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“It seems almost preposterous to buck the trends of holistic

systems management and suggest running like the Sorcerer’s
Apprentice from symptom to symptom. It may also seem as though
driving less or cutting fewer trees is simpler than scattering dust
particles in the stratosphere. It is certainly more elegant. But when
the Damocles’ sword of massive biotic disruption is hanging over
our heads, we should choose what works.”1

I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 183

II. GEOENGINEERING .............................................................. 188
A. Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) ................................. 189
B. Solar Radiation Management (SRM) ......................... 194
III. CURRENT GOVERNANCE .................................................... 203
A. Domestic Regulations .................................................. 203
B. International Regulations ........................................... 205
IV. REGULATORY NEEDS ......................................................... 209
A. Defining Geoengineering ............................................. 210
B. Policy Considerations .................................................. 211
C. International Cooperative Solution ............................. 213
V. CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 215


Climate change is increasingly moving towards becoming the

most devastating force humanity has ever had to deal with, but
legislative and regulatory entities are not keeping pace with the
danger.2 International action has primarily created emission goals,

* J.D. Candidate 2018, Florida State University College of Law.

1. Jay Michaelson, Geoengineering and Climate Management: From Marginality to
ISSUES, AND GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORKS 81, 114 (Wil C.G. Burns & Andrew L. Strauss eds.,
2. Edward A. Parson & Lia N. Ernst, International Governance of Climate
Engineering, 14 THEORETICAL INQUIRIES L. 307, 308 (2013) (“There is a large and growing
gulf between the gravity of threats posed by climate change and the seriousness with which
the issue is being addressed. Politically motivated attacks on climate science and scientists
notwithstanding, evidence continues to mount of rapid climate changes underway, their
predominant cause in human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases
(GHGs), the likelihood of more extreme changes over coming decades, and the potential of
serious and disruptive impacts — many already observable.” (footnotes omitted)).

184 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

very little has addressed potential efforts to remedy anthropogenic

(man-made) climate change, as it increases in severity. Reduction
of emission of greenhouse gasses will lessen the progression of
climate change. It is also necessary to counteract greenhouse
gasses already in the atmosphere through processes called
geoengineering.3 As the domestic and international communities
begin to realize the importance of mitigation techniques,
implementation must be regulated. Geoengineering technologies
are advancing rapidly—the debate must pivot quickly from the
existence of climate change, to how to safely regulate its cure.
This note will first address the most popular types of proposed
geoengineering, including the dangers, and the possible outcomes.
Second, it will outline regulation of geoengineering: the current
laws in place; the policy needs of geoengineering regulation; and
finally a proposal which bridges the gap between these.
Anthropogenic climate change began halfway through the
eighteenth century during the industrial revolution.4 Human
activities have increased the airborne concentrations of greenhouse
gasses, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide,
to exceed levels the planet has seen for at least 800,000 years.5
These changes have been primarily caused by the burning of fossil
fuels, the changing ways land is utilized, and agriculture
emissions.6 Some argue that climate change is not anthropogenic,
that the warming is natural–gradual occurrence–as a result of the
last major glaciation, 18,000 years ago.7 This claim is disproven by

3. See Zahra Hirji, Removing CO2 From the Air Only Hope for Fixing
Climate Change, New Study Says, INSIDE CLIMATE NEWS (Oct. 6, 2016),
The Physical Science Basis 467 (Thomas F. Stocker et al. eds., 2013), [hereinafter
IPCC Climate Change 2013].
5. Id.; Climate Change: How Do We Know?, NASA GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE &
updated Oct. 30, 2017).
6. IPCC CLIMATE CHANGE 2013, supra note 4, at 2.
22514hearingwitnesstestimonymoore.pdf. But see Climate Change: How Do We Know?,
supra note 5 (attributing modern global-warming trends to human activity); see also B.D.
Santer et al., A Search for Human Influences on the Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere,
382 NATURE 39 (1996); Gabriele C. Hegerl, Detecting Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climate
Change with an Optimal Fingerprint Method, 9 J. CLIMATE 2281 (1996);
V. Ramaswamy et al., Anthropogenic and Natural Influences in the Evolution of Lower
Stratospheric Cooling, 311 SCIENCE 1138 (2006); B.D. Santer et al., Contributions of
Anthropogenic and Natural Forcing to Recent Tropopause Height Changes, 301 SCIENCE 479
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 185

ice core samples formed over the last 400,000 years.8 These show
that levels of CO2 historically fluctuate between roughly 180 parts
per million (PPM) at the end of an ice age and 280 PPM after a
warming period that follows.9 Temperatures hold a direct
correlation to this fluctuation in CO2 and other greenhouse gasses
with linked trends.10 The earth reached 280 PPM around the turn
of the century, but the global levels have now soared over 400
PPM. Thus, the hypothesis that we are currently being subjected
to the natural warming of the planet is not viable or intellectually
honest. The political argument does not substantially permeate
into the scientific community.11 The earth has been warming
drastically since 1880,12 with the vast majority of warming

8. Climate Change: How Do We Know?, supra note 5 (providing evidence of increased

atmospheric CO2 in ice cores since the start of the Industrial Revolution, which are well-
above historical, maximum levels).
9. See id.
10. Id.
11. See id.; see also John Cook et al., Consensus on Consensus: A Synthesis of
Consensus Estimates on Human-Caused Global Warming, 11 ENVTL. RES. LETTERS 4, 1–2
(2016), (verifying the
consensus through six independent studies conducted by the author and co-authors
concluding that 90-100% of publishing climate scientists agreed with a 97% consensus
previously studied); Scientific Consensus: Earth’s Climate Is Warming, NASA GLOBAL
gov/scientific-consensus/ (last updated Oct. 30, 2017) (clarifying that the scientific
community is in 97% agreement of the above climate change numbers on an individual basis
and worldwide scientific organizations have endorsed this position extensively); Human-
Induced Climate Change Requires Urgent Action, AM. GEOPHYSICAL UNION: SCI. POL’Y,
2013.pdf (last updated Aug. 2013) (“Humanity is the major influence on the global climate
change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen
negative outcomes. . . . Climate models predict that global temperatures will continue to
rise, with the amount of warming primarily determined by the level of emissions.”);
Climate Change: An Information Statement of the American Meteorological Society,
statements/statements-of-the-ams-in-force/climate-change/ (last updated Aug. 20, 2012) (“It
is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in
climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric
greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and
nitrous oxide.”). This note will not address the argument against anthropogenic climate
change, the sources in this footnote state the thorough and well documented evidence for it,
and the reason why the theory of global warming must now be approached as fact.
12. See Global Climate Change Indicators: Warming Climate, NOAA NAT’L CTR. FOR
ENVTL. INFO., (last
visited Oct. 30, 2017).
186 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

occurring in the past thirty-five years,13 and temperatures

continue to rise even in the face of a solar minimum.14
Temperatures themselves do not pose the only threat to the
planet. Sea levels rose 6.7 inches in the last century from melting
ice.15 If trends continue as they have for the last two decades, they
will rise by 11 to 13.5 inches more in the next eighty years.16 These
rising oceans have also taken on the majority of the heat increase,
soaking up as much as 90% of excess heat, and between 0.5 and 1
watt of energy per square meter over the last decade.17 This heat
uptake of oceans is equal to more than 2 X 1023 joules of energy,
“the equivalent of roughly five Hiroshima bombs exploding every
second . . . .”18 The discussion and discourse in the political sphere
can no longer afford to address the existence of scientifically
proven anthropogenic climate change. Instead, the domestic and
international communities must focus on discussions that address
the problems humanity is facing and attempt to address these
There are three primary ways to address anthropogenic climate
change. First, initiatives reducing new greenhouse gasses added to
the atmosphere. Second, technology aiming to remove those
gasses. Third, scientists are researching ways to cool the climate in
lieu of the greenhouse gasses released.

13. See T.C. Peterson & M.O. Baringer, State of the Climate in 2008, 90 BULL. AM.
8-StateoftheClimate (explaining that while there have been some outlier years, such as the
cool 2008 when the report was written, given the context of the last three decades, the earth
has risen in temperature at an astronomical and dangerous rate).
14. Joe Kunches, We’re Entering a ‘Solar Minimum’ – What it Means, and How It
Influenced 2015, WASH. POST, Dec. 22, 2015,
influenced-2015/ (explaining the declining solar output that is associated with a solar
minimum, and the implied lower temperatures it would normally bring if not for
anthropogenic climate change); 2009: Second Warmest Year on Record; End of Warmest
Decade, NASA GODDARD INSTITUTE FOR SPACE STUDIES (Jan. 21, 2010), (“In 2009, it was clear that even the
deepest solar minimum in the period of satellite data hasn’t stopped global warming from
continuing.”); J. Hansen et al., Global Surface Temperature Change, 48 REVS. GEOPHYSICS
15. See John A. Church & Neil J. White, A 20th Century Acceleration in Global
Sea-Level Rise, 33 GEOPHYSICAL RES. LETTERS L01602, 1 (2006), http://onlinelibrary.
16. See id.
17. Cheryl Katz, How Long Can Oceans Continue to Absorb Earth’s Excess
Heat?, YALE ENV’T 360 (Mar. 30, 2015),
18. Id. See generally S. Levitus, Global Ocean Heat Content 1955–2008 in Light of
Recently Revealed Instrumentation Problems, 33 GEOPHYSICAL RES. LETTERS L07608 (2009) (providing estimates of world
ocean warming).
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 187

The first method is by far the most popular and most

researched, with the United Nations (U.N.) committing to reduced
emissions in 2005 via the Kyoto Protocol,19 and 195 nations
adopting the first universal global climate treaty at the Paris
Agreement in 2015.20 These attempts, contrary to the current
climate trends, are not failing entirely. The global economy has
grown by over 6.5% in the past three years, but the CO2 emissions
stemming from energy generation and transport have stayed
level.21 Global emissions since 1975 have risen every year there
was a positive global economy except the late 2010s.22 Global CO2
emissions have failed to substantially increase since 2013, the first
time a growing global economy has not been met with growing
emissions since the start of the industrial revolution.23 This
“decoupling” of emissions and economic growth has been led by the
United States (U.S.) and China, who were both able to lower
emissions by approximately 1.5% during this time frame.24 The
largest factor in this phenomenon comes from the growths in the
renewable energy sector.25 Renewables only deliver about 10% of
global electricity, but as these technologies continue to compete
with fossil fuels in economic efficiency, this number will grow
These trends paint an optimistic picture of humanity solving
problems as they are recognized. Unfortunately, these successes
are simply not enough. Emissions from fuel combustion have
reached a plateau as 32.325 gigatonnes of CO2 were released in
2014.27 This can be compared to 13.942 gigatonnes in 1971.28


CHANGE, (last visited Oct. 10, 2017).
20. Conference of the Parties, Adoption of the Paris Agreement, U.N. Doc.
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1 (Dec. 12, 2015). See also Paris Agreement, EUR. COMMISSION:
(last updated Oct. 30, 2017).
21. Fred Pearce, Can We Reduce CO2 Emissions and Grow the Global Economy?,
YALE ENV’L 360, (Apr. 14, 2016),
22. Decoupling of Global Emissions and Econ. Growth Confirmed, INT’L ENERGY
AGENCY (Mar. 16, 2016),
global-emissions-and-economic-growth-confirmed.html (explaining that emissions have
failed to grow from year to year only during four global events: the oil shock in the late
1970s, the failure of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the global economic crisis of the
late 2000’s, and now the global emission reduction initiatives of the mid 2010s).
23. Id.
24. Pearce, supra note 21.
25. See id.
26. Id.
FUEL COMBUSTION: HIGHLIGHTS 2017, 93, 94 (2017),
28. Id.
188 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

Reducing and even eliminating release of greenhouse gasses

will not reverse damage done up to this point. These cooperative
initiatives are also in jeopardy of collapsing. In July of 2017, the
U.S. announced withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.29
Ten governors have renounced this move, and 382 mayors across
the nation have vowed to uphold the agreement.30 This is
promising for domestic actions, but internationally it may unravel
as the largest CO2 producer per capita exits. In addition, reduction
initiatives may also lack viability, even if they are able to survive.
For example, the current average temperatures are caused by
emissions in the 1970s, due to a forty-year delay between
emissions and climate effect; thus, today’s impact will not be felt
until the 2050s.31 It is time for a shift in focus towards the second
and third options for addressing anthropogenic climate change,
which instead aim at reversal. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR)
technologies and solar radiation management (SRM) techniques
are conceptual methods of reducing global temperatures–referred
to collectively as geoengineering–and may be the only viable


Climate policy since the 1980s has focused on mitigation and

emission control, but it is nearly impossible for these methods to
correct the climate on their own.33 Geoengineering aims to
deliberately manipulate the climate and reverse damage. Efforts to
remove CO2 and directly manage solar radiation are more realistic,
long-term goals for addressing this threat.34

29. Michael D. Shear, Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement,
N.Y. TIMES, June 1, 2017,
30. Pam Wright, More Than 200 Mayors, 10 Governors Denounce Trump’s Withdrawal
from the Paris Climate Agreement, THE WEATHER CHANNEL (June 5, 2017, 7:15 AM),
accord-decision; Climate Mayors Commit to Adopt, Honor and Uphold Paris Climate
Agreement Goals, CLIMATE MAYORS (June 1, 2017),
ba566e260097 (with updated signatories as of Oct. 17, 2017).
31. Alan Marshall, Climate Change: The 40 Year Delay Between Cause and Effect,
SKEPTICAL SCI. (Sept. 22, 2010),
33. Id. at 4 (“[T]here is no realistic scenario under which it would be possible for
greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced sufficiently to lead to a peak and subsequent
decline in global temperatures this century . . . .”).
34. See id. at 1.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 189

Geoengineering is not always met with support. The National

Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have urged
lawmakers and the public to continue to reduce emissions, arguing
that a dramatic reduction of emissions is necessary, and that there
is no replacement for this mitigation.35 Others lack faith in this
potential technology, stating that these “schemes” aiming to
reverse or minimize climate changes aren’t likely to be successful
and could actually worsen the situation.36 Climate scientists are
skeptical of the long-term results from geoengineering, finding
that carbon dioxide removal efforts, when modelled over time, will
not be able to sequester more than a small amount of CO2
compared to the cumulative emissions in the atmosphere.37
Further, even if hypothetical solar radiation management efforts
end up causing the necessary change, they have the potential to
damage the sky and disrupt ecosystems.38 Scientists further assert
that in order to succeed, SRM efforts would need to be perpetual to
combat unsafe levels of greenhouse gasses.39 If intervention was
suddenly discontinued, it could cause a global catastrophe, as
carbon is released from the soil rapidly when the temperature
rapidly increases.40 The potential dangers of geoengineering efforts
and the dire outlook for the earth if these potential solutions are
ignored require action. International regulations need to address
risk and exercise caution in the deployment of geoengineering
efforts based on the deployment.

A. Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

The most significant greenhouse gasses are: water vapor, CO2,

methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, halocarbons, carbon monoxide,
nitrous oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds, and
aerosols.41 The most commonly released greenhouse gas is CO2.42

35. Climate Intervention is Not a Replacement for Reducing Carbon Emissions;

Proposed Intervention Techniques Not Ready for Wide-Scale Deployment, NAT’L ACAD. SCI.
ENGINEERING & MED. (Feb. 10, 2015),
36. Charles Q. Choi, Geoengineering Ineffective Against Climate Change, Could
Make Worse, LIVE SCI. (Feb. 25, 2014 11:40AM),
37. David P. Keller et al., Potential Climate Engineering Effectiveness and Side Effects
During a High Carbon Dioxide-Emission Scenario, NATURE COMM., (Feb. 25, 2014), at 1, 9,
38. Id.
39. Id. at 6–8.
40. Id.
SINKS: 1990–2014, at 1–6 to –8 (Apr. 15, 2016).
42. Id. at 2–1 to –9.
190 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

Efforts seeking to reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere

focus on CO2 because of the substantial role it plays, and because it
remains in the atmosphere for a long time once emitted, unlike
many of these other gasses.43 It is possible to at least reduce the
speed the planet is warming, even reverse climate change, if CO2
levels are reduced.44
There are two separate categorizations of CDR methods, based
on the type of CO2 being removed and the methods being
employed.45 First, CDR techniques are divided into land-based and
ocean-based technologies; second, these methods are biological,
physical or chemical in nature.46 Both methods of categorization
are a crucial distinction for a climate scientist, but less
important for the devising of regulatory schemes—where the first
categorization is far more important.
Land-based systems mimic the natural system of vegetation
constantly storing CO2, which removes approximately 30% of
emissions, and semi-permanently stores over twice the carbon in
the atmosphere (see Figure 1 below).47 Some biological land-based
CDR systems can be created gently, through implementation
of: new policy instruments, economic incentives, and regulatory
mandates to foster land-use decisions that sequester CO2.48 If
emissions are dramatically reduced, then it would be possible for a
substantial portion of excess CO2 to be removed from the
atmosphere through natural processes.49 Nurturing these natural
CDR systems could lend a massive help to the battle against
climate change. Deforestation and other emissions from land use
account for 20% of greenhouse emissions.50 Widespread utilization
of natural systems seems unlikely. Instead, individuals are quickly
designing technologies that will serve as CDR systems without the
need for biological processes, and without the limits the natural
system creates. These technologies will instead capture CO2 from
the ambient air using machines, but are not yet economical or
available on a widespread level.51 Air capture techniques such as

43. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 1.

44. Id. at 9.
45. Id.
46. Id.
47. Id. at 10.
48. Mercedes Bustamante et al., Co-benefits, Trade-offs, Barriers and Policies for
Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
Sector, 20 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 3270, 3270 (2014).
49. Hirji, supra note 3 (citing James Hansen et al., Young People’s Burden:
Requirement of Negative CO2 Emissions, 8 EARTH SYS. DYNAMICS 577 (2017)).
50. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 10.
51. Id. at 15; see Eli Kintisch, Can Sucking CO2 Out of the Atmosphere Really Work?,
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 191

these are very safe and are unlikely to require much in the way of
regulation,52 but are also unlikely to be viable in the near future.53
Looking past land-based systems, ocean-based systems show an

Figure 1. The Carbon Cycle54

Oceans are absorbing most of the heat trapped in Earth’s

atmosphere from climate change.55 The oceans are also absorbing

sucking-co2-out-of-the-atmosphere-really-work/ (reporting on a Columbia University

scientist who has raised twenty-four million dollars in investments for his company, Global
Thermostat, to create CO2 sucking towers); Chris Mooney, The Suddenly Urgent Quest to
Remove Carbon Dioxide From the Air, WASH. POST, Feb. 26, 2016, https://www.washington-
these-bizarre-technologies-to-stop-climate-change/ (discussing a direct air-capture system
that pulls air via fans though a web-like substance that serves as an absorbent membrane
for CO2, which is then converted into a carbonate solution and trapped).
52. See THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 16 (contrasting ambient air capture from
biological methods; biological methods create energy through the generation of fuel, but
ambient air methods conversely use energy introduced from an outside source in order to
function—this creates a severe economic inequity between the two).
53. Kevin Bullis, What Carbon Capture Can’t Do, MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEW
(June 16, 2013),
(explaining that ambient air capture is not just limited by the economic costs of the actual
process, but also the infrastructure that would be needed to store the volume of CO2 once it
has been sequestered from the air).
54. Only Zero Carbon Emissions Can Result in the Stabilization of Atmospheric
CO2, ONLY ZERO CARBON, (last visited
Jan. 1, 2018).
192 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

as much as half of the CO2 released by humans.56 Some estimate

that the areas of the oceans with the most marine life will be more
acidic than they have been in five million years.57 Removing CO2
from the ocean allows the oceans to absorb more CO2 from the
air, decreases greenhouse effects, and serves to correct pH
imbalances.58 Ocean fertilization is often the first ocean-based
solution suggested, largely, because it has been field tested on a
big enough scale that some promising results have been
measured.59 This method seeks to hijack the standard cycle of CO2
circulation between the air, land, water and organisms, in order to
force the splitting of CO2 into carbon and oxygen—creating a
decrease in CO2.60
Ocean fertilization methods can be cost-effective, but could
create serious safety issues. Ocean fertilization is designed to
intentionally manage the marine ecosystem, a complex and
misunderstood system of geological, chemical, and biological
structures spanning the globe.61 These efforts could affect weather
systems and jeopardize at least a hundred million tons of food a

55. See supra note 17 and accompanying text.

56. John Pickrell, Oceans Found to Absorb Half of Man-Made Carbon Dioxide,
NAT’L GEOGRAPHIC NEWS (July 15, 2004),
57. Id.
58. Id.
59. See Ralph Bodle, Geoengineering and International Law: The Search for Common
Legal Ground, 46 TULSA L. REV. 305, 305 (2010). See also THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32,
at 16, 18.
60. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 16–17 (“Carbon dioxide in the surface ocean
rapidly exchanges with the atmosphere, while the transfer of CO2 into the deep sea is much
slower. Most of the CO2 being released today will eventually be transferred into the deep
sea given an elapsed time of order 1,000 years. [Ocean fertilization aims] to increase this
rate of transfer by manipulating the ocean carbon cycle . . . . Carbon dioxide is fixed from
surface waters by photosynthesisers—mostly, microscopic plants (algae). Some of the carbon
they take up sinks below the surface waters in the form of organic matter composed of the
remains of planktonic algal blooms, faecal material and other detritus from the food web. As
this material settles into the deep ocean by gravity, it is used as food by bacteria and other
organisms. They progressively consume it, and as they respire they reverse the reaction
that fixed the carbon, converting it back into CO2, that is re-released into the water. The
combined effect of photosynthesis in the surface followed by respiration deeper in the water
column is to remove CO2 from the surface and re-release it at depth. This ‘biological pump’
exerts an important control on the CO2 concentration of surface water, which in turn
strongly influences the concentration in the atmosphere. If this mechanism were suddenly
to stop operating for example, atmospheric CO2 would increase by more than 100 ppm in a
few decades . . . . The ability of the biological pump to draw carbon down into deeper waters
is limited by the supply of nutrients available that allow net algal growth in the surface
layer. Methods have been proposed to add otherwise limiting nutrients to the surface waters,
and so promote algal growth, and enhance the biological pump. This would remove CO2
faster from the surface layer of the ocean, and thereby, it is assumed (sometimes incorrectly)
from the atmosphere.” (emphasis added) (citations omitted)).
61. Id. at 17.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 193

year.62 Ocean fertilization threatens to increase anoxic regions of

the ocean and acidification of the deep ocean (which currently has
not been affected nearly as much as the surface).63 The cheap
and dangerous nature of ocean fertilization has led to fears
that rogue states or private parties may pursue unregulated
implementation.64 The relative lack of constraints on an individual
or organization that would like to begin an ocean fertilization
initiative, coupled with the severe implications, highlights the
need for some kind of legal oversight of its use.
Another method designed for managing the transfer of
atmospheric CO2 to the deep sea is known as oceanic upwelling
and downwelling (see Figure 1).65 As part of these methods, CO2 is
naturally absorbed at the surface of the ocean, then transferred to
the deep sea where it is sequestered.66 Some proposals aim to force
this process at an increased rate, piping water from the deep sea
to the surface and vice versa.67 Unfortunately, increasing the
downwelling of water by a million cubic meters is estimated to still
have only a marginal effect on CO2 sequestration and relies
on undeveloped piping technologies.68 The best outcome is
only estimated to be approximately 0.02 gigatons of carbon
sequestration a year.69 Regulation is needed not only because
funds may be wasted on a fruitless endeavor, but these processes
could also have the opposite effect of the intent—instead releasing
CO2 from the deep ocean.70 A lot more research needs to be
completed before these processes can be effectively and safely
implemented and regulated.71
CDR techniques are already being implemented, and the
dangers are tangible, but both the risks and the results are long-

STATE OF WORLD FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE 2006, 3 (2007), (showing in Table 1 that
total marine production in 2005 was estimated to be 103.1 million tonnes).
63. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 17–18.
64. Joshua B. Horton, Geoengineering and the Myth of Unilateralism: Pressures and
Prospects for International Cooperation, in CLIMATE CHANGE GEOENGINEERING, supra note
1, 168, 168, 171–74; see generally Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological
Diversity [CBD], Decision Adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on
Biological Diversity at its Tenth Meeting, Biodiversity and Climate Change, U.N. Doc.
UNEP/CBD/COP/DEC/X/33 (Oct. 29, 2010) [hereinafter CBD Decision X/33],; PLANKTOS ECOSYSTEMS, (last visited Oct. 31, 2017) (outlining the goals of a private party
created solely to implement ocean fertilization techniques).
65. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 19.
66. Id.
67. Id.
68. Id.
69. Id.
70. See id.
71. Id.
194 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

term in nature. In the future, removal of non-CO2 gases, such as

methane, may even become researchable goals.72 The law needs to
catch up to progress in order to prevent irreparable harm and
propel concepts that are proven to show promise. Currently, many
researchers have instead turned their attention to insolation
management directly—possibly due to the lack of economic
viability of these CDR methods.

B. Solar Radiation Management (SRM)

Benjamin Franklin made an observation in 1784 while in

Paris. He noticed that the preceding summer was extremely cold
both in Europe and back home.73 This was the result of the Laki
volcanic eruptions, which produced an ash cloud in the form of
aerosol that likely stretched all the way into the stratosphere and
blocked the sun’s rays creating record low temperatures during
1783 and 1784.74 Triggering a volcanic eruption is hardly an
answer to climate change, as eruptions also release large amounts
of CO2, ultimately increasing warming.75 However, the effect of
these aerosols binding to water molecules and counteracting the
effects of the sun76 are promising, when addressed separately.
Forced SRM efforts have yet to be instituted, but even lawmakers
are beginning to take notice of the possibilities. Budget makers in
2016 directed the Department of Energy to begin researching ways
to reflect sunlight into space.77 The New York Times has even gone
as far as stating that SRM techniques can serve as politicians’
“Plan B” after failing to adequately respond to greenhouse gas
emissions.78 However, viewing mainstream and lawmaker
attention being drawn to SRM techniques as a saving grace fails
to highlight the potential issues: both the danger these various
techniques could cause and the harm created by a false hope.79

72. Id. at 21.

73. Benjamin Franklin, Meteorological Imaginations and Conjectures, in 2 MEMOIRS
Karen Harpp, How Do Volcanoes Affect World Climate?, SCI. AM. (Apr. 15, 2002),
74. Franklin, supra note 73 at 373–77; Harpp, supra note 73.
75. Harpp, supra note 73.
76. Id.
77. Adrian Cho, To Fight Global Warming, Senate Calls for Study of Making Earth
Reflect More Light, SCI. MAG. (Apr. 19, 2016, 4:00 PM),
78. Clive Hamilton, The Risks of Climate Engineering, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 12, 2015,
79. Id.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 195

The first terrestrial approach of SRM is to increase the albedo

of the earth’s surface. This essentially means altering the surface
of the planet so that instead of absorbing the sun’s rays and
warming the planet, more of that energy is reflected back into
outer space.80 The leading surface-reflecting SRM approaches have
been modelled to potentially reduce the temperature of the planet
by up to 1.46°C after the global CO2 level has been doubled and the
average surface air temperature increased by 3.0°C above pre-
industrial levels.81 There are a few proposed ways of increasing
this albedo and each brings unique regulatory and technological
Urban albedo geoengineering is the theoretical outfitting of
roofs and roads to reflect energy.82 In sunnier regions, this
reflection could essentially triple-dip by rejecting heat transfer;
lowering the energy costs and greenhouse additions from air
conditioning;83 and reducing the petroleum needed to produce
asphalt.84 Approximately three billion people live in urban areas,
about 1.2% of the land area.85 Standard roof materials have an
albedo of roughly 0.1–0.25, but different methods and types of
roofs can be employed to bring this average to 0.55–0.6.86 These
roofing methods could create the equivalent CO2 offset of 44
gigatonnes, more than is released yearly at this time.87 Urban
albedo geoengineering would require the appropriate technology
and long-term upkeep of the surfaces, but would be equal to $1,100
billion in today’s CO2 trading markets.88 However, the installment
and upkeep costs could be astronomical, and the low coverage
would make this method completely unfeasible with today’s

80. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 24 n.10 (defining albedo as a value between 0
and 1, with 0 being zero reflectivity and a surface with a value of 1 being perfectly
81. See Peter J. Irvine et al., Climatic Effects of Surface Albedo Geoengineering,
116 J. GEOPHYSICAL RES. D24112, 6 (2011),
82. Id. at 2.
83. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 25.
84. Kelsi Bracmort & Richard K. Lattanzio, CONG. RESEARCH SERV., R41371,
85. Hashem Akbari et al., Global Cooling: Increasing World-Wide Urban Albedos to
Offset CO2, 94 CLIMATIC CHANGE 275, 276 (2009) (verifying estimates with data
from Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project’s Urban Extent Mask); see Ctr. for Int’l Earth
Sci. Info. Network et al., Urban Extents Grid, in GLOBAL RURAL-URBAN MAPPING
86. Akbari et al, supra note 85, at 277.
87. Id. at 283.
88. Id.
196 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

technology.89 Therefore, the regulatory hurdle will be making sure

resources are spent on researching cheaper and more practical
Aside from increasing the albedo of homes and roads, some
scientists are actively researching attempts to increase natural
sources of reflectivity. Reforestation is generally considered for
CDR, but forests (and specifically tropical rain forests) can have
significant regional cooling effects.90 However, forests do not hold
the most promise, because when trees are replaced with crops, the
surface albedo is, generally speaking, increased because of the
increased reflective nature of the leaves themselves.91 This effect
can be amplified through legal and regulatory efforts to influence
the growing of crops that have a higher albedo effect.92 Using
standard crops, optimizing all cropland on the planet could result
in as much as a 0.02–0.08 albedo increase without co-opting non-
cropland.93 Researchers worry that growing of crops simply for
albedo benefits could influence the economy or access to food, but
some have optimistic views, arguing that a change in the variety
of crops could see significant difference.94 Research into these
methods does not have a regulatory body standing in its way or
an international body to foster further efforts. Isolating which
crops will cool the planet and how is only the first step. Legal
bodies are needed to make sure that whenever this “spectral

89. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 25 (calculating the cost of urban albedo to be
roughly $300 billion a year, and “one of the least effective and most expensive methods [of
geoengineering] considered”).
90. Id. at 26.
91. See H. Damon Matthews et al., Radiative Forcing of Climate by Historical Land
Cover Change, 30 GEOPHYSICAL RES. LETTERS 2, 4 (2003),
doi/10.1029/2002GL016098/pdf (concluding that the natural spread of agriculture by
humanity and the increased albedo that brought has decreased the worldwide temperature
by approximately 0.17°C); see also Irvine, supra note 81, at 2 (“Crop albedo is often higher
than the albedo of natural vegetation, for example, barley, at European latitudes, has a
higher albedo (0.23) than deciduous (0.18) or coniferous (0.16) woodland.”) (referencing
PHYSICS: PLANTS, ANIMALS, AND THE ATMOSPHERE 337 (4th ed. Elsevier 2013) (showing
that, independent of the solar radiation barley is exposed to, carbon sequestration remains
constant throughout the day, converting a forest to barley, only as an example, would likely
serve to both increase albedo and add a secondary CDR effect).
93. Irvine, supra note 81, at 2.
94. Joy S Singarayer et al., Assessing the Benefits of Crop Albedo Bio-Geoengineering,
2 ENVTL. RES. LETTERS 045110, 2 (2009),
9326/4/4/045110/pdf (“There also need not be deleterious implications for yield, as increasing
the fraction of incoming photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) reflected back by the
canopy does not necessarily imply a reduction in total photosynthesis and by inference,
productivity.”) (referencing Adolfo Rosati et al., Effects of Kaolin Application on Light
Absorption and Disruption, Radiation Use Efficiency and Photosynthesis of Almond and
Walnut Canopies, 99 ANNALS OF BOTANY 255 (2007)).
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 197

characterization,” aimed at growing “climate-friendly” crops,

becomes possible it is able to be integrated into a complete
approach.95 Outside of utilizing the albedo effect of crops, proposals
and research are currently looking into methods that won’t affect
human housing or food supplies.96
Systems are being developed and proposed that would increase
the albedo of deserts and oceans.97 Proposals include covering
deserts with reflective metal surfaces,98 and even creating
microbubbles placed below the surface of the ocean to raise
albedo.99 Very little has been published regarding ocean methods
so far.100 Some argue however that deserts are perfect for albedo
enhancement.101 Unlike urban centers, deserts are relatively
empty; very few people live in these locations, and there is
a high solar flux with very low humidity.102 Deserts make
up approximately 2% of the total surface of the Earth,103
approximately 7.5 million square miles, 4.5 million of which is
possibly suited for covering by a reflective surface.104 Deserts are
already the second most reflective surfaces after ice caps,105 yet
covering desert surfaces is estimated to bring their average albedo
from 0.36 to approximately 0.8, if done correctly.106
Once again, the technology needed to actually carry this out
presents a dangerous mix of ineffectiveness, unaffordability, and
unpredictability.107 Only 75% of deserts are “gravel plains, dry
lakebeds and mountains,” and while deserts such as the Sahara,
Arabian, Australian, and Gobi could be potentially used to great
benefit, that leaves approximately 1.875 million square miles of

95. Id. at 8.
96. See generally THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 23–36 (outlining the various
SRM methods being developed).
97. Id.
98. Id. at 26.
99. CAO Long et al., Geoengineering: Basic Science and Ongoing Research
Efforts in China, 6 ADVANCES IN CLIMATE CHANGE RES. 188, 190 (2015),
100. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 26.
CHANGE (June 29, 2004),
102. Id. (noting that because of the lower humidity in deserts, heat is absorbed much
less by water vapor, acting as a greenhouse gas, than in most other places in the world).
103. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 26.
104. GASKILL, supra note 101.
105. Id.
106. Id.; see T.M. Lenton & N.E. Vaughan, The Radiative Forcing Potential of Different
Climate Geoengineering Options, 9 ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 5539 (2009).
107. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 26.
198 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

desert which we lack the technology to utilize for this approach.108

In addition to the constraints on which deserts can actually be
covered, the costs approach that of urban painting and covering,
and could completely disrupt worldwide air circulation and habitat
management.109 In order to completely offset the radiation forcing
from post-industrial anthropogenic climate change, approximately
7.9 million square miles would need to be covered.110 Just to offset
proposed climate change from 2010–2070 would require four
million square miles of desert, more than can realistically be
covered,111 and would have a price tag of several trillion dollars per
year.112 Nevertheless, this is one way that climate change could be
seriously mitigated; it would just require worldwide cooperation,
for which there is neither precedent nor a governing body. Not all
methods of albedo reduction require global cooperation, and this is
where governments should begin to worry about regulation.
Benjamin Franklin observed temperature change as a result of
volcanic eruption over two hundred years ago,113 but scientists
today are able to study this phenomenon far more in depth. Some
experts go as far as to argue that aerosols mimicking volcanoes are
one of the only methods of geoengineering that have the potential
to cool the planet economically enough be to implemented.114
Volcanoes inject huge levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas into the
atmosphere between six and thirty-one miles from the surface, in a
section of the atmosphere known as the stratosphere.115 This SO2
turns into sulfuric acid and forms a cloud of droplets that is able to
reflect sunlight back into space.116 The majority of studies have
been done on sulphate aerosols such as SO2 and hydrogen sulphide
(H2S).117 Other aerosol techniques are likely to be promising, but at
this time the level of research makes discussion on them, let alone
implementation, premature.118 The goal of these sulphate releases
is to increase overall albedo of the earth.119 Scientists estimate that

108. See GASKILL, supra note 101.

109. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 26.
110. GASKILL, supra note 101.
111. Id.
112. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 26.
113. See supra note 73 and accompanying text.
114. Alan Robock, Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, 38 ISSUES ENVTL. SCI. &
TECH. 162, 163 (2014) (citing Lenton & Vaughan, supra note 106, at 5539–41).
115. Id. at 164.
116. Id.; Alan Robock, Volcanic Eruptions and Climate, 38 REV. GEOPHYSICS 191,
193–94 (2000),
117. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 29.
118. See id.
119. Id. See also B. Govindasamy et al., Geoengineering Earth’s Radiation Balance to
Mitigate Climate Change from a Quadrupling of CO2, 37 GLOBAL & PLANETARY CHANGE
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 199

reducing solar input by 2% would be able to balance out the

warming effect of doubling CO2 levels, even as CO2 levels continue
to rise.120
Regulatory issues surround aerosol deployment, because it is
the most discussed dangerous geoengineering technique. Aerosol
deployment is unique in that it is likely to be effective, affordable
and quick.121 This worries regulators, because these potentially
huge benefits are coupled with potentially catastrophic safety
issues.122 Stratospheric aerosols are predicted to run the risk of
hydrologic impacts, stratospheric damage, shifting in tropospheric
structures, and damage to biological productivity; however, the
technology is so untested that these are merely hypothetical
issues.123 As technology progresses the world will have access
to affordable aerosol deployment techniques, and there will
exist no practical prerequisite of cooperation before deployment
commences.124 The fear of unilateral deployment by a state is
lessened by international law and the way it naturally creates
restraints on state actors.125 However, these restrictions do not
apply to non-state actors—they would do little to stop a billionaire
“philanthropist” who aims to release sulfates into the air.126 With

157 (2003) [hereinafter Quadrupling CO2] (examining the potential of reducing solar
luminosity in order to counteract temperature increases from increasing CO2).
120. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 29. See also Bala Govindasamy & Ken
Caldeira, Geoengineering Earth’s Radiation Balance to Mitigate CO2-Induced Climate
Change, 27 GEOPHYSICAL RES. LETTERS 2141, 2141 (2000) [hereinafter CO2 Climate
Change] (concluding that doubling CO2 would warm the earth by approximately 1.75 K; the
same model shows that a 1.8% reduction of solar luminosity could cool the earth 1.88 K in
this “doubled CO2 state”); B. Govindasamy et al., Impact of Geoengineering Schemes on the
Terrestrial Biosphere, 29 GEOPHYSICAL RES. LETTERS 22, at 18-2 (2002) [hereinafter
Terrestrial Biosphere] (increasing the estimate from the 2000 levels to a 2.42 K increase
from a “doubled CO2 state,” curiously though, the same 1.8% reduction in luminosity was
modelled to cancel these effects, showing promise for a scalable solution using aerosols).
121. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 31.
122. Id.
123. Robock, supra note 114, at 177–81.
124. Id. at 165–66.
125. See Horton, supra note 64, at 171–74 (arguing that states are strongly discouraged
from implementing unilateral deployment postures due to a “web of technical and political
126. David G. Victor, On the Regulation of Geoengineering, 24 OXFORD REV. ECON.
POL’Y 322, 324 (2008) (“Geoengineering may not require any collective international effort to
have an impact on climate. One large nation might justify and fund an effort on its own. A
lone Greenfinger, self-appointed protector of the planet and working with a small
fraction of the Gates bank account, could force a lot of geoengineering on his own.
Bond films of the future might struggle with the dilemma of unilateral planetary
engineering.”). See also Horton, supra note 64, at 171–74; David Appell, The
Ethics of Geoengineering, YALE CLIMATE CONNECTIONS (Dec. 13, 2012), (“For one, it’s
now clear that deploying SRM by injecting aerosols into the upper atmosphere
(stratosphere) would be quite cheap. . . . the anticipated extra climate forcing over the next
50 years could be offset with existing technology at a cost of less than $8 billion per year.”).
200 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

today’s technologies, this deployment could be performed in the ten

billion dollar range, a cost predicted to drop drastically in the
upcoming decades.127 The need for continuous injection means that
the dangers are not limited to the biosphere. Discontinuation could
cause war, and illuminates the need to regulate.128 Scientist’s
solutions to this need for continuous injection have begun to look
even higher, outside of the atmosphere, at methods that would
require only deployment and upkeep.129
High above the atmosphere and beyond the reach of any
aerosol injections, space-based solar methods of geoengineering
would effectively reduce solar radiation by preventing it from ever
reaching the atmosphere.130 As the most theoretical type of
geoengineering, many methods have been proposed at low-earth
orbit. However for the most part, they attempt to simulate a target
solar radiation reduction of 1.7% in order to offset the proposed
doubling of CO2.131 These hypothetical reflectors must balance the
cost of deployment, because the larger they are, the more
expensive deployment and launch costs are; but the more these
reflectors shrink, the more of them are lost from solar radiation
forcing them out of orbit.132 The most effective methods at reaching
this 1.7% goal may be sun-shade deployment at the L1 Lagrange
equilibrium;133 a spot about a million miles from earth, which has
an uninterrupted view of the sun and currently houses the Solar

127. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 32.

128. Gordon MacKerron, Costs and Economics of Geoengineering 23 (Climate
Geoengineering Governance, Working Paper No. 013, 2014).
129. See Joan-Pau Sánchez & Colin R. McInnes, Optimal Sunshade Configurations for
Space-Based Geoengineering Near the Sun-Earth L1 Point, 10 PLOS ONE 1, 2 (2015),
(“Space-based proposals however are not seen as affordable and timely as compared to
terrestrial geoengineering techniques, such as stratospheric aerosols. Yet, they do have the
fundamental advantage that they do not involve direct manipulation of either the Earth’s
atmosphere or its surface properties.”).
130. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 32.
131. CO2 Climate Change, supra note 120, at 2141; see Sánchez & McInnes, supra note
129, at 2–3 (listing hypothetical space-based techniques such as: an artificial ring of
particles to scatter solar radiation, either synthetized on earth or taken from space objects;
and unprocessed space particles which are forced in to clouds circling the earth). See also
THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 32 (expanding on these potential techniques by
including: mirrors circling in random orbits around the earth, deploying as many as 55,000,
all with an area as large as 100 m2; a refractor built on the moon using lunar glass; a
superfine mesh of metal threads a millionth of a millimeter thick; trillions of thin reflecting
discs 50cm in diameter, built from near-earth asteroids; and ten trillion highly refracting
discs about 60cm launched into space a million at a time, with one stack every minute for
thirty years).
132. See THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 32.
133. Sánchez & McInnes, supra note 129, at 2–3 (placing a sun-shade at this
equilibrium could effectively shade the earth the necessary amount).
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 201

and Heliospheric Observatory (see Figure 2134) and the Deep Space
Climate Observatory.135 It is theoretically possible to balance the
pressure of solar radiation by pushing a sun-shade-structure away
from the sun and towards us with the gravitational forces of both
the earth and sun in order to keep it balanced and orbiting the sun
in the perfect location.136 The technology to keep such a structure
at an ideal location is not contemporaneously available, but the
scale of construction is not unheard of—the structure would need
to be approximately the size and mass of the Chinese Three Gorges

Figure 2. Earth’s Lagrange Points.

An endeavor such as this could theoretically end anthropogenic

climate change, but the regulatory issues shift from protection
against reckless development (as seen with aerosols and ocean
fertilization) towards a need to foster cooperation and collection of
economic, intellectual, and human capital.138 However, these

134. Neil J. Cornish, The Lagrange Points, NASA: WMAP MISSION, (last updated Aug. 18, 2012).
135. Elizabeth Howell, Lagrange Points: Parking Places in Space, SPACE.COM
(Aug. 21, 2017, 9:30 PM),
136. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 32 (further explaining that, unlike other
space-based methods, this would not endanger satellites in low-earth orbit).
137. Sánchez & McInnes, supra note 129, at 2.
138. See generally Shi-Ling Hsu, Capital Transitioning: An International Human
Capital Strategy for Climate Innovation, 6 TRANSNAT'L ENVTL. L. 153 (2017) (proposing a
global, two-pronged strategy of climate change cooperation, the second prong of which aims
to build human capital geared towards climate system research to facilitate geoengineering;
this strategy can be emulated for the development of a system, such as an L1 located sun-
shade in hopes of enabling international cooperation that is deeper than mere economic
infusions, and justifiable in the face of the universal threat humanity faces).
202 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

methods still need to be regulated in the name of safety, because

an L1 sun-shade would require constant adjustment, which would
dramatically affect the climate on different regions of earth and
potentially create one more level of disagreement.139 With the
various risks and benefits of SRM methods, it is easy to forget
that each has one commonality (besides the reflection of solar
radiation)—to circumvent the release of fossil fuels. This creates
both a risk of, and a regulatory need to, prevent world leaders from
either slowing down current measures or reversing them entirely.
There are many possible issues with SRM deployment. These
methods could destabilize the biome or the climate; and could
damage the economy140—both factors that can lead to political
Aside from these hypothetical issues, the first regulatory need
is to device a system that will allow the technology to progress to
the stage where these methods work, while not diverting efforts
and economic capital from current climate change solutions. One
fear is that reversing the effects of climate change will make the
current emphasis on CO2 reduction a less important goal.141 State
actors may begin to shift focus away from these efforts as public
opinion sees them as less and less urgent.142 As long as fossil fuels
remain the cheapest method of producing energy, the threat of
climate change is needed to continue reducing emissions.143
Geoengineering successes may end up being a detriment if an
international regulatory body is not in place to remind lawmakers
of the real need; the world could end up a far worse place even if
geoengineering efforts are safe and successful.144 In order to truly
discuss a solution, any regulatory body seeking to fulfill this goal
must contend with laws already in place.

139. Sánchez & McInnes, supra note 129, at 10.

140. See THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 34-36.
141. The Editors, The Hidden Dangers of Geoengineering, SCI. AM. (Nov. 1, 2008),
142. Id.
143. Id.
144. Id.; see Garrett Hardin, Tragedy of the Commons, THE CONCISE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF
ECON. (July 19, 2006),
(explaining the concept of tragedy of the commons). The tragedy of the commons provides a
backbone for environmental regulation, there is economic incentive to use up everything
that is shared, or common; environmental regulations step in to prevent this “tragedy” from
occurring. The original problem could be greatly exacerbated by successful geoengineering.
Nations and individuals would no longer be incentivized to reduce carbon emissions, if the
result of those emissions has been corrected. This could lead to an increase of emissions into
the atmosphere making geoengineering less effective or impossible. This could put the
climate in a far worse position than it currently is.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 203


A. Domestic Regulations

Geoengineering as a regulatory concept has gone largely

ignored, both internationally and domestically; if focus ever shifts
within climate change policy however, current laws will initially be
used by courts and litigants challenging these actions.145 Current
U.S. environmental strategies focus primarily on mitigation,
adaptation, or both.146 CDR techniques are analogous to mitigation
strategies, whereas SRM methods resemble those ideas seeking to
adapt.147 Legislators have begun to evaluate the risks and benefits
of geoengineering, at least to peripherally research how the
government should proceed, but existing laws will be the first
barrier for challenges.148 Most environmental laws and regulations
could allow challenges to these techniques, but the Clean Air Act,
Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act are the most likely
to be called upon.149
When Congress passed the Clean Air Act, the emission of
aerosols reduced significantly.150 The Act will still likely open the
door for challenges to geoengineering deployment.151 The Clean Air
Act does not offer direct challenges—past challenges to activities
that promote healthier atmospheric conditions have not been
allowed by the courts.152 It may nevertheless create a framework
and guide for challenges, especially considering the EPA always
could amend regulations to allow or discourage these types of

145. Tracy Hester, Remaking the World to Save It: Applying U.S. Environmental Laws
to Climate Engineering Projects, in CLIMATE CHANGE GEOENGINEERING, supra note 1, at
263, 266.
assessment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr_full_report.pdf (explaining the two primary goals of
climate change response, which naturally are mirrored by regulatory concerns and
147. See Hester, supra note 145, at 268 (explaining the nature of CDR and SRM
148. Press Release, House Sci. Space & Tech. Comm. – Democrats, Geoengineering
Research Needed, Members Hear (Nov. 5, 2009),
149. Hester, supra note 145, at 287.
150. Brett Cherry, Air Pollution, Geoengineering and Climate Change, INST. OF
151. Hester, supra note 145, at 287–89.
152. Id. at 287–92.
153. Id.
204 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

The Clean Water Act could also affect U.S. based

geoengineering techniques. Dispensing of or discharging any
pollutants into navigable waters requires a permit under the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.154 While it is
technically unclear whether or not iron fertilization in the oceans
would classify as a “discharge,”155 the regulations allow for heat
to be included, so there is legislative precedent for a broad
interpretation.156 Further, the guidelines for determining water
degradation for ocean discharge specifically list the effect on
plankton as part of the measuring criteria, without specifying that
the effect be negative.157 Other methods could potentially trigger
the Clean Water Act as well, such as the creation of wetlands to
sequester CO2, or the discharge of chemically sequestered carbon
in gas or liquid form.158 The effect on waters may not be important
however, if an attempt at geoengineering is going have wide effects
on habitats. If this is the case, laws protecting organisms will be
the most stringent.159
The Endangered Species Act creates strict rules on any actions
which may harm an endangered species or destroy habitat.160
Individuals and agencies hoping to engage in geoengineering are
intentionally altering climate patterns, which lessens the burden
of proving standing, one aspect of the Endangered Species Act
which sometimes makes litigation difficult.161 Those hoping to
challenge actions would still have to prove that the impact actually
constituted a “taking” under the Act’s language, and show a nexus
between the options, but this burden is likely to be satisfied.162
According to the Government Accountability Office, agencies would
be required to consult with at least the Fish and Wildlife Service
and NOAA to evaluate any potential impacts in accordance with,
not only the Endangered Species Act, but also the local state
implementation plan of the Clean Air Act.163

154. Id. at 293.

155. 33 U.S.C. § 1362(16) (2012) (“The term ‘discharge’ when used without qualification
includes a discharge of a pollutant, and a discharge of pollutants.”).
156. Hester, supra note 145, at 293 (“Notably, the EPA has construed the definition of
‘pollutant’ to include the addition of heat to water bodies.”). See 33 U.S.C. § 1342 (2012)
(requiring permits for discharge of pollutants); 40 C.F.R. § 122.2 (2017) (defining “pollutant”
to include heat).
157. See 33 U.S.C. § 1343(c)(1)(A).
158. Hester, supra note 145, at 293.
159. Id. at 294.
160. Id.
161. 295.
162. Id.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 205

There are many other federal laws which may be used to justify
challenges, such as the National Environmental Policy Act and the
Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act.164 While a wide
berth of federal laws touch peripherally on geoengineering
concepts, nothing speaks directly, and it appears as if these acts
may be the only remedy.
Attempts could be made to challenge geoengineering activity
under federal common law, but following the Supreme Court’s
decision in American Electric Power Company v. Connecticut,165
these challenges may not be possible. The Court ruled that the
passing of the Clean Air Act displaced federal common law and
prevented any suits for greenhouse gas emissions against
corporations under a federal public nuisance claim.166 As
geoengineering becomes more viable and mainstream, it will be
important to see how the courts interpret this case. Can reversal of
global warming ever be considered a nuisance? If so, how much
has this common law been displaced by legislative action? Even if
claims are brought, can damages be attributed to these actions?
Will a certain amount of nuisance be tolerable for the greater
good? These are questions that will need answering as common
law challenges are brought and considered. At this time, the
admittedly thin network of international regulations is more
comprehensive than domestic law.

B. International Regulations

Geoengineering has the possibility and likelihood to influence

the climate of the entire planet. Domestic regulations serve only to
address those actions with some kind of tie to the U.S. Instead,
international law is the obvious solution to regulating these
kinds of actions. It has been established that there are no
current binding constraints or regulations on the specific actions
constituting geoengineering.167 Currently there are three types of
international law that touch on geoengineering: 1) treaties that
may apply generally; 2) treaties whose application may depend on

164. Hester, supra note 145, at 287.

165. 564 U.S. 410 (2011).
166. Id. at 424.
167. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 40 (“At present international law provides a
largely permissive framework for geoengineering activities under the jurisdiction and
control of a particular state, so long as these activities are limited in their scope and effects
to that state’s territory.” But even without these specific restrictions on the actions
themselves, “. . . further obligations for environmental protection (i.e., air pollution control,
or species and habitat conservation) may apply depending on the nature, size and location of
such [geoengineering] activities.”).
206 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

the method or medium; and 3) customary international law and

legal norms that may shape CDR and SRM deployments.168 The
purpose of this note is to propose a fourth category of international
law, a form of regulation that would serve not only to apply
generally, but also to specific methods and foster new customary
international norms.
First, there are a few international treaties that are likely to
influence decision-makers regarding research and deployment of
geoengineering techniques in a very general sense; these treaties
are the starting point for the proposal found here.169 The most
comprehensive and universal attempt to address climate change
by the international community can be found in the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).170
The UNFCCC has 195 signatory states who have agreed to
stabilize greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent further
danger to the climate.171 These states returned to the discussion
table in Kyoto to slabel specific targets just five years later.172
The members of the UNFCCC have already come together to
establish these goals, even if attempts at meeting them have
been difficult.173 The UNFCCC does not explicitly regulate
geoengineering methods, but it does serve to offer a foundation for
more specific agreements. This function could be easily utilized by
a future geoengineering-specific treaty.174 The goal of the UNFCCC
clearly encompasses geoengineering efforts,175 and while the
individual objectives it produces in its current form do not, it may
serve as one stepping stone towards a proper framework.
Second, unlike general treaties, more specific treaties may
force the international community to prevent implementation of
some techniques. The two most feared methods of geoengineering
are ocean fertilization methods176 and aerosol deployment

168. Albert C. Lin, International Legal Regimes and Principles Relevant to

Geoengineering, in CLIMATE CHANGE GEOENGINEERING, supra note 1, at 182, 182.
169. See id. at 182–83.
170. See id. at 182–85.
171. Karen N. Scott, International Law in the Anthropocene: Responding to the
Geoengineering Challenge, 34 MICH. J. INT’L L. 309, 314 (2013).
172. Id. at 314–15.
173. Id. at 316–17 (describing the politics involved as “nasty, brutish and endless,” and
emphasizing the difficulty in convincing the heaviest emitters to agree to binding emission
174. Lin, supra note 168, at 183.
175. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change art. 2, May 9, 1992,
1771 U.N.T.S. 107 (“[UNFCCC’s objective is to effect] stabilization of greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic
interference with the climate system.”).
176. See supra text accompanying note 64.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 207

techniques.177 The United Nations Convention of the Law of the

Sea (UNCLOS) is in place to codify international customary law
surrounding the oceans. The UNCLOS requires members to take
all measures to prevent the oceans from any pollution harm.178
This may prevent any ocean fertilization measures that could hurt
the ocean, or could compel states to engage in geoengineering
methods in order to protect the ocean from the damage of
greenhouse gas pollution.179 In contrast to this undefined
obligation, the London Convention (LC) and London Protocol (LP)
were designed to regulate the dumping of waste into the ocean,180
but have been expanded to ban ocean fertilization following
attempts at implementation in 2007 and 2012.181 The danger is
that both treaties lack the power to stop a private actor from
implementation and lack the ability to force implementation to
save the planet.
Like ocean fertilization, aerosol release techniques are
particularly dangerous as they are cheap to implement and
could catastrophically damage the planet. The Convention on
Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) is a framework
encompassing fifty-one nations.182 It aims to reduce air pollution,
and has been broadly defined to include substances or energy
which could have negative effects on air quality.183 The Montreal
Protocol to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone
Layer (MPVCPOL) requires the member parties to review control
measures aimed at restoring the ozone layer every four years.184
The MPVCPOL restricts the use and production of substances
which will deplete the ozone layer.185 Both treaties fail once again
to prevent unilateral aerosol deployment. LRTAP (besides from
only having fifty-one member states) will likely fail to regulate
aerosol deployment, as studies have shown it will not have an

177. See supra text accompanying note 121.

178. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, art. 194, Dec. 10, 1982, 1833
U.N.T.S. 397.
179. Lin, supra note 168, at 191.
180. Id. at 190.
181. Press Release, Umwelt Bundesamt, Geo-Engineering: Commercial Fertilization
of Oceans Finally Banned, (Dec. 30, 2013),
press/pressinformation/geo-engineering-commercial-fertilization-of-oceans (explaining that
negotiations were triggered after a corporation named Planktos submitted a 2007 proposal
to fertilize the oceans near the Galapagos, which resulted in non-binding controls; in 2012,
implementation occurred off the coast of Canada, triggering a ban a year later).
182. Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, art. 1, Mar. 16, 1983,
1302 U.N.T.S. 217.
183. See id.
184. Lin, supra note 168, at 196.
185. Id.
208 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

overwhelmingly negative effect on ecosystems.186 Likewise, the

MPVCPOL fails to regulate sulfate aerosols projected for use in
geoengineering methods because these chemicals do not reduce
ozone; the overall effect may reduce ozone slightly through
chemical processes, but these chemicals themselves are unlikely to
Two popular treaties to discuss with regard to geoengineering
are the 1967 Outer Space Treaty (OST) and the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD).188 Predictions that these will be major
road blocks are largely unfounded. 189 The OST is easily navigated
regularly with peaceful satellite deployment. The CBD (which
notably has banned ocean fertilization techniques like the LC/LP)
is non-binding and unlikely to trigger any actual response on its
own.190 The more likely candidate for international response to
geoengineering will be through the triggering of international
regulatory norms through customary law.191
Third, the class of laws containing these norms, known as
customary law.192 Unlike treaties, these norms could create a
complete and direct response to unwanted geoengineering
deployment. These norms are subjectively deployed (unless
established via treaty), but can sometimes restrict behavior of
state actors more significantly than treaty-made restrictions when
the threat of military deployment becomes a factor.193 The
breathtaking web of international customary law is outside the
scope of this note, but there are some international norms most

186. Ben Kravitz et al., Sulfuric Acid Deposition From Stratospheric

Geoengineering with Sulfate Aerosols, 114 J. GEOPHYSICAL RES. D14109, 7 (2009), (“Analysis of our results and
comparison to the results of [other studies] lead to the conclusion that the additional sulfate
deposition that would result from geoengineering will not be sufficient to negatively impact
most ecosystems, even under the assumption that all deposited sulfate will be in the form of
sulfuric acid. . . . Furthermore, our results show that additional sulfate deposition tends to
preferentially occur over oceans, meaning the chance of such a sensitive ecosystem receiving
enough additional sulfate deposition to suffer negative consequences is very small.”).
187. Lin, supra note 168, at 195–96.
188. See generally Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the
Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,
Jan. 27, 1967, 18 U.S.T. 2410, 610 U.N.T.S. 205 [hereinafter Outer Space Treaty];
Convention on Biological Diversity, Dec. 29, 1993, 31 I.L.M. 818, 1760 U.N.T.S. 79.
189. Mika Klaus, The International Regulation of Geo-Engineering, SECJURE
(Oct. 17, 2016, 12:00 PM),
190. Id.
191. Lisa Dilling & Rachel Hauser, Governing Geoengineering Research: Why, When
and How?, 121 CLIMATE CHANGE 553 (2013).
192. See Lin, supra note 168, at 197.
193. See id.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 209

likely to be triggered.194 The obligation to prevent transboundary

harm includes an obligation to notify states that may be affected
and to consult with them;195 this concept has been confirmed by the
International Court of Justice has a foundation of international
law as a whole,196 and specifically environmental law.197
In addition to this general transboundary harm principle,
states have a separate obligation to not cause environmental harm
to others, and to create necessary safeguards to control any
unavoidable harm.198 If a nation is responsible for causing harm,
environmental or otherwise, it is also responsible for mitigating
and compensating these harms, and any costs associated.199 Using
domestic environmental and land use law as a guide, this
norm may be satisfied by requiring the setting up of a fund in
order to settle compensation claims, before any geoengineering
deployments even take place.200 This note has addressed
international norms with the least extensive discussion of the
three types; this is only due to the sheer complexity of
international law, any international solution will need to take into
account a web of laws so complex and elusive, it merits its own
separate analysis.


A solution to geoengineering regulation will need to:

define geoengineering, address crucial policy areas, and foster
international cooperation. The most effective solution to this issue
is the creation of an international regulatory body, reminiscent of
the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in

194. See id. at 197–98; Bodle, supra note 59, at 305–06. See generally Parson & Ernst,
supra note 2 (explaining thoroughly the concepts of geoengineering and the general
regulations regarding implementation, both contemporaneously and in the future); Scott,
supra note 171; Jay Michaelson, Geoengineering: A Climate Change Manhattan Project, 17
STAN. ENVTL. L.J. 73 (1998); Adam D.K. Abelkop & Jonathan C. Carlson, Reining in
Phaëthon’s Chariot: Principles for the Governance of Geoengineering, 21 TRANSNAT’L L. &
CONTEMP. PROBS. 763 (2013).
195. Lin, supra note 168, at 197–98; THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 40.
196. Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, 1996 I.C.J.
226, ¶ 29 (July 8).
197. Scott, supra note 171, at 333.
198. Lin, supra note 168, at 197–98 (citing Stockholm Declaration of the United
Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Principle 21, U.N. Doc.
A/CONF.48/14/Rev.1 (June 16, 1972)).
199. Id. at 198.
200. Id.
210 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

structure,201 and drawing from the goals, economic strength, and

human capital of the United Nations and specifically the

A. Defining Geoengineering

There is no universal definition of geoengineering or climate

engineering stemming from the fragmented regulatory scheme
governing their use. The ban on ocean fertilization by
the Convention of Biological Diversity203 was later followed up
with the most comprehensive international legal definition of
geoengineering to date.204 The CBD clarified in the footnote of a
later decision that:

Without prejudice to future deliberations on the

definition of geo-engineering activities, understanding that
any technologies that deliberately reduce solar insolation or
increase carbon sequestration from the atmosphere on a
large scale that may affect biodiversity (excluding carbon
capture and storage from fossil fuels when it captures
carbon dioxide before it is released into the atmosphere)
should be considered as forms of geo-engineering which are
relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity until a
more precise definition can be developed. It is noted that
solar insolation is defined as a measure of solar radiation
energy received on a given surface area in a given hour and
that carbon sequestration is defined as the process of
increasing the carbon content of a reservoir/pool other than
the atmosphere.205

This definition correctly defines both CDR and SRM

techniques, which is essential to any thorough definition;
especially when used by any kind of legislative or regulatory
organization. Two key issues arise with this definition as a global
benchmark though.
First, the inclusion of the word “deliberate” could potentially
exclude efforts which aim to accomplish one goal, but
unintentionally accomplish another, leaving those unregulated.206

201. See infra text accompanying note 221.

202. See infra text accompanying note 220.
203. See supra text accompanying note 190.
204. Bodle, supra note 59, at 315–17.
205. CBD Decision X/33, supra note 64, at 5 n.3.
206. Bodle, supra note 59, at 316.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 211

This is a fine solution for the purposes of the COP, but once
again, when implemented by a different, hypothetical regulatory
body with more control, this exclusion could create unnecessary
loopholes. This should be removed, but with care.
The definition of solar insolation is overly broad, and relies on
the inclusion of “large-scale,” which some scholars have argued is
not restrictive enough.207 The exclusion of small-scale efforts,
however, is necessary, and this is illuminated by the definition
of solar insolation. There are an incredibly diverse number
of activities that could theoretically reduce solar insolation or
sequester carbon while affecting biodiversity—from installing
solar panels to planting trees, many of these concepts are
entirely innocuous. What necessarily forces this definition within
the realm of reason is the inclusion of either large-scale or
Second, the COP does not address when and how a more
precise definition will be developed. The future of this definition is
addressed within the decision itself,208 but not with any kind
of closure. This is not an issue that directly impacts future
definitions created by the international community. However, it
does show the problem with defining geoengineering in this
manner. The primary goal in creating a legal framework for
geoengineering is to actually authorize a body to define, regulate,
and control its use, and this should be the very first step of

B. Policy Considerations

To effectively regulate geoengineering, the international

community must consider ethical and fairness considerations as
well as the need for research management.
The British Royal society consulted a team of ethicists
to discuss the ethical implications of geoengineering deployment.
The panel identified three main ethical considerations:
“consequentialist,” holding the value of the outcomes as the

207. Id.
208. CBD Decision X/33, supra note 64, at 1, 5, 7 (“The Conference of the Parties . . . 9.
Requests the Executive Secretary to: . . . (l) Compile and synthesize available scientific
information, and views and experiences of indigenous and local communities and other
stakeholders, on the possible impacts of geo-engineering techniques on biodiversity and
associated social, economic and cultural considerations, and options on definitions and
understandings of climate-related geo-engineering relevant to the Convention on Biological
Diversity and make it available for consideration at a meeting of the Subsidiary Body on
Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice prior to the eleventh meeting of the
Conference of the Parties . . . .”).
212 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

primary consideration and ethical determinant; “deontological,”

considering primarily the “right” behavior and less the outcome;
and “virtue-based,” measuring actions based on the context of
arrogance and hubris.209 Regardless of the label placed on these
ethical standpoints, the unifying concepts seem to be consequence
and justice. Most concerned parties focus on: how much research
is needed before deployment is justifiable; how much harm
is acceptable; and whether methods with unequal results are
acceptable.210 The way these questions are answered brings up the
issue of fairness. There will necessarily be a power struggle
regarding how much decision-making power each state should.
Customary international law could solve these power struggles
with military action and economic sanctions,211 but a more
reasonable and equitable solution will be needed. A framework to
address geoengineering will have to be flexible enough to address
these issues of ethics and fairness, but must also be concrete
enough to foster appropriate deployment.
It is crucial to regulate the research of geoengineering methods
in order to make sure funds are spent appropriately and an
organized network of development is achieved. An international
framework will need to efficiently decide which methods are
justifiable and bring them to deployment. Beyond the efficiency
issues is the regulation of large-scale field testing, which crosses
the line back into ethical considerations.
Testing geoengineering methods for global deployment is a
dangerous endeavor, and could lead to catastrophic damage
without even the chance of thorough success. For example, China’s
Weather Modification Office made the decision to seed clouds with
silver iodide to trigger rain, hoping to end a drought. This
accidentally triggered the worst blizzard China had seen in five
decades, causing $650 million in damage and the deaths of at
least forty people.212 These regional ramifications of climate
engineering gone-wrong could easily spread to other countries. An
international framework for geoengineering cooperation cannot
settle for simply ensuring safe deployment, it must also provide
measures for unilateral and multilateral actions with harmful
effects. This key policy purpose starts with research management,

209. THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, at 39.

210. See id.
211. Lin, supra note 168, at 182.
212. Erica C. Smit, Note, Geoengineering: Issues of Accountability in International Law,
15 NEV. L.J. 1060, 1060–61 (2015).
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 213

ensuring that only the safest technologies are used. This goal ends
with a monetary safeguard for when geoengineering ultimately
goes wrong.

C. International Cooperative Solution

In the early 2010’s the idea started to be suggested that some

kind of international treaty may need to be developed, but simply
that the time was not yet right.213 A lot has changed in the
past decade: geoengineering has become far more accepted,214
technologies have advanced considerably,215 and anthropogenic
climate change has become far more severe.216 Suggested solutions
based on developing current norms into a viable framework no
longer have a chance at success.217 Current international law can
no longer deal with the looming threat of untested geoengineering,
or the current danger of climate change. Notwithstanding these
inadequacies, international law can be used as a guiding force in
creating a functional solution.
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
is a near-universal treaty, constructed as a sign of cooperation
between member states.218 There is a clear analogy between
the need for nuclear regulation and the need to regulate
climate engineering; both dangers are catastrophic in nature, and
require the cooperation of large first-world countries, who are
predominately responsible for creating the problem in the first
place.219 A second, crucial element of this institution is the
economic and structural complexities. The UNFCCC is unique as

213. See generally Parson & Ernst, supra note 2.

214. Michaelson, supra note 194, at 77–78.
215. See generally THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32.
216. See supra text accompanying notes 11–14.
217. See Jesse Reynolds, The International Regulation of Climate Engineering: Lessons
from Nuclear Power, 26 J. ENVTL. L. 269, 273–74 (2014).
218. Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Mar. 5, 1970, 7 I.L.M. 8809,
219. Reynolds, supra note 217, at 275–76. But see THE ROYAL SOC’Y, supra note 32, 37
(suggesting that other collaborations—aimed at positive change rather than averting
catastrophe—may be a better match as a guide) (“To overcome this problem, some
commentators have suggested forming an international consortium to explore the safest and
most effective options, while also building a community of responsible geoengineering
researchers, along the lines of other international scientific collaborations, such as the
European Organisation [sic] for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Human Genome
(2009)); David G. Victor, The Geoengineering Option: A Last Resort Against Global
Warming?, 88 FOREIGN AFF. (2009)).
214 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

an international cooperation in eliminating climate change.

Further, the UNFCCC, already has an institutionalized procedure
for passing further amendments.220 Many suggest that using this
procedure to approve a new protocol is an extreme approach to the
issue, but as the world heads toward the end of the decade, the
situation needs an extreme solution.221
This institution, under the auspices of the U.N., would be able
to manage member-state funds to accomplish policy goals through
regulation and direct involvement. The issue, while potentially
more complex than nuclear non-proliferation, will be well served
with a similarly structured solution. The NPT has what is
referred to as “three pillars,” non-proliferation, peaceful uses, and
disarmament.222 This geoengineering institution similarly needs
three pillars to stand on: deployment, research, and response.
First, a committee of member-state representatives need to be
responsible for a democratically chosen solution in the face of
deployment opportunities. A framework will be necessary to
objectively decide when an action should be taken, but even
individual deployments should be based on compromise and
agreement. This requirement is also needed to promote fairness.
International norms currently in place will allow these decisions to
be made by the most powerful states. Contemporary treatment of
climate change issues by the U.S. shows that single nations cannot
be trusted to save the world, no matter how powerful. Serving as a
gateway to geoengineering creates potential road blocks to
dangerous implementation strategies, but more actions must be
taken to reverse climate change.
Second, this institution should have access to a pool of funds
to foster research that has the highest viability to cost-
effectiveness ratio, to steer academic and human capital towards
geoengineering. Like the Paris Accord, this requires a pledge from
the developed world to contribute funds; Sections 8 and 9 of Article
9 of the Accord outline how these funds are to be distributed, a
very similar procedure can be used to propel geoengineering.223
The UNFCCC and specifically the Paris Accord are essential
models for the development of this second prong, but even with
these guides, there is no solution for those affected after
inadvertent damage has been done.

220. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, supra note 175, at
art. 15.
221. See Reynolds, supra note 217, at 273.
222. U.S. DELEGATION WHITE PAPER, supra note 218.
223. Paris Agreement art. 9, Dec. 12, 2015, T.I.A.S. NO. 16-1104.
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 215

Third, a separate pool of funds should be available and

managed by the committee. Serving as an insurance of sorts, state
and non-state actors who wish to engage in geoengineering can be
compelled to contribute. Of all proposals contained in this Note,
this is simultaneously the most novel, and the most likely to be
dismissed. It is however also the most important. Increasing the
cost of geoengineering through contribution to this fund will serve
three purposes. First, it will deter those without the financial
strength to properly research and implement technology. Second,
it will serve to alleviate public fears of geoengineering gone wrong.
Third, it will restore some level of power that the first pillar
removed from the most developed of nations. This institution
removes a certain amount of decision-making from the most
powerful states at the regulatory review step. Through this
requirement, this institution will also restore some level of power
to those states with deep pockets. Only parties able to afford the
proposals to be reviewed will even have the option to deploy, and
with that option the power to shape geoengineering progress.
This is not the first proposal to suggest that the UNFCCC, or
the NPT, could be used as a framework for geoengineering
regulation.224 Commentators have been careful in the past to avoid
pushing for such a radical solution to geoengineering regulation to
leave room for gradual change.225 Gradual change has not come,
norms have not shifted into trends, and states have barely reached
any agreements on geoengineering. It is time now for drastic
action—as the largest economy in the world pulls out of the most
successful climate change agreement, the international community
no longer has the option to conservatively save the planet.


The current efforts to regulate climate change are in the

process of failing because they require worldwide cooperation and
unselfish change in behavior,226 a situation that the world has
arguably never been able to achieve. It is difficult to imagine any
level of unanimous cooperation, but the earth stands on a
precipice, and the only possible chance at recovery will be a
meeting of the minds. Emission reform on its own simply cannot
reverse anthropogenic climate change for at least a millennium.227

224. Reynolds, supra note 217, at 273.

225. See generally id.; Michaelson, supra note 194.
226. Michaelson, supra note 194, at 75–76.
227. Abelkop & Carlson, supra note 194, at 764 (citing ROBERT L. OLSON, WOODROW
216 JOURNAL OF LAND USE [Vol. 33:1

It is with this fact that humanity stands on its own ledge,

lawmakers around the world must make the risky choice to
jump—to shape, utilize, research and control geoengineering as a
positive force. Any chance at preventing the climate change the
world is already condemned to struggle with required the entire
planet to have begun cooperating decades ago; the reversal will
conversely require action from only a small minority, but
cooperation from all. The concept of geoengineering is no longer a
pipe dream, or a concept within the realm of science fiction.228 The
continuing convergence of climate-altering technologies and the
dire need for a planetary cure will lead to geoengineering
deployment, and sooner rather than later. The real challenge with
geoengineering will be balancing the danger of unregulated efforts
with the guaranteed destruction should progress be halted.
Humanity has one last, but fortunately optimistic chance to
cooperate to save the planet—lawmakers need to muster the
courage to jump off that ledge, and the foresight to prepare in
every way to make sure it’s a jump forward, to safety and a
continued future. The solution proposed herein, while dramatic
and costly, is one way a continued future can be guaranteed.

228. See Michaelson, supra note 194, at 77; Michaelson, supra note 1, at 81, 113, 114
(“In 1998, I wrote the first law review article advocating geoengineering as a climate change
mitigation strategy . . . . At the time, geoengineering was both unknown and unpopular – a
seemingly impossible combination, but as soon as anyone heard of it, they disliked it.
Twelve years later, the political economy of geoengineering . . . has shifted . . . .
Geoengineering is, as the New American Foundation dubbed it, ‘a horrifying idea whose
time has come.’ As Scott Barrett said, geoengineering’s “future application seems more
likely than not.’ It is a matter of simple economics: ‘the incentives for countries to
experiment with geoengineering, especially should climate change prove abrupt or
catastrophic, are very strong. It is also because the incentives for countries to reduce their
emissions are weaker.’ . . . ‘In the end, the debate about geoengineering is largely a debate
about what sorts of environmental policies to pursue in an imperfect world. It seems almost
preposterous to buck the trends of holistic systems management and suggest running like
the Sorcerer’s Apprentice from symptom to symptom. It may also seem as though driving
less or cutting fewer trees is simpler than scattering dust particles in the stratosphere. It is
certainly more elegant. But when the Damocles’ sword of massive biotic disruption is
hanging over our heads, we should choose what works.’”).
Fall, 2017] GEOENGINEERING 217

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