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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Define suicide and parasuicide;
2. Differentiate suicide and parasuicide, and;
3. Create a slogan on how to prevent suicide.


Topic: Intentional injuries (suicide and parasuicide)
References: Physical education and health, Learner’s Material Grade 9 pp. 376
Materials: power point, Cartolina

III. Procedures:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation
Let’s have a short activity and it’s called THINK

I will show you a picture but before I flash the

picture, I want you to choose a partner, And
afterwards discuss to him/her what you observe
about the picture and share it to the class what’s
your partner discuss to you.

Flash pictures

I will give you 2 minutes to discuss with your

partner what you observe on the picture. And I
call some student to share it with the class.

Presentation. (5 minutes)

Very good class, thank you for sharing your ideas

let’s give them a clap.

Okay class who can now guess what would be

our topic for today?

Yes! Ma’am I think our topic for today is about suicide.

That’s right thank you

C. Lesson proper

So our topic for today class is suicide and para suicide

which is under of intentional injuries

What is suicide class? Ma’am

Yes! Suicide is killing your own life.

Very good

Suicide is the intentional act of taking one’s life.

On the other hands class, para suicide is a suicide

attempt in which a person does not intend to die.

These are the possible clues you may recognize if a

person has suicidal tendencies.

 Talking about suicide or death

 Writing farewell letters or giving away valuable
things to their friends and siblings and family
 Showing changes in behavior, moods, and

Class suicide is a serious matter. Don’t make it a joke or Yes ma’am

do not try it. Understand class?

D. Generalization

Okay class let’s check if you really understand

our lesson.

Differentiate suicide to para suicide? Ma’am

Yes please! Suicide is an act of taking one’s life while para suicide is a
suicide attempt but not intend to die.
Okay class do you agree with what he/she said

Yes ma’am
Give me example of suicide and para suicide Ma’am
In suicide the example is hanging yourself and in para
suicide is overdosing yourself.
Very good you really understand our lesson.

E. Application

I will group you into 5. Each group must create a

slogan on how to prevent suicide, choose 2
members of your group to present in front.

Example class is
“stop suicide, save life instead” Teamwork: 20%
Presentation: 20%
Content: 30%
Originality: 30%

IV. Evaluation:
The teacher will give a short quiz.

V. Assignment:
The teacher asks the student to do an advance reading for the next topic and answer the following
1. What is domestic violence?
2. Give 3 example of domestic violence.

Prepared by:

Checked by: _____________________

Mrs. Nida Jemima C. Torino
(Cooperating Teacher)

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