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Name: __________________Valery Urquijo___ Date:
My Opinion:
Tiktok and Youtube are two differents apps that obviously have different rules, in
addition people have being asking if both apps can work together, but also for me I
agree with the idea, because it would be definitely great.

My Reasons:

1. _Before Tiktok exist was that is a little version of Tiktok. Tiktok is
an app were you can make videos and lives maximum: 60 sec minimum: 15 sec,
also there are some trends that you can follow, and you can be creative making
new dances too, now I think that youtube can have relation with tiktok, because
we can have new filters, more time to see videos, and to have 1 plataform in 2 at
the same time.

2. Youtube has being the same app, now people are called “Youtubers”, that can
go to international places, now my reason is that if youtube and tiktok would
work together we can get money especially double, because in youtube
“youtubers” can get some money, and in tiktok “tiktokers” get money too. So
it would be de double.

3. Finally, the last reason is that it would be incredible have both people of
different apps, because some “youtubers” don’t have tiktok, and some
“tiktokers” don’t have youtube, in addition to this, that would be great.

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