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‘revat (Q) NALCO National Aluminium Company Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) Nalco Bhawan, Nayapall, Bhusaneswar- 751013, Odisha (Cin: L2720s0R1981601000920) RECRUITMENT OF GRADUATE ENGINEERS, THROUGH GATE-2020 National Aluminium Company Liited\NALCO), a Navealna Company isthe largest integrated Alina - Alumni Complex of Asi, having Stato of the Al technology, with presen tumover of mare than Rs11386 Groves gong for uth growth and fxpansan within nia & across te globe, The Company also enys Promr Trading House statusin the ted of export and has won many prestigus awards forts excellent pertormance with sigifeant value adaton tats shareholdrs. The plants and oftes fare multcatoral with Corporate Offes at Bhubaneswar, Odsha. The Company Belaves in achieving organizatonal excalanesthraugh competent human resaure=s andpractees having people cent" approach ‘To achieve svn tobe a reputodglooal Company nthe metals and energy sector, NALCO is ooking for commited, promsing and competent young Graduate Engineers Ww billant academic career to join the oxganizalon as Gradate Engineet Trainees(GETs) inthe alscpines of Mechanical, Elecreal,instumentaton, Metallurgy, Chemsca, Cul ana Wining 26 por deta ven below [VACANCIES [Present Vacancy s fr 120 numberof post nthe ascii as ndeated below, which may Hkaly to Be Inereased. Mechanical 4, Eecical-28, nsrumenttion 15, Chemial-9, Meallurgy-13, ives, Mining 1a Reservation of vacancies wile a¢ por Gov, Droctves, The dstibuion of existing 120 posts of GETs fr siteret categories wil be. Urreservea(UR) - 51, Otver Backward Cass (08C) 31, Scheduled Casts (SC) -15.Schodulod Tribes (ST)— Mand EWS-12 12 Dutt te nlied vacancies, 14 vacancies ara reserved for PWDs as per Govt. of Inala droctves including backog vacances. Theldonified disciplines and category ‘of dsabili foreach ascpline ao as under. Mochanicallocical (HH, OL, DW, AV, O}) Gail (HH, OA, OL, DW, AV, Ol) MolaluryMining (OW, AV) Insumentaton (HH, OL, DW, AV, O1) Chemical (OR, OL, DW. AV, OD Naltile cisabities in any combination ofthe cisrder as mentored against each scpline wil asobe conacere, Ht Hoaring Impaired, OL-One Log, OA-One Ar, DW-Dwarfism, AV-Acié Victim, O-Orhopedcaly Impaired) [REQUISITE QUALIFICATION 1D Fulltime regular Bachelor's Degresin Engineering or Technology wih notes han 155% marks n aggregate fr Unrese'vec(UR) & Other Bacsward Class(OBC) and 55% ofmarks for SCISTIPWD category takingaverage fall te sorestoriyears, respective of the weightage given {0 any parvcular somesteryear by the Irsitue/Universiy(The tial maximum marks and toil marke obained for all Yearslsemestes will de summed up o ave at aggregate percentage. No ouncing ‘ffwilbe done and noweighiage willbe given to any parla semestr or yea). 12 Candiatein he final year of rer Enginering may also apply. However, ther cases willbe considered only H, halshe passes the said examination wih requisite percentage of arks before or altho ime ofhisther personal teri 1a Aa quateatans must be fom recognised Govt Unversea!Instutons, USC ‘recognised Universes and nstutesUGC recognises Indian deemed Unversies SP AICTE. approved. courses trom autonomous insititsiconcemed statutory ounellwnereverappcabl), 1a. Whorever CGPAVOGPA olor grad in Dogro i awarded, equivalent percentage a marks shouldbe inieatedin ho anne application formas pr norms adopted By {he Universiyiinstute. The candidatelsequred to submtacerfeate tots effect ffomthe Univeratynsttute during the ime of personal interview. 1a Acandate wih ful time proscribed dogroo forthe dscpines as given bolow can ‘only apply forthe post of Graduate Engineer Tainees(GETs) inthe respective sci: Discipline Prescribed fulltime degrees in Engineering Techarical | —Mechansal Production Engineering Eloeial Elocical Power Engineering Tnstrureraton | Elecironea Insrumentaton TeleconEleccal Eainearng Metals etaurgical Engineering ha Civilarentectura/Caramics Engineer ing ining Engineringoquivalont Diploma i ning Engineering with FirstClass Metalfecous Mines Manager's Certeats of Competency Choa ‘Chemical EngineoringiM Took Applied Choniatiy [AGELIMIT '_UpperAgeliitis 30 years as on 2103/2020. candites bom befor 2003/1990 newanatspply. [SELECTION PROCESS ~\ ea Ca Enger cE [Chemica ‘Chemical Engineoang cH Mining ining Engineering uN ' Candidates having sngineeringdegreein abrandiVdscipine her than as spaced shove arenetligble apply. 12. Basedon te vad score of GATE-2020and organizational requirement, candidates wil be shatised on merit for the personal inerview for the postions of Graduate Engineer Traines(GETe) in the above dscplies. The score 1s ‘all ony the canldate obtains more than or equal ote qualying marks as ed Forth above papers by GATE-2020. The qualying marks for GATE examination shall bo a5 per the crtaa acoptod by the conducting auhoriy of GATE-2020 txaminaton, COMPENSATION PACKAGE 1D Selated candiaats wil ba placed int pay scale of Rs 40000 - i - 140000 during one year traning, Upon auccesse| completion of traning Le. subject to fun tho fequires parformance rlatelatererterin of the Company in force & amended ram tine to imo, they wil be absorbod as Je Managor at Et grace in tho ay seal of Rs 60000-3%- 180000 1a Besides basic pay, the employee antiled to Deamess Allowance, parquistes linger cafeteria approach, HRA mecical facity for sel & copendants. and Superannuation benefs Le. Contioutory Provident Fund, Gratuly, st 25 Ber ful ofthe Company infor tom tim etme curing raringiaorabsorston. 1a The approximate CFC" would be Re 10.52 lakhs per annum during valring period and upon comation OE grade, the CTC" would be approxmrate Ra. 15.73 aks perannum = oTC mentonee above may vary depending upon place cf posting and cher terms & concitans ofappoiimert PLACEMENT. 1 Asperthe ainingpolcy of te Company, the selected canddatesshallundergoone Yyoar onshe-ob taining a ferent locaone of te Company. Ourng the taining period andlor ater absorption, thecandidates maybeposted at any of the Uinotiee, et. of NALCO in Ina or abroad of any ofthe subsidaiesoht Vontuesibusinese associates of NALCO and the services hereaiter wil D0 \ransferable a8 po he requirement o! the Company. The selected eandsates may be assigned jobs! functonslassignments as per te business requirements of te Companynciadngshteperation RESERVATIONS AND RELAXATIONS [A Roservationsielaxalons {or SCIST/OBC (non-reanty layer) [EWSIPWD (dogroe feisty 40% orabove) candidates as par Government guidelines are applicable Incase any increase in he ruber o ttl posts, the numberof resorved catagory posts wil vary accordance tothe Govt. gigas, 1a PWD candidates would bo roqutedt furnish vad dsabillycortficata duly stamped and signed a mesial paral empowered forthe purpose and sould comprise 03 medical pratitioners of Gove hosptal or macleal board attaches t0 Specal Employmontxchangefor be ancicapped, 12 Appointment tthe PRD candidates wil be made ater considering the nature of Aiutes and responses ote assignment. cation, et. and also considering that the eisabily 1 not Ikaly to intertre mith the performance and without posse {steroration of isiher haath. However ena appointment and placement would bobasedon candate's med zalfinose wih respect the obo th dontfied posts, 1a. Calegory SCISTIOBCIEWSIPWO once fled inthe online apolation frm wil be changed. The reserved catogary candidates are rogues fo submit requsto ‘erica the prosrbed format of Government of nda sued bythe Competent ‘Author tthe tmeafpersonalintervew fcalleaor. 1a ho SCISTIOBCIEWS/>WD corfeate has boon Issued na language oer than EnglshiHind, the oanddates wil be ques to subrt a sel-atested translated copy ofthe same ether English or ind. 1a Tne OBC candidates ino belong 1 Creamy Layer are not ented for concession agmiseibe to O3C category and such candidates have to ndcat thor category a UUnreserved(UR}. The OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit Fequste create n prescribed formal of Government of Ila, rom a Compete’ ‘Autorty issued inthe current year. The name of ho caste and eammuniy incoated inthe OBCiNon.Croamy Layer coriteate must appea”n tho Central at of Other Backward Classes. Purtner OBC canddates wil have t2 give a. sole Undertaking incscatng that thay belong to O3C (Non- Creamy Layer) ealegory aso atthe time arpersonalirtervew,eatleator 1a Tne upper age mts rlaxed by 5 years for SCIST. 3 yoars fr OBC (Ner-Croamy Layor)10 years fox PWD. Ur-rosorved (UR), 13 yoas for PWD-OBC{Nor-Croamy Laver)and 1s years for PWD-SCIST eanadates, \U_ Relaxation ove yarsin ag willbe extondedio the candidates who had ordinary been domed in the Union Terry of uamms & Kashar and Union Tertory of Usha fom 01.01.1980 to. 31.12.1980. Ex-Servicemen and. chisrenamly rombors of those wh aio inthe riols 0184 wil gol relaxation as per srecives of Gove ofincla 1a The departmental candidates wil also be requred to have valid score in the comesponding papers of GATE-2020, There leno upper age ln and mmum percentage ‘of marks. in requisite qualcation for the said. canddates Fowover tainoas working in NALCO shall rol bo considered as dapartmortal Candidate. The departmental candidates may eft he intemal ereular for het deta 1B NALCO will be utlizing Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineeing- 2020 scores (GATE-2020 score) for reoultment of Graduate Engineer Trainaes(GETs) inthe [Shove dcilines. Only GATE-2020 score fs val fr ths recrutmert process, Based onthe GATE-2020 score and rgarizatonal requirement, caraidates willbe shotlistedTortnepersoralintovow. 1a The candidates. wil be elgibe to apply forthe posiion of GETS in the above: dlscpine In NALCO provided they have appeared In GATE-2020 In one ofthe following relevant GATE paper as detailed blow [SERVICE AGREEMENT BOND 12 The solocted candidates a ho ime of joing will be requved to sign a contract of apprenticeship accordance wih te Apprenticeship Actand wil absobe requiedto txecuto a sonice agreement Bond of Re. 30,0001 or Re 4.00,000-for taining impartes abroad) on nonusial stamp paper aff. '500-to servo tne Company or ‘minimim perodot our yearsater succesful complelionofone yea tang [MEDICAL FITNESS Engineering dsciptine | Corresponding Corresponding = TW NAL a 1 Tho canedatas sooking employment in NALCO noed to be modcaly ft as por ladvertsed by NALCO | GATE:2020 paper GATE:2020 paper co ALGO's norms an standards for medical fines. The sooctos canaidates wl Mechanical Mechanical Engineering ME have to undergo. medical examination by Company's. identified Etecvieat Electrical Engineering EE hosptalliagnostieconros in Bhubaneswar. On receipt ofthe madial report, te rstumentaton Instamontation Enginoning| 1, Authorized Mskial Ofico wil declare the candidat to” unto lomporany unt tctataray otanurgical Evamesnng ou on hedaman down undo tneNAl CO Maia Examination Continue...) Size : 25(w) x 38(h) = 950 ‘APPLICATION FEE {2 The Gonera, OBC & EWS Candidates areroqured io pay Rs 50V- (Five hundred) towards pplication Feeandall_ other candidates inckding Departmental are Fequiredta pay Rs. 100 (Hundred) as Processing Fe ony. 1a. Candigats can optto pay trough nornet banking accouncredu debit card | Appleston ‘eelProcessing Foo is nonrefundable unde’ any sfeursiancss. Candidates are therefore requested to very thai ellpy before paying the spalcatoniprocessing fe andtoil nthe payment etal careful HOWTO MAKE PAYMENT 3 Step ‘8 Goto CaroerPags ofNALCO at ww 2 Reaathe Adverisementcaretulytobesure about the sly : i 1 Glokon Make Payment which willredivact youto Stata Bane Callectpage ot SBI whien nas baen auhorized to collet the applica fecsprocassing {ees onbehalfefNaleo ‘© Selec! “Oaisha" under the State of the Corportetnstiurion and “PSUs Publi Sector" under ype of Corporation 1+ Select Payment Category and choose "Nalko GET Recnalment2020(For UROBCIEWS) or*Naleo GET Recrultment-2020(For SCISTIPWDIDEPTT," ae applcabltoyou + Fil te GATE Regd. No. Name, Discipfne, Catagory, Date of Bich FRogistered Email ld and Mable No. as required on fo Payment portal and submit Ensure thatthe same Emel It and Mobile No, Goals are used ddusing te whole registration process Next Scror~ Contrmation page s displayed wih all details the eansdate has entered. Ensue carecness before proceeding for payment. Now clox {an Contr to proceed tothe payment gateway to pay. NALCO or Sal wil nRotbe responsible, incase acancidatedeposts he fee wih incorrect detals viz aciarent GATE Registration No. ‘© Payment may be made using any one ofthe options avaiable viz, Net Banking/Debt CardiCreit Car, Please note that Nao vl bear the bank charges, any ‘* Onsuczssstul payment one e-Recaipt wb gonoraos inPOF format. The anda wil be prompted to print he w-rocip ith $B Collect Roteronce [Number Note down the Reference Number as the same woulé be requed during Stop-3 of inal rogisvalion process. E-Receipl can be ‘generteairinted subsequently rom te option ‘Payment Hisory avaiable InstateBanx Catec. ‘© Incase a candidate does not finally submit apoticaon form with val payment deta, appticaton willbe Veated as incomplete andrejecod, Nalco Wwilnotbe response forthe same. a step-2 ‘¢ Once the paymentis mado, tho State Bank Collect Reference Number and the date of paymantis eed Yo be enored in the Nalco ontne appeation {orm on Career page ofthe website inorder to make themselves eile 0 tnfertne detain MainAppteation Form. ‘© No request for editing of payment dolals and issue of Cal later wll be interianedin wr submission casos and candidature wilstan roocted, HOWTOAPPLY "The candidates need to ensure that the GATE-2020 reglsraton number, which =| mentioned nthe GATE-2020 adm card lledu correct Name shou le bf filed up a8 appearing in GATE-2020 admit car, No request with respect othe change in any dala entered by tne candidate wil be enriained once tne onine application ‘3 submits suocesstuly. On successful submission, a unique ‘ppleaton number willbe generated and enttotheregstoredemval a well 35 ‘mobile number andthe sams nastobe rferedor ure coreeponcences. {Whe applying online, candidate needs to upload te scanned copy a tetrrecent passpon size colour photograph, GATE-2020 amt ear, signature winch are ‘dental to that thay have suomted along wth GATE-2020 application and prescribed qualfcatonimark sheet as per the requisite qualification. Cancaies Should ensure thatthe relovant details fe, name, dat of bith ste entered in NALCO online application should be same as entered in the GATE-2020, applicaton. In case the cana sealed fr personal intrvew,heisho will bo ‘quedo produce hshher original GATE-2020 admitcard and GATE-2020 acl Score card for verficalion and other rolovank document's which will be ommuniatoatrough personal interview cal ltr. ‘Reanaidate can apply fr one pastdscpine ony. Candidates applying for more ‘anon past ciseplnewilnotbe considorodatall a INSTRUCTIONS, Cniyincian Nationals re eligbieto apply. ‘The candidate should ensure that helshe fll the eligi entra and other Candons 23 mentoned inh advertgement as well ain the career section of NALCO webs, ‘Tho canddates should ensure Pat they fi up al he lgiityertera ane other andions mantoned inthis aaverstomont and tha tho paral luriehed by thomin re ontne applications are corectin all rpoc! Mere submission of onkne applicaton successful does not imply thatthe Company(NALCO) nas been Satisfied about the candidates egy. In case fs detected at any stage of Fecruiment!selectonfeven ater appoirimentthat te canédate does not‘ he tigibly norms ancorhathelshe nas fumished at incorectalse informatio or has suppressed any materal facts), nisher candturelapporiment wil futomaticly stand cancallad, asthe candidaurelappoiniment would ba deemed abevedabinto. The e*mallid entered the online appeaton form must ema valid for one yea. [Afuture commurseation wih the candidates wil take place trough ema ony. NALCO wil not be respansole for any lsslnon-delvery of e-malany other ‘communication ser, duetolnvaldiwrong dor cueto any ater eason. Nomanual paper applcatonwilbe entertained. NALCO reserves the rght to raise the minimum ebgiity standards. The managomart reserves the right ofl or no! to lo” arly fl any of the above posltons without assigning ary reason whatsoever. NALCO also reservas the Fightto cancalresictmadylalor re recutent process need arses, without Issuing ay urtrernatic or assigning any reason whatsoove Canvassing by acarcidateln ary form srallaisqualty her condsture, Candidates are advsed ovis the coor section. of NALCO website regularly for latest updates as no. separate ammunition wi sen. ‘Any dispute wi regard to recruitment ‘Bhubaneswar nly. wil be seted within the jurasiction of 1a The candidates shall il up the onine Application Form wit required detals comeztl and click on View Appicalion Form. The canciatos wil be provised ‘opportunity to eit thr appleaton form before final submission. Candidates Should cheek te Appteaton Form once again whether te information is accurate and eithe deta, oquied and then ex on Final Submisson.Atersubisson ‘tentine appticaton the candidate should ake a printout! tesa appteation for ‘aut reeronce IMPORTANT DATES: ‘Opening of ontne submission of appteaton | 20/08/2020 (11:80 AM) Last date of subnission of onine appication | 09/04/2020 (05:30 PM) ‘Ad No: 10200207 NALCO Recrutment2020 Size : 25(w) x 23(h) = 575

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