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Name of the applicant: Kamalesh Kumar

Course applied: Computer Engineering

Its boundless possibilities and instant outcomes are what I find most stimulating and appealing about
Computer Science. I believe that keeping an explorative attitude and inquisitive mind is the key to a
constant learning process.

As I am in the final year of my undergraduate programme, I want to pursue graduate studies to further
refine my skills and knowledge in this area of interest. I think your graduate programme will give my
career the right direction of becoming a research professional at research-oriented, commercial or
academic organisations. I believe it will also serve to give a proper pathway to my career as a research
professional at an academic-, commercial-, research-oriented organisation. I intend to pursue an MS
degree in order to reach that goal.

I have benefited vastly from the breadth of SRM University’s undergraduate syllabus and gained a
comprehensive exposure to many core areas of the field. In my four years of study at SRM University, I
have learnt how to maintain an independent approach in all my endeavours. In the past two years, I
found myself drawn towards the area of Information Retrieval and Data Management. The DBMS lab
sessions and the subjects Formal Systems and Automata and Compiler Construction led me to
appreciate the field’s intricacies. However, for my MS programme, I am open to topics focussing on
other areas as well. For my B.E. project, this coming semester, I would like to concentrate on
Information Retrieval. I would like to employ a technique for search engines – to increase their precision
of query listings and comprehensiveness. One of the most important lessons that I have learnt as the
head of the ‘Engineering Students Body’ at SRM University is that one person’s life can influence the
lives of a large number of people. I was the youngest head of this student body in the history of SRM
University. This role taught me that self-reliance is the basis of good work and helped me learn how to
take both praise and criticism positively. This was a very distinctive and gratifying experience, which I
feel will stand me in good stead if I choose to get in to teaching profession in future. Get expert
guidance. I would like to say in conclusion that the essence of any University education lies in the
synergetic relationship between a department and its students. I think that graduate study at your
University would help me with my academic pursuits, and is a major step towards achieving my
objectives. I would be grateful if I am given the opportunity to pursue my graduate study, with financial
assistance, at your institution.
We are currently in the midst of a technological and computing revolution that will drastically change
our lives and potentially redefine what it means to be human. I am very excited at the prospect of
devoting my long-term career to such a dynamic, fast-advancing field. Ever since I was young, I have
enjoyed dabbling with computers and experimenting with different applications. Because my own life
has essentially coincided with the rise of the modern computing industry, I can sense that there are still
tremendous developments to come in this field. It was natural for me to choose Computer Science as
my university major, and now, as I near the end of my undergraduate studies, it is my central goal to
continue my education in a more competitive, elite, and international environment.

There is only one logical destination for my postgraduate studies: the USA, a country that stands at the
center of the computing universe. The US has been the chief driver of innovation in computing, and the
most innovative and successful companies in this field are based there. Studying overseas in the US will
thus give me not only a greater range of professional skills but also a much broader, more international
perspective. Therefore, I am applying to join your MSc in Computer Science program, commencing in
the fall of 2013. I am convinced that I am well prepared for the challenges of studying in your master’s
program because of my extensive academic and practical background, which I will describe in detail

My academic experience thus far has provided me with a wide range of practical knowledge and skills
that will be immensely useful when studying overseas at the graduate level. As a high school student, I
excelled in courses related to physics, mathematics, and chemistry. I was fortunate during this time to
have teachers who saw my interest in these subjects and encouraged me to continue broadening my
scientific understanding and developing my analytical skills. It was due in large part to their guidance
and advice that I chose to major in IT at SRM university. As an undergraduate, I found that I deeply
enjoyed learning about programming and systems analysis, and with my strong mathematics
background, I performed very well in courses concerning calculus, statistics, and differential equations.
Now, in addition to my specialized knowledge of computer science, I have an appreciation for the
breadth of this field and the nearly endless possibilities for further study.

I have benefited vastly from the breadth of SRM University’s undergraduate syllabus and gained a
comprehensive exposure to many core areas of the field. In the past two years, I found myself drawn
towards the area of Information Retrieval and Data Management. The DBMS lab sessions and the
subjects Formal Systems and Compiler Construction led me to appreciate the field’s intricacies.
However, for my MS programme, I am open to topics focussing on other areas as well. For my B.E.
project, this coming semester, I would like to concentrate on Information Retrieval. I would like to
employ a technique for search engines – to increase their precision of query listings and

In addition to the courses that I have taken, I have been very active outside of the classroom,
participating in extracurricular activities and pursuing new experiences so as to push myself and broaden
my horizons. For example, I took some time to travel across Europe by myself, an experience which,
although at times difficult, ultimately made me a much more independent and confident person. I am
now comfortable adapting to new situations and interacting with people who are different from me,
qualities which will be tremendously useful when studying in the USA. Furthermore, when my
hometown was devastated by a natural disaster, I volunteered to help the victims as an organizer, which
involved raising money and providing food, blankets, and other supplies as needed. Aside from the
enhanced communication and leadership skills this experience offered me, what I most value is my
newfound understanding of the importance of service and helping those in need. Finally, in the
university, I was the publisher of the monthly newsletter of my department, a role I took on in order to
meet new people and learn a new range of skills. As these experiences show, I am highly motivated and
proactive at learning new skills and experiencing new things. This is precisely why I have decided to
continue challenging myself by studying for a master’s degree in the USA.

Regarding my goals for the future, I plan to take what I learn in the USA and apply it to the computing
industry in my native country. This industry is rapidly growing and shows great potential, yet compared
to other, more advanced countries it is still in its relative infancy. By studying in your master’s program
and possibly working for a short period in the USA, I expect to have the expertise, the perspective, and
the experience necessary to lead our industry to a new era. I think that graduate study at your
University would help me with my academic pursuits, and is a major step towards achieving my
objectives. I would be grateful if I am given the opportunity to pursue my graduate study, with financial
assistance, at your institution.

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