University of Sargodha, Lahore Campus Final Term Examinations (Spring-2016)

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University of Sargodha, Lahore Campus

Final Term Examinations (Spring-2016)

Program BSIT Semester Section
Course Information Retrieval Instructor Sir Zeehsan Mubeen Time allowed 90 min

Roll No. Date Total Marks 30

Subjective Part


 Attempt all the questions in answer sheet. Over writing/multiple answers will be
marked as incorrect.
 There is zero tolerance towards PLAGARISM.`
Understanding the question is a part of your exam. No queries will be entertained
during exam.
Return Your Question Paper along with your answer sheet.

Q No 1: Explain the conceptual model for Information Retrieval. Also draw the
diagram. (6)

Q No 2: What is meant by Information Retrieval? you have to clear the difference

between three types of data with examples? (6)

Q No 3: Explain your understanding about the difference between Information

Retrieval and Browsing Concepts? (6)

Q No 4: Explain the Boolean model for Information Retrieval. Also describe the
drawbacks of Boolean model. (4+2=6)

Q No 5: What are stop words? Also explain stop phrases? (3+3=6)

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