Comparative Study of Frequency Vs Spacial Domain For Multi Sensor Image Fusion

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ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014

Comparative Study of Frequency Vs Spacial

Domain for Multi Sensor Image Fusion
Leelavathi H P 1, Ram Manohar Nisarg 2
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Engineering, Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India1
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vivekananda Institute of Technology,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India2

ABSTRACT: In the field of remote sensing, satellite imaging and medical imaging, images captured are often noisy,
blurred and may exhibit in-sufficient resolution. Due to this instability, super imposing of Multi-sensor images has
become imperative to obtain clear image, which is more appropriative for human visual perception. Image fusion has
become a discipline, which demands more formal solution in different situations. Several situations in image
processing require both high Spatial and high Spectral information in single image itself. This paper reviews the
existing advanced pixel based Spatial domain image fusion techniques such as Average and Weighted Average
method, Select Maximum, Brovey Transform, Intensity Hue Saturation(IHS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
and Frequency domain image fusion techniques such as Fast Fourier Transform, Laplacian Pyramid, Local regression,
Smoothing filter (SF), etc. Our paper is organized in the following way: Section-1: Gives introduction to image fusion.
Section-2: Provides details of different fusion techniques used in both Spatial and Frequency domain. Section-3:
Provides details of Measuring Techniques. Section-4: Provides comparisons of fusion methods in Spatial and
Frequency domain. Finally, Section-5: Provides a Summary of the paper and its main conclusions.

KEYWORDS: Image Fusion, Spatial and Spectral domain, Average method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
Frequency Filters, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).


Due to the imperfections in imaging devices, such as optical degradations, limited resolution of CCD sensors and
instability of the observed scene like object motion, media turbulence etc., acquired images are often blurred, noisy and
may exhibit in-sufficient Spatial resolution. So, Multi-Sensor image fusion is a method of merging relevant information
from several images into a single image [7]. The objective of image fusion is to extract all vital information from
Multi-Sensor images and allow the integration of different information source. Images acquired from the visual sensors
need additional local processing to convey only the useful information. By using Spatial and Frequency domain
techniques several observation constraints can be overcome.

The image fusion applications are extensively used in medical imaging, microscopic imaging, remote sensing,
computer vision, and robotics [5]. Several approaches to image fusion can be distinguished, depending on whether the
images are fused in the spatial domain or Spectral domain. The actual fusion process can take place at different levels
of information representation adopted in several approaches. These approaches can be divided into two types, spatial
domain method and Frequency domain method.

Spatial domain methods work by combining the pixel values of the two or more images to be fused in a linear or non-
linear way [12]. The simplest form is a Weighted Averaging method. Here, the resultant image is obtained by
averaging every corresponding pixel in the input to give the fused image.

Copyright to IJIRSET 14242

ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014

In Frequency domain methods [13], the input images are decomposed into Multi-scale coefficients initially. Various
fusion rules are used in the selection or manipulation of these coefficients and synthesized via inverse transforms to
form the fused image. The goal of our paper is to perform a comparative analysis of various Spatial and Frequency
domain image fusion techniques/methods on Multi-sensor images.


The general requirement of an image fusing process is to preserve all valid and useful information from the source
images, while at the same time it should not introduce any distortion in resultant fused image. There are various
methods that have been developed to perform image fusion. These methods can be divided into two types, spatial
domain method and frequency domain method.
1. Spatial Domain: The term spatial domain refers to the image plane itself, i.e. aggregate of pixels of composing
an image, and approaches in this category are based on direct manipulation of pixels in an image. There are
various techniques that have been developed to perform image fusion in spatial domain. Some well-known
image fusion techniques [12] are listed below: - (1) Average method (2) Select Maximum (3) Weighted
Average Method (4) Principal component analysis (PCA) based fusion (5) Intensity-hue-saturation (IHS)
transform based fusion (6) Brovey method.
2. Average Method: In this method, the resultant image is obtained by averaging every corresponding pixel in the
input images. It is one of the simplest method and easy to understand and implement. It works well when
images to be fused from same type of sensor and contain additive noise [11]. This method is very good for
certain particular cases where in the input images have an overall high brightness and high contrast. However,
it leads to undesirable side effect such as reduced contrast and some noise can easily introduced into the fused
image, which will reduce the resultant image quality consequently.
The average value is assigned to the corresponding pixel of the output image which is given in below equation.
P( i,j) = {A (i,j) +B (i,j)}/2
Where A (i,j) and B(i,j) are two input images. This is repeated for all pixel values.
3. Select Maximum: The greater the pixel values the more in-focus the image. Thus this algorithm chooses the in-
focus regions from each input image by choosing the greatest value for each pixel, resulting in highly focused
output [11]. The value of the pixel P (i, j) of each image is taken and compared to each other. The greatest
pixel value is assigned to the corresponding pixel.
P( i,j) = ∑ ∑
Where A (i,j) and B (i,j) are the input images & P(i,j) is the resultant image.
4. Weighted Average Method: In this method the resultant fused image is obtained by taking the weighted
average intensity of corresponding pixels from both the input images.
P(i,j) = ∑ ∑
Where A (i,j) and B (i,j) are the input images & P(i,j) is the resultant image and w is weight factor.
5. Principal Component Analysis Method: Principal component analysis is a vector space transform often used to
reduce multidimensional data sets to lower dimensions for analysis. It reveals the internal structure of data in
an unbiased way. This method [11] is very simple to use and the images fused by this method have high spatial
quality. It prevents certain features from dominating the image because of their large digital numbers. The
main advantage of PCA is that once we have found these patterns in the data, and we compress the data, i.e. by
reducing the number of dimensions, without much loss of information. It suffers from spectral degradation.
This method is highly criticized because of the distortion of the Spectral characteristic between the fused
images and the original low resolution Images.
Stepwise procedure for PCA method is given below:
Step 1: Get some data
Step 2: Subtract the mean
Step 3: Calculate the covariance matrix
Step 4: Calculate the eigenvectors and Eigen values of the covariance matrix
Step 5: Choosing components and forming a feature vector
Step 6: Deriving the new data set

Copyright to IJIRSET 14243

ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014

Produce the column vectors from input


Calculate the covariance matrix of the

two column vectors formed in 1

Calculate the Eigen values and the Eigen

vectors of the covariance

Normalize the column vector

Normalized Eigen vector act as the

weight values which, multiply it with
each pixel of the input images

Fuse the two scaled matrices will be the

fused image matrix

Fig.1Flow diagram of PCA

6. IHS Transform: Methods based on the Intensity Hue Saturation (IHS) transform [6] are probably the most
popular approaches used for enhancing the spatial resolution of Multi-sensor images. The IHS method is
capable of quickly merging the massive volumes of data. IHS transform refers to a transformation between RGB
space and IHS space, it can transform the colour space from red (R), green (G), blue (B) to hue (H), saturation
(S) and intensity (I). The former describe the colour from physics while the latter from human subjective vision.
Firstly, the Spatial characteristic (I) and Spectral characteristics (H, S) is separated. Secondly, the high-
resolution image is stretched according to I component, and then I was substituted by the high-resolution image.
At last, IHS inverse transform is carried out to improve resolution and enhance Spectral characteristics. Aside
from its fast computing capability for fusing images, this method can extend traditional three-order
transformation to an arbitrary order.
1) It provides high spatial quality.
2) It is a simple method to merge the images attributes.
3) It provides a better visual effect.
4) It gives the best result for fusion or remote sensing images.
1) It produces a significant colour distortion with respect to the original image.
2) It suffers from artefacts and noise which tends to higher contrast.
3) The major limitation that only three bands are involved

7. Brovey Transform: Brovey transform is also called colour normalization transform because it involves a red-
green-blue (RGB) colour transform method [4]. It is a simple method for combining data from different sensors.
It is a combination of arithmetic operations and normalizes the spectral bands before they are multiplied with the

Copyright to IJIRSET 14244

ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014

images. It retains the corresponding spectral feature of each pixel, and transforms all the luminance information
into a Multi-sensor image of high resolution
The formulae used for the Brovey transform can be described as follows
Red = (band1/Σ band n) ∗ High Resolution Band
Green = (band2/Σ band n) ∗ High Resolution Band
Blue = (band3/Σ band n) ∗ High Resolution Band


One of the important pre-processing steps for the fusion process is image registration. Image registration is the
process of transforming different sets of data into one coordinate system. In Spectral domain the original image is first
transformed into a Fourier domain [13], processed using frequency filter and return to the original domain by
performing inverse transformation without losing any information. To transform a given image into Fourier domain
we commonly use the following transformation techniques:
Wavelet Transforms, Curve let Transforms, Discrete Fourier Transforms, Fast Fourier Transforms, Pyramid and High
pass Filtering Methods.

Pre Processing Direct Frequency Filter Inverse Post Processing

Transformation Transformatio

Input Image Output Image

Fig.2Flow diagram of spectral domain based image fusion methods

1. Wavelet Transforms: Wavelets are finite duration oscillatory functions with zero average value. The
irregularity and good localization properties make them better basis for analysis of signals with discontinuities.
Wavelets can be described by using two functions viz. the scaling function and wavelet function. Wavelet
transform has good spatial and frequency localization characteristics which showit mainly at three aspects:
frequency feature compression, space compression and structure similarity of wavelets coefficients [2] among
different scales. Frequency compression feature means that the energy of the original image concentrates at low
frequency sub-band. Space compression means that the energy of high frequency sub band mainly distributes at
corresponding positions of the edges of the original image. Structural similarity of wavelet coefficients refers to
the general consistence of the distribution of wavelet coefficients in high frequency sub-bands [9] of the same
2. Discrete Wavelet Transform Method: Wavelet transforms are multi-resolution image decomposition tool that
provide a variety of channels representing the image features by different frequency sub-bands at multi-scale
[9]. It is a famous technique in analysing signals. When decomposition is performed, the approximation and
detail component can be separated 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) converts the image from the
spatial domain to frequency domain. The image is divided by vertical and horizontal lines and represents the
first-order of DWT, and the image can be separated with four parts those are LL, LH, HL and HH.
General process of image fusion using DWT
Step 1. Implement DWT on both the input image to create wavelet lower decomposition.
Step 2. Fuse each decomposition level by using different fusion rule.
Step 3. Carry inverse discrete wavelet transform on fused decomposed level, which means to reconstruct the
image, while the image reconstructed is the fused image

Copyright to IJIRSET 14245

ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014

(I , J)   ( DWT(I,J )) 2

3. Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT): The SWT is the translation invariant DWT transform. The SWT
decomposes the 2D image into four sub-band structures as A, V, H, D namely Approximate, Vertical,
Horizontal and Diagonal [2]. The approximate sub-band is used for next level of the decomposition. The fusion
process is similar to DWT. Instead of DWT, here SWT transform is applied.

4. Curvelet Transform: Curvelet Transform is a non-adaptive technique for multi-scale object representation.
Curvelet transform is also a multi-resolution decomposition technique [14]. The 2D-FFT (Two dimensional Fast
Fourier Transform) is applied on images to obtain the Fourier samples. The Fourier samples are wrapped around
the origin. Finally the image is reconstructed by performing the inverse FFT transform.

The main benefit of curvelets is its capability of representing a curve as a set of superimposed functions of
various lengths and widths. The curvelet transform, unlike wavelet transform, is a multi-scale transforms, but,
unlike wavelets, contains directional elements. Curvelets are based on multi-scale ridge lets with a band pass
filtering to separate image into disjoint scales. The side length of the localizing windows is doubled at every
other dyadic sub-band. The steps that are being followed by the Curvelet Transform Process are explained with
the help of flow diagram as shown below
Sub band decomposition

Smooth portioning


Ridget Analysis

Image Reconstruction

Copyright to IJIRSET 14246

ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014

5. Fast Fourier Transform: Fourier Transform decomposes an image into its real and imaginary components which
is a representation of the image in the frequency domain. If the input signal is an image then the number of
frequencies in the frequency domain is equal to the number of pixels in the image or spatial domain. The inverse
transform re-transforms the frequencies to the image in the spatial domain. Computational reduction afford by
the FFT are impressive indeed [15]. For example, computing the 2-D FFT of 1024*1024 image would require
on the order of 20 million multiplication and addition, which is significant reduction from the one trillion
computation required by DFT.

Multi-resolution image analysis by fast Fourier transform (MFFT) is very much similar to wavelets transform,
where signal is filtered separately by low pass and high pass finite impulse response (FIR) filters and the output
of each filter is decimated by a factor of two to achieve first level of decomposition. The decimated low pass
filtered output is filtered again separately by low pass and high pass filter followed by decimation by a factor of
two provides second level of decomposition. The idea behind the MFFT is to replace the FIR filters with FFT.
The image to be decomposed is transformed into frequency domain by applying FFT in column wise.

6. High Pass Filtering Methods: High pass filtering methods are used for image sharpening in frequency domain.
Because edges and other abrupt changes in intensities are associated with high frequency components, image
sharpening can be achieved in the frequency domain by High pass filtering, which attenuates low frequency
components without disturbing high frequency information in the Fourier transform [8]. Some of the popular
Frequency Filtering methods for image sharpening are the High-Pass Filter additive (HPFA), High Frequency
Modulation (HFM).

7. A. the High-Pass Filter Additive (HPFA) technique is a method used to reduce data quantity and increase spatial
resolution for Multi-Spectral (MS) image data [1]. HPF basically consists of an addition of spatial details, taken
from a high-resolution Panchromatic (PAN) observation, into the low resolution MS image. The high
frequencies information is computed by filtering the PAN with a high-pass filter through a simple local pixel
averaging, i.e. box filters. It is performed by emphasizing the detailed high frequency components of an image
and deemphasizes the more general low frequency information. The HPF method uses standard square box HP

B. High Frequency Modulation (HFM)

The problem of the addition operation is that the introduced textures will be of different size relative to each
multispectral channel, so a channel wise scaling factor for the high frequencies is needed. The alternative high
frequency modulation method HFM extracts the high frequencies and then adds them to each multispectral
channel via multiplication.

8. Pyramid Methods: The pyramid offers a useful image representation for a number of tasks. It is efficient to
compute: indeed pyramid filtering is faster than the equivalent filtering done with a fast Fourier transform. The
information is also available in a format that is convenient to use, since the nodes in each level represent
information that is localized in both space and spatial frequency. There are two types of pyramid methods [7]:

A. Gaussian Pyramid
Pyramid construction is equivalent to convolving the original image with a set of Gaussian-like weighting
functions. These equivalent weighting functions for three successive pyramid levels. The convolution acts as a
low-pass filter with the band limit reduced correspondingly by one octave with each level. Because of this
resemblance to the Gaussian density function we refer [8] to the pyramid of low-pass images as the "Gaussian
pyramid." Band-pass, rather than low-pass, images are required formany purposes. These may be obtained by
subtracting each Gaussian (low-pass) pyramid level from the next- lower level in the pyramid. Because these
levels differ in their sample density it is necessary to interpolate new sample values between those in a given
level before that level is subtracted from the next-lower level.

Copyright to IJIRSET 14247

ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014

B. Laplacian Pyramid
The Laplacian pyramid is a fundamental tool in image processing. The Laplacian pyramid is derived from the
Gaussian pyramid representation, which is basically a sequence of increasingly filtered and down-sampled
versions of an image. The set of difference images between the sequential Gaussian pyramid levels, along with
the first i.e. most down-sampled level of the Gaussian pyramid, is known as the Laplacian pyramid of an image.
The difference levels are commonly referred to as the detail levels, and the additional level as the approximation
level. The Laplacian pyramid transform is specifically designed for capturing image details over multiple scales.
Laplacian pyramid represents the edge of the image detail at every levels, so by comparing the corresponding
Laplace-level pyramid of two images, it is possible to obtain the fused image which merge their respective
outstanding detail, and makes the integration of the image retaining the amount of information as rich as
possible [8]. The source image is decomposed into a series of resolution spaces, and how to choose integration
factor and fusion rule will directly affect the final quality of fused image.


1. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR): PSNR is the ratio between the maximum possible power of a signal and
the power of corrupting noise that affects the fidelity of its representation [8]. PSNR measure is given by
PSNR (dB) =20log
∑ ∑

Where A(i,j) is perfect image, A'(i,j) is the fused image

2. Entropy (En): Entropy is an index to evaluate the information quality contained in an image. If the value of the
entropy becomes higher after fusing, it indicates that the information increases and fusion performances are
improved. entropy is defined as follows
3. Mean Squared Error (MSE): The mathematical equation of MSE is given by the equation
MSE= ∑ ∑ )2
Where A(i,j) is perfect image, B(i,j) is the fused image
4. Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC): Normalized cross correlation are used to find out similarities between
fused image and registered image is given by as follows
∑ ∑
∑ ∑


In the Comparisons of different fused images, we found that the value of the PSNR and Entropy in average method is
less than as compared to value of other frequency domain [14] method like SWT and Laplacian, which means fused
images are not exactly to registered image. That is why transform domain methods are more suitable as compared to
spatial domain method. But in some case spatial domain play a very important role in image fusion that contain high
Spatial [3] information in fused image.
S.N Fusion Domain Measuring Advantage Disadvantage
method Parameter
1. Average Spatial PSNR-25.48 Simple in implementation Resultant fused
EN-7.22 image is not clear
2. Maxima Spatial PSNR-26.86 Fused image is highly focused Blurring effect is
EN-7.20 image

Copyright to IJIRSET 14248

ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2014

3. IHS Spatial NC-0.966 Simple in implementation It suffers from

PSNR-74.54 artefacts and noise
which tends to
higher contras
4. PCA Spatial NC-0.998 PCA is a tools which Spectral degradation
PSNR-76.44 transforms number of is present
correlated variable into number
of uncorrelated variables, this
property can be used in image
5. DWT Spectral NC-0.998 Provide better signal to noise Less spatial
PSNR-76.44 ratio
6. SWT Spectral NC-0.998 Provide better signal to noise Less spatial
PSNR-76.44 ratio

Table 1 Comparison between various fusion techniques


This review results shows that the Spatial domain provides high Spatial resolution and easy to perform, but they
have image blurring problem and their outputs are less informative. The Spectral domain techniques are very good
techniques for the image fusion and provide a high quality Spectral content, but they exhibit a less Spatial resolution.
Combination of Spatial and Spectral domain fusion method provides better image quality and performance [10].


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