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6 Ways To Use Artificial

Intelligence In Your Business

Artificial intelligence is not only the future — it is now! Learn

how your business can use this game-changing technology.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long been seen as a vicious entity, dead to
exterminate humanity, or at least, to keep its members out of commission.
However, artificial intelligence is far from it, which brings us to the
question: What is AI?

To Know More: Top 10 Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Applications in Business

According to Tecopedia, Artificial Intelligence is “an area of computer

science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that act and
respond like humans. Some operations on computers with artificial
intelligence include speech recognition, learning, planning, and problem- 1/5
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In other words, the features you normally associate with
1 humans,
not computers.
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According to a recent PWC survey of more than 1,000 American business

executives, 20% of companies will adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their
entire company in 2019. If you’re wondering how artificial intelligence can
affect your strategy, here are six ways to redefine your business.

1. Optimize customer support with the chatbot

Did you know that the chatbot market will reach 25 1.25 billion by 2025,
with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.3%?

Chatbots are an interactive Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that can reflect
real exchange (or chat) with the user in natural language through websites
and applications. By using chatbots, devices can understand and respond to
human input through speech or writing.

Chatbots help you solve customer problems quickly, which means you can
provide excellent customer service. And because they are machines, they can
talk to your customers at an odd hour, forever ending the era of digits.

These bots are excellent data collection agents for your customer support
team. They can act as virtual assistants, find customer data for your support
representatives so that they have a detailed history of each account.

Artificial Intelligence Chatbots

Consider the scenario where you want to convert cold leads into hot leads.
By setting chatbots in your main funnels, the chatbot can ask them yes / no
questions about why they visit your site whenever a visitor is interacting
with your website. Based on their answers, you can consider different ways 2/5
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to sendSearch
them promo codes or redirect them to a specific landing
1 page to

attract them.
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To Know More: 5 Examples of Artificial Intelligence In Business


With so much flexibility, it’s no wonder that 80% of marketers will start
using Chatbot in some form or another by 2020, according to an Oracle

When used judiciously, chatbots can help you reduce costs and improve
profits, but they can also change the way you do business.

2. Image, facial and object recognition

Artificial Intelligence has also reinvented optical character recognition

technology, which can take the place of significant administrative operations.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now sophisticated enough to detect faces and

objects, which can have enormous consequences for many business
applications. Facial recognition can be used to separate individuals for
security purposes, while object detection is used to separate and analyze

All in all, the future of facial recognition looks very bright. The global
market for facial recognition is expected to reach $ 7.76 billion by 2022. The
use of this technology in online marketing is expected to contribute to a large
part of this number.

3. Smart IoT products

One way that the potential of artificial intelligence has enormous advantages
for companies in various industries is in the creation of intelligent IoT 3/5
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products. Gartner estimates that the number of interconnected1 goods in use

will reach 14.2 billion in 2019, up to 25 billion by 2021. Today, the business
world ismenu Heading
changing with the 2development of IoT in various ways. Publish

IoT has completely revolutionized the concept of data management. In

addition to providing greater access to user data, these devices track and
record how users interact with them, which makes devices smarter. As the
research on IoT technology grows more and more with each passing day,
businesses are leveraging it to understand the data they receive from IoT
widgets for growth and growth.

4. Providing personalized experiences

According to Deloitte, 36% of customers are interested in buying customized

services or products, while 48% of them are willing to wait longer for it. One
of the main functions of AI is the ability to assess and absorb large amounts
of information. AI algorithms use millions of data points, such as
demographics, past conversion, purchase orientation, and on-site interactions
to create distinctive user identities.

5. Social Media Marketing powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The predicted impact of AI on social media marketing is huge. In a

Salesforce study conducted in 2017, marketing leaders expect to see better
efficiency and better personalization over the next five years. Likewise, more
than 60 percent of marketers plan to use AI to build dynamic websites and
landing pages and take on programmatic advertising.

However, one of the things that people are most excited about is the potential
impact of AI on social media marketing and lead-raising. From now on, AI
will continue to evolve and become a powerful tool for social media
marketing. 4/5
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6. Modernize
the recruitment process 1

One way menu
that Heading
Artificial 2
Intelligence Publish
can greatly impact business operations is
in the field of payroll and human resources. These two are the most
important components of any business, but they are often overlooked by
smaller companies that do not have a full-time HR department.


AI can step in here and act as a lifesaver for such organizations. It can do
many things, such as providing more information to decision-makers,
automating downstream operations, and monitoring how candidates use their
skills. 5/5

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