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Writing a Business Plan
Prerequisites that you should complete:

1. Pick your skill

2. Define your task in the project
3. Find out the people that you need
4. Calculate your risk taking capacity in terms of Time and Money
5. Conduct a survey of Service or Product that you want to provide
Building Blocks
These represent the points that you need to include in your pitch

 Idea
 How will you conceive it
 Resources required to complete the task
 Mode of Revenue / Commercilaization
 Growth Plan
 Exit Plan

 Whenever you define your idea avoid using “AND”

 Test it yourself with SWOT analysis

Strength of your business

Weakness of your business
Opportunity when is it the right time
Threat form the competition
How will you conceive it?
“An Idiot with a plan can defeat a genius without a plan.”
Warren Buffet

Converting your thoughts into reality:

 Write down “Your” plan
 Is your skill enough to complete the task?
 Does it fit in your risk taking capacity?
 Schedule your plan e.g. 1 week, 1month or 1 year deadline
 Have a feedback loop
 Network with people. After few iterations you will find the right team.
Resources required to complete the
A)Define your team as in Who and How many will handle:
 Technology
 Sourcing / Logistic
 Networking
 Marketing Survey
 Test group feedback

B) Finance to build the prototype

C) Place of operation
Mode of Revenue
This step is known as Depends on:

 Either you are providing a Product or a Service

 You are selling B2B or B2C
 What is your expected Break Even
 Customer Segment divided as per Numbers or Pricing
 Competition Pricing
 The percentage of profit that you have set for yourself
Growth comes in at the 3rd Stage of a Start Up
1. Product Testing 2. Commercialization 3. Growth

And it depends on:

 Business Model Iteration
 Financial Acumen
 Customer Feedback
 Collaborations
 Raising Funds
 Product or Service iteration
Exit Plan
Exit plans are of two types ethically
1. You are loosing and you decide to contain your losses and sell your business to
someone for an exchange of Funds in Kind or Cash
2. You see an opportunity where your business if growing and there is a bigger
player who can buy it, give provide you enough funds or resources to either
retire or start a new business. This type of Entrepreneur is called a Serial
The 1st kind is never planned for
The 2nd kind only comes into existence when your business is in Growth Stage
Examples from your class
Roll No. Idea
5026 Digital Marketing
5042 Biodegradable Products
5009 Ambulance Services For Bringing your ideas to life, you can
write to me:
5027 Subject(Chemistry) related service
5040 Nostril Filters
5023 Paper / Cardboard from waste crop
5031 Computer Gaming For some info you can visit
5045 Free Edcuation
5914 Process Designing
5035 Water Purification
5028 Parking Issue
5007 Connectivity between Industries
5912 Teach people about Art
Thank You !!

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