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Name: Mr. R.M.

Age: 55yrs old
Diagnosis: Distal Esophageal Mass s/p Biopsy (Lymphoma)

SUBJECTIVE: Acute pain After 4 hours of Independent: After 3 hours of

“Tulong aldaw na related to nursing intervention  Perform a comprehensive  Pain is a subjective nursing
akong dae disease process the client will assessment of pain to experience and must be intervention, the
nakakabawas saka as evidenced by verbalize pain relief include location, described by the client in client verbalized
makulog pag increased and comfort. characteristics, onset, order to plan effective pain relief and
tigakaputan digdi sa systolic duration, frequency, treatment. comfort.
may parteng tulak pressure, quality, intensity or
ko.” as verbalized by abdominal severity, and precipitating
patient. guarding and factors of pain.
report of 5/10  Reduce or eliminate  Personal factors can
OBJECTIVE: abdominal pain. factors that precipitate or influence pain and pain
-BP= 140/80mmHg increase patient’s pain tolerance. Factors that may
-needs assistance experience. be precipitating or
upon getting up on augmenting pain should be
bed reduced or eliminated to
-refused to ambulate enhance the overall pain
or to do ROM management program.
exercises  Teach the use of non-  The use of noninvasive pain
- slowed movement pharmacologic techniques relief measures can increase
-unable to pass stool before, after, and if the release the release of
-distended abdomen possible during painful endorphins and enhance the
-abdominal activities; before pain therapeutic effects of pain
tenderness noted occurs or increases; and medications.
-conscious and along with other pain
coversant relief measures.
 Provide client optimal  Each client has a right to
pain relief with prescribed expect maximum pain relief.
 Instruct patient to request  Severe pain is more difficult
prn pain medication to control and increases the
before the pain is severe. client’s anxiety and fatigue.
The preventive approach to
pain management can
reduce the total 24-hour
analgesic dose.

Constipation After 2 days of nursing Independent

related to intervention, the  Auscultate abdomen for  Reflects bowel activity After 2 days of
insufficient patient will be able to presence, location, and nursing
physical activity establish/regain characteristics of bowel intervention, the
normal pattern of sounds. patient was able to
bowel movement,  Ascertain client’s belief  To identify individual risk establish/regain
demonstrate and practices about bowel factors/needs. normal pattern of
behaviors or lifestyle elimination. bowel movement,
changes to prevent  Ascertain client’s usual  To assess individual risk demonstrate
recurrence of elimination pattern. factors/needs. behaviors or
problem, and  Encourage intake of  To improve consistency of lifestyle changes to
participate in bowel balanced fiber and bulk in stool and facilitates passage prevent recurrence
program as indicated. diet. through colon. of problem, and
 Promote increased fluid  To promote moist/soft stool. participate in
intake unless bowel program as
contraindicated. indicated.
 Encourage participation in  To stimulate contractions of
activity/exercise within intestines.
limits of own ability.
 Instruct patient to  To promote comfort and
respond to urge to prevent complications.
 Instruct client and  To help monitor bowel
watcher to ascertain pattern.
frequency, color,
consistency of stool once

 Notify physician for  For prompt management.

Dianne Kaye M. Sarmiento

Group 12

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