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Test phrasal verbs with ON

Complete the definitions using the phrasal verbs below:

1. Lessons that ….....................continue unnecessarily for a long time.

2. I didn't like the idea at first but it has …

3. How can she manage to ….......................such a low salary?

4. We've had to …....................more white-collars.

5. How are you …..................... in your new job?

6. It suddenly … what he had meant.

7. Have you ….........................his instructions?

8. My whole life…...........................this decision.

9. The speaker …......................about somethingI couldn't understand.

10. Could you ….........................her on your way home?

11. The lame man ….........................on a walking stick.

12. You should have ….............................. your old books to her.

13. His disease was … not sleeping enough.

14. He has been..................................her money for years.

15. I suggested a camping holiday and he …..............................the idea.

16. His loud and hoarse voice …

17. While wandering round the town , we …........................a very nice shop.

18. No, I don't want to play- I'd rather …..........................

19. It's a difficult decision. I'll have to … and let you know.

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