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Use Positive Visualization Positive

visualization is a technique where you use your imagination to create clear

images, ideas, and feelings of something you want to occur in your life. You
focus on these images, ideas, and feelings until they become reality and
your goal has been met.
By visualizing both what we want to accomplish and how we expect to
perform, we can influence the conditions under which we study for and
take the bar examination.
For the bar exam, you should visualize the most important parts of the bar
exam testing process. As these visualizations become more clear and
certain, the likelihood of success increases as well.
You can choose what you think is most important, but I’ll suggest that two
very important things to visualize are (1) walking into the bar exam testing
room and remaining calm and (2) attending your swearing-in ceremony
after having passed the bar.
The first is important because if you visualize yourself remaining calm
when you enter the bar exam testing area, you are very likely to remain
calm. You will have visualized the sensations and sights of entering the
room filled with hundreds or even thousands of people so that it will not
shock you when you do it for real. If possible, talk to people who have taken
the bar exam in your state before and get their impressions of what the
testing location was like. This will help make your visualization that much
more realistic.
The second – visualizing being sworn in to the bar of your state – is
important because if you visualize this as a fact that has already happened,
the bar exam becomes just a step on the road to that foregone fact, rather
than some diabolical test on your odyssey to becoming a lawyer.
How to visualize
I recommend you perform visualizations either first thing in the morning or
last thing in the evening, and if you have time to visualize during the
morning and the evening, even better! Morning and evening are best
because it is during these times that the body and mind are most relaxed,
which is important for visualization.
Step 1:
Find a quiet place where you can be alone for at least 15 minutes. You can
sit in a chair or lie down in bed.
Step 2:
Once you have found the quiet place and time, close your eyes and relax. Do
not forget to relax! The important first step for successful visualization is to
enter a state of deep relaxation. If you already have a relaxation technique
that works for you, please use it. If not, try deep, slow breathing for one
minute while imagining yourself in your favorite place.
Step 3:
When you feel relaxed, you can recite a visualization from memory, create a
visualization on the fly, or listen to a visualization script you have recorded
into an iPod or other device. As you move through the script, try to hear,
feel, and smell the reality that you are visualizing. The more real the
visualization is, the more effective it is.
In case you are wondering what you might say to yourself while visualizing,
I have written a visualization script for attending a swearing in ceremony.
Note that it is written as if the event is actually happening and you are
participating in it. Visualizations should be done in the present tense to
heighten the sense that you are participating in something that is
happening, not something that might happen.
Visualization Script: Attending the swearing-in ceremony.
Today is the culmination of everything that I have worked for and I become
a lawyer. I am so happy and so proud. I knew I could do it. It took a lot of
work and sacrifice, but it was worth it.
I arrive at the swearing in ceremony with my [husband/wife;
boyfriend/girlfriend; parents; friends]. There are a lot of people here. I see
some friends from law school. We congratulate each other.
I have to fill out some paperwork before the ceremony, so I wait in line to
do so.
After I complete the paperwork, I find a place to sit in the auditorium.
Several distinguished lawyers, judges, and justices are sitting at the podium
table in front of the auditorium. Normally, I would dread sitting through
their droning speeches, but today I look forward to what they will say to
welcome me into the guild.
When the speeches are over, the judge leading the ceremonies asks
everyone to stand and be sworn in. I raise my right hand and repeat the
words of the oath.
I am now a lawyer.

Do you know how to achieve phenomenal success in your exams using the
Law of Attraction?
Do you want to discover how Law of Attraction can help you achieve your dream
results in your exams?
Do you wonder how to use it for your studies and phenomenal exam success?
Most of the students are well aware of Law of Attraction and are using it in their
life, but most of them are clueless about how to use it for success in exams. Your
search comes to an end here. All your doubts and questions will be answered in
this article with a guided step by step solution.
So far this post has changed the life for thousands of students across the globe
and if you have resolved to use the Universal Secret of Law of Attraction for your
success in studies, then it’s worth reading.
Many times I have been asked by students from different age groups and diverse
fields that they have an important exam ahead and they are clueless about how
to use Law of Attraction principle to achieve awesome results. Many of them
share that most of the books or movies on the law of attraction talk about how to
attract money, love, health or job but none of them talk about exams and results.
After helping hundreds of students and guiding them to utilize this universal
wisdom in the right direction for achieving remarkable success in exams and
normal studies, I am writing this post to reach much more students who are
waiting for this guidance.
Whether you have a school, college or university exam or whether you have a
professional course test like GMAT, GRE, SAT, Engineering or Medical entrance
test. Whether you have a University admission test or a competitive exam like
IAS, IES or CA. Whether you have these exams after a week or after few
months, there is a certain way of working with the Universe. If you work in
alignment with the Universe you can definitely produce results far better than
what you have prepared for.
Many people complain that Law of Attraction has failed them in exams and they
don’t believe in it anymore.
Where do people go wrong about Law of Attraction in exams?
The most common remark I found in various forums is that many students come
and say my exam is in few days or a couple of weeks ahead, now I want to use
the law of attraction to get the best result because I haven’t studied or prepared
throughout the year. And the next question is shall I visualize all day that I am
getting the best result and I will have that right? Law of attraction will help me for
And my answer is to them is NO, the Universe doesn’t work this way to give you
everything without doing anything. Don’t think Law of Attraction as a quick fix
formula and just visualize for few days or weeks without studying and expect
The same thing happened after few weeks the result got published and they start
telling everyone that Law of Attraction doesn’t work and that is the reason that’s
why they have failed.
The Law of Attraction is the most natural law of Universe and working all the time
unfailingly, so if you don’t do anything all the time and expect miracle then you
get nothing because you are doing nothing so you are getting nothing.
What needed is Affirmative Action, Yes! Law of Attraction works in
synchronization with affirmative action.
If you take affirmative action and follow the principle of Law of Attraction then
definitely you can achieve remarkable success. Even the result will be far more
magical than you prepared for.
What is Affirmative Action?

As a student or as a professional competing for an exam means your action is

your preparation. The preparation to the best of your knowledge and skills with
extreme optimism is your affirmative action. Preparing to the best of your
capabilities means you are telling the Universe that you are ready for the success
and you deserve it.
If you don’t study, if you don’t prepare how you get the feeling of deserving the
success and if you are not feeling deserving how can you receive the success?
No matter where you are, no matter how many days or weeks or months you
have left for the exam, if you decide today to have only succeeded in the end
then go give your best, give you greatest with happiness and optimism. Take this
affirmative action to magnetize the Universe for your success.
People take actions still, but why don’t they succeed?

Always remember many people have great knowledge and skill, they prepare to

the best of their effort but still, they failed. Why?
Because they lack faith and confidence in themselves and in their preparation,
they prepare with doubts and they appear exams with fear. As a result, they
perform much lower than they prepared for or get so nervous during the exam
that they can’t recall the knowledge from their brain.
I am sure many of you have experienced this in life. The most common
experience is that the moment many people leave the exam hall and feel a bit
relaxed all the answer flash in their mind and they say “damn! I have studied this
well but couldn’t recall this”. This sounds familiar?
And when the result got published you got a performance below your expectation
and you wonder why does this always happen to me?
Yes, this is where you have taken action but you didn’t get the deserving result
and this is exactly where Law of Attraction comes to your rescue to get the result
beyond your preparation

How the Law of Attraction Create Remarkable Success in Exam?

Affirmative action aligns with Law of Attraction and visualization gives you
remarkable success.
Now I am going to guide you what all you should do now to be in the right
alignment of preparation and law of attraction.
The first thing that you need to understand is “if you keep your calmness and
optimism high you can create a miracle”.
Second is to accept the responsibility for where you are now and ready to start
the journey. Whether you have your exam in a week time or in months whatever
has been done, whether you have prepared well by now or not is already your
reality. So accept that and get ready to create the miracle.
 AJ’s AWESOME ACTION TIPS: Work like this from now on

 Be happy and be confident and no matter how big the exam is, do your
study in full faith that you are going to do your best on the exam and get
your best result.
 Take an hour or 30 minutes off every day and think of what are the most
probable areas your heart says may come in the exam, prepare them as
best as you can. This is the process of using the power of intuition to guide
us to guess what may come. This is the Universal way of working.
 Every time you open your book or a chapter or a page on your
laptop/computer say to the book and yourself that “I am confident and I
have strong faith that this is my best study and I am going to do the best in
this exam”
 Every day takes 5 to 10 minutes of time from your schedule and meditate.
This will connect your mind to the infinite intelligence of the Universe. You
can do this meditation in the morning, evening or before going to sleep at
 As you finish the meditation visualize for a moment that now you are
studying with happiness and you are getting everything stored in your
 Have Your Vision Sheet: Take a paper and write down that the result of the
exam you want to achieve. Example Likewise whatever is your desired
result write it down in big font and paste in front of your study table or
cupboard or make it your laptop or desktop background.

o suppose you want to get 80% on your Semester Exam, then write
down “I SCORED 80% in my SEMESTER EXAM.”
o  If you want to Topped IAS Exam 2015, write down “I AM IAS
TOPPER of 2015.”
 Every time you see it rather than getting doubtful and scared
say Thank You and feel the Happiness. This will program your
subconscious mind to make you fully confident and infuse the deserving
feeling within every cell of your body.
 Also if you can Google a dummy result sheet of the same exam or
make a copy of someone who has given it before and writes down your
name and the exact result or marks you want in the result sheet and pastes
it near your Vision sheet for the exam. It works like a miracle. I have seen
many people who did this got the closest to result to this dummy result they
prepared for.

If you prepare your exam with happiness and confidence you surely get a great
result, but if you let doubt and fear surround you, no matter how much you study
you will get a lesser result than you expected. Also, if you don’t study and expect
a miracle to happen then also that never comes true.
Law of Attraction is about being confident of the best result even before you get
that and giving your best effort every moment of it believing that you are destined
for greatness. So the whole universe works on to gift you the result you wanted.
Keep studying well with happiness and optimism.
If at all you failed before in such competition, but today reading this in a quest to
win your dream this time, I must say when you understand it right the whole
Universe comes to make this rearrangement of exam for you. There is no
accident in the Universe, everything happens for a reason. Though you have
failed before when you understand it now, it means the Universe is giving you an
opportunity to do it in the right way with extremely well prepared with utmost
positivity to succeed in the test with flying colors.
And in the end have this in mind no matter what others say, No Exam is big and
no way are you small for it. If you believe in it, you are the most deserving person
out there in the arena.

There are various ways to deal with the fear of failure and anxiety
created by the bar exam. The method that I will be discussing here is an
exercise in negative visualization fist created by Stoic philosophers. I
have written about this method elsewhere, but I present much greater
detail here.
The Stoic technique for achieving peace of mind has to do with
understanding the consequences of results that you fear. The basic
technique is: define down to the smallest detail all the worst case scenarios,
list all of the things you could do to minimize the worst case scenarios from
happening, and then define how you will recover if any of these scenarios
come to pass. It is devilishly simple, but to be effective, the definitions and
lists must be thorough and precise. Thus, this technique involves real,
intense effort.
Step 1:
The first step in this method is defining your fears (i.e., your worst case
scenarios) rather than your goals. For example, you do not say: I hope I
pass the bar exam, but I am afraid I will not. Rather, you say: I am afraid I
will fail the bar exam.
You then need to define these worst case scenarios in as much detail as
possible; embrace your fears and make them come to life when you write
them down. Visualize these fears coming to pass and inhabit them fully –
intellectually and emotionally – for a moment. Get the full sense of what
each one of these fears will mean for your life.
I note here that this technique may draw up some deep, powerful emotions.
You may want to perform this exercise where you can have privacy the
entire time. Honesty is critical for this exercise, and honesty can sometimes
be painful.
There is no minimum or maximum length for this list. Just make sure that
you spend enough time working through your fears so that you get every
last one of them written down. Of course, each item in your list should be
expanded into as much detail as possible so that each feared consequence is
fully explored. If done properly and if you have a long list of fears, this
exercise could take many hours.
Step 2:
The second step is to determine all the things you can do to minimize your
customized list of horribles from coming to pass. Your list might have
entries like:
 Commit to focused studying without distractions; if this means
leaving my cell phone and other gadgets in my car when I go to the library,
so be it.
 Follow my study schedule and crush it while I am in the library
during my designated study time. Talk to significant other about my fears
of failure.
 Talk to parents and in-laws about difficulty in passing the bar exam;
this sets up their admiration if I pass but makes it more acceptable to them
that I failed such a daunting test.
 Get in contact with as many friends and acquaintances as possible,
and let them know that I am interested in any jobs they know about, just in
case I don’t pass the bar exam.
 Etc.
Step 3:
The final (and, in my opinion, most important) step is to create a resolution
chart listing the concrete steps you will take to recover (financially,
mentally, emotionally) if anything on your list of feared consequences
comes to pass. For instance, if you are afraid of having to take a low-paying
job, steps to avoid this could be to start networking with family and friends,
post information on LinkedIn, read books and blogs about getting a job,
and consider starting a business.
In the end, you should have resolved all of your feared consequences such
that you do not need to think about them anymore. Should one come to
pass, consult your resolution chart and act as planned. Should a new fear or
feared consequence arise during the course of your bar exam studies,
subject it to all three steps just discussed.
Once the fear has been banished, your mind if free to focus on the task at
hand: learning the techniques and information necessary to pass the bar
Youtube video of Tim Ferriss’ talk about Practical Pessimism.
I talk a lot more in depth about negative visualization and fear in my book:
Bar Exam Mind.

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