-72) > Gn efter’ deat ie son Nazmadasla was placed on the swore 8 signed @ treaty on 20th Feb, 1765 by which the Nawab was to disband! aoe ‘of his army and to administer Bengal through a Deputy Subedar nominated ‘by the Company. > Cliveconcluded two separate teatos of AllahabadwithShah Alam 1 (12498 1765) and Shujauddaula (16 Avg, 1765). 1757. Owing tothe conspiracy, Indian History s eee et retin re san amafm Nema 7 Macey crn soca sas she Natenue collection. A 1761-82 filer 170 care sa solder inthe service ofthe Mysore sat et A ajar es Dipl Heeabised mode arena NPs repethe bap of French. va pe cvertocd the Naina he power Prine Minis of he ore and ped power though continuing recognise Wace pe leh gros (176) Hse Al een the Bish. The Teaty Bal 1789) signed. i Myore war 170-8); Warten Hating tacked ech pot Secon ich wos in Haida As testy. MAI led a joint front with Nizam and Maratha and captured Arcot {Capit of Carnatic stl). Ino, Haar Alt was defeated at Porto Novo by Eyreoot J Hedied during the Second Anglo-Mysore war. ‘pa Stan 17299 PP tadar All was succeeded by is son Tipu Stan in 1782, > Hecomsinued the Second. Anglo-Mysore war ti 1784 & the Thats of Mangalore (1784) was signed by Tipu Sullan which ended the Second Anglo-Mysor a. > Thind Anglo Mysore war (1790-9): Maratha and Nizam aided the Brisk Conall capstured Bangalore. By the Treaty ofSeringepatnam (1792) Tipa ‘eds al of his terstry > Tah Ang Mynore wat (179 Lon Wey att nd Hr Stan > ‘hp was the only Indian ruler who have understood the importance of ‘edo stength asthe foundation of military strength. > Tipu established the embassies to France, Turkey, Iran and Pegu to develop Spine lane’ a “uve of liberty’ at his capital Seringapatnam ant became a ‘nenber of acbian Cb ‘ a cee aur the 10th and the last Guru of the Sikhs, transformed the >» Rousset into amir bthehood. the confusion and disorder that followed the invasion of Nadie Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali the skh increased their military strength and became ‘tong power, Lucent's General Knowledge Maharaj Ranjit Sing (2792-1890): He was the greatest Indian ruler of > amet pander be Stren the Pana. Bor n 17800 Carat jeocrupied Lahoren 1799 and made this capital, He conquered Amite, Tin oeupicd Ludhiana and ater incessant wars annexed Kangra, Atcg Multan Kashmic Hazara, Banoo, Derajat and Peshawar. He died in 1839, Successors of Ranjit Singh :Kharak Singh(1899-40), Naurihl Singh (sqm, ‘Sher Singh (184143), Dap Singh(1843-9) ‘The Sikh power was broken bythe British after the death of Ranjit Singh Fat Anglo-Sikh war (1845-46) :Sikhs were defeated in all the four batt Mid Fercashah, Aliwal and Sobracn. The Tieatyof Lahore (84s)ended te var. Sit Heney Lawerence became the first resident > Second Anglo-Sikh war (1848-49) ; Dalhousie annexed Punjab, Sic John Lawerence became the first chit commissioner of Punjeb. ‘Year Founder ‘Annexation 173 Murshid Qu 1765 reaty of Allahabad = Saat Khan ‘Monthenfeericy 1720 By Ra 1801 (Subsidy Ale) Neva Cama Aso: 1729 Sandals Khan 1601 Guidry Attias) 172 MirMoammadAminSaadst 160 (Sobuidiary Alan), 1856 (Daou) staan si ‘Khan ‘Baha ul Mulke ‘Wydenibid) YA Mic Qutrudin Chin Kileh 1798 (Subsidiary Altre) Ee hun ‘NizanvulhMalk? ‘Myaie 1761 Hida At 1799 (Subwidiry Alin) Pan 1090 Ranjit Singh 1849 (Dalhousie) 15, conomic Impact of British Rule ‘Thre Stages of Bish Coonilim Firtphase The Mecilile phase (1757-813) > The East India Company used its political power to monopolize trade and dicate ems to trader Berga. > Imposition of inflated prices of gooxs led to buccaneering, capitalism whereby sath lowed out of tre of th Brith rar pun > Revenues of Bengal were wo finance exports to England Second phase-The India phase 819.198) > Indl was exploit sa market or rsh goods >» Actof 1813.allowed one way trade for the British, asa result the Indian market flooded with cheap and machined imports Indian adoro gh wellas home markt > Indians wef testa mates anim ished gods > Heavy import uty on Indian products to England to discourage them ‘Third phase-Financial phase (1860 onwards) a > The British consolidated ther postion in India and made India a market ‘manufacturers and a supplier of foodstuffs and raw materials. Indian History s ot sey (5) Pt nd pop 0 Sain Sen Pierce en eins (drat itsh investment in India and burden of public debt increases. > Hopes came into existence (Tata Iron and Stel in 1907). te Ned tin his book "Poverty And Un Beh Ral inn oie es eorcmn Thy are Be ccnma Bef oy nicw is rood pe hearers woot epee of dain were 7 Beortion by company servants the fortunes from rulers,zamindars, mercharts aleommen man and sending them hoe Pushasng gods out of mvenaes of Bengal and exporting then. This wis fled ovement 4, Duly ree wade provided to the British gave them a competve edge over Indo ads These bse were anced fom Indian easy. 4 Remitanes of salaries and other incomes by company ofa send fo England. 5. Home changes or cost f salaries and pension of company ofl Indi ‘erp om th easury of tna Fy ntorts wer ald to Betsh investors > Efes 1 stunted the growth of Indian enterprise and checked and tarde apt famaton nia 2 ifnanced apt development in Blain 3 India waskept azn of fee trade without allowing ttn develop thebity Sampe ‘Plantations, mines, jute mills, banking, shipping, export-Impoet concems Fromoted a system of interlocking capitalist ims managed by foreigners. It Shinde rm nda Land Revenue we Systems Sfmanent Sttlement/[tamarari(Sthay) Bandobast Induced in Bengal, Bihar, Oris, and dees of Boars and Nothem isos of Madras by Lord Coma 183 3 Ril Shore planned the Permanent Setlement {ecard zamindarsas the owner ofthe and, Hence, they ould eap 1/1, Sithe revenue calcd to themaaves while the Bish goto fae share a am Mthot the revere collected, The zatnndats were feof the ets of their ownership, many zamindars slyed in towns (absenter {sslonina an exploited Se tenants 2 Sytem 2 bcd in Bombay and Madras Meno (Vie) and Cares Raw ommend > Thernvene was ed fora prio not exceeding 30 years on th} {jay ofthe sal and the ature of cop It was based on hae Rho of Ricard. The postion ofthe eultvator bec ‘pret clacton een frcod has into the cltches oF the morey Redes this he governed ioel Cores ine aoa Wester Lita Pradesh, a setlement as made with the wage Ivhich maintained form of comm Mahals which wer groups of villages, > Revenue was periodeally revised Colonia! txpact of Lind Revere 5 Thelandsetdementsn Fights Cash payment of venue enc sharpened social diferent thei propery Foreble growing of comm high prices andl cath Thestbli ucts General Knowle ment was made between the government ore secure but the ig ownership known as Bhigha curaged soney-lending activity tition. The rich had acces othe court sal sean and fs ada Nagas Mss en) ais Ose tags) Crete RE YoyalRanps 1224 Nig 2 Gi Revolts Sanyasi (Bengal, 1780)= "inof peasantry. Veiu Thampi tortion, si): ty Bhat vba Mal San Soe in Panjab sn apt evens poly Kolhapur Pega karo, 1846) by Nara Reddy nts and Organisations Name ofthe Orin Finder Rain omaha Ray 1hi5 Casta Ami Site isan cabana — etn 3} Ja Cakes Dhami bbe adhshant Dow “109 Calas Tatodhel Sa Deberanath Tago 10 Pane Nias Dayal Das Da Ghandee MsarDhara Sha Dunaram Mancha Prramkava Mandl Dob Pnduran, VAST Pan Neale am Sigh {M61 Age Rachie Saseg Til Ram V6 Gls Sake Senotinla Kha Chanda Sen jae One Beate va ‘ne na i bey tng” ne ei A ey ing See ay Seay 39% Ne Tseisae; fle leat a 140 Pave oon) Pome Seria etka a Wee eg, mR Rand nd 19239) by Karam Shab and pu, ag 187) Baba Ra Fe dp Suri and Doda Mian fr ete of nish 19th-20th Centuries. el ind Patra iin 1899, the Tatvabodhin "ceompiled selected passages from thet sha Dharma ra Sen (1838-1664): Keshay' na Gurngtheabsence cs Bra for women. He launched i otercaste and widow cn agen, These radical reforms Tet 10 ae a Beano Sama) came te Shen the Zratimo Sanna of India which was Sei Sen formed the Indian Reform ‘fe bith Govenrenttocnact the Native te cn! Marrage Ae egalisng the Brahmo mrtogeable age for boys and gis ‘tmaram Pandarang, (1823-1899): Atmaram | sonain 1867 in Bombay. MiG. Ranade joined iin Swami Dayanand Saraswati (182-1859) : Sm cgnaly known a ‘Mula Shankar founded the A wrote Sayartha Prakash Gin Hing) and ‘nd ply in Sanskrit). Davatsky (1831-91) and Oleot ‘woman and Col. HS, Oot an New Yorkin 1975 but hited in 62, SwamiVivekanand| Dua founded the Rat YR Shinde | Mando Patt | " GISIS Madras, CN, Mudston 134, ac rey ee ee Se eng | Eee Irwtitute 1924 Bombay, nbeea | eee = ‘Tamil Nadu ‘Periyar’ Nel “Harijan Sevak Sangh 192 Pune ‘Mahatma Gandhi em Bivins, >The Revolt of 1657 isan important landmark in the history of nia which ‘ceurrd during the governcr-gencralshipof Lord canning. > Causes of the Revolt: The revolt of 1857 was a combination of poi, economic soco-eligious and military causes. Political: NanaSahibwasrefuse pension ashe wasthe adopted son ofpeshwa Baj Reo IL Avadh was annexed in 1856, om charges of talnadmniceaton Satara Jhansi, Negpur and Sambhalpur were annexed owing, to Doctrine of Lapse Bamomic Heavy taxation, forcibly evictions, discriminatory tari pley against Indian products and destiction of traditional handicrafts that ht peasans and artisans. Socio mlghous : British socal reforms (aalition of sai, 1829; legalisation of widow remarriage, 1856 etc) hurted the sentiments of orthodox and conservative People. Miltary Discrimination with Indian soldiers, > mediate cause: The intxicton of Enel rifes whose cartidges wersad tohavea greased caver made of bee and pork sparked ofthe revolt. > The Beginning and Spread of te Revolt: OnMarch29, 1857, an Indian epor of 34 Native Infantry, Mangal Pandey, killed two Bish oficersHlugeson 28 ayph-an parade at Barackpore (neat Calcutta). The Indian soldiers preset tefused to obey onters to arest Mangal Pandey. However, he vas ltt arrested, put to and hanged. > The mutiny really started at Merton 10th May 1857, The occasion was tht ‘Punishment of some sepoys for their refusal ous the greased eartriage- TH ‘soldiers alongwith other groupsofcvilians wentonarampege shouting Mc® | Firangi kes. They broke open jails, murdered Europeans, burnt theit ows ‘nd marched to Delhi after sunset, > The appearance of the marching soldiers next morning (ie. 1th May) in Delt as a signal t the local soldiers, who in turn revolted, seized the ty rodaimed the®2-year ld Aahadr Shah Zafar’ as Sahenshah Hinds (Ge. Emperor of India) Indian History Oy sig Ending Date Indias Leader aia ae fa waa pages 1 250 Te (Comarlniy CHa Se sr 6187 spe Smeal ee june 1857 21 Mar, 1858 Rey Hazrat Maal CatinCampbe sa oe 1857. 1BJune 1858 Ran Lax Bal on Pak sine 187 March 108i A an W857 Dec 1658 KucrSinghand AmarSingh Wills Taylor and Vineet ye eer 7 gina month of the capture of Dell, the revolt spread tothe different parts > Was allover the North india Cenral nda and Westen nd) South “ichite and Punjab and Bengal were only marginally affected, fais died in 1862. Hic sone wore DS Deported to Rangoon, whe ue Shah It: was Depo goon ti (ocgicl me -Dhundha Par), Begum Hazrat Mahl ane lan fatsiar Khon + Eocaped to Nepal; Tantiya Tope (Orginal name ~ Ramchand pea) ss coptured and executed on 5th Api 1; Lax Bal # Did Fike uli-felds Ker Singh = Was Wounded and ded on 25 Apr 158 2 Si Hugo Rous described Laxmi Bi asthe bes and bravest military leader of he me 4. Other Important Leaders: Khan Dahaduc Khan (Barely) Maulyi Aumadallh Aaa isi Fatehpur) ei Singh (Mahuta Kadam Sng esr) {Bagh authority re-essbchd nnd dar ay De 8 Gauss of Failure: The Revolt of 1857 was an unsuccessful but her effort tediinate foreign sul. The main causes were: 1 Dsunty of Indians and poor Sipistion2Lack of complete nanalismcindis,Holkat, Nam and ones acy helped the Usitish 3. Lack coordination between sepoys, peasants Zina other classes 4 Man had ferent mtves for parting nthe Ear Sigifcance: The important element in the revolt lyin Hindu Musi uty. eplseshibiad parte sentiment without any toca onal ings eo dost began asa mutiny of soldiers but soon fumed into a reel against British ‘ein general. Natio the Revolt of 1857 > Theware two main views about the nature ofthe Revel of 1857 §eP0y Mutiny : Syed Ahmed Khan, Munshi Jeevan Lal and Durgadas TanlyPadhyaya (Contemporary Historians); Stenley Secretary of state for 2 gah Min Lecco Sey, Maleon, RG Marudi 3 Strugsle/War of Independence: Benjamin Distacly, Karl Mars, VD. > Sitar KM Panna kee based AL Sivvasva, Trachand teres: Racal Sige Blache Sega al ivi, St egle/ Hindu-Muslim-Christian Hinggation-Barbarism Conflict/ English-Indian Conilic-R. Holmes: lu-Muslim Conspiracy against Christian-Cutram and Taylor. Indian History » ace Year Fond ans | London 1899 William Adar tm emt at Dr ae 13 Sat Almas Nag Made 182 COM Sombay 52 japon hae Sith Jendon 186 Dada Non ons 1 SH Chiplunta GV MG. Ranade = london 192 Anand Mohan Base Cette 105 Shr Kumar Ghosh j slewts 196 Suda Nath Bene ait Jobo Sey | imamate ‘Anand Mobin Bose ieee Pst National Waco indpendenee shee Fit mot Neg | Cmte Cita 108 ae sma wart Independence” Cire, | os “Anatol elt rote in dep misint~ "jg aense Mads ag Ned Rant, Bertin Dis pte ne oe The Revolt of 1857 was the First war of indepenence.~ TO Sink gh RambiyPreicy Ascston Romy 188 Femshsh Mehta. KT: Tall “Whet began a2 fighe fe mlgion ened aso war fr independence 7 s National Congress (LN.C): Bombay, 1855, 4.0. Hume Iimpactof the Revol of 157 OD ees iedin acta ice os hemes ss ee ge a cto paced an act which pot an ean |” made tied il servant, in emacaon with cosors taal ecko es ee eer Te cnt ef He Ratch gorcmean is ata | | quedfora contre in Func Doctor im fans to The Bash Crown, > Thecofeence recived the unanimous suport of al Indian leaders but the Taser Een called the Scary fsa forindiawas | _” seme was sed to Bombay for vats toon fap oneeke Genes ‘made responsible forthe governance of India, Pune). Oren fla was ow als given the cf Vy | > Fre the leaders decide to rename the nan Natal Union as dan “who was alto the representative of the monarch . ‘National Congress. s ‘Mackeedtheend of Brteh Imperialiom and Princely States were assured 2 > The first session of the Indian National Congress was held at Gokulkias Tejpal ‘annexation. Doctrine of Lapse was withdrawn, sa Sanskrit College in Bombay under the presidentship of W.C. Bane veteran & ‘After the revolt. the British pursued the policy of ‘divide and rule lawyer of Calcutta SS esesting changes wee made inthe aiminccaion and incense rhe | > vu ater by 72 delegates ron all over nia fa eeieeecteteente 7, Totaexpes ofthe sappeion was town on he Ride class Indiana & hasbeensid tt ulus Canarwesmer poreral crore cesrsie | ™ I fe Gain of IVC n UG the rggi fx hai epee drat cee, aid sboutthe Revolt of 157: Whatever might haveteenis | __ltunched ina small stant and mid but onganized manner coe ay nen bcie a symbotof callngs othe mighty Brit | > The it two decade of INC ox dented hutory a» tow of made Feb i lndia and remained 3 shining tar for the Fse and growth of (demands and a sense of confidence in British ustice and generosity: Their aim Tandian national movement 138 not tobe aggressive for attaining independence lest the Bish should ‘0p thin Terumo Cenc tin wich allowed sine Bante tobe indirectly elected by Indians but keeping the offal mjoty ce “Wederate Leaders : Dada Bhai Naorj, AO. Hume, Badruddin Taye SG Ransde, WC. Banner, Fermesbab Metta, Surendea Nath Banner. © ‘fankaran Naiyar Madan Man Malviya, VS Shrinivas Shas, Te Babar ” ace Canera Knowledge Spee. Gopal Kish Gate Anand Mohan Bose, Ey, las Get alan Lal Cha P Arand Chara Cyc Dats SalvahnanpamAiye: KT Talon, Madhusudan by Spat nes Wi ‘Selet Opinions about INC NC pee» cncoph micros en ee ate "Ne py wth et: Ponta ey OL - TAM, Extremist Phase (1905-17) i sti se mor fons a tn eee ey ely OB Bowen ise ar ESE As tent eae EEA rind ders MC 1 tal enpean ee mines lk asthe uncomprom agar RP hacer Naty ale and Nor sy tetas i Battin ia (= aides He started issn oe Gray isa a : eb Uda cen Geta Si yn over the AITUC in 19a oat te arrCey tepaeea ES Laren Stet be poe Wy succumbo varth Vij Rage Chidambara €non-cooperating with the British boycotting government service, courts schools and elleges feshi and boyeot of foeigh goods Bengal came 6, 1905, through Royal > Teidloped Easter region of the Bengal. But, actualy, the main objective was eepivide and Rule’ the most advanced region of the country at thet Hime. Thee Borsted middleclass among whom the Bengal inteligentala were te auet Ihc unanimously condemned the partition of Bengal ‘The Boycott and Swadeshi movement had its genesis in the antipartition movement which ws started to oppose the British decision to divide Bengal = With the star ofthe Sadeshi movementat the turn ofthe counts, the Indian, * National Movement took a major leap forward > The INC took up the Swadesh callin Benaras Sesion, 1905 presided aver by GK. Gokhle and supported the Swadeshi and Boycott Movement of Bengal “Militant nationalism spearheaded by Teo of Lal-Ba!-/(Lala Lajpat Raj, Bal Gangadhar Tlakand Bipin Chandra Pal) and Aurobindo Ghosh was however {nfavourof extending the movementto the mstof India and carrying it beyond the programme of jest Swadeshl and Boycott of goods to full-fledged political sass struggle On August 7, 1905, » resolution to boycott British goods were adopted at ‘a meeting of the INC hold in Calcutta, It was started aa a purely economic ‘measure for te development of Indian industry. Bonefine of foreign goods was launched on a large scale in al the major cities. Tilak took the movement to diferent pars of India esp. in Pune and Mumba Alt singh anc Lala Lajpat Ray yprea the Swadeshi message in Punjab and ‘other parts of Northern India, Syed Haidar Rasa set up the agenda ty Delhe Rawalpindi, Kengra, Jama, Multan and Hardwar witnessed active public participation in Swadeshi Movement. Chidarmbram Pilla took the movernere te Madras Presidency which was also galvanised by Bipyn Chane pal extensive lecture tous League was set up Muslim League (1906 In Des, 1905, All nda Musi Reha Slime Das (hak) at Dasa Dhol). The Lage suppor Briton of Benga, opposed the Swadesh movement and dentanded sect ‘afeguards for its community’ and a separate electorate of Muslims. This fed communal differences between Hindus and Muslims. > Caleta session of INC (1909-Swara}: Tn Dec, 1906 at Calcutta, under the ledershipof Dad Bhat Noo adopted Swaray asthe goal of aa, —_—_ gpl Noor nhs preidentil address cared that the gol othe yc ney leerrersberendepemebanton tdaxp mpeg sre cr techniques of the strggle o be adopted came to head n 1907 othe 2a eign nt yl it prc se Sart Spl 909: The INC oon Erp extent tose tS nnn nT he Be ea i a Strnad ik apron casas Seedy pal Aroa othe Arh Sra rsa Aelgats of congiess mein an atmoephere surcharge with enctcman sete ‘The suddenness of the Surat fase» took the extremist leaden by an 8 snd hy lit copra os wang cng i ee ees ipeseottipof Ras Bihar Ghowe, But the moderates would not relenig | found hemselvenon frm ground. The government observing the opp Dette rane so acne orem See coo tems thar ainsi and srg i ses Yeu the xr want abe orgie an chance fant movenet ind Chol ave enna ae Ms Cure a ao ot polis sopra, pert ae 1908, the national movement ava whole declined Morley-Minto Reforms (1909) : Motley-Minto Reforms were introduced 1909 during the period when Lord Minto was the Viceroy of India. The nrg svinaged a separate electorate for Muslims besides other constitutional mesure The government thereby sought to eae a rit within dhe Congress by winnie the support ofthe moderates on the one hand, and favour of Muslim agand ‘objective, the reforms introduced he Hindus on the other. To achieve the J system of separate electorates under which Muslims could only vote for Mastin ‘andidates This was done to encourage the notion thatthe politcal, ecamomican | ‘cultural interests of Hindus and Muslins were separate and not commen, Ind political leaders were however dissatisfied by these reforms, Movement (1915-16): 8. Tilak founded Indian Home Rak League at Pune on 28 Apri, 1916. Are Besant, inspired by the Irish rebellion rtd Home Rule Movement in India in September, 1916. The movement spa! ‘rapidly and branches of the Home Rule League were established all over Ind B.G. Dak wholeheartedly supported this movement, He joined fonees with Ant Besant and persuaded the Muslim League to support this programme Lucknow Pact-Congress-League Pact (1916): An important stop forward achieving Hindu-Muslim unity waste Lucknow pact (1916), Anti-Batish fein ere generated among the Muslims following a war between Britain and Tui Which opened the way forthe Congressand Muslim Leagueunity.fioththe Congr ‘and the Muslim League held session at Lucknow in 191 andl concludes the faa Lucknow pact. The congress accept the separateeleetorateand both organist® jointly demanded! ‘dominion status’ for the count. » HindurMuslin unity alarmed the Britah and toro the govermet announce its future policy. In 1946, a Bish policy was announced whi association of Indians was in government inereased and there was tobe a development of loca self-governing institutions august Decl ration of1917:Thecontroloverthelndian : tothe Indian people. This wastheresult a anstered rad 1 cl din Lucknow pact win Pe Revolutionary na a Pace 119697 Chapekar Brothers won, Poona so Nak 1901 Sada Bates om {tate Poon) S ‘Midnapur 192 Pramath Nath Mitra oitiesemi Poona 1904 Vikram Damodar (V.D.) “ear = etal soi Dacca 1907 Palin Bihari Das. ioe Pkt 1907 Ath Su mba ad Men eptican Asscition/ Kanpur 1924 Sachindra Nath enya = ; Lahore 1926 Bhagat Singh = aE hie thi 1928 Chandrashekhar Azad Ce pee topless Doh ‘sation Any USRAD iii Revco) Ormmionieeeskieeee = ies ‘i rey intationn) tendon 8 tk i Ra thar teen 06 Vice Dano Soa {Ginepace aque Gafea USA) 197 Tak Nath untay SenFanao i913 Lala cxyue—_Botin(Gemany) 8 Lal aryl Vien ieee Ln eran) 9 Lat setae Kabul 08 ae idoaroent Teralonaey Kren see Niet Eventicase Place! ‘Your Accused Sa Se eee ; ie: Baie Kingston Muzaffarpur bee fudge) a Jand Alipur Bomb Manikatalla, 1908 Aurtindo Ghosh Bigger 4 Alnus Boat Ns 10) Anne Hit ndson atict Magiaate) ‘Nast, ite 1909 Madan Lal Dingea res voile ‘London ats Rasika hey Harding (Viceroy) Delhi Breede re ek Dacoity Case (Kakoria Kakort 1925 Ram prasad Bis and "cho raivsion) alla Nae or he ven Case Place eke Acct Mader ot Suess (ASP of Lahore) Lahore 1928 Bhat Singh ‘Asserily Bom case Dai 1929 Bhagat Singh ang Batches (| ‘Chittagong Armoury Decoy Chitagons, 1930 Surya Sen Minter of Misch ©” Dryer aden 1940 Uhamatngh 17. 1V. The Gandhian Era (1917-47) Mahatma Gandhi (1865-1948): Chronological Overview 4 South Atreaes3t984 1283 Departure of andi to South Aca, 194 Foundation of Not! ict Cans 1899 Foundation fain Ambul Cor dung Boxe War, 1 Poi ptt ican) ar Phecrs Faro ot Frown 1994 Foundation of dain Opinion Phoen y 1905 Rint Gi Dobe Movement (Surah) agsnt Asie Onda ‘Tronsva. 107 separa zit Compory Retain an Par Aah ky 1908 Ha an imprisonment Johannes ail jai orm) 1910 Foundition of oy Farm (Eternia Pea Johannesburg. 919 Satygrabs against derscognition of nn Christian marriages in Cape Town, TELL toh Attica orverandretums to nla Awad Ku ind or ing {an Indian Ambulance Core dng Bow war Biindia 015-48 WAS Amived in Bombay (india) on 9 Jan, 1915, Foundation. of Srtvagrehs Axhranial Reheat mar Aas 9 hyy i aes il ue ad vata Abstain from active politics (though he aitended Lucknow soos of INChaale ZesODear ts whey Kens Sate, veaasr om Boe Sense ‘Soouishanpesns ‘Ge te cre pols wh char ong ame gen inert opps Ing ler Caer ay Copa Sagegatas eh Ink 08 Ganache trod anon HungeraiaseswsponSn eden recht | ‘Abel togp,n el t Gas era peso aed eh wh woe nig aie pon ret eee a oo Kinds Sopapaa wars setnoncoebe eee {Gi gee cr Sapa gan oon ao Ap 608 took the command of the nationalist movement for the first time (First alHd® Political Movement) Gandhi returns Kaisar‘-Hiind gold medal asa protest aga tana taghnsoaceapal lai Thestlcheenecetneen oe | ‘Gandhi as its president (Nov, 1919, Delhi). wir 1018 we en rae ne ee ee ee eee ee a a) sion INC hed ed it Ci ap nm ecm n Siac eee alone cence a Fa a Nha We Mans ON Coat ee ee ee ced Ruma! Bae Conetoere Ue et i es Se a Caen sp.7 Sri se 1 pea olin ne Il Fe ns Novant ic Cul i cig DESECAL He ee eet indlac diinthc atemp) Gund ondall Congres leads ariel ee ee eb citigmte Kexurto(res Fa i wos Gai at pecon term. Fe iicn on tc open ren PEER ey ti monty hc pro once as Bat Actcall Gandhi traveled tn Noah ie Bengal Bungladedand ia Clea ctere onnalpecs A ery dissed Wy he Moura Parton Pn ne 1971 {Giewayng Casta to free comma lence cere mpl ence Steals fms incpendonce ug 150) Cod eet Be Spins Th wn shoddy, Neh Ram God ebro 5 cee, Sbeeeroe yer ming tN Da Ga 8 He Say tant colt ‘Dee, 199; Sond Phase Yon 31988 hay Palos neat Pane (Aug 1942 — Mase a 184d private sceeary Maar ea otc gested the winding up of ndan Nations Congres nda aan Inspenence and converting ttt Lk Seva Sama Tas about Gandhi Datand Place of Birth Oct. 2, 1869 and Poebundr Gara "We 1N0 deta Oc 2 as tematona Non-lens: Day’ Asari arn Dw) Father: Karomachand Gandhi, Mother : Pali Bai, Politieal Gum: Gopal ‘iin Golda, Private Sorta Mahadey Des Literary Influences on Gandhi : John Ruskin’s Unto This Last Emerson, , LeoTlsoy, he Bibleand the Cita rp itty Works: Hind Swara| (209) My Experiments with Truth Autobiography alsevents of Gans Ife upto 1922 rae 28 Etoe: Indian Opinion: 1908-15 (in Els and Gujarat, fora shot pe tf fia English ancl Gujarati-ramed Navjeovan) - Lucent’ Genet Knowledge 100 ‘Other Nomes: Mahatma (Sin)-by Rabindranath Tagore, 1917; Malang hg [Nana Fagir (Naked Sain)-by Kaba of North-West Front, 193; Saint Archa Nang Foge/ dian Fagir/TeltorFagir-by Winston Church i ou ‘Rosherapita (the Father ofthe Naiton)-by Subhash Chandra Bose, ee, Btraase, Bee pata a8 ciensint Sad ‘committee was appointed by the government in 1918 with Justice Rov eh ee ae eer eterna Deter Punjab. ‘| A sn a0 tm wren tis ace egies ee eee eo ee ol ee cae el ered ee er ‘Non-Cooperation Movement (12022): Atthe Calc session in Se eee ae ea gee es Fee eet cea ontario cea ee a aren Ce er en ge cma oa Fe re elena) undesck oat ide ay hie aed covbase red ‘with Punjab too, responding under the leadership of Lala ‘educational boycott, there was boycott of law courts which saw mal Hike Motilal Nehru, CR. Das, C.Rajagopalachan, Saifaddlin Kitchlt- addressing ofmeetings. The educational boy. “ajpat Ra eo dicta afl wie Indian History ww te giving up th lurtve prac in ther el. The ment also saw picketings of shops selling foreign eloth and Hoth by the followers of Gandhij, Another dramatic event sat Alb on move! at Feet No day helena Saperer henmnpho ssa dd fewer pac ‘on a local police station by angry peasants at Chauri-Chaury in Tht Get of UE, on Feb. 5, 1922, changed the whole situation, Gandhi, Be nce wih te NevCopetion cine oe : iy as) + Gandhds Goscon io cig tag ate mat Pay masses, Hs deckion ce infor seyes cle fa Wis Lon tila! Nebr. C:. Dasand Ni: Kelkar who orgase the Sora) dane of Star party wer ienfon. 11925 nthe Congres I any Party proposed then an alternative programme of diverting the Mati fom widespread vil discbedience programme torestitiveone which Jer eurage is member to enter into leave councls (established under JfatlrdRefornso!1919)by contesting elections in onder towrek thelepisature Pein to uso moral pressure to compel ie atihnni tn ebocede tothe Frrsedemare foro government. In the election held in 1923 the Swan Party Epa 4 ofthe 45 seats. In provincial elections they secured ew seats but in ‘cota rovince they secure a clear majority. An Benga the Sara Party was flees pity. They followed the policy of undiluted opposition, The Swans Gnd lease all the politi prisoner, provincal astonom repealing oF fmpresive las imposed by the government. However, ater the death of GR. Sat they died toward pole of operation wth he goverment This lndbsensiom and the party broke up in 926 Dec, i941): The Congress Working, Committee decided to start invidua disobedience cn Oct. 17, 1940. Vina Bhave was the Sst Satyagcahi who "S| “arrested on Oct. 2 follows! soon by many more including Nehruand Fae the movement created litle enfhsianism and Gandhi suspended it. ‘The Cripps Mission (March-April 1942) : In 1942, the British Gover | alized that it could not ignore the Indian problems any more Asa resi ‘World Way the situation worsened for the British with Japanese advance (| Indiantorders By March7, 1942, Rangoon fell and Japan occupied the enti not Asin, The Brish government, witha view of geting cooperation frm tent SirStafod Capps a member ofthe British ebine to India to settee Indian leaders who were forthwith released. Cripps proposed, Dominion Indian History 16 Boston bl pled meaaas pcan eras the Cops Miso eed in ale Rapeeg 10 ae ils Mahatma Gandhi = ean th rants portant eae ron Fe rement 92): On Ai 819 the Congres na meting it adr ombuy passed a resolution known as ut Inds olution Bence anes octane gocact ir meer te nor se nthe attempt his coutymen: On Ag 9 198 Bees ihe Ganhl Nchra Peel we wor ena tsa Steen ye nam ohana sO tenon egret eae erage tnigeotesscinoter ange s mmment were established in some places vi, 1. Balia, U.P. (by Chit Peas cove 2 Tamla, vidersur Du Degli et shy 0. ChahvanondNeraPe) tele eect pa Set One The movenet os boeer oy ane SaujeuFet eb. 10- March, 1985): Condondronk «2-day faa Heer eran ater year alc pesethoronalne eer Be a coer this mealercagh alsa tra heed Fe they sue Tho wer is eno she preemie Fe aig cxtecng hin to conden tc vice te ope ec Fe a ho toaly eset coir peso og OSE Be oe tet preremernropectctan TE Forel (344: In 1994, ChaaverdRagoplach (CR) propo CGeptit scons io dearc the ds North We an at wae Mens erin major ie suchen, plebie wan propoced tobe the Iatadasutrageodclacthsascolseparaton They woulbegien eda fy favoured a sovereign state. In ee of acepanc prin spent sted forcateguarding dene commer commeition ‘Miustin League was to endorse Congress demand for independence and cooperate inertial ovement jaahebjete, shane Camas “sativa thay an! wos ony MennvaibeNorh Nest Eisen hele Hines Lender ly VD. Sarco sual en and Shimla Confrence Jone 36Jaly 14188): The war Ghia Eire improvedin ie bging the yn 98 na’ ol ‘borne te war pat pn ar ce of, situation within the country was worsening day by day as a resul Siang coma atom and amie. Te Bri Covet 8 to come forward with some sort of plan to satisfy the Indians. After: iio withthe British Government on the Indian problem, Lond Waves hit | ‘of India, issued a statement known as Wavell Plan. The Plan, which a Vieeroy’s Executive Council, propased certain changes #8 ee en Ce oam ee aes Se : ving alae eprcentonts the man omnis cig cal representation to Masims and His i Lov General Krowtedge Sonat Maa Min wasnt he meter the Cong iy a ete Fr ps Actece ot 2 prominence Gied ot chins older he Wovel Plan ecient, What the conference was Me Jima’ uninching stand that the Muslim meat? Morea ann Tagish cited cnc eho deste ecerta stag Br Forbe Basho sca the dwn bern te Cane nd he Masi Lega nas INA Til Nor, 1949 :.K Sega Shab Nowa Klan and Cursos Dhererp nl tBd ot o Now 103 To lc, cna bese he Ginga tint el tat ao INa pret Sesrotsehtemvcionsn tha charge wogng war gst te Keg ake pre othe ndan pubic option azn ts cenvicson boner Cathaigh Meson Batt Governtertandiwascompccs esses thesererinpose onthe NAconec Fure datecten rene ‘the soldiers, The chief defence advocate during the INA trial was Blulabhiy Fae (Sirens pes ee Ty Dade Sp avatar Noha, So ns Sedation SRM ay eso Amy-m) the Beth in South-East Asta took a number of tndian soley | icp terri Bee ec ein et tn peer oe een ad ance eer ee SBP Cae: Bead xcs to etn 1941 ar et wp non League torino Secseata iment eee Dorel meee ee es Spee cmc carve a eee eee Sigs ried overhead ai Five tas INA was kre by Sas Chea Bie Taiwan nis way tTokgo in Aue | eval Indian Navy (RIN)/Ratings Mutiny (Feb, 18, 1946) :On Feb, 18 196 Bombay Ratings of MS Talwar struck work due lunpalatabefood and abuseaftertheerrestofBC. on the ship. On Feb. 19, HMS Hindustan, in Karachi a. Valais Patetand Jinnah nin Karachi also mutinid. Valli tointly persuaded the Ratings to surrender on Feb. 23, 1946, The Baitihers for the fist time seriously realized tha with this owning ang to flagrant racal discrimination Dutt thohad scrawled Quitnd nan and revolt in armed forces, it could not perpetuate its hold on India) Cabinet Mission (March -June,1946) a June 1946) The British Prime Minister, Ld Ati ‘on March 15, 1946, that British Cabinet Mission would i idizo make recommendations regarding constitutions reforms o be inrodutt India. The Cabinet Mission which included of Lord Pathik Lawrenc, Crippsand AV. visited India and met the representative offre! politcal artes, bu a satisfactory solution tothe constitutional difculies = Indian History co shining oceania Cia a gen tae on ee Bee ge cre swe lng ss ofooing a i ie 2 OP Congres aio parallyoceped the plan Fe ee ne Cavs. 1): Provoke by te xe of he pe ni inset Asem he Meda Legaelantht eran Aug 16,196 which le ide pred comm sen Bac ent Se. 2, 3949 On Sep, 94a tr gece satin Gogress members led by Pt Jowahica Neh oigad bat the oon the contrary it withdrew is eater acceptance ofthe Be on Pan Be ee ene pstituent Assembly (Dec. 9.1946) ‘The Constituent Assembly armation © ian De Rajendra Prasad was elected it President. Th Muslin a geannouncement (Feb.20,1947):OnFeb.20 1947, BitishPrimeMinister Ale thatthe Bish would withdraw rom india by une, 1988 nd ean antatien would replace Wavel byes Pan Gune 3, 1947) :In Marc, 197, Lond Mountbaten replaced dee noun his pla one 0 Hina Pn Bl a othe, Pla. Hoses kyo the poli an costo Be ated bythe refusal of Muslim League to oin the Constituent Assembiy a he const of india Mn’ om ws die sett ain maximum unt: The country would be partion but so would Pins and Benga, so thatthe inited Pakistan that emerged would meet both fRrCongress andthe League's postion to some extent. The League's position on Faltunwes conceded in that t would be erated, but the Congress positon on tly woul be taken into account to make Pakistan as small as posible. He id thy detailed principles forthe partition ofthe country and spay tansee of princi pa f pula powers in the form of dominion statu tothe newy formed dominions of Fndaand Pakistan. ts acceptance by the Congressand the MoslimLeaguereslted inthebirth of Pakistan. The Indian Independence Act, 1947: The Bill containing the provisions of the Mountbatten Plan of June 3 1947, was introduced in the British Pariament tod passed asthe Indian Independence Act, 147. The Act Tad down deal ‘eur for the partion of india and speedy transfer of palit! power to ‘mv governments of India and Pakistan. Integration of States By Aug, 15, 1947, all tats except Kashi Jaa ‘84 derabadhad signed the nstrament of Accession wit India, The Mart (Geeta onda in it 147 when pa ta ee te Nava of Junayacth was a Muslim whereas most of its people We Hibs Inet. 1948; deough a referendum the people of tis sae deeded TheNawabofunagadh, thereto tor Patan The Near of dese Be isi in the presure anarchy tary action against him in Sep, . char itt Colones: By the end of 1954, French clonal ule Pons inary tae Karaka nd Yana ames ane - er — Pe reeeetanet ate nant Naar ice nian ps iberated Gos Daman sat Di as Miscellaneous [ol Aesnterseresnotids opens sla eteberven ng ane of Change Masa nda, Eo jin of Atavdidin Kbit pe Asi KN Tag, ot Muha ao Ne calf Duh Deva Daal Ds by th Tosa Toph rm isyanagarempe the South our save Shah Tuga Mertavasin of Ina pivot Garw Nana vot Dabur in Farghana Ae Frome of a Gama ae ey in a Bip cood Hore) Fru ite of Paps Baur feted Taio tox foundation of Mg ymaty by Babu unteof Khanwa-Babur deoated Rana Sanga Denth of Babur and aceon of Humayun 1 ua in theta of Chas. an Bame nas Sher Shah Sa Humayun reaptured the tne of Dat ‘Second Battle of Panipat (Akbar defeated Hem Bato Talks (Rasa Tango ‘Bate of Hahtghati—Rana Pratap was defeated by Aa Dita founded by AB Elis East India Company stabs Dent of Akbar and accession of Jahan eth Guru of ks ‘ecution of Guns Arun De Jahangi marsos Nusaban Sie Thomas Roe vista Johangin Bit of Shivaji and death of abana Shahjahan becomes emperoe of i Death of Memtazmaal. ‘The English pert to td Indi in Bgl “Accession of Aura, Shujaban impos, ‘Shiva impsisoned by Auras sth of Shaaban ‘Beection of Gun Teg Baad: te ah Gur FS esth of Shiva Bul of ry statin 8 Rot gb War Bi dr Ra Sg OSL Sowa Agr he Ting Ne Teena Stine Ba Fem Argo-Misoe Wate Quit india movement anced (Avg sro Government of Fee na ad reorganised ian 15 tah cabinet tin vst Ind erin government Formed tthe Genie torrent iy ahah Bally tof Uta Pradesh was eo tpn nthe elma Fn dec and om cn te ed ty painting seulptute and architecture Foabout 7k century AD. Amanavat: It the legendary capital of Svarga. Ako a historical site nent Delieved to have flourishes under the Satayahana dynasty. modern Vijaywad Arik seo-port near Pondicherry in Chola times us was A fev anes fom modem Faizabad, near Lucknow, was capital rgncent India Rama sas the most prominent ofthe Kosala and the Solar kings of among them adam (orVetapi:InKamatakaswelL known for halukyansculpture found ‘nthe cave temples here, These ae groups of Hind temples dating back to 7th ot Sihccntay ante ceampleal par ravi arts Beskles cave temples and rock-cut planed alle thee is also te famous MalegttiShivalaya temple, He ee Raat a famous for is elaborately sculptured Cheena Kesava temple of he Hoysaa prod hulananvars in Onsnis known for ancent temples Vy Brahmeova ries south of Gaya in Bika St Bodh Gaya: Ita wtuated# miles south of Gs State on the western, “Smnecin BY 190 metalle roads. Ts famone wet Dank of the Falgu river ad a canis Lingeaja; m twa nea Kowa Peeatinta tir These mds my hada A tow 150 es so a apeailemmnoelDavidan acim hia arm ae * abe cin elon theta Cia tae ig bt Pakistan anita | 90 the Hi A cies, ogee ng lla rc Hsu dete acct ti arhieetead it aa i ons bough on-—town Planning abd vencin= ne wate aS he rR fe Ro amas Neth mrt ‘esac Tenn ite ea i on come tarp oti Rha smal cy Sate mediaeval Hindu temp eee istrict of modern Di = usinagar tn the Wit Lethal: Ancient to emia The enalisknon Hie rere mer Ky in dating back th Hist pageygy Pty tslonthe ser plant ‘cation madera uth eat ot Chita [downloaded rom: shashidthakur23 bog com) fodian History ” of the for Minakshi temple. Hey (now Mahabaliparamy Nema mpl mona ‘Situated 53 miles from Chenna, figures and carvings of the 7h and sm 1 i of eres eae the Bue ats oe peli AD. Tuna Rahs, “Draupad Rath, “Dharma Rall i oe Shove temple Ia Its oe of the largest mediaeval ity sites Than thy aon and palaces syitess of Hindu and Masti cages ng, ama Mani (Man a ete scholar sgee—-Ganl, Malle mtn as as ow of ana’ ster ert dict of inh (oo in Paks bee gn alley iia, ein, Bir was the went of an ancient Budi University contains Nt ops ad moose 2 eno iy hl Sharan i thee sc ae shots Pn sholpur dist (rsa Sit) sans on Bina sorta eos eet places of plies ake Sa ea (rmuth Goat Saeisthesie heros Soma wf th as estoy by Maki az eeu Nes thecal oan ancient dom n Kamps soln A Kx sutiovet of Nala hy and is an importa pla of sagt Matas the apo bara im nck in The Se Rac nso ave gre preceptor ft aa me pec Pees famous fr the lagst andthe most wel poe a Spa Coon dameterand 42 in eh tena Near Varanasi plaewher he Buda dtveredisftsrnan seston he Engine One The paeisknow for But emp telendina spi vest isthe ste of Make Scringapatim x Kamotaka was the ancient capital of Tipu Sultan. (Now Joona Serngapatnam) ‘Smnahpra: In Kaatakais ove for temples Heysala prio Kesava mpl ‘Stavanlgola tn Karnataka is famous fr its Jain temples and the clas satye of Gometegvara (abubal)—<4o0 high erected in AD. 883, the tallest monte the wor Sriram Anisland on the Cauvery iver two mis noth of Truchirapall ‘tet fhe largest temples in soth indi ofthe Wjayanaga period Sringt: InKanataaisaplaeof pilgrimage on thebanksofTungriver where ‘hegre plosepber Sina founded oof the prinipal maths (monasteries) Tamalipti: 4 fourishing sea port in ancient india. SHPO mca yy Seta se Pecans a ene atk Uist ADT hess nag testo orl orp Pal i themnksinthe mae Sem eran al to the ground an Me Assocation of Paces P Sardar Pat = Place Bear as ita Poa Ascii with ee rh hey ay ete Se Soren Mssaere of tian Sihimay Mahia Gana Heh ee ee, Mahatma Gant — Thusctan tami nn a ha, Aten i at Senna tartan So Dente Tee Cana tpt a ne clteteer e Winder ter Seuss Chanteuse amor _ he 'wivid account of Chane Pe wrte an intense Nika Patiala Rec tacos mage ej ves eat a, The eShet this ict wes teen 2 Shea Neale a Tanga eee Ne Ruthin Newey AChone tock matte a SERS Rrcitnnticcinnentge teint gee thn sles an clr ote pep seg ih i Pa aca SRE ea, ‘Ancient capital of Gang ree ae e Rueda a Situated about 100 mit a mena lest places in South In, ina ad tureand sone seta Dh Ms eae Vikram is situated ee: eae lis one af the seven sacred cites eh | Indian History 1 an Arb ave hea gen an een acsuee of Anjorzahab! aru was Abu Rehan Mabamnud aoe oe uring ne of his Indian sds. He jel pital conditions in In 1 a we og AD): Venetia ee andyan euler of Madurai Si of Sir Marco Polo’ gives an inv 'A Morrsh traveller, he visted India during the Resa (the Travelogue) throws a lot fad the geographical, economic ex he visited South India in 1294 "Madverman Kulshelhara aluable acount of fees? AD): AMR Te hag BO gn oe Muhammad-bin-Tughlag, oe er el ions in India sth er. fam Dam eg ces car nah am mi ain ee ecm ce See ingame Le tA): HewasaTenin eae ore ee niyo Hed SURE aro ulate debs Se ‘cae Duarte Barbosa (1500 vase narrative ofthe government and the people ofthe Domingo Pace (1520-1522,AD): He was Portiguese travel coutel Kishraieva Rayo of the Vijayanagar Empice Fermao Nuns (153-1537 AD) A Portuguese merchant, whe visited the Vyenagar cmpire He wrote the history of the empire fom ts earist ies of the xing year of cyucieva Raya’ swe Tthn ughen Yon inachotten (1588 AD): He was a ich bavelles hols ‘Svenavaliable acount ofthe seeal andl economic life of South Indi sega Hawkins (108-1611 AD) ‘Hewasan Englisharbassador oftheBitish ng James 9 the court of Jaan C0) eg Tames Hoc 1615-1619 AD): He was an ambassador ome King of alana atthe court of shang, the Mughal emperor. ang 29 Pale 1620-1627 AD): HewasaDutch avi who ayed AEE ave a vivid account ofthe flourishing trade at Surat, Ahmedabad, Broach, ny, Lore Man er Mun (16308 AD): He was an Kalan traveller to the Mughal empire Sn hersgna sha le es valuable nrmation about he ving standard common people nthe Mughal Empire. sult Abs dean 18 AD) He was German avs, wh che in 1638. traveller, who came to India has given a vivid account of the wealthand xurious He was @ Russian merchant, who visited Faditjon of the Bahmani Kingdom under o AD): He wasa Portuguese traveller. He has given ‘Vijayanagar empire. es, who visised the eee af oe AD) wet ong . aire ni Eeteset cathe aplenpos mir ost 4 Day ate Nome eae Inne Aone Camas tae As ctr ps Misia Gen Notun Kan cand Gat Becollicthss ——Stchchanivnon os desc atNohes Rept see = See Date hee CRD Berne Mata ass tht nace Fatt rn Petraes LR antirosas Maina can Srmititntngy MCR Dai Nao Int ent ae ‘eter Sika Ineo Nan Pits Sensis ‘ate Jarre, Jab Le Heestratdatinnm, Oso ret TH a spn SS ig SOS a Subhash Ch vixen Cheng Khan Mahatma Buddha le ory of Azad Hind ihe launching Quit India movement in 182) jive you freedom, in bis ods to soldiers of Azad Hind Ba) JawaharLal Nebr ‘Bal Gangodhar Tak Iwill have. Jed on my back will bea nal in the coffin ofthe British Lala Lajpat Rai ts fall and one of my greatest ambitions white in India Lord Curzon sre Congres Important Battles Wonby Significance SGieefibe ear Bate Bae Tuico! — ‘R60C —Alsanderand Porus Aletandar Fought onthe bark of the Brees Jehtum, whieh ts eae ‘Hydaspes’ in Grek pened relations between Indi and the West. act destruction and Dlondshed changed the “Ashoka and King of Ashoka ttitude of Ashoka and the Kalinga War 2608C Kalings ‘embraced Buddhisin. Fine utie 19LAD Pegi Chanhan Pah. fTorain or snd Mots Ghar Chan Taner Sond Bate as {stalshment ofan Telarc ea Sho Seetninte Fist Battloof 1826 AD —tbeahims Lehi and Babar Onset ofthe Mughal empire Beli inledia. Panipat ‘Bot Babur =< ae on —_—_ tr t . , 4 Nore oe — i il a “ fi il Wt mie mit i i ¥ " ond tin Loe Wilingon Lord Wiingdon La Lord Linlithgow Lord Wavalt 1845 Lord Wavell 1845 Lord Wavell 3807 L Mountbatten 197 L Mountbatten Membentip of cet epative Masace at Jllanrala Bagh Artery Genta per Erortnay powes are gin 82 epee the fect sige oh Sener Dyer ar the Commun Te sport ong of the efor oes apie pore ‘ed iodine tard free Congres ale ff he gittion ah sgred to paricpate inthe Second Round Table Contrence ‘Communal Aad) Provided for a fer ype of Proposed Dominion status for India aftr the Second World Wa INA prisoners of war wee tiled st Red Fort Delhi and Bhalabhst Des fended them. Envisagad constuton of exective council in such away as © ge repreentasontoal ‘india. Envieaged establishment ofConatiuent Assembly to frame the Constson. Parson Pan India partioned and attained independence. Indian History m ‘Objet seat Charman ee soca Fema Tove ie oatng roe pace 1992 Lond ‘Togive2Shighpotstoledinn =. Blington Gentservice 1928 Lond tee To remove defects of Git Commision bat 1926 Andrews To suggest Tndaniation of Steen indian army 127 Merourt To Examine nature of crown, Butler laon with ative Sates Important Congress Session 1 Abewdabd Hart Mehunl demanded for comple independ BR aye Formation of Swoon OK Blgnen Cand tocar Print 95 Kaper Ser Nadu became tian women Prien 7 Maes Nera and S.C Bone moved mein for independent poved forthe eee S08 cdewss Fs alla Youth Congr 92) tate “Poor Scce (Complete Indep) retin 08 le Independance day on aay 381 Kar sscusion for Fondaenta Fgh sd Natio Ee PORE: 154 tomiey — Fomaton of Congres Scat Pat 54 Lcknow Suppo for soca hug Sona 3 Fryar Demand for Contes Ae 9% Hara Pura Sara wast cove ao pricey MOP Tepert 5. C Bone resign due to ditiernce with Cond afer mation Fajen Pal became Prose of INC. soene s General Knowledge ero fry dating 177 Corte mr Conde tre. 7): Bonga Paste (2770 ‘ares Haings (7727: Abad Dual Goveraail er General of Bengal 77183) "are ings (1778): Became Governor Gana il Regulating Act 173 Wrote introduction tothe Best Engl Ors Wins Runde he sue Scety of Bega a Reverse Rem: Acton he ight ell ane be Dvd Began dsc tnd appointed oleae Jnl ome Sted Divan and Fava adalat att and Nana alas pple eura ata dilutions Acaniton often Snot opeee tect Cade Genbo lng Nu Ra ar 774 Ang arta Wer 77648 ‘War (1780-84) = ie ‘called the father of civil service in India’ aa iy Jor Sn Anglo Mor War ete, a eo Mysore Weta of Tpuand the Treaty of a ret Minto (1807-1915 ae ne (1809); ‘Charter Act of 1413 md eel y : Ae fant tastings ney Moped the om eo na ta tinea using te Tat ten Rae Ne Murra he Sea; In "anexed Coorg, 8) iNet pros in nia oer Ackland (1896-42) a ti ae ‘the British in India. ee llenbonough (1248) o/s (43 War wth Galloe toed Hadings 1 S48) ik Late 1 (mathe the end ofS frp educated in arog ene "ond Dalhousie (4896) « Abin Wow Remariage Bi ow HARES) ‘Wars Introduced Doctrine of Sumbhalpur (1849), Baghat (1850) Fraght 2nd Anglo-Sikh War (184849) Alo urmese Wa (1852) ‘of Berar in 1853; Annexation of Avadh i Aninsratve Raga i there agin oon rime Educational Reforma sucaton for whole of Dpto 1884 and Callges ANE cts General Knowledge 2): Thetis Covet Cael A au) Revit of 1857 Passed the Act se Compa. Wihdrew Doctrine of Laas Senmctbc bat as Cops OS fitted nina ne constsatoral history of Indy 5 rare 889) a5 passed The Indian High Coug Lomein we (ea): agape oa aoe ah con comnts ea Ene tv dveye thus Var ce hgecnutiehaantonorDucenacierg al Mo il sere pes Oct ae a tse punta cate ee he nuriedmatinbys cana ease en toe ae 6):Kaka Movement of Punjab took Lord Lansdowne 1888.9 a 3 Geis ito impel, prye 1 Fak introduced elections whic, Wi a ‘o define the tine beta pe ia tinea PH Lord Elgott i635) npn 8 ond The Indi Councils Act of 1861 yas yl Nios (Api 13, 1919}-appointmento# Foundation of Swaraj Party (1923); Kako Commision (927), Nehra Report of Cognress and Pooma Saray dl (93) Dandi Maze (980) Is is). Lexd Wlingdon (1931 Dscedience Movement ( ‘svar (992) ld Roun Ponty ~ CSP (9); (05) all india Lord tint 1 Lucent Geers Krowleige wy {downloaded from: Lord Wavell (19851947) = CR. Form well Ph | tula 1944; Wa | ‘Conference in 1945; End of lind World War in te weep Z yn Cait Mn Ioan acpi Tal a World History | & Din Acton Dy bythe Masi Lngc os 8 Pe ae : itt Mountaten (Mar-Aug 1947) “Announced he's dilaton oflodian Independence Blin the house of Cn, 8% boundary commissions under Sir Cryil Radiclittc vomaniong —_ ancient World : Down to 500 AD aze Age Civilizations Modern Aves) Rivet Vall woe — Pee”, = Iola Oct ore tt Cover Cone oft iy) * Hization (1765 BC—250 BC) ina twang-Ho Seton {on : The Oldest Civilization of the World a ete > Mora igasand buphratsrvers sa comprisesfour regions Sumer (Southernmost regen) Babylonia Meret amide region) and Assyria (Northemmost region) eansentrsb{c-210080), the greatest Baylonian ruler unitedthe wholeof what rea ino singe Kingdom. Hammarabi gave his people code a i cody covered every aspect fife. Hiscode was Based on the law eco eye and tooth for toot re, the law of it for tat > Hittes who came rom Asia Minor (now Turkey)and destroyed theBabytonian Tinglcas were te fret to make regula use of horses fr war chariots and to (Gownloaded from: shashisthakur me on implement The potter's wheel was perhaps fist used in Mesopotamia. “Toe Mesopotamlans alo seem to have been the first to make glass ware TheSumerans were the ist to evolve a proper system of writing. This eystem | ~ ieeated cancion The cuneiform script was invented in C. 3400 BC. This Scripts found on clay tablets, The cuneiform script was deciphered by Henry Rawlinson | > Themeso Mesopotamian peopl counts by sities as we county tens (decimal system) Theirsexagesral system is no longer in use but we still seis the basis of Avision af time inte minutes and seconds and ofa etele into 360 degrees. In geometry, the Mesopotamians had discovered what was later called the Pythagoras theorem c In astronomy, the Mesopotamians made astonishing progress. They could | calculate the length ot the day andthe night They diaded the whole day into 2s. Thay divided the aky Ino 12 part each assigned a name, Tvs har | Sonediwngraetie Bait carer siete eal hom ‘Another remarkable achleverent of the Mesopotartians was the vention of ‘hina ealender based onthe moon. ¥ vy otamian system of counting is known as sexagesimal because the | erosion civ | > Enyptis ealled the e tacwots Corea Koowiage > Histon vie the history 0 Me Mite Kigsom and the New Kenge > Te OKingdoniatocaletine Ane calle he pare Periods, Sata Iyphic was ade oF ree te in oon, FRPP 31m tion sc Chow dyneaiy rem — calls time ABE that the Chinese eB dapa Choe ne te ond onion hn ye Terie an Hepa coma es rag Te Hun dynasty ttowedtie caren Mal ona a Tt China for amon 400 yea IY of Co eal Pretiesof he Han rules wer, During Han rule, toqualgr nt an elaborate system of os lal came be noun sewer ination of solar and ens comb length ofthe years "eae Keep out invade mar Ree out inva 202 R a > Thewat > Inthe 2nd cont. AD, Chinese invented a selsmograph ‘World History a ystem of selecting public officials on the pe a ca cet Wal cy en : semiigionsof ancient China are Taoism (base on the teachings of eens Co en Se ne yt chia i uring he Han al Fee gene tps wal bt wok. Techinse sr wos san poo et ‘pen porary of Mi ndardized by the Chin ruler. The Chinese script ‘aso. Tt influenced the Japanese, Korean and ames scripts qe tet century AD, paper was invented in China. The invention of paper Jn simportarce in spreading, knowledge within the outside China makes Faocol te greet contribution of China to the workd > sone of the first historical works in the world were written in China. Each damty compiled its own history. The patter ofthese histories was set by Sune Chien (Ist or 2nd cent. BC), and is commonly remembered as the Hedotus of China Jock, abacus, umbrella were invented by Chinese tania vitization > Inthemiddle ofthe éth century BC, a powerful empire— Achvemenid empire ansein Iran Persia). The founder of thisempire was Cyruswith his capita sPasragadae, > Has ued hy Parts 622 NC — 486 BC). The empire ached i ta exe under him and covered entre lran, Mesopamia Sy ERP _, Bminorandrortovesor indi He bln capt ot Peeps Daas an his sucesors wereld In wae with the GrevktatsThey ‘ret hs Aamo opi al sing pve! Dans > Inthe 3nd cer id iL e entry AD anew ad powertl empire — Sasaaid empire are na Th eps wha eure by Andi AS Rel aay RP UP to the middle of ‘the 7th century AD, The Araby who emerged a SONS POWEE ater the rse | faninest AD x "enmendasinund ew tmoney— const gland evar Tran in ancient times produced 4 umber of famous sailors and, explorers, WEok a 278g rr the mouth fink Bae oF them, Soyay Us ‘orders of Darius © Jamu ‘of Islam, conquered sun god. could seve the fatare A logs began ining into larger {downloaded from: eo . Pi ch bro, Pere de ost oympic) seened 2 Simple games started in 18 held every fourth year = Ts tnd a Ody shana The ‘oy of Greck he nara nanan trond be scopes Sch * Thebes and others. Sparta and, athe ca nt and wa oma they covtriuted lite else to Pet along ines quite di ophed gradually epi ad and both philosopher and sci medicine, biology and 3 = Lucent s Geel Kroreage a © tetiterncnsan te 22 ‘west of Grevce. The ren mat = Mit nthe ary rer was ounded about 1000 BC by Wi Latium.” ancient Romans, atin, per tn > Tey amass og onc Pea > Towards the end of the 6th cent rea ‘s) Caesars ten lp and xh 0 than of irk rt lade "Caesar's grand-nephew Dut they were an ped ang 8S Ne and ongrinad en He rte tora est power tut rear under the te i tn the Ri pi os ee toma loupe Ha etn ‘eos mening he Bod of Reman his "eps “st citizen ofthe tat > Fmgractamemtiecrs 2 or paau es enor cs ie n ciiat > Tita onsen emt nu sorgeeen Santa a ut Ese [i ete cre Ne pe ME Demi é ete it ne Baten Jupiter set ther mesa Pee oh World History civilization out ce are Rome's nas oe pss of overance a Rome tome’ssystem of road linking al parts fempie thal people 7 fot snk socom ads lead to Rome 7 Sahay lo romp andthe atlanguage Beate the 7 em ee Roe anti sl ey OE fel Bonen SP pes re Marais Aunofs & Senecs were the famous Roman a Fh) de Vingl’Aeneid’) were the famous Roman poets Fea sre) wane nt amos Roman ison > okie ys the another famous Roman historian. < eel a i ts) Heinen poe. i aan : 3. The Pharagh at Alexandria Grand cupolas or domes. Fighs between gladiators or between 4 Sia of Zavsat Olympia Pelatator anda wild animal, was a §, Coloauisat Rode 12K wakveok ‘ilar Roman amusement. Special” Heloy the sun god, sand at one nphitieatres were built for side te harbour ee ee Ee See Dees ee ae 3o deca Medieval World : (500 AD=1500 AD) Medieval Europe > Thw Eastern Roman empire or Byzantine empire was a vast empire and its ‘pital Constantinoplewas the largest ety ofthat time. > TheByzantinesbuiltbeautifulchurches. The most famous of theseis the church of St Sophia in Constantinople, This church was built during the reign of Byzantine emperor Justinianin the 6th eentury AD. > The Ottoman Turks conquened the Byzantine territories in 1859. Fess >» "The word feudal’ comes om Aud which orginally meant fit olan hel a ae ee > Fela opiate nthe th 9th centre, > nt ota in western op the feudal ystm develope > “Thomann bal Oca re en Metta tunel agen produce orhad peaaniato workon ths lendewitieat ay ithe pete ant who wowed an the an Feudal Hierarchy t ‘ew gee ear canny kh ee Ulli lt i Lucent's General Knoy 2 Peasants: three categories of peasants — frechoiders, vy Tnfeudal hierarchy the king stood at the top and pean en > Theeconomiclifeunderthe feudal system was predomi neledge ‘land, which was ike a villagefarm, was called manors ‘Crusades 1095 AD — 1291 AD > Crusades means the miliary expeditions, apie in weer chrom prima rec from Muslim occupation. > Four Crusades wer fought bythe Ei uropean Christian fom Sag Ths Mama) who did rt permit Chae tian pig the holy land. > ThelotCrsade (109599) was launched afte the prove [ia fers was captured and the Crusader son oesp HS gt vy z : i i : g od 9 "y ruta | anne et of the Fg mo ent oe ims ssf Md Crusade Cragg (11830 ey Pi ipl Augustus Fs iseansof Ec Fenc ive Md Cy Ts h 1 Barbas Trrettbade the worship ofdtsand yee Sess Serr te cof Main pated ya ge 2 Sia te Hades, te sayings ofthe Mune > Muhammad was nt only igure i > Alter his death (652 AD) his sucesso, ‘who held both religious and polticn meate™ knows > Nearly all Arabia had accepted the newt ane pop ated be ei eg HEE Alo was the only gu aa karti nha TY meres Uimatly hela een took pa ie in 622 AD and MPSrom it Muslims date heer. ber of suras ot Besides the Quran, ie 0 Muhammad, and the at Political leader 8 Caliph, or Khalls ‘before the death of Prophet Mi on shaman gf 4 bey AD. "Ome a uniied stall > From Arabia, Islam spread very fast ta shed yea le Te Tran, Syrid Egypt Coal Aa, North ena that world had so far seen. oad World History - oc ian ae a hey of Medina. Then he capt a ‘hed Kul pecan erent en tee ve ater fe ae cee er enone > Te ecentific traditions of vario izations, particularly Greek, Iranian & Aa covered tat tubercles mies = aR enous Merny work ofthe Arab ciation ae th Rubia By Sa fh a yan ian Nig acelin Sint uns 1 01 so joped tic own decorative designs: Thi builings a The Aris develope en rsa tces nd ited ITS ans erloped a dcaativeieof wring cle Calleraphy and pie bockiluminaten ana coe aacansmrer werk, beta sword sks inlays matabwork and ri gare were praed everywhes Metical China See ee yn century, China was le by the Tang yay a “Theruleof Tang dynasty (618 AD—906AD) was followed by the Sung Aye frusron on > ‘Atari, ovabt 10 yeas Chins was ral bythe Mongol. aon ee chin wn ford by that of Ming ‘cn er ou 300 > tnt china was comer Tmt ab ‘Contributions of Medieva! " Serato of Mec wealth th Sung rulers said the we ~ ana yder was made in China in the ‘century about ‘hs venti of crn oc freon spin edges an eal he 1th ena. iynasty which by the Manchus who continued to rule unit > ‘The Chines!

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